A human rights policy publicly expresses a company's commitment to respecting internationally recognized human rights standards as defined in the International Bill of Human Rights and International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Developing such a policy shows understanding of responsibility to respect human rights, provides a basis for embedding this responsibility across business functions, responds to stakeholder expectations, identifies policy gaps, builds trust with stakeholders, and demonstrates good business practices.
A human rights policy publicly expresses a company's commitment to respecting internationally recognized human rights standards as defined in the International Bill of Human Rights and International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Developing such a policy shows understanding of responsibility to respect human rights, provides a basis for embedding this responsibility across business functions, responds to stakeholder expectations, identifies policy gaps, builds trust with stakeholders, and demonstrates good business practices.
A human rights policy publicly expresses a company's commitment to respecting internationally recognized human rights standards as defined in the International Bill of Human Rights and International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Developing such a policy shows understanding of responsibility to respect human rights, provides a basis for embedding this responsibility across business functions, responds to stakeholder expectations, identifies policy gaps, builds trust with stakeholders, and demonstrates good business practices.
A human rights policy publicly expresses a company's commitment to respecting internationally recognized human rights standards as defined in the International Bill of Human Rights and International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Developing such a policy shows understanding of responsibility to respect human rights, provides a basis for embedding this responsibility across business functions, responds to stakeholder expectations, identifies policy gaps, builds trust with stakeholders, and demonstrates good business practices.
It is a companys public expression of its commitment to meet its responsibility to
respect internationally recognized human rights standards. At a minimum, this means the rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organizations Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Why develop a human rights policy?
A human rights policy shows that a company understands its responsibility to respect human rights. It also:
Provides a basis for embedding the responsibility to respect human rights
through all business functions Responds to relevant stakeholder expectations Identifies policy gaps and initiate a process that alerts the company to new areas of human rights risk Elaborates on the companys commitment to respect and support human rights Builds increased trust with external stakeholders and to start to understand and address their concerns Fosters the development of in-house learning, management capacity and leadership on human rights issues Demonstrates international good business practice