ARC 350 Operating Manual

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Program Monopolar Cut Monopolar Coag Bipolar Coag

Blend ON

1 2 3 4

ARC 300

Program Monopolar Cut Monopolar Coag Bipolar Cut Bipolar Coag


Blend Blend ON

1 2 3 4

ARC 350

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 3

4 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN
900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 5

1 "Monopolar Cut" indicator arrow (yellow)
"Monopolar Cut" 7-segment indicator
Monopolar Cut Monopolar Coag
2 9
1 8 3/4 Power limitation for monopolar cutting
3 4 10 11 5/6 Key for the degree of scabbing during monopolar cutting
5 7 Blend factor indicator for "Monopolar Cut"
12 14
6 Blend
Blend settings 0-9
7 13
8 Indicator arrow for "Monopolar Coag" (blue)
9 "Monopolar Coag" 7-segment indicator
10/11 Power limitation for monopolar coagulation
12 Key/indicator for "Moderate Coagulation" current
Program Monopolar Cut Monopolar Coag Bipolar Cut Bipolar Coag
13 Key/indicator for "Forced Coagulation" current
15 14 Key/indicator for "Spray Coagulation" current


15 Indicator on main display: programs and information
Blend Blend ON

Current indicator on 2-line display

16/17 Program key
18 19 20
18 Error status indicator
19 EASY neutral electrode monitoring for solid neutral
Bipolar Cut Bipolar Coag
electrode(EASY monitoring solid)
20 EASY neutral electrode monitoring for split neutral
21 22 28 29
electrode(EASY monitoring split)
23 24 30 31
"Bipolar Cut" indicator arrow (yellow)
32 21
26 18
Blend ON

22 "Bipolar Cut" 7-segment indicator

23/24 Power limitation for bipolar cutting
25/26 Key for the degree of scabbing during bipolar cutting
27 Blend factor indicator for "Bipolar Cut"
Blend settings 09
1 2 3 4 28 Indicator arrow for "Bipolar Coag" (blue)
29 "Bipolar Coag" 7-segment indicator
30/31 Power limitation for bipolar coagulation
32 AUTOSTART key/indicator "Bipolar Output 3 or 4
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (connection socket 43 or 47)
Only for bipolar coagulation!

33 On/off switch
34 Socket for the neutral electrode (NE)
35 Key/indicator for "Monopolar Output 1"
(connection socket 36)
For monopolar instruments with manual switching
36 Connection socket for monopolar instruments with manual
1 2 3
37 "Monopolar Output 1" finger switch indicator
38 "Monopolar Output 2"
foot switch assignment indicator
3 +4 2 +3

39 "Monopolar Output 2" key/indicator

50 51 52 53 54 55 56
(connection socket 40)
ARC 300/350

6 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN


40 Connection socket for monopolar instruments with hand or

foot switch or Bovie connector or 4 mm monopolar
endoscope connector or 3-pin connector
41 "Monopolar Output 2" finger switch indicator
42 "Bipolar Output 3" foot switch assignment indicator
43 Connection socket for bipolar instruments with foot switch or
AUTOSTART (to be used in ligation)
44 "Bipolar Output 3" key/indicator (connection socket 43)
45 AUTOSTART indicator"Bipolar Output 3"
(connection socket 43) active
46 Foot switch indicator assignment to "Bipolar Output 4"
47 Connection socket for bipolar instruments with foot switch or
48 "Bipolar Output 4" key/indicator (connection socket 47)
49 AUTOSTART indicator"Bipolar Output 4"
(connection socket 47) active

Back side of ARC 300/350

50 Connection socket 1 for foot switch for outputs 3/4
51 Not assigned
52 Connection socket 3 for foot switch for outputs 2/3
53 Rating label
54 Connection for communications interface 901-045
55 Connection for equipotential bonding
56 Power connection for cooling device connector
40 Connection socket for monopolar instruments with hand or
foot switch or Bovie connector or 4 mm monopolar
endoscope connector or 3-pin connector

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8 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN



Legend .........................................................................................................................................................6

1. Using this operating manual.........................................................................................................13

1.1. Revision index...................................................................................................................13
1.2. Validity...............................................................................................................................13
1.3. Other applicable documents .............................................................................................13
1.4. Icons and labeling .............................................................................................................14
1.4.1. Structure of warning instructions .......................................................................14
1.4.2. Risk levels in the warning instructions...............................................................14
1.4.3. Tips ....................................................................................................................14
1.4.4. Other icons and labeling....................................................................................15

2. Safety...............................................................................................................................................16
2.1. Intended use .....................................................................................................................16
2.2. General safety instructions ...............................................................................................17
2.3. Personal safety instructions..............................................................................................18
2.3.1. Patients with pacemakers..................................................................................18
2.3.2. Safe positioning of the patient ...........................................................................18
2.3.3. Correct connection of the HF device .................................................................18
2.3.4. Correct use of the HF device.............................................................................19
2.3.5. Adjusting the settings of the HF device and use of the accessories.................19
2.4. Device-related safety instructions.....................................................................................20
2.5. Safe handling (general instructions) .................................................................................21
2.5.1. Surgical environment: prevention of explosions/combustion ............................22
2.5.2. Application of the neutral electrode ...................................................................23

3. Functionality ...................................................................................................................................25
3.1. Monopolar modes .............................................................................................................25
3.1.1. "Cut" mode.........................................................................................................25
3.1.2. "Moderate Coag" mode .....................................................................................25
3.1.3. "Forced Coag" mode .........................................................................................26
3.1.4. "Spray coagulation" mode .................................................................................26
3.1.5. "GastroCUT" mode............................................................................................27
3.2. Bipolar modes ...................................................................................................................28
3.2.1. "Soft COAG" mode ............................................................................................28

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3.3. Activation and alarm signals in monopolar and bipolar mode ..........................................29
3.4. Emergency shutoff ............................................................................................................29
3.5. Monitoring functions..........................................................................................................29
3.5.1. Self-test..............................................................................................................29
3.5.2. Cyclical test during operation ............................................................................29
3.6. ARC control technology ....................................................................................................30
3.7. Neutral electrode monitoring.............................................................................................30
3.7.1. General information ...........................................................................................30
3.7.2. EASY neutral electrode monitoring (EASY monitoring) ....................................30
3.8. Foot switch........................................................................................................................31
3.9. Memory functions..............................................................................................................31

4. Description......................................................................................................................................32
4.1. Icons on the device ...........................................................................................................32
4.1.1. Rating label........................................................................................................33
4.2. Scope of delivery ..............................................................................................................33
4.3. Components required for operation ..................................................................................33

5. Preparation .....................................................................................................................................34
5.1. Setting up the HF device...................................................................................................34
5.2. Switching on the HF device ..............................................................................................35
5.3. Connecting instruments ....................................................................................................35
5.3.1. Instruments for monopolar applications ............................................................36
5.3.2. Instruments for bipolar applications...................................................................36
5.3.3. Connecting the foot switch ................................................................................36
5.3.4. Assigning a foot switch output...........................................................................37
5.4. Function test .....................................................................................................................39
5.4.1. Automatic test functions ....................................................................................39
5.4.2. EASY neutral electrode monitoring (EASY monitoring) ....................................39

6. Operation.........................................................................................................................................40
6.1. Program overview .............................................................................................................40
6.2. Basic program settings .....................................................................................................41
6.2.1. Calling up a program .........................................................................................41
6.2.2. Changing the program.......................................................................................41
6.3. Program descriptions ........................................................................................................43
6.3.1. Program 0 "Standard"........................................................................................43

10 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN


6.3.2. Program 1 EndoLAP Bipolar Cut (Bipolar Cut only for ARC 350 and
ARC 350L).........................................................................................................43
6.3.3. Program 2 EndoLAP II Ligation (ligation only for ARC 350L) .........................44
6.3.4. Program 3 Abdominal Ligation (ligation only for ARC 350L) ..........................45
6.3.5. Program 4 Argon Ligation (ligation only for ARC 350L)..................................46
6.3.6. Program 5 "Argon Open"...................................................................................47
6.3.7. Program 6 "Macro Plastic".................................................................................47
6.3.8. Program 7 "Micro Plastic"..................................................................................48
6.3.9. Program 8 "Local Anaesthesia".........................................................................48
6.3.10. Program 9 "ENT" ...............................................................................................48
6.3.11. Program 10 "Micro Pediatric" ............................................................................48
6.3.12. Program 11 "Micro Neuro".................................................................................48
6.3.13. Program 12 "DryCUT" .......................................................................................49
6.3.14. Program 13 "SimCOAG" ...................................................................................49
6.3.15. Program 14 "Chest"...........................................................................................49
6.3.16. Program 15 "Mammaria" ...................................................................................50
6.3.17. Program 16 Gynaecology Ligation (ligation only for ARC 350L) ....................50
6.3.18. Program 17 "Gynecology Hystero"....................................................................51
6.3.19. Program 18 "TUR-P Bipolar TUR" (Bipolar TUR only for ARC 350 and
ARC 350L).........................................................................................................51
6.3.20. Program 19 "TUR-BT Bipolar TUR" (Bipolar TUR only for ARC 350
and ARC 350L)..................................................................................................52
6.3.21. Program 20 Resection Bipolar (bipolar resection only for ARC 350
and ARC 350L)..................................................................................................53
6.3.22. Program 21 "GastroCUT Pol" (optional for ARC 300).......................................54
6.3.23. Program 22: "GastroCUT Pap" (optional for ARC 300) ....................................55
6.3.24. Program 23 Argon Flex (optional for ARC 300) ..............................................56
6.4. Menu programs.................................................................................................................57
6.4.1. Overview............................................................................................................57
6.4.2. Menu program 1 "Set Language" ......................................................................58
6.4.3. Menu program 2 "Sound Level" ........................................................................58
6.4.4. Menu program 3 "Moderate Coag Mode"..........................................................59
6.4.5. Menu program 4 "Bip Coag Mode"....................................................................59
6.4.6. Menu program 5 "Forced Coag Mode"..............................................................60
6.4.7. Menu program 5a GastroCut Mode ................................................................60
6.4.8. Menu program 6 "Show Prev Inf-No" ................................................................60

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6.4.9. Menu program 7 "Hide Fix Prog".......................................................................61

6.4.10. Menu program 8 "Autostart Delay"....................................................................61
6.4.11. Menu program 9 "Edit Prog Names" .................................................................62
6.4.12. Menu program 10 "Restore Programs" .............................................................63
6.4.13. Menu program 11 "Panel Check" ......................................................................63

7. Detecting and correcting errors ...................................................................................................64

7.1. System- errors ..................................................................................................................64
7.1.1. Error list .............................................................................................................64
7.2. Errors in the EASY monitoring..........................................................................................68

8. Preparation .....................................................................................................................................69
8.1. Preparation of the accessories .........................................................................................69
8.2. Disinfection and cleaning ..................................................................................................69

9. Maintenance/Repair .......................................................................................................................70
9.1. Maintenance .....................................................................................................................70
9.1.1. Safety inspection ...............................................................................................70
9.2. Repairs..............................................................................................................................71
9.3. Technical service ..............................................................................................................72

10. Positioning ......................................................................................................................................73

11. Technical specifications................................................................................................................74

11.1. Technical specifications for the HF devices ARC 300 and ARC 350 ...............................74
11.2. Output, voltage and current diagrams ..............................................................................80

12. Accessories/Replacement parts.................................................................................................109

13. EMC................................................................................................................................................110
13.1. Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration in accordance with DIN EN 60601-
1-2, Section

14. Disposal.........................................................................................................................................114

12 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

1 Using this operating manual

Pos: 1 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/1 Legende/1 Legende @ 4\mod_1261040244069_6.doc @ 34330 @

Pos: 2 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/1 Legende/1.1 Legende @ 4\mod_1261040303163_6.doc @ 34444 @
Pos: 3 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/2 Umgang mit/2 Umgang mit dieser Gebrauchsanweisung @ 4\mod_1261040269100_6.doc @ 34349 @

1. Using this operating manual

This operating manual is part of the device.
BOWA-electronic GmbH & Co. KG, referred to in the following simply as
BOWA, assume no liability nor provide any warranty whatsoever for
damage and consequential damages that arise due to non-compliance
with the operating manual.
X Read the operating manual carefully and thoroughly before using
this device.
X Store the operating manual in a safe place throughout the service
life of the device.
X Keep the operating manual accessible to operating room
X Give the operating manual to each successive owner and/or user
of this device.
X Always update the operating manual whenever you receive
additional information from the manufacturer.

Pos: 4 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/2 Umgang mit/2.1 Revisions-Index @ 4\mod_1261040274897_6.doc @ 34368 @ 2

1.1. Revision index

Software version Last revised
2.6 2010/01

Pos: 5 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/2 Umgang mit/2.2 Gltigkeit @ 4\mod_1261040280413_6.doc @ 34387 @ 2

1.2. Validity
This operating manual applies only to the devices designated on the title

Pos: 6 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/2 Umgang mit/2.3 Mitgeltende Dokumente @ 4\mod_1261040285210_6.doc @ 34406 @ 2

1.3. Other applicable documents

X Comply with other applicable documents in the appendix or in the
other registers.

Pos: 7 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/2 Umgang mit/2.4 Symbole und Kennzeichnungen @ 4\mod_1261040289491_6.doc @ 34425 @

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 13

1 Using this operating manual

1.4. Icons and labeling

1.4.1. Structure of warning instructions

"Risk type, source and consequences there of" (Personal injury)!
X Measure for risk prevention.

"Risk type, source and consequences there of" (Property damage)!
X Measure .

1.4.2. Risk levels in the warning instructions

Icon Risk level Probability of Consequences of

occurrence non-compliance
DANGER Immediate risk Death, serious

WARNING Possible risk Death, serious


CAUTION Possible risk Minor injuries

NOTE Possible risk Property damage

1.4.3. Tips

Tips/Additional information to facilitate tasks.

14 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

1 Using this operating manual

1.4.4. Other icons and labeling

Icon/Labeling Meaning
; Prerequisite for an activity
X Activity with one step
1. Activity with several steps in a binding
2. sequence
Result of preceding activity
Listing (first level)
Listing (second level)
Emphasis Emphasis
..., see Chapter xxx, Page xxx Cross reference
... Monopolar output 1 35 Bold numbers (e.g.: 35) refer to a
schematic diagram of the ARC 300 / 350
and the respective legend (page 6 7)

Pos: 8 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/3 Sicherheit/3 Sicherheit @ 4\mod_1261040342069_6.doc @ 34463 @ 1

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2 Safety

2. Safety
Pos: 9 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/3 Sicherheit/3.1 Bestimmungsgeme Verwendung @ 4\mod_1261040347522_6.doc @ 34482 @ 2

2.1. Intended use

The HF device is intended exclusively for the generation of electrical
power for monopolar and bipolar cutting and coagulation in surgical
It is used in the following areas:
general surgery
hand surgery
cardiac surgery (including open-heart surgery)
urology, including transurethral resection (TUR)

BOWA requires that the HF device is operated under the supervision of

qualified and authorized personnel. The surgeon and medical staff must
be trained in the fundamental principles, rules for use and risks of HF
surgery and must be familiar with these in order to safely and reliably
prevent putting patients, personnel and devices at risk.

