OFL Constitution - English 11

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Ontario Federation

of Labour


Latest Revision
November 2005
Article I.........................................................................................................................................1
Article II .......................................................................................................................................1
Article III - Membership........................................................................................................2
Article IV - Conventions .......................................................................................................3
Article V - Officers...................................................................................................................8
Article VI - Duties of the President ...............................................................................11
Article VII - Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer ........................................................12
Article VIII - Duties of the Executive Vice-President............................................13
Article IX - Executive Board .............................................................................................14
Article X - Executive Council ...........................................................................................15
Article XI - Revenue .............................................................................................................16
Article XII - Amendments ..................................................................................................16
Article XIII - Rules and Regulations..............................................................................16
Article I

This Federation shall be known as the Ontario Federation of Labour and is

chartered by the Canadian Labour Congress. It shall consist of organizations
affiliated to or chartered by the Canadian Labour Congress. These
organizations shall conform to the Constitution and the rules and regulations
of this Federation as set forth herewith. This Federation shall not be dissolved
while there are 10 affiliates of 5 organizations remaining in affiliation.

Article II

The purposes of this Federation are:

1. To support the principles and policies of the Canadian Labour Congress.

2. To promote the interests of its affiliates and generally to advance the

economic and social welfare of the workers of Ontario.

3. (a) To assist affiliated organizations in extending the benefits of

mutual assistance and collective bargaining to workers.

(b) To assist wherever possible in the organization of the unorganized

into unions for their mutual aid, protection and advancement,
giving recognition to the principle that both craft and industrial
unions are appropriate, equal and necessary as methods of union

4. To encourage without discrimination all workers to share in the full

benefits of union organization.

5. To secure provincial legislation which will safeguard and promote the

principle of free collective bargaining, the rights of workers, and the
security and welfare of all people.

6. To protect and strengthen our democratic institutions, to secure full

recognition and enjoyment of the rights and liberties to which we are
justly entitled, and to preserve and perpetuate the cherished traditions of
our democracy and working people.
7. To promote the cause of peace, bread and freedom in the world to assist
and co-operate with free and democratic labour movements throughout
the world to that end.

8. To aid and encourage the sale and use of union made goods and union
services through the use of the union label and other symbols.

9. To protect the labour movement from all corrupt influences and from the
undermining efforts of all totalitarian agencies which are opposed to the
basic democratic principles of democracy and free and democratic

10. To preserve the independence of the labour movement from political

control, to encourage workers to vote, to exercise their full rights and
responsibilities of citizenship, and to perform their rightful part in the
political life of the Municipality, Province and the Dominion of Canada.

11. To promote the labour press and other means of furthering the education
of the labour movement.

12. To promote labour representations on Government and public boards

and commissions.

13. To promote employment equity for visible minorities, women, gays and
lesbians, First Nations, aboriginals, the disabled and francophones and
to work for the elimination of all unfounded and illegitimate barriers to
employment of all persons.

Article III - Membership

Section 1. The Federation shall be composed of (1) local unions, branches

and lodges of national and international unions, regional and provincial
organizations affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress, (2) local unions within
the province chartered by the Canadian Labour Congress, (3) labour councils
within the province chartered by the Canadian Labour Congress.

Section 2. Any organization affiliated with this Federation may be expelled

from affiliation by a two-thirds roll call vote of the convention. Any decision to
expel may be appealed to the Executive Council of the Canadian Labour
Congress within two months. The decision shall be in force and effect during

Section 3. Any organization controlled or dominated by any totalitarian

agencies, or whose policies are consistently directed toward the achievement of
the program or purposes of any totalitarian movement shall not be permitted
as affiliates of this Federation.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of each affiliated organization to furnish the

Secretary-Treasurer with a statement of their membership in good standing.

Article IV - Conventions

Section 1. The convention shall be the governing body of the Federation

subject to Article IX, Section 4 and, except as provided in Section 13(c) of this
Article and Article XII, its decisions shall be by majority vote.

Section 2. The regular biennial conventions of the Federation shall be held

during the last four months of the year. The time and the place for holding the
regular conventions shall be determined by the Executive Board which shall
give at least 90 calendar days' notice.

