Industry 4.0: A Review On Industrial Automation and Robotic: Article

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Industry 4.0: A review on industrial automation and

Article · June 2016
DOI: 10.11113/jt.v78.9285


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4 authors, including:

Fauzi Othman
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Full Paper
INDUSTRY 4.0: A REVIEW ON Article history
Received in revised
18 March 2016
Mohd Aiman Kamarul Bahrin*, Mohd Fauzi Othman, Nor Hayati Accepted
Nor Azli, Muhamad Farihin Talib 23 March 2016

Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotic, Universiti *Corresponding author

Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia maiman5@live.utm.m

Graphical abstract Abstract

Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution that was first introduced in Germany.
This paper presents a review on the advances of robotic and automation technology
in achieving industry 4.0. Many companies, research centers, and universities
acknowledge that robotics and automation technology is the basis of industrial
manufacturing and an important driver for Industry 4.0. Hopefully, from this report,
engineering students would be exposed to new inventions of technology revolution
as well as to create the business mind for a better future.

Keywords: Industry 4.0; robotics and automation; Internet of Things (IoT) power;
smart factories and smart production

© 2016 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights


1.0 INTRODUCTION use the globally available information and

communications network for an extensively
automated exchange of information and in which
The industrial sector is important to every country’s
production and business processes are matched [4].
economy and remains the driver of growth and
As the term “Industry 4.0” is not well-known
employment. Industry, which in this context focuses on
outside the German-speaking area [2], it is worth
manufacturing, provides added value through the
looking at comparable ideas from a global
transformation of materials into products [1]. The term
perspective. Some commentator promotes a similar
“Industry 4.0” became publicly known in 2011, when an
idea under the name of cyber physical systems,
initiative called “Industry 4.0” where an association of
smart factory, smart
representatives from business, politics, and academia
production, machine-to-machine, advanced
promote the idea as an approach to strengthen the
manufacturing, internet of things, internet of
competitiveness of German manufacturing industry [2].
everything or industrial internet [5]. Industry 4.0 or
Germany has one of the most competitive
fourth industrial revolution also refers to the next phase
manufacturing industries in the world and is a global
in a digitization of the manufacturing sector where the
leader in the manufacturing equipment sector [3].
Internet of Things (IoT) looks to play a huge role that
Since the German federal government announced
have the potential to feed information into it and add
Industry 4.0 as one of the key initiatives of its high-tech
value to manufacturing industry to realize a low-
strategy in 2011, the topic of Industry 4.0 has become
volume, high-mix production in a cost-efficient way [1].
famous among many companies, research centers, and
It also involves the management and organization of
universities. Numerous academic publications, practical
the entire value chain process of the manufacturing
articles, and conferences have discussed this topic [2].
industry. Various organizations have been advocating
The German Federal Government presents Industry 4.0
Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 concepts
as a new, emerging structure in which manufacturing
to create smarter factories [3]. Meanwhile, according to
and logistics systems in the form of Cyber-Physical
[6], the idea of Industry 4.0 includes a wide variety of
Production Systems (CPPS) intensively
devices, from smartphones, gadgets, televisions and
watches to

