Journal of Materials Processing Technology: M.R. Nekouie Esfahani, J. Coupland, S. Marimuthu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology: M.R. Nekouie Esfahani, J. Coupland, S. Marimuthu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology: M.R. Nekouie Esfahani, J. Coupland, S. Marimuthu
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A three-dimensional multiphase computational uid dynamic model was developed to investigate the
Received 10 January 2015 meltpool uid dynamics, dilution and alloy composition in laser welding of low carbon steel and stainless
Received in revised form 1 May 2015 steel. Using the developed model, independent predictions on weld properties are made for a range of
Accepted 4 May 2015
laser parameters, and in all cases the results of the numerical model were found to be in close agreement
Available online 12 May 2015
with experimental observations. The investigation revealed that above certain specic point energy the
materials within the melt pool are predominantly homogenous. A minimum meltpool convention is
required in dissimilar laser welding to obtain weld bead properties suitable for industrial applications. The
Alloy concentration
present model provides a simple yet effective method to predicting the weld bead alloying concentration
Dissimilar and homogeneity encompassing wide range of materials.
Laser welding 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0924-0136/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
136 M.R.N. Esfahani et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 224 (2015) 135142
Table 1
Thermal properties of the substrate.
Table 2
Temperature dependent thermal properties of the substrate.
Based on the volume fraction values, appropriate properties are where hc is the heat transfer coefcient, T is the ambient temper-
assigned to each control volume within the domain. The tracking of ature and q(x,y) is the laser heating source given by
the interface between the phases is accomplished by the solution
of a continuity equation for the volume fraction of the secondary q (x, y) = Px,y 1 rf (8)
phases. For the secondary phase (CS) and primary phase (SS), the
where rf is the reectivity of the material and Px,y is the Gaussian
volume fraction equation has the following form:
heat ux, which is given by
Secondary Phase (2 2 ) + (2 2 v) = 0 (1) P 2r
2 t Px,y = exp (9)
rb2 rb2
Primary phase 1 = 1 2 (2)
where P is the total laser power, r is radial position within the beam
where , , t, v are volume fraction, density, time, and uid velocity and rb is the beam diameter.
vector respectively. Subscripts 1 and 2 represent the primary and The uid ow in the weld pool is driven by the combination
secondary phase, respectively. of surface tension, viscous force and buoyancy force (Phanikumar
A single momentum equation is solved throughout the domain, et al., 2001). On the top and bottom surfaces, the shear stress ()
and the resulting velocity eld is shared among the phases such caused by the variation of surface tension due to temperature dif-
that. ference is given by
(v) + (vv) = p + ( ( v)) + g Sw (3) = ST (10)
t T
where p, , and g are static pressure, molecular viscosity, gravi-
where is surface tension gradient and s T is surface temperature
tational body force. The momentum sink (Sw ) due to the reduced T
gradient. During the computation, the surface tension gradient is
porosity in the mushy zone takes the following form
expressed as a function of the surface temperature. The shear stress
2 given by Eq. (10) is applied to the momentum equations (Eq. (3)).
(1 )
Sw = v Amush (4) A variable time step method using CFL number was utilized near
3 +
the VOF interface to ensure stability and convergence of the com-
where is a small number (0.0001) to avoid division by zero in the putational process. The new time step t was estimated, such that
solid region, a default value of 105 is used as mushy zone constant the CFL equation (Eq. (11)) is satised in all the elements (Ikushima
(Amush ), and the liquid fraction is dened as: and Shibahara, 2014).
1 T > T1
t < 0.5
= (T Ts ) / (T1 Ts ) Ts T T1 (5)
0 T < Ts where d is the element size v is the norm of velocity eld in the
with Tl , the temperature of the liquid and Ts the temperature of the The mixing of materials (CS and SS) is primarily due to melt
solid. The value of , ranges between 0 and 1, dening the extent pool convection, which is inuenced by surface tension gradient,
of melting. viscous and buoyancy forces. The weld bead surface topology is
A single energy equation is solved throughout the domain. The predominantly inuenced by the direction of the melt pool move-
energy equation is written in terms of the enthalpy (H). ment (Marimuthu et al., 2013). In the CFD model, the nodes on
the free surfaces (top and bottom of the weld bead) were relo-
(H) cated according to the melt pool velocity and direction (Amara and
+ (vH) = (k T ) (6)
t Fabbro, 2010). Adaptive mesh renement was employed in the CFD
where k is the thermal conductivity and T is the temperature. simulation in order to predict and track the new surface topology at
Heat loss due to convection and radiation is considered over all every time step. A code written as user-dened functions (UDF) in
the surfaces and a Gaussian heat ux (Eq. (9)) was used as the input the C programming language was used in order to apply a heat ux
laser heat source. Heat ux input with heat loss due to convection as a transient boundary condition on the top surface of the weld
and radiation (Mazumder and Steen, 1980) is expressed as (Eq. (9)) and to track the weld bead surface prole (coordinates of
X,Y,Z points of each node in the fusion zone). The UDF was then
k T = q (x, y) hc (T T ) (7) dynamically linked with the Fluent CFD solver.
138 M.R.N. Esfahani et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 224 (2015) 135142
Fig. 3. Comparison of temperature distribution for specic point energy of: (a) 50 J, (b) 17 J, (c) 10 J.
M.R.N. Esfahani et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 224 (2015) 135142 139
Fig. 5. Comparison of Melting and solidication distribution proles for specic point energy of: (a) 50 J, (b) 17 J, (c) 10 J.