Any other use is neither intended nor proper and must be effectively

Pos: 10 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/3 Sicherheit/3.2 Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise @ 4\mod_1261040351975_6.doc @ 34501 @ 2

16 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

2 Safety

2.2. General safety instructions

X Ensure that no electronic devices that are subject to interference
from electromagnetic fields are set up in the vicinity of the HF
X Please comply with the instructions on electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC), see Chapter EMC, page 110.

Additional devices that are connected to electrical medical devices must

satisfy relevant IEC or ISO standards (e.g. IEC 60950 for data
processing devices). Furthermore, all configurations must comply with
the standard requirements for medical systems (see IEC 60601-1-1 or
Section 16 of the 3rd edition of IEC 60601-1). Anyone who connects
additional devices to electrical medical devices is automatically a
system configurator and thus responsible for meeting standard system
requirements. Please note that local laws prevail over the
aforementioned standard requirements. For further advice, please
contact your local specialist retailer or the Technical Service

To protect personnel, BOWA recommends the use of a smoke evacuator

to extract electrosurgical smoke, e.g. BOWA SHE SHA.

Pos: 11 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/3 Sicherheit/3.3 Personenbezogene Sicherheitshinweise @ 4\mod_1261040358116_6.doc @ 34520 @ 233333

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2 Safety

2.3. Personal safety instructions

2.3.1. Patients with pacemakers

Malfunctions or destruction of the pacemaker can endanger the life of

the patient or result in irreversible injuries to the patient.
X In cases of patients with pacemakers, consult the cardiologist
before carrying out HF surgery.
X Use bipolar HF methods.
X Move the HF neutral electrode close to the operating field.
X Set the demand pacemaker to a fixed frequency.
X Ensure that the pacemaker does not come into contact with the HF
X Keep a fully operational defibrillator handy.
X Carry out a postoperative pacemaker check.

2.3.2. Safe positioning of the patient

X Position the patient so that he is not touching any metal parts that
are grounded or have considerable capacity against ground (e.g.
operating table brackets). Lay anti-static towels between the patient
and the bedding.
X Ensure that the patient does not touch any wet towels or bedding.
X Place anti-static towels between areas of heavy sweating and skin-
to-skin contact on the patient's trunk.
X Ensure that you are using a suitable support surface in order to
prevent pressure necrosis.
X Drain urine via the catheter.

2.3.3. Correct connection of the HF device

X Always ground the HF device via the equipotential bonding.

X Do not use any needle electrodes for monitoring.
X Attach electrodes of physiological monitoring devices without
protective resistors or HF regulators as far as possible from the HF
X Attach lines from monitoring devices so that they do not lie on the
patient's skin.
X Keep the lines to the HF electrodes as short as possible and
position them so that they do not touch the patient or other lines.
X Do not place any objects on the HF device.

18 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

2 Safety

2.3.4. Correct use of the HF device

Inadvertent activation in the non-visible area of the HF device can injure

the patient.
X Activate the HF device only when the electrode is in your field of
vision and you can quickly deactivate the HF device at all times.
X After inadvertent activation of the HF device, switch off the device
immediately using the on/off switch.
X Pay particular attention whenever you use the foot switch or the
manual switch.
Lack of preparation, errors in usage or faults in the HF device can cause
damage to the HF device.
X Use the automatic monitoring functions to ensure that the HF
device works properly without errors. For information on the
automatic test functions, see Chapter Monitoring functions,
Page 29.
X Ensure that no conductive fluids (e.g. blood, amniotic fluid) have
penetrated the foot switch or the manual switch.
X Ensure that there are no short circuits in the foot and manual

2.3.5. Adjusting the settings of the HF device and use of the


Setting the output power too high can injure the patient! Therefore,
before you increase the power output, ensure that:
the neutral electrode is correctly positioned,
the working electrodes are clean,
and the plug connections are all correct.

Setting the HF device correctly

X To prevent inadvertent (thermal) tissue damage during
interventions on body parts with small cross-sections and in areas
with high resistance (bones, joints), use the bipolar method in these
X Always set the power output of the HF device as low as possible.
X Set the acoustic signal that sounds when the electrode is activated
so that it is always clearly audible.

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2 Safety

Correct usage of the accessories

X Use only insulated accessories.
X Check all electrodes for sharp edges and projecting parts before
X Use only electrodes that are free of defects and in good working
X Never place active electrodes on or near the patient.
X Do not remove hot electrodes from the patient's bodydirectly after
cutting or coagulation.
X Ensure that there is sufficient distance between the patient cables
and the cables of the HF device.
X Do not run the patient cable across the patient.

Pos: 12 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/3 Sicherheit/3.4 Produktbezogene Sicherheitshinweis @ 4\mod_1261040363772_6.doc @ 34539 @ 2

2.4. Device-related safety instructions

Devices manufactured by BOWA are developed in accordance with the
current state of technology and generally accepted safety rules. Despite
this, risks to the life and health of the user or third parties and/or
damage to the device and other objects can occur.
X Use only of accessories approved by BOWA; see Chapter , Page .
X Use the device only when it is in free of technical defects and in
good working order and only for the intended purpose, always
remaining aware of safety requirements and risks while complying
with this operating manual.
X Have malfunctions that can adversely affect safety (e.g. deviations
from the permissible operating conditions) repaired without delay.
X Wipe down the HF device only with cleaning agents and
disinfectants that are nationally approved for surface cleaning. See
Chapter Disinfection and cleaning ,Page 69.
X Never immerse the device in water or cleaning agents.
X Never boil the device and never disinfect it mechanically.
X Immediately drain any fluid that might have penetrated the device.
Pos: 13 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/3 Sicherheit/3.5 Sichere Handhabung (allgemein) @ 4\mod_1261040369350_6.doc @ 34558 @ 233

20 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

2 Safety

2.5. Safe handling (general instructions)

X Before each use of the device, check to ensure that it is functioning
properly and is in good working order.
X Comply with the instructions for use as specified by the standard;
see Chapter Risk levels in the warning instructions, Page 14.
X Pay attention to and comply with the acoustic signals and error
indicators of the HF device during use; see Chapter Error List,
Page 64.
X The device and accessories may be operated and used only by
people who have the necessary training, knowledge and
X Inspect the accessories, particularly electrode cables and
endoscopic accessories for damage to the insulation.
X Do not place any instruments on the patients or on the devices.
X Ensure that no instruments are being cleaned when AUTOSTART
is activated.
X Wear suitable gloves during operations.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 21

2 Safety

2.5.1. Surgical environment:

prevention of explosions/combustion

Sparks fly during proper use of the HF device!

X Do not use the HF device in areas where there is a risk of
X Do not use any flammable or explosive liquids.
X If display components fail, do not use the HF device any longer!
X Avoid using ignitable anesthetics and gases which support
combustion (e.g. nitrous oxide, oxygen) during operations (e.g. in
the head and thoracic regions).
X Wear suitable gloves during operations.
X Use exclusively non-flammable cleaning agents, disinfectants and
solvents (for adhesives). If you use flammable cleaning agents,
disinfectants and solvents, ensure that these substances have
evaporated before using the HF surgery device.
X Ensure that no flammable liquids collect beneath the patient or in
bodily cavities (e.g. the vagina). Suction and/or flush bodily cavities
before activating the device.
X Wipe off all liquids before using the HF device.
X Ensure that no endogenous gases are pesent that could ignite.
X Ensure that all materials saturated with oxygen (e.g. cotton, gauze)
are removed far enough from the HF environment that they cannot

22 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

2 Safety

2.5.2. Application of the neutral electrode

In the monopolar HF method, the neutral electrode feeds the current

introduced into the patient's body at the surgical site back to the HF
X To prevent a rise in temperature at the current emergence point,
the following conditions must be ensured:
sufficiently large contact surface between the neutral
electrode and the patient's body
high electrical conductivity between the neutral electrode
and the patient's body
X To prevent the patient being burned by the neutral electrode, you
must comply with the following conditions:
Select the application point for the neutral electrode so
that the current paths between the active and neutral
electrodes are as short as possible and run longitudinally
or diagonally to the patient's body (because muscles are
more conductive in the direction of the fibrils).
During surgery in the thoracic region, not run the current
path transversely across the patient's body and ensure
that the patient's heart is never in the path of the current.
Depending on the surgical site, apply the neutral
electrode at the nearest upper arm or thigh if at all
In the case of self-adhesive disposable electrodes,
comply with any further manufacturer specifications
regarding the point of application.
Ensure that the application point is free of scar tissue
and bony prominences.
Ensure that there are no implants (e.g. bone nails, bone
plates, endoprostheses) in the current path.
Ensure that no short circuits can occur at the neutral
electrode connection.

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2 Safety

Before applying the neutral electrode

X Shave the area where the neutral electrode will be applied.
X Clean the application site, but do not use any alcohol, as it dries
out the skin and increases the transition resistance.
X If the patient has poor circulation, massage or brush the application
X Apply the neutral electrode using the entire contact surface. Secure
reusable neutral electrodes with rubber bands or elastic ties so that
they do not loosen or fall off when the patient moves. Ensure that
the patient's circulation is not impaired (risk of necrosis).
X Never use wet towels or electropastes.
X Ensure that no liquids (e.g. cleaning fluids, disinfectants, blood,
urine) get between the patient and the neutral electrode.
X Do not place the neutral electrode under the patient's buttocks or
X Ensure that there are no EKG electrodes in the current path of the
HF device.

Use of a solid neutral electrode

X When applying the solid neutral electrode, ensure that the HF
current flows back to the longest edge so that no excessive current
density develops on the short edge.
X Check the solid neutral electrode during the surgery.

Use of a split neutral electrode

X Apply the split neutral electrode correctly and without any additional
objects, as the HF device does not recognize the bridging of the
section surfaces by other objects.
X Ensure that when you apply the split neutral electrode, the HF
current flows evenly back to both surfaces, so that no excessive
increase in the current density develops beneath a surface or an

Pos: 14 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4 Funktionsweise @ 4\mod_1261040424241_6.doc @ 34596 @ 1

24 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

3 Functionality

3. Functionality
The HF device is controlled by a microprocessor and converts the mains
voltage into a high-frequency alternating current for monopolar or
bipolar applications.
The arc control technology reduces the power output depending on the
tissue and its resistance to the necessary minimum.

Pos: 15 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.1 Monopolare Modi @ 4\mod_1261040443506_6.doc @ 34634 @ 233333

3.1. Monopolar modes

In monopolar operation, the HF device has the following operating
"Cut" for cutting in low-resistance tissue
"Moderate Coag" for contact coagulation and "Forced Coag"
for coagulation with semi-contact
"Spray Coagulation" for contactless surface coagulation
Two monopolar outputs facilitate the independent configuration of two
Instruments can be connected to the monopolar outputs 1 and/or 2
(socket 36 and/or 40). The desired output is activated by pressing the
key/display 35 or 39 (for monopolar output 1 or 2).

3.1.1. "Cut" mode

In this mode, a high-performance HF current of up to 300 W with a low

crest factor is used for cuts in biological tissue. The ARC CONTROL
quickly adjusts the power output to the variations in tissue and changes
in the cutting surface or speed to the relevant required minimum.
When setting the blend function between Level 0 and 9, it is possible to
set a variably adjustable degree of surface scabbing.

3.1.2. "Moderate Coag" mode

If you wish to change the settings of the "Moderate Coag" mode, see
Chapter Menu program 3 "Moderate Coag Mode", page 59.

This mode is used in contact coagulation for stopping hemorrhagic

oozing, hemostasis of larger tissue areas, and coagulation over smaller
The coagulation effect of the "Moderate Coag" current is adjusted in this

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 25

3 Functionality

The following modes are available:

Mode Characteristics Application

"Standard" mode (factory setting) Moderate coagulation Deep coagulation
"Dessication I" mode Moderate to high coagulation Fast, deep coagulation

"Dessication II" mode Moderate/Minor coagulation Deep, slow coagulation

"Dessication III" mode Minor to moderate coagulation Slow coagulation

"Dessication IV" mode High coagulation High coagulation

3.1.3. "Forced Coag" mode

If you wish to change the settings of the "Forced Coag" mode, see
Chapter Menu program 5 "Forced Coag Mode", page 60.

This mode is used for contact coagulation extending only over a small
area of the tissue, preferably with small surfaces and fine electrodes.
There are likewise three modes available in the "Forced Coag" mode:

Mode Characteristics Application

"Non-cutting" mode High coagulation rate Requirements for good coagulation
Minimal cutting tendency without cutting tissue
"Mixed" mode High coagulation rate All standard applications(factory
Moderate cutting effect setting)

"Cutting" mode Good hemostasis Preparatory cutting with the blue key
Outstanding cutting effect

3.1.4. "Spray coagulation" mode

This mode is used for contactless surface coagulation via arcing.

This mode is used for hemostasis in parenchymal tissue or in poorly
accessible crevices and in conjunction with argon coagulation.

26 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

3 Functionality

3.1.5. "GastroCUT" mode

If you wish to change the settings of the "GastroCUT" mode, see

Chapter Menu program 5a GastroCut Mode, page 60.

This mode consists of a pulse sequence of cutting current and

coagulation phase.
This mode is used for the removal of polyps or for making incisions in
papillae. The following applies:
Blend 0 = low coagulation rate
Blend 9 = high coagulation rate

There are likewise three modes available in the "GastroCUT" mode:

Mode Characteristics Application

"Slow" mode Cutting characteristics: Recommended for particularly
Slower pulse sequence intricate tasks
"Medium" mode Cutting characteristics: Recommended for skilled users
Dynamic (default setting)

"Fast" mode Cutting characteristics: Recommended for experienced

Dynamic and fast pulse sequence users in this specialist area

Pos: 16 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.2 Bipolare Modi @ 4\mod_1261040448835_6.doc @ 34653 @ 23

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 27

3 Functionality

3.2. Bipolar modes

Optimal results can be achieved using the bipolar method (particularly in

minimally invasive surgery) only with special special instruments!

Advantages of the bipolar method:

The required high-frequency output is only one-fourth of the
output required for the monopolar method.
It is not necessary to attach a neutral electrode to the
patient, so that the corresponding risks for the patient are
Two bipolar outputs on the ARC 350 facilitate the independent
configuration of two instruments.
Instruments can be connected to the bipolar outputs 3 and/or 4 (socket
43 and/or 47). The desired output is activated by pressing the
key/display 44 and/or 48 (for "Bipolar output 3 and/or 4").
The AUTOSTART function can be activated only for bipolar coagulation.
In the AUTOSTART function, the coagulation current is automatically
added after low-resistance tissue contact of the connected bipolar
instruments. Thus activation using the foot switch is not necessary.
If an output operated in AUTOSTART mode is activated using the foot
switch, the AUTOSTART function is deactivated and the foot switch
signal is used.

To prevent any activation problemsin AUTOSTART mode, we

recommend bipolar cable with a maximum length of 4.5 meters.

