Algerian English Framework

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The Algerian English Framework


Oral Can interact orally to ask Can interact orally to ask Can interact orally to ask Can interact orally to start Can interact orally to start Can interact orally to start Can interact orally to start
Interaction and answer a question and answer questions in and answer questions in and maintain short and maintain a and maintain a conversation and maintain a conversation
on topics and very short exchanges short exchanges and to conversations (i.e. asking/ conversation (e.g. (e.g. greetings, asking (e.g. greetings, asking
situations related to on concrete topics of respond briefly to the answering questions and greetings, asking and questions and follow-up questions and follow-up
describing family and people, news of others responding to information answering questions, questions, giving and questions, answering in
themselves and places and living on familiar, personal and news of others) giving opinions and seeking facts and opinions) detail, giving and seeking
others, home and conditions, possessions, topics about self, on a range of familiar advice, responding to ideas on topics of interest and facts, reasons, advice and
time likes and dislikes, community, personal topics related to self and and news of others) familiar matters events opinions and agreeing and
using memorized school and leisure experiences and plans, community on topics of interest and and issues (e.g. current disagreeing)
phrases and basic activities, and routines leisure activities, using both routine familiar matters outside events or concrete issues on topics of interest and
sentences. using formulaic phrases using simple sentences and simple, of self and community related to personal life and familiar matters, events
Can plan for, use and and simple sentences. and frequently used spontaneous of a primarily concrete found in media, such as and issues (e.g. current
evaluate the Can plan for, use and expressions sentences nature (e.g. everyday film, books and music) events and contemporary
effectiveness of Spoken evaluate the effectiveness Can deal with simple, Can carry out a range of life, travel, current using spontaneous and issues, and concrete
Interaction Strategies of Spoken Interaction predictable travel common functions in events.) somewhat simple language issues related to personal
used to Strategies used to situations order to using simple, but with some variety of life and found in media
to get help from others; to facilitate pair work in related to restaurants make plans, give primarily spontaneous expression such as film, books and
facilitate pair work in class (e.g. ordering), opinions and advice, language Can carry out common music)
class; to convey the meaning of shopping (e.g. asking give and follow Can carry out common functions involving two using a wide range of
to maintain unknown words, for an item), and directions and functions involving two people (e.g. apologizing, appropriate expressions
conversations. phrases and structures transportation (asking instructions, and ask people (e.g. apologizing, asking for and offering help, and spontaneous
to evaluate one's learning. where something is and for and offer things asking for and offering making plans, giving language
how to get there, and assistance help, making plans, giving opinions and advice) Can carry out common
asking and telling Can plan for, use and opinions and advice) with some variety in functions involving two or
times/schedules). evaluate the effectiveness in a small range of contexts and situations more people (e.g. making
Can plan for, use and of Spoken Interaction contexts and situations Can participate in a basic plans, giving opinions and
evaluate the effectiveness Strategies used at a basic level, discussion and group advice, apologizing, asking
of Spoken Interaction to facilitate pair work Can plan for, use and decision making for and offering help,)
Strategies used in class evaluate the effectiveness on familiar matters in a variety of contexts
to facilitate pair work to convey the of Spoken Interaction that includes the exchange and situations
in class meaning of unknown Strategies used of ideas and opinions making use of a range of
to convey the meaning words, phrases and to maintain Can plan for, use and language
of unknown words, structures conversations evaluate the effectiveness of Can help sustain a basic
phrases and structures to gain time to plan get and give turns Spoken Interaction discussion and group
to learn common and recall language convey the meaning of Strategies decision making

