Changing How You Manage Change

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Organizational Effectiveness

Changing How You Manage Change


Change is all around us, increasing in velocity and driven Michael Haid
by myriad external, internal, evolutionary and revolutionary
forces. The need to change how we manage change has
never been more critical. For organizations as much as for
individuals, change begins with desire. Whether in their work-
place or their personal lives, people will never successfully
negotiate change unless they are truly open to it. They have
to be genuinely committed. For this reason, change manage-
ment has traditionally focused on shaping the attitudes of
leaders and employees. It has become something of a cliché
to speak of the need to build an agile workforce, ready to
embrace change with gusto whenever required.
It is equally common, however, to acknowledge the challenges of building “Whether in their work-
such workforce agility. In a Right Management poll of senior human resource
professionals conducted in 2009, 75% of respondents indicated that their place or their personal
organization’s employees were either unable to adapt to change without lives, people will never
placing engagement and productivity at risk or somewhat able to adapt, but
not without suffering a decline in morale. Leaders must continue to focus on successfully negotiate
attitudes, but effective change management requires more: a holistic approach change unless they are
in which leaders concentrate on self-management and relationship building,
as well as on the attitudes of employees. truly open to it. ”
The Context: Four Complicating Trends
What is the most significant
In certain ways, change doesn’t change. Our research indicates that the single change your organization
will face in the next six
most significant change faced by organizations in the next six months contin-
ues to be restructuring, with the introduction of new leadership and the advent
of a new merger or acquisition placing a distant second and third, respectively.
Organizations are dynamic and evolving; therefore, they are always managing
change events.
Yet workplaces today are subject to long-term trends that are fundamentally
altering the way that work gets done and complicating management of more 13% 51%
recognizable change events, such as a restructuring. Leaders may find manag-
ing restructurings and other examples of acute change challenging precisely
because their response fails to account for these underlying long-term shifts in
the world of work.
Right Management has identified four key connected trends:
Answers Percentage
1. Demographic change involving the retirement of large segments of the  rganizational

workforce over relatively short periods of time is leading to an increasing ■ ew leadership.........................................20%
skills’ shortage and mismatch between talent and job requirements.

 ew product launch..............................10%
2. A workforce consisting of individuals drawn from four different generations  ew technology...........................................6%

is introducing an increasingly diverse set of motivators and preferences

Source: Right Management online poll of 427
into the workplace. Especially where sought-after skills and talent are at human resource professionals conducted in
March 2010.
stake, organizations will have to work harder to meet individual needs and
expectations in a one-size-fits-one world.

3. New technology that facilitates unfiltered communication via wide online

networks is dramatically increasing the transparency of work arrangements
and supporting new, more coordinated and collaborative ways of working.
At the least, this new transparency is placing an organization’s talent
practices under greater scrutiny.

4. Sophisticated talent management is becoming an increasing priority

in many workplaces as organizations that face mounting competitive
pressures seek greater productivity from, and returns on, talent.

It doesn’t require much reflection to see how such trends are complicating
attempts to manage change by addressing attitudes alone. How do you shape
a change-ready workforce when it consists of individuals whose needs and
expectations may differ widely and even conflict? How do you build support
for change when change may disrupt the more connected and collaborative
ways of working enabled by the new technology, or when that new technol-
ogy becomes the conduit for the uncontrolled dissemination of information
that may be inaccurate? How do you win over highly skilled and/or talented
employees who may have no difficulty finding a new position in a job market
characterized by shortages and mismatches? How willingly will employees
adapt to change if change strains the organization’s capacity for sophisticated
talent management?

The Solution: A Three-Dimensional Approach About the Author
Michael Haid, Senior Vice President for
Self-Management. The key to managing relationships essential to the effec- Global Solutions, oversees the firm’s
tive implemention of change is self-management. Leaders must evince the Talent Assessment solutions portfolio,
attitudes, behaviors and actions that win trust and confidence. So before any responsible for designing global,
change is undertaken, they would be well-advised to evaluate their readiness scalable individual, team and organiza-
to lead change. Do they have sufficient self-awareness? Do they have the self- tional assessment solutions delivered
control and the self-assurance? How adaptable are they themselves to change? to meet critical and emerging business
How aware are they of the impression they make on others? How capable are needs. Michael has more than 15 years
of extensive consulting and leadership
they of maintaining their composure in response to the inevitable strains and
experience in the areas of selection,
pressures associated with change? For leaders, the road to successful change assessment and leadership development.
begins with the self. Once they have developed a clear view of their own
strengths and weaknesses—preferably by means of a formal, validated assess- About Right Management
ment process—they will be able to address potential derailers and lead change Right Management ( is the
with confidence. talent and career management expert
within Manpower, the global leader in
Relationship Management. As long-term world-of-work trends increas- employment services. Right Management
ingly complicate the task of managing change, new and more sophisticated helps clients win in the changing world of
approaches are required if organizations are to meet the proliferating work by designing and executing work-
challenges. For a start, leaders must place more emphasis on building strong force solutions that align talent strategy
relationships with peers, immediate reports and the broader workforce. As with business strategy. Our expertise
change looms, they must anticipate that conflicts may arise among different spans Talent Assessment, Leader Devel-
segments of the workforce, that highly skilled employees may want to leave or opment, Organizational Effectiveness,
Employee Engagement, and Workforce
that false reports may circulate via the new communications networks. From the
Transition and Outplacement. With offices
outset, leaders must clearly and consistently articulate the nature of the change in over 50 countries, Right Management
in view and its benefits not just for the organization, but also for employees. partners with companies of all sizes. More
They must assume a strong role in resolving conflicts and negotiating the than 80 percent of Fortune 500 com-
specific terms of change in order to win broad agreement. They must make panies are currently working with us to
themselves widely available to listen and respond to people’s fears and frustra- help them grow talent, reduce costs and
tions. Only then will they be able to build the trust and relationships they need accelerate performance.
to influence the organization and drive change successfully.
© Right Management 2010.
Attitudes. Influencing employees’ attitudes towards change, which is the All Rights Reserved.
conventional focus of change management, remains an essential part of the 1.800.237.4448
process. But once leaders have refined their self-management skills and built
strong relationships based on trust, they will find that their ability to shape Follow us on twitter:
attitudes is much stronger. Employees who have confidence in their leader’s
ability to lead change, who understand the advantages offered by change and
who trust that their concerns will be heard and dealt with fairly, will be willing
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to engage in change as full, committed partners. They will be more open, more
adaptable and more likely to persevere.
The picture that emerges of successful change management in an evolving
world of work involves three dimensions. A leader’s effective self-management Subscribe to Talent@Work
drives the effective management of relationships, which, in turn, drives the
development of positive workforce attitudes on which the successful implemen-
tation of change ultimately depends.

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