Autocompete: A Framework For Machine Learning Competitions: Icml 2015 Automl Workshop
Autocompete: A Framework For Machine Learning Competitions: Icml 2015 Automl Workshop
Autocompete: A Framework For Machine Learning Competitions: Icml 2015 Automl Workshop
In this paper, we propose AutoCompete, a highly automated machine learning framework
for tackling machine learning competitions. This framework has been learned by us, vali-
dated and improved over a period of more than two years by participating in online machine
learning competitions. It aims at minimizing human interference required to build a first
useful predictive model and to assess the practical difficulty of a given machine learning
challenge. The proposed system helps in identifying data types, choosing a machine learn-
ing model, tuning hyper-parameters, avoiding over-fitting and optimization for a provided
evaluation metric. We also observe that the proposed system produces better (or compa-
rable) results with less runtime as compared to other approaches.
Keywords: auto-machine learning, predictive modelling
1. Introduction
In the industry, business analysts are usually not concerned with the algorithms, feature
selection, feature engineering or selection of appropriate hyperparameters. All they want
is a fast track to a highly accurate predictive model which they can apply with minimum
knowledge and effort on their problems and datasets. To satisfy this need, many one-click
machine learning platforms have emerged that specifically target those users. Platforms such
as Google Predict and BigML take the dataset as input from the end user and provide them
with a predictive model for the dataset and a web service to consume it but that is beyond
the scope of this paper.
In machine learning research, this topic has arrived under the umbrella term AutoML
that subsumes and integrates disjunct areas of research such as identification of the problem
(classification/regression, identifying the type of data, types of features and selection of
features). Besides connecting these areas, AutoML also offers the possibility to delve into
meta-learning where generalization from one dataset would tell which approaches can also
be applied successfully on similar datasets.
We propose a system that automates a lot of the classical machine learning cycle and
tries to build a predictive model without (or with a very little) human interference.
With the advent of various popular machine learning competition platforms such as
CodaLab (Codalab), Kaggle (Kaggle), DrivenData (DrivenData), etc., it is now easy to
gather a broad set of distinct datasets with different features that represent real-world
machine learning problems. Our hypothesis is that, an AutoCompete framework to ease
the life of a business user should be able to benefit from the learnings of a human expert
on a large enough set of ML competitions at least in the form of codified knowledge.
c 2015 A. Thakur & A. Krohn-Grimberghe.
Thakur Krohn-Grimberghe
Figure 1: Number of participants v/s rank obtained in various machine learning competi-
tions (log scaled). Only the data for Kaggle is shown here.
We use this knowledge to train the AutoCompete system tackle different types of
datasets. The system has been trained from knowledge acquired over a period of more
than two years and more than 100 machine learning competitions. Figure 1 shows the per-
formance of our human expert supported by earlier versions of this framework in selected
machine learning competitions. It is to be noted that the good performance is obtained
as a result of both the human expert and the AutoCompete framework. The framework
was developed over time and new pipelines were added according to the requirement of the
datasets seen by the human expert.
This paper is divided into five sections. Section 2 discusses our approach to Auto-
Compete. In section 3 we discuss the main components of the proposed AutoCompete
framework followed by section 4 which discusses results on standard datasets and compari-
son with other such systems. Section 5 gives the conclusion and future work along with the
feasibility of such a system.
2. Base Framework
As most competition datasets follow this layout, our current AutoCompete system works
only with datasets in tabular format. Such a dataset can be defined as a set X and a vector
y, where, every row in X represents a sample and every corresponding row in y is the label
(or output feature) of that sample. Every column of X is an input feature. The proposed
system is presently unable to deal with datasets in other formats. If such a dataset is
encountered, a human expert is invited to convert the format which can then be used for
predictive modelling using the proposed AutoCompete system.
The most important components of the proposed AutoCompete system, as depicted in
Figure 2 are the ML Model Selector and Hyper-parameter Selector. In addition to these,
there is a data splitter, data type identifier, feature stacker, decomposition tools and feature
Once a tabular data is fed into the AutoCompete system, the very first step taken by it is
splitting the dataset into training and validation sets. If a classification task is encountered,
the dataset is split in a stratified manner, such that both the training and validation set
have the same distribution of labels. The validation set is always kept separate from any
transformations being used on the training set and is not touched at any point in the
All the transformations on the training set are saved and then applied on the valida-
tion set in the end. This ensures that the system is not over-fitting and the models thus
produced as a result of the AutoCompete pipeline generalize on unseen datasets. Once the
splitting is done, the type of features are identified. The data types for every feature can be
supplied by the user. However, if the manually specified data types are not available, the
system distinguishes between different features on its own by applying basic heuristics. For
example, if text dataset is encountered, AutoCompete system will deploy natural language
processing based algorithms and text transformers. For others, data type is identified and
appropriate transformations are used. Each transformation is then fed through a feature se-
lection mechanism which in turn sends the selected features and the transformation pipeline
through model selector and hyper-parameter selector. The transformation and the model
with the best performance is used in the end.
Thakur Krohn-Grimberghe
Figure 2: Base framework of the proposed system. Pink lines represent the most common
path followed.
