MS1 Seq 4 Me & My School Part 2 PDF

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My School Presentation

PPU speaking
PIASP teaching grammar negative form do not-

Your friend wants to make a project presentation for Science Day on April 16th about your school regulation , learners
school rights and duties and needs your help

Simple present tense & Negaitve form

eat at canteen- respect teachers- not be absent- use the school library not use
mobile phone- spoil classroom-medical care-clean classroom-salute national flag-not write on tables and walls-keep calm in the halls- make rows-
sing national anthem- study hard- get school manuals for free- benefit from 3000DA The Presidents Scholarship- do homework and projects-
practice sport at school-check my school marks on the net- print my school report from net-take part in school clubs and competitions
participate in Science Day April 16 th competition keep the school court clean- take care of the class and school furniture

visual ( school manual flashcards flashcards related to school right and duties)

He can understand and interpret verbal and non-verbal messages

He can work in pairs or in groups
He can use role-play to communicate appropriately
He socialises through oral or written exchanges
The learner can use the markers of his identity when introducing himself to others: name,
He behaves as a responsible and committed citizen
he shows respect for the family members and all the jobs seen in the societyy
He is keen on learning about others markers of identity
time rational Interaction Procedure competences Aids/VAKT

Greet Teacher- Project 2 : My school

and students
Sequence 4 : Me & My School
Lesson: PPU speaking My school right and duties
Visual (
Underst Students : The teacher greets his learners and welcomes them , he tries to make quick board and
The initial teacher summative assessment about what the learners saw in the previous sequence ( quick oral interaction) marker)
problem Interact
Solving Teachers introduces the new project work , explains how it must be conducted and when to be delivered
situation Students Learners will :
And get students Draw their school plan Visual (
ready for
Make their school time table board and
project List their school regulation marker
Work List their school right and duties regulation
Presentation : Teacher reminds the learners about what they did before they started the new school year , when time table)
they registered and doc that the school gave them to be signed by their parent which deals with the the schoo l Interact
students regulation
Build The teacher shows the document and invites some learners to read it in order to explain the concepts rights & duties
responsible Drill : Learners are invited to listen and repeat the following drill
Learner Students
and future teacher Interpret
citizen who A : Hello , how are you ? B : Hi , I am fine thanks .
discrimin A : whats your name? B : My name is Ahmed. Visual (
Between Students A : whats your job? B : I am a pupil at Middle School? board and
his or her students A : what are your school duties? B : In my school I have to stand for the National Anthem marker ,
B : what about your school rights B : I have the right for a good and free education Produce
Rights and
duties Teacher-
students Learners listen , repeat then perform in pairs
Practice (guided) : Learners are invited to perform in PAIRS ( closed and open ones) the drill and substitute the key
words on page 100 of the school manual.
Students School
teacher manual
Talk about
page 100
school Students Interpret
rights and students

By : Mr Samir Bounab -

Teacher- Use: Teacher invites his learners to talk about their own school regulation, rights and duties, and perform that in
students Interact Visual (
pairs board and
The teacher may help them with some pictures that show rights and duties and makes them work in pair and form marker)
Talk about Students correct dialogue
ones teacher The teacher lists the key words in random in order to make the learners discriminate between rights & duties
school Interpret
rights and
Key words : eat at canteen- respect teachers- not be absent- use the school library not use mobile phone- spoil
duties Students classroom-medical care-clean classroom-salute national flag-not write on tables and walls-keep calm in the halls- make rows- Visual
students sing national anthem- study hard- get school manuals for free- benefit from 3000DA The Presidents Scholarship- do homework ( school
and projects-practice sport at school-check my school marks on the net- print my school report from net-take part in school canteen
clubs and competitions participate in Science Day April 16 th competition keep the school court clean- take care of the class mobile
and school furniture- wear pinafores style ones hair in respectful way wear respectful wearing- go on school excursions .. phone-
Teacher- classroom
students furniture -

A : Hello , how are you ? B : Hi , I am fine thanks .

Students A : whats your name? B : My name is ..
teacher A : whats your job? B : I am a pupil at Middle School?
B : In my school I have to stand for the National Anthem
( school
Students wear my pinafore - wear respectful wearing style my hair in canteen
students modest way -respect teachers- not be absent- use the school library mobile
A : what are your school duties? not use mobile phone- spoil classroom-- spoil classroom- clean phone-
Talk about classroom-salute national flag-not write on tables and walls-keep classroom
ones Teacher- calm in the halls- make rows-sing national anthem- study hard- do furniture
school students homework and projects, take part in school clubs and competitions
rights and
participate in Science Day April 16 th competition keep the school
court clean- take care of the class and school furniture
B : I have the right for a good and free education, eat at canteen, Visual
medical care, get school manuals for free- benefit from 3000DA The ( school
Students B : what about your school rights Presidents Scholarship, practice sport at school-check my school canteen
students marks on the net- print my school report from net mobile
Learners perform , read the drill on the board and then copy down.

