4 Types of Retirement Plans and Employer-Sponsored Plans

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4 Types of Retirement Plans and

Employer-Sponsored Plans
Among the different types of retirement plans, there are four main types:
government-sponsored plans, personal plans, annuities, and employer-
sponsored plans.

Government-sponsored Plans: The largest government-

sponsored retirement plan is the Social Security plan.
Personal Plans: The most popular example is the Individual
Retirement Agreement or IRA, which can come in different types
according to their tax treatment.
Annuities: These are contracts established with an insurance
company; there are fixed and variable annuities.
Employer-sponsored Plans: The two types of employer-sponsored
retirement plans are qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.
o Qualified retirement plans meet the Internal Revenue Code
requirements and the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974 (ERISA) requirements. These plans offer several
tax benefits: they allow employers to deduct annual allowable
contributions for each participant; contributions and earnings
on those contributions are tax-deferred until withdrawn for
each participant; and some of the taxes can be deferred even
further through a transfer into a different type of IRA.
o Non-qualified retirement plans are those plans that either
do not meet the IRS Code requirements or the ERISA

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