78: 6-13 (2016) 137–143 | | eISSN 2180–3722 |

138 Mohd Aiman Kamarul Bahrin et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78: 6-13 (2016)

household appliances, which are becoming ever is that it will eventually enable manufacturing firms
more flexible and intelligent. The devices are of all sizes to gain easy and affordable access to
increasingly able to communicate with one another modelling and analytical technologies that can be
or to data sources via the Internet. According to customized to meet their needs. The concept
forecasts of analysts at Gartner [7], 26 billion Industry 4.0 is best defined by the project’s “smart
“things” will be connected to the Internet in the year factory” through the merging of the virtual and
2020. Thus, based on the wide literature on the topic physical worlds through cyber-physical systems and
robotic Industry 4.0, the goal is mainly to develop a the resulting fusion of technical and business
smart factory in which products are able to find their processes [1]. The industrial manufacturing life
own way through production and establish cycle becomes orientated towards the increasing
alternatives in case of disturbances, as a individualism of customer requirements and
technological basis serving cyber-physical systems encompasses: the idea and the order for
and the "Internet of Things and Services". development and production, the distribution of
products plus recycling, and furthermore including
all related Services. The interconnection of human
beings, objects and systems leads to dynamic, real
2.0 HISTORY OF INDUSTRIAL time optimized and self-organized inter-company
REVOLUTION value creation systems which are evaluated and
optimized using criteria such as costs, availability
The first mechanical loom from the year 1784 until now
and resource efficiency. Industry 4.0 emphasizes the
which is exactly 232 years ago; there are four stages in
idea of consistent digitization and linking of all
the ongoing process called the Industrial Revolution.
productive units in an economy. There are several
The first revolution occurred towards the end of the
technological areas that underpin Industry 4.0,
18th century which was mechanical production on the
which are horizontal and vertical system integration,
basis of water and steam. The second Industrial
the internet of things, cybersecurity, the cloud, big
Revolution at the beginning of the 20th century
data analytics, simulation, additive manufacturing
happens during the introduction of conveyor belts and
(3d printing), augmented reality, and robot [8]. The
mass production, to which the names of icons such as
figure below shows the technologies related to
Henry Ford and Frederick Taylor are linked. The third
Industry 4.0
revolution takes place in the digital automation of
production by means of electronics and information
technology (IT) system. Today, the industrial landscape Horizontal
and vertical
is again being transformed to the fourth stage with the system The
rise of autonomous robots, contemporary automation, integration
cyber-physical systems, the internet of things, the Robots Internet
internet of services, and so on. Industrial robots, which of Things
are one of the key drivers in Industry 4.0, have evolved
considerably since the last decades of the 20th century.
Augmented Cybersecurit
They are becoming more productive, flexible, versatile,
reality y
safer, and collaborative and are thus creating an Technologies in
unprecedented level of value in the entire ecosystem. Industry 4.0
Smart factories, which will be at the heart of Industry Additive
4.0, will take on board information and communication
technology for an evolution in the supply chain and
manufacturing The cloud
production line that brings a much higher level of both (3D printing)
automation and digitization. It means machines using
self-optimization, self-configuration and even artificial Simulation Big data
intelligence to complete complex tasks in order to analytic
deliver vastly superior cost efficiencies and better s
quality goods or services .

Figure 1 Technologies Related to Industry 4.0


Industry 4.0 is a new area where the Internet of things In Industry 4.0, the horizontal and vertical system
alongside cyber-physical systems interconnect in a way integration among companies, departments, functions,
where the combination of software, sensor, processor and capabilities will become much more cohesive, as
and communication technology plays a huge role for cross-company, universal data-integration networks
making "things" to have the potential to feed evolve and enable truly automated value chains. The
information into it and eventually adds value to Industrial Internet of Things will also enrich more
manufacturing processes. Industry 4.0 ultimately aims devices with embedded computing and will be
to construct an open, smart manufacturing platform for interconnected using standard technologies. This allows
industrial-networked information applications. The hope field devices to communicate and interact both with
one another and with a more centralized controller, as
necessary. It also
139 Mohd Aiman Kamarul Bahrin et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78: 6-13 (2016)

