Two Coloured Chewing Gum
Two Coloured Chewing Gum
Two Coloured Chewing Gum
DOI 10.1007/s10266-012-0089-7
Received: 5 April 2012 / Accepted: 1 October 2012 / Published online: 18 October 2012
The Society of The Nippon Dental University 2012
Abstract This study was conducted to compare sub- OCMR-W measurement demonstrated high accuracy and
jective and objective assessment methods of a two-colored low reproducibility between and within the examiners.
chewing gum test and to find out whether these methods There were significant gender differences in the distribu-
are capable of discriminating masticatory performances tion of SCMI-W scores (P = 0.044) and in the mean
between sexes. 31 adults, 16 males and 15 females par- OCMI-W (P = 0.007). The SCMI-B and SCMI-W
ticipated in this study. Each subject chewed five samples of assessments and the OCMR-W measurement were reliable
two-colored chewing gum sticks for 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 and valid at the 20 and 30 chewing strokes in this two-
chewing strokes, respectively. The subjective color-mixing colored chewing gum test. The subjective color-mixing
and shape indices for the gum bolus (SCMI-B, SSI-B) and index (SCMI-W) and objective color-mixing ratio (OCMR-W)
the subjective color-mixing index and objective color- for the chewing gum wafer are capable of discriminating
mixing ratio for the gum wafer (SCMI-W, OCMR-W) were masticatory performance between sexes in this two-
evaluated by two independent examiners and, on a different colored chewing gum test and that the OCMR-W mea-
day, re-evaluated by one of the examiners. The SCMI-B surement is discriminating better than the SCMI-W
and SCMI-W assessments had inter- and intra-examiner assessment.
reliable agreement at 20 or more chewing strokes. The
Keywords Two-colored chewing gum Masticatory
performance Color-mixing index Bolus-shaping index
T. Endo (&) Y. Kobayashi Color-mixing ratio
Orthodontic Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University Niigata
Hospital, 1-8 Hamaura-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8580, Japan
A. Komatsuzaki
Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, Mastication is a complex process characterized by the
The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry comminution and breakdown of food into small particles to
at Niigata, 1-8 Hamaura-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8580, Japan
increase its surface area, stimulate an enzymatic function
H. Kurokawa and improve the digestibility of food [1]. Masticatory
Comprehensive Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University Niigata efficiency can be measured by counting the number of
Hospital, 1-8 Hamaura-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8580, Japan chewing strokes required to reduce food to a certain par-
ticle size before swallowing, and masticatory performance
S. Tanaka
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, The Nippon Dental is measured by assessing the particle size distribution of
University School of Life Dentistry at Niigata, food when chewed for a given number of strokes [2].
1-8 Hamaura-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8580, Japan A food comminution test with a sieving method has
been typically used to test masticatory performance [36].
K. Kojima
Koji Orthodontics Kids Dental Clinic, 3-2-11 Sakae, However, it is said that the comminution test is too com-
Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0858, Japan plicated to apply clinically and needs too much time for
Odontology (2014) 102:6875 69
testing and evaluating [7]. One of the reasons for the use of Some researchers have reported no sex differences in
the comminution test may be that the main function of masticatory performance using the food comminution tests
mastication is to comminute food. Some foods need to be [5, 9]. Others have showed the mean or median particle
comminuted while others need to flow or form a bolus size for males significantly smaller than for females [4, 22].
before swallowing. The physical properties of foods should The possibility of sex difference in masticatory perfor-
be considered before the study of masticatory performance mance still remains controversial.
is conducted [8]. The purpose of this preliminary study was to compare
Masticatory performance is influenced by several factors, subjective and objective assessment methods of a two-
including age [4, 5, 9], sex [4, 5, 9], body size [4, 5], number colored chewing gum test and to find out whether these
and type of teeth in occlusion [3, 9, 10], neuro-physiological methods are capable of discriminating masticatory perfor-
deficits [11] and type and severity of malocclusions [5, 6, 9]. mance between males and females.
The association between malocclusion and masticatory
performance is of clinical importance because orthodontic
treatment is made to achieve correct occlusion in harmony Materials and methods
with form and function. Several studies have reported the
influence of surgical orthodontic treatments on masticatory Test subjects
performance [12, 13]. Others have reported the negative
effects of malocclusion on masticatory performance [5, 6, 9]. The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Com-
Therefore, it is important to evaluate the quantification of mittee of the Nippon Dental University at Niigata.
masticatory performance in clinical orthodontics so that it Informed consent was obtained from all participants in this
becomes possible to determine how orthodontic treatments study, who had been given written and/or oral information
influence oral function. about this project.