3.2.1. "Soft COAG" mode

If you wish to change the settings of the "Soft COAG" mode, see
Chapter Menu program 4 "Bip Coag Mode", Page 59.

The "Soft COAG" mode is used for precision work with the bipolar
tweezers. The AUTOSTART function is not available in this mode.

Pos: 17 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.3 Aktivierungs- und Alarmsignale im monopolaren und bipolaren Modus @ 4\mod_1261040456147_6.doc @ 34672 @ 2

28 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

3 Functionality

3.3. Activation and alarm signals in monopolar and

bipolar mode

The activation and alarm signals are emitted at volume level 19. The
mnimum volume is level 16. If required, the volume of the activation
signals can be adjusted for a louder environment. The alarm sound
cannot be changed.

Mode Indicator in Frequency (Hz) Signal type

menu program
Monopolar Cut SOUND 1 700 Continuous sound
Monopolar Coag SOUND 2 500 Continuous sound
Bipolar Cut SOUND 3 550 Continuous sound
Bipolar Coag SOUND 4 340 Continuous sound
Sim Coag SOUND 5 800 Continuous sound
Forced Cut
Ligation End Pulsating
alternating sound
Alarm 1000 Intermittent

Pos: 18 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.4 Not-Aus @ 4\mod_1261040463116_6.doc @ 34691 @ 2

3.4. Emergency shutoff

The HF device can always be switched off in an emergency using the
on/off switch 33.

Pos: 19 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.5 berwachungsfunktionen @ 4\mod_1261040472366_6.doc @ 34710 @ 233

3.5. Monitoring functions

3.5.1. Self-test

When the HF device is switched on, it runs a self-test that checks the
operating elements, acoustic signal, microprocessor and hardware

3.5.2. Cyclical test during operation

During operation, safety-relevant functions and signals will be tested

cyclically. If errors are detected, the HF generator will shut itself off. An
error message appears on the display. For further information, see
Detecting and correcting errors, Page 64.

Pos: 20 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.6 ARC Control-Technologie @ 4\mod_1261040479928_6.doc @ 34729 @ 2

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 29

3 Functionality

3.6. ARC control technology

Arc control technology takes into account varying cutting surfaces and
cutting speeds, detects differences in tissue and the resulting changes
in resistance and adjusts the power output to the relevant required

Pos: 21 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.8 Neutralelektroden-berwachung @ 4\mod_1261040495131_6.doc @ 34767 @ 233

3.7. Neutral electrode monitoring

When the neutral electrode is attached, the largest possible neutral

electrode must be attached!

3.7.1. General information

The monitoring of the neutral electrode minimizes the risk of burns at

the site where the neutral electrode is attached.
Two types of neutral electrodes are monitored:
Solid neutral electrodes
Split neutral electrodes.
The split neutral electrodes are shown on display 20, and the solid
neutral electrodes are shown on display 19.

3.7.2. EASY neutral electrode monitoring (EASY monitoring)

Children's electrodes cannot be monitored by the EASY system,

because their resistance is too high due to their small surfaces.

The EASY monitoring system measures changes in resistance between

the patient and the high-frequency surgery device both before and
during HF activation. If required, it requests personnel to intervene via
an optical and acoustic alarm. For this purpose, a split neutral electrode
with corresponding contact surfaces and suitable transition resistances
which is attached to the patient according to the manufacturer's
instructions is required.
For the "TUR" and Resection programs and the "Moderate
Coagulation" mode, the minimum surface of the electrode must be at
least 110 cm.

Pos: 22 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.7 Fuschalter @ 4\mod_1261040488428_6.doc @ 34748 @ 2

30 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

3 Functionality

3.8. Foot switch

In addition to the manual switch, the foot switch can be used to activate
various operating modes.
The foot switches can be connected either to connection socket 50 or
52. The HF device automatically detects whether a foot switch is
connected or not.
The following foot switch systems can be connected to the HF device:

Article No. Designation

901-011 Single-pedal foot switch (SP)
Single-pedal foot switch with
pushbutton (SP+)
901-021 Double-pedal foot switch (DP)
901-031 Double-pedal foot switch with sensor

Pos: 23 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/4 Funktionsweise/4.9 Speicherfunktionen @ 4\mod_1261040500460_6.doc @ 34786 @ 2

3.9. Memory functions

For generators from the ARC series, the parameter settings of all
programs can be stored.
To do this, set parameters such as output, blend factor, coagulation
mode and foot switch assignment and then store them by pressing the
AUTOSTART 32 key and keeping it pressed. This storage procedure
only stores the current program.
By pressing a key you can call up the individual device settings and the
entered empirical values; see Chapter "Basic Settings", Page 41.
The saved values will be stored even when the device is switched off.

Pos: 24 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/5 Beschreibung/5 Beschreibung @ 4\mod_1261040517772_6.doc @ 34805 @ 1

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 31

4 Description

4. Description
Pos: 25 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/5 Beschreibung/5.1 Symbole am Produkt @ 4\mod_1261040522944_6.doc @ 34824 @ 2

4.1. Icons on the device

Icon Designation
Solid neutral electrode

Split neutral electrode

Foot switch

Comply with operating instruction

Neutral electrode at HF insulated from

CF-type device with defibrillation
Equipotential bonding

Alternating current
On/off switch

Labeling of electrical and electronic

devices in accordance with Directive
2002/96/EC (WEEE), see "Disposal"
An electrode handle with finger switch
can be used at this socket


Identification of (active) HF output;

Careful: Dangerous electrical voltage.

Pos: 26 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/5 Beschreibung/5.1.1 Typenschild @ 4\mod_1261040530225_6.doc @ 34843 @ 3

32 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

4 Description

4.1.1. Rating label

Figure 4-1: Rating label ARC 350

(here: ARC 350; for ARC 300, REF and SN are different,
e.g. REF 900-300, SN 30001620)

Pos: 27 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/5 Beschreibung/5.2 Lieferumfang @ 4\mod_1261040537944_6.doc @ 34881 @ 2

4.2. Scope of delivery

You'll find detailed information on the scope of delivery in the current

Pos: 28 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/5 Beschreibung/5.3 Zum Betrieb erforderliche Komponenten @ 4\mod_1261040541522_6.doc @ 34900 @ 2

4.3. Components required for operation

Power cable
Foot switch
Neutral electrode
Electrode handle for monopolar applications wtih finger keys
or activation via foot switch
Working electrode
Connection cable

Pos: 29 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/6 Vorbereitung/6 Vorbereitung @ 4\mod_1261040573116_6.doc @ 34919 @ 1

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 33

5 Preparation

5. Preparation
Pos: 30 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/6 Vorbereitung/6.1 HF-Gert aufstellen @ 4\mod_1261040578397_6.doc @ 34938 @ 2

5.1. Setting up the HF device

When the HF device is used as intended, electromagnetic fields
are generated! This can affect other devices.
X Ensure that no electronic devices are set up in the vicinity of the
HF device.

HF devices may be used only in rooms used for medical purposes that
meet the requirements of DIN VDE 0100-710.

If the HF device was previously stored or transported at temperatures

below +10 C, it will take approximately three hours to adjust to room

1. Place the HF device on one of the following platforms:

a table,
an equipment trolley,
a console suspended from a ceiling support or wall-
mounted brackets.
2. Set up the HF device with sufficient clearance to other electronic
3. Position the HF device with the front of the device facing the
4. Except for the additional device ARC PLUS, do not place any other
devices on the HF device.
5. Do not place any other objects on / above the HF device.
6. Do not set up the HF device on other devices.
7. Connect the power cable.

Pos: 31 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/6 Vorbereitung/6.2 HF-Gert einschalten @ 4\mod_1261040583319_6.doc @ 34957 @ 2

34 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

5 Preparation

5.2. Switching on the HF device

The HF device must not be used if indicator elements are not working!
For more information about troubleshooting, see Chapter Detecting and
correcting errors, Page 64.

1. Switch the HF device on using the on/off switch 33.

The HF device carries out a self-test: all indicator elements light up
and flash alternately with the display.
All the modes that can be set in the menu programs are displayed
alternately. For more information about the setting options, see
Chapter Menu programs, page 57.
2. Check whether all the indicators and LEDs on the front plate light
up and flash alternately with the display.
3. Press any key to end the self-test.
The HF device is ready for operation.
The parameters of the most recently selected program appear on
the display.
A self-test is carried out if the device is switched off for longer than
15 to 20 seconds after being used. The default parameters of the
most recently selected program subsequently appear.

Pos: 32 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/6 Vorbereitung/6.3 Zubehr anschlieen @ 4\mod_1261040588616_6.doc @ 34976 @ 233

5.3. Connecting instruments

X Before connecting instruments, ensure that the following conditions
are met:
Accessory combinations not mentioned in the operating
manual may be used only if they are explicitly specified
for the intended use. Performance features as well as
safety requirements must always be taken into account.
The insulation of the accessories (e.g. HF cables,
instruments) must be sufficient for the maximum output
peak voltage (see IEC 60601-2-2 and IEC 60601-2-18).
Accessories with defective insulation may not be used.

In order to arrange and protect all cables to the HF device, use the pull-
out cable laying guide on the left underside of the device.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 35

5 Preparation

5.3.1. Instruments for monopolar applications

1. Plug the neutral electrode cable into the socket for the neutral
electrode 34.
2. Check the EASY monitoring for solid neutral electrodes 19 or the
EASY monitoring for split neutral electrodes 20 to ensure that it
corresponds to the type of neutral electrode connected.
3. Connect the electrode handle to the active connection socket 36
or 40.
For accessories without finger sensors: Connect the foot switch to
the connection socket 52. Connect the monopolar connector cable
using a Bovie connector.
Connect the monopolar cable for the endoscopy to the connection
socket for monopolar instruments 40 (left).

5.3.2. Instruments for bipolar applications

1. Connect the bipolar cable with the instrument, e.g. the tweezers.
2. Connect the bipolar cable to the active connection socket.

At the connection socket for bipolar instruments 43, the

coagulation instrument set can be connected on the ARC
300, while coagulation, TUR coagulation, cutting, and TUR
cutting instruments can be connected on the ARC 350, and
ligation instruments can be connected on the ARC 350L in
the ligation programs.
AUTOSTART works only in "bipolar standard mode"; see
Chapter Menu program 4 "Bip Coag Mode", Page 59.

4. For bipolar applications without AUTOSTART, connect the foot

switch to the connection sockets 50/52.
For bipolar applications with AUTOSTART, press the AUTOSTART
switch 32.
Once the contact is closed, the application starts after the
configured reaction time.

Pos: 33 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/6 Vorbereitung/6.4 Fuschalter anschlieen @ 4\mod_1261040594335_6.doc @ 34995 @ 33

5.3.3. Connecting the foot switch

X Connect the desired foot switch to the foot switch connection

socket 50 or 52.
The HF device automatically detects the connected foot switch and
reports this via the display on the front, showing the connection
socket being used.

36 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

5 Preparation

5.3.4. Assigning a foot switch output

1. Press the key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 for 1.5 seconds

the key/display for Bipolar output 3 44
the key/display for Bipolar output 4 48
press the additional key on the double pedal foot switch (e.g. for
the Bipolar output 3 or 4).
The message "SEt PEd." appears on the "Monopolar Cut" display 2
and the "Monopolar Coag" display 9 and an alternating signal
sounds that confirms the switching process acoustically.
2. Press the key/display for AUTOSTART 32 for longer than 5
The configured HF parameters will be saved and the symbol ->
appears on the display/main display 15.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 37

5 Preparation

Possible foot switch combinations

Foot switch Connection Active output Mode Operation

(type) socket (front)
Single pedal 50 3 or 4 Bipolar Coag X Change foot switch output:
with/without sensor Press key/display 44/48 for
(EP/EP+) 1.5 sec. or with foot pedal
sensor (EP+)

52 2 Monopolar Coag X Change foot switch output:

Press key/display 39 for
1.5 sec. or with foot pedal
sensor (EP+)

3 Bipolar Coag X Change foot switch output:

Press key/display 44 for
1.5 sec. or with foot pedal
sensor (EP+)

Double pedal 50 3 or 4
Bipolar Cut /Coag X Change foot switch output:
with/without sensor Press key/display 44/48 for
(DP/DP+) 1.5 sec. or with foot pedal
sensor (DP+)

52 2 or 3 Monopolar X Change foot switch output:

Cut/Coag Press key/display 39/44 for
Bipolar Cut1)/Coag 1.5 sec. or with foot pedal
sensor (DP+)

Only for ARC 350

The shift sensor on the foot switch is locked in programs 18, 19, and 20
for safety reasons.
Socket changeover must occur directly at the device.

Pos: 34 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/6 Vorbereitung/6.5 Funktionsprfung @ 4\mod_1261040600038_6.doc @ 35014 @ 233

38 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

5 Preparation

5.4. Function test

5.4.1. Automatic test functions

The HF device automatically carries out a self-test after being switched

on and a cyclical test during operation. If errors occur, see Chapter
Detecting and correcting errors, Page 64.

5.4.2. EASY neutral electrode monitoring

(EASY monitoring)

Incorrect application of the neutral electrode!
X Ensure that the specifications for the correct application of the
neutral electrode with regard to size, adhesive properties and full-
surface contact of the complete electrode have been met.

The following functions can be tested for the split and solid neutral
Actual status Output Measure
Cable for solid/split neutral electrode Indicators for EASY monitoring of X Plug in the cable for the
not connected split neutral electrode 20 or EASY solid/split neutral electrode.
monitoring of solid neutral electrode
19 do not light up
Only the cable for solid/split neutral Indicators for EASY monitoring of X Check the cable for a short
electrode is connected split neutral electrode 20 or EASY circuit.
monitoring of solid neutral electrode
19 light up
Cable with split neutral electrode Indicators for EASY monitoring of X Check whether the electrode is
plugged in and not attached to split neutral electrode 20 or EASY correctly attached to the cable
patient. monitoring of solid neutral electrode connection.
19 light up
The cable for the split or solid neutral The indicators for EASY monitoring X Based on the assessment of
electrode is plugged in and attached of the split neutral electrode 20 or benefit and harm, decide
to the patient. EASY monitoring of the solid neutral whether you should activate the
electrode 19 light up green, but the HF device.
type of neutral electrode is not
correctly detected.

Pos: 35 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/7 Bedienung/7 Bedienung @ 4\mod_1261040616100_6.doc @ 35033 @ 1

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 39

6 Operation

6. Operation
Pos: 36 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/7 Bedienung/7.1 Programm-bersicht @ 4\mod_1261040621881_6.doc @ 35052 @ 2

6.1. Program overview

An overview of the programs that can be executed with the HF device is
displayed below.