decentralizes analytics and decision making, in industries. More industrial robots are evolving
enabling real-time responses. with the latest technological innovation to facilitate
Reliable communications as well as sophisticated the industrial revolution. Smart robots will not only
identity and access management of machines and replace humans in simply structured workflows
users is important for industry 4.0 to address the within closed areas. In Industry 4.0, robots and
issue of cybersecurity threats which increases humans will work hand in hand, so to speak, on
dramatically with the increased connectivity and use interlinking tasks and using smart sensor human-
of standard communication protocols. machine interfaces. The use of robots is widening to
As the performance of technologies improves, include various functions: production, logistics, and
machine data and functionality will increasingly be office management (to distribute documents) and
deployed to the cloud, enabling more data-driven they can be controlled remotely. If a problem occurs,
services for production system. More production- the worker will receive a message on his mobile
related undertakings in Industry 4.0 will require phone, which is linked to a webcam, so he can see
increased data sharing across sites and company the problems and give instructions to let the
boundaries. production continue until he comes back the next
Big data and analytics enables the collection and day. Thus, the plant is operating 24 hours/day while
comprehensive evaluation of data from many workers are only there during the day [9].
different sources and customer to support real-time Several robots have been introduced with the latest
decision making, optimizes production quality, saves technology to be the pioneer in Industry 4.0. Kuka LBR
energy, and improves equipment service. iiwa is a lightweight robot for industrial applications
Simulations will leverage real-time data to mirror that is designed for safe close cooperation between
the physical world in a virtual model, which can human and robot on highly sensitive tasks. Iiwa which
include machines, products, and humans. This stands for intelligent industrial work assistant can learn
allows operators to test and optimize the machine from its human colleagues and can independently
settings for the next product in line in the virtual check, optimize, and document the results of its own
world before the physical changeover, thereby work while connected to the cloud [10]. Bosch also
driving down machine setup times and increasing introduces the APAS family robot system which includes
quality. APAS assistant, APAS inspector, and APAS base for an
Additive manufacturing methods will also be agile and flexible production concepts based on quickly
widely used in Industry 4.0 to produce small batches and easily retooled production systems [11]. The robot
of customized products that offer construction features mobile, intrinsically safe, networked and
advantages, such as complex, lightweight designs. configurable process modules which can be adjusted to
High-performance, decentralized additive new tasks by using the dialog-controlled user interface.
manufacturing systems will reduce transport The advanced collision avoidance system makes it safe
distances and stock on hand. Though the systems for working together with humans. Nextage robots from
are still in infancy, companies will make much Kawada Industries are an evolution from mere
broader use of it towards industry 4.0. equipment to becoming a partner in parts assembly
Augmented-reality-based systems can support a lines. Its overall design includes a “head” with two
variety of services, such as selecting parts in a cameras, a torso, two 6-axis arms, and a mobile base, a
warehouse and sending repair instructions over flexible software GUI. Its advance stereo vision with
mobile devices. image recognition system allows it to ascertain object
Robots are becoming more autonomous, flexible, distance and attain 3D coordinates with high precision.
and cooperative. Eventually, they will interact with The accompanying open source software provides
one another and work safely side by side with superb visibility and usability, making the operation
humans and learn from them. These robots will cost and instruction of Nextage easy and flexible. There are
less and have a greater range of capabilities than two versions of the robot, one for the industry and the
those used in manufacturing today. other for research. The dual-arm YuMi robot is the first
collaborative robot from ABB. It features an advanced
vision system, flexible hands, parts feeding systems,
sensitive force control feedback, and state-of-the-art
4.0 ROBOT IN INDUSTRY 4.0 robot control software that allows for programming
through teaching. Along with the built-in Safety
Robots play an important role in modern function, it is designed to work side-by-side with
manufacturing industry. The number of multipurpose humans. Several other robot models developed by
industrial robots developed by players in the various companies in keeping up with the trend is listed
Industry 4.0 in Europe alone has almost doubled in Table 1 below.
since 2004 [9]. An essential face of Industry 4.0 is
autonomous production methods powered by robots
that can complete tasks intelligently, with the focus
on safety, flexibility, versatility, and collaborative.
Without the need to isolate its working area, its
integration into human workspaces becomes more
economical and productive, and opens up many
possible applications
140 Mohd Aiman Kamarul Bahrin et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78: 6-13 (2016)

Table 1 The robot application that evolve towards Industry

9 PF400 Precise PF400 used by customers
Automation with little automation
experience, yet powerful
No Model Company Description and fast enough to support
light duty assembly
1 Baxter Rethink Baxter, the world’s first operations
Robotics interactive production
robot, is particularly well-
suited for a wide range of
packaging applications
2 Sawyer Rethink The revolutionary new high
Robotics performance collaborative ORGANIZATIONS IN INDUSTRY 4.0
robot designed to execute
machine tending, circuit
Various organizations and key players have
board testing and other
substantial research departments which support
precise tasks that are
impractical to automate
product development and automation of
with conventional robots manufacturing processes, while also marketing their
3 Roberta Gomtec Roberta is a light, know-how to other industrial enterprises or
providing platforms for ‘smart’ services for third
adaptable, and inexpensive parties. This can further stimulate the
6-Axis industrial Robot. It implementation of Industry 4.0. The table below
was shows the organizations that are interested in the
specifically developed for robotic industry of Industry 4.0.
small and medium-size
enterprises which are Table 2 The organizations that interest in revolution
focused on flexible and industry 4.0
efficient automation
4 UR Universal UR- 5 is a highly flexible
No Organization Description
series Robots robot arm and ideal to
optimize low-weight 1 Industry- The Industry-Research Alliance is
collaborative processes, an
such as: picking, placing Science advisory group which brings
Research together leading representatives
and testing
Alliance from science and industry to
5 CR-35iA Fanuc The CR-35iA robot seems to
accompany the High-Tech Strategy
target integration with of interministerial innovation policy
automotive assembly lines,
2 Acatech Acatech supports policy-makers
machine tending
applications, metalworking
and society, providing qualified
and packaging and more
technical evaluations and forward
6 BioRob Bionic The lightweight BioRob
looking recommendations and
support knowledge transfer
Arm Robotics robot has been certified
between science and industry, and
safe for use in close
proximity with humans encourage the next generation of
without requiring further
protective measures to be
3 SmartFactoryKL SmartFactoryKL works as a pioneer
7 P-Rob F&P F&P provides all-in-one
for the technology transfer of key
aspects of Industry 4.0 into
Personal robotic solutions leveraging practice
Robotics expertise in arm and 4 German The vision of DFKI is based on
effector technologies as cyber
well as artificial intelligence
Research physical systems, combining
8 Speedy- Mabi The "flexible manufacturing"
Center for mechanical systems with
Artificial electronics to connect everything
10 Robotic often publicized today is the Intelligence together where the different
rationale for this
(DFKI) modules in the factory could
development and it is potentially drive themselves
based on a lightweight around
design with excellent to allow factories to alter the
damping characteristics production line
141 Mohd Aiman Kamarul Bahrin et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78: 6-13 (2016)

