Keller Miksis
Keller Miksis
Keller Miksis
457-478 457
Printed in &eat Britain
1. Introduction
I n the present and in a companion paper (Lezzi 6 Prosperetti 1986, hereafter
referred to as 11),we propose to give a systematic approximate theory of the radial
motion of a spherical bubble in a compressible liquid in the absence of boundaries.
This problem, which was first considered in connection with underwater explosions
(Herring 1941; Cole 1948; Trilling 1952; Keller & Kolodner 1956), has recently been
revived by impressive improvements in ultra-high-speed cinematography and
holocinematography (Lauterborn & Vogel 1984) which has rendered the detailed
experimental investigation of cavitation-bubble collapse possible. Furthermore,
liquid compressibility causes radiation damping, which influences important charac-
teristics of nonlinear forced oscillatory motion such as period doubling and transition
to chaos. In view of the recent interest in these questions (Lauterborn & Suchla 1984;
Lauterborn 1983, 1985) it is desirable to have an equation of motion for the bubble
boundary as realistic as possible in this as in other respects.
I n addition to the classic studies already cited, a number of papers have appeared
in the last few years addressing the same problem (Jahsman 1968; Epstein & Keller
1971;Flynn 1975; Tomita & Shima 1977 ; Lastman & Wentzelll979,1981; Fujikawa
& Akamatsu 1980; Cramer 1980; Rath 1980; Tilmann 1980; Keller & Miksis 1980).
Several different approximate equations now exist with no clear relationship to each
other. The present study was undertaken to clarify the situation by placing the
treatment of the problem in the framework of a systematic perturbation method. I n
this way we show that entire farniliee of equations exist having the same degree of
accuracy and therefore entirely equivalent on formal grounds. This situation is
t Present address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD 21218, USA.
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458 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
reminiscent of that found in the modelling of long surface waves in shallow water
(see,e.g., Whitham 1974). I n particular we find that the Herring and Keller equations
are different members of the first-order family of equations.
The question of which member of each family is best cannot be answered in
absolute terms. We have solved the complete partial differential formulation of the
problem numerically in some cases to compare the results with the predictions of some
members of the families of equations. To first order we conclude that an equation
close to the Keller form is accurate in the cases examined.
In the present paper we consider the acoustic correction to the incompressible
Rayleigh-Plesset equation (see, e.g., Plesset & Prosperetti 1977). Use is made of a
rather heuristic version of the method of matched asymptotic expansions in which
the small parameter is the bubble-wall Mach number. In I1 we carry the analysis one
step further to second order, and use a more rigorous version of the perturbation
method. The motivation is not only the desire to put the results of the present paper
on a sounder basis, but the difficulty into which the heuristic perturbation procedure
runs at the next step. The subdivision of material between the two papers also enables
us to render the present one more readable and physically intelligible. To enhance
these features we include in 93 a qualitative discussion of our approach and results.
The extreme violence of bubble motion in some cases is well known and equations
valid to first order in the Mach number cannot be expected to have general validity.
However, a bubble collapsing with a radial velocity comparable with the speed of
sound of the liquid or greater in most cases will shatter at the end of the collapse
so that the rebound phase of the motion, where the liquid compressibility is most
prominent, will be absent. Our results can therefore be useful in practically all
situations in which the bubble maintains its integrity without significant distortion
of the spherical shape. I n addition, as shown in 11, the present first-order correction
to the incompressible results captures to a large extent the effect of compressibility,
with the next term having only a minor influence.
2. Mathematical formulation
With the assumption of spherical symmetry the motion of the liquid is governed
by the equation of continuity
at = 0,
and momentum
au au 1 ap
at ar p ar
where u = u3is the velocity field entirely directed in the radial direction and the other
symbols have their customary meaning. In bubble dynamics, high-speed motions
such that liquid compressibility is important usually occur only when thermal effects
in the liquid are unimportant (Plesset & Prosperetti 1977). Therefore the liquid state
is completely defined by a single thermodynamic variable, which permits the
introduction of a speed of sound c and enthalpy h through the definitions
Here the reference pressure p , is chosen as the pressure in the undisturbed liquid.