Program Program name

ARC 350L ARC 350 ARC 300G ARC 300
0 Standard X X X X
1 EndoLAP Bipolar Cut X X
1 EndoLAP X X
2 EndoLAP II Ligation X
2 EndoLAP II X X X
3 Abdominal Ligation X
3 Abdominal X X X
4 ArgonLigation X
4 Argon X X X
5 Argon Open X X X X
6 Macro Plastic X X X X
7 Micro Plastic X X X X
8 Local Anesthesia X X X X
10 Micro Pediatric X X X X
11 Micro Neuro X X X X
12 DryCut X X X X
13 SimCOAG X X X X
14 Thorax X X X X
15 Mammaria X X X X
16 Gynaecology X X X
16 Gynaecology Ligation X
17 Gynaecology Hystero X X X X
18 TUR-P Bipolar TUR X X
18 TUR-P X X
19 TUR-BT Bipolar TUR X X
20 Resection Bipolar X X
20 Resection X X
21 GastroCUT POL X X X
22 GastroCUT PAP X X X
23 Argon Flex X X X

40 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

The data about settings, points of application, application duration, and

the application of instruments are based on clinical practice. However,
these are only basic guidelines which must be tested and approved for
suitability by the operator. Depending on the individual conditions, it may
be necessary to deviate from the specified data.
Medicine is continuously evolving and growing due to R&D and clinical
practice. These developments may also make deviations from the
specified data necessary.

All programs have basic settings, e.g. operating language, sound or

display and memory options, which can be changed for individual
applications; see Chapter Menu programs, Page 57.

Pos: 37 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/7 Bedienung/7.2 Grundeinstellungen der Programme @ 4\mod_1261040627350_6.doc @ 35071 @ 233

6.2. Basic program settings

6.2.1. Calling up a program

Call up each of the selectable programs with the following procedure:

1. Press the program key 16/17 repeatedly until the corresponding
program is shown on the display.
2. Connect the instruments; see Chapter Connecting instruments,
Page 35.

6.2.2. Changing the program

The preconfigured programs can be selected from "0-23". The

parameters of the preconfigured programs can be changed, and the new
parameters can be saved. Only the special types of current cannot be
changed. To do this, set parameters such as output, blend factor,
coagulation mode and foot switch assignment and then store them by
pressing the AUTOSTART 32 key and keeping it pressed.

The programs from "24-99" can be freely configured. These programs

output standard types of current.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 41

6 Operation

You can change the following factory settings:

Select Cutting settings

1. Press the key/display for Monopolar Output 1 35 or Monopolar
Output 2 39 and select connection socket 1 or 2.
2. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 or 4.
1. Press the key/indicator for "Bipolar Output 3" 44 or "Bipolar
Output 4" 48.
2. Press the power limitation key for bipolar cutting 23 or 24.

Set blend factor

1. Press the key for the monopolar degree of scabbing 5/6.
Press the key for the bipolar degree of scabbing 25/26.
2. Set the blend factor between "1-9" or to "0" for coagulation-free

Select current type for coagulation current

1. Press the key/indicator for "Moderate Coagulation" current 12
Press the key/indicator for "Forced Coagulation" current 13
Press the key/indicator for "Spray Coagulation" current 14.
2. Set the power limit for the monopolar coagulation current using the
keys for power limitation for monopolar coagulation 10/11.
1. Set the power limit for the bipolar coagulation current using the
keys for power limitation for bipolar coagulation 30/31.

Pos: 38 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/7 Bedienung/7.3 Programm-Beschreibungen @ 4\mod_1261040633397_6.doc @ 35090 @ 2333333333333333333333333

42 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.3. Program descriptions

The following recommended settings for standard programs are based
on empirical values and must be verified in each individual case by the

6.3.1. Program 0 "Standard"

This program is used for monopolar/bipolar cutting and coagulation in

standard applications.

6.3.2. Program 1 EndoLAP Bipolar Cut

(Bipolar Cut only for ARC 350 and ARC 350L)

This program is used for bipolar cutting with preconfigured settings.

; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 4

48 are preconfigured.
X Connect the instrument(s) to the HF device.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 43

6 Operation

6.3.3. Program 2 EndoLAP II Ligation

(ligation only for ARC 350L)

Only connection socket 3 supplies ligation current.

If the software option Ligation is unavailable, this program
provides the function Standard Bipolar.

This program is used for ligation in laparoscopic applications in which 2

monopolar instruments and 2 bipolar instruments can be connected.
In this program, one instrument of the BOWA NightKNIFE, LIGATOR,
and TissueSeal series and a further optional bipolar instrument can be

The performance output is preconfigured and is automatically adjusted.

The sealing effect can be altered via the key for scabbing level 25 or 26.
The set effect is displayed from 1 to 4 in the 7-segment display Bipolar
Coag 29:
Effect 1: For a bipolar coagulation of thin structures with the
aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 2: The sealing of thin blood vessels and structures with
the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 3: The sealing of medium-sized blood vessels and
structures with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 4: The sealing of thick blood vessels and structures of
up to 7 mm with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.

Blood loss due to incomplete blood vessel sealing!
X Deactivate the ligation instrument after completed sealing of blood

; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 3

44 are preconfigured.
1. Connect the ligation instrument to the HF device.
After completion of coagulation, a pulsating acoustic signal sounds.
At this point only very low output can be used in the tissue.
2. Terminate activation of the ligation instrument.

44 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.3.4. Program 3 Abdominal Ligation

(ligation only for ARC 350L)

Conventional instruments (such as handles) must not be

used in the ligation mode.
Ligation in Program 3 is only possible with Bipolar
output 3 43.
If the software option Ligation is unavailable, this program
provides the function Standard Bipolar.

This program is used in a wide range of surgical applications, e.g.

gynecology and laparoscopy.
It facilitates permanent blood vessel sealing with the manual
instruments of the BOWA NightKNIFE, LIGATOR, and TissueSeal
series for large veins, arteries or tissue bundles.

Intended for:
large-lumen veins, arteries or tissue bundles
use in combination with instruments of the
BOWA NightKNIFE, LIGATOR, and TissueSeal series

Not intended for:

tubal sterilization or sterilization by means of tubal
dirty or defective electrode tips

The performance output is preconfigured and is automatically adjusted.

The sealing effect can be altered via the key for scabbing level 25 or 26.
The set effect is displayed from 1 to 4 in the 7-segment display Bipolar
Coag 29:
Effect 1: For a bipolar coagulation of thin structures with the
aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 2: The sealing of thin blood vessels and structures with
the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 3: The sealing of medium-sized blood vessels and
structures with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 4: The sealing of thick blood vessels and structures of
up to 7 mm with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.

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6 Operation

Blood loss due to incomplete blood vessel sealing!
X Deactivate the ligation instrument after completed sealing of blood

; The key/display for "Monopolar output 1" 35 and "Bipolar output 3"
44 are preconfigured.
X Connect the ligation instrument to "Bipolar output 3" 43 of the HF

6.3.5. Program 4 Argon Ligation

(ligation only for ARC 350L)

If the software option Ligation is unavailable, this program provides the

function Standard Bipolar.

In this program, open surgical interventions are carried out with the
additional device ARC PLUS for argon electrocoagulation. When
suitable instruments are connected, argon coagulation can be carried
out with rigid electrodes and argon cutting.
This program is used in a wide range of surgical applications, e.g.
gynecology and laparoscopy.
It facilitates permanent blood vessel sealing with the manual
instruments of the BOWA NightKNIFE, LIGATOR, and TissueSeal
series for large veins, arteries or tissue bundles.

Intended for:
large-lumen veins, arteries or tissue bundles
use in combination with instruments of the
BOWA NightKNIFE, LIGATOR, and TissueSeal series

Not intended for:

tubal sterilization or sterilization by means of tubal
dirty or defective electrode tips

46 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

The performance output is preconfigured and is automatically adjusted.

The sealing effect can be altered via the key for scabbing level 25 or 26.
The set effect is displayed from 1 to 4 in the 7-segment display Bipolar
Coag 29:
Effect 1: For a bipolar coagulation of thin structures with the
aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 2: The sealing of thin blood vessels and structures with
the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 3: The sealing of medium-sized blood vessels and
structures with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 4: The sealing of thick blood vessels and structures of
up to 7 mm with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.

Blood loss due to incomplete blood vessel sealing!
X Deactivate the ligation instrument after completed sealing of blood

; The key/display for "Monopolar output 1" 35 and "Bipolar output 3"
44 are preconfigured.
1. Connect the additional device ARC PLUS.
2. Connect the argon handpiece to Monopolar output 1 36 of the HF
or (only ARC 350L)
Connect the ligation instrument to Bipolar output 3 43 of the HF

6.3.6. Program 5 "Argon Open"

In this program, open surgical interventions are carried out with the
additional device ARC PLUS for argon electrocoagulation. When
suitable instruments are connected, argon coagulation can be carried
out with rigid electrodes and argon cutting.
1. Connect the additional device ARC PLUS.
2. Connect the argon handpiece with the rigid probes to the ARC
3. Connect the surgical handpiece to the HF device.

6.3.7. Program 6 "Macro Plastic"

This program is used in plastic surgery of the hand and maxillofacial


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6 Operation

6.3.8. Program 7 "Micro Plastic"

This program is used in the lower output range with fine electrodes for
microscopic tissue structures.

6.3.9. Program 8 "Local Anaesthesia"

This program is used for applications in which the patients are not
anesthetized or given only local anesthetics and in which extremely low-
energy coagulation current is used. In this program, the coagulation
current is set with extremely low energy using keys 13 or 14.
X Select the key/display for "Forced Coagulation" 13 or "Spray
Coagulation" 14.

6.3.10. Program 9 "ENT"

This program is used for applications in the ENT field.

In this program, Dessicate IV is available as standard as moderate

6.3.11. Program 10 "Micro Pediatric"

This program is used in pediatric surgery with fine electrodes.

6.3.12. Program 11 "Micro Neuro"

This program is used for microsurgical work in neurosurgery in the lower

output range.
It facilitates extremely precise output control to 0.1 W and precise work
for tightly restricted contact coagulation in bipolar coagulation.
The program is used for monopolar and bipolar application with fine
needle electrodes or tweezers.

In program 11, the maximum output transfer is unlimited to ensure

maximum settings.
X Please refer to the respective diagrams Mono CUT 300 W, Mono
COAG 120 W, Bipolar CUT 150 W, and Bipolar COAG 120 W.

48 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

Risk of injuring patients due to excessive output transfer!
X Always check settings prior to activation.

6.3.13. Program 12 "DryCUT"

This program is a technology used to generate a so-called dry cut. It is

used in cardiac surgery, particularly in hemostasis of receding blood
vessels in the area of the sternum.
In this program, a larger controlled arc can be generated via which
significantly deeper coagulation can be achieved.

6.3.14. Program 13 "SimCOAG"

The configured output applies to both output sockets and is distributed

according to the tissue structure.

The program is used in the field of cardiac surgery for simultaneous

In this program, two monopolar connection sockets can be activated
simultaneously to facilitate the simultaneous use of two manually
switched instruments.
; The key/display for Monopolar output 1 35 and Monopolar
output 2 39 as well as the key/display for "Forced Coagulation"
current 13 light up.
X Connect the handpieces with finger switches to the output
sockets 36/40.
Both handpieces with finger switches can be switched on or off
independently of each other.

It is not possible to work in cutting mode and key/display 12 is


6.3.15. Program 14 "Chest"

This program is used in thoracic surgery.

In this program, a cutting current and forced coagulation are used.
Maximum output is limited to 90 W.

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6 Operation

6.3.16. Program 15 "Mammaria"

This program is used in breast and heart surgery.

In this program, a cutting current and forced coagulation are used.
Maximum output is limited to 90 W.

6.3.17. Program 16 Gynaecology Ligation (ligation only for

ARC 350L)

This program is used for surgery in gynecology.

If the software option Ligation is unavailable, this program provides the

function Standard Bipolar.

This program is used in a wide range of surgical applications, e.g.

gynecology and laparoscopy.
It facilitates permanent blood vessel sealing with the manual
instruments of the BOWA NightKNIFE, LIGATOR, and TissueSeal
series for large veins, arteries or tissue bundles.

Intended for:
large-lumen veins, arteries or tissue bundles
use in combination with instruments of the
BOWA NightKNIFE, LIGATOR, and TissueSeal series

Not intended for:

tubal sterilization or sterilization by means of tubal
dirty or defective electrode tips

The performance output is preconfigured and is automatically adjusted.

The sealing effect can be altered via the key for scabbing level 25 or 26.
The set effect is displayed from 1 to 4 in the 7-segment display Bipolar
Coag 29:
Effect 1: For a bipolar coagulation of thin structures with the
aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 2: The sealing of thin blood vessels and structures with
the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 3: The sealing of medium-sized blood vessels and
structures with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.
Effect 4: The sealing of thick blood vessels and structures of
up to 7 mm with the aid of a BOWA ligation instrument.

50 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

Blood loss due to incomplete blood vessel sealing!
X Deactivate the ligation instrument after completed sealing of blood

; The key/display for Monopolar output 1 35 and Bipolar output 3

44 are preconfigured.
1. Connect the additional device ARC PLUS.
2. Connect the argon handpiece to Monopolar output 1 36 of the HF
or (only ARC 350L)
Connect the ligation instrument to Bipolar output 3 43 of the HF

6.3.18. Program 17 "Gynecology Hystero"

This program is used in gynecology for hysterectomies.

6.3.19. Program 18 "TUR-P Bipolar TUR"

(Bipolar TUR only for ARC 350 and ARC 350L)

Both cutting and coagulation are possible in the bipolar

Use the connection socket for monopolar instruments 40 for
monopolar TUR.
Use the connection socket for bipolar instruments 43 for
bipolar TUR.
In the bipolar application, the output is adjusted via the so-
called effect. The higher the effect number (0 to 9), the
higher the degree of coagulation.
Only coagulation current is available at Bipolar output 4 47.
The standard bipolar functions are available for ARC 300 and
ARC 300G.

The shift sensor on the foot switch is locked in this program for safety

This program is used for underwater cutting in the transurethral

resection of the prostate.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 51

6 Operation

In this program, the resection snare is used for cutting and coagulation.
Arc control technology generates the cutting effect with simultaneously
minimized power output.
ARC control facilitates immediate cutting and prevents adhesion of the
; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 3
44 are preconfigured.
X Connect the bipolar resectoscope to Bipolar output 3 43.
X Connect the monopolar resectoscope to Monopolar output 2 40.

6.3.20. Program 19 "TUR-BT Bipolar TUR"

(Bipolar TUR only for ARC 350 and ARC 350L)

Both cutting and coagulation are possible in the bipolar

Use the connection socket for monopolar instruments 40 for
monopolar TUR.
Use the connection socket for bipolar instruments 43 for
bipolar TUR.
In the bipolar application, the output is adjusted via the so-
called "effect". The higher the effect number (0 to 9), the
higher the degree of coagulation.
Only coagulation current is available at Bipolar output 4 47.
The standard bipolar functions are available for ARC 300 and
ARC 300G.

The shift sensor on the foot switch is locked in this program for safety

This program is used in hemostasis with the underwater cut in

transurethral resection and in the surgical treatment of bladder tumors.
In this program, the resection snare is used for cutting and coagulation.
Arc control technology generates the cutting effect with simultaneously
minimized power output.
ARC control facilitates immediate cutting and prevents adhesion of the

; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 3

44 are preconfigured.
X Connect the bipolar resectoscope to "Bipolar output 3" 43.
X Connect the monopolar resectoscope to "Monopolar output 2" 40.

