American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association Communications & Signals Manual of Recommended Practice

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2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Subject Index for Manual Parts
Revised 2008 (25 Pages)

AC relays 6.1.21, 6.1.35, 6.1.40

Instructions 6.4.5
Adapter clamp for signs 3.2.80
Adjacent track interconnected highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.1.11
Adjustable lock rod 12.2.15, 12.2.16
Adjustment bracket
Vertical switch lock rod
Bolt fastening 12.1.18
Parts 12.1.19, 12.1.20
Stud fastening 12.1.16
Vertical switch throw rod
Bolt fastening 12.1.17
Parts 12.1.19, 12.1.20
Stud fastening 12.1.15
Administration Section 1
Advance operating times
Calculate for highway-rail grade crossing warning devices 3.3.10
Air depreciated primary battery 9.1.25
Air switch clearing blower 12.6.20
Aligning flashing-light signals 3.3.5
Alloys, non-ferrous 15.1.5
Aluminum conductors steel reinforced 10.3.11
Ambient air switch clearing blower 12.6.20
Analog data transmission 21.1.2
Approach lighting, vital circuits 16.4.2
Arm, gate 3.2.15, 3.2.20
Gate, wood 3.2.25, 3.2.26, 3.2.30B, 3.2.30C
Light unit 3.2.40
Armored signal cable 10.3.17
Arresters, lightning, see Electrical Surge Protection
Aspects, flashing (not crossing signals) 2.1.5
Assembly of insulated track fittings 8.5.1
Audio frequency track circuits 8.2.1, 8.6.10
Automatic block
End of sign 2.1.50B
Automatic block signaling 2.2.1
Instructions 2.4.3
Automatic block signaling circuits 2.2.1
Automatic Equipment Identification (AEI) site configuration 5.3.2
Automatic speed control with continuous cab signaling 16.4.50

Ball socket screw jaw for switch circuit controller 12.1.7

1 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Ball studs for switch circuit controller 12.1.2
Bases 7.2.35, 7.2.36A, 7.2.36B, 7.2.40, 7.2.41A, 7.2.41B, 7.2.45A, 7.2.45B, 7.2.46A,
Air alkaline 9.1.26
Air depreciated primary 9.1.25
Applications 9.1.30
Chargers 9.2.1, 9.2.5
Disposal and recycling 9.5.5
Lead-acid storage 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.5.3, 9.5.4
Nickel-cadmium 9.1.15, 9.5.2
Standby requirements for highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.1.28
Storage, instructions 9.5.1
Valve regulated 9.1.4, 9.1.16
Begin CTC sign 2.1.50C
Begin TCS sign 2.1.50F
Bell, highway-rail grade crossing warning devices 3.2.60, 3.2.61
Binding posts 14.1.10, 14.1.11, 14.1.12
Block, end of (sign) 2.1.50A
Block, end of automatic (sign) 2.1.50B
Blocks, terminal
Molded 14.1.5, 14.1.8
Multiple unit 14.1.6
Screw clamp type 14.1.2
Boilerplate in Manual Parts 1.4.1, 6.5.1, 7.5.1
Bolts 14.1.1, 14.6.20
For highway-rail grade crossing signs 3.2.96A through 3.2.96C
Bond compound, impedance 8.4.6
Bond, impedance 8.4.5
Fire-resistant dielectric 8.4.8
Instructions 8.6.30
Low Frequency 8.4.9
Bonding, track circuit 8.1.20
Bond oil, impedance 8.4.7
Bonds, See Rail Head/Web Bonds
Bond Strand 10.3.12
Brackets, extension for crossing signs 3.2.85
Breakaway gate arm adapter 3.2.21
Bridge circuit coupler 2.2.36

Cable Section 10 - See also listings under Wire

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene and neoprene jacketing 10.3.20
Cross-linked polyethylene insulation and jacketing 10.3.22
Ethylene propane rubber insulation 10.3.19
Instructions 10.4.1

2008 AREMA -2
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Cable Section 10 - See also listings under Wire (Contd.)
Low smoke halogen free 10.3.13
Polyvinyl chloride insulation and jacketing 10.3.23
Purpose & meaning of terms used in Manual Parts 10.3.40
Polyethylene insulation and jacketing 10.3.21
Armored 10.3.17
Non-armored 10.3.16
Synthetic rubber insulation 10.3.18
Approach warning time for highway-rail grade crossings 3.3.10
Minimum allowable resistance between track battery and track 8.1.5
Time release applied to signal apparatus 2.4.20
Track circuit readings 8.1.10
Train shunt resistance 8.1.11
Canadian Electrical Code 11.1.5
Cantilevers for highway-rail grade crossing warning devices 3.2.5, 3.2.10
Cap for junction box base 7.2.50
Car detector 5.1.45, 5.1.47
Car retarders
Distributive 4.2.13
Electric 4.2.10
Electro-hydraulic 4.2.12
Electro-Pneumatic 4.2.11
Carriers, pipe 13.1.57
Case platform 14.4.25
Gray iron 15.1.1
Malleable iron 15.1.2
Cathodic protection 8.6.15
Centralized traffic control 2.2.11, 2.2.15
Charger, battery
Constant current 9.2.5
Constant voltage 9.2.1
Chromaticity 7.1.10
Circuit protection Section 11
Automatic block signaling 2.2.1
Design guidelines Section 16
Nomenclature 16.1.1
Non-vital relays 6.3.1, 6.3.5
Vital circuit design guidelines Sections 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.9, 16.30
Circuits, track Section 8
Instructions 8.6.1
Minimize lightning, see Electrical Surge Protection

