ANT 3133 (Abridged Somatosphere)
ANT 3133 (Abridged Somatosphere)
ANT 3133 (Abridged Somatosphere)
Medical Anthropology
Ari Gandsman
Winter 2017
Paper 1 20 % February 1
Midterm 20 % February 15
January 9
Introduction to the Course
Topics: The scope of Medical Anthropology - four stages in the
development of the sub-discipline
January 11
Proto-medical anthropology
Topics: Rationality debates and the logic of witchcraft
Reading Due: Evans-Pritchard, E.E. The Notion of Witchcraft Explains
Unfortunate Events. (online reading)
January 16
Medical systems
Topics: Internalizing and externalizing medical systems; Chinese
Traditional Medicine;
January 18
Healing efficacy of symbols and rituals
Topics: Sorcery, shamanism, and magic
January 23
Medical Pluralism in a Globalised World
Topics covered: Patterns of resort, efficacy, and the problem of belief;
The question of Culture Bound Syndromes
January 25
Traditional Medicines
The assumptions of biomedicine, biomedicine vs. traditional medicine;
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Reading Due: Biss (pages 98 163)
January 30
Culture Bound Syndromes
Reading Due:
Hikikomori: the Postmodern Hermits of Japan. Flavio Rizzo. Warscapes.
June 14, 2016. (online reading)
February 6
Biomedicine and the Definition of Normality
February 8
The Mind, Self, and Mental Illness, Topics: Mind/Body dichotomy,
embodiment, placebo effect;
February 13
Social Determinants of Health and Illness
Topics: Health disparities; illness and inequalities; social epidemiology
Reading Due: Holmes, Introduction, Worth Risking Your Life? and Two,
We Are Field Workers: Embodied Anthropology of Migration
February 15
Study Week
February 20 24
February 27
Race, Eugenics and Populations
Topics: Urbanization; migration; demographic transitions
March 1
Biomedicine and the Clinical Encounter
Topics: clinical gaze; power; social suffering; symbolic violence
March 6
Medical Humanitarianism
Topics: health and human rights, health interventions
March 8
Introducing the Body, Sex, and Gender
Topics Covered: Body; Embodiment; Social and Biological Constructions
of Sex and Gender
March 13
Phamarceutical Revolutions
Topics: pharmaceuticals, neuroenhancement
March 20
Biological Citizenship
Topics: Human experimentation; laboratories; markets; social
relationships; clinical trials
March 22
Medicalization and Risk
Topics: Anthropology of Biomedicine
March 27
Death and Dying
Topics: brain death; end of life issues
Reading Due:
Kaufman, Sharon. 2000. In the Shadow of "Death with Dignity":
Medicine and Cultural Quandaries of the Vegetative State. American
Anthropologist 102(1): 69-83.
March 29
Organ Transplantation
Topics: Commodification of the Human Body and Its Parts
Reading Due:
Sharp, Lesley. 2001 Commodified Kin: Death, Mourning, and Competing
Claims on the Bodies of Organ Donors in the United States. American
Anthropologist 103(1):112-133.
April 3
Reproduction and Kinship
Topics: New reproductive technologies; fetal imagery; surrogacy;
Reading Due:
Inhorn, Marcia. 2003. Global Infertility and the Globalization of New
Reproductive Technologies: Illustrations from Egypt. Social Science and
Medicine 56:1837-1851
April 5
Genetic and Postgenomic Futures
Topics: Genetic discrimination; genetic testing; biological reductionism;
Reading Due:
Konrad, Monica. 2003. Predictive genetic testing and the making of the
pre-symptomatic person: prognostic moralities amongst Huntingtons-
affected families. Anthropology & Medicine 10:23-49.
Holmes, Seth. 2013. Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the
United States. University of California Press.
Quinones, Sam. 2015. Dreamland: the true tale of Americas opiate epidemic.
Bloomsbury Press.