Abrsm Vs Trinity

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What is the difference between ABRSM music exams

and Trinity music exams?
Sight reading is tested in all grades in ABRSM music
exams but is only a must in higher grades in Trinity. In
ABRSM, grade 5 theory is a prerequisite for grades 6 to 8
practical but there are no prerequisites for Trinity exams.
The exams are different in their exam formats,
prerequisites and marking schemes.

In ABRSM music exams, there are 4 different components

to a graded practical music exam. In my piano lessons,
one of my objectives is to allow time to develop skills in
each area adequately before an exam.
Click on the headings to find useful tips on doing better in
each component:
Prepared pieces
3 piano pieces are chosen from a set list, practiced at
home and performed during the exam.

Scales and arpeggios

These are prescribed exercises practiced at home and
tested during the exam.

Sight reading
The candidate plays a short piece of music new to him
after half a minute of preparation. Graded specimen sight
reading tests are available for practice at home.

A group of tests are used to assess listening skills and
musical understanding. Specimen aural tests which
involve rhythmic, melodic and other musical skills are
available for practice at home.

In Trinity exams, candidates play 3 pieces similar to in an

ABRSM exam. However, there are some differences with
regard to the following areas:

1. Technical Work

Candidates play 3 short exercises and some scales and


2. Sight Reading and Aural

In grades 1-5, candidates may choose freely two of the

following to be tested: aural, sight reading, improvisation
and musical knowledge. In grades 6-8, the first test must
be sight reading while the second may be aural or
Q. Are there any prerequisites to taking ABRSM and
Trinity piano exams?

For ABRSM exams, there are no prerequisites for grades

1-5 piano exams; however, grade 5 music theory or
practical musicianship must be completed before sitting for
the grades 6-8 piano exams.

For Trinity exams, there are no prerequisites in all grades.

Q. What are the marking criteria for piano exams?

A. In ABRSM exams, the pass mark is 100 out of 150,

120 marks for Merit and 130 marks for Distinction. Marks
are given for technical competence, musical understanding
and communication through the music.

For ABRSM marking criteria and performance tips in more

detail, please see:
Piano pieces tips and marking criteria
Scales and arpeggios tips and marking criteria
Sight reading tips and marking criteria
Aural tests tips and marking criteria
Trinity mark scheme in the 2015-17 syllabus is as follows:
Q. Why should students take ABRSM music exams and
similar piano exams?

A. These piano exams provide a reliable standard of

assessment for music students. Students can gauge their
musical standard by taking such exams.
Q. Should a student take ABRSM music exams or similar
piano exams every year?

A. Yearly exams are not necessary. Among my students,

it is common for hardworking piano students to take only 2
to 3 exams between beginners to grade 8. Enough time
should be invested to develop musical and technical skills
in between exams so that a student is well-prepared for
progressively more advanced pieces.
Q. Is taking every grade necessary?

A. It is not necessary to take every grade. Grades may

be skipped or taken step by step depending on the
progress of the student. When skipping grades, it's very
important that the student has been trained adequately in
both technique and musicality to move on to the next
level. As such, the honest professional judgement of the
piano teacher would be important in making this decision -
skipping grades when the student is not ready would
cause many problems in the future.
In Singapore and perhaps elsewhere as well, there are
some piano teachers who allow students to skip grades
without ensuring or not knowing if the standard is met.
This is unprofessional as the student suffers later on
unable to cope, unknowingly wasting precious years and
even suffering the rude shock of failing an exam.
Q. What is ABRSM and Trinity?

A. ABRSM consists of well-established music colleges in

the UK, namely the Royal College of Music, the Royal
Academy of Music, the Royal Northern College of Music
and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.

Trinity exams are conducted by Trinity College London,

also a well-reputed music college in the UK. They have
slightly different requirements but generally reflect a similar
standard to ABRSM exams.
Q. How do I register for exams?

Graded exam registration for associated board exams is

online only and available at sg.abrsm.org/en/home. You
may register through your piano teacher, your music
school, as a parent or as a candidate.
In Singapore, many piano teachers register on behalf of
their students.
Please remember to set the country according to where
you will be sitting for exams if you are not in Singapore.

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