3 2008 AREMA
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Subject Index 2008
Circuit, end of (sign) 2.1.50D
Circuit coupler for movable bridge 2.2.30
Circuit controller, switch 12.1.1
Ball socket screw jaw 12.1.7
Ball studs 12.1.2
Insulated rod 12.1.6
Rods 12.1.5
Clamp, adapter for signs 3.2.80
Classification yard
Computer to control 4.1.10
Control console 4.2.1
Distribute retarder 4.2.13
Inspection and test 4.3.1
Installation 4.1.1
Insulated joint location 4.1.5
Signaling 4.1.15
Clean cab locomotive radio 22.2.1, 22.1.1
Clearances, overhead cable, 2.4.1
Climbing step 7.2.30
Coatings, metallic 15.3.1
Coded track circuit unit
Non-resonant 8.3.1
Phase-Selective 8.4.1
Resonant 8.4.1, 8.4.2
Codes NESC, NEC, CEC 11.1.5
Color light signal, doublet lens 7.1.1
Color light signal searchlight type 7.1.14
Color light switch position indicator 7.3.1
Color position light signal 7.1.3
Colors, signal paint for signs, targets, etc. 15.3.10
Commercial communication facilities 20.1.4
Communication facilities 19.1.14
Cranks 13.1.46
Link 13.1.47
Pipe 13.1.45
Component placement 11.2.2
Compound, impregnation of electrical windings 15.2.1
Filling recesses & sealing 15.2.15
Insulating 15.2.3
Computer to control a classification yard 4.1.10
Concrete foundations, precast 14.4.lA through 14.4.11
Concrete pier for instrument housings 14.4.11

2008 AREMA -4
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Condensation, minimize
Instructions 1.5.5
Steel pipe 14.6.31
Cones, signal 7.1.10
Configuration management program 17.5.2
Ground rod 11.3.4, 11.4.1
Terminal 14.1.15
Track circuit 8.1.25
Consoles, classification yard 4.2.1
Constant current battery charger 9.2.5
Constant voltage battery charger 9.2.1
Constant warning time device for highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.1.26
Control of highway-rail grade crossing warning devices 3.1.15
Constant warning time devices 3.1.26
Controllers 3.1.25
Motion sensors 3.1.20
Controller, switch circuit 12.1.1
Ball socket screw jaw 12.1.7
Ball studs 12.1.2
Insulated rod 12.1.6
Rods 12.1.5
Cotters 14.6.22
Coupling, 1 in. pipe 13.1.6
Crank 13.1.38
Pins 13.1.50
Pipe compensator 13.1.46
Crank stand 13.1.35, 13.1.36
Crossarm for flashing-light signal 3.2.50, 3.2.51
Crossbuck sign 3.2.70, 3.2.71, 3.2.90
Cross-linked polyethylene insulation & jacketing for wire & cable 10.3.22
Crossovers, fouling protection 2.1.15
Current, foreign
Minimize on dc track circuit 8.6.15
CTC, Begin (sign), End (sign) 2.1.50C

DC relays 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.5, 6.1.10, 6.1.15, 6.1.20, 6.1.21, 6.1.25, 6.1.30, 6.1.45, 6.2.1,
6.3.1, 6.3.5
Instructions 6.4.1
DC track circuit
Minimize foreign current 8.6.15
Test record 8.1.10
Decoding transformer 8.3.10
Decoding unit 8.3.5

5 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Definitions and Terms
Definitions for technical terms in signaling 1.1.1
Wire and cable 10.3.40
Surge protection 11.3.10
Design guidelines - vital circuits Section 16
Designation plate, relay contact post 6.1.50
Car 5.1.45
Dragging equipment 5.1.1, 2.4.1
Falling rock 2.4.1, 5.1.12
Flat wheel 5.1.25
High, wide load 5.1.20
Hot bearing 5.1.30
Hot wheel 5.1.35
Inspection and testing 5.3.6
Rock slide 2.4.1, 5.1.12,
Wheel 5.1.50
Wheel crack 5.1.40
Dielectric requirements for signal equipment 11.5.1
Dielectric, impedance bond fire-resistant 8.4.8
Signal 7.1.10
Distribute retarder 4.2.13
Dragging equipment detector 5.1.1
Drill rail bond holes, instructions 8.6.25

Electric car retarders 4.2.10

Electric lamps, incandescent 14.2.1, 14.7.1
Electric light unit
Flashing-light signals 3.2.35
Gate arm 3.2.40, 3.2.45
Indicators & signs 7.3.6
Electric locks 2.1.25
Electric locking
Instructions for testing 2.4.5
Electric motor switch operating mechanism 12.2.1
Electric switch locks 12.4.5
Electrical interfaces 1.5.15
Electrical protection Section 11
Electrical safety 11.1.1
Electrical supply facilities 20.1.4
Electrical surge protection, 11.2.1, 11.3.1, 11.3.2, 11.3.3, 11.3.4, 11.3.10, 11.4.1, 11.4.2
Electrical windings
Insulating compound 15.2.1
Varnish 15.2.2

