Instrument Commercial

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Instrument Rating FAA Airman Knowledge Test Guide Instrument Rating Exams

Intended to supplement instructor-led ground training, the test guide contains:

• Sample FAA knowledge test questions, with correct answers, explanations,
GROUND This package includes:
• Three stage exams that correspond to the stages of training specified in
and study references. the Instrument Rating course of the Instrument/Commercial Syllabus.
• Questions organized by topics that correlate with the instrument chapters of • An End of Course Exam that provides final preparation for the Instrument
the Guided Flight Discovery Instrument/Commercial textbook. Rating Airman Knowledge Test.
• Full-color figures identical to the figures on the FAA test.
Commercial Pilot Exams
Commercial Pilot FAA Airman Knowledge Test Guide This package includes:
Intended to supplement instructor-led ground training, the test guide contains: • Three stage exams that correspond to the stages of training specified in the Commercial
• Sample FAA knowledge test questions, with correct answers, explanations, Pilot course and Multi-Engine course of the Instrument/Commercial Syllabus.
and study references. • An End of Course Exam that provides final preparation for the Commercial
• Questions organized by topics that correlate with the commercial chapters of Pilot Airman Knowledge Test and an End of Course Exam for the Multi-Engine course.
the Guided Flight Discovery Instrument/Commercial textbook.
• Full-color figures identical to the figures on the FAA test.
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Instrument/Commercial Textbook Contact us:
The textbook is your primary source for initial study and review and contains:
• Complete and concise explanations of instrument and commercial
concepts and procedures.
• Hundreds of graphics and photos enhanced by unique design techniques. Instrument Rating ― Airplane Airman Certification
• Subjects organized in a logical manner to build upon previously introduced Standards
topics. This reprint of the FAA ACS provides:
• Discovery Insets that expand on subjects in each chapter. • The areas of operation and tasks that are
• Summary Checklists, Key Terms, and Questions designed to help you Instrument/Commercial Syllabus evaluated on the instrument rating practical test.
review and prepare for both the knowledge and practical tests. The syllabus provides the framework for Part 141 and Part 61 • The references, objective, knowledge, risk
ground and flight training and includes: management, and skills that apply to each task.
• Concurrent or separate enrollments in the instrument
rating course and the commercial pilot certification course. Commercial Pilot ― Airplane Airman Certification
• Single-engine training with complex airplane and Standards
technically advanced airplane (TAA) options and This reprint of the FAA ACS provides:
multi-engine training. • The areas of operation and tasks that are
GUIDED FLIGHT DISCOVERY • Lesson references for the GFD Instrument/Commercial evaluated on the commercial pilot practical test.
• The references, objective, knowledge, risk
INSTRUMENT textbook and Instrument Rating and Commercial Pilot
online courses. management, and skills that apply to each task.

COMMERCIAL • An appendix with tables that depict how the objectives and
tasks listed in the ground and flight training lessons
correspond to the aeronautical knowledge and flight tasks
required by Part 141, Part 61, and the FAA Instrument
Rating ACS and Commercial Pilot ACS.
Instrument Procedures Guide
Designed as a technical reference to enhance your knowledge of
instrument procedures and the IFR environment, this guide
Instrument/Commercial Textbook • Content for instrument-rated pilots who are pursuing pilot
In addition to containing aeronautical knowledge subject areas, the textbook careers and professional pilots who use Jeppesen
includes innovative graphics and step-by-step procedure descriptions of instrument charts.
instrument procedures and commercial maneuvers to help you effectively • An overview of the latest equipment, facilities, and
prepare for flight lessons. services for IFR operations in the National Airspace
System (NAS).
Instrument/Commercial Pilot Record Folder • Expanded and detailed coverage of Jeppesen instrument
The record folder enables you to document student progress for the
Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, and Multi-Engine courses, including:
FLIGHT charts and of instrument procedures during all phases of
flight under IFR including takeoff and departure, enroute,
• Ground lessons and stage exams―date completed, total hours, arrival, and approach.
and student grades. • IFR safety topics such as runway incursion, land and hold
• Flight lessons and flight checks―flight time logged, maneuvers short operations (LAHSO), and controlled flight into terrain (CFIT).
and procedures performed, and student grades. • A chapter that provides guidelines for helicopter IFR operations.

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