Curr Eval CKL
Curr Eval CKL
Curr Eval CKL
3/1/07 1
142 Training Center
Curriculum Evaluation Checklist
Req. Action Comments
Yes No (Returned to center, disapproved, etc.)
6. Does the curriculum provide for training in aircraft only without the use of advanced
flight training equipment (FTD level 6 and 7 or simulator)?
7. Does the curriculum identify what versions (MMS) of the aircraft the training covers
(perhaps S/N limitations)?
8. Does curriculum include training in all of the equipment installed on the training devices
(FTDs & Simulators) that will be used during training (MMS, S/N, installed equipment,
mod status, etc.) ?
3/1/07 2
142 Training Center
Curriculum Evaluation Checklist
Req. Action Comments
Yes No (Returned to center, disapproved, etc.)
4. For aircraft capable of operating over 25,000 feet, does the curriculum require
compliance with 61.31?
3/1/07 3
142 Training Center
Curriculum Evaluation Checklist
Req. Action Comments
Yes No (Returned to center, disapproved, etc.)
Aircraft performance and flight planning
Flight manual/operating manual
Adverse weather operations
RVSM (incl. equipment failure avionics)
Wind shear (generic or aircraft specific, incl. aircraft equipment)
Aircraft servicing
Other FAA required training areas not in the test standard
4. Does a curriculum that provides for airman certification or proficiency contain all of
the required aircraft systems ground training?
5. Is each ATA aircraft system appropriate to the aircraft described in a separate
(Section D continued)
7. Does a core curriculum that provides for airman certification or proficiency contain
all required ground training for systems integration training (SIT)?
Cockpit familiarization
3/1/07 4
142 Training Center
Curriculum Evaluation Checklist
Req. Action Comments
Yes No (Returned to center, disapproved, etc.)
Normal procedures checklist and systems checks
Standard operating procedures
Abnormal and emergency procedures checklist
8. Does the curriculum contain/count training time accomplished after the completion
of GOS, AS, and SIT as ground training?
9. Is simulator brief/debrief time incorrectly counted toward the ground training hours?
10. Does the curriculum contain training in GPS/FMS appropriate to equipment in the
center or in the simulator?
11. Is training included on any equipment not at the training center?
10. Does the curriculum incorrectly contain terminology that indicates training in that
element or topic is variable or optional (terminology such as as may be required by
or listed in AFM, As applicable, or as required may be waived, generic term
other systems and procedures, as appropriate)?
11. Does the curriculum contain training in CRM?
(Section D continued)
SECTION D. Does the curriculum contain a section that describes the ground
training that will be given? (continued)
12. Does the curriculum contain provision for the use of an actual aircraft for preflight
inspection when an aircraft will be used in conjunction with advanced flight training
equipment for airman qualification?
13. Does the curriculum contain an approved home study/distance learning
modules/elements and are the topics covered by home study clearly identified?
13-1. If authorized do the approved modules/elements comply with the terms of their
approval and is there is there an evaluation of the home study/distance learning
subjects prior to course entry (verified and tested)?
14. Does curriculum contain time in the programmed training hours for the end of
3/1/07 5
142 Training Center
Curriculum Evaluation Checklist
Req. Action Comments
Yes No (Returned to center, disapproved, etc.)
course test or check?
15. Does curriculum contain the ability to complete the curriculum in less time than
required by the curriculum?
16. Does curriculum require satisfactory completion of all ground training prior to the
start of flight training?
17. Are written tests used to determine ground training completion standards and if so
is the minimum pass grade 80 percent?
17-1. If the airman does not get 80 percent, what happens?
17-2. Are there multiple tests for retesting?
17-3. Does the center have a review process to ensure incorrect answers are corrected
before continuing to the next phase of training?
18. Does the training day exceed 8 hours? (A maximum of 10 minutes for each hour of
training may be counted in the 8 hour day. Lunch break may not be counted in the
19. Are written tests provided for each lesson or system?
20. Is the primary content of the ground training based aircraft specific systems?
SECTION E. Does the curriculum contain a section that describes the
flight training that will be given?
1. Does the curriculum contain a detailed list of programmed training hours?
2. Does the curriculum contain programmed training hours for each pilot that is less
than minimum training hours established by Part 61 and/or FAA Order 8400.10?
3. Does the curriculum contain any training in operations outside the operational
authority, such as approach and landing below established minimums?
4. Does the curriculum contain for each flight training equipment session specific
maneuvers and procedures to be accomplished during the session?
5. Does the curriculum contain no more than one session permitted for unstructured
practice or review prior to testing?
3/1/07 6
142 Training Center
Curriculum Evaluation Checklist
Req. Action Comments
Yes No (Returned to center, disapproved, etc.)
6. Does the curriculum contain a LOFT period for all curriculums that are designed for
100% simulator qualification (I.E an actual aircraft training/testing is not specified
by the curriculum) ?
7. Does the curriculum appropriately identify training and the demonstration of single-
pilot competence if the aircraft is type certificated for single-pilot operations?
8. Does the curriculum contain all maneuvers and procedures specified by the PTS and
associated AFM ?
9. Does the curriculum correctly identify the specific types of approaches that will be
accomplished durring each training period?
Comment: Is unacceptable to use generic terminology such as non-precision
approach or precesion approach. The specific type of approaches to be practiced
and subsequently evaluated must be referenced.
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142 Training Center
Curriculum Evaluation Checklist
3/1/07 8