May 2017

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The Messenger

Emmanuel United Church of Christ

36821 Sunset Drive Oconomowoc, WI 53066
PO Box 216 Dousman, WI 53118 May 2017
Rev. Nansi Hawkins, Pastor Worship Schedule
(262) 965-2429
May 7
Church School Epic: MOSES!
Prayers for the Honeyager, Horne &
Jarrett families
Holy Communion
8-9am- Church Growth
discussion with Carol Howard
a Lunch Bunch in elementary school? (Dick Food Pantry Sunday; Order
swears up and down that she was, but SCRIP
neither Cait nor I can remember any such Coffee Hour after worship
thing.) What is true, what might be true, what 11am- Council
do we need to be true to be the people we Wed: Choirs Spring Concert,
are today? 6:30 PM!!
Sat: 10 AM Prader-Willi Walk; 11
That young womans words hover around
me: If I cant remember my life, what is the AM Memorial Service for Katie
point of living it? I think of our friends with Siegel at Emmanuel; 10-11
dementia, sometimes remembering the far visitation.
DO YOU REMEMBER? past, but sometimes not. Losing the names of
Dick and I were just updating our wills- the people weve lived with for the past 60
making sure that all our dots are dotted years, but knowing that they are really, really May 14 Acts 2:42-47
and our ts are crossed, and everyone nice. Is our life invalid if we cant remember Life Together
who wants something gets something. it?
Prayers for the Kinney, Kramer &
Weve been giving special things away for Krantz families
a couple of years now- a set of family I think that remembrance is one of the
chimes to one son; a rocking chair to reasons God gave us to each other. We Mothers Day!
another; a West Point uniform to our eldest remember for each other, and fill in each Baptism of Mira Elizabeth Laur
daughter; pictures to our youngest others gaps. Sisters and brothers and old Wed: Prader-Willi An Evening at
daughter. We digitalized all our family friends gather together over the years, and
the Mansion 4-7 PM
photos , and sent them to all our relatives, help create each others past. Do you
so that what we have will be given to all remember when Theres a song called
who want it. Because memories are The Dutchman about an old man with
dementia whose wife, Margaret, brings him
May 21
important, and pictures and things carry
home when he wanders the wharves talking Guest Preacher: Jeanne Phelan
memories within them.
to people he thinks he knows. Long ago, I Prayers for the Lang, Langreder &
They carry the memories within them as used to be a young man, the refrain goes, Lashley families
prods, but they are not the memories and dear Margaret remembers that for
me. Blue Jean Sunday: yard & highway
themselves. I was listening to NPR this clean-up- PLEASE VOLUNTEER!
week, hearing a young woman in her
twenties saying how she carried 12 big Old photos and mementos are wonderful;
boxes of her diaries and photos that but the greatest gift to our memory are the
shed saved since she was five years old. people we have gathered around us over May 28 Matthew 5:38-48
the years, to whom we can say, Do you
She played a tape of herself in 2010,
comparing the prices of one beer to Prayers for the Laur, Leonard &
another, because, who knows? in 2035 Logemann families
knowing the variable beer prices in 2010 In Christs love,
might be useful. One thing she said struck Pastor Hawkins Memorial Sunday: remembering
me: If I cant remember my life, what is those who lost their lives in service
the point of living it? to country or community (please
give Donna names of those you
Is that true, or not? It seems like our minds would like remembered)
winnow and hone our memories to
create a past. Did I actually beat my
older sister up when I was 10 and she was
16? (Yes! And I still relish it, pacifist that I
now am!) Was our daughter Cait part of
May Committees THE WEEKEND OF MAY 13-14
Communion Preparation for May 7: Julia Starbuck
Communion Assistants: Ashley Bonestroo & Stephen
Coffee Hour Committee for May7: Kris Davidson, Nancie May 13- Katie Siegels Memorial
Gryske, Debbie Morgan, Jo & John Quaden, Julia Service:
Starbuck, Fran Szymkowski Katie Siegel
Cleaning the church in May: Auk Bearda, Kris Davidson & passed away
Nancie Gryske on March 24.
A service to remember her life will be
Scripture held at Emmanuel on Saturday, May
Greeters Ushers Readers 13. Visitation will begin at 10:00 AM
7 Sharon Carol Pfalz/ Mark until the time of the service at 11:00
Logemann Charlotte Voigt Thompson AM. The family invites you to a time of
14 Kris Davidson Fran & Ken Pike Megan sharing and fellowship following the
Alaimo service at Rosattis, 1288 N Summit Ave. , Oconomowoc.
21 Kinney Family Linda Berlin/ Bill Welch We remember and miss the kind, funny, and mischievous
Sharon Logemann woman who brought smiles to us all!
28 Julia Starbuck Kris Davidson/ Gary
Donna Newland Phelps Katie was raised above her parent's flower shop in
Milwaukee, and worked there throughout her youth. She
went to school with a mischievous troublemaker named
Bill, whose antics drew her like a moth to a flame. She
dated other, more respectable young men- but it was
Bill's spirit and humor that made her want to spend her life
with him. They married in Milwaukee on March 6, 1955,
and their first of 3 kids (Elizabeth, Bill Jr and John) was
born a year and a half later. In 1963, they moved to
Rhinelander where Katie worked as both mother and
BIRTHDAYS teacher's aide. Fortunately, she loved children! They
joined First Congregational UCC in Rhinelander where Bill
Evelyn Faircloth 2 Sarah Honeyager 19 was a deacon ("the bad boy who ran the service when
the pastor was gone!) In 1983, Katie and Bill became
Becky Bensing 3 Elliot Langreder 23
snowbirds in Florida- winters in the sand, and summers on
Nick Stenson 6 Kris Davidson 25 the lake in the cabin they built up north. They moved
Chris Teerlinck 9 Loey Erickson 26 back to Wisconsin in 2008 because of Bill's failing health.
Michael Doering 11 Vera Ortmann 28 She and Bill joined Emmanuel Aug. 22, 2008. Katie's
Gail Tamez 17 Ann Carpenter 30 delights (other than her family and Adult Fellowship) were
antiquing, decorating, old movies, and her beloved cat,

