2010 Manual For Railway Engineering: Systems Management
2010 Manual For Railway Engineering: Systems Management
2010 Manual For Railway Engineering: Systems Management
Volume 4 1
Systems Management
Chapter 13 Environmental
Chapter 28 Clearances
Correspondence regarding copyright permission should be directed to the Director of Administration, AREMA,
10003 Derekwood Lane, Suite 210, Lanham, MD 20706 USA.
1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1-1
1.1 Definitions of Rail Surface Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1-2
1.2 Definition of Track Quality Index (TQI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1-12
1.3 Compilation of Various Track Geometry Parameters and Related Elements, Used
When Describing Track Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1-12
2 Track Measuring Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2-1
2.1 Description of a Generic Track Geometry Measuring Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2-2
2.2 Recommended Practice Conditions for Gage Restraint Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2-5
2.3 Means To Identify and Locate Track Geometry Priority Defects Detected by a Track Geometry Measuring
Vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2-17
2.4 Recommended Practice for Measuring Rail Wear Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2-38
2.5 Recommended Practice for Calculating Rail Profile Quality Index (RPQI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2-39 3
3 Typical Uses of Data Collected by Track Measuring Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3-1
3.1 Typical Uses of Data Collected by Track Measuring Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3-2
3.2 Recommended Practice for D evelopment and Use of Track Quality Indices (TQI) Generated from TGMV Data 2 -1-12
The material in this and other chapters in the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering is published as recommended practice to
railroads and others concerned with the engineering, design and construction of railroad fixed properties (except signals and
communications), and allied services and facilities. For the purpose of this Manual, RECOMMENDED PRACTICE is defined as a
material, device, design, plan, specification, principle or practice recommended to the railways for use as required, either exactly as
presented or with such modifications as may be necessary or desirable to meet the needs of individual railways, but in either event, with
a view to promoting efficiency and economy in the location, construction, operation or maintenance of railways. It is not intended to
imply that other practices may not be equally acceptable.
The Chapters of the AREMA Manual are divided into numbered Parts, each comprised of related documents
(specifications, recommended practices, plans, etc.). Individual Parts are divided into Sections by centered
headings set in capital letters and identified by a Section number. These Sections are subdivided into Articles
designated by numbered side headings.
Page Numbers – In the page numbering of the Manual (2-2-1, for example) the first numeral designates the
Chapter number, the second denotes the Part number in the Chapter, and the third numeral designates the
page number in the Part. Thus, 2-2-1 means Chapter 2, Part 2, page 1.
In the Glossary and References, the Part number is replaced by either a “G” for Glossary or “R” for References.
Document Dates – The bold type date (Document Date) at the beginning of each document (Part) applies to the
document as a whole and designates the year in which revisions were last made somewhere in the document,
unless an attached footnote indicates that the document was adopted, reapproved, or rewritten in that year.
Article Dates – Each Article shows the date (in parenthesis) of the last time that Article was modified.
Revision Marks – All current year revisions (changes and additions) which have been incorporated into the
document are identified by a vertical line along the outside margin of the page, directly beside the modified
Proceedings Footnote – The Proceedings footnote on the first page of each document gives references to all
Association action with respect to the document.
Annual Updates – New manuals, as well as revision sets, will be printed and issued yearly.
— 2009 —
References, Vol. 88, 1987, pp. 54, 120; Vol. 91, 1990, p. 53; Vol. 93, 1992, p. 45; Vol. 94, 1994, p. 51.
a. The purpose of this section is to provide a uniform set of definitions for various surface conditions so that
specifications for their measurement and reporting can be drawn up.
b. These definitions include rail conditions that can be addressed by rail maintenance techniques as opposed to
track geometry maintenance techniques.
c. The running surface anomalies can be divided into two broad categories: corrugations and discrete
a. Corrugations are rail head anomalies that appear on the surface of the rail in a repeatable i.e. periodic,
manner along the length of the rail. They appear as “waves” or regularly spaced (periodic) discontinuities
on the surface of the rail head. These waves are not always uniformly spaced, but rather tend to vary about
some average wavelength.
b. Corrugations are classed according to their wavelength, the peak to peak (or valley to valley) distance
between the corrugation waves. These peak to peak distances are often measured with a straight edge in the
field. The corresponding depth of the corrugation, which is commonly measured using a taper gage and
straight edge, is the difference in height between the peak and the valley of the waves.