Furthermore, since a purely radial motion is evidently irrotational, we may introduce
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 459
a velocity potential p such that u = acp/ar. With these definitions (2.1) may be
rewritten as
2at+ $ 2 + h = 0. (2.5)
In obtaining this equation the fluid at infinity has been assumed to be undisturbed
and the time derivative of Q, has been taken to vanish there.
To complete the mathematical formulation we need the kinematic boundary
condition at the bubble wall r = R(t),
U(T = R(t),t) = -,
and the condition on the normal stresses, which is
HerepB(t)= p(R(t),t) is the pressure on the liquid side of the interface, CTis the surface
tension, and p is the liquid viscosity. The internal pressure pi should in general be
determined from a consideration of the conservation equations inside the bubble. The
assumption that the liquid remains isothermal effectively uncouples the internal and
the external problems, and for the time being pi can be regarded as given.
I n (2.7)we retain the liquid viscosity although it has been dropped in (2.2).The
justification is that in the momentum equation viscous effects only enter through their
coupling with the compressibility of the liquid and therefore are ordinarily small.
They have been included by Keller & Miksis (1980). In (2.6) some small terms due
to mass exchange at the interface have been neglected. These effects, which are quite
small, have been considered by Fujikawa & Akamatsu (1980) for the case of free
motion of the bubble.
I n the following, explicit expressions for c and h will be needed. To this end we
make use of an equation of state of the modified Tait form
The values B = 3049.13 bars, n = 7.15 given an excellent fit to .the experimental
pressure-density relation for water up to lo5bars (Fujikawa & Akamatsu 1980) and
are used in the numerical examples of this paper and of 11.With (2.8)we readily find
the following relations :
c2 = n@+B)
2 (2.9)
where c& = n(p, + B ) / p , is the undisturbed speed of sound, squared, in the liquid.
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460 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
3. Preliminary considerations
We propose to give now a heuristic discussion of the key features of the present
problem which will serve to clarify the following developments and naturally lead
to the singular perturbation methods applied here and in 11.
When the pressure in the liquid does not deviate too strongly from p, we may write,
using the definition (2.3) of c,
h= (p--+
1 P-P, ...) dp
p, m PwCm
and, similarly,
(3.5a,b )
This formulation differs from the exact one (3.3), (3.4) because it disregards two
physical effects, the finite speed of propagation of pressure waves, and the compression
energy stored in the liquid through a change of its specific volume (second and higher
terms in (3.1)). It may be expected that both effects will be unimportant near the
bubble, the first one because propagation times are much shorter than the timescale
T for the motion of the boundary, the second one because the kinetic energy and the
pressure energy (first term in (3.1))are large in this region. Hence the incompressible
formulation (3.5) is expected to be accurate near the bubble. Far from the bubble,
on the other hand, the finite speed of propagation is essential. However, the amplitude
of the motion caused by the bubble is much attenuated so that (3.3) and (3.4) can
be linearized with a negligible error,
(3.6a,b )
This is the standard acoustic formulation from which the wave equation for the
immediately follows. It is clear that, in this context, far from the bubble means
at distances r of the order
r x cmT, (3.8)
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 46 1
while 'near the bubble' means at distances of the order
r x R,, (3.9)
where R, is of the order of the bubble radius. In practical applications the ratio of
the two scales,
e=- RO (3.10)
c,T' '
is a small parameter so that the near and the far field are well separated and the
problem may be viewed as a singular perturbation one.
Keller (Keller & Kolodner 1956; Epstein & Keller 1972; Keller & Miksis 1980) used
a formulation consisting of the wave equation (3.7) and the incompressible Bernoulli
integral (3.5b)to derive an approximate equation of motion for the bubble radius.
The reasons for the success of this procedure are evident from the above considerations.
