Assignment Communication 2014
Assignment Communication 2014
Assignment Communication 2014
1. Students are advised to underpin their answers with the use of references
(cited using the Harvard Name System of Referencing).
2. Late submission will be awarded zero (0) unless Extenuating Circumstances
(EC) is upheld.
3. Cases of plagiarism will be penalized
4. The assignment should be in both hardcopy and softcopy:
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Weigting 50%
A short written report should explain and justify the tasks outlined in the assignment and
presented in a folder. The report should include a printed copy of all the simulation models and
figures produced using Matlab Simulink. The folder should also include an electronic copy of the
Simulink simulation models and figures submitted on a CD-Rom. You are also required to
submit a log book as defined below:
Maintaining a useful laboratory log book is an important skill and it is worth 7.5% of the module
mark, a log book should:
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The laboratory log book sheet will be given out within the laboratory session you should
complete this and get it signed by a tutor before leaving the session. You may want to add
addition pages.
The front page should show:
Each laboratory assignment should be headed with :
DATE on which the work has done,
TITLE- of the assignment,
NAMES- your name and names of the people present in your sub-group for that
Laboratory sheets should be inserted, stapled in if necessary. Log book enteries should be
clear, concise and legible.
It will be useful if you store your exercise models, as they can be used in this assignment.
Assessment Criteria
Work will be graded according to the criterion referencing on the following Assignment
Front sheet- read it carefully to avoid losing marks unnecessarily. All students are
expected to have read and understood the universitys leaflet on plagiarism any student
submitting work which is not their own will be dealt with under the university plagiarism
rules. The submission deadline is Monday 13thOctober 2014. Try to hand in your
assignment earlier than the deadline to avoid problems with queues of people trying to
hand in their assignment late.
Assignment Front Sheet
A standard assignment front sheet is attached for the assessment of this assignment. This
must be attached to the front of your work and must be easily visible to the administration
staff and the module tutors.
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An easily visible copy of this sheet must be attached to each item of assessed course work in
order to ensure that marks are properly credited and so to assist in providing feedback
The use of correct submission 10
format and layout as outlined in
the assignment
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1- Prepare a formal report, the theory section should provide the answers to the following
a) What do you understand by modulation and demodulation in communication
system? Explain how modulation makes possible to transmit several
modulating signals over a common channel.
b) Classify analog pulse modulation systems? Compare them
c) How digital modulation techniques are useful in communication system? Explain
the different digital modulation techniques with block diagram.
d) Describe the PCM technique along with expression of signal to noise ratio with
e) Determine the applications where these techniques are used with the help of
a) Do simulation for the DSB-AM modulator using simulink software having single
tone message signal of 100 Hz and a sinusoidal carrier signal of frequency 7 kHz
modulated at modulation depths of 0.25, 0.5,1, 1.5, 2 and 100 by varying the
value of Vdc.
i. For each value of the modulation depths present and analyze the
modulated signal both in the time and in frequency domains.
ii. Derive suitable conclusions.
b) Make a synchronous demodulator model for the DSB-AM modulator of part (a) at
the same values of the modulation depths
i. Analyses and present the demodulated signal both in frequency
and time domains.
ii. Derive suitable conclusions.
c) Given a two Phase modulator shown in figure 2(a). The input signal consists of
voice signal occupying the frequency band 0.3 to 3.4 kHz. The two oscillator
frequencies(OSC) have the values f1=10kHz and f2=1 MHz. Specify the
(i) Sidebands of DSBSC modulated wave appearing at the two product
modulator output.
(ii) Sidebands of SSB modulated wave appearing at the two (band pass filters)
BPF outputs.
(iii) The passband and guard bands of the two BPF.
(iv) Present and analyses all the results and derive suitable conclusions.
(v) Show the waveforms.
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Figure 2(a)
You must reference all information sources using an accepted referencing convention
Assignment Outcomes
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Section 1:
Write a standard technical report(of around but not limited to 1500 words), to outline your
research findings and outline your recommendations.
Section 2:
Print out the complete simulink model and Matlab code is to be electronically submitted, i.e. on a
Submission Format
The report structure is to include: Abstract, contents, Introduction, Research theory, Simulation,
Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. A second electronic your report is to be
submitted via BLACKBOARD VLE, so that it can be electronically marked and feedback given
to you.
Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 2014