By : Mr Samir Bounab ( )

MS1 level Me & My School Seq 4
Lesson : Practice + PIASP pronunciation / d / & /g/
Warmer : The teacher greets his learners and welcomes them .
Teachers invites the learners to make a quick review about the last session
Learners are invited to do the following task .
Talk about The teacher explains the instructions , then invites the learners to work in rough
ones Teacher- Interact Visual (
Task : Put each word in its right column
school students eat at canteen- respect teachers- not be absent- use the school library not use mobile phone- spoil classroom-medical care- board and
rights and marker)
clean classroom-salute national flag-not write on tables and walls-keep calm in the halls- make rows-sing national anthem- study
Students hard- get school manuals for free- benefit from 3000DA The Presidents Scholarship- do homework and projects-practice sport
teacher at school-check my school marks on the net- print my school report from net-take part in school clubs and competitions
participate in Science Day April 16 th competition keep the school court clean- take care of the class and school furniture- wear
pinafores style ones hair in respectful way wear respectful wearing- go on school excursions .
Students Duties Rights Visual (
students board and
stand for the National Anthem wear my pinafore - a good and free education, eat at canteen, medical care,
marker +
wear respectful wearing style my hair in modest way - get school manuals for free- benefit from 3000DA The
respect teachers- not be absent- use the school library not use Presidents Scholarship, practice sport at school-check my showing
Discrimina mobile phone- spoil classroom-- spoil classroom- clean school marks on the net- print my school report from net school
classroom-salute national flag-not write on tables and walls- right and
Between Teacher- keep calm in the halls- make rows-sing national anthem- study Produce duties)
rights and students hard- do homework and projects, take part in school clubs and
duties competitions participate in Science Day April 16 th competition
keep the school court clean- take care of the class and school
PIASP teaching pronunciation / d / & /g
Students Game : learners are invited to listen then repeat the following tongue twister , teacher tries to make a
challenge between learners and sees who makes less mistakes
I gratefully gazed at the gracefully gracefully gazelles. Jamel is an Algerian journalist Interact
Identify the Teacher-
sound /g/ - students Visual (
/ d/ Isolation : gratefully gazed gracefully gracefully gazelles Jamel Algerian journalist board and
Students Analysis g= /g/ j=/ d/
teacher Stating Rule:
Letter Sound
Students g + e, i or y
Identify students j / d/ = job general- large-gym-January giant-
the form of
the sounds Visual (
g+ /l/ o / u / r /g/ = good gum green big grand-glad board and
/g/ and / i+g Produce marker)

Practice : learners are invited to do the following task

Teacher- Task : Put each word in its right column :

students job good - general- big- grand mother - large-gym- green go - January giant- glad gum Algeria English Interpret
geography England green grocer- June journalist judge Bejaia-
Students Visual (
Identify teacher /g/ / d/ board and

Between Students Produce

the sounds students
/g/ and
/ d/
Learners work in rough , the teacher supervises their works , then invites them to correct on the board
Learners read the corrected tasks on the board then copy down

By : Mr Samir Bounab
Greet and Teacher
welcome students
Warmer : The teacher greets his learners and welcomes them , then invites them to talk about the previous
session school rights and duties Interact Visual (
Students Presentation : The teacher introduces the situation through the following drill. board and
Inquire teacher A : Do you stand for the National Anthem every morning? marker )
about Interpret
school B : Yes , I do .
rights and Students A : Do you make problems at school?
duties students B : No , I do not ( dont )
Learners are invited to repeat and perform the drill in pairs
Practice: Learners are asked to keep perform the drill and focus on the negative form . substituting key Produce
words. Visual (
Inquire A : Do you (make problems at school/ cheat in exams/ use mobile phone/ fight with colleagues /write on Interact classroom
about ones Teacher the tables and walls? situation )
school students
rights and B : No , I do not ( dont )
duties Students Produce
teacher Use : Learners are asked to form dialogues about their school and classroom situations using the same
pattern of the presentation and the guided practice
PIASP grammar negative for do not
Identify the Teacher
negative students Learners are invited to read the following example.
form Presentation : I do not shout in class.
Students Isolation : do not shout Interpret Visual (
teacher board and
Analysis ; subj + verb + obj
Students do+ not + verb
students negative form
Stating rule :
Discrimin Produce
the affirm Affirmative form Negative form
Example : I play in class . I do not play in class
Subj+ verb + obj Subj + do + not + verb + obj
Practice : Learners are asked to do the following written task
Task : Change the following sentences into the negative form
1. I arrive late to school . --.>
Transform students 2. I cheat in tests and exams. --.>
3. We throw papers on the soil . --.>
4. You use mobile in school . --.>
Visual (
To negative board and
Teacher 5. I eat seeds , sweets and chewing gum in class . --.> marker)
6. I smoke cigarettes . --.>
teacher 7. I write on the tables and walls. --.> Produce

8. I shout in the school hall. --.>

students 9. I interrupt my teacher and my colleagues . --.>
10. I change my seat. --.>

Learners work in rough ,the teacher supervises their works , then invites them to correct on the board

Learners read the correct task in the board then write down.