Section 3. (a) Special convention may be called by direction of a regular

convention, by order of the Executive Board, or on request of affiliated
organizations representing a majority of the total membership of the
Federation, as evidenced by the records of the Secretary-Treasurer to the last

(b) In the event a majority as provided in Sub-section (a) requests a special

convention, the Executive Board shall issue the call for the special convention
within 30 calendar days of such request and shall give all organizations at least
30 calendar days' notice of the time and place for holding the special
convention, together with a statement of the business to be considered at such

(c) Representation to special conventions shall be on the same basis as regular


(d) Except as provided in Sub-section (b) a special convention shall exercise the
same authority as regular conventions.

Section 4. Representation at conventions as approved by the Executive

Council of the Canadian Labour Congress shall be: from affiliated local unions,
branches and lodges, one delegate for 100 or less members, and one additional
delegate for each additional 300 members or major fraction thereof and two
delegates from each local labour council, plus a youth delegate aged 30 or

That where an organization affiliates and pays per capita tax on all of its
membership in the province through a central provincial organization, such
organization shall be allowed two delegates to the Federation convention.

Section 5. Not less than 90 calendar days prior to the opening of each regular
convention and not less than 30 calendar days prior to each special
convention, the Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish each affiliate with credential
blanks in duplicate, which must be attested as required on the blanks. The
original shall be retained by the delegate, and the duplicate sent to the
Secretary-Treasurer. A person must be a member of the local union, branch or
lodge he/she represents at convention. Two or more local unions, branches or
lodges may combine to send a delegate. No credentials shall be accepted later
than 15 calendar days prior to the opening date of a regular convention, and
10 calendar days prior to a special convention. Conventions may permit seating
of delegates upon recommendations of the credentials committee.

Any full-time union representative may be a delegate from an affiliate other

than that in which personal membership is held. Such delegate must be
credentialed by an affiliate of the National or International Union of which
he/she is a member.

Section 6. A registration fee shall be charged to each delegate. The amount of

the registration fee shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 7. Any organization suspended or expelled by the Canadian Labour

Congress or this Federation, shall not, while under such penalty, be allowed
representation in the Federation. Any organization which, at the opening date
of the convention, is in arrears to the Federation for per capita tax for three
months or more, shall not be entitled to recognition or representation in the

Section 8. Any person suspended by or expelled from any organization

affiliated to this Federation shall not be seated as a delegate nor allowed
representation or recognition in this Federation.

Section 9. Any organization which has become affiliated to the Federation at

least one month prior to the convention shall be allowed convention

Section 10. Prior to the opening date of the convention the President, on the
authority of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Committee on Credentials
subject to the ratification of the convention. Such committee shall consist of
not less than three members chosen from those on whose behalf credentials
have been submitted. The committee shall meet prior to the opening date of the
convention, shall pass on the validity of the credentials which have been
received by the Federation and register those approved by the committee. It
shall report to the convention on the first day thereof and subsequent days if
necessary. The convention shall be constituted for business and delegates
deemed to be seated upon report by the committee and acceptance thereof by
the delegates so reported. Appeals from any decision of the committee shall be
laid before the convention so constituted.

Section 11. Executive officers shall be deemed to be delegates to the

convention with all rights and privileges.

Section 12. Officers of the Canadian Labour Congress and invited fraternal
delegates attending conventions of the Federation shall be entitled to all the
rights of delegates other than voting or standing for office.

Section 13. (a) Except as provided in Sub-sections (c) and (d) of this Section, all
resolutions, petitions and appeals to be considered by any convention of the
Federation must be received by the Secretary-Treasurer 30 calendar days
immediately preceding the opening of the convention.
(b) Any resolution to be accepted shall be received by the Federation via mail,
facsimile, in person, or email and must be submitted by the Executive Board or
by an organization affiliated to the Federation and signed by the presiding
officer. A resolution shall not deal with more than one subject, shall refer to the
action which is proposed, and shall contain not more than one hundred and
fifty (150) words exclusive of the words “whereas”, “therefore be it resolved” and
“therefore be it further resolved.”

(c) Resolutions, other than emergency, petitions, and appeals received or

submitted contrary to the above shall be referred to the Executive Board and
the Board may refer such proposals or proposal to the convention with the
understanding that consideration is dependent upon two-thirds majority
consent of the convention.

(d) An affiliate may submit an emergency resolution to the convention

resolutions committee, who shall refer such emergency resolution to the
convention with the understanding that consideration is dependent upon a
two-thirds majority consent of the convention. An emergency resolution must
deal with a subject matter that has arisen during the thirty days immediately
preceding the opening of the convention.