Kris & Dick 2 Don Boychuk & 24

Davidson Robert Zondag May 14- Mira Laurs baptism, 9:30AM:
Peggy & Pete 17 Pat & Mike Doering 24 Mira is bright and happy, and infinitely
Hazelberg interested in everything: the perfect
Terese Leonhard & 20 Fran & Ken Pike 26 Mothers Day gift! Mira is the precious
Mike Birch daughter of Melanie & Mike.
Kristen Voskuil & 21 Carol & John Pfalz 31
Adam Brandes

June 4- New friends have an opportunity to

join Emmanuel on PENTECOST!
If youd like to become a member of
Emmanuel, contact Pastor Hawkins When I took the leap, I had faith I would
965-2429 or find a net;
instead I learned to fly.

John Calvi, 1994

Here are TWO opportunities to learn more about PWS and support our
PWS community!
Sign up in the gathering area or online to:
1. be on the Walk-a-thon Team
2. make a monetary donation
Online information is available at
Speak to Melanie Laur if you have questions.

Another opportunity to get educated and step back in time...

An Evening at the Mansion
Wed., May 10th 4-7 PM
Col. Gustave Pabst Ventnor Mansion
36100 Genesee Lake Road

The choir has been working hard Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am, a book study of The Book Of
learning several new songs to Joy, an account of a week-long discussion between
debut this spring at our SPRING Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama. Led by
CONCERT! Please join us on Susanne Way.
6:30pm. Our choir concerts are
always a fun-filled evening with
songs for everyone to enjoy. The
Prader Willi residents come and Mission & Outreach
we always try to have a few surprises in store for them. Tell
your friends and bring a bunch of them! We hope to see Singing Bowl FOR MAY...
you there. Loose change offering will go toward
research and education at the Alzheimers
Association of SE Wisconsin.
Order SCRIP May 7th
Wouldnt your mom or your wife love a MISSIONS OF EMMANUEL
nice gift card for Mothers Day so she
can splurge on a shopping trip or enjoy Family Promise
a nice lunch out with friends? Dont THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who helped with
forget Confirmation gifts, Graduation gifts and your our Family Promise host week. We appreciate every one
monthly expenses for groceries, gas, etc. etc. Ordering of you. Our program wouldnt work without your faithful
SCRIP on May 7th can take care of most things on your list! help.
The cards will be delivered the following Sunday, May
Two new programs have been evolving at Family
A family support group has been organized called
Alumni Moving Ahead. This is for families who have
May 7th will be a GREAT day to invite completed the Family Promise program and wish to meet
your friends to attend church with together for fellowship and to share resources. Volunteers
you...its the Sunday Schools premier are needed for childcare, food donations, and teaching
of their latest movie about Moses. opportunities.
Everyone loves to see kids in action- Coming together to get ahead is a new program
our Facebook posts that involve the organized by St. Vincent de Paul. They need mentors who
kiddos get great responses. will work one-on-one with individuals to assist them on
Another popular event is the upcoming Spring Choir their journey out of poverty.
Concert on Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30 PM. This would Contact Sue Stelling, 262-965-3498 or Charlotte Voigt,
be a great way to introduce those friends who are shy 262-646-2701 if you have an interest in either of these
about attending a church service! groups.

Christian Education Adult Fellowship News....

SUNDAY SCHOOL The next Adult Fellowship meeting will be Tuesday, May