By : Mr Samir Bounab
My School Presentation

PPU speaking
PIASP teaching grammar present continuous& pronunciation of oral
/ / & /j/

Your friend needs your help to describe what is happening in your class now

Present continuous tense

pronunciation of / / & /j/

visual ( flashcard showing classroom and activities happening in continuous forms

He can understand and interpret verbal and non-verbal messages

He can work in pairs or in groups
He can use role-play to communicate appropriately
He socialises through oral or written exchanges
The learner can use the markers of his identity when introducing himself to others: name,
He behaves as a responsible and committed citizen
he shows respect for the family members and all the jobs seen in the societyy
He is keen on learning about others markers of identity

time Rational Interaction Procedure competences VAKT/ aids

MS1 Me & My School Seq4
Teacher Lesson : & Interact
Greet and students Teacher greets his learners and welcomes them
Students- Presentation : Using the following classroom flashcard the teacher introduces the situation
Describe Visual (
flashcards Students- flashcard
From none students Interpret showing Mr
verbal to Taylor and his
verbal learners)


Students- The teacher invites to learners to concentrate on the flashcard showing Mr Taylor and his learners/
students The teacher challenges his learners through the following initial problem solving situation
The teachers questions : Produce Visual (
Create a Teacher
classroom students What does the photo show? flashcard
communi Is it your classroom ? showing Mr
Students- Is the class empty ? Taylor and his
Climate teacher learners)
Is it your teacher?
Students- Who are those young learners?
students Teacher interacts with his learners about the situation , then invites them to listen to him describing what is
happening . He insists on that all what is happening is at the moment of speaking making the learners living the

Teacher Presentation 1: Mr.Taylor and his pupils are in class Interact

students Learners listen then repeat
Visual (
Mr.Taylor is supervising his pupils.
Students- flashcard
The pupils are doing many works showing Mr
Peter is looking through the window. Interpret Taylor and his
class Students- Austin is playing in class learners)
Activities students Karen is sleeping on the table
and value Walter is crawling on the soil
School Willy,Alex and Betty are playing a game.
hobbies Karol, Billy and Sam are reading books
Kathy , Paul and Ben are drawing pictures
Tom and Collin are looking at pictures in the book
By Mr Samir Bounab ( )
Work in
pair talking Teacher Drill : The teacher invites the learners to perform the following drill:
about students interact
A : Is Peter reading? B : No, he is not.
Interpret Visual ( board
Class world Students- A : What is he doing? B : He is looking through the window and marker)
activities teacher The learners perform the drill in pairs
Practice : Learners are asked to keep the same drill , substitute key words and practice in pair
Students- A : Is (Peter reading?) Austin sleeping? ) walter painting? Karen drawing?
students B : No, ( he/ she) is not. Interact
A : What is (he/she) doing? Visual (
Reflect the Interpret flashcard
B : He is looking through the window/ playing in class / crawling on the soil./sleeping showing Mr
language Teacher Use: The teachers asks the learners to pay attention at what is happening in their class and try to make Taylor and his
target to students sentences learners)
the real Suggested sentences :
learners Students- The teachers is explaining the lesson
situation teacher Produce
The learners are listening to the teacher
Learners are making dialogues about the lesson
The teacher is asking the learners about the project

PIASP teaching grammar = The present continuous

Know Teacher Presentation : The teachers invites the learners to read the following example. Interact Visual ( board
about the students and marker)
The teacher is writing the lesson ,now
language Students- Isolation is writing Interpret
structure teacher Analysis The teacher is writing the lesson , now .

