Design Brief Understanding Daylight Metrics
Design Brief Understanding Daylight Metrics
Design Brief Understanding Daylight Metrics
The dynamic nature of sunlight poses many challenges when defining and productivity benefits. The
the quantity and quality of daylighting that effectively illuminates an benefits may be fully realized if
interior space. Static and dynamic daylighting metrics have been
the design is well balanced in
developed to inform and guide designers. Sustainable building rating
systems such as the United States Green Building Council Leadership in quantity and quality. Daylight
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and the Collaborative for metrics help to inform and
High Performance Schools (CHPS) also require some level of
guide daylighting design.
quantifying daylighting designs.
Rating Systems Defined Fundamentally, most rating systems use measurements, metrics, and
A calculation method is a defined criteria to benchmark designs (see Rating Systems Defined sidebar).
approach to collecting and/or combining Measurements are individual bits of information such as the illuminance
basic daylight and space measurements. at a point on the workplane, or wall, ceiling, and floor reflectance
Illuminance Targets
2005 requires a LPD of 1.2 watts per square foot for schools. For Title
24 2008, the LPD is 1.0 watt per square foot. By utilizing daylighting
strategies integrated with energy-efficient electric lighting systems,
energy targets such as LPD can be successfully met. In California, LPDs
of 0.8 watts per square foot have been achieved in classrooms. CHPS
advocates the use of teacher, student, and audio/visual task-specific
lighting schemes to reduce an unnecessary wash of electric light across a
classroom. ASHRAE 90.12 also provides lighting energy targets for
various building applications.
provide a method that can help detect glare and unbalanced illuminance point or area.
Daylight Autonomy
Incremental Summing
Program Applications
LEED NC Metrics
Glazing Factor
The first term on the right represents continuous DA at 40fc and the
second represents incremental DA at 400fc, which is equivalent to 10
times the illuminance criterion, also represented as MaxDA. The
calculation is to take place over a typical school occupancy schedule
between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday, from August
15 through June 15 for each point on a 4-foot by 4-foot workplane
grid. The DSP for each point is averaged over the space and area
weighted for an entire school for criteria comparison. Criteria for each
CHPS compliance path is shown in the Metric Path and Criteria
Definitions CHPS CA reference box.
CHPS for New York school districts offers one compliance path for its
five-point daylight credit. The metric is called Daylight Autonomy
Ratio (DAR) and is the basic continuous DA calculation. To achieve the
credits, the school must have 75 percent of the spaces with 40 percent
continuous DA. There are currently no other solar control or uniformity
requirements. Some simulation tools afford users the opportunity to
easily verify compliance and document the CHPS NY daylight credit.
Other Applications
The table on the next page summarizes the metrics and calculation
methods discussed in the previous section.
Parameter Definitions
Calculation Method
Metric Parameters* Scale Description Criteria Path Program
Single Point in Max to Min Emax: Emin Prerequisite 8:1 1 CHPS-CA
Time Illuminance
Ratio and SPT, sunny Area% Area % point thresholds
equinox at noon here Eavg [fc] 25fc
Daylight Saturation Continuous DA with [(DSP40 - 2 x DSP400) Area weighted average DSP 2 CHPS-CA
Percentage 40fc and Incremental [%]]avg point thresholds
DA with 400fc
Daylight Factor DF, cloudy climate Area % Area % point thresholds 3 CHPS-CA
where DFavg[%] 2%
Daylight Autonomy Continuous DA using Area % 75% area must have 40% 1 CHPS-NY
Ratio design illuminance DAR, pass/fail
Single Point in SPT, sunny equinox at Area % 75% area must have 25fc, 2 LEED-NC
Time noon, modeling or pass/fail
SPOT Daylight Continuous DA and MaxDA %, binned 5% area > 1% MaxDa - None
Autonomy MaxDA using design prerequisite
DA %, binned 60% area compared to
stacked %DA bins
Useful Daylight Annual hour binning UDI hours %, binned Undetermined - None
Illuminances for various saturation
*Other prerequisites exist but those listed are critical to the calculation method.
Source: Architectural Energy Corporation
Time Frame
The time frame variable applies to the annual simulation, though it can
be an important consideration in the design extreme metrics as well. The
question is whether or not an occupancy schedule should be used as a
mask to all of the daylight hours in the year. One paradigm says that a
space should be designed for future flexibility meaning that a full annual
Design Illuminance
Spatial Considerations
Design Goals
Quality, Uniformity X1 X1 X X
Quantity, Illuminance X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X X2 X
Quantity, Cost
Architectural Integration
Design Variables
Surface Properties X X X X X X X
Space Orientation X X X X X X
Time Frame X X X X
Design Illuminance X X
Spatial Considerations X1 X1 X1 X1 X X X
1 Does not allow for variable criteria based on project conditions or design goals
2 Dictates a broad range of acceptable illuminance, not allowing for metering of a specific daylight illuminance target
required for space programmed tasks.
3 Louvers or blinds must be located between glazing to be considered as a parameter in the calculation.
The simulation tool used to generate the example is the SPOT software.