52 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.3.21. Program 20 Resection Bipolar

(bipolar resection only for ARC 350 and ARC 350L)

Both cutting and coagulation are possible in the bipolar

Use the connection socket for monopolar instruments 40 for
monopolar TUR.
Use the connection socket for bipolar instruments 43 for
bipolar TUR.
In the bipolar application, the output is adjusted via the so-
called "effect". The higher the effect number (0 to 9), the
higher the degree of coagulation.
Only coagulation current is available at Bipolar output 4 47.
The standard bipolar functions are available for ARC 300 and
ARC 300G.

The shift sensor on the foot switch is locked in this program for safety

This program is used in hemostasis with the underwater cut in

transurethral resection with immediate vaporization of the prostate
In this program, the resection snare is used for cutting and coagulation.
Arc control technology generates the cutting effect with simultaneously
minimized power output. The rollerblade electrode is used to vaporize
the prostate tissue.
ARC control facilitates immediate cutting and prevents adhesion of the

; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 3

44 are preconfigured.
X Connect the bipolar resectoscope to Bipolar output 3 43.
X Connect the monopolar resectoscope to Monopolar output 2 40.

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6 Operation

6.3.22. Program 21 "GastroCUT Pol" (optional for ARC 300)

This program is used in gastroenterology for the removal of polyps with

polypectomy snares via flexible endoscopes.
In this program, polypectomy snares are used for cutting and
coagulation. Arc control technology generates the cutting effect with
simultaneously minimized power output.
ARC control facilitates immediate cutting and prevents adhesion of the

The degree of coagulation increases with an increasing blend factor.

Three modes are available in this program: fast, medium, and slow.
For further information on the GastroCut mode, see Chapter
"GastroCUT" mode, Page 27.

; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 4

48 are preconfigured.
1. Connect the polypectomy snares to the socket for Monopolar
output 2 40 (use an adapter if necessary).
2. Connect the foot switch to the HF device.
3. Activate the HF current via the yellow key of the foot switch for
Activate the HF current via the blue key of the foot switch for
4. Set the coagulation level using the keys for scabbing level 5/6.
5. In the case of hemorrhages:
Press the key/display for Forced Coagulation current 13 or use a
6. If necessary, remove the polypectomy snares and connect the
argon probe with the argon unit ARC PLUS.
7. Press the key/display for Spray Coagulation current 14.
8. Press the blue key of the foot switch for coagulation.

54 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.3.23. Program 22: "GastroCUT Pap" (optional for ARC 300)

This program is used for making incisions in papillae with a papillotome

via flexible endoscopes.
In this program, the papillotome is used for cutting and coagulation. Arc
control technology generates the cutting effect with simultaneously
minimized power output.
ARC control facilitates immediate cutting and prevents adhesion of the

The arc is reduced as the blend factor is increased.

Three modes are available in this program: fast, medium, and slow.
For further information on the GastroCut mode, see Chapter
"GastroCUT" mode, Page 27.

; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 4

48 are preconfigured.
1. Connect the papillotome to the socket for Monopolar output 2 40
(use an adapter if necessary).
2. Connect the foot switch to the HF device.
3. Activate the HF current via the yellow key of the foot switch for
Activate the HF current via the blue key of the foot switch for
4. Set the coagulation level using the keys for scabbing level 5/6.
5. In the case of hemorrhages:
Press the key/display for Forced Coagulation current 13 or use a
6. If required, remove the papillotome and connect the argon probe
with the argon unit ARC PLUS.
7. Press the key/display for Spray Coagulation current 14.
8. Press the blue key of the foot switch for coagulation.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 55

6 Operation

6.3.24. Program 23 Argon Flex (optional for ARC 300)

This program is used in argon electrosurgery with ARC PLUS.

In this program, surgical interventions are carried out with endoscopic
use of flexible probes with the additional device ARC PLUS for argon

; The key/display for Monopolar output 2 39 and Bipolar output 4

48 are preconfigured.
1. Connect the additional device ARC PLUS.
2. Connect the flexible probes to the HF device at Monopolar
output 2 43.

Pos: 39 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/7 Bedienung/7.5 Men-Programme @ 4\mod_1261040640397_6.doc @ 35109 @ 23333333333333

56 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.4. Menu programs

The menu programs are standard programs which define basic
parameters, such as the operating language, sound, display and
memory options, for the main programs.

6.4.1. Overview

The following menu programs are available:

Menu program 1 "Set Language"
Menu program 2 "Sound Level"
Menu program 3 "Moderate Coag Mode"
Menu program 4 "BipCoag Mode"
Menu program 5 "Forced Coag Mode"
Menu program 5a "GastroCut Mode"
Menu program 6 "Show Prev Inf-No"
Menu program 7 "Hide Fix Prog"
Menu program 8 "Autostart Delay"
Menu program 9 "Edit Prog Names"
Menu program 10 "Restore Programs"
Menu program 11 "Panel Check"

Selecting a menu program

1. Simultaneously press the on/off switch 33 and the program
selection switch 17 to access the overview of the menu programs.
The current software version is displayed on the display/main
display 15.
2. Press the menu selection switch 16 to select the menu program.

Exiting a menu program

X Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the overview of the menu programs.

When the HF device is switched off, the new settings will be saved

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6 Operation

6.4.2. Menu program 1 "Set Language"

The language of the menu programs is English and cannot be changed.

In the menu program "Set Language", set the appropriate national

language for the standard programs: (G: German; E: English; F: French;
I: Italian; P: Polish, S: Spanish, T: Turkish).
1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.
2. Press the key for scabbing level 5/6 to select the appropriate
3. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.
After the front plate test when the device is switched on, the selected
language is shown with a code letter on the "Bipolar Coag" display 29.

6.4.3. Menu program 2 "Sound Level"

Set the volume of the individual activation signals in the menu program
"Sound Level".
1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.
2. Press the key for scabbing level 5/6 to change the volume.
3. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

58 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.4.4. Menu program 3 "Moderate Coag Mode"

For further information on the Moderate Coag mode, see Chapter

"Moderate Coag" mode, Page 25.

In the Moderate Coag Mode menu, it is possible to change the mode

for moderate coagulation.
The following modes are available in menu program 3:
Standard mode
Dessication 1, 2, and 3

1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.

2. Press the key for scabbing level 5/6 to select the desired mode.
The selected mode is saved and displayed for 3 seconds on the
bipolar coag display 29 after switching on the device.
3. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

6.4.5. Menu program 4 "Bip Coag Mode"

In the "Bipolar Coag Mode" menu you can change the mode of forced
The following modes are available in menu program 4:
Standard COAG Mode
Soft COAG Mode

AUTOSTART is not available in "Soft COAG" mode.

For further information on the Soft COAG Mode, see
Chapter "Soft COAG" mode, Page 28.

1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.

2. Press the key for scabbing level 5/6 to select the desired mode.
The selected mode is saved and displayed for 3 seconds on the
bipolar coag display 29 after switching on the device.
3. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

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6 Operation

6.4.6. Menu program 5 "Forced Coag Mode"

In "Forced Coag Mode", set the cutting/coagulation specifications for the

"Forced Coag" current.

For further information on the Forced Coag Mode, see Chapter "Forced
Coag" mode, Page 26.

1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.

2. Press the key for scabbing level 5/6 to change the forced
coagulation mode.
3. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

6.4.7. Menu program 5a GastroCut Mode

For further information on the GastroCut Mode, see Chapter

"GastroCUT" mode, Page 27.

1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.

2. Press the key for scabbing level 5/6 to toggle between slow
"GastroCUT" (slow, non-accelerated), dynamic "GastroCUT"
(default, medium) and fast dynamic "GastroCUT" (accelerated,
3. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

6.4.8. Menu program 6 "Show Prev Inf-No"

The errors saved in the HF device are called up in the menu program
"Show Prev Inf-No".
1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.
2. Press the key for scabbing level 5 to call up the individual error.
The error number will appear on the main display 15.
3. Press the key/display for AUTOSTART 32 to call up the last 10
The error number will appear on the main display 15.
4. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

The service manual contains further information on menu program 6.

60 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.4.9. Menu program 7 "Hide Fix Prog"

Standard programs that are not required are hidden in the menu
program "Hide Fix Prog".
1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.
2. Press the power limitation key for bipolar coagulation 31 to display
all standard programs.
All fixpgm active appears on the main display 15.
3. Press the power limitation key for bipolar coagulation 30 to hide all
standard programs.
No fixpgm active appears on the main display 15.
Press the key/display for AUTOSTART 32 to show/hide individual
standard programs.
4. Press program key 16/17 to browse the standard programs.
5. Press the power limitation key for monopolar coagulation 10 to hide
the standard program.
Press the power limitation key for monopolar coagulation 11 to
show the standard program.
6. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

6.4.10. Menu program 8 "Autostart Delay"

In the menu program Autostart Delay, the start-up delay period and
post-run time are changed in the AUTOSTART mode.
1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.
2. Press the power limitation key for monopolar coagulation 10/11 to
adjust the start-up delay in 50 ms increments
(from 50-2500 ms).
3. Press the power limitation key for bipolar coagulation 30/31 to
adjust the post-run time in 100 ms increments (from 0-2500 ms).
4. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

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6 Operation

6.4.11. Menu program 9 "Edit Prog Names"

In the menu program Edit Prog Names, freely available programs are
edited with an individual text in the display/main display.
X Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4.

Editing text in the display/main display

1. Press the program key 16/17 to select the program to be edited.
2. Press the key/display 12 for moderate coagulation.
3. Press the key for scabbing level 25 or 26 to select a letter or
4. Press the power limitation key for monopolar coagulation 10/11 to
toggle between upper and lower case.
5. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4 to select the
next letter or character.
6. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to delete the
last letter or character.
7. Press the key/display for AUTOSTART 32 to save entered names.
8. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

Deleting the text in the display/main display

All HF parameters of the deleted programs will likewise be deleted.

1. Press the power limitation key for bipolar coagulation 30 and the
key/display for AUTOSTART 32 to delete the entire text entry for
the selected program.
2. Press the power limitation key for bipolar coagulation 31 and the
key/display for AUTOSTART 32 to delete all entries in the freely
selectable HF programs (24-99).
3. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

62 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

6 Operation

6.4.12. Menu program 10 "Restore Programs"

In the menu program Restore Programs, all standard program

parameters which have been changed in the HF device will be reset to
the factory settings.
1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4 to reset the
standard programs (0-23).
2. Press the key/display for AUTOSTART 32 to confirm the reset.
After the restoration procedure has been completed, the program
automatically returns to the menu programs.

6.4.13. Menu program 11 "Panel Check"

In the menu program Panel Check, all lighting components on the

operating panel are activated.
1. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 4 to activate
all lighting components.
2. Press the power limitation key for monopolar cutting 3 to return to
the menu programs.

Pos: 40 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/8 Fehler/8 Fehler erkennen und beheben @ 4\mod_1261040652788_6.doc @ 35128 @ 1

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 63

7 Detecting and correcting errors

7. Detecting and correcting errors

Two types of errors can occur:
system errors
errors in the EASY monitoring

Pos: 41 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/8 Fehler/8.1 System-Fehler-Anzeigen @ 4\mod_1261040656694_6.doc @ 35147 @ 232

7.1. System- errors

When a system error occurs, the error indicator 18 lights up red. INF
appears on the display Monopolar Cut 2 and a one to three digit error
code on the display Monopolar Coag 9.

7.1.1. Error list

Optical and acoustic signals indicating errors
The error messages are accompanied by optical and acoustic signals.
Furthermore, the generator cancels activation if certain errors occur and
the system is reset.
Optical and acoustic signals:
Signals Designation
Output error indicator lights up red
Display and storage of the message number
Acoustic warning signal sounds

System events:
System events Designation
System reset

Generator cancels activation

64 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

7 Detecting and correcting errors

Error no. Signa- Cause Corrective measures

(INF) ls/System
1 Defective cable or output set too low X Check/Replace the cable.
X Set the output higher.

2 Defective cable or output set too low X Check/Replace the cable.

X Set the output higher.

11 Constant power is output at a constant X Check the connection and the

resistance over a longer period. accessories.

40 Additional device ARC PLUS not X Switch the additional device ARC
connected / not switched on / offline PLUS on.
X Check the connection to the interface.

43 Key on front plate pressed when X Switch on the device using the on/off
switching on the unit switch 33 and do not actuate any
other operating elements at the same

44 Finger or foot switch activation is X Switch on the device using the on/off
pending when the device is switched switch 33 and do not actuate any
on other operating elements at the same

45 Both keys of the handpiece have been X Press only one key of the handpiece
actuated at the same time at a time.

46 Both pedals of the double-pedal foot X Activate only one pedal of the double-
switch have been activated pedal foot switch.

47 No power set for the activated output X Set the power for the activated output.

49 Connection socket activated via finger X Activate the output via the finger or
and foot switches foot switch one after the other.
At the end of activation a different
activation signal is pending for the
same socket

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 65

7 Detecting and correcting errors

Error no. Signa- Cause Corrective measures

(INF) ls/System
61 Tissue contact is already pending X Remove the instrument from the
upon activation of the AUTOSTART tissue and re-activate AUTOSTART.

80 Ligation instrument is heavily soiled or X Clean the ligation instrument.

tissue is too dry X Check the cable and the instrument.
X Select a new ligation site.

81 Ligation instrument is defective or has X Replace the ligation instrument.

short circuited. X Select a new ligation site.

90 Papillotome or snare is not applied X Apply the papillotome or the snare.

91 Instrument for GastroCut application X Replace the Gastro instrument.

defective or has short circuited X Select a new point of application.

92 Excessive low-resistance activation X Ensure that the instrument has

(e.g. in saline) sufficient contact with the tissue for
coagulation/cutting prior to activating
the device.

100-104 EASY neutral electrode error X Check the neutral electrode and the
neutral electrode cable; see Chapter
EASY neutral electrode monitoring
(EASY monitoring), Page 30.

144 HF device goes into a protective state X Switch the HF device on using the
due to an insufficient power supply of on/off switch 33.
the arc sensor X In the case of continuing error
messages, contact the BOWA Service
Dept., see Chapter Technical service,
Page 72.

148 System voltage too low X Ensure constant system voltage.

X If necessary, connect a UPS.

66 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

7 Detecting and correcting errors

Error no. Signa- Cause Corrective measures

(INF) ls/System
149 3-pin plug of the X Check the handpiece.
handpiece has been X Replace the handpiece.
inserted incorrectly
X Connect the 4 mm connection cable
Handpiece possibly to output 2 40 in the left-hand 4 mm
defective connection socket.
Monopolar 4 mm
connection cable has
been connected to output
2 40 in the right-hand 4
mm connection socket

X Contact the service department if an error cannot be corrected with

the measures listed; see Chapter Technical service, Page 72.