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chunks of language unknown language, and to maintain conversations, on familiar topics and
explore alternative ways to get and give turns, matters of interest
interact. convey the meaning of that includes the
unknown language exchange of ideas and
communicate and check opinions
understanding. Can plan for, use and
evaluate the effectiveness of
Spoken Interaction
Strategies used to get and
give turns in conversations
and discussions
to communicate and
check understanding.
Year MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 SE1 SE2 SE3
Interpretive Can listen to and Can listen to understand Can listen to and Can listen understand the Can listen and understand Can listen and understand Can listen and understand
Listening understand main points main points and important understand main points gist and some important main points and some main points and the main points and the
and some important details of and important details of details of important details of important details of important details of
details (e.g. who, when, short monologs and short monologs and Medium-length Medium-length medium-length monologs longer texts (monologs
where) of dialogs and dialogs monologs and dialogs monologs and dialogs and conversations with two and discussions) of up to
very, short and simple understand consisting of simple between 30-60 of roughly one minute or three people of one to two minutes
monologs and dialogs consisting of simple sentences using seconds with key information one-and-a-half minutes. on a range of topics found
related to familiar topics sentences using frequently used with key information presented in relatively on a range of topics of in media (e.g. radio and
and concrete formulaic phrases and expressions presented in routine, but straightforward interest and well-known film) such as issues,
situations (e.g. frequently used related to familiar varied language language matters. issues and events themes, plot and
introductions, expressions topics or situations, on regularly on a range of topics of that may contain some less characters
descriptions of related to concrete (e.g. personal encountered matters interest and regularly common or more complex that contain some less
location and physical familiar topics or information, leisure (e.g. people, school, encountered matters, language common or more
properties). situations (e.g. personal activities opinions interests, places, health, events and issues found and that are delivered complex language
Can listen to and information or interests, interests, restaurants, personal experiences in media clearly. and that are delivered
understand very short, shopping for items, shopping and and stories.) that are delivered Can listen and follow longer generally clearly, though
simple classroom colors, sizes, prices), transportation, such as Can listen to and clearly. (15 or more sentences) with some variety in the
instructions and local places). where, how, times, understand routine Can listen and follow directions or instructions nationalities of the
explanations that are Can listen to and cost, route). classroom instructions directions and instructions that may contain some speakers (e.g. users of
concrete understand short, simple Can listen to and without supporting that are medium-length complex sentences and English from Algeria,
accompanied by classroom instructions and understand very short, visuals; (roughly 10-15 unknown words India, England, France,
visuals (e.g. gestures, explanations that are routine classroom Can listen to and sentences) and the US or Germany).
writing or drawing, accompanied by visuals instructions understand unfamiliar generally Can listen and follow
modeling, (e.g. gestures, writing or without supporting instructions and straightforward detailed directions and

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demonstration) drawing, modeling, visuals; explanations that are Can plan for, use, and instructions of 15 or more
broken down step-by- demonstration) Can listen to and straightforward, evaluate the effectiveness sentences
step. broken down step-by- understand unfamiliar accompanied by visuals of a listening strategy that contain complex
Can plan for, use and step. instructions and (e.g. gestures, writing or to acquire new sentences and unknown
evaluate the Can plan for, use and explanations that are drawing, modeling, language from listening words.
effectiveness of a few evaluate the effectiveness very short and demonstration)
basic listening strategies of a variety of listening straightforward broken down step-by-
to aid comprehension by strategies to aid accompanied by step.
using key words comprehension by visuals (e.g. gestures, Can plan for, use and
using paralinguistic using key words writing or drawings, evaluate the effectiveness
cues using paralinguistic modeling, of several listening
maintaining a helpful cues demonstration) strategies used to
state of mind maintaining a helpful broken down step-by- make reasonable
state of mind step. guesses at meanings
Can plan for, use and to maintain a helpful
evaluate the effectiveness state of mind.
of a few listening
strategies in order to
comprehend general
ideas or gist
make reasonable
guesses at meanings.

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Year MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 SE1 SE2 SE3
Interpretive Can read and understand Can read and understand Can read and understand Can read and understand Can read and understand Can read and understand Can read and understand
Reading the main ideas of the general ideas and some the main points and the main points and some the main points and some the main points and the gist and significant
very short, formulaic important details of important details of important details of important details of significant details of details
information and very short, simple short, simple texts medium-length texts longer texts (three texts of three or more in a wide range of texts
descriptive texts informational and on familiar personal (e.g. two - three detailed paragraphs) paragraphs of three or more
comprised of learned, descriptive texts (e.g. topics related primarily paragraphs) on familiar topics (e.g. on familiar matters, paragraphs
words, basic phrases formulaic personal to self on familiar topics school, interests, health, including some more on familiar and
and very simple email) that are of a concrete related to self and personal experiences, abstract cultural and unfamiliar matters that
sentences on familiar, concrete type and community (e.g. school, stories and contemporary issues are concrete and of a
on familiar topics topics related to self (e.g. consist of common, interests, health, straightforward events or that may contain some more abstract nature
related to self (e.g. family, home, school, everyday language experiences and well- issues) complex language, but such as cultural and
family, home, school, interests, leisure Can understand everyday known events or issues) that contain a few are generally contemporary issues
food, leisure activities, activities and routines). signs. that are straightforward complex sentences and straightforward: e.g. that contain unexpected
clothes). Can find specific, routine Can find specific, and less frequent encyclopedia entries, or complex language
Can read and understand information in short texts predictable information in clearly written. expressions: e.g. advice award nominations, eye and ideas: political
very short, simple, routine of a range of simple Can read and understand columns, book jackets, witness accounts. speeches, social
instructions and simple everyday material everyday material the gist of autobiographies, diary Can identify the line of commentaries, book or
explanations that that follow a predictable that is straightforward simple arguments or entries. argument in movie reviews.
are concrete format (e.g. (e.g. some websites, opinions that are Can read and identify the clearly signaled and Can read and understand
are found in language advertisements, menus, travel brochures, clearly written conclusion, main points organized arguments. lines of argument in
learning materials itineraries). catalogs). Can read and understand and a few, but not all, dealing with familiar persuasive texts concerned
provide visual support Can follow short, simple Can read and understand the main points of details in matters with contemporary
(e.g. pictures and directions. simple instructions and simple personal letters clearly signaled, that contain some problems or issues
graphs) Can read and understand explanations that are describing personal generally unexpected or complex that contain unexpected
Can plan for, use and short, simple, routine concrete nature events, straightforward language and ideas. or complex language
evaluate the effectiveness instructions and found in language feelings/opinions and arguments Can read and understand and ideas.
of a few basic reading explanations that are learning materials. wishes on familiar topics: e.g. details sufficiently enough Can read letters or email
strategies concrete Can plan for, use and Can plan for, use and letters to the editor. to make specific, short from friends and
aid comprehension by found in language learning evaluate the effectiveness evaluate the effectiveness Can read sufficiently responses understand descriptions of
identifying the purpose materials. of a few basic reading of several reading enough to make a general generally events, feelings and wishes
and using orthographic Can plan for, use and strategies to develop strategies to develop response straightforward sufficiently to comment or
cue. evaluate the effectiveness reading efficiency and reading efficiency and simple personal letters personal letters respond appropriately and
of reading strategies used speed speed describing events, describing events, specifically.
to guessing skills. guessing skills. feelings/opinions and feelings/opinions and Can plan for, use, and
grasp general ideas wishes Can plan for, wishes evaluate the effectiveness
quickly use, and evaluate the Can plan for, use, and of reading strategies