2008 AREMA -6
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Electronic track circuits 8.1.2
Electro-pneumatic car retarder 4.2.11
Electrostatic discharge control program 19.1.20
End of automatic block sign 2.1.50B
End of block sign 2.1.50A
End of CTC sign 2.1.50C
End of circuit sign 2.1.50D
End TCS sign 2.1.50F
Environmental criteria, electrical and electronic signal equipment 11.5.1
Equipment, solid state
Installation, maintenance and test 1.5.1
Extension bracket for crossing signs 3.2.85
Exothermic welded bonds 8.1.32, 8.1.33, 8.1.34

Facility, joint signal agreement 1.3.1

Falling rock detector 5.1.12
Faraday shielding 11.3.10, 11.4.2
Fire-resistant dielectric, impedance bond 8.4.8
DC relay 6.1.45
Rate for crossing signal 3.1.1
Solid state for crossing signals 3.2.55
Flashing aspects (not crossing signals) 2.1.5
Flashing-light signal
Alignment 3.3.5
Application 3.1.5
Cantilever mounting 3.2.5, 3.2.10
Crossarm 3.2.50, 3.2.51
Electric light unit 3.2.35
Flat wheel detector 5.1.25
FM transeiver (radio) 22.2.3
Foreign current, minimize on dc track circuit 8.6.15
Fouling protection on turnouts & crossovers 2.1.15
Foundations, galvanized steel 14.4.17, 14.4.19, 14.4.21, 14.4.21A. 14.4.23
Foundations, pour-in-place 14.4.30, 14.4.31, 14.4.32, 14.4.33, 14.4.34, 14.4.35, 14.4.36
Foundations, precast concrete 14.4.lA, 14.4.8A through 14.4.11
Foundations, ladders 7.2.55
Frequencies, radio, allocated 22.1.2
Frequencies, radio, channels 22.1.1
Friction tape 14.6.35
Frost conditions, instructions to minimize 1.5.5

Gasket material 15.2.10

7 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Gate (highway-rail grade crossing)
Application 3.1.5
Arm 3.2.20
Four quadrant (exit) 3.1.5, 3.2.15
Light unit for arm 3.2.40
Limited clearance combination 3.2.10
Operating mechanism 3.2.15
Wind Support 3.2.22
With flashing-light signal 3.2.12
Wood arm 3.2.25, 3.2.26, 3.2.30B, 3.2.30C
Gate arm (breakaway) adapter 3.2.21
Gauge, switch obstruction 12.4.10
Grade crossings - see Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Warning System
Grade signal marker 2.1.41
Graphical symbols 16.2.l through 16.2.l9
Gray iron castings 15.1.1
Grease, pressure gun
Identical Criteria 15.5.1
Lime soap base 15.4.6
Lithium soap base 15.4.5
Ground rods (electrodes)
Copper clad 11.3.4
Chemically enhanced 11.3.5
Made ground 11.4.1
Communication facilities 19.1.14
Installation, see Electrical Surge Protection
Instructions 11.4.2

Hand-operated switches 2.1.25

Hardware analysis 17.3.3
Hazard identification 17.3.5
Highway traffic signal interconnection 16.30.10
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems Sec. 3
Adjacent track 3.1.11
Aligning flashing-light signals 3.3.5
Application guidelines 3.1.5
Audio frequency track circuit 8.2.1, 8.6.10
Battery requirements 3.1.28
Bell 3.2.60, 3.2.61
Bolts for signs 3.2.96A through 3.2.96C
Breakaway gatearm 3.2.21
Calculating advance operating times 3.3.10
combinations 3.2.10

2008 AREMA -8
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems Sec. 3 (Contd.)
Location Plan 3.1.35
Mounting of flashing light signals 3.2.2, 3.2.5
Circuits: design guidelines, Manual Part Section 16
Clamp for signs 3.2.80
Complete assembly, gate, flashers, cantilever span 3.2.2
Configuration plans 3.1.36, 3.1.36A through 3.1.36L
Constant warning time control 3.1.26, 3.3.20
Control 3.1.15
Controllers 3.1.25
Crossarm for flashing-light signals 3.2.50, 3.2.51
Extension bracket for signs 3.2.85
Flashing-light signal applications 3.1.5
Flashing-light signal assembly drawings 3.2.2
Flashing light rate 3.1.1
Gate arm
Break away 3.2.21
Four quadrant (exit) 3.1.5, 3.2.15
Self restoring 3.2.23
Tubular/telescopic 3.2.20, 3.2.24
Wood 3.2.25, 3.2.26
Wood anticulated 3.2.30B, 3.2.30C
Gate mechanism 3.1.5, 3.2.10, 3.2.15
Inspection and test 3.3.30
Installation center turn lane 3.1.37
Insulated joint locations 3.1.30
Interconnected 3.1.11
Interconnection with highway traffic signals 3.1.10
Interrupt 3.1.10
Light for gate arm 3.2.40
Light unit for flashing-light signal
Incandescent 3.2.35
Light emitting diodes 3.2.35
Location plans 3.1.35
Locomotive, clean cab radio 22.2.1
Maintenance, testing, inspection and instructions 2.4.1, 3.3.1
Mast (See cantilever)
Monitoring 3.1.29, 3.1.29A
Motion sensor control 3.1.20, 3.3.15
Preemption 3.1.10
Signs 3.2.65, 3.2.70, 3.2.71, 3.2.75, 3.2.90
Solid-state flasher 3.2.55
Standby battery requirements 3.1.28
Symbols, graphical 3.1.31
Warning devices operating guidelines 3.1.1