9th. Ann Carpenter and Julia Starbuck will be the
May 7th is the Sunday School movie premiere of hostesses. We hope to be able to hold this meeting at
Legacy Assisted Living in Pewaukee so that we can be
"The Journey of Moses"
with Marian Pike; however, those plans are tentative right
during 9:30 AM Worship!!
now. We will be in touch with the Adult Fellowship
Bring your friends!! members once we know for sure.

May 14 we are going to learn about the mothers of the May will be our last regular meeting until September. We
Bible. will get together in June and July for luncheon outings.
Our annual picnic will be Tuesday, August 8 th at noon in
May 21 is the last day of Sunday school celebration!! fellowship hall. Potluck & bingo (bring a white elephant
prize- wrapped). At the August picnic we will also discuss
THANK YOU to all of the Christian Ed Team and Teaching plans for the August 26th Rummage Sale.
Staff for another great Sunday School year! Have a great
Spring Renewal DONATE BLOOD
Monday, May 15
For believers, spring has the added 1:30-6:30PM
benefit of reminding us that Gods
all about renewal. In fact, Jesus
Dousman Community Center
promised to make everything new
one day (Revelation 21:5 NIV). In
the meantime, He gives us glimpses
of coming attractions through spring.
Spring is a time for growth. In nature, that comes
from the right combination of sunlight and water. For our
spiritual lives, it comes from the right combination of time
with God in Gods Word and time with other Christians in
fellowship. The alternative is to be chaff that blows away
and comes to nothing.
The need for an adequate blood supply is ongoing. Your
Everybody needs forgiveness. We need God to appear donations are what supply all of our local hospitals. A
and let us know that were back on track with our number of our members have in the past or are currently
Creator. Gods ready to give us that kind of healing. We benefiting from the availability of donated blood
just have to turn back to God. products.
The Christian life is a balancing act between working like Please consider taking an hour out of your day on May
everything depends on you and trusting like everything 15th to give a unit of blood. You may make an
depends on God. God will send the rains you need, but appointment online at or by
youve also got to do your part by working the harvest. calling Carole at 262-965-2384.
Youre never too old to learn a little more about God and
Gods goodness. Just like rain provides nourishment to the
plants, Gods Word reaches into our hearts and shows us
things that we never would have imagined. BLUE JEAN SUNDAY...
Gods in the renovation business, taking whats old and Please sign up to help with the
broken down and transforming it into something highway or yard clean up on
incredible. If youve got an area of your life that needs May 21st!!
some renewal, Gods more than ready to meet you
where you are.
Lawn mowing...
Take a look at the flowers and plants blooming around
please speak to Tom Stelling to help him keep the church
you. They didnt worry their way to awesomeness. And
lawn mowed this year!
you cant either. God cares about you, so let God carry
your worries and fears (1 Peter 5:7 NIV).
Whether its a long walk on a sunny day or splashing
through puddles during an unexpected shower, soak up PRECIOUS METALS RECYCLING
the blessings of spring. Let the sights, sounds and smells of Keep those bags of cans coming!
a new season bring something new to life in you. Place your aluminum cans and other
Excerpt from precious metals (brass, copper etc.) in
verses-to-renew-your-spirit-this-spring bags outside the garage. THANK YOU!