(e) Resolutions, petitions or appeals properly received for consideration by the
convention shall be classified as to nature, contents and subject matter and
referred to an appropriate convention committee, which shall report thereon to
the convention prior to consideration of any such matter by the convention.

Section 14. Prior to the opening date of the convention the President, on the
authority of the Executive Board, shall appoint such committees as are
necessary to conduct the affairs of the convention. The Executive Board may
request any such committee to meet prior to the convention for the purpose of
considering matters placed before it, in which event the members thereof shall
be paid by the Federation such amount for wages and expenses for such extra
days as the Executive Board shall determine.

Section 15. One fourth of the registered delegates at any convention shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 16. The rules of order of the Federation shall be:

1. The President or, in the absence of the President or at the President's

request, a Vice-President shall take the chair at the time specified, at all
regular and special conventions. In the absence of both the President or
the designated representative, a person to chair the convention shall be
chosen by the Executive Board.

2. No question of sectarian character shall be discussed.

3. A delegate wishing to speak shall proceed to one of the microphones

provided for that purpose. When recognized by the Chair delegates shall
give their name and the organization they represent and shall confine
their remarks to the question at issue.

4. Speeches shall be limited to five minutes except in moving a resolution,

when the delegate shall be allowed ten minutes.

5. A delegate shall not speak more than once upon a subject until all who
wish to speak have had an opportunity to do so.

6. A delegate shall not interrupt another except it be to call to a point of

order, or question of privilege.

7. If a delegate is called to order he/she shall, at the request of the Chair,

be seated until the question of order has been decided.

8. Should a delegate persist in unparliamentary conduct, the Chair will be
compelled to name such delegate and submit the delegate's conduct to
the judgment of the convention. In such case the delegate whose conduct
is in question should explain and then withdraw, and the convention will
determine what course to pursue in the matter.

9. When a question is put, the Chair, after announcing the question, shall
ask: "Are you ready for the question?" If no delegate wishes to speak the
question shall be put.

10. Questions may be decided by a show of hands, or a standing vote on the

basis of one vote per delegate. A roll call vote may be demanded by one-
third of the delegates present. In a roll call vote each delegate shall be
entitled to one vote.

11. A delegate may appeal the decision of the Chair. The question is not
debatable. The delegate challenging the Chair may briefly state reasons
for the challenge. The Chair may make an explanation of the ruling. The
question shall then be put, thus, "Shall the decision of the Chair be

12. The Chair shall have the same rights as other delegates to vote on any
question. In case of a tie vote, the person chairing shall cast the deciding

13. When the previous question is moved, no discussion or amendment of

either motion is permitted. If the majority votes that "the question be now
put," the original motion has to be put without debate. If the motion to
put the question is defeated, discussion will continue on the original

14. Committees may combine resolutions or prepare a composite to cover the

intent of the question at issue. Reports of Committees are not subject to
amendment except such as is acceptable to the Committee, but a motion
to refer back to the Committee for reconsideration shall be in order.

15. A delegate shall not move a motion to refer back after they have spoken
on the question at issue.

16. A motion to refer back is not debatable and when properly seconded the
question shall be immediately put to the convention.

17. If the report of a Committee is adopted it becomes the decision of the

convention. If defeated it may be referred back to the Committee for

18. When a question is pending before the convention, no motion shall be in
order except - to refer - for the previous question - to postpone for a
definite time. If any of the foregoing motions is negated, it cannot be
renewed until after an intermediate proceeding.

19. A motion may be reconsidered providing the mover and seconder of the
motion to reconsider voted with the prevailing side and notice of motion
has been given for reconsideration at the previous sitting. A motion to
reconsider shall require a two-thirds majority to pass.

20. The Executive Board is empowered to establish the hours of convention.

21. In all matters not regulated by these rules of order, Roberts Rules of
Order shall govern.

Section 17. Unless otherwise specified, any decision taken by the convention
shall take effect immediately upon adjournment of the convention.

Article V - Officers

Section 1. The Officers of the Federation shall be: a President, a Secretary-

Treasurer, an Executive Vice-President, and thirty-three (33) Vice-Presidents as
described in Sections 1.1 and 1.2.