9 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems Sec. 3 (Contd.)
Warning devices functional guidelines 3.1.36
Warning time, determining 3.3.10
Wayside based train detection systems 3.1.16
High, wide load detector 5.1.20
Horizontal crank stand 13.1.35, 13.1.39
Hot bearing detector 5.1.30
Site selection 5.3.1
Hot wheel detector 5.1.35

Identical items ("Boilerplate") for all Manual Parts 1.4.1

Illuminated indicators and signs 7.3.5, 7.3.7, 7.3.8
Electric light unit 7.3.6
Roundels 7.3.9
Impedance bond 8.4.5
Compound 8.4.6
Fire-resistant dielectric 8.4.8
Instructions 8.6.30
Oil 8.4.7
Impulse transformer 14.2.25
Incandescent electric lamps 14.2.1, 14.7.1
Electric light unit 7.3.6
Illuminated 7.3.5, 7.3.7, 7.3.8
Switch position 7.3.1
Take or leave siding 2.1.45
Inductive Coordination 20.1.4
Inspection and test
Classification yards 4.3.1
Defect detectors 5.3.6
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.3.30
Signal Systems 2.4.1
AC relays 6.4.5
Communication facilities 19.1.14
Computer control of a classification yard 4.1.10
DC relays 6.4.1
Drill rail holes for plug bonds 8.6.25
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.3.30
Impedance bonds 8.6.30
Insulated rail joints 8.6.35
Incandescent electric lamps 14.7.1
Interlockings 2.4.10
Lead-Acid Storage Batteries 18.1.36
Light signals 7.4.1

2008 AREMA - 10
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Installation (Contd.)
Made grounds 11.4.1
Minimize foreign current in dc track circuits 8.6.15
Movable bridge signals 2.4.15
Rail head/web bonds 8.6.25, 8.6.40
Solid state equipment 1.5.1
Storage batteries 9.5.1
Time releases 2.4.20
Track circuits 8.6.1
Wire and cable 10.4.1, 10.4.40
Yard systems 4.1.1
AC relays 6.4.5
Aligning flashing-light signals 3.3.5
Audio frequency track circuits 8.6.10
Automatic block signaling 2.4.3
Batteries 9.5.1, 9.5.2, 9.5.3, 9.5.4, 9.5.5
Cable 10.4.1
Calculating advance operating times for highway-rail grade crossing warning
systems 3.3.10
Classification yards 4.3.1
Constant warning time devices 3.3.20
DC relays 6.4.1
Defect detectors 5.3.6
Drill rail bond holes for plug bonds 8.6.25
Electric locking 2.4.5
Electric switch locks 12.5.5, 2.4.1
Facing point locks 12.5.15
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.3.1, 3.3.30
Hot bearing detector site selection 5.3.1
Impedance bonds 8.6.30
Incandescent electric lamps 14.7.1
Inspection and test of wayside inspection systems 5.3.10, 5.3.11
Insulated rail joints 8.6.35
Insulation resistance testing 10.4.30
Interlockings 2.4.10, 2.4.1
Light signals 7.4.1, 2.4.1
LP gas winter switch protection devices 12.5.20
Made grounds 11.4.1
Minimize foreign current in dc track circuits 8.6.15
Minimize frost and condensation 1.5.5
Motion sensors 3.3.15
Movable bridge signals 2.4.15
Oil burning winter switch protection devices 12.5.21
Painting 1.5.10

11 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Instructions (Contd.)
Rail head/web bonds 8.6.25, 8.6.40
Signal installations 2.4.1
Solid state equipment 1.5.1
Spring switches 12.5.10, 12.5.15, 2.4.1
Storage batteries 9.5.1, 9.5.2, 9.5.3, 9.5.4, 9.5.5
Switches, derails 2.4.1
Switch circuit controller 12.5.1, 2.4.1
Time releases 2.4.20
Track circuits 3.3.25, 8.6.1, 2.4.1
Wire 10.4.1, 10.4.40
Insulated joint location 2.1.20A, 2.1.20B, 2.1.20C, 2.1.20D
Fouling protection 2.1.15
Grade crossing 2.1.20E
Island circuit 3.1.30
Insulated rail joints
At highway-rail grade crossings 3.1.30
Car retarder locations 4.1.5
Instructions 8.6.35
Locations 2.1.20A through 2.1.20E
Insulated signal wire 10.3.15
Insulated terminals 14.1.15
Insulated track fittings 8.5.1, 8.5.2, 8.5.3
Insulating compound
Filling recesses 15.2.3
Impregnation of electrical windings 15.2.1
Cross-linked polyethylene for wire & cable 10.3.22
Ethylene propane rubber for wire & cable 10.3.19
Polyethylene for wire and cable 10.3.21
Polyvinyl chloride for wire and cable 10.3.23
Synthetic rubber for wire and cable 10.3.18
Insulation, pipe line, 1 in. 13.1.25
Insulation resistance testing 10.4.30
Interfaces, electrical 1.5.15
Interlocking 2.2.10, 2.2.11
Microprocessor 2.2.12
Movable bridge 2.4.10
Traffic control 2.2.2
Microprocessor based 2.2.12
Iron castings
Gray iron 15.1.1
Malleable 15.1.2
Isolation of power supplies 16.3.2