The wave equation is accurate in the far field, while in the near field it differs from
Laplace's equation ( 3 . 5 ~by
~ ) an unimportant term. Similarly, the Bernoulli integral
(3.5b) is accurate in the near field and differs from the appropriate far-field relation
(3.6b)by the term !jd which is small in that region. On the basis of this approximate
formulation Keller and co-workers obtained the following approximate equation :
(1 -cil $)R %+: (1 -@;l z)
dR (z)
where pv(t) denotes the variable part of the pressure in the liquid at the location of
the bubble centre in the absence of the bubble. It will be shown in the following that
this equation is correct to first order in the Mach number of the bubble-wall motion,
i.e. that the error term has the order (c-,' dR/dt)2. For c, -+ 00 (3.11) reduces to the
well-known Rayleigh-Plesset equation of incompressible bubble dynamics
d2R 3 dR
dt2 2 dt
R-+-( ) = -p,1 [ P B ( ~ ) - P ~ - P , ( ~ ) ~ , (3.12)
which therefore has an error of order (c-,' dR/dt). The estimates given of the error
terms show that if, for example, (3.12) is multiplied by (ci1dR/dt) and subtracted
from (3.11)the result will have the same degree of accuracy as (3.11).The equation
found by this procedure is
c, dt
and was originally derived by Herring (1941); see also Trilling (1952).Clearly a whole
one-parameter family of equations can be obtained in this way combining (3.11 ) and
(3.12).From the mathematical viewpoint, which member of the family has the least
error is of course a meaningless question because all of them can legitimately be
applied only when (c-,' dR/dt)2 is negligibly small. However, the question has a
considerable practical importance because one would like to have an equation
sufficiently robust to be approximately applicable even outside its strict domain of
validity. Unfortunately, it does not appear possible to settle this matter other than
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462 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
by comparison of the equations with numerical solutions of the original partial
differential formulation. This will be attempted later in the paper, although the
consideration of only a few specific cases can only give limited answers. As will be
shown in 11, the same ambiguity arises a t the next step in the perturbation solution
of the problem, where a two-parameter family of equations is found.
An equation similar t o (3.11)was proposed by Gilmore (1952) on the basis of the
Kirkwood-Bethe approximation (1942 ; see also Cole 1948), and is
=(l+C-lg) H+(l-C- 1-
dR --)
dt C dt *
Here Cand H denote the values of the speed of sound and of the enthalpy a t the bubble
surface, computed from the exact relations (2.3).Since in (3.1I ) one can approximately
set p,(t+R/c,) x p,(t)+(R/c,) dpv/dt i t is clear that (3.14) reduces to (3.11) if
C x c, H x (p,-p, -p,)/p,, and the term in CP2is dropped. As i t stands, (3.14)
contains some second-order terms, although it is known (Jahsman 1968), and will be
confirmed in 11, that i t is not accurate to second order. Nevertheless, according to
some results of Hickling & Plesset (1964) and to our own preliminary calculations,
it is found that (3.14)possesses a remarkable accuracy. Investigating the causes of
this success we have realized that i t is due to the use of the enthalpy directly, rather
than the expansion (3.1).If, on the basis of (3.5b),one estimates (p-p,)/p, to be
of order u2,the second term in this expansion appears to be of order Mach number
squared, and therefore should be small. However, near the point of minimum radius,
the correct order of (p-p,)/p, is not set by the velocity squared, but rather by the
first term of (3.5b),+/at. This term is very large and use of h avoids this source of
error. This problem can be considered from the point of view of the scaling of the
equations, as will be done in 11. For this reason we shall retain the enthalpy in the
following developments.
4. Non-dimensional formulation
Let R, and U denote typical scales for the bubble radius and radial velocity. Then
we introduce non-dimensional quantities, indicated by asterisks, as follows
where e=- (4.3)
is of the order of the bubble wall Mach number. Since the timescale is T = R,/U, a$
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Bubble dynamics i n a compressible liquid. Part 1 463
is clear from (4.1),this definition of E coincides with the one previously given in (3.10).
From (2.10)the enthalpy becomes
1 Cz,-l
h, =-- (4.4)
s2 n - 1 '
from which C: = 1 +e2(%- 1) h,. (4.5)
The kinematic boundary condition (2.6)is
--dR* at r, = R,, (4.6)
ar, dt,
while the dynamic one may be written
h, = h,, at r , = R,, (4.7)
where ---[(-)
1 1 p,+B (n-l)ln -11,
hB* -eZn-1 -p - , + ~
with p , given by (2.7).
