Hearindiana Opinionleaders Brochure Final

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Hear Indiana

4740 Kingsway Drive, Suite 33

Indianapolis, IN 46205
Phone: 317-828-0211
We help children
reach Hear Indianas Speech
milestones Language Pathology
and Audiology Team
can help
What we offer:
Help families receive financial support
for hearing aids, cochlear implants, Lindsey Shine,
FM systems, earmolds, etc. Audiologist
Auditory brainstem
Online directory of outside resources, response testing
Thousands of programs, and materials. Hearing evaluations from
parents have to birth to age 21
Summer camp designed specifically Hearing aid programming
have difficult for children who are deaf and hard of and dispensing
and confusing hearing who listen and speak. Cochlear implant mapping

conversations Kaleigh Calisto,

Early intervention
Some things to know: School-age therapy (on
Up to 90% of families now choose site)
spoken language for their deaf Speech and language
children. evaluations
Early amplification can aid a childs recommendations
development in hearing and speech -
options are available! Naomi Horton,
Children who have Executive Director
For example, the average child has early intervention are Earned Masters Degree
heard 46 million words by the age
of four. If a child only wears hearing
more likely to achieve in Speech Language
aids for four hours a day, it will take age appropriate Opened Horton Hears
six years to learn what a typical child language skills. LLC (a speech therapy
will hear in one year.
center) in 2003

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