5 Institute for This institute and develop 13 Intel Intel is at the forefront of
explore developing
Management solutions for economic and new generation low-power chips for
Cybernetics, technological questions in connected IoT devices. Intel R&D
RWTH Aachen interdisciplinary teams. The Industry centers (so called Intel Open Labs)
University 4.0 project which is ProSense is to and a number of industry co-
achieve production control on the operations (e.g., Intel and Kuka’s
basis of cybernetic support systems PC-based robot-controllers) lay the
and sensors, in order to support foundation of Intel’s IoT push.
decision-makers within production Moreover Intel is targeting startups
planning and control and developers
6 Platform The main objective of the Platform is 14 Microsoft Microsoft has teamed up with

Industry 4.0 the development of technologies, leading robotics manufacturer Kuka

standards, business and to create a self-standing robot that
organizational models and their can work on factory assembly lines
practical implementation
15 IBM IBM is a globally integrated
7 Industrial The goal of the IIC is to accelerate technology and consulting
Internet the adoption and deployment of company headquartered in
Consortium Industrial Internet applications Armonk, New York. IBM is focused
(IIC) through technology test-beds, use five growth initiatives - Cloud, Big
cases and requirements Data and Analytics, Mobile, Social
development [12] Business and Security
8 Siemens Siemens produces custom 16 Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth’ realisti assembly
s c
Programmable Logic Controls line manufactures individual
(PLCs) in a state-of-the-art 'smart products fully automatically and
factory' where product economically
management, manufacturing and
automation systems are integrated
machine operation which were
9 W3C The World Wide Web primarily developed for the
Consortium consumer sector, integrate among
(W3C) is an international other things a head-up display for
community information plus a digital camera.
that develops open standards Google Glass also be used in the
to industrial environment asa
ensure the long-term growth of supplement for operation and
the observation in
Web. W3C Standards as a Basis production
the Project
of the Future Industry
10 OPC The mission of the OPC Foundation
Foundation to manage a global organization
which users, vendors and
collaborate to create data transfer
standards for multi-vendor,
platform, secure and reliable
interoperability in industrial
11 Fraunhofer IAO The Fraunhofer IAO* has been

helping shape the INDUSTRIE

project since
as early as 2011 as part of
carried out by the Industry-
Alliance [1].
12 Google Google Glass as a new concept for

Under the Eleventh Malaysia Plan, which is a five-

year comprehensive blueprint prepared by the
Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of Malaysia, the
government aims to raise productivity and reduce
dependency on inputs from capital and labor. One
of the important solutions is to raise industrial
productivity, where there will be greater adoption
of automation and upgrading of skills. The role of
industrial associations will also be further
strengthened to deal with global competition
through smart partnerships with other industrial
associations in target export markets [14].
Automation and robotic industry in Malaysia has
been implemented since 1983 by ex-prime minister
Tun Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad when he
introduced the national car manufacturer, Proton,
that was first established as the sole national car
company until the advent of Perodua in 1993 .
Despite the long involvement of automation and
robotic in manufacturing, the idea of Industry 4.0 in
Malaysia is mostly influenced by foreign companies
such as KUKA and ABB. Very large manufacturing
companies and multinational groups already
consider this topic as very important. Small and
medium enterprises (SME) do not yet appear to
consider industry 4.0 to be of great relevance to
them, although these companies are most likely to
be the big winners from the shift. SME companies
are often able to implement the digital
transformation more rapidly because they can
develop and implement new IT structure from
scratch more easily. Very large manufacturing
companies and
142 Mohd Aiman Kamarul Bahrin et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78: 6-13 (2016)