Have you LIKED Emmanuels FB page?

By doing this, information posted will
appear on your timeline. You can help
our church become better known by
Everyone in the hitting the SHARE button when you see Emmanuel posts.
Emmanuel Family email Share to your own timeline and this will enable all of your
group gets the newsletter FB friends to see our posts, thus increasing our visibility! The
electronically. If you would prefer to get ONLY the more people will know about our Like and
electronic version and not the paper version, please Share away!!
contact Donna, or 262-965-
4022. Does Facebook scare you? We will provide instruction on
the safe use of Facebook (proper privacy settings, etc.),
how to Like and Share Emmanuels posts and answer
any questions you may have. Speak to Peggy Hazelberg
if you would like to take advantage of this service.
Blue Jean Sunday
May 21st after Worship
PLEASE sign up to help with spring
clean-up of the yard or highway
Treasurers Report March 2017 Barbara and her brother-in-law, Connie; Charlotte Voigts
sister, Marguerite; Rev. Dick Hawkins brother-in-law,
Total Pledges received for March 2017 9,728.11 Arthur; Steve Thompsons brother, Wayne; Pastor Nansis
Total Pledges received in March last year 10,209.00 friend Bonnie.
Total Income for March 2017 *13,850.49
Total Expense for March 2017 15,868.76 Those in need of healing: Caitlin Hawkins who is
Checking account balance as of 3-31-17 1,356.48 recovering from surgery.

*Total income of $13,850.49 includes designated funds Our Caregivers: Jeannie Phelan, Ann Carpenter,
for: Judy Stanek and Ken & Fran Pike.
Singing Bowl 128.48
WI Conference Offerings 886.89
SCRIP sales 820.00
Campital Campaign 345.00 ADDRESS CHANGES...
Please direct questions or comments to Jeanne Phelan
(414-940-4464) or Kathy Zebrowski (262-646-8882). Virginia Galloway
400 N. Main Street
Room Woods 45A
Dementia Caregivers Support Groups Dousman, WI 53118

1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month

10:00-11:30 AM Marian Pike
Shorehaven Center for Life Enrichment Legacy Assisted Living
1306 W. Wisconsin Avenue Marian Pike Room 124
Oconomowoc N26W26511 College Avenue
Contract Pamela Thomas for more information: 262-560- Pewaukee, WI 53072-3517
6915 If you would like to visit, Legacy is on the Southeast corner
of G & SS (Meadowbrook and College) in Pewaukee the
1st Wednesday of each month directions are
6:30-8:00 PM
St. Jerome Catholic Church (Parish Conference Room) I94 east to Exit # 291 G & TT. Go North on G
995 S. Silver Lake Street (Meadowbrook Road) to College (SS). Turn Right on
Oconomowoc College and Legacy is the first drive on right.
Contacts: Brenda Stieber 262-569-9027 and Mary Ellen
Pankow 262-567-9612 or

