Par Lesson Plan
Par Lesson Plan
Par Lesson Plan
Learning Objectives/Goals
Resources and Materials (List of materials used in the planning/delivery of the lesson)
Use APA citations for TEXT or other literary elements.
The Boston Tea Party. (2009, November 24). Retrieved October 19, 2020, from
The Boston Tea Party (article). (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2020, from
Google doc paper printed out for students to fill out individually and projector for computer
copy of class KWL chart.
Articles printed out for them with highlighters or pens to jot down thoughts.
Computer for the teacher in order to access the article and in order to play the video to relate to the
context of the article in which they are reading
P-Preparation Phase
Students will individually do a Know, Want to Know, Learned (KWL) chart in which they will fill
out what they know before they go through the lesson in order to let the teacher assess the
background knowledge of the students and in seeing what questions they have before moving
forward. Students will read the article about the Boston Tea Party and the Constitutional
Convention and then students will move forward with the What I want to know section
individually. Students will come together and fill out a KWL chart as a class to evaluate what the
students know as a whole by filling out the Know and What I Want to know section on the class
Students will fill out 5-10 things they know about the start of the American Revolution in
the Know section of the chart and the teacher will create a KWL chart for the whole
class, and fill in 10 items in the Know section together as a whole.
Students will take time to go over the article and watch the video on the Boston Tea
Party and then will move on to the next section of the KWL chart.
Students will individually fill out 5 questions that they have in the Want to Know section
of the chart in order to ask questions and fill out what they want to get out of the lesson
before exploring further into the content. Once the class is finished individually
students will come together and decide as a class 5-10 questions that they have about
the start of the American Revolution.
A-Assistance Phase
Students will use reciprocal teaching strategy in order to find their thoughts and their
understanding through notes written on the sides of their articles per paragraph. Students will
be introduced to the concept of the Boston Tea Party and the Tea Act from British Parliament.
Students will read the first part of the article and then summarize the beginning few
paragraphs in the article and then will predict what will happen in the next few sections
of the article. For each section there will be a repeat of predictions and summarizations.
If there are questions or clarification that is needed, then there will be time to ask
questions and have a clarification on certain issues.
After doing the first few paragraphs students will continue the model in the reciprocal
teaching through leading the next section themselves with students trying to answer
questions and if there is need for clarification the students are leading the clarification.
R-Reflection Phase
Students will use the Think-Pair-Share strategy through going through the second article from
the History channel website and through going over the Learned section of their KWL charts
and through the Class KWL chart.
Students will read through the second article and then think about the questions below:
o How did their leader react to the Tea Act of 1773?
o Which trade company smuggled tea into the country?
o In your own opinion did the British rule overreact to the Tea Party rebellion?
Once students have answered the questions from the board, they will then figure out
any questions that they have from the article and write them down. Students will work
together in pairs to discuss what they have gained from the article and go over all the
questions they have together.
Students will come together and discuss as a class what they have learned in order to
fill in the Learned section of the class KWL and to discuss as a class what they have
learned from the articles and the video by the end of the week.
These strategies were chosen in order to give students a variety of ways to learn with their
peers and have more of student taught information versus just teacher directed. These
strategies assess what students know coming into the class for prior knowledge, help students
engage with the reading that they will receive in class while also answering questions through
the first article, and finally students will share what they know by answering questions and
discussing what they learned both individually and as a class. This allows the teacher to see a
progression of knowledge through answering their own questions, and through discussion on
what they have been able to gain knowledge about.
Students will have a chance to reenact the Boston Tea Party from the Sons of Liberty and the
British response to those involved in the rebellion, and how they handled the colonies. This will
be a formative assessment based on the accuracy of the content that they present in the
reenactment, and it will give the class an interactive aspect for the kinesthetic learners a chance
to have a hands-on learning event. Along with that it will give students a new perspective of
what they are learning about in the sense of “experiencing it for themselves”.
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and language differences, etc.
P-Place (setting)
Students will also be able to go to the library or group together in order to research
more about the Boston Tea Party, the response of the British and the American
Revolution as it developed.
Students will be allowed to move around and interact with each other during the
reenactment in order to get more information as they have researched about the Boston
Tea Party.
A-Amount (time/materials)
Students will be given more time on the KWL chart in order to fill it out and for the time
it will take them to read the articles and if needed or preferred computer access to fill
out the KWL chart.
Students will also be given more time to come up with questions and will have more
visuals open to them if needed to better help them understand the content.
Students will also be given the opportunity to use voice over or video equipment to
fulfill their part for the reenactment.
R-Rate (frequency)
If the students know the content well then, they will continue on the path that is set in
the syllabus, and if the need an extra day it will be allowed in order to have the most
accurate information possible.
If there is more instruction needed for the students to grasp the concept or speak with
each other through the think-pair-share activity, then they will be given more time.
T-Targets (objectives)
I-Instruction (strategies)
C-Curriculum (resources)
Students will be given the opportunity to use highlighters or footnotes on the articles
that they read.
Students will also have the availability to re-watch the videos or go back over the
articles that they have in class
U-Utensils (media/tools)
Students can use a video for their part of the reenactment if they have trouble with
public speaking
Students can also use technology such as writing out their assignment of the KWL
o Students will also not be required to come up with as many questions if needed
and will also have the opportunity to respond to one less question in the
assistance phase of learning.
Students will receive more focused text versus fluff in the text, and level of reading
comprehension can be lowered in order for students to have a firmer grasp on text.
Students will also have one full article and half of the other article in order to meet the
needs of the student in the comprehension of reading.
Students will have more access to videos if need to gain more comprehension.
A-Assistance (scaffolding)
Students will be able to have a read aloud the articles for group discussion or for
classroom discussion
Students will be put into pairs or small groups in order to go over the articles and in
order to go over the KWL charts.
R-Response (evidence)
Students will be required to have a part in the reenactment and will have to fulfill the
KWL chart with less information put on it in order to meet the needs of the students.