Two-colored chewing gum [10, 11, 1418] and paraffin Subjects comprised 31 volunteers, 16 males and 15
wax [7, 1921] have been used as test foods for assessing females, who were either dental students or staff members
the degree of bolus formation and color-mixing and of The Nippon Dental University Niigata Hospital (Niigata,
quantifying masticatory performance. Color-mixing of the Japan). The selection criteria of the subjects were (1) a
chewed test food has been assessed objectively by com- complete permanent dentition with fully erupted incisors to
puter analysis of digital images, [7, 1820] subjectively by second molar at each quadrant, (2) all premolars and
visual inspection [10, 15, 16] or by both [14, 17, 21]. molars with at least one occlusal contact in habitual
Before assessing the mixing ability with the two-colored occlusion, (3) no signs of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
chewing gum and wax by computer analysis of the digital dysfunction, (4) Class I occlusion, (5) little or no incisor
images, the chewed bolus must be flattered to a wafer to crowding, (6) no history of previous orthodontic or pros-
avoid high contrast shallows in the image by the oblique thetic treatment, (7) no mesiodistal or class II restorations,
illumination of the scanners lamp [17, 18, 21]. Flattening crowns or onlays and (8) no tooth anomalies. Mean ages of
of the chewed bolus provides a more accurate and reliable males and females were 24.8 years (SD 2.3 years) and
assessment of masticatory performance than observation 23.8 years (SD 1.5 years), respectively, with no statisti-
of the bolus in their raw state [14, 17]. Some pieces of cally significant difference between sexes (P = 0.192).
evidence demonstrate that the mixing ability test with the
two-colored chewing gum or wax is a valid and reliable Chewing gum
alternative for food comminution tests [18, 19]. The mixing
ability test with the two-colored chewing gum is a good A commercially available two-colored chewing gum used
method to determine masticatory function in subjects with for the assessment of masticatory performance was stained
a compromised masticatory performance [18]. Computer blue and red by the manufacturer (Lotte, Tokyo, Japan;
analysis of the digital images of chewed two-colored wax distributor, Oral Care, Tokyo, Japan) with water-insoluble
is more suitable for discriminating between the mixing dyes. A test piece that measured 18.8 9 14.2 9 3.9 mm
abilities of groups of participants with a limited mastica- was made from one blue and one red piece.
tory performance than visual assessment of these images
[21]. Some investigators report that visual assessment of Chewing test procedure
the chewed bolus has similar accuracy as computer
assessment of digital image [17]. Others show that visual All the subjects were examined and instructed by one
assessment is less reliable than computer assessment, but it operator (K.K.). They were asked to sit in a dental chair
may still useful in screening of chewing deficiencies in a with their heads held in a natural position. Each subject
clinical setting [14]. was told to chew five samples of two-colored chewing gum
Odontology (2014) 102:6875 69
testing and evaluating [7]. One of the reasons for the use of Some researchers have reported no sex differences in
the comminution test may be that the main function of masticatory performance using the food comminution tests
mastication is to comminute food. Some foods need to be [5, 9]. Others have showed the mean or median particle
comminuted while others need to flow or form a bolus size for males significantly smaller than for females [4, 22].
before swallowing. The physical properties of foods should The possibility of sex difference in masticatory perfor-
be considered before the study of masticatory performance mance still remains controversial.
is conducted [8]. The purpose of this preliminary study was to compare
Masticatory performance is influenced by several factors, subjective and objective assessment methods of a two-
including age [4, 5, 9], sex [4, 5, 9], body size [4, 5], number colored chewing gum test and to find out whether these
and type of teeth in occlusion [3, 9, 10], neuro-physiological methods are capable of discriminating masticatory perfor-
deficits [11] and type and severity of malocclusions [5, 6, 9]. mance between males and females.
The association between malocclusion and masticatory
performance is of clinical importance because orthodontic
treatment is made to achieve correct occlusion in harmony Materials and methods
with form and function. Several studies have reported the
influence of surgical orthodontic treatments on masticatory Test subjects
performance [12, 13]. Others have reported the negative
effects of malocclusion on masticatory performance [5, 6, 9]. The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Com-
Therefore, it is important to evaluate the quantification of mittee of the Nippon Dental University at Niigata.
masticatory performance in clinical orthodontics so that it Informed consent was obtained from all participants in this
becomes possible to determine how orthodontic treatments study, who had been given written and/or oral information
influence oral function. about this project.