multinational groups, by contrast, have more reduced error rates. Data from sensors can be used
complexity to deal with in terms of their existing, to monitor every piece produced rather than using
organically grown structures. sampling to detect errors, and error-correcting
Malaysian government agencies have come up with machinery can adjust production processes in real
several initiatives to encourage the adoption of latest time. This data can also be collected and analyzed
technology to local industry. The Malaysian Industry- using 'big data' techniques to identify and solve
Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) is small ongoing problems. The rise in quality plays an
introduced to address the country’s needs in response important role in reducing costs and hence
to the effects of globalization and trade liberalization on increasing competitiveness. According to [18], the
future economic growth through the accelerated use of top 100 European manufacturers could save the
high technology. Under this initiative, programs and costs of scrapping or reworking defective products if
activities will include building strategic partnerships they could eliminate all defects.
and alliances, technology acquisition and nurturing, Productivity can also increase through various
capacity building as well as strengthening the growth of Industry 4.0 effects. By using advanced analytics in
these sectors through policy interventions and flagship predictive maintenance programs, manufacturing
programs. Malaysia aims to be at the forefront of the companies can avoid machine failures on the
next generation of advances in science and technology factory floor and results in downtime cut and
through the newly set-up Global Malaysia-Korea increase production. Some companies will be able to
Robotics Collaboration and Development Program set up 'lights out' factories where automated robots
where both parties have agreed to exchange robot continue production without light or heat after the
human capital development programs, to undertake staff has gone home. Human workers can be used
robot standardization cooperation, to launch robot more effectively, for those tasks which are really
exhibition and international cooperation [15]. MIMOS, important.
which is Malaysia's national R&D centre in ICT, are It is easier to make money today with fewer
doing collaboration with China on research and workers rather than a quarter of a century ago. In a
development on smart manufacturing technology [16]. book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution handed to
each of the delegates at World Economic Forum
Therefore, the development of automation and [13], Schwab compares Detroit in 1990 with Silicon
robotic industry has the potential to lead Malaysia Valley in 2014. In 1990 the three biggest companies
towards industry 4.0 through key initiatives by in Detroit had a market capitalization of $36 billion,
government and industry player alike. revenues of $250 billion and 1.2 million employees.
In 2014, the three biggest companies in Silicon
Valley had a considerably higher market
capitalization ($1.09 trillion) generated roughly the
7.0 IMPACT OF ROBOTIC INDUSTRY 4.0 same revenues ($247 billion) but with about 10
times fewer employees (137,000). Robotic in
The conceptual Industry 4.0 have a high impact and Industrial application has substantial economic
wide range of change to manufacturing processes, impact where increasing of productivity can drive
outcomes and business models. It allows mass economic growth. A recent study estimates that
customization, increase of productivity, flexibility these benefits will have contributed as much as 78
and speed of production and improvement on billion euros to the German GDP by the year 2025
quality product. This mass customization will allow [2].
the production of small lots even as small as single
unique items due to the ability of rapidly configure
machines to adapt to customer-supplied
specifications and additive manufacturing. This 8.0 CONCLUSION
flexibility also encourages innovation, since
prototypes or new products can be produced quickly This paper reviews the concept trend of robotic
without complicated re- tooling or setup of new technology in Industry 4.0 or a similar idea. Since
production lines. Thus it can produce one product the advent of Information and communication
and many variants, with a decrease in inventory by technologies (ICT), economies of countries around
using Industry 4.0 technologies [8]. The speed with the world increases dramatically as companies can
which a product can be produced also improved compete on a global scale to grab the opportunity
where digital designs and virtual modelling of that presents. German intends to become the
manufacturing process reduce the time between the leading market for Industry 4.0 solutions lead the
design of a product and its delivery. In Germany, industry 4.0 revolution since 2011 to materialize its
data-driven supply chains can speed up the high-tech vision so that many of the company,
manufacturing process by an estimated 120% in organization and researcher take this opportunity to
terms of time needed to deliver orders and by 70% advance their knowledge and technology. The fourth
for the time to get products to market [17]. industrial Revolution will be based on cyber-physical
Integrating product development with digital and systems, the Internet of Things and Internet of
physical production has been associated with large Service. More companies and nations are joining the
improvements in product quality and significantly movement with different approach so as to be
competitive in order to benefit from the productivity
and economic gains it provides. Although industry
4.0 covers a very wide
143 Mohd Aiman Kamarul Bahrin et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78: 6-13 (2016)

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