Energy and Buildings: Yu Bian, Yuan Ma
Energy and Buildings: Yu Bian, Yuan Ma
Energy and Buildings: Yu Bian, Yuan Ma
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: To ensure sufficient daylight in rooms, daylight performance metrics are the basic references to guide
Received 28 January 2016 building design or to benchmark a building against another in terms of daylighting in a room. Daylight
Received in revised form factor (DF) is the most commonly accepted daylight performance metric, but it has limitations in evalu-
15 December 2016
ating the daylighting of a room space in a real daylight climate, as defined under CIE standard overcast
Accepted 18 December 2016
Available online 24 December 2016
sky, while daylight autonomy (DA) is a climate-based performance metric which takes into consideration
the regional daylight climate. Based on long-term continuous measurements of daylight illuminance in a
test room under real climate, combined with scale model tests under an artificial sky and computational
Daylight performance metrics simulations, the quantitative relationship between monthly average daylight illuminance, DF and DA are
Daylight factor holistically analyzed in this paper. The result shows that a monthly average daylight illuminance above
Daylight autonomy 300 lx in a room located in Canton requires a DF of no less than 1.8% for north-facing space. Finally, the
Side-lit window depth of DA300lx [50%] daylit area for four cardinal directions was proposed in comparison with DF.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0378-7788/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
348 Y. Bian, Y. Ma / Energy and Buildings 138 (2017) 347–354
Following the study by Navarro, Sendra and Barros, one fre- 2.3.1. The description of computer model
quently used approach to assessing DF within buildings is by means The computer model is created similar to the test room, with tri-
of the scale model, in which a wall-mirrored artificial sky simulator als in this stage aiming to verify the daylighting simulation program
is applied to reproduce the CIE overcast sky [12,13]. According to “Daysim”, and the model was also adopted to study the daylight
Jiangtao Du’s research work on accessing the DF in an atrium build- autonomy distribution with various orientations.
ing with the measurement in the wall mirrored artificial sky, the Depending on the shape, size and surface reflectance of the test
accuracy of the artificial sky has been previously contrasted [14]. room, the computer model for the analysis of DF is defined as a room
As can be observed in Fig. 3, a wall mirrored artificial sky was of 3.0 m wide by 7.6 m deep by 2.7 m high. The side-lit window is in
applied, which represents an ideal overcast sky. Its design corre- rectangular shape, with 0.05 m thick mullion and a glazing trans-
sponds with that of a parallelepiped model of the artificial sky, mittance of 0.45. All the optical properties of indoor surfaces are
where a constant luminance reflector emits light inside a cube. similar with those in the test room, as listed in Fig. 6. The positions of
Upon the reflector, there are 32 fluorescent tubes providing a study points are arranged in accordance with those of photometers
homogeneous emission of light flux. The walls are mirrors simulat- in the test room. The study points are represented in Fig. 6.
ing the location of the horizon in the infinite. The scale model in this
study is placed on a platform whose height is the bottom of the cube. 2.3.2. Verification by measurement
The actual width of the interior of artificial sky is 2400 mm; the Radiance has been verified in a number of lighting environments
width based on a 1:15 scale model in the artificial sky is 500 mm; [15,16]. Those investigations showed that Radiance simulations
The distance between the window aperture and the closet wall of could achieve a high accuracy in typical daylit spaces through com-
the artificial sky is 950 mm. parison between measurement and theoretical analysis. A recent
The scale model was made similar to the test room in order study [17] using Radiance as a benchmark to verify a general
to quantify the DF on the study points, the reflectance of each approach to computing daylight coefficient sets for rooms employ-
indoor surface in accordance with the actual test room, 2 lay- ing multiple dissimilar components. These investigations further
Fig. 7. Comparison between test room measured (m) and Daysim simulated (s) daylight illuminance.
indicated the status of Radiance in the field of daylighting simu- Fig. 7 compared the measured (m) and simulated (s) result of
lation. Daysim, a computational tool for dynamically calculating average daylight illuminance distribution in December and annual
annual illuminance profiles, has adopted the Radiance algorithms average daylight illuminance distribution; the values are listed in
and added two other functions (daylight coefficient and Perez sky Table 2. comparison between measured and simulated daylight
model) [18]. In this paper, for side-lit room daylighting, Daysim was illuminance in the test room shows, the deviation between sim-
regarded as an efficient approach. ulation and measurement is obvious (−37%–22%) in the area close
Daysim/Radiance simulation parameters have a direct influ- to window, but agreement is particularly critical for values beyond
ence on the simulation result, therefore, these values need to be WHH of 1.0 around the 300 lx and this is where the disagree-
calibrated so that the effect of complex fenestration devices will ment between simulation and measured values are acceptable
be accurately represented throughout the depth of the reference (−12.9%–22.4%).