Hwy 18 east, turn left on Hwy TT (Meadowbrook) and

travel north over I94 to College and Legacy is again the
Keeping in touch first drive on the right.
If anyone does not have transportation or prefers not to
THANK YOU make the drive, Marians son, Ken will give you a ride. You
Francine Langlais, Ron Blaschuk, Sue & can contact him at 262-965-3226.
Tom Stelling, Charlotte Voigt and the students
from Genesee Lake School for cleaning the
church in April.
Our volunteers who delivered the Dousman Home
Looking forward to JUNE
Meals in April: Sue Stelling, Shirlene Hazelberg, Auk Worship each Sunday at 9:30am
Bearda, Kathy Zebrowski, Sharon Logemann, Francine
Sun. 4 PENTECOST / Holy Communion
Langlais & Ron Blaschuk and Charlotte Voigt. Tentative Covenanting Service
Everyone who donated candy and eggs for our Easter Special Offering for Strengthen the
Egg Hunt. Church Mission
Pete Hazelberg, Gary Phelps & Jim Langreder for Bring RED geraniums to decorate the
coordinating the sanctuary projector project. Sanctuary!
Everyone who volunteered during our Family Promise Food Pantry Sunday
host week in April. Place SCRIP orders
Th-Sun 8-11 Annual Meeting of the WI Conference
M-F 12- Emmanuel delivers the Dousman Area
Ongoing Prayers: Marian Pike, Virginia 16 Home Meals
Galloway, Terry Skiba, Jeanette Collins, Sun. 18 Fathers Day
Elizabeth Scherper, Judy & Ferd Stanek, Ann & Mon. 26 Nansi leaves on vacation returning July 2
Bill Carpenter; Gregg Jarrett; Erin Harmann;
those dealing with cancer: Charlotte Voigt, Jan Wilson,
Laurie Bucketts niece, Sharon; Jeannie Phelans sister,
THANK YOU to all who made our Easter Service wonderful & energetic... Pastor Nansi,
Jim Langreder, John Pfalz, our Choir and our Praise Band. Also thank you to the Worship Arts
Team and everyone who provided flowers for the beautiful floral display. It was a great

Council and others are meeting monthly via Skype with Carol Howard Merritt, the facilitator
who is working with us on church growth this year. We are currently working on defining who
we are as a church and how we want to be recognized and marketed in the community.
Slogans and logos are being discussed. If you want to be part of the discussion you can
attend the monthly Skype meetings, listen to the updates being presented via Mission
Moments on Sundays, submit ideas for a slogan or logo AND vote when the time comes.
Voting will take place once we feel weve received all of your ideas and have had a
chance to ponder everything! EVERYONE must be part of the growth process, so feel free to
jump in!
Worship & Nursery Care 9:30 AM
each Sunday
Sunday School meets during worship after the Time
With the Young Disciples (through May 21)


1 2 3 4 5 6
6 PM Choir rehearsal 10:30 AM Book
Discussion Group

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
8 AM Council Skype 6 PM Choir rehearsal Adult Fellowship: time 10:30 AM Book 10 AM Prader-Willi
Meeting and location TBA Discussion Group Walk-a-thon in
Spring Choir
HOLY COMMUNION Concert 6:30 PM 11 AM Memorial
COFFEE HOUR Service for Katie
Place SCRIP orders Siegel (visitation
Food Pantry Sunday
CLEAN THE CHURCH begins at 10 AM)
11 AM Council Mtg.

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 PM PFLAG mtg. NEWSLETTER 10:30 AM Book Pastor Nansi
DEADLINE Discussion Group
leaves on
Mothers Day vacation
1:30-6:30 PM Donate 4-7 PM Prader-Willi
blood at the Dousman An Evening at the returning May 28
Community Center Mansion

6 PM Choir rehearsal

Emmanuel delivers the Dousman Area Home Meals

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Guest Preacher: 6 PM Choir rehearsal 10:30 AM Book
Jeanne Phelan Discussion Group

Final day of Sunday

School until

10:45 AM Blue Jean

Sunday: Highway &
28 29 30 31
Memorial Sunday: 10:30 AM Book
remembering Discussion Group
those who lost
their lives in
service to country
or community

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