Observation of similar asymmetric behaviour was noticed in the The hump noticed for the specic point energy of 17 J (Fig. 5)
fusion zone liquid fraction and is presented in Fig. 5 (for the energies is attributed to the difference in magnitude of the velocities in
of 50 J, 17 J and 10 J). The XY views (Fig. 5) represent the liquid frac- stainless steel and low carbon steel. Although the negative surface
tion contour normal to the weld direction. As can be seen from Fig. 5, tension gradient causes an outward ow, a difference in velocity
at low specic point energy, it is predominately the stainless steel magnitudes results in hump formation at the interface of the mate-
which melts; however, with increased beam energy the melting rials. With high specic point energy (50 J) the width of the weld
rate of low carbon steel tends to be higher than stainless steel. This pool increases, which supresses hump and results in a predomi-
is attributed to the relatively low thermal conductivity of stainless nantly uniform weld bead. However, at low specic point energy
steel at initial melting stage, which results in rapid heating and fast (10 J), the melt pool on the surface ow outwards (due to negative
melting at the start of the melt pool formation (before low carbon surface tension gradient) causing a slight depression in the weld
steel reaches the melting temperature). However, higher thermal pool centre The observed trend in surface topology is consistent
conductivity of the stainless steel at high temperature results in with that reported by Mills et al. (1998) and Li et al. (2011).
a higher melting rate at high specic point energy. The increase in It is clear that the uid velocity can signicantly inuence the
thermal conductivity of stainless steel at high temperatures leads to mixing and the homogeneity of the dissimilar weld bead. The extent
an increase in temperature of low carbon steel (compared to stain- of mixing and concentration of the alloying elements depends on
less steel). It is also noted from Fig. 5, that the fusion zone surface the magnitude of surface tension driven uid ow in molten pool.
prole changes with specic point energy. The surface was almost Fig. 7 illustrates the midpoint cross-section (XY) phase eld of the
at for a high specic point energy of 50 J whereas a hump in the weld fusion zone for the specic point energy of 50 J, 17 J and 10 J,
middle of the fusion zone was noticed for a specic point energy of respectively. The phase eld is a good indication of the mixing of
17 J. This can be explained on basis of the melt pool size and ow weld metals inside the weld zone and can be used to estimate the
velocity distribution. alloying concentration and homogeneity of the weld bead (Amara
Fig. 6 shows the melt pool velocity in the midpoint cross-section and Fabbro, 2010). Increase in specic point energy results in higher
(XY) and top surface (XZ). The velocity inside the melt pool was temperature gradient at the melt pool surface. The high tempera-
driven by the surface tension gradient of the material, which again ture gradient over the weld pool results in a negative dT (surface
depends upon the surface temperature gradient and not on the tension coefcient changes over temperature) which causes an
maximum temperature. As the specic point energy increases, the intense outward ow by convection (from the centre to the weld
thermal gradient and consequent surface tension force increases periphery) that transports alloying elements from the parent metal
which result in higher uid velocity in the melt pool. The nega- into the molten pool, and consequently results in more homoge-
tive thermal gradient of the surface tension in the melt pool causes nous weld bead. As can be seen from Fig. 7, the two materials have
an outward ow (Fig. 6), which provides efcient transfer of heat undergone extensive mixing for the specic point energy of 50 J and
from the centre to the weld periphery and from the surface to weld 17 J, whereas there was minimal mixing at the low specic point
root. Relatively low uid ow velocities (0.18 m/s) are found at energy of 10 J. Similar trends are noticed in experimental obser-
low specic energy of 10J and considerably higher magnitudes of vation of micro-hardness analysis along the fusion zone, which is
velocities are noticed for a specic energies of 17 J (0.3 m/s) and 50 J shown in Fig. 8.
(0.41 m/s). Also, the maximum velocity was found in the low car- Laser welding experimentation of 1 mm stainless steel and low
bon steel due to high temperature gradients within the low carbon carbon steel were performed at specic point energy of 50 J, 17 J
steel. This increase in melt pool dynamics predominantly with the and 10 J, using a CO2 laser with a 127 mm focal length, 500 W
low carbon steel is the primary reason for an increase in the melting laser power, 2 mm exit diameter, 5 mm stand-off distance and 1 bar
rate of low carbon steel (as can be seen from Fig. 5). Argon shroud gas (Esfahani et al., 2014). The specic point energy
140 M.R.N. Esfahani et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 224 (2015) 135142
Fig. 6. Comparison of top surface velocity vector for specic point energy of: (a) 50 J, (b) 17 J, (c) 10 J.
Fig. 7. Comparison of volume fraction of stainless steel for specic point energy of: (a) 50 J, (b) 17 J, (c) 10 J.
was changed by controlling the scanning speed (Esfahani et al., and should be avoided (Baghjari and Akbari Mousavi, 2013), how-
2014). ever high magnitude of specic point energies can result in higher
As can be seen from Fig. 8, the variation of the hardness within HAZ and residual stress in weld bead. The proposed model can be
the weld bead decreases as the beam energy increases which a useful tool, in estimating the homogeneity of the dissimilar weld
suggests that the alloying element concentration in weld bead is zone, prior to the welding.
inhomogeneous for specic point energies less than 17 J. For spe- Fig. 9 shows the comparison of experimental (left side) and
cic point energies of 50 J and 17 J, the percentage variation of simulated (right side) fusion zone prole of dissimilar joint (cross-
hardness within the fusion zone is close to 5%, whereas for 10 J the section along the centre of the sample) for various specic point
percentage variation is in the range of 1516%. Variation of hard- energies. The contours of the simulated results shows the nor-
ness within the weld zone can undermine the efcacy of the joint malise dilution of the low carbon steel. Dilution is dened as the
M.R.N. Esfahani et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 224 (2015) 135142 141
Fig. 9. Comparison of experimental (left side) and simulated (right side) weld bead cross section proles for specic point energy of: (a) 50 J, (b) 17 J, (c) 10 J.
142 M.R.N. Esfahani et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 224 (2015) 135142
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