2008 AREMA - 12
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Cross-linked polyethylene for wire and cable 10.3.22
Neoprene and chlorosulfonated polyethylene for wire and cable 10.3.20
Polyethylene for wire and cable 10.3.21
Polyvinyl chloride for wire and cable 10.3.23
Ends, tang and plain 13.1.21
Links 13.1.21
Pins 13.1.50
Screw ball socket for switch circuit controller 12.1.7
Screw with tang end 13.1.30, 13.1.15
Solid with tang ends 13.1.20, 13.1.15
Joints, rail insulated, instructions 8.6.35
Joints, rail insulated, location 2.1.20A through 2.1.20E
Car retarder location 4.1.5
At highway-rail crossings, railroad crossings 3.1.30
Joint signal facility agreement 1.3.1
Junction box base for signals 7.2.36A, 7.2.36B, 7.2.41A, 7.2.41B, 7.2.46A, 7.2.46B,

Ladder foundations 7.2.55

Lamps, electric incandescent 14.2.1, 14.7.1
Lamps, semaphore, lens hood 7.1.30
Lamps, switch, lens hood 7.1.30
Lead-acid storage batteries 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 18.1.36
Leave siding indicator 2.1.45
LED light unit 7.1.5
Lens hoods for switch and semaphore lamps 7.1.30
Lens Doublet 7.1.1
Lenses, signals 7.1.10
Letters and numerals 14.6.2A, 14.6.3
Light, electric
Gate arm 3.2.40
Highway-rail grade crossing warning signals 3.2.35
Indicators and signs 7.3.6
Light emitting diode (LED) 3.2.35
Light out detection, vital circuit design guidelines 16.4.30
Light signals, See Section 7
Application of light units to mast 7.2.1
Chromaticity 7.1.10
Color light 7.1.1
Color position light 7.1.3
Electronic Control 2.1.10
Fixed 2.1.1
Flashing Aspect 2.1.5

13 2008 AREMA
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Subject Index 2008
Light signals, See Section 7 (Contd.)
Identical items 7.5.1
Instruction 7.4.1
Position light 7.1.2
Search light 7.1.4
Arresters, see Electrical Surge Protection
Lime soap base, pressure gun grease 15.4.6
Line circuit reactor 14.2.20
Line circuits, double feed 16.5.1
Line circuits TCS 16.50.2
Line wire 10.3.10
Lithium soap base, pressure gun grease 15.4.5
Lock, electric 2.1.25
Lock rod, adjustable 12.2.15, 12.2.16
Locking, electric, instructions for testing 2.4.5
Locking, time, vital circuits 16.4.1
Locks, switch, electric 12.4.5
Loss of shunt, circuits 16.4.8
Low frequency tuned impedance bonds 8.4.9
LP gas winter switch protection devices 12.5.20
Lubricant, electro-pneumatic valves and cylinders 15.4.10
Lubrication oil 15.4.1
Point 12.1.10, 12.1.11
Tang end 13.1.47

Maintain light signals 7.4.1

AC relays 6.4.5
Automatic block signaling 2.4.3
Communication facilities 19.1.14
DC relays 6.4.1
Electric switch locks 12.5.5
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.3.1
Impedance bonds 8.6.30
Incandescent electric lamps 14.7.1
Insulated rail joints 8.6.35
Interlockings 2.4.10
Lead-Acid Storage Batteries 18.1.36
Light signals 7.4.1
LP gas winter switch protection devices 12.5.20
Made grounds 11.4.1
Minimizing foreign current in dc track circuits 8.6.15
Movable bridge signals 2.4.15

2008 AREMA - 14
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Maintenance (Contd.)
Oil burning winter switch protection devices 12.5.21
Rail head/web bonds 8.6.25, 8.6.40
Solid state equipment 5.3.5
Spring switches 12.5.10, 12.5.15
Storage batteries 9.5.1
Switch circuit controller 12.5.1
Time releases 2.4.20
Track circuits 8.6.1
Wire and cable 10.4.40
Malleable iron castings 15.1.2
Management of vital electronic/software-based equipment 17.3.5
Manual Parts "Boilerplate", identical sections 1.4.1
Grade signal 2.1.41
Spring switch 12.3.15
Base and Junction Boxes 7.2.35 - 7.2.50
Light signals 7.2.1
Signals 7.2.20
Materials Section 15
Insulating filling recesses 15.2.3
Gasket 15.2.10
Retroreflective sheet 15.2.20
Mechanical Section 13
Metallic coatings 15.3.1
Metals, non-ferrous 15.1.5
Microprocessor interlocking 2.2.12
Quality assurance software based equipment 17.1.1
Molded terminal blocks 14.1.5
Motion sensors 3.1.20
Motor, electric (switch mechanism) 12.2.1
Movable bridge
Circuit coupler 2.2.30
Instructions 2.4.15

National Electrical Code 11.1.5

National Electrical Safety Code 11.1.5
New application software for electronic and/or software based products used in vital
signal applications 17.7.1
Nickel-cadmium storage battery 9.1.15
Nomemclature 16.1.1
Non-armored signal cable 10.3.16
Non-ferrous metals & alloys 15.1.5
Non-resonant coded track circuit unit 8.3.1

15 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Number of tracks sign 3.2.75
Numerals and letters 14.6.2B, 14.6.3
Nuts 14.1.11, 14.6.20
Nuts Insulated 14.1.15

