Case Report: Matin Ghazizade, Mahboobe Asadi and Pouyan Darbani

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Mahboobe Asadi et al: Hypoplasia of the maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinus www.jrmds.


Case Report

Hypoplasia of the maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinus in the patient

with nasopharyngeal branchial cyst: Case Report
Matin Ghazizade, Mahboobe Asadi and Pouyan Darbani

Faculty of medicine, Department of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery, ShahidBeheshti University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Received on: 18/10/216

Accepted on: 8/12/2016


Cystic lesions of the nasopharynx are typically benign and often found incidentally. The authors report a case of
nasopharyngeal branchial cyst in a patient with hypoplastic maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinuses. The patient
underwent transnasal endoscopic resection of the cyst.Results showed that in the management of nasopharyngeal
branchial cyst it is important to clarify the anatomic details of the paranasal sinuses with Computed tomography (CT)
scan respect to correct diagnosis and appropriate surgical planning. Nasopharyngeal branchial cysts and paranasal
sinus hypoplasia may have the same developmental cause.

Keywords: Hypoplasia, branchial cyst, maxillary, sphenoid, frontal sinus.

was cystic in its consistency.It was compressible with

INTRODUCTION no extension in to the nose and oropharynx.
Otological examination showed normal appearance
Cystic lesions of the nasopharynxusually found tympanic membrane with no middle ear effusion.
casually [1].There is no specific microscopic feature The paranasal sinus CT scans showed a well-
that conclusively identifies them. However, the circumscribed low-density mass 1 cm in diameter in
specific site in the nasopharynx can provide helpful the nasopharynx at the right side and normal-
clues[2].Cysts arising from the nasopharynxmay be appearing nasal septum and conchae. The notable
midline or lateral based on their natural origin[3]. finding wasbilateral hypoplasia ofmaxillary, frontal and
Differing from Tornwaldt cysts, nasopharyngeal sphenoid sinuses (Figure1). The patient underwent
branchialcysts present laterally and arise from the transnasal endoscopic resection of the mass
fossa of Rosenmuller and may track superiorly within .Histopathology revealed a squamous lined epithelial
the bony confines of the Eustachian tube wall with lymphoid aggregation, which confirmed
[4].Embryogenic cysts of the pharyngeal bursa and branchial cleft cyst.It has had no evidence of
Rathke's pouch are usually located in the midline [2]. recurrence for 1 years following surgery (Figure 2).

The second branchial cleft accounts for 95% of
A 35-year-old male was referred because of snoring, branchial anomalies [5]. They can be termed cyst,
mouth breathing and intermittentright side nasal sinus and fistula according to maintain their
obstruction since childhood. Nasal endoscopy connection with skin or pharynx. Cyst is the most
revealed a well-circumscribed mass in the commonamong such abnormalities. It almost always
nasopharynx. The submucosal mass located in the present as a neck mass along with the anterior border
right side of nasopharynx. It was attached to the of sternocleidomastoidmuscle [6]. Nasopharyngeal
lateral nasopharyngeal wall. On palpation, the mass branchialcysts are uncommon. They are mostly

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Mahboobe Asadi et al: Hypoplasia of the maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinus

asymptomatic and infrequently found during routine additional cause of midline acquired nasopharyngeal
endoscopies and imaging studies. Rarely they maybe cysts.Branchiogenic cysts are the most common
the source for unexplained sinonasal symptoms, such cause of lateral nasopharyngeal cysts [8]. They have
as CSF rhinorrhea, visual disturbances and nasal been reported in only a limited number of
obstruction [7]. literatures.Mucus retention cysts and Oncocytic cysts
(Warthin's tumor) are additional rare causes of
The most common midline nasopharyngeal cysts are acquired lateral nasopharyngeal cysts [9].
mucus retention cysts. They are distinguished from
Tornwaldt cysts in that they originate superficial to the
pharyngobasilar fascia. Intra-adenoid cysts are an

Figure 1: bilateral hypoplasia of maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses

Figure 2: No evidence of recurrence for 1 years surgery

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Mahboobe Asadi et al: Hypoplasia of the maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinus

The association between nasopharyngeal consideration is necessary. Because both conditions

branchialcysts with paranasalsinus hypoplasia is an are rare diagnose requirement,a larger long-term
interesting finding in these patients. Hypoplasia of the study will be useful to assess this attitude.
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involved The frontal and sphenoid sinuses [10- REFERENCES
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