Errors not listed

X Contact the service department regarding errors that are not shown
in the error list; see Chapter Technical service, Page 72.
X If the expected change in the tissue does not occur and no error
message appears, check the parameters and the accessory

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 67

7 Detecting and correcting errors

7.2. Errors in the EASY monitoring

When working with a split neutral electrode, the following errors may

EASY monitoring Cause Indicator Corrective measures

Flashes green Significant increase in Application must not be
resistance terminated.

Switches from green to When the monopolar current An acoustic signal sounds. X Check the neutral
continuous red is activated, a significant A corresponding INF - "xxx" electrode and the
problem occurs message appears on the 7- neutral electrode
segment indicator cable; see Chapter
Monopolar Cut 2 and the 7- EASY neutral
segment indicator electrode monitoring
Monopolar Coag 9. (EASY monitoring),
Page 30.
X Check the neutral
electrode cable for
proper contact and
external damage.

Loosening electrode An acoustic signal sounds. X Correct the position of

The corresponding INF the neutral electrode.
xxx message appears. In the case of
The device's electronics continuing error
system switches off the messages, replace
monopolar outputs of the the neutral electrode.
connection sockets 36 and

Pos: 42 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/9 Aufbereitung/9 Aufbereitung @ 4\mod_1261040691288_6.doc @ 35166 @ 1

68 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

8 Preparation

8. Preparation
Pos: 43 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/9 Aufbereitung/9.1 Aufbereitung des Zubehrs/Desinfizieren und Reinigung @ 4\mod_1261040694772_6.doc @ 35185 @ 22

8.1. Preparation of the accessories

X Prepare the accessories (e.g. surgical handles, instruments, active
electrodes, neutral electrodes and cables) as described in the
corresponding operating manuals.
X Check the accessories before and after use for damage and to
ensure that they are working properly.

8.2. Disinfection and cleaning

Incorrect handling of the HF device can cause damage to the unit!
X Never sterilize the HF devices ARC 300/350. Clean or disinfect
them instead.

Risk of electric shock and fire!
X Unplug the power connection before cleaning the device.
X For cleaning surfaces, use the approved cleaning
agents/disinfectants only as specified by the manufacturer.
X Ensure that no liquid penetrates the device.
X Ensure that the AUTOSTART function is deactivated.

1. Apply the cleaning agent and disinfectant.

2. Wipe the agent off with a sponge moistened with clean water or
with a cloth.
3. Dry the device using a clean, lint-free cloth.

Pos: 44 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/10 Wartung/10 Wartung/Reparatur @ 4\mod_1261040698397_6.doc @ 35204 @ 1

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 69

9 Maintenance/Repair

9. Maintenance/Repair
Pos: 45 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/10 Wartung/10.1 Wartung/10.2 Reparatur @ 4\mod_1261040702069_6.doc @ 35223 @ 232

9.1. Maintenance
X Check the device, the device trolley and the accessories (e.g. foot
switch, cable) after each use for damage or defects. In particular,
make sure that the insulation is intact on all cables.
X Do not use any damaged device, damaged device trolley or
damaged accessories.
X Replace defective accessories immediately.
X Have the safety inspection for the device performed once a year.

9.1.1. Safety inspection

Safety inspections must be performed once a year.

X The device and accessories may be inspected only by persons
who have the required training, knowledge or experience and who
can perform the inspection independently.
X With regard to the safety inspection, you must comply with the
country-specific rules and regulations.
The inspector documents the inspection results and measured values
corresponding to the printed inspection protocol.
In the case of severe deviations from the values of the attached final
acceptance report, or if the specified maximum values were exceeded:
X Send the HF device to the service center; see Chapter Technical
service, Page 72.

70 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

9 Maintenance/Repair

9.2. Repairs

You can damage the HF device by doing your own repairs and
modifications of medical equipment!
X If a repair is necessary, have it done only by the service center
specified below.
X Never carry out any repairs yourself.

BOWA is liable for safety, reliability and performance of the HF device

under the following conditions:
full compliance with all instructions regarding the installation
and proper use for the intended purpose contained in this
operating manual was maintained.
changes, repairs, new settings and similar procedures were
carried out only by persons authorized to do this work by
the electrical installations in the relevant room meet the local
requirements and statutory provisions.

The following information is required for returning the device:

Fast and satisfactory repairs can only be guaranteed when all required
data have been supplied in full.

complete address
model number
serial number
software version
X Describe the problem, the appropriate application and the
accessories used.
X Describe the repairs to be made.

Pos: 46 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/10 Wartung/Technischer Service @ 4\mod_1261040706710_6.doc @ 35242 @ 2

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 71

9 Maintenance/Repair

9.3. Technical service

Contact the following service center for maintenance and repair work:
BOWA-electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 410
72810 Gomaringen, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 7072-6002-0
Fax +49 (0) 7072-6002-33
or visit our Web site:

Pos: 47 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/11 Lagerung/11 Lagerung @ 4\mod_1261040711366_6.doc @ 35261 @ 1

72 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

10 Positioning

10. Positioning

Pos: 48 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/11 Lagerung/11.1 Lagerung @ 4\mod_1261040715569_6.doc @ 35280 @

X If you store the HF device longer than one year, pay particular
attention to the indicators of the automatic function tests; see
Chapter Monitoring functions, Page 29.
X Clean the HF device thoroughly before you put it into storage.
X Store the HF device in a clean, dry place in accordance with the
storage conditions.

Storage conditions:

Temperature: -20 C to +50 C

Relative humidity 0 to 75%, no condensation
Atmospheric pressure: 500 to 1600 mbar

Pos: 49 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/12 Technische Daten/12 Technische Daten @ 4\mod_1261040719522_6.doc @ 35299 @ 1

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 73

11 Technical specifications

11. Technical specifications

Pos: 50 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/12 Technische Daten/12.1 Technische Merkmale @ 4\mod_1261040723569_6.doc @ 35318 @ 2

11.1. Technical specifications for the HF devices

ARC 300 and ARC 350
Insulation type / Classification
EMC IEC 60601-1-2
Level of protection provided by the housing IP 21
Protection class according to EN 60601-1 I
Type of application component as specified in CF
EN 60601-1
Compliance with standards IEC 60601-1: 1988,
IEC 60601-1-A1: 1991,
IEC 60601-1-A2: 1995,
IEC 60529:1989+A1:1999,
IEC 60601-1-1: 2000 (in
combination with ARC PLUS)
IEC 60601-1-2: 2001,
IEC 60601-1-4: 2000,
IEC 60601-2-2: 1998,
IEC 61000-3-2: 2001,
ISO 14971: 2000
Classification as per EC Directive 93/42/EEC IIb
Power connection
Power consumption in standby mode 25 VA
Line frequency 50/60 Hz
Max. power consumption with an HF power output 500 VA
of 300 W
Connection for potential equalization line Yes
Voltage range: 230 V
Input voltage range 198 V to 260 V
Current consumption in standby mode 110 mA
Current consumption at max. HF output 3.2 A
Mains fuses 2 x 4 A slow-blow
Voltage range: 100 V
Input voltage range 90 V to 110 V
Current consumption in standby mode 220 mA
Current consumption at max. HF output 6.4 A
Mains fuses 2 x 8 A slow-blow
Voltage range: 115 V
Input voltage range 100 V to 130 V
Current consumption in standby mode 220 mA
Current consumption at max. HF output 6.4 A
Mains fuses 2 x 8 A slow-blow

74 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Dimensions and weight

External dimensions: width x height x depth (mm) 430 x 180 x 400
Weight Approx. 14 kg

Number of programs in the device 100
Standard programs, factory set
Individually programmable
Program number and information shown on the

Monitoring of the neutral electrode

EASY: Electrode Application System
Indicator for solid or split electrode on the front
Indication of the transition resistance between the
section surfaces of the split
neutral electrode on the display
Indication of the line resistance when using a solid
neutral electrode on the display
Max. resistance between the section surfaces of 250
split electrodes
Warning signal in the case of risk under the Visual, acoustic
neutral electrode
Warning indicator as a text on the display:

Safety features
ISSys: Integrated safety system
Continuous monitoring of the HF leakage current
with error messages
Monitoring of the dosage, error message on the
Continuous self-test
Continuous status indication on the display
Display of operating errors on the display
Display of system errors on the display

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 75

11 Technical specifications

Recording and storage of data in the device
Error statuses
Operating errors
Retrieval of these data via the display

External interface for communication with the
External PC interface using BOWA software
Service support using BOWA software

Service support
Service support integrated in the device via
service programs
Service support via ISSys

Temperature-controlled fan

Operating mode
Operating mode 10 / 30 sec

76 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN



la y


ag e




t se






ak v

w er

ent tput,

er li
pow of HF

f HF

limi er


. pe
. po

. ou





7-se y of o


Se t
Monopolar cutting yes yes sinusoidal 330 kHz 940 3 places 300 W 1 to 300 W, 1 digit or 10 2, type 3 pin
Vp for "Monopolar Cut" adjustable in 1 15 % levels + Bovie (socket 2)
W steps
600 Vp 30 W 1 to 30 W, Activation
for "MicroCUT/MacroCUT" for "MicroCUT" adjustable in 1 with finger switch,
W steps both outputs
75 W 1 to 75 W,
for "MacroCUT" adjustable in 1 Activation with foot switch,
W steps one output
Monopolar cutting "DryCut" yes yes sinusoidal, 330 kHz 1 550 Vp 3 places 200 W 1 to 200 W, 1 digit or 10 2, type 3 pin
modulated adjustable in 1 15 % levels + Bovie (socket 2)
W steps
with finger switch,
both outputs

Activation with foot switch,

one output
Monopolar cutting pulse 1 MHz 2 500 Vp 2 places 90 W 1 to 90 W, 1 digit or 2, type 3 pin
"CardiacCUT" adjustable in 1 15 % + Bovie (socket 2)

W steps
with finger switch,
both outputs

Activation with foot switch,

one output
Monopolar cutting yes yes sinusoidal, 330 kHz 1 000 V p 10 levels yes 2, type 3 pin, 4 mm + Bovie
"GastroCUT" modulated
Mode: Slow Activation with foot switch
Monopolar cutting yes yes sinusoidal, 330 kHz 1 000 Vp 10 levels yes 2, type 3 pin, 4 mm + Bovie
"GastroCUT" modulated
Mode: Medium Activation with foot switch
Monopolar cutting yes yes sinusoidal, 330 kHz 1000 Vp 10 levels yes 2, type 3 pin, 4 mm + Bovie
"GastroCUT" modulated
Mode: Fast Activation with foot switch
Monopolar coagulation pulse 1 MHz 3 200 Vp 3 places 120 W 1 to 120 W, 1 digit or 2, type 3 pin
"SimCOAG" adjustable in 1 15 % + Bovie (socket 2)
W steps
with finger switch,
both outputs

Activation with foot switch,

one output
Monopolar "Moderate sinusoidal 330 kHz 170 Vp 3 places 120 W 1 to 120 W, 1 digit or 2, type 3 pin 2.0 A
Contact Coagulation" for "Standard" adjustable in 1 15 % + Bovie (socket 2)
W steps
2 300 Vp Activation
for "Desiccate 1" with finger switch,
340 Vp 5 to 120 W, both outputs
for "Desiccate 2" adjustable in 1
W steps Activation with foot switch,

ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual

500 Vp one output
for "Desiccate 3"
1 540 Vp 1 to 120 W,
for "Desiccate 4" adjustable in 1
W steps
140 Vp 2 places 30 W 1 to 30 W,
for "Micro Moderate Coag" for "Micro Moderate adjustable in 1
Contact Coagulation" W steps
11 Technical specifications



la y


ag e




disp t,
t se








w er



er li
pow of HF

f HF

limi er

gm f outpu

. pe
. po

. ou







Se t
Monopolar "Forced pulse, 1 MHz 2 230 Vp 3 places 120 W 1 to 120 W, 1 digit or 2, type 3 pin
Coagulation" modulated for "Cutting Mode" adjustable in 1 15 % + Bovie (socket 2)
W steps
3 200 Vp Activation
for "Mixed Coag Mode" with finger switch,
4 880 Vp both outputs
11 Technical specifications

for "Non Cutting Mode"

1 100 Vp 2 places 30 W 1 to 30 W, Activation with foot switch,
for "Micro Cutting Mode" adjustable in 1 one output
W steps
2 700 Vp
for "Micro Mixed Mode"
3 940 Vp
for "Micro Non Cutting Mode"
3 700 Vp 50 W 1 to 50 W, Activation with foot switch,
for "GastroCUT Forced COAG" adjustable in 1 one output
W steps
Monopolar "Spray pulse, 1 MHz 5 700 Vp 3 places 120 W 1 to 120 W, 1 digit or 2, type 3 pin
Coagulation" modulated for "Spay COAG" adjustable in 1 15 % + Bovie (socket 2)
W steps
3 000 Vp 30 W 1 to 30 W, Activation
for "Micro Spray Coagulation" adjustable in 1 with finger switch,
W steps both outputs

ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual

Activation with foot switch,
one output
Monopolar "Argon Plasma pulse, 1 MHz 5 200 Vp 3 places 120 W 1 to 120 W, 1 digit or 1, type 3 pin
Coagulation" modulated for program Argon flex "Spay COAG I" adjustable in 1 15 % + Bovie (socket 2)
W steps
4 020 Vp
Activation with finger switch
for Program Argon Open and ArgonLigation "Spray
on socket 1
Monopolar coagulation sinusoidal, 330 kHz 2 145 Vp 2 places 40 W 1 to 40 W, 1 digit or 2, type 3 pin
"Local Anaesthesia" modulated for "Local Anaesthesia" adjustable in 1 15 % + Bovie (socket 2)
"Local Anaesthesia Spray" W steps
with finger switch,
both outputs

Activation with foot switch,

one output
2 700 Vp 30 W 1 to 30 W,
for "Local Anaesthesia Spray" adjustable in 1
W steps
Monopolar coagulation pulse 1 MHz 2 500 Vp 2 places 90 W 1 to 90 W, 1 digit or 2, type 3 pin + Bovie
"CardiacCOAG" adjustable in 1 15 % (socket 2)
W steps
with finger switch,
both outputs

Activation with foot switch,

one output






ag e







t dis




w er


er li
pow of HF

f HF
men output

limi er

. pe
. po

. ou








Se t

Bipolar cutting yes yes sinusoidal 330 kHz 530 Vp 3 places 150 W 1 to 150 W, 1 digit or 10 2, type 3 pin
(only ARC 350) adjustable in 1 15 % levels
W steps
2 places 30 W 1 to 30 W, Activation with foot switch,

Pos: 51 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/12 Technische Daten/12.2 Leistungs-. Spannungs- und Stromdiagramme @ 4\mod_1261040732147_6.doc @ 35337 @ 2
for "Micro Bipolar adjustable in 1 both outputs
Cutting" W steps
Bipolar "Contact sinusoidal 330 kHz 170 Vp 3 places 120 W 1 to 120 W, 1 digit or 2, type 2 pin 2.0 A
Coagulation" for "Standard COAG", adjustable in 1 15 %
"Soft COAG" W steps Activation with foot switch,
160 Vp 2 places 50 W 1 to 50 W, both outputs
for "Micro Bipolar Coag" adjustable in 1
W steps Activation
175 Vp 2 places 120 W 0.1 W to 1 W with AUTO START,
for "Micro Neuro Bipolar Coag" 0.1 W both outputs
Grading (not with Soft COAG, Micro
Neuro and TUR programs)
1 W to 5 W
0.2 W

