May 2017
May 2017
May 2017
The choir has been working hard Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am, a book study of The Book Of
learning several new songs to Joy, an account of a week-long discussion between
debut this spring at our SPRING Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama. Led by
CONCERT! Please join us on Susanne Way.
6:30pm. Our choir concerts are
always a fun-filled evening with
songs for everyone to enjoy. The
Prader Willi residents come and Mission & Outreach
we always try to have a few surprises in store for them. Tell
your friends and bring a bunch of them! We hope to see Singing Bowl FOR MAY...
you there. Loose change offering will go toward
research and education at the Alzheimers
Association of SE Wisconsin.
Order SCRIP May 7th
Wouldnt your mom or your wife love a MISSIONS OF EMMANUEL
nice gift card for Mothers Day so she
can splurge on a shopping trip or enjoy Family Promise
a nice lunch out with friends? Dont THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who helped with
forget Confirmation gifts, Graduation gifts and your our Family Promise host week. We appreciate every one
monthly expenses for groceries, gas, etc. etc. Ordering of you. Our program wouldnt work without your faithful
SCRIP on May 7th can take care of most things on your list! help.
The cards will be delivered the following Sunday, May
Two new programs have been evolving at Family
A family support group has been organized called
Alumni Moving Ahead. This is for families who have
May 7th will be a GREAT day to invite completed the Family Promise program and wish to meet
your friends to attend church with together for fellowship and to share resources. Volunteers
you...its the Sunday Schools premier are needed for childcare, food donations, and teaching
of their latest movie about Moses. opportunities.
Everyone loves to see kids in action- Coming together to get ahead is a new program
our Facebook posts that involve the organized by St. Vincent de Paul. They need mentors who
kiddos get great responses. will work one-on-one with individuals to assist them on
Another popular event is the upcoming Spring Choir their journey out of poverty.
Concert on Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30 PM. This would Contact Sue Stelling, 262-965-3498 or Charlotte Voigt,
be a great way to introduce those friends who are shy 262-646-2701 if you have an interest in either of these
about attending a church service! groups.
May 14 we are going to learn about the mothers of the May will be our last regular meeting until September. We
Bible. will get together in June and July for luncheon outings.
Our annual picnic will be Tuesday, August 8 th at noon in
May 21 is the last day of Sunday school celebration!! fellowship hall. Potluck & bingo (bring a white elephant
prize- wrapped). At the August picnic we will also discuss
THANK YOU to all of the Christian Ed Team and Teaching plans for the August 26th Rummage Sale.
Staff for another great Sunday School year! Have a great
Spring Renewal DONATE BLOOD
Monday, May 15
For believers, spring has the added 1:30-6:30PM
benefit of reminding us that Gods
all about renewal. In fact, Jesus
Dousman Community Center
promised to make everything new
one day (Revelation 21:5 NIV). In
the meantime, He gives us glimpses
of coming attractions through spring.
Spring is a time for growth. In nature, that comes
from the right combination of sunlight and water. For our
spiritual lives, it comes from the right combination of time
with God in Gods Word and time with other Christians in
fellowship. The alternative is to be chaff that blows away
and comes to nothing.
The need for an adequate blood supply is ongoing. Your
Everybody needs forgiveness. We need God to appear donations are what supply all of our local hospitals. A
and let us know that were back on track with our number of our members have in the past or are currently
Creator. Gods ready to give us that kind of healing. We benefiting from the availability of donated blood
just have to turn back to God. products.
The Christian life is a balancing act between working like Please consider taking an hour out of your day on May
everything depends on you and trusting like everything 15th to give a unit of blood. You may make an
depends on God. God will send the rains you need, but appointment online at or by
youve also got to do your part by working the harvest. calling Carole at 262-965-2384.
Youre never too old to learn a little more about God and
Gods goodness. Just like rain provides nourishment to the
plants, Gods Word reaches into our hearts and shows us
things that we never would have imagined. BLUE JEAN SUNDAY...
Gods in the renovation business, taking whats old and Please sign up to help with the
broken down and transforming it into something highway or yard clean up on
incredible. If youve got an area of your life that needs May 21st!!
some renewal, Gods more than ready to meet you
where you are.
Lawn mowing...
Take a look at the flowers and plants blooming around
please speak to Tom Stelling to help him keep the church
you. They didnt worry their way to awesomeness. And
lawn mowed this year!
you cant either. God cares about you, so let God carry
your worries and fears (1 Peter 5:7 NIV).
Whether its a long walk on a sunny day or splashing
through puddles during an unexpected shower, soak up PRECIOUS METALS RECYCLING
the blessings of spring. Let the sights, sounds and smells of Keep those bags of cans coming!
a new season bring something new to life in you. Place your aluminum cans and other
Excerpt from precious metals (brass, copper etc.) in
verses-to-renew-your-spirit-this-spring bags outside the garage. THANK YOU!
*Total income of $13,850.49 includes designated funds Our Caregivers: Jeannie Phelan, Ann Carpenter,
for: Judy Stanek and Ken & Fran Pike.
Singing Bowl 128.48
WI Conference Offerings 886.89
SCRIP sales 820.00
Campital Campaign 345.00 ADDRESS CHANGES...
Please direct questions or comments to Jeanne Phelan
(414-940-4464) or Kathy Zebrowski (262-646-8882). Virginia Galloway
400 N. Main Street
Room Woods 45A
Dementia Caregivers Support Groups Dousman, WI 53118
Council and others are meeting monthly via Skype with Carol Howard Merritt, the facilitator
who is working with us on church growth this year. We are currently working on defining who
we are as a church and how we want to be recognized and marketed in the community.
Slogans and logos are being discussed. If you want to be part of the discussion you can
attend the monthly Skype meetings, listen to the updates being presented via Mission
Moments on Sundays, submit ideas for a slogan or logo AND vote when the time comes.
Voting will take place once we feel weve received all of your ideas and have had a
chance to ponder everything! EVERYONE must be part of the growth process, so feel free to
jump in!
Worship & Nursery Care 9:30 AM
each Sunday
Sunday School meets during worship after the Time
With the Young Disciples (through May 21)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
8 AM Council Skype 6 PM Choir rehearsal Adult Fellowship: time 10:30 AM Book 10 AM Prader-Willi
Meeting and location TBA Discussion Group Walk-a-thon in
Spring Choir
HOLY COMMUNION Concert 6:30 PM 11 AM Memorial
COFFEE HOUR Service for Katie
Place SCRIP orders Siegel (visitation
Food Pantry Sunday
CLEAN THE CHURCH begins at 10 AM)
11 AM Council Mtg.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 PM PFLAG mtg. NEWSLETTER 10:30 AM Book Pastor Nansi
DEADLINE Discussion Group
leaves on
Mothers Day vacation
1:30-6:30 PM Donate 4-7 PM Prader-Willi
blood at the Dousman An Evening at the returning May 28
Community Center Mansion
6 PM Choir rehearsal