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find specific information effectiveness of several evaluate the effectiveness to use paratextual clues
reading strategies to of several reading to aid comprehension
develop strategies and
guessing skills to develop guessing acquire new language
and the ability to skills from reading
distinguish between and to clarify or
literal and implied summarize information

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Year MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 SE1 SE2 SE3
Productive Can fill in forms or give Can write very short, Can write short, factual Can write short narratives Can write short narratives, Can write narrative, Can write narratives,
Writing simple details in writing factual descriptions descriptions and factual descriptions descriptions and factual descriptive and expository descriptions, expository
using about personal about his/her basic on familiar topics of reports texts texts or essays (e.g. articles
about personal information (e.g. environment (e.g. personal interest on personal and/or on a range of familiar for media, reports, essays,
information (e.g. family, family, home, people, places, as a loose paragraph of concrete topics ( e.g. matters and topics of film reviews)
school, address) school/work, friends) school/work, living related ideas diary entries, interest on a variety of concrete
very basic and using a few formulaic conditions),a nd using common imaginative stories, that are straightforward and abstract subjects
unconnected sentences sentences. about uncomplicated connectors (e.g. and, reports, advice letters). and related to his/her
and phrases. Can write personal notes past activities, personal but, because, so, then, getting across in consist of relatively interests and studies
Can write a very short, and email that experiences and events next, finally) writing points he/she cohesive two-three that are detailed
basic holiday greeting or on routine topics (e.g. as a list of simple Can write short, personal feels are important paragraph consisting of three
travel postcard/email travel, thanks and sentences letters or email organized into two Can write a short, generally clear and
comprised of apology) linked with most on familiar topics of paragraphs that are persuasive letter to the cohesive paragraphs.
short and simple following a standard common connectors personal interest, unified by topic. editor on a familiar matter Can write a simple factual
sentences and phrases formula (e.g. and, but, because) that follow a Can write a short personal that exhibits simple argument
using memorized Can plan for, use and a conventional format letter characteristics of an exhibiting a line of
language evaluate the effectiveness Can write very short letters consisting of one main asking for, conveying argument development which
following a prescribed of one or two very basic or email paragraph and making brief Can write personal letters includes some
format writing strategies containing simple to provide description general comments on giving news and subsidiary points and
to generate ideas and description of personal and ask questions a friends news expressing thoughts relevant examples, and a
create a draft of a text life. Can write basic following a conventional and opinions conclusion.
Can plan for, use and instructions and directions letter format about topics of interest Can write personal letters
evaluate the effectiveness about routine matters consisting of one main of both concrete and giving news and
of a few basic writing (e.g. recipes, how to get paragraph. more abstract nature expressing thoughts and
strategies to to a site of interest, how responding to the news opinions
generate ideas and to do something), that of his/her about well-known
create a draft of a text are correspondent abstract socio-cultural
generally coherent following a topics (films, music,
Can plan for, use and conventional format. well-known
evaluate the effectiveness contemporary issues or
of several writing news) and
strategies to commenting on the
generate ideas and news and thoughts of
create a draft. his/her correspondent.