Section 1.1 - fifteen (15) Vice-Presidents designated by the largest

fifteen (15) affiliates,
- eight (8) Vice-Presidents designated by the four (4) largest
private and four (4) largest public sector affiliates as
affiliate affirmative action and allocated to women,
- one (1) Vice-President chosen by a smaller affiliate
delegate caucus and allocated to a smaller affiliate
- one (1) Vice-President chosen by an aboriginal persons
caucus and allocated to an aboriginal delegate,
- one (1) Vice-President chosen by persons with a disability
caucus and allocated to a delegate with a disability,
- one (1) Vice-President chosen by a gay, lesbian or
bisexual persons caucus and allocated to a gay, lesbian
or bisexual delegate,
- two (2) Vice-Presidents chosen by a visible minority
persons caucus and allocated to visible minority delegates
at least one (1) of whom must be a woman,
- one (1) Vice-President chosen by a youth persons caucus
and allocated to a youth delegate.

The Vice-Presidents representing the fifteen (15) largest affiliates and the eight
(8) affiliate affirmative action and allocated to women seats shall be determined
by examination of OFL per capita records for the previous twelve (12) months
on each November 1.

A smaller affiliate is an affiliate who did not attain a Vice-President position

through the mechanism provided for the allocation of the fifteen (15) largest

The Vice-Presidents representing smaller affiliates, aboriginal persons, persons

with a disability, gay, lesbian or bisexual persons, visible minority and youth
will be selected by their respective caucuses at convention in addition to an
alternate to serve as a Vice-President on the Executive Board in the event that
the first selected individual(s) is/are unable to complete their respective term of

In the event of a new affiliation to the Federation by a union that would qualify
as one of the fifteen largest affiliates, the Executive Board has the authority to
add representative(s) of such union to the Board. Such a decision, however, will
not affect the position of any current vice-president(s) until the application of
Article V, Section 1.1 (paragraph 2).

Section 1.2 - three (3) Vice-Presidents, one of whom must be a woman

and one of whom must be from Northern Ontario, who
are labour council presidents and representing labour
councils at convention. These representatives must be
chosen at a labour council caucus at convention by
labour council presidents or their designates.

Where a Vice-President ceases to occupy the office of President of their

respective labour council, such Vice-President will be replaced at the next
regularly scheduled Executive Council meeting by a successor Vice-President,
selected by the labour councils in attendance at that meeting. Such Vice-
President will fulfil the remaining term of office provided such Vice-President
retains the office of President of their respective labour council otherwise a
vacancy will be declared and will be filled again in the manner prescribed in
this section.

Section 2. Each officer shall be a member in good standing of an affiliated


Section 3. The full-time officers shall be elected by the convention every

second year by majority vote. Such election shall take place on the second day
of the convention, unless otherwise determined by the convention.

Section 4. Election of full-time officers shall be by secret ballot. A majority of
votes cast shall be required before any candidate can be declared elected, and
second and subsequent ballots shall be taken if necessary to obtain such a
majority. On the second and subsequent ballots the candidate receiving the
lowest number of votes in the previous ballot shall be dropped. In case of a
final tie vote the presiding officer may cast the deciding vote.

Section 5. The election of each office shall be completed before nominations

may be accepted for any subsequent office.

Section 6. All Officers before assuming office in this Federation shall take the
following oath:

"I, do hereby, sincerely pledge my word and honour to perform my

duties as an Officer of the Ontario Federation of Labour. I will
attend, when able to do so, all meetings of the Executive Board or
Council of which I shall be a member, and at the end of my term of
office I shall turn over to the Ontario Federation of Labour or to my
successor, all properties or funds in my possession that belong to
the Federation. I will faithfully support the Constitution, principles
and policies of the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Canadian
Labour Congress."

Section 7. The term of officers of the Federation shall commence within thirty
days following the adjournment of the convention.

Section 8. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, a Vice-

President shall perform the duties of the President until a successor is chosen
by the Executive Board. If a Vice-President is unable to act in this matter the
Secretary-Treasurer shall perform this duty. In the event of a vacancy in the
office of Secretary-Treasurer, or Executive Vice-President, the President shall
perform the duties of the vacant office until a successor is chosen by the
Executive Board. Any member of the Executive Board absent from two
successive meetings without a reasonable excuse shall be deemed to have
vacated the office. The vacancy so created shall be filled in accordance with
Section 9 of Article V.

Section 9. In the event of a vacancy in any office of the Executive Board the
vacancy shall be filled at the next regular meeting.

Section 10. In the event of a tie vote in the Executive Board the President shall
cast a deciding ballot.

Section 11. The Executive Board may cause to be incorporated a corporation
or corporations for the purpose of acquiring, administering, and disposing of
real property on behalf of the Federation. If no such corporation exists, or as
otherwise determined by the Executive Board, the Executive Officers of the
Federation shall hold title to any real property of the Federation as trustees for
the Federation.