5 W to 10 W
0.5 W

10 W to 50 W
Bipolar Contact High sinusoidal 330 kHz 200 Vp 3 places 245 W at 25 20 to 200 W, 1 digit or 1, type 3 pin 4.0 A
Current "Ligation" (only for "Ligation programs" adjustable in 5 15 %
ARC 350) W steps Activation with foot switch on

ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual

Bipolar "TUR CUT" yes y es sinusoidal 330 kHz 910 Vp 10 levels 380 W yes 1, type 3 pin
(only ARC 350)
Activation with foot switch on
socket 3
Bipolar "TUR COAG" sinusoidal 330 kHz 180 Vp 10 levels 200 W yes 1, type 3 pin
(only ARC 350)
Activation with foot switch on
socket 3
11 Technical specifications

11 Technical specifications

11.2. Output, voltage and current diagrams

Setting Program
Monopolar Cut 0-5, 16-20,
11 (31 W and above),
23 (only socket 1),
24-99 (socket 1+2)
P [W]
350 P [W]
Blend 4-9
Blend 8, 9
Blend 3 Blend 6, 7
300 Blend 3, 4, 5
Blend 2
Blend 2
250 Blend 0, 1
250 Blend 0, 1


150 150


50 50

0 0
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
ARC350MCTUR_SE_080124_1 R [] ARC350MCTUR_SE_080124_2 R[ ]

Measurement of resistances without arcing Measurement of resistances with prior arcing

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the load resistance R [] for
the setting Monopolar Cut = 300 the setting Monopolar Cut = 300
W/150 W W/150 W

U [Vp]
P [W]
Blend 8, 9
Blend 6, 7
250 800
Blend 3, 4 5
Blend 2
600 Blend 0, 1



100 300


0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 0 100 150 200 250 300
ARC350MCTUR_SE_080125_4 displayed value
ARC350MCTUR_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

function of the "Monopolar Cut" setting. a function of the "Monopolar Cut"
Measured load resistance = 500 setting (idle mode)

80 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
MicroCUT 7, 10,
11 (up to 30 W)
MacroCUT 6, 8, 9

P [W] P [W]
35 80
Blend 9 Blend 9
Blend 8 Blend 8
Blend 7 Blend 7
Blend 6 60 Blend 6
Blend 5 Blend 5
Blend 4 50
Blend 4
Blend 3 Blend 3
Blend 2 Blend 2
Blend 1 Blend 1
Blend 0 Blend 0


0 0
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
ARC350MPC_SE_080124_1 ARC350MPC_SE_080124_2

Measurement of resistances Measurement of resistances

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the load resistance R [] for
the setting MicroCUT = 30 W/15 W the setting MacroCUT = 75 W/38 W

P [W] U [Vp]

80 700
Blend 9
Pmax Macro, Local Anestesia,
HNO Blend 8
70 600 Blend 7

Blend 6
Blend 5

50 Blend 4
400 Blend 3
40 Blend 2
Pmax Micro Programme 300 Blend 1
30 Pmax MicroCUT
Blend 0


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
ARC350MPC_SE_080124_3 displayed value ARC350MPC_SE_080124_4 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

function of the "MacroCUT" setting. a function of the "Blend" setting (idle
Measured load resistance = 500 mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 81

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
DryCUT 12
P [W]
P [W]
DryCut 200W
Blend 0-9 200

DryCut 100W
Blend 0-9 180

150 140


100 100



10 100 1000 10000 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Measurement of resistances
ARC350DC_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the "DryCUT" setting.
the setting DryCUT = 200 W/100 W Measured load resistance = 500

U [Vp] Blend 0-9










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
ARC350DC_SE_080124_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the "DryCUT" setting (idle

82 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
GastroCUT Pol 21
P [W]

400 1000
300 Cut Phase
Coag Phase Blend 9
Coag Phase Blend 5-8
Coag Phase Blend 4
Coag Phase Blend 3
Coag Phase Blend 2
Coag Phase Blend 1 1000
Coag Phase Blend 0
0 1000


R [Ohm]
Measurement of resistances 1000
Diagram of power output P [W] as a 1000
function of the load resistance R [] for 1000
the setting GastroCUT Pol Blend 0-9 Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as
a function of the GastroCUT Pol
Blend 0-9 (idle mode)
P [W]




Coag Phase
Cut Phase = 520 W


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ARC350GCPol_SE_100111_2 Blend

Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the Blend setting for
GastroCUT Pol

The short-term peak power exceeds 400 W. However, this is still

permissible since the mean value from 1 second is below 400 W.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 83

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
GastroCUT Pap 22
P [W] P [W]




Coag Phase Blend 9
Coag Phase Blend 8
Coag Phase Blend 7
30 Coag Phase Blend 6
Coag Phase Blend 5
Coag Phase Blend 4
20 Coag Phase Blend 2,3
Coag Phase Blend 0,1

10 100



ARC350GCPap_SE_10011_1 R [Ohm]
ARC350GCPap_SE_100111_3 R [Ohm]

Measurement of resistances Measurement of resistances

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the load resistance R [] for
the setting GastroCUT Pap the setting GastroCUT Pap during the
Blend 0-9 during the Coag phase Cut phase
P [W]




Coag Phase
Cut Phase = 520 W
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ARC350GCPap_SE_100111_2 Blend
Diagram of power output P [W] as a 1000
function of the Blend setting for 1000
GastroCUT Pap 1000
Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as
a function of the GastroCUT Pap
Blend 0-9 (idle mode)

The short-term peak power exceeds 400 W. However, this is still

permissible since the mean value from 1 second is below 400 W.

84 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
CardiacCUT 14, 15
P [W] P [W]
100 90
90 CardiacCut

60 60

50 50


10 20

0 10
10 100 1000 10000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ARC350CCUT_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the CardiacCUT setting.
the setting CardiacCUT = 90 W/45 W Measured load resistance = 500

U [Vp]







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ARC350CCUT_SE_080124_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the "CardiacCUT" setting
(idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 85

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
SimCOAG 13
P [W]
P [W]
SimCOAG 120
120 P=60W







0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
10 100 1000 10000 ARC350SCOAG_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the SimCOAG setting.
the setting SimCOAG = 120 W/60 W Measured load resistance = 500

U [Vp]







0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350SCOAG_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the SimCOAG setting
(idle mode)

86 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Moderate COAG Standard 0-6, 9, 12, 14-16, 17,
11 (31 W and above),
23 (only socket 1)
24-99 (socket 1+2)
P [W]
P=120W 120





60 60



10 100 1000 10000
ARC350MBCOAG_SE_080124_1 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MBCOAG_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Moderate COAG
the setting Moderate COAG Standard Standard setting. Measured load
= 120 W/60 W resistance = 75

U [Vp]










0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MBCOAG_SE_080124_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Moderate COAG
Standard setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 87

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Moderate COAG Dessication 1 0-6, 9, 12, 14-16, 17, 24-99 (socket 1+2),
23 (only socket 1)
P [W] P [W]
140 120
Desiccate 1
Desiccate 1


60 60



10 100 1000 10000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MCD1_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances after prior arcing

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Moderate COAG
the setting Moderate COAG Dessication 1 setting. Measured load
Dessication 1 = 120 W/60 W resistance = 500

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Moderate COAG
Dessication 1 setting (idle mode)

88 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Moderate COAG Dessication 2 0-6, 9, 12, 14-16, 17, 24-99 (socket 1+2),
23 (only socket 1)
P [W] P [W]
Desiccate 2 120
120 Desiccate 2
60W 100


60 60



10 100 1000 10000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MCD2_SE_080124_2 displayed value
Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Moderate COAG
the setting Moderate COAG Dessication 2 setting. Measured load
Dessication 2 = 120 W/60 W resistance = 200

U [Vp]




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MCD2_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Moderate COAG
Dessication 2 setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 89

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Moderate COAG Dessication 3 0-6, 9, 12, 14-16, 17, 24-99 (socket 1+2),
23 (only socket 1)
P [W] P [W]
Dessicate 3 120
120 Dessicate 3


60 60


10 100 1000 10000
ARC350MCD3_SE_080124_2 R[ ]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MCD3_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Moderate COAG
the setting Moderate COAG Dessication 3 setting. Measured load
Dessication 3 = 120 W/60 W resistance = 500

U [Vp]






0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MCD3_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Moderate COAG
Dessication 3 setting (idle mode)

90 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Moderate COAG Dessication 4 0-6, 9, 12, 14-16, 17, 24-99 (socket 1+2),
23 (only socket 1)
P [W]
P [W]
P = 120 W 120

120 P = 60 W


80 80




0 20
10 100 1000 10000
ARC350MCD4_SE_091217_1 R []

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Measurement of resistances ARC350MCD1_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Moderate COAG
the setting Moderate COAG Dessication 4 setting. Measured load
Dessication 4 = 120 W/60 W resistance = 500
U [Vp]









0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MCD4_SE_091217_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Moderate COAG
Dessication 4 setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 91

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Micro Moderate COAG 7, 8, 10,
11 (up to 30 W)
P [W]
P [W]
Micro Moderate
30 Micro Moderate

20 20




0 5
10 100 1000 10000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Measurement of resistances ARC350MMCOAG_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the "Micro Moderate COAG"
the setting Micro Moderate COAG = setting. Measured load resistance =
30 W/15 W 125
U [Vp]










0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ARC350MMCOAG_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Micro Moderate
COAG setting (idle mode)

92 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Forced COAG Non-cutting, Cutting, Mixed 0-6, 9, 12, 16, 20,
11 (31 W and above),
23 (only socket 1),
24-99 (socket 1+2)
P [W]
P [W]
140 Forced Coag 120
Forced Coag
120 P=60W




40 40


10 100 1000 10000
ARC350FCOAG_SE_080124_1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350FCOAG_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the "Forced COAG Mixed,
the setting Forced COAG Mixed, Non- Non-cutting, Cutting" setting. Measured
cutting, Cutting = 120 W/60 W load resistance = 500
U [Vp]
U [Vp] 2500





0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350FCC_SE_080125 displayed value
ARC350FCNC_SE_080125 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Non-cutting Forced a function of the Cutting Forced
COAG setting (idle mode) COAG setting (idle mode)

U [Vp]








0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350FCOAG_SE_080313_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Mixed Forced COAG
setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 93

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Forced COAG Micro Mixed, Micro Non-cutting, 7, 10,
Micro Cutting 11 (up to 30 W)
P [W]
35 P [W]
Micro Forced
Coag P=30W 30

30 Micro Forced
Coag P=15W

20 20




0 5

10 100 1000 10000

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Measurement of resistances ARC350MFCOAG_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the setting Forced COAG
Forced COAG Micro Mixed, Forced Micro Mixed, Forced COAG Micro Non-
COAG Micro Non-cutting, Forced cutting, Forced COAG Micro Cutting.
COAG Micro Cutting = 30 W/15 W Measured load resistance = 500
U [Vp]
U [Vp] 4000



2000 2500




500 500

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ARC350MFCOAG_SE_080124_5 displayed value
ARC350MFCOAG_SE_080124_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Forced COAG Micro a function of the Forced COAG Micro
Mixed setting (idle mode) Non-cutting setting (idle mode)

U [Vp]






0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ARC350MFCOAG_SE_080124_4 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Forced COAG Micro
Cutting setting (idle mode)

94 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
GastroCUT ForcedCOAG 21, 22 (only Socket 2)
P [W]
60 P [W]
50 45


30 30




10 100 1000 10000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
ARC350GCFC_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the GastroCUT
the setting GastroCUT ForcedCOAG ForcedCOAG setting. Measured load
= 50 W/25 W resistance = 500
U [Vp]








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
ARC350GCFC_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the GastroCUT
ForcedCOAG setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 95

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Micro Spray COAG 7, 10,
11 (up to 30 W)
P [W]
P [W]
Micro Spray 30
Coag P=30W
30 Micro Spray
Coag P=15W

20 20



10 100 1000 10000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Measurement of resistances
ARC350MSCOAG_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the "Micro Spray COAG"
the setting Micro Spray COAG = setting. Measured load resistance =
30 W/15 W 500
U [Vp]







0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ARC350MSCOAG_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Micro Spray COAG
setting (idle mode)

96 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Spray COAG 0-3, 6, 9, 12-20,
4, 5 (only socket 2)
11 (31 W and above),
23 (only socket 1),
24-99 (socket 1+2)
Argon Flex Spray COAG I 21-23 (only socket 2)
Argon OPEN Spray COAG II 4, 5 (only socket 1)
P [W]
140 P [W]
Argon / Spray
Coag P=120W 120
Argon / Spray
120 Coag P=60W



60 60



10 100 1000 10000
ARC350ASCOAG_SE_080125_1 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350ASCOAG_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the setting Spray COAG,
the setting Spray COAG, Argon-Flex Argon-Flex Spray COAG I, Argon-
Spray COAG I, Argon-OPEN Spray OPEN Spray COAG II. Measured load
COAG II und Argon Ligation = resistance = 500
120 W/60 W
U [Vp]
6000 U [Vp]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350ASCOAG_SE_080125_3 displayed value 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350ASCOAG_SE_080125_5 displayed value

Diagram of the HF output voltage Argon Flex Spray COAG I program,

U [Vp] as a function of "Spray COAG connection socket 2
(idle mode)
Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as
a function of the Argon Flex Spray
COAG setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 97

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Spray COAG 0-3, 6, 9, 12-20,
4, 5 (only socket 2)
11 (31 W and above),
23 (only socket 1),
24-99 (socket 1+2)
Argon Flex Spray COAG I 21-23 (only socket 2)
Argon OPEN Spray COAG II 4, 5 (only socket 1)

U [Vp]









0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350ASCOAG_SE_080125_6 displayed value

Argon OPEN Spray COAG II program,

connection socket 1
Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as
a function of the Argon OPEN Spray
COAG II setting

98 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Local Anesthesia COAG 8
P [W]
50 P [W]
Anesthesia 40
45 P=40W

40 35
35 P=20W 30



15 15


10 100 1000 10000
ARC350SCFC_SE_080124_1 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
ARC350SCFC_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Local Anesthesia
the setting "Local Anesthesia COAG" = COAG setting. Measured load
40 W/20 W resistance = 500

U [Vp]





0 10 20 30 40
ARC350SCFC_SE_080124_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Local Anesthesia
COAG setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 99

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Local Anesthesia Spray COAG 8
P [W]






0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Measurement of resistances ARC350SCSC_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Local Anesthesia Spray
the setting Local Anesthesia Spray COAG. Measured load resistance =
COAG = 30 W/15 W 500
U [Vp]






0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ARC350SCSC_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Local Anesthesia
Spray COAG setting (idle mode)

100 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
CardiacCOAG 14, 15
P [W]
100 P [W]
90W 90
90 CardiacCoag
80 80