The variable r , defined in (4.1)is the appropriate coordinate in the near field. As
discussed in the previous section, the appropriate coordinate in the far field is, instead,
r / c , T or
r* = 3
r ,
In terms of r" (4.2)are
Solutions of (4.2) and (4.9) are now sought in the form of power series in E . The
boundary conditions at infinity are imposed on the solutions of (4.9),while those a t
the bubble wall are imposed on the solution of (4.2).The remaining undetermined
quantities can then be found by matching in the standard way (see, e.g., Van Dyke
5. Perturbation solution
For the inner equations (4.2), we let
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464 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
with identical equations at first order
= 0,
a41 H , = 0.
Vz$l +--J
aH -+ (5.6a, b )
at* at*
The relevant solution of ( 5 . 2 )has the form
cpo =--+Sop*), h, = f;
- - g ; - - - 1 f; (5.7~4b )
r* r* 2 ri
where here and in the following the prime indicates differentiation with respect to
the argument. Imposing the kinematic boundary condition (4.6) one finds
fo = R: R i . (5.8)
The solution of (5.5) such that both Ho and aq5,/at, vanish a t infinity is
#o = r l [ F O ( t *- ?) +G J t , +Y)] +a0, (5.94
Ho = - r [ F ; ( t , -?) +G;(t, +?)I, (5.9b)
where a. is a constant. For Fsmall, i.e. at the outer edge of the inner domain, ( 5 . 9 ~is)
asymptotic to
while for r+ large, which is the inner boundary of the outer domain, ( 5 . 7 ~reduces
) to
Po go@*). (5.11)
The two solutions agree (i.e. match) in this domain where they are both valid provided
Fo(t*) = -Go(t*), go(t*) = 2G;@,(t,)+ao, (5.12)
so that the final solution for the potential is
Po = -fo(t*)
-+2G;(t*)+a0, (5.13~)
#o = T-[Go(t*+?)-Go(t*-?)]+ao, (5.13b)
Ho = rL1[Gi(t*+?)-G;(t*-?)]. (5.14b)
The interpretation of these results is straightforward. To the present lowest order
the outer fields are not affected by the presence of the bubble and the incident wave
Go(t, Y) is reflected unaltered. I n the inner field the superposition of the incident
and reflected waves adds, to the perturbation caused by the bubble, a time-varying,
spatially uniform component. In this sense the bubble sees a uniform field a t its
infinity .
) % is formally the same as
The solution of the inner first-order equation ( 5 . 3 ~for
(5.7a), but now the kinematic boundary condition requires fl(t*) = 0,so that
% = g,(t*), hl = - d ( t * ) . (5.15a, b )
The solution of the corresponding outer equations (5.6) is also formally identical to
the zero-order one (5.9). However, we interpret the terms in E as the correction to
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Bubble dynamics i n a compressible liquid. P a r t 1 465
the situation represented by (5.13b), (5.14b)introduced by the presence of the bubble.
Hence $1, H I cannot contain incoming, but only outgoing waves, and therefore we
$, = V F 1 ( t *-q, H , = -Tc'F;(t* -?). (5.16a,b)
Since the combination of zero- and first-order terms approximates the exact
solution with an error of order s2,the correct matching prescription is now
lim E-'(Q)~+EP)~) = lim E - ~ ( $ ~ + E $ ~ ) , (5.17)
r.+m i+O
rather than the one previously used. Applying this condition one finds
F l u * ) = -fo(t*), 91(t*) = -mt*)
=fO?*), (5.18)
so that P)1 =f;(t*), $1 = -V-ov*--g. (5.19a,b)
The enthalpy fields also satisfy (5.17)provided (5.18) hold. Combining ( 5 . 1 4 ~and
(5.15b) we find the following approximation to the liquid enthalpy valid near the
bubble :
h - f'
* - "r*- - L2I f-r4,"~ G ~ - c & + O ( ~ ~ ) , (5.20)
where all the functions in the right-hand side have argument t, and fo is given by
(5.8).With the results ( 5 . 1 4 ~and
) (5.20)we can now derive approximate equations
of motion for the bubble radius.