Subject + Verb + object + time marker

To be (am-is- are) + verb + ing
The present continuous
Identify Teacher Stating Rule : The present continuous
the forms students Affirmative form : Subject + to be (am- is are) + verb +ing + object+ time marker Visual ( board
of the and marker)
present Students-
Example: I am studying at MS1 level / She is doing the project/ The are playing football.
continuous teacher Negative form : Subject + to be + not + verb+ ing + object+ time marker . Produce
Example : I am not playing football / He is not making noise/ they are not cheating at test
Interrogative form : to be + subject+ verb +ing + object+ time marker+ ?
Example : Is he reading a book now ? Are they talking in class now ?
Questions with what who where when + to be + subject + verb +ing + object?
Example : What are you doing ? where are you going? Who is talking? Where you taking the tests?
The learners read the written works on the board then copy down
By : Mr Samir Bounab ( )
students Interact
Lesson : - Practice ( grammar present continuous )
Greet and Students-
welcome teacher PIASP pronunciation : / / Visual ( board
Warming up: The teacher greets his learners and welcomes them, then invites them to talk about the last session and marker)
Identify Students- Practice : Learners are asked to do the following tasks
the students Interpret
Task 1: Unscramble the words to make correct sentences
of a Pupilsarestandinginthecourt Produce
sentence Teacher
students TheyaremakingrowsandsalutingtheNationalAnthem
teacher Learners work in rough , the teacher supervises their works then invites them to correct on the board
The teacher explains the instructions of the second task then asks the learners to work in rough
Students- Interact
students Task 2: Match the sentences with their meaning
Discrimin Visual ( board
between Teacher Interpret and marker)
the students Sentence Meaning
meaning of 1- Every day, I go to school at 7:30.. a- Talk about leisure activities
each Students- 2- Now,I am doing the task with my friend b- Describe daily activities
sentence teacher
3- In week end , I visit my family. c- Talk about something happening now Produce

Students- Learners work in rough , the teacher supervises their works, offers help once needed , then invites them to correct
students on the board
Teacher explains the instructions of next task , then asks the learners to work in rough.
students Task 3: Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets Interact
Spell the Visual ( board
right form Students- Interpret and marker)
It is break time. The bell ( ring) .Pupils ( get).. out the class. I ( play) the court yard with my
of the teacher
friends.The bell (ring)..again. I (make) ..the row and ( join) class .
Continuous Students-
students Learners work in rough , the teacher supervises their works, offers help once needed , then invites them to correct Produce
on the board
Learners read the corrected tasks on the board , then write down on their copy books

By: Mr Samir Bounab ( )

MS1 level ME & My School Seq 4
Lesson : PIASP pronunciation sounds / / & /j/ Interact
Greet and Warmer : The teacher greets his learners and welcomes them , then asks them about the last session.
welcome Teacher
students Presentation: Learners are exposed to the following situation
Learners look at the following picture and repeat.
Learn the teacher Visual (
new sound Interpret pictures
trough Students- showing the
pictures students
Picture 1 : ring -Picture 2 ing -Picture 3: swing -Picture 4 :tongue- sounds
Interact / / & /j/

Teacher Picture 5: yacht Picture 6: yak Picture 7: yoghurt Picture 8 : Yahoo

Learners are invited to perform the following drill. Interpret Visual ( board
Practice Students- A : Is picture 2 a yak? B: No , it is not. and marker)
the new teacher
A : What is it then? B: It is a wing
through Students-
drills students Guided practice : learners are asked to keep the same drill and practice substituting key words.

Use: The teachers asks his learners to write or utter words like the ones seen in the presentation and practice Produce
Teacher PIASP :Learners are requested to read the following examples
Presentation: 1) The king has a ring 2) Yanis is yachting in yellow yacht
Identify Students- Interact
the letters teacher Visual ( board
that form Isolation : king ring yanis yac hting yellow yacht
and marker)
the new Students- Interpret
sounds students Analysis : I + n + g y
/ /& /j/
Teacher Sound / / sound /j/
students Stating rule :
Letter Sound
teacher i+n+g
Between a+n+g Produce
letters and Visual ( board
Students- o+n+g / /"sang", "sing", "song" and "sung and marker)
sounds i+n+g
y+e /j/ - yacine yesterday - yellow

By: Mr Samir Bounab ( )

Practice : Learners are asked to do the following tasks Interact
students Task 1: Cross the odd item Interpret
Visual ( board
Recognize Students- and marker)
the sound teacher The list : yellow January you yours young jet- youth yeast Algeria yacht good yes- yahoo- yoghurt jijel- Produce
/j/ yesterday- yard
Learners work in rough , the teacher supervises their works and offers his help , then invites them to correct on the
The learners read the correct task Interact
Teacher The teacher may set it as a game asking the learners to read and see who can do it without mistakes
The teacher explains the instruction of the second task and invites the learners to work in rough .
Students- Interpret
teacher Task 2: Minimal pairs Match the rhyming pairs

Students- A B
students 1. Band a) Winged Visual ( board
2. Han b) Sing and marker
3. Sin c) Ding Produce
Pair the
4. Win d) Bang
that have
5. Wind e) Pung
the same 6. Kin f) Hang
rhyme Teacher 7. Pin g) Wing
students 8. Din h) king

teacher Learners work in rough , the teacher supervises their works and offers his help , then invites them to correct on the
The learners read the correct task
The teacher may set it as a game asking the learners to read and see who can do it without mistakes

Learners read the corrected tasks on the board , then copy down on their copy books

By: Mr Samir Bounab ( )

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