Compressor Power Formula - Step by Step Explanations

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Section summary

1. Compressor power simplified formula

2. Explanation of the formula : step by step

1. Compressor power simplified formula

In MyEngineeringTools page dedicated to compressor power calculation, there are 2 formula given, a
general formula, and a simplified one. The simplified one is the following, for 1 compressor stage of a
perfect gas, the isentropic compression is :

Pis = 2.31*(k/(k-1))*(Tdis-Tsuct)/M*Qm

Equation 1 : simplified compression power calculation formula

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With : Pis=Power (kW)
Tsuct=Temperature inlet
compressor (K)

Tdischarge=Temperature outlet compressor
M=Molar weight of gas (g/mol)

Qm=Compressor throughput (t/h)

k=Gas isentropic coefficient

Now where this formula is coming from, where the 2.31 coefficient is coming from ? As we received
a lot of questions on this matter, we decided to propose a dedicated page explaining how to reach
this simplified expression, from the general one, as usual in a step by step approach which is the
trade mark of

2. Explanation of the formula : step by step

STEP 1 : general equation
We need to start from a more general equation for isentropic compressor power calculation. According to
[Perry], the adiabatic head of a compressor is given as :

(k 1)/k
Had = (k*Z*R*T1)/(k-1)*[(P2/P1)(k-1)/k-1]

With : Had= Adiabatic head (N.m/kg)

Z = gas compressibility factor (can be defined on an Amagat diagram by calculating the reduced pressure
and reduced temperature of the gas)
P1 = Pressure inlet compressor (kPa)
P2 = Pressure outlet compressor (kPa)
k=Gas isentropic coefficient
R = 8314/molecular weight (J/(kg.K))

The work required during the compression is equal to the adiabatic head multiplied by the mass flow rate of
gas, and divided by 1000 in order to express it in kW :

Pis (kW) = Had * Qm / 1000

With : Pis=Power (kW)
Had= Adiabatic head (N.m/kg)
Qm=Compressor throughput (kg/s)
1000 W/kW

This formula is also given on the other page [Perry] :

Pis = (k*Z*R*T1)/(k-1)*[(P2/P1)(k-1)/k-1]*Qm

Equation 2 : general compression power calculation formula [Perry]

With : Pis=Power (W)
Z = gas compressibility factor (can be defined on an Amagat diagram by calculating the reduced pressure
and reduced temperature of the gas)
P1 = Pressure inlet compressor (kPa)
P2 = Pressure outlet compressor (kPa)
Qm=Compressor throughput (kg/s)
k=Gas isentropic coefficient
R = [8314/molecular weight (J/(kg.K))]/1000 = 8.314/molecular weight

STEP 2 : Assumptions and simplifications

The general expression is using the gas compressibility factor Z, however in the simplified version we
assumed that the gas is a perfect gas, as a consequence the factor is assumed to be 1 : Z = 1

R is actually equal to 8.314 (J/K/kmol) / M (kg/kmol) (see above), it can thus be replaced in the formula :

STEP 3 : Introducing isentropic compression

It is possible, via isentropic compression, to relate the pressure change to the temperature change :
It can then be rearranged :

STEP 4 : Convert mass flow to t/h

The simplified formula is based on t/h while the general formula is considering kg/s.

We can then convert :

Qm_kgs / 1000 * 3600 = Qm_th

Qm_kgs = Qm_th * 1000 / 3600

Then 8314 / 3600 = 2.31, gives :

Which is the simplified expression given above.

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