It will be seen below that the use of h is preferable to that of the expansion (3.1)
because i t permits a better estimate of the energy radiated by the bubble. Equation
(6.3)evidently completely fails to account for this phenomenon and therefore the use
of h here is unwarranted since this equation can only be legitimately used when
radiation losses are negligible anyway. From the point of view of the present
perturbation solution the Rayleigh-Plesset equation is seen to have an error of order
E, i.e. of the order of the Mach number of the bubble-wall motion.
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466 A. Prosperetti and A. Lezzi
A t the next order we use (5.20) to obtain
g) %+:
I n dimensional variables this equation is, using (6.4),
(1 -cgl R (1 -+dR
ildR ;it>(;it)
The same result can be obtained by multiplying (6.3)by (Ale,) dR/dt and subtracting
the result from (6.8).The arbitrary parameter h must, of course, be of smaller order
than l/s so as not to destroy the order of accuracy of the approximate equation.
We propose to refer to (6.9) as the general Keller-Herring equation. Any member
of this one-parameter family of equations is a priori an acceptable form of the radial
equation of motion correct to first order in the Mach number. Criteria for the selection
of an optimal value of h do not appear to be available and, as is made clear in 11,
even the consideration of the next equation, valid to order (Mach number)2,gives no
indication on this point. We examine the matter numerically in the next section.
I n closing we offer, in the light of (6.9),some comments on the equations proposed
in the literature. In the first place, the form obtained by replacing h, with
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 467
( p B - p , ) / p , is, as already stated, formally entirely equivalent to (6.9) (in the sense
that both have error terms of order (Machnumber)2),and hence this is not an essential
difference. With the exception of the work of Tomita & Shima (1977), the related one
of Fujikawa & Akamatsu (1980), and the results of 11, no equation accurate to order
(Mach number)2 exists. Therefore all equations in which terms multiplied by c~~
appear are not correct to second order, and will be considered here only in their
truncated form obtained by dropping such terms. In this sense the equation of Flynn
(1975)reduces to the Keller form (A = 0) and that of Rath (1980)to the Herring form
(i.e. A = 1).The equation of Gilmore (1952) (3.14) has already been considered in $3
and the same considerations apply to Cramers (1980) adaptation of it to the case
of forced motion. Tilmann (1980)has also derived an equation which, aside from terms
in c;~, is identical with (6.8) including the use of the enthalpy rather than the pressure.
No justification of this procedure is, however, given.
7. Numerical computations
The preceding analysis has led to a one-parameter family of equations all members
of which are a priori legitimate approximations to the description of the radial
dynamics of a bubble in a compressible liquid. No criteria seem to be available for
the selection of any particular equation of the family and it has therefore been decided
to examine the question by comparing with a few numerical simulations of the
collapse process obtained by solving the original partial differential formulation of
$2. The reason for choosing this particular process is that near the end of the collapse
the pressure changes are greatest and the effect of compressibility most pronounced.
It is clear that the results derived from this comparison cannot be fully satisfactory,
if only because they are necessarily limited to a few specific cases. Nevertheless,
certain trends seem to emerge from the comparison which indicate that an equation
close to the Keller form is slightly superior to others. Here we discuss the results.
The numerical method is a standard version of the method of characteristics and is
briefly described in the Appendix. Being based on the characteristics it fails when
a shock wave forms in the liquid and accordingly the computation must be stopped
shortly after the first point of minimum radius is reached and the cavity begins to
When the bubble starts from rest, a major portion of the time before the minimum
radius is reached is spent in a state of very slow motion during which the velocity
very gradually builds up. These conditions are such that the perturbation results are
quite accurate to describe them. To save computer time we have,therefore started
the numerical simulation at a time 2* < 0 using as initial conditions for the fields the
analytic expressions to be given in full in 11. In typical cases the values of the radius
and radial velocity at the starting time 2* were of the order of 0.5 and -10
respectively. We have examined the error introduced by the use of the approximate
analytic expressions in a few cases by starting the numerical calculation earlier or
later and we have found negligible differences in the results.