Two-colored chewing gum [10, 11, 1418] and paraffin Subjects comprised 31 volunteers, 16 males and 15
wax [7, 1921] have been used as test foods for assessing females, who were either dental students or staff members
the degree of bolus formation and color-mixing and of The Nippon Dental University Niigata Hospital (Niigata,
quantifying masticatory performance. Color-mixing of the Japan). The selection criteria of the subjects were (1) a
chewed test food has been assessed objectively by com- complete permanent dentition with fully erupted incisors to
puter analysis of digital images, [7, 1820] subjectively by second molar at each quadrant, (2) all premolars and
visual inspection [10, 15, 16] or by both [14, 17, 21]. molars with at least one occlusal contact in habitual
Before assessing the mixing ability with the two-colored occlusion, (3) no signs of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
chewing gum and wax by computer analysis of the digital dysfunction, (4) Class I occlusion, (5) little or no incisor
images, the chewed bolus must be flattered to a wafer to crowding, (6) no history of previous orthodontic or pros-
avoid high contrast shallows in the image by the oblique thetic treatment, (7) no mesiodistal or class II restorations,
illumination of the scanners lamp [17, 18, 21]. Flattening crowns or onlays and (8) no tooth anomalies. Mean ages of
of the chewed bolus provides a more accurate and reliable males and females were 24.8 years (SD 2.3 years) and
assessment of masticatory performance than observation 23.8 years (SD 1.5 years), respectively, with no statisti-
of the bolus in their raw state [14, 17]. Some pieces of cally significant difference between sexes (P = 0.192).
evidence demonstrate that the mixing ability test with the
two-colored chewing gum or wax is a valid and reliable Chewing gum
alternative for food comminution tests [18, 19]. The mixing
ability test with the two-colored chewing gum is a good A commercially available two-colored chewing gum used
method to determine masticatory function in subjects with for the assessment of masticatory performance was stained
a compromised masticatory performance [18]. Computer blue and red by the manufacturer (Lotte, Tokyo, Japan;
analysis of the digital images of chewed two-colored wax distributor, Oral Care, Tokyo, Japan) with water-insoluble
is more suitable for discriminating between the mixing dyes. A test piece that measured 18.8 9 14.2 9 3.9 mm
abilities of groups of participants with a limited mastica- was made from one blue and one red piece.
tory performance than visual assessment of these images
[21]. Some investigators report that visual assessment of Chewing test procedure
the chewed bolus has similar accuracy as computer
assessment of digital image [17]. Others show that visual All the subjects were examined and instructed by one
assessment is less reliable than computer assessment, but it operator (K.K.). They were asked to sit in a dental chair
may still useful in screening of chewing deficiencies in a with their heads held in a natural position. Each subject
clinical setting [14]. was told to chew five samples of two-colored chewing gum
70 Odontology (2014) 102:6875
Fig. 1 The subjective color-mixing index for the chewing gum bolus
(SCMI-B). Scores 1 through 5
Odontology (2014) 102:6875 71
(%). The OCMR-W was measured by the two independent the distribution of subjects by the SCMI-B, SSI-B and
examiners (H.K., A.K.) blindly to the sex and the number SCMI-W scores and on mean OCMR-W. The two-way
of chewing strokes. ANOVA showed a significant interaction between two
To evaluate the intra-examiner agreement for the SCMI- variables in the SCMI-B and SSI-B assessments, Friedman
B, SSI-B and SCMI-W assessments and the intra-examiner and Bonferroni post hoc tests, and Pearson Chi-square test
accuracy and reproducibility of the OCMR-W measure- were used to determine whether and/or where there were
ment, all the subjects were called back to repeat the same significant differences in the distribution of subjects
experiment on a different day. To get rid of the stress and between the numbers of chewing strokes in each sex and
fatigue, all subjects were asked to sit in the dental chair and between sexes in each number of chewing strokes,
take a rest for at least 10 min before the chewing tests after respectively.
confirmation that no dental and medical treatments were Sample size was not performed, because the current
received from the first examination. These assessments and study was a pilot study. However, previous researches on
measurement were made for the daytime by the same mixing ability tests demonstrated significant differences
examiner (H.K.) blind to the sex of the subjects and the with sample sizes C20 [3, 5, 6, 16, 18, 20, 21].
number of chewing strokes. Afterward the results of the
examinations were sorted by these parameters for statistical
comparisons. Results
Table 1 Inter-examiner agreement (kappa value) for the SCMI-B, SSI-B and SCMI-W assessments
Number of chewing strokes
5 10 20 30 50
j value SE j value SE j value SE j value SE j value SE
72 Odontology (2014) 102:6875
Table 2 Intra-examiner agreement (kappa value) for the SCMI-B, SSI-B and SCMI-W assessments
Number of chewing strokes
5 10 20 30 50
j value SE j value SE j value SE j value SE j value SE
chewing strokes were not reliable or valid and conse- among the numbers of chewing strokes (P = 0.000) and
quently left out of consideration. between sexes (P = 0.044). However, no significant interac-
Table 3 shows the results of the two-way ANOVA with tion was noted between these two variables (P = 0.096).