70 70


30 40

20 30

10 100 1000 10000 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Measurement of resistances ARC350CCOAG_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for
Diagram of power output P [W] as a
the setting CardiacForcedCOAG = 90
function of the CardiacForcedCOAG
W/45 W
setting. Measured load resistance =

U [Vp]







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ARC350CCOAG_SE_080124_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the CardiacForcedCOAG
setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 101

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Bipolar CUT 0, 1, 5, 6, 9, 12-15, 17,
2 (only socket 4 for ligation),
16 (only socket 4),
11 (31 W and above),
21-99 (socket 3+4)
Bipolar Micro CUT 7, 8, 10,
11 (up to 30 W)
P [W]
P [W]
160 35
Blend 4-9
P=30W Blend 2-9

140 Blend 2, 3
P=30W Blend 2, 3
Blend 0, 1
P=15W Blend 0, 1




20 5

0 0
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
ARC350MBC_SE_080125_1 R [] ARC350MBC_SE_080125_2 R []

Measurement of resistances Measurement of resistances

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the load resistance R [] for
the setting Bipolar CUT = 150 W/75 W the Bipolar Micro CUT setting = 30
W/15 W
U [Vp]
P [W] 600
Pmax Bipolar Cut
Blend 4-9
140 500
Blend 2, 3

400 Blend 0, 1
Pmax Micro Bipolar Cut


60 200

Pmax Micro Bipolar Cut 100


0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 ARC350MBC_SE_080125_4 displayed value
ARC350MBC_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

function of the Bipolar CUT setting. a function of the Bipolar Micro CUT
Measured load resistance = 500 setting (idle mode)

102 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Bipolar Standard COAG 0, 1, 5, 6, 9, 11 (51 W and above), 12-17, 21-99
(socket 3+4), 2, 3, 4, 16, 18-20 (only socket 4)
P [W]
P=120W 120





60 60



10 100 1000 10000
ARC350MBCOAG_SE_080124_1 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MBCOAG_SE_080124_2 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Bipolar Standard
the setting Bipolar Standard COAG = COAG setting. Measured load
120 W/60 W resistance = 75

U [Vp]










0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350MBCOAG_SE_080124_3 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Bipolar Standard
COAG setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 103

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Bipolar Soft COAG 0, 1, 5, 6, 9, 12-17, 21-99 (socket 3+4),
2, 3, 4, 16, 18-20 (only socket 4)
P [W]
P [W]
Bipolar Soft 120
120 Bipolar Soft





10 100 1000 10000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Measurement of resistances ARC350BSCOAG_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a

function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Bipolar Soft COAG
the setting Bipolar Soft COAG = setting. Measured load resistance =
120 W/60 W 75

U [Vp]










0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ARC350BSCOAG_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Bipolar Soft COAG
setting (idle mode)

104 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Micro Bipolar COAG 7, 8, 10
P [W] P [W]
60 50
Bipolar Micro
Bipolar Micro
50 COAG 25W



20 20



10 100 1000 10000
0 10 20 30 40 50
ARC350BMCOAG_SE_080125_3 displayed value

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Micro Bipolar COAG
the setting Micro Bipolar COAG = setting. Measured load resistance =
50 W/25 W 75
U [Vp]










0 10 20 30 40 50
ARC350BMCOAG_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Micro Bipolar COAG
setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 105

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Micro bipolar Neuro COAG 11 (up to 50 W)

Measurement of resistances
Diagram of power output P [W] as a Diagram of power output P [W] as a
function of the load resistance R [] for function of the Micro bipolar Neuro
the setting Micro bipolar Neuro COAG COAG setting. Measured load
= 50 W/25 W resistance = 125

U [Vp]










0 10 20 30 40 50
ARC350BNCOAG_SE_080125_2 displayed value

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Micro bipolar Neuro
COAG setting (idle mode)

106 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Bipolar LIGATION 2, 3, 4, 16 (only socket 3)
P [W]
P [W]
300 300

250 250







1 2 3 4
R [Ohm] Effekte
ARC350BipLIG_SE_100111_1 ARC350BipLIG_SE_100111_2

Measurement of resistances Diagram of power output P [W] as a

Diagram of the power output P [W] as a function of the "Bipolar LIGATION"
function of the load resistance R [] for setting. Measured load resistance =
the setting Bipolar LIGATION Effect 25

Diagram of HF output voltage U [Vp] as

a function of the Bipolar LIGATION
setting (idle mode)

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 107

11 Technical specifications

Setting Program
Bipolar TUR CUT 18-20 (only Socket 3)
P [W]
450 Effekt 9
Effekt 8
Effekt 7
350 Effekt 6

300 Effekt 5
Effekt 4
250 Effekt 3

200 Effekt 2
Effekt 1
150 Effekt 0



10 100 1000 10000

Measurement of resistances

Diagram of the power output P [W] as a HF output voltage U [Vp] as a function

function of the load resistance R [] for of the Bipolar TUR CUT
the Bipolar TUR CUT Effect 0-9 "Effect 0-9 setting (idle mode)

Setting Program
Bipolar TUR COAG 18-20 (only Socket 3)
P [W]
Effekt 7-9
Effekt 6
Effekt 5
Effekt 4

Effekt 3

150 Effekt 2
Effekt 1
Effekt 0


10 100 1000 10000

Measurement of resistances

Diagram of the power output P [W] as a HF output voltage U [Vp] as a function

function of the load resistance R [] for of the Bipolar TUR COAG Effect
the Bipolar TUR COAG Effect 0-9 setting (idle mode)

Pos: 52 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/13 Zubehr/Ersatzteile/13 Zubehr/Ersatzteile @ 4\mod_1261040777053_6.doc @ 35356 @ 1

108 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

12 Accessories/Replacement parts

12. Accessories/Replacement parts

Pos: 53 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/13 Zubehr/Ersatzteile/13.1 Zubehr/Ersatzteile @ 4\mod_1261040779928_6.doc @ 35375 @

The original BOWA accessories are suitable for operation with the
devices ARC 350, ARC 300, ARC 300e, ARC 200 und ARC PLUS.
When using accessories made by other manufacturers, the user must
ensure that they are designed for and compatible with the maximum HF
peak voltage of the HF device.
For the use and correct preparation of the autoclavable devices,
compliance with the relevant instruction manuals accompanying said
devices is required.
Detailed information on accessories and replacement parts is available
in the current accessories catalog.

Pos: 54 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/14 EMV/14 EMV @ 4\mod_1261040816397_6.doc @ 35394 @ 1

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 109

13 EMC

13. EMC

Pos: 55 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/14 EMV/14.1 EMV @ 4\mod_1261040820553_6.doc @ 35413 @ 2

13.1. Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration in

accordance with DIN EN 60601-1-2, Section
Electromagnetic interference (DIN EN 60601-1-2, Table 201)
The ARC 300 and ARC 350 are intended for operation in an electromagnetic environment as described below. The
customer or user of the ARC 300 and/or ARC 350 should ensure that these devices are operated in such an
Interference measurements Conformity Electromagnetic environment

HF emissions as per CISPR 11 Group 2 The ARC 300 and ARC 350 must
emit electromagnetic energy in order
to carry out their intended functions.
Adjacent electronic devices can be
HF emissions as per CISPR 11 Class A The ARC 300 and ARC 350 are
suitable for use in facilities other than
Emission of harmonics as per Classes A + D
living areas and those connected
IEC 61000-3-2
directly to the public power supply
Emission from voltage fluctuations/flicker Conforms network, which also supplies
as per IEC 61000-3-3 buildings used for residential

110 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

13 EMC

Electromagnetic resistance to interference (DIN EN 60601-1-2, Table 202)

The ARC 300 and ARC 350 are intended for operation in the electromagnetic environment described below. The
customer or user of the ARC 300 and/or ARC 350 should ensure that these devices are operated in such an
Tests for resistance to IEC 60601 test level Conformity level Electromagnetic
interference environment guidelines
Electrostatic discharge 6 KV contact discharge 6 KV contact discharge Floors should be made of
(ESD) according to wood or cement or covered
8 KV air discharge 8 KV air discharge
IEC 61000-4-2 with ceramic tiles. If the
floor is covered with
synthetic material, the
relative humidity must be at
least 30%.
Fast transient electrical 2 kV for power supply 2 kV for power supply The quality of the power
interference (bursts as per lines lines supply should correspond
IEC 61000-4-4 to that of a typical business
1 kV for input and output 1 kV for input and output
or hospital environment.
lines lines
Surges as per 1 kV voltage outer 1 kV voltage outer The quality of the power
IEC 61000-4-5 conductor-outer conductor conductor-outer conductor supply should correspond
to that of a typical business
2 kV voltage outer 2 kV voltage outer
or hospital environment.
conductor-ground conductor-ground
Voltage collapses, brief < 5 % UT for period < 5 % UT for period The quality of the power
interruptions and (> 95% collapse) (> 95% collapse) supply should correspond
fluctuations in the power to that of a typical business
supply as per 40 % UT for 5 periods 40 % UT for 5 periods or hospital environment. If
IEC 61000-4-11 (60 % collapse) (60 % collapse) the user of the ARC 300 or
70 % UT for 25 periods 70 % UT for 25 periods ARC 350 requires it to
continue functioning
(30% collapse) (30% collapse) following interruptions of
< 5 % UT for 5 s < 5 % UT for 5 s the power supply, it is
(> 95% collapse) (> 95% collapse) recommended to have the
ARC 300 or ARC 350
powered by an
uninterruptible power
supply or a battery.
Note: UT is the AC power supply prior to the application of the test level.

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 111

13 EMC

Electromagnetic resistance to interference (DIN EN 60601-1-2, Table 204)

The ARC 300 and ARC 350 are intended for operation in the electromagnetic environment described below. The
customer or user of the ARC 300 and/or ARC 350 should ensure that these devices are operated in such an
Tests for resistance to IEC 60601 test Conformity level Electromagnetic environment guidelines
interference level
Conducted HF interference 3 V rms value 10 V Portable and mobile wireless devices should
as per IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 not be used within the recommended
MHz protective working clearance from the ARC
300 and ARC 350 and their cables, which is
calculated based on the equation suitable for
Radiated HF interference 3V/m 10 V/m the relevant transmission frequency.
as per IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 Recommended protective working
GHz clearance:
d = 0.35 P
d = 0.35 passengers/h for 80 MHz to 800
d = 0.7 passengers/h for 800 MHz up to
2.5 GHz
where P is the nominal transmitter output in
watts (W) specified by the transmitter
manufacturer and d is the recommended
protective working clearance in meters (m).
The field strength of stationary transmitters
should be lower for all frequencies as verified
by an on-site studya than the compliance
Interference is possible in the vicinity of
devices that bear the following symbol.

Note 1 The higher frequency range applies to 80 MHz and 800 MHz.
Note 2 These guidelines may not be applicable in all cases. The propagation of electromagnetic waves
is influenced by their absorption and reflection by buildings, objects and people.
Field strengths from stationary transmitters such as base stations for wireless telephones and
land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcasting and TV broadcasting cannot
be predicted theoretically with accuracy. A study of the electromagnetic phenomena of the
location should be done to determine the electromagnetic environment resulting from stationary
transmitters. If the measured field strength at the location where the ARC 300 and/or ARC 350
are being used exceeds the aforementioned compliance level, the ARC 300 and ARC 350 should
be monitored to verify that they are functioning properly. If unusual performance characteristics
are observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as repositioning or relocation of the
ARC 300 and AC 350.
Field strength should be lower than 10 V/m over the frequency range of 150 kHz to 80 MHz.

112 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN

13 EMC

Recommended protective working clearances between portable and mobile HF

telecommunications devices and the ARC 300 and/or ARC 350 (DIN EN 60601-1-2, Table 206)
The ARC 300 and ARC 350 are designed for operation in an electromagnetic environment in which HF interference
is monitored. The customer or user of the ARC 300 and ARC 350 can help to prevent electromagnetic interference
by complying with the minimum clearance between portable and mobile HF telecommunication devices
(transmitters) and the ARC 300 and ARC 350. These clearances may vary depending on the output power of the
relevant communication device as specified below.
Nominal transmitter Protective working clearance depending on the transmission frequency (m)
output (W)
150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
d = 0.35 P d = 0.35 P d = 0.7 P
0.01 0.035 0.035 0.07
0.1 0.11 0.11 0.22
1 0.35 0.35 0.70
10 1.1 1.1 2.2
100 3.5 3.5 7.0
For transmitters whose maximum nominal output is not specified in the table above, the recommended protective
working clearance d in meters (m) can be determined using the equation in the corresponding column, where P is
the maximum nominal output of the transmitter in watts (W) specified by the transmitter manufacturer.
Note 1 The higher frequency range applies to 80 MHz and 800 MHz.
Note 2 These guidelines may not be applicable in all cases. The propagation of
electromagnetic waves is influenced by their absorption and reflection by buildings,
objects and people.

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900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 113

14 Disposal

14. Disposal
Pos: 57 /679-BOWA/ARC 300/350/15 Entsorgung/15.1 Entsorgung @ 4\mod_1261040829522_6.doc @ 35451 @

You must comply with the national regulations of the relevant country
when you are disposing of or recycling the device or its components.

Symbol Designation
A device marked with this symbol must be put into the separate
waste collection for electrical and electronic devices. Disposal
is carried out free of charge by the manufacturer within the
European Union.

X If you have questions regarding the disposal of the device, contact

your national BOWA representative; see Chapter Technical
service, Page 72.

=== Ende der Liste fr Textmarke Inhalt ===

114 ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN


Arc control technology .....................................30 National language ........................................... 58
ARC control technology...................................30 Neutral electrode............................................. 23
Assigning a foot switch output .........................37 Neutral electrode cable................................... 36
AUTOSTART ...................................................28 Neutral electrode monitoring........................... 30
Children's electrodes .......................................30 Output, voltage and current diagrams ............ 80
Coagulation......................................................59 Personal safety instructions............................ 18
Connecting the foot switch ..............................36 Positioning ...................................................... 18
Cut mode .........................................................25 Possible foot switch combinations .................. 38
Disinfection and cleaning.................................69 Power limitation............................................... 62
Easy alarm error indicators..............................68 Preparation of the accessories ....................... 69
Electrode handle..............................................36 Program overview ........................................... 40
Error list ...........................................................64 Repairs............................................................ 71
Foot switch.......................................................36 Safety inspection (STK) .................................. 70
Foot switch design...........................................31 System error indicators ................................... 64
General safety instructions ..............................17 Technical specifications for the HF devices
Key...................................................................58 ARC 300 and ARC 350.............................. 74
Maintenance ....................................................70 Volume............................................................ 58
Menu programs....................................35, 41, 57
Monopolar modes............................................25

900-350_IFU_V2.6_10296-S13-20100111-EN ARC 300 / ARC 350 Operating manual 115

Copyright by BOWA-electronic, Gomaringen Germany
Subject to technical and design changes


BOWA-electronic GmbH & Co. KG CE marked according to Medical

Heinrich-Hertz Strasse 410 Device 93/42/EWG
D-72810 Gomaringen Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 7072-6002-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7072-6002-33
Printed in Germany

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