We consider free oscillations, in which the bubble is released at the initial instant
t , = 0 with a radius greater than the equilibrium value and the ambient pressure
stays constant, and forced oscillations in which the bubble, initially in equilibrium,
is excited by an incoming pressure pulse.
To close the mathematical formulation i t is necessary to specify the law of variation
of the internal pressure pi appearing in (2.7). The assumption that the liquid remains
isotherm81 effectively uncouples the internal problem from the external one and this
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468 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
0.110 0.120 0.130
Minimum radius
FIGURE 1 . Dimensionless maximum velocity attained during the first rebound versus the dimen-
sionless minimum radius at the end of the preceding collapse, which is completed at a dimensionless
time close to 3.68. The filled triangles are the results obtained from (6.9),the open triangles are
the corresponding results obtained from the same equation written in terms of the pressure rather
than the enthalpy, i.e with (p,-p,)/p, in place of h,. The symbol marked G is the result given
by the Gilmore equation (3.14). The values of the parameter A appearing in the equation are, from
left to right, 1 (Herring form), 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0 (Keller form). The crosses are the results given by
the numerical calculation with the method of characteristics starting from t , = 3.6653,
R, = 0.5522, R; =- 14.26 and using a spatial grid with 400 nodes (point 1 ) and from t, = 3.6250,
R, = 0.9322, R; =-6.863 with 250 nodes (point 2). In both cases /?= 4, Ax = 0.005. Initial radius
R,(O) = 4.
where R, is the equilibrium radius, pi, the corresponding internal pressure, and y the
ratio of the specific heats. The equilibrium radius is given by (see, e.g., Plesset &
Prosperetti 1977)
This quantity is used as the unit of length in the presentation of the results. The unit
of velocity is taken as
u= (7.3)
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 469
-42 I 2
1 ++*
pa = 0.998 g/cm9, p = 0.01 poise, u = 72.5 erg/cma, R, = 0.01 cm. It may be noted
that, when R, is not too small, as in the present case, the mathematical formulation
can be shown to be approximately independent of this quantity after a suitable
I n the collapse the most critical sequence of events takes place near the point of
minimum radius. It is here that the internal pressure reaches very high values and
the elastic energy, which will subsequently be radiated away to infinity, is stored in
the liquid. To get a clearer picture of the differences among the equations, rather than
showing portions of the R,(t,) curves in this region, which are all very close together,
we have chosen to single out three critical quantities and to show their variation with
the parameter A appearing in the generalized Keller-Herring equation (6.9).The .first
one is the minimum velocity (maximum in absolute value) reached during the
collapse, the second one is the minimum radius, and the third one is the maximum
velocity during the first rebound, which is reached very shortly after the point of
minimum radius. The last quantity, in particular, gives a very clear indication of the
radiation losses from the bubble.
Figures 1-3 refer to the case of free oscillations for an initial radius equal to 4 times
the equilibrium value. Figure 1 shows the maximum velocity reached during the first
rebound plotted as a function of the minimum radius for different values of A. The
two crosses are the results obtained with the method of characteristics for two
different starting times t,of the integration. I n one case the initial values of the radius
and radial velocity were 0.5522 and -14.26, respectively, and in the second case
0.9322 and -6.863. We include both results to given an idea of the range of variation
with the initial conditions. The open triangles are the prediction of the generalized
Keller-Herring equation in terms of the pressure while the full triangles are the
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470 A . Proaperetti and A . Lezzi
28 -
I I I I I I I I 1 I
predictions in terms of the enthalpy. I n both cases the far-right points correspond
to h = 0 (i.e. the Keller form), and the far-left ones to h = 1 (i.e. the Herring form).
The intermediate points are for A = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 in this order from right to left.
The last symbol marked G is the prediction of the Gilmore equation (3.14).Figure
2 is a plot of the minimum velocity versus the minimum radius. Since this velocity
is negative, this is actually in absolute value the largest velocity attained during the
whole process. I n the units used here the speed of sound is c,/U = 147.67, and
therefore it is seen that the maximum Mach number reached is of the order of 0.3.
Here the uppermost points are for h = 0 and the bottom ones for h = 1. Finally, figure
3 is a cross-plot of the preceding two figures showing the maximum versus the
minimum velocity.
