Статья, Забродский О.С.
Статья, Забродский О.С.
Статья, Забродский О.С.
2. Elements of novelty:
- New soft with graphical interface as a part of company’s financial system.
Picture 1. Regression
Application: some of the most popular applications of Linear regression algorithm
are in financial portfolio prediction, salary forecasting, real estate predictions and
in traffic in arriving at ETAs. Software flowchart
In this book, a team led by world-renowned software economics expert Dr. Barry Boehm
demonstrates breakthrough techniques for creating software cost estimates and schedules
you can actually depend upon. Using Boehm's COCOMO II model and new MBASE
approach, it's possible to finally predict when software will be delivered, what it will cost
-- and that it will actually meet the needs of its users. Thanks to this book, I learned how
to use COCOMO model in software estimation
Machine Learning by Tom M. Mitchell is a fitting book for getting started with machine
learning. It offers a comprehensive overview of machine learning theorems with
pseudocode summaries of the respective algorithms. The Machine Learning book is full
of examples and case studies to ease a reader’s effort for learning and grasping ml
algorithms. If you wish to start your career in machine learning, then this book is a must-
have. Thanks to a well-explained narrative, a thorough explanation of ml basics, and
project-oriented homework assignments, the book on machine learning is a suitable
candidate to be included in any machine learning course or program. This book describes
in detail the problems that engineers face when creating automatic control systems and
methods of analytical design of autopilots for different classes of aircraft based on the
functionality of generalized work.
Through a series of recent breakthroughs, deep learning has boosted the entire field of
machine learning. Now, even programmers who know close to nothing about this
technology can use simple, efficient tools to implement programs capable of learning
from data. This practical book shows you how.
Reliability requirements:
cross-platform support