Greenhouse-Geisser correction. A significant difference As shown in Tables 4 and 5, no systematic errors in the
was observed in the distribution of SCMI-B scores among OCMR-W measurement between or within the examiners
the numbers of chewing strokes (P = 0.000) but no sig- were found at 20 chewing strokes and over irrespective of
nificant difference was noted between sexes (P = 0.222). sex. For males and females, the random errors in the
A significant interaction was found between these two OCMR-W measurement between the examiners were 1.2
variables (P = 0.020). Pearson Chi-square tests demon- and 3.5 %, 0.5 and 0.8 % and 0.1 and 0.2 % at 20, 30 and
strated no significant differences in the distribution of 50 chewing strokes, respectively (Table 4). Likewise, the
SCMI-B scores at upward of 20 chewing strokes between random errors for males and females in the OCMR-W
sexes, and the Friedman and Bonferroni post hoc tests measurement within the examiners were 1.8 and 4.2 %, 0.3
demonstrated significant differences between 20 and 30 and 0.9 %, and 0.1 and 0.5 % at 20, 30 and 50 chewing
chewing strokes, between 20 and 50 chewing strokes, and strokes, respectively (Table 5).
between 30 and 50 chewing strokes in both sexes. The skewnesskurtosis test showed a normal distribution
From Table 3, it is evident that the two-way ANOVA found of the OCMR-W (P = 0.3512). The mean OCMR-W and
significant differences in the distribution of SCMI-W scores standard deviation at each number of chewing strokes in each
Odontology (2014) 102:6875 73
Table 4 Systematic and random errors in the OCMR-W measure- sex are presented in Table 6. As shown in Table 3, the two-
ment between the examiners way ANOVA with Greenhouse-Geisser correction demon-
Number of chewing strokes strated significant differences in the mean OCMI-W among
the numbers of chewing strokes (P = 0.000) and between
5 10 20 30 50
sexes (P = 0.007) and no significant interaction between
Male these two variables (P = 0.134). Table 3 also shows that
Systematic 0.383NS 0.676NS 0.115NS 0.729NS 0.948NS SCMI-W and OCMR-W are both capable to discriminate
error (P value) between males and females and that OCMR-W is discrimi-
Random error 6.8 2.9 1.2 0.5 0.1 nating better (P = 0.007) than SCMI-W (P = 0.044).
Table 6 shows that the Bonferroni post hoc test demonstrates
Female significant differences in mean OCMR-W between 20 and 30
Systematic 0.101NS 0.626NS 0.998NS 0.190NS 0.433NS chewing strokes and between 20 and 50 chewing strokes but
error (P value)
not between 30 and 50 chewing strokes.
Random error 5.1 4.1 3.5 0.8 0.2
NS not significant
33.8 9.5 17.1 10.7 3.1 3.9 0.5 0.7 0.1 0.1
38.8 9.2 24.5 9.8 9.3 8.0 1.5 2.8 0.3 0.5
Statistical comparison between the numbers of chewing strokes/Bonferroni test/P value
5S vs. 10S 0.000***
5S vs. 20S 0.000*** 10S vs. 20S 0.000***
5S vs 30S 0.000*** 10S vs 30S 0.000*** 20S vs 30S 0.003**
5S vs. 50S 0.000*** 10S vs. 50S 0.000*** 20S vs 50S 0.000*** 30S vs 50S 0.367 NS
SD standard deviation, NS not significant
** P \ 0.01, *** P \ 0.001
74 Odontology (2014) 102:6875
0.2 and 0.78, respectively. van der Bilt et al. [21] showed results support these findings in that the SCMI-W assess-
that the inter- and intra-examiner kappa values for visual ment and the OCMR-W measurement are capable of dis-
assessment of the two-colored wax chewed for 520 criminating masticatory performance between sexes and
strokes varied between 0.7 and 0.78 and between 0.55 and that the OCMR-W measurement is discriminating better
0.65, respectively. High inter- and intra-examiner kappa than the SCMI-W assessment, which can be seen from
values in our study, as well as their studies, demonstrated P values in Table 3.