I n spite of the not too large value of the Mach number, the case to which the figures
refer is already rather extreme because the maximum pressure reached in the bubble
is of the order of 7000 bars. For this reason the equations in terms of the enthalpy
are seen to perform globally better than those in terms of the pressure, as had been
anticipated (see especially figures 1 and 3). Clearly, in these conditions the series
expansion (3.1) is a very poor approximation to the correct pressure-enthalpy
relation. The large value of the pressure in spite of a relatively small Mach number
is an illustration of the point already made about the relative importance of the terms
%/at and !pz of the Bernoulli equation (2.5) in these circumstances.
For all the quantities plotted in figures 1-3 the Keller form of the equation is seen
to be superior to the Herring one. Furthermore, there does not seem to be anything
to gain by using values of h outside the interval G1.This has been confirmed by some
trial calculations conducted with h in the range 0 to -2. The Gilmore equation is
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 471
14.7 I I I I I I
0.176 0.178 0.180
Minimum radius
FIGURE 4. Same aa figure 1 but for R,(O) = 3. The filled triangles ((6.9) in terms of the enthalpy)
are, from left to right, for A = .0.75,0.5,0.25,0(Keller).The open ones ((6.9) in terms of the pressure)
are, in the same order, for A = 1 (Herring), 0.75, 0.5,0.25,0(Keller). The cross is the result of the
method of characteristics applied with 200 nodes, B = 4, Ax = 0.005, starting from R, = 0.8458,
R; =-5.016.
- 18.5
.- A
E: A
- 19.5
5. Same as figure 2 but for R,(O) = 3. The points, in ascending order, are for the values
of A as in figure 4.
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472 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
2'4 t
1 1
1 I
Dimensionless time
I )
FIGURE 6. Portion of the dimensionless radius-versus-time curve near the maximum attained during
the first rebound for an initial value of the radius R,(O) = 4. The lowest curve is the result of (6.9)
with h = 1 (Herring form) in terms of the enthalpy. The upper line is for h = 0 (Keller form) in
terms of the enthalpy. The middle line is for A = 0 with the equation written in terms of the pressure.
in excellent agreement with the numerical results in figure 2, but is seen to be clearly
inferior to the Keller equation in figures 1 and 3.
Figures 4 and 5 are analogous to 1 and 2 for an initial radius equal to 3 times the
equilibrium value. In this case the maximum Mach number is about 0.13 and the
maximum internal pressure 1700 bars. Hence one expects a smaller difference
between the equations in terms of the enthalpy and of the pressure, which is confirmed
by the results. Otherwise the Keller form is found also in this case to be superior to
the Herring one.
I n figure 6 we show a portion of the radius-time curve predicted by the
approximate differential equations near the maximum after the first collapse. The
height of this maximum is sensitive to the amount of acoustic energy lost by radiation
and hence we can see that the Herring form ( A = 1 , equation in terms of the pressure,
lowest curve) tends to give a stronger radiation loss than the Keller form ( A = 0, upper
two curves ; the dotted one in terms of the pressure and the continuous one in terms
of the enthalpy). It will be seen in I1 that the second-order equations predict slightly
higher radii. The energy lost by radiation is thus seen to be overpredicted by the
first-order equations, especially if the pressure is used in place of the enthalpy. It may
be noted that the maximum radius predicted by the incompressible Rayleigh-Plesset
equation for this case is essentially the same as the initial one, i.e. R, = 4, while that
in figure 6 is about 2.55. Since the energy of the system can be taken to be proportional
to R& to a first approximation, it is seen that, in this case, approximately 74% of
the initial energy is lost by radiation during the first compression and expansion cycle.
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 473
-p 35 -
e -
E ' . A
- A
- A
30. I I 1 I I I I
0.100 0.105 0.1 10
Minimum radius
FIGURE7. Same as figure 1 for the forced case in which the incident wave has the form given by
(7.5) and the bubble radius initially has the equilibrium value R,(O) = 1. The cross is the result
obtained with the method of characteristicsstarting from R , = 0.99999,R; =-0.417 x with
250 nodes, 1 = 4, Ax = 0.005.