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Year MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 SE1 SE2 SE3
Productive Can orally produce a very Can sustain a very short, Can orally tell a very short Can sustain a short oral Can sustain an oral Can sustain an oral Can produce an oral narrative
Speaking short, simple self- simple oral description story or give a brief narrative (story, narrative (story, personal narrative or description or description
introduction that is of everyday life, description experience or event) or a experience or event) or a on familiar matters and on a variety of topics (e.g.
comprised of basic interests and abilities about personal things description description topics of interest dreams, hopes, ambitions,
information such as in a list of points (e.g. plans, routines, on topics of interest on a variety of topics of consisting of more than plots of books,
name, age, school, using formulaic possessions, as a series or sequence interest one, generally cohesive unpredictable occurrences
address, interests. sentences and phrases. likes/dislikes) of connected points. consisting of one to two paragraph such as accidents)
Can plan for, use and Can plan for, use and in a simple list of points Can plan for, use and paragraph loosely that includes some basic consisting of more than
evaluate the effectiveness evaluate the effectiveness Can plan for, use and evaluate the effectiveness organized by topic and sensory details and one cohesive paragraph
of one basic productive of one or two basic evaluate the effectiveness of productive speaking basic connectors. vivid description. that includes a number of
speaking strategy productive speaking of productive speaking strategies used Can give a short oral examples of sensory detail
for producing a clear strategies to strategies used to maintain interest. report prepared from and vivid description
message. produce a clearer to gain time, and researched facts Can give an oral report
message and to plan and retrieve on a familiar matter prepared from researched
evaluate one's learning. language. or topic of interest facts
of a more concrete on a familiar matter or
nature topic of interest
consisting of a consisting of unified and
generally unified and coherent two to three
coherent two paragraphs.

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Year MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 SE1 SE2 SE3
Linguistic Vocabulary: Can relate Vocabulary: Can Vocabulary: Can use Vocabulary: Can Vocabulary: Can exploit a Vocabulary: Can Vocabulary: Can
Competency personal details communicate a limited sufficient vocabulary to effectively comprehend wide range of common effectively use the effectively use the needed
in routine, concrete range of information carry out exchanges that and produce the words and language (words and vocabulary needed to vocabulary to express
situations in simple, everyday are phrases needed to express phrases) to express much of express his/her ideas his/her ideas
using very basic, situations routine and his/her ideas what he/she wants to say on most topics on matters connected to
memorized words and using memorized straightforward within straightforward, on a range of familiar pertinent to his/her life his/her interests and
phrases phrases and groups of a by adapting memorized familiar topics and topics and community generally known topics
Grammar: Can use few words simple phrases with situations appropriately appropriately and appropriately
a few very simple politely limited vocabulary politely and in order to be easily with errors that only with precision
grammatical structures Grammar: Can use substitution appropriately comprehended much of occasionally affect Grammar: Can use
and very simple sentence communicating comprehensibly the time when trying to comprehension Grammar needed to
memorized sentence patterns with appropriately making use of say exactly what he/she Grammar: Can use express ideas
patterns memorized phrases with vocabulary strategies to convey wants to grammar needed to on matters connected to
with limited control. with some control, but mistakes common when concepts when exact by making use of express ideas in a range his/her interests and
Pronunciation: Can still systematically venturing away from words are not known. language strategies. of familiar situations generally known topics
pronounce makes basic mistakes. concrete topics Grammar: Can use with good accuracy, with good accuracy and
a very limited repertoire Pronunciation: Can Grammar: Can use Grammar: Can use a range of routines and with native language precision
of practiced words and pronounce simple structures common routines and patterns in predictable and influence present and though minor mistakes
phrases. practiced words, accurately patterns grammar with some less predictable mistakes that only may occur, they do not
with varying phrases and some but still makes basic general control situations with general occasionally affect affect general
intelligibility and routine sentences mistakes. with mistakes common accurately, though comprehension. comprehension.
a strong foreign accent with varying Pronunciation: Can within unfamiliar mistakes can occur that Pronunciation: Can Pronunciation: Can
intelligibly pronounce topics and situations, affect comprehension. pronounce pronounce
and a strong foreign practiced words, phrases or when trying to Pronunciation Can language used language used
accent and some simple express complex ideas. pronounce intelligibly clearly and intelligibly
with mispronunciations sentences Pronunciation Can most language used though a foreign accent though a foreign accent
common. intelligibly pronounce intelligibly is evident and is evident and
with a strong foreign familiar and some with a foreign accent mispronunciation occasional
accent simple new words, often evident and occurs. mispronunciation
with basic phrases and routine mispronunciation to be occurs.
mispronunciations sentences expected.
present. intelligibly
with a strong foreign
and mispronunciations

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