that the two-color chewing gum test would serve the pur- In this study, there were significant differences between
pose of assessing masticatory performance. The SSI-B the sexes in the distribution of SCMI-W scores and in mean
assessment was not relevant because of slight inter-exam- OCMR-W, as confirmed by the two-way ANOVA. These
iner agreement in this study, whereas Liedberg et al. [16] results were supported by Julien et al. [4], who estimated
showed that there were no significant differences in both the median particle size using the seven-sieve method and
color-mixing and bolus-shape indices between the exam- showed significant differences in masticatory performance
iners using the commercially available two-color SOR- between men (2235 years of age) and women
BITS chewing gums and that bolus shaping as well as (2229 years of age). However, Shiere and Manly [9]
color-mixing was relevant as the chewing gum parameter. showed no significant difference in masticatory perfor-
These different results may be due to some difference in mance between boys and girls at age 79, and 1214. A
quality between two-color chewing gums used and suggest probable reason for different results may be the difference
that the inter- and intra-examiner agreement needs to be in subject ages. Julien et al. [4] and we selected adult
investigated, when other brands of chewing gum are used subjects, while Shiere and Manly [9] used young boys and
for clinical as well as research purposes. girls as their subjects. In the large cross sectional study,
Our results showed no significant systematic errors in Shiere and Manly [9] reported that the masticatory per-
the OCMR-W measurement between or within the exam- formance increased between 6 and 10 years of age,
iners at 20 chewing strokes and longer, thus showing that decreased between 10 and 11 years of age, and then
this measurement had high inter- and intra-examiner increased again by age 14, thus suggesting that the age was
accuracy. In this study, the mean of the OCMR-W was one of the most important factors in masticatory perfor-
higher than, or equal to the random error in the OCMR-W mance, as evidenced by Julien et al. [4], and Toro et al. [5].
measurement between and within the examiners at each of van den Braber et al. [12, 13] adopted a silicone rubber
20 chewing strokes and longer. Moreover, the shorter the Optosoft and 15- and 30-stroke chewing sequences to
number of chewing strokes was, the larger the discrepancy investigate the effects of surgical orthodontic treatment on
between the mean of the OCMR-W and the random error masticatory performance in adult patients (mean age
was, thus proving that the reproducibility of OCMR-W 24.8 years) with mandibular retrognathism. Shiere and
measurements was higher at 20 chewing strokes and lower Manly [9] used peanuts and either 60 or 80 chewing strokes
at 50 chewing strokes in the 2050 chewing stroke tests. to evaluate the change of chewing ability with age in
These findings on the random errors may suggest that the children of 615 years. Toro et al. [5] and English et al. [6]
20- and 30-stroke chewing sequences could be used for used the condensation silicone impression material, Cut-
the OCMR-W measurement. However, when the large terSil and a 20-stroke chewing sequence to investigate the
standard deviations of the OCMR-W are taken into consid- association of malocclusion types and masticatory perfor-
eration, it must be said that the random errors in the OCMR- mance in children (5.515.5 years of age) and adolescents
W measurement indicate low inter- and intra-examiner (737 years of age). van der Bilt et al. [18] evaluated the
reproducibility. The computerized OCMR-W measurement mixing abilities of two groups of young subjects with a
with the commercially available software package including natural dentition (mean age 24 years) and elderly subjects
scanning, pixel counting and subsequent mathematical cal- mostly with complete dentures (mean age 72 years) using
culations are not realistic in a clinical setting, as stated by the two-colored chewing gum with 520 chewing strokes
Schimmel et al. [14]. The development of software and and Optosil and Optocal with 15 chewing strokes, and
automated instrument for the OCMR-W measurement and found that the mixing ability test with this chewing gum
the training of examiners may be needed to reduce random was a good method to determine masticatory function in
errors and to improve measurement reproducibility. subjects with a compromised masticatory performance
Recently, van der Bilt et al. [21] showed that computer (elderly subjects). In using the two-colored chewing wax
analysis of digital images of the chewed two-colored wax and 520 chewing strokes to discriminating between the
was better than visual assessment of these images in dis- masticatory performances of three groups of subjects with
criminating the mixing of colors in the wax when it was not a natural dentition, full dentures, and maxillary denture
very well mixed. Thus, computer method can be very good plus implant-supported mandibular overdenture, van der
in the quantification of masticatory performance. Our Bilt et al. [21] showed that computer analysis of digital
Odontology (2014) 102:6875 75
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