Section 12. (a) All Officers, former Officers and employees of the Federation,
and their heirs, executors and administrators, and estate and effects,
respectively, shall at all times be indemnified, out of the funds of the
Federation, from all costs whatsoever incurred by the person in any proceeding
to which the person is made a party by reason of being or having been an
Officer or employee of the Federation, for any thing whatsoever, made, done or
permitted by the person in the execution of his or her duties as an Officer or
employee of the Federation, or as an Officer or Director of any corporation to
which office the person is appointed for the purpose of representing the
Federation, provided that:

(i) the person acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best
interests of the Federation; and

(ii) in the case of a criminal or administrative action or proceeding

that is enforced by a monetary penalty, he or she had reasonable
grounds for believing that his or her conduct was lawful, or as
otherwise determined by the Executive Board.

(b) The Federation may purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of any
Officer or employee of the Federation against any liability incurred by him or
her in his or her capacity as an Officer or employee, or as an Officer or Director
of any corporation to which office the person is appointed for the purpose of
representing the Federation, except where the liability relates to his or her
failure to act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the

Article VI - Duties of the President

Section 1. The President shall function as the chief executive officer of the
Federation. The President shall exercise supervision over the affairs of the
Federation, sign all official documents and preside at regular and special
conventions, and at meetings of the Executive Board. The President may dele-
gate his or her authority under this section in writing to another Officer, and
such authority shall be good for the remainder of the Officer's term unless it is
revoked by the President.

Section 2. Subject to appeal to the Canadian Labour Congress, the President
shall have authority to interpret this Constitution, and his/her interpretation
shall be conclusive and in full force and effect unless reversed or changed by
the Executive Board or a convention.

Section 3. The President shall make a report on the administration of his/her

office and on the affairs of the Federation to the convention through the report
of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The President shall be a full-time officer of the Federation and shall
receive a salary of $65,680.54 effective October 1, 1989, and in addition a cost
of living allowance adjusted quarterly, plus expenses. There will be a three per-
cent increase on the salary of the President effective October 1, 1990 and every
two years thereafter with the Cost-of-Living adjustment folded in on September
30, 1990 and every two years thereafter. The Federation shall provide a
pension and other fringe benefits as determined by the Executive Board.

Article VII - Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer

Section 1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the chief administrative and

financial officer of the Federation.

Section 2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be in charge of books, documents,

files and effects of the Federation which shall at all times be subject to the
inspection of the President and Executive Board.

Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare a financial statement of the

Federation for each meeting of the Executive Board. Copy of this statement
shall be forwarded to the Canadian Labour Congress.

Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have the books of the Federation

audited at least once each year by a registered firm of chartered accountants
selected by the President and approved by the Executive Board. Such audits
shall be furnished to the Executive Board and to the convention, and a copy
shall be forwarded to the Canadian Labour Congress.

Section 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall, subject to the approval of the

Executive Board, invest the surplus funds of the Federation in securities or
deposit them in a bank or banks.

Section 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be bonded in such amount as may

be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 7. The Secretary-Treasurer is empowered to require affiliated
organizations to provide statistical data in their possession relating to the
membership of their organizations.

Section 7.1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall work to achieve full affiliation to

the Federation. The SecretaryTreasurer shall also provide to each convention a
list of all locals, branches and lodges which are affiliated to the Federation.

Section 8. The Secretary-Treasurer shall issue the call for and act as
secretary at conventions, and shall cause the proceedings of all conventions
and all sessions of the Executive Board to be recorded. Copies of all
proceedings shall be forwarded to the Canadian Labour Congress.

Section 9. The Secretary-Treasurer shall, with approval of the Executive

Board, employ, direct and fix compensation for all administrative help
necessary for the proper functioning of the Federation.

Section 10. The Secretary-Treasurer shall report to the convention of the

Federation through the report of the Executive Board.

Section 11. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be a full-time officer of the

Federation and shall receive a salary of $62,373.14 effective October 1, 1989,
and in addition a cost of living allowance adjusted quarterly, plus expenses.

There will be a three percent increase on the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer

effective October I, 1990 and every two years thereafter with the Cost-of-Living
adjustment folded in on September 30, 1990 and every two years thereafter.
The Federation shall provide a pension and other fringe benefits as determined
by the Executive Board.