office [11]. This study compared Daysim simulated values with Based on the two years measurements of daylight illuminance
on-site measured illuminance distributions. However, as the mea- distribution in test room, the measured DA300lx was shown in Fig. 8.
surements occurred in a real room under a real weather, but the As can be seen from the comparison between the measured and
simulations were processed under a typical weather, with weather Daysim simulated DA, the mean deviation ≤20%, and at 0.84 times
file drawn from China Standard Weather Data (CSWD), it is obvi- the WHH from the façade, the simulated DA300lx [50%] demon-
ously that deviation existed in this type of comparison.
Y. Bian, Y. Ma / Energy and Buildings 138 (2017) 347–354 351
Table 2
Daysim simulated and test room measured illuminance (lx).
Distance to façade Simulated annual Measured annual Difference between Simulated average Measured average Difference between
in multiples of average daylight average daylight simulation and daylight daylight simulation and
WHH illuminance illuminance measurement illuminance in Dec illuminance in Dec measurement
Fig. 8. Comparison between test room measured (m) and Daysim simulated (s) Daylight autonomy.
strates to be, 15.1% more than what the measured demonstrates illuminance in the test room were shown in Fig. 9. As can be con-
at 0.73 times the WHH from facade. cluded from the result, the monthly daylight illuminance in Canton
Based on comparisons with the test room measurement, the varies significantly, with the average daylight illuminance in April,
simulations prove to be a satisfying variation of DA. Daysim can June, July, August, September and October surpassing the annual
achieve a −37%–22% agreement result in the process of predicting average level and falling under the latter in other months. The day-
daylight levels in rooms located in Canton. The divergence could be light performs obviously higher in June, July, August and September
mainly explained by the weather data divergence between the real than in other months, among which the daylight illuminance in
weather and typical weather data (source: CSWD), geometric and July is the highest in a typical year, which is 43% more than the
photo metric divergence between the test room and scale model, annual average level, and the daylight performs weakly in January
and some errors that may have occurred in the measuring processes and December, with the weakest in December–the average daylight
[19,20]. illuminance in December is less than half of that in July, about 63%
To conclude the Daysim simulations have been verified at cer- of annual level, meaning that the daylight condition in December
tain level (−37%–22%) by the measurements for a north façade is the worst in a typical year in Canton, so the average daylight
exposed largely to diffuse sky condition, and can therefore be used illuminance in December was adopted to define the criteria for the
for further analysis of buildings under construction and those yet daylight factor metric.
to be constructed in Canton. To define the criteria of daylight factor metric in Canton, the
average daylight illuminance in December was selected to compare
with the DF, because the daylight illuminance in December is the
3. Analysis of criteria of performance metrics
lowest in a typical year in Canton, south China. Fig. 10 and Table 3
shows the relationship between average daylight illuminance in
3.1. Criteria of daylight factor in Canton, south China
Fig. 9. Relative value of monthly average daylight illuminance measured in test room.
Fig. 10. Relationship between average daylight illuminance (test room measured) and DF (scale model tested).
Table 4 illuminance of no less tan 300 lx, the required daylight factor in a
Comparing daylight factor and daylight autonomy in four cardinal directions.
north facing room space should be no less than 1.8%. Correspond-
Orientation ingly, for a monthly daylight illuminance of no less than 500 lx, the
threshold of daylight factor in a north facing room space should be
Metric North East South West
up to 3.0%.
DA300lx 50% 50% 50% 50%
DF (%) 1.52 1.35 1.20 1.35
Distance to façade in 0.84 0.90 1.05 0.90 3.2. Comparison between DA and DF in side-lit room in Canton
multiple of WHH
Based on observances of the sky luminance distribution in
Canton, south China, DF could not well reflect the real daylight con-
December/annual and DF, as we can see from Table 4, in Canton, dition in south China as defined under diffused skylight, therefore
the average daylight factor in the test rooms have a proportional the climate-based metric DA is more applicable in South China,
relationship with the daylight level on the work task plane, average andthe DA values studied in this article are that in unoccupied
daylight illuminance Eavg = 166.67*DF. To have a monthly daylight space.
Y. Bian, Y. Ma / Energy and Buildings 138 (2017) 347–354 353
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autonomous research project of State Key Laboratory of Subtropical
Building Science (2015ZC15). We are thankful to Dr. Alstan Jakubiec
for his valuable advises and improving the quality of paper.