Obstruction gage, switch 12.4.10

Identical criteria 15.5.1
Impedance bond 8.4.7
Lubricating 15.4.1
Spring switch 12.3.10
Oil burning winter switch protection devices 12.5.21
Outlet for junction box base for signals 7.2.50
Overlay track circuit 3.1.23, 3.1.26

Paint: colors for signs, switch targets, etc. 15.3.10

Painting instructions 1.5.10
Phase-selective coded track circuit 8.4.1
Pier, concrete for instrument housings 14.4.11
Pinnacles for masts 7.2.60
Pins, crank, jaw 13.1.50
Adjusting screws 13.1.10
Carriers 13.1.57
Compensator 13.1.45
Steel Conduit 14.6.31
Welded steel 1 in. 13.1.5, 13.1.6
Pipe-line insulation 1 in. pipe 13.1.25
Plain washers 14.6.21
Plate, relay contact post designation 6.1.50
Plug boards for plug-in relays 6.2.2
Plug-in dc relay 6.2.1, 6.3.1
Point lug 12.1.10, 12.1.11
Portable radio for remote control of engine 22.2.2
Position light signal 7.1.2
Binding 14.1.10, 14.1.11, 14.1.12
Power operated switch mechanism
Electric 4.2.5, 12.2.1
Electro-hydraulic 4.2.5
Electro-pneumatic 4.2.5, 12.2.10
Test requirements 12.2.5
Power supplies used in vital signal systems, isolation 16.3.2

2008 AREMA - 16
AREMA C&S Manual
2008 Subject Index
Power supply Section 9
Battery applications 9.1.30
Solar 9.4.1, 9.4.2
Standby battery for highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.1.28
Precast concrete foundations 14.4.lA through 14.4.11
Pre-emption of highway traffic signals 3.1.10
Preliminary section sign 2.1.50E
Pressure gun grease
Lime soap base 15.4.6
Lithium soap base 15.4.5
Primary battery, air depreciated 9.1.25
Protection cathodic 8.6.15
Protection, electrical Section 11
Protective coatings 1.5.10

Quality Assurance and Principles - software based equipment and systems Section 17

Radio equipment 22.2.1, 22.2.2, 22.2.3

Radio frequencies 22.1.1, 22.1.2
Rail head/web bonds
Application-instructions 8.6.40
Design Criteria 8.1.20, 8.1.31, 8.1.34
Drilling 3/8-inch web 8.6.25
Plug-type rail web 8.1.25
Welded type 8.1.30
Rail joints, insulated, instructions 8.6.35
Railway signal systems Section 2
Reactor for line & track circuits 14.2.20
Relays Section 6
AC induction 6.1.35
AC instructions 6.4.5
AC power transfer 6.1.40
Contact post designation 6.1.50
DC biased neutral 6.1.5
DC code following 6.1.30
DC code transmitter 6.1.25
DC flasher 6.1.45
DC instructions 6.4.1
DC neutral 6.1.1, 6.1.2
DC neutral for non-vital circuits 6.3.1, 6.3.5
DC neutral, plug-in type 6.2.1
DC polarized 6.1.10
Identical items 6.5.1
Plugboard for plug-in relays 6.2.2
Retained neutral polarized 6.1.15

17 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Relays Section 6 (Contd.)
Time element 6.1.20, 6.1.21
Relay based systems, vital circuit design guidelines 16.3.1
Relay interlocking 16.5.1
Remote control of engine by portable radio 22.2.2
Insulation testing 10.4.30
Track and battery circuit calculations 8.1.5
Train shunt test record 8.1.10
Resistor 14.2.15
Resonant coded track circuit unit 8.4.1
Resonant two element tuned unit 8.4.2
Distributive 4.2.13
Electric 4.2.10
Electro-hydraulic 4.2.12
Electro-pneumatic 4.2.11
Retarder yard
Installation 4.1.1
Insulated joint location 4.1.5
Retroreflective sheet material 15.2.20
Rock slide detector 5.1.12
Double tang ends 13.1.31
Ground 11.3.4, 11.4.1
Lock 12.2.15, 12.2.16
Switch circuit controller 12.1.5, 12.1.6
Roundels, signal 7.1.10, 7.1.11
Illuminated indicators and signs 7.3.9
Route checks, vital circuits 16.4.4
Route locking, vital circuit design guidelines 16.4.2
Ethylene propane insulation for wire & cable 10.3.19
Insulating tape 14.6.36
Synthetic insulation for wire & cable 10.3.18

Safety codes: NESC, NEC, CEC 11.1.5

Safety, electrical 11.1.1
Screw clamp terminal blocks 14.1.2
Screw and solid jaws 13.1.15
Screws, pipe adjusting 13.1.10
Sealing compound 15.2.15
Searchlight signal 7.1.4
Section, preliminary (sign) 2.1.50E
Semaphore lamps, lens hoods 7.1.30