It was found on trial runs that, if r is large, the bubble is compressed quasi-statically,
which is a situation of little interest here. For moderate values of r (around 1) the
compression is non-monotonic. Since the rebound phase cannot be followed with our
numerical method, this situation is also not suitable to carry out a comparison
between numerical and perturbation results. Upon further reduction of the value of
r the behaviour becomes closer to a strong monotonic compression, followed by a
rebound and damped oscillations. For this reason we have taken 7 = 0.01. In order
to achieve a sufficiently violent compression we have also taken A = -3300. The
parameter to has been chosen so that at the initial instant the pressure in the vicinity
of the bubble differs negligibly from the undisturbed pressure. The value to = 0.447 66
has been used in this example.
We show in figures 7-9 the same type of information as in figures 1-3 for this case
of forced oscillations. As before the filled symbols indicate results obtained with the
equations in terms of the enthalpy and the open ones in terms of the pressure. The
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474 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
-65 -
- A
-70 I I I 1 I I I
Minimum velocity
FIGWE9. Maximum dimensionless velocity versus minimum dimensionlesa velocity for the
forced case of figure I.
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 475
general appearance of these figures is quite similar to the preceding ones and the same
conclusions apply.
Further comparisons, including the second-order equations, will be found in 11.
The present study has been supported in part by the Courant Institute of
Mathematics, New York University, through the grant ONR N00014-81-K-0002.
x = [&IllP.
for 1 < p this transformation has the further advantage that, in terms of the original
variable r, nodes progressively further apart from each other correspond to an
equispaced grid in x .
I n terms of x , (2.1) and (2.2) become, in characteristic form,
du d P 2cu
dt - dt -RxP
= 0,
P = - [ 2n
- J [ ( p- ), + B p + B (n-l)lzn -11.
n-1 np, p,+B
We illustrate the numerical method with reference to figure 10. Suppose the
solution is known up to time tn. To determine it at time tn+l we use the trapezoidal
rule and write
u?+' -U* ?+'- +P(A,) &iAt[NT+' H ( A , ) ] = 0, (A 6)+
4- (z,)B-~At[&(f)(A)+&(f)(A*)]= 0, (A 7 )
where subscripts and superscripts denote spatial and temporal locations and
Q' f ' = R-'( u -dR'& c). (A 8)
The points A, are the intersections of the C, characteristics with the line t = tn and
are given by (A 7). The values of u andp at x , are obtained by quadratic interpolation
16 FLP 168
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476 A . Prosperetti and A . Lezzi
XI-1 5 X$+1 X
x2 X
1 XI
FIQURE11. Modification of the boundaries of the computational domain : the left boundary.
using the known values at xj, xjkl.The four equations (A 6), (A 7) are a closed system
in the four unknowns x+, u;+l, P j t + l , the solution of which is readily obtained by
an iterative procedure s;ch as the Newton-Raphson method.
This basic approach must be suitably modified at the boundaries of the computa-
tional domain. For the left boundary, xo = 1, we can only use the information
propagating along the C- characteristic (figure l l ) , but we also know from the
kinematic boundary condition that u(x = 1, tn+l) = (R')n+land, from the dynamic
one. that
3Y 2a+4,~(R')~+l
p(x = 1, tn+l) = Pi"+) - Rn+l
Using this relation the two C- equations (A 6), (A 7 ) and (A 9) can be converted into
a nonlinear system for the three unknowns x-, (R')n+l, p ( z = 1, tn+l) which is again
solved iteratively. The value of p - is obtained by quadratic interpolation using the
points zo,xl,xz.
A t the right boundary x = xN, which is the 'infinity' of the computational domain,
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Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid. Part 1 477
use can be made only of the C+ characteristics. To obtain a closed system we add
the Euler equation in linearized form
au - aP
at - -Pco ~7
At- P x N
G -1 Rn+i (Un+i
N -un N ) = 0.
For the Courant number C the value t has been used in most of the calculations. For
the other parameters, typical values used are P = 4, N = 200-400, Ax = 5 x The
computer program has been successfully tested by applying it to the collapse of a
one-dimensional bubble for which an analytic solution is available (Biasi, Prosperetti
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