It was selected because the interface allows for a visualization of the
calculation variables, and the metric reports are a built-in function,
which allows for comparison of the results. The software uses
RADIANCE as the underlying engine with a Microsoft Excel interface.
Other simulation tools may produce similar results. A list of simulation
tools is referenced in the next section.
In addition to basic geometry and room surfaces, glazing geometry and visual
properties must be modeled as shown in Figure 2. Window treatments and
transmittance values may be inputted. Advanced Options provide additional
inputs, if desired, for use-defined shade controls.
The default RADIANCE parameters in the software are used for the
comparison calculations. Calculations were developed for each month of
the year (the year is assumed to be symmetric). Only March, which
includes the equinox, is necessary for the SPT calculations, and only one
cloudy condition calculation is necessary for the DF calculation.
However, all months are included for a fine-grained temporal
calculation of the dynamic daylight metrics.
Shading Options
Electric lighting results are not directly relevant to the daylight metric
calculations with the exception of the design illuminance that is used to
determine the desired proportion of electric light to daylight in the
space. Most daylight metrics criteria aim for full daylight saturation of
the space. An alternative is to split the electric lighting and daylighting
contributions into a task and ambient approach.
Daylight Metric Reports were generated by the software for all metrics
discussed in this Design Brief with the exception of the LEED Glazing
Factor and Useful Daylight Illuminances. The reports are shown on the
following pages. The first metric, Single Point in Time for CHPS (CA),
is presented in Figure 5 and provides a space summary. It shows the
crude workplane illuminance distribution for a sunny equinox sky at
noon with the resulting average illuminance and maximum-to-
minimum ratio. The results show a smooth distribution from the
perimeter to the core of the space resulting from the north sky.
Figure 7: DF CHPS CA
The final report image shown in Figure 9 is for the LEED Single Point
in Time metric. The illuminance distribution plot is the same as for the
SPT CHPS, though the transformation of point data for the metric is
different. Again, the LEED option only counts the percent of the
workplane with illuminance above 25fc. A minimum of 75 percent of the
total building area must meet this threshold to attain the daylight credit.
Partial area can be counted for each space (criteria differ for small offices).
The classroom example and the resulting metric comparisons are not
intended to make a statement about any one metric or threshold.
Rather, this exercise is intended to give a general sense of the capabilities
of the various metrics and an understanding of the differences for
lighting designers and energy consultants. Also, the example illustrates
how the dynamic metrics represent more complete benchmarks.
Orientation 40fc average 61% average DSP 1.8% average DF 60% of area at 67% of area
40%-60% DA 25fc
Location 38fc average 72% average DSP 1.8% average DF 60% of area at 67% of area
60%-80% DA 25fc
Time Frame 38fc average 74% average DSP 1.8% average DF 60% of area at 67% of area
60%-80% DA 25fc
Internal Shading 38fc average1 74% average 1.8% average DF 60% of area at 67% of area
DSP1 40%-60% DA 25fc
Design Illuminance 38fc average1 74% average 1.8% average DF 60% of area at 67% of area
DSP1 60%-80% DA 25fc
1 Does not change from previous variation because only louvers or blinds fixed between glazing are to be considered in the
2 Note that all point totals assume modeled design is the same for all classrooms in the school, which is not a likely reality.
This is only for comparative purposes.
Source: Architectural Energy Corporation
The most useful tools for dynamic calculations such as Daylight Autonomy
are those that have an annual simulation engine. The software tools that
exist in this capacity are RADIANCE interfaces. This is due to the accuracy
of RADIANCE daylight simulation and the flexibility in manipulating the
output. Daysim, Daylight 1-2-3, and SPOT are RADIANCE interfaces
that allow for the calculation and documentation of Daylight Autonomy
because of their inherent annual simulation processes. SPOT software has
options for calculating all of the different Daylight Autonomy methods used
in current sustainable building rating systems. Daysim and Daylight 1-2-3
DA results are typically presented in a graphical format as a workplane
distribution, which is equivalent to the SPOT DA method of presentation.
Other lighting software packages exist that allow for workplane illuminance
calculations under daylight. The output from programs such as AGI32 and
Lumen Micro can be used to calculate DA, though the process is somewhat
tedious for gathering annual data unless an automation method is developed.
For design teams, it is important to understand the many facets involved in
balancing the quantity and quality of daylight into a given space. Calculation
tools that simulate daylighting design and calculate the various metrics
provide designers with methods of prediction and benchmarking against
varying design concepts. While no one metric will be able to speak to all of
the design goals for successful daylighting, each metric has its place to assess
specific design issues at different places in the design process. The more robust
dynamic daylight metrics are more telling of the successes and failures of a
design as design goals and parameters change. Dynamic metrics are still in
their infancy, and further development and testing is needed to establish
concrete methods and benchmarks. The metrics will continue to evolve as the
daylighting community and, in particular, the IESNA daylight committee
grapples with determinants of daylight visual quality and quantity. More
innovative daylighting design, specific to space use, is on the horizon.
CHPS Best Practices Manual: Volume II: Daylighting and Fenestration Design
Energy Design Resources, Daylighting Design Brief and other daylighting tools,
Calculation Tools