2008 AREMA - 18
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2008 Subject Index
Shunt resistance test procedures 8.1.11
Siding, take or leave indicator 2.1.45
Apparatus, time releases 2.4.20
Application of light units to masts 7.2.1
Application software for electronic and/or software based products 17.7.1
Cable- armored 10.3.17; non-armored 10.3.16
Color light 7.1.1
Color position light 7.1.3
Colors (excluding signal glass) 15.3.10
Dielectric requirements 11.5.1
Electronic control 2.1.10
Enclosure layout 11.2.2
Environmental Requirements 11.5.1
Facility, joint agreement 1.3.1
Fixed 2.1.1
Flashing Aspect 2.1.5
Grade marker 2.1.41
Identical items 7.5.1
Ladders 7.2.25
Roundels 7.1.11
Roundels, lenses, discs & cones 7.1.10
Masts (See Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Warning Systems-Cantilever)
Position light 7.1.2
Searchlight 7.1.4
Searchlight, stuck mechanism 16.4.10, 16.5.10
Railroad systems Section 2
Units 1.3.2
Wiring strategies for surge damage 11.2.2
Signal and train control applications 17.3.3, 17.3.5
Automatic block 2.2.1, 2.2.11
Automatic block circuits 2.2.3
Inspection and test 2.4.1
Instructions, movable bridge 2.4.15
Technical terms 1.1.1
Yards, classification 4.1.15
Adapter clamp 3.2.80
Begin CTC, end CTC 2.1.50C
Begin TCS, end TCS 2.1.50F
Bolts for highway-rail grade crossing warning devices 3.2.96A through 3.2.96C
Electric light unit 7.3.6
End of automatic block 2.1.50B
End of block 2.1.50A

19 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Signs (Contd.)
End of circuit 2.1.50D
Extension brackets 3.2.85
Highway-rail grade crossing warning devices 3.2.65, 3.2.70, 3.2.71
Illuminated 7.3.5, 7.3.7, 7.3.8
Mounting 3.2.90
Number of tracks 3.2.75
Preliminary section 2.1.50E
Other than highway-rail grade crossings 14.6.1
Roundels 7.3.9
Site selection, hot bearing detector 5.3.1
Snow melters (see Winter Switch Protection Devices)
Software base equipment and systems quality assurance 17.1.1
Software based products used in vital signal applications 17.7.1
Solar power systems 9.4.1, 9.4.2
Solderless wire terminals 14.1.1
Solid jaws with tang ends 13.1.20
Solid state
AC primary surge protection devices 11.3.6
Equipment, installation, maintenance and test 5.3.5
Flasher 3.2.55
Speed control with continuous cab signaling, automatic 16.4.50
Spring lock washers 14.6.21
Spring switch 12.3.5
Facing point lock 12.5.15
Marker 12.3.15
Oil 12.3.10
Vital circuits 16.6.4
Stand, crank 13.1.35, 13.1.36
Steel 15.1.4
Steel pipe conduit 14.6.31
Steel wire strand, zinc coated 10.3.25
Step, climbing 7.2.30
Storage batteries - instructions 9.5.1
Lead-acid 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3
Nickel cadmium 9.1.15
Stuck mechanism-detection vital circuit design guidelines
Automatic signals 16.5.10
Controlled signals 16.4.10
Studs, ball for switch circuit controller 12.1.2
Surge damage prevention 11.2.2
Surge protection, see Electrical surge protection

2008 AREMA - 20
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2008 Subject Index
Hand-operated 2.1.25
Heaters (see Winter switch protection devices)
Lamp, lens hoods 7.1.30
Locks, electric 12.4.5
Lock rod adjustment bracket
Parts 2.1.19, 12.1.20
Vertical 12.1.16, 12.1.18
Electric motor, lockable 12.2.1
Electro-pneumatic, lockable 12.2.10
Test requirements for power operation 12.2.5
Obstruction gage 12.4.10
Position indicator 7.3.1
Self-restoring 16.6.3A, 16.6.3B, 16.6.3C
Spring 12.3.5
Marker 12.3.15
Oil 12.3.10
Protection 2.2.5
Vital circuits 16.6.4
Throw rod adjustment bracket
Parts 12.1.19, 12.1.20
Vertical 12.1.15, 12.1.17
Winter switch protection devices 12.5.20, 12.5.21, 12.5.23, 12.6.1, 12.6.10
Switch circuit controller 12.1.1
Ball socket screw jaw 12.1.7
Ball studs 12.1.2
Insulated rod 12.1.6
Rods 12.1.5
Switch clearing blower, ambient air 12.6.20
Switches Section 12
Yard 4.2.5, 4.1.25
Symbols, graphical
Highway-rail grade crossings 3.1.31
Signal circuits 16.1.1, 16.2.1 through 16.2.19

Take siding indicator 2.1.45

Tang end
Double 13.1.31
Lug 13.1.47
With screw jaws 13.1.30
Friction 15.2.35
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 15.2.37
TCS, Begin sign 2.1.50E, End sign 2.1.50F

21 2008 AREMA
AREMA C&S Manual
Subject Index 2008
Telephone transmission 21.1.1
Terminal blocks
Arrester 14.1.9
Molded 14.1.5, 14.1.8
Multiple unit 14.1.6
Screw clamp 14.1.2
Terminal connectors 14.1.15
Insulated 14.1.15
Terminals, wire, solderless 14.1.1
Terminology used in
Railway signaling 1.1.1
Surge Protection 11.3.10
Wire and cable 10.3.40
AC relays 6.4.5
Automatic block signaling 2.4.3, 2.4.1
Classification yard 2.4.1
DC relays 6.4.1
Detectors 2.4.1
Electric locking 2.4.5, 2.4.1
Electric switch locks 12.5.5
Facing point locks 12.5.15
Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems 3.3.1, 2.4.1
Impedance bonds 8.6.30
Incandescent electric lamps 14.7.1
Insulated rail joints 8.6.35
Insulated track fittings 8.5.1, 8.5.2, 8.5.3
Insulation resistance 10.4.30
Interlockings 2.4.10, 2.4.1
Light signals 7.4.1, 2.4.1
Load requirements for power operated switch mechanism 12.2.5
LP gas winter switch protection device 12.5.20
Made grounds 11.4.1
Minimize foreign current in dc track circuits 8.6.15
Movable bridge signals 2.4.15
Oil burning winter switch protection device 12.5.21
DC track circuit 8.1.10
Train shunt resistance 8.1.11
Signal installations 2.4.1
Solid state equipment 5.3.5
Spring switches 2.4.1, 12.5.10, 12.5.15
Switches, derail 2.4.1
Switch circuit controller 2.4.1, 12.5.1
Time releases 2.4.20