The next section describes the most important components of the AutoCompete sys-
tem in greater detail and also the strategy used for selection of models and tuning hyper-
3. Components of AutoCompete
The Dataset component of the AutoCompete framework receives the data from user in a
tabular form. The data is splitted into training and validation set using the Splitter compo-
nent. Various identifiers then identify the type of data and pass it to different pipelines and
preprocessing steps. At every stage, the dataset is sent to ML Model Selector for model
selection and evaluation. The Stacker takes the different types of preprocessed features
and stacks them into one dataset for further decomposition and feature selection. Feature
selection is also performed on the original dataset. The final output is the best pipeline
with highest score or lowest loss in the evaluation.
Two major components of the proposed AutoCompete framework are the ML Model
Selector and Hyper-parameter Selector, as highlighted in Figure 2. Table 1 shows the differ-
ent classification and regression algorithms currently used by the AutoCompete framework.
In addition to the modules specified in Table 1, we also introduce bagging and boosting for
different models for improved performance at a later stage.
Classification Regression
Random Forest Random Forest
Gradient Boosting Gradient Boosting
Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
Ridge Classifier Ridge
Naive Bayes Lasso
SVM Support Vector Regression
Nearest Neighbors Linear Regressor
Table 1: Classification and regression modules present in the current AutoCompete frame-
We propose two different selectors for selection of model and the corresponding hyper-
parameters: (a) random search, (b) grid-search on a given parameter space. For both
random search and grid search a parameter space is specified in the AutoCompete module
according to different types of datasets encountered in the past.
For example, in case of a text dataset, the modules selected are Term Frequency -
Inverse Document Frequency followed by a decomposition method such as Singular Value
Decomposition. After the decomposition process, the models Random Forest (Breiman,
2001) and Support Vector Machines (Burges, 1998) are selected for initial results. To make
the system fast, we tune only certain hyper-parameters and have a specified search space
for these parameters. In case the Random Forest module is selected, we limit our search
to number of estimators, minimum number of samples at each split and maximum number
of features to be used by each estimator. Similarly, in case of SVMs, the kernel is fixed to
radial basis function (rbf) and only the penalty parameter and gamma (kernel coefficient)
is tuned.
It is observed that even though we limit our system to tuning only certain parameters,
we get results comparable to systems like hyperopt (Komer et al., 2014) (these results have
been discussed in the Experiments section) and also the results are obtained faster.
4. Experiments
We tested our framework on standard datasets such as MNIST (Lecun and Cortes), newsgroup-
20 (Lang), adult dataset, smartphone dataset for human activity prediction (Anguita et al.,
2012) and housing dataset. These five datasets selected differ a lot from each other in terms
of the number of variables, kind of data, machine learning task type to be applied and selec-
tion of evaluation metrics. They, thus, form a nice benchmark that can be used to develop
Thakur Krohn-Grimberghe
other AutoML algorithms and frameworks on. Table 2 shows the different parameters for
the datasets used.
Results on adult dataset with a much smaller number of variables are presented first. For
a small dataset like this one, AutoCompete selects a few fast models and then optimizes the
hyper-parameters for the model with highest area under the ROC curve. AUC is chosen as
the evaluation metric since the labels are skewed and a threshold on predicted probabilities
will be more intuitive than classification accuracy.
Figure 3 shows the models which were evaluated and their performance on the Adult
dataset. The selected model with a grid based hyper-parameters for small dataset gives an
AUC of 0.88.
Figure 3: ROC AUC for different model evaluations on the Adult dataset.
For MNIST, the parameters were chosen using both random search and grid search.
A pipeline with PCA was selected with Random Forest as the model as prior information
about the type of data is available to us. The accuracy on the test dataset was reported
to be 0.96. Current framework is limited to 30 minutes of wall time and models are not
evaluated further if this limit is reached.
In case of Newsgroups-20 dataset, the AutoCompete framework takes less than 10 min-
utes of wall time to beat hyperopts results (Komer et al., 2014). The pipeline chosen in
this case was a text transformer (TF-IDF) and logistic regression.
The next two datasets, we tested AutoCompete framework on were the smartphone
dataset and housing dataset. The smartphone dataset is a classification dataset and housing
dataset on the other hand is a regression dataset. Smartphone dataset consists of 561
variables and all of them are numeric and housing dataset consists of 14 attributes which
are a mixture of categorical, integers and real numbers. The selected pipeline and scores
obtained on evaluation for all the datasets are shown in Table 5.
We also used AutoCompete in the AutoML Challenge. For the challenge, the Auto-
Compete system did not require any human interference. We ranked 2nd in the Phase0 of
the competition. Since the AutoML phase required python code submission, which is still
under development for AutoCompete, we did not participate in that phase. This will be
incorporated and AutoCompete will be used in all the upcoming phases of the AutoML
challenge. The results are shown in Figure 4.
Thakur Krohn-Grimberghe
All the computations were performed on a laptop with 4th gen Intel Core i7-4650U
Processor (3.3 GHz, 4M Cache) and 16 GB RAM without any GPU power.
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