Article VIII - Duties of the Executive Vice-President

Section 1. The Executive Vice-President shall aid the President in his/her

duties as chief executive officer of the Federation and act on his/her behalf
when requested to do so.

Section 2. The Executive Vice-President shall report to the convention of the

Federation through the report of the Executive Board.

Section 3. The Executive Vice-President shall be a fulltime officer of the
Federation and shall receive a salary of $60,873.14 effective October 1, 1989,
and in addition a cost of living allowance adjusted quarterly, plus expenses.
There will be a three percent increase on the salary of the Executive Vice-
President effective October 1, 1990 and every two years thereafter with the
Cost-of-Living adjustment folded in on September 30, 1990 and every two years
thereafter. The Federation shall provide a pension and other fringe benefits as
determined by the Executive Board.

Article IX - Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Secretary-

Treasurer, Executive Vice-President, and Vice-Presidents.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet at least four times each year.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to initiate provincial

legislative action in the interests of working people.

Section 4. (a) The Executive Board shall be the governing body of this
Federation between conventions. It shall have power to conduct all of the
operation and affairs of this Federation. Subject to Article XII (Amendments),
no action taken by the Executive Board shall require confirmation or
ratification by convention in order to become valid or to bind this Federation.

(b) The Executive Board shall take such action and render such decisions as
may be necessary to carry out fully the decisions and instructions of the
conventions and to enforce the provisions of this Constitution.

(c) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing paragraphs (a) and (b),
the Executive Board shall have the following powers:

(i) to pass without any confirmation by convention all necessary rules

and regulations related in any way to the operation and affairs of
this Federation, provided that such rules and regulations are not
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution and policies of
the Canadian Labour Congress;

(ii) to enter into, administer and enforce contracts, binding this

Federation and another party or other parties;

(iii) to conduct an investigation of any situation in which there is
reason to believe that any affiliated organization may be
dominated, controlled or substantially influenced in the conduct of
its affairs by any corrupt influence, or that its policies or activities
are contrary to the principles or policies of the Federation. Upon
the completion of such an investigation, including a hearing if
requested, the Executive Board shall have the authority to make
recommendations to the organization involved and the Canadian
Labour Congress. It shall have the further authority upon a two-
thirds vote of the Board to suspend any organization. Any action of
the Executive Board under this Section may be appealed to the
Canadian Labour Congress and if necessary to the following

(iv) to appoint standing and special committees of the Federation,

determine their composition and term of office, and to direct their
activities, provided that unless otherwise empowered by the
Executive Board, such committees shall have only the power to
make recommendations to the Executive Board, and shall have no
executory power or other power to bind this Federation;

(v) to cause to be incorporated any corporation for any purposes

deemed appropriate by the Executive Board; and

(vi) to reimburse members of the Board for actual expenses in

performing their duties for the Federation.

Section 5. A majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute

a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Board.

Section 6. The Canadian Labour Congress shall hear appeals from decisions
of the Executive Board.

Section 7. The Executive Board shall present to the convention a report of the
activities of the Federation between conventions.

Article X - Executive Council

The Executive Council shall meet at least three times each year and shall be
composed of:

- the Federation Executive Board;

- one (1) delegate from each labour council;
- two (2) representatives of the Ontario Federation of Union Retirees
(Congress of Union Retirees of Canada).

Article XI - Revenue

Section 1. A per capita tax shall be paid upon the full paid up membership of
each organization excluding labour councils.

Section 2. Each affiliated local union, branch or lodge shall pay, before the
first day of each month, for the preceding month, a per capita tax for each
member as follows: 58 cents per member effective December 1, 2001; 63 cents
per member effective December 1, 2002.

Section 3. Any organization which does not pay its per capita tax on or before
the time specified shall be notified of that fact by the Secretary-Treasurer of the
Federation. Any organization three months in arrears in payment of per capita
tax may become suspended from membership.

Article XII - Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution so long as they do not conflict with the

Constitution of the Canadian Labour Congress, nor its principles and policies,
may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present in convention and voting.
Any amendment shall only become effective after approval by the Executive
Council of the Canadian Labour Congress.

Article XIII - Rules and Regulations

This Federation may adopt such rules and regulations as they do not conflict
with, nor are inconsistent with, the provisions of the Constitution or the
policies of the Canadian Labour Congress. Such rules and regulations may be
adopted either at convention or, in between conventions, by the Executive
Board pursuant to Article IX, Section 4 (c)(i), as the case may be.



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