2008 AREMA - 22
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2008 Subject Index
Test (Contd.)
Track circuits 2.4.1, 8.6.1
Wheel to rail contact resistance 8.1.11
Wire and cable 10.4.40
Threads 14.6.20
Time, calculating approach warning time for highway grade crossing warning devices
Time element relays 6.1.20, 6.1.21
Time releases, instructions 2.4.20
Time locking, vital circuits design guidelines 16.4.1
Track circuits Section 6, 8.6.1
Audio frequency 8.2.1, 8.6.10
Automatic block 2.2.1
Bonding 8.1.20
Calculations voltage current resistance 8.1.5
Connectors 8.1.25, 8.1.26, 8.1.27
Decoding transformer 8.3.10
Decoding unit 8.3.5
Design guidelines Section 16
DC test record 8.1.10
Electronic 8.1.2
Instructions 8.6.1
Minimize foreign current in dc circuits 8.6.15
Minimize lightning, see Electrical Surge Protection
New application software 17.7.1
Non-Resonant coded unit 8.3.1
Overlay 3.1.23, 3.1.26
Phase selective 8.4.1
Reactor 14.2.20
Resonant coded unit 8.4.1
Tracks, number of, sign 3.2.75, 3.2.76
Traffic control systems 2.2.11, 2.2.15
Train shunt resistance test record 8.1.11
Transformer 14.2.10
Decoding 8.3.10
Impulse 14.2.25
Turnouts, fouling protection 2.1.15

Units, Table of signals, interlocking and interpretation 1.3.2

Varnish for electrical windings 15.2.2

Verification and validation testing
New application software 17.7.1
Vital circuit design guidelines Section 16
Approach lighting controlled signal 16.4.2

23 2008 AREMA
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Subject Index 2008
Vital circuit design guidelines Section 16 (Contd.)
Double feed line circuits 16.5.1
Highway traffic signal interconnection 16.30.10
Light out detection color light signals 16.4.30
Limited tumbledown applications 16.5.2
Line circuits in TCS 16.50.2
Loss of shunt 16.4.8
Relay based systems 16.3.1
Relay based typical interlocking 16.50.1
Route checks 16.4.4
Route locking 16.4.2
Self restoring switch 16.6.3A, 16.6.3B, 16.6.3C
Spring switches 16.6.4
Stuck mechanism detection 16.4.10, 16.5.10
Time lockings 16.4.1
Vital electronic/software-based equipment 17.3.3
Vital signal systems, isolation of power supplies 16.3.2
Voice channels 21.1.2

Washers 14.1.11
Cast iron 14.6.27
Plain 14.6.21
Spring lock 14.6.21
Wayside based train detection systems 3.1.16
Wayside signal applications 7.1.5
Web bonds - See Rail Head/Web Bonds
Welded steel pipe, 1 in. 13.1.5, 13.1.6
Wheel detector 5.1.50
Crack 5.1.40
Flat 5.1.25
Wheel to rail contact resistance calculations 8.1.11
Wide load detector 5.1.20
Winding, electrical
Insulating compound 15.2.1
Varnish 15.2.2
Winter switch protection devices 12.6.10
Safety instructions
Electric 12.5.23
LP gas 12.5.20
Natural gas 12.5.22
Oil burning 12.5.21
Selection 12.6.1
Wire and cable (See Section 10)
Aluminum conductor steel reinforced 10.3.11
Cross-linked polyethylene insulation and jacketing 10.3.22

2008 AREMA - 24
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2008 Subject Index
Wire and cable (See Section 10) (Contd.)
Ethylene propane rubber insulation 10.3.19
Ethylene tetraflouroethylene copolymer insulation 10.3.14, 10.3.24
High Temperature 10.3.14
Instructions 10.4.1
Insulated signal wire 10.3.15
Line 10.3.10
Low smoke halogen 10.3.13
Neoprene and chlorosulfonated polyethylene jacketing 10.3.19
Polyethylene insulation and jacketing 10.3.21
Polyvinyl chloride insulation and jacketing 10.3.23
Purpose & meaning of terms used in recommendations 10.3.40
Synthetic rubber insulation 10.3.18
Screw clamp type 14.1.2
Solderless 14.1.1
Zinc coated steel strand 10.3.25
Wiring instructions 10.4.1
Wiring strategies for surge damage prevention 11.2.2

Yards Section 4
Computer control 4.1.10
Control consoles 4.2.1
Inspection and test 4.3.1
Installation 4.1.1
Retarders 4.2.10, 4.2.11, 4.2.12, 4.2.13
Signaling 4.1.15
Switches 4.1.25, 4.2.5

Zinc coated steel wire strand 10.3.25

25 2008 AREMA

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