Rationale For Instruction: Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

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Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

Group Members/Group Name: _____Julia Richter and JD Robinson

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: ___ American Revolution/ The Struggle for Power/ 5th Grade_
Group Wiki/Weebly space address: _______________________________________________________
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: __ ______Lesson 3: The Struggle for Power
Lesson Length (ie. 30 minutes): __ _____60 Minutes_______

Rationale for Instruction As life in the colonies continued to thrive, the citizens of the colonies began to realize the amount of
A rationale is an essential part of control that the British had over them. Students will learn about some of the key events that created the
thoughtful planning of classroom
instruction. This is a brief written rift between the British and those living in the colonies such as the increasing of taxes which lead to the
statement of the purpose for instruction Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, the creation of the Townsend and Intolerable Act and eventually the
and the connection of the purpose to First Continental Congress.
instruction that has come before and will
NCSS Theme/Next NCSS Theme: Time, Continuity and Change
Generation Sunshine State NGSSS:
Standards/Common Core SS.5.A.4.4 Demonstrate an understanding of political, economic, and social aspects of daily colonial life
Standards (LAFS/MAFS) in the thirteen colonies.
List each standard that will be addressed SS.5.A.5.1 Identify and explain significant events leading up to the American Revolution.
during the lesson. Cutting and pasting
from the website is allowed. You must SS.5.A.5.2 Identify significant individuals and groups who played a role in the American Revolution.
have a minimum of 3 standards that Common Core:
represent multiple content areas identified CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.3
in this portion of the lesson plan.
Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a
These can be downloaded from the historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.
Florida Dept of Education
Learning Objectives Students will be able to explain what the causes were for friction between the British and the colonists.
What will students know and be able to Students will be able to describe the events that were caused by the friction.
do at the end of this lesson? Be sure to set
significant (related to NGSS Themes, Students will be able to explain what political actions were taken to counteract the British Rule.
CCSS, and NGSSS), challenging,
measurable and appropriate learning

Modified 5/15 Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

Social Studies Lesson Plan Template
Student Activities & Instructional Input and Procedures:
Procedures 1. I will begin the lesson by posing the question have you ever had to do something against your
Design for Instruction will; that you did not want to do? I will then explain that this is what was happening to the
What best practice strategies will be colonist. We will discuss how they think the colonists feel about the British and vice versa.
implemented? ESOL: Write question on the whiteboard or display on the overhead.
How will you communicate student
2. Students will be selected to read portions of The Struggle for Power Article that is displayed on
What products will be developed and the overhead. As we read through the article we will stop and talk about the integrated
created by students? vocabulary when necessary.
Consider Contextual Factors (learning ESOL: students will be provided with a handout of the article to follow along with.
differences/learning environment) that
may be in place in your classroom.
3. After reading the article students will complete the Struggle for Power Comprehension question
worksheet. After students are given tome to complete to worksheet we will go over the answers
together and discuss any questions that students may have.
ESOL: Allow for verbal answers and/or reading questions aloud to student.
4. Students will construct an interactive timeline that maps out the causes and event that lead to the
beginning of the Revolutionary war.
ESOL: Allow for student to work in small groups to complete timeline.
5. Students will complete vocabulary quiz part 2.
ESOL: Students will be provided with additional time to complete the quiz, and/or provided with
a modified vocabulary quiz.
Assessment Students will be assessed by completing the :
How will student learning be assessed? Struggle for Power Comprehension Questions
Authentic/Alternative assessments? Revolutionary War Interactive Timeline
Does your assessment align with your Vocabulary Quiz part 2
objectives, standards and procedures?
Informal assessment (multiple modes):
participation rubrics, journal entries,
collaborative planning/presentation
Resources/Materials Materials:
Struggle for Power Comprehension Questions Worksheet
Interactive timeline handouts
Vocabulary Quiz handout

Write question on the whiteboard or display on the overhead.

Exceptionalities Students will be provided with a handout of the article to follow along with.
What accommodations or modifications Allow for verbal answers and/or reading questions aloud to student.
do you make for ESOL, Gifted/Talented
Modified 5/15 Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding
Social Studies Lesson Plan Template
students, Learning/Reading disabilities, Allow for student to work in small groups to complete timeline.
Students will be provided with additional time to complete the quiz, and/or provided with a modified
These accommodations and/or vocabulary quiz.
modifications should be listed within the
procedures section of the lesson plan as
well as in this section of the document.

Additional Comments and Make comments here related to ideas for homework, parent involvement, extension to the lesson plan, etc.

Modified 5/15 Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

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