Discrete anomalies appear on the surface of the rail head in a random or arbitrary manner, i.e. without any
characteristics of repeatability. These conditions often appear singularly. These conditions include:
a. Engine or Wheel Burns. Discrete anomaly on the surface of the rail head caused by slipping or sliding of
locomotive wheels. Usually found in pairs, with one on each rail. Can be of any depth, and usually .5 to 1.0
square inches in surface area.
(1) Degradation of the ends of the rails, in the region of the joint bars, associated with repeated impact of
wheels on the ends of the rails. Usually extend up to 18 inches from the rail ends in both directions.
Batter also refers to any degradation of welded repairs at the ends of the rail.
(2) Mismatched joint refers to a joint in which the rail ends are not properly matched so as to produce a
discontinuity in the running surfaces of the rail.
c. Weld Irregularities.
(1) Non-uniformity of the running surface of the rail at welds, both plant and field welds. High welds are
local high points at the weld usually the result of improper finishing of the weld at either the plant or
field. Welds are often left nominally high (e.g. 0.020 inch) at the plant. Battered welds represent a
degradation of the rail surface at the weld due to repeated impact loading by traffic. These conditions
are usually located initially in the fusion zone or heat-affected zone of the weld, but can be extended
beyond this region as degradation progresses.
(2) These conditions also include misalignment (vertical and/or lateral) of the rails such as that resulting in
peaked or dipped welds in the vertical plane.
d. Rail Head Damage. Miscellaneous local damage to the surface of the rail such as caused by defective rolling
stock (broken wheels, wheel flats, dragging equipment, etc.), derailments, or mishandling.
e. Spalling or Flaking (Shelly Spots). A localized degradation at the running surface of the rail, most
commonly found at the gage corner of the high rail. This condition manifests itself initially as head checks
(i.e. micro-cracks) at the gage corner which propagate and coalesce into larger areas which in turn break out 1
of the rail surface. These surface cracks can also be found on the top of the rail, often in the low rail of
f. Shelling (Gage Corner Shelling). A progressive internal separation that develops beneath the cold worked
region in the gage corner of the rail head. This separation propagates longitudinally along the rail, and may
crack out at any level on the gage side, generally near the upper gage corner. The shell can turn into a
transverse defect (detail fracture). 3
g. Surface Batter/Crushed Head. A flattening of the surface of the rail head, resulting in a downward distortion
of the surface. Crushed head is distinguished from surface batter in that the entire head must have sagged.
This is often associated with the presence of internal rail defects such as horizontal split head.
h. Plastic Flow (Lipped, Flowed Rail). A condition of deformation or flow of the rail steel at the field or gage
sides of the rail head. Usually associated with very high contact stresses. The plastic flow is generally most 4
noticeable on the field side of low rails in curves.
i. Rail Surface Roughness. A condition of very fine non-uniformity or undulations (non-periodic) of the rail
head of new rail. Usually associated with the mill scale layer of new rail. Usually too small to be detected by
conventional straight edge and taper gage measurements.
j. Mill Defects. Anomalies in the surface of the rail head due to improper rolling of the rail. Often does not
manifest itself until after the rail has been in service. Includes mill scale, lines, seams, grooves, etc.
Rail wear is defined as the deviation in the dimensions of the rail head from the new rail section specifications (see
Chapter 4, Section 1.1 for new rail weight section specifications). These deviations result from friction and contact
stresses. The following definitions are commonly used to define points of reference and rail wear.
a. Top of Rail Centerline Point – A point where the top of the rail intersects the centerline of the rail (Figure 2-
b. Gage Face Wear (Side Wear) – The difference in the horizontal dimension between the new rail section and
the worn rail section at a depth below the top of rail centerline point, on the gage side of the rail. The two
depths commonly used in North America are:
(1) 5/8 inch below the Top of the Worn Rail Centerline Point (Figure 2-1-2).
(2) A fixed distance down from the top of the new rail section centerline point. One fixed distance is used or
is assigned to each rail section (Figure 2-1-3).
c. Field Face Wear (Field Side Wear) – The difference in the horizontal dimension between the new rail section
and the worn rail section at a depth below the top of rail centerline point, on the field side of the rail. The
two depths commonly used in North America are:
(1) 5/8 inch below the Top of the Worn Rail Centerline Point (Figure 2-1-4).
(2) A fixed distance down from the top of the new rail section centerline point. One fixed distance is used or
is assigned to each rail section (Figure 2-1-5).