Chapter - 3: Linear Programming-Graphical Solution
Chapter - 3: Linear Programming-Graphical Solution
Chapter - 3: Linear Programming-Graphical Solution
Solution: The set of values of decision variables (j = 1, 2, ... n) which satisfy the constraints
is said to constitute solution to meet problem.
Feasible Solution: The set of values of decision variables Xj (j = 1, 2, ... n) which satisfy all
the constraints and non-negativity conditions of an linear programming problem simultaneously is
said to constitute the feasible solution to that problem.
Infeasible Solution: The set of values of decision variables Xj (j = 1, 2, ... n) which do not
satisfy all the constraints and non-negativity conditions of the problem is said to constitute the infeasible
solution to that linear programming problem.
Basic Solution: For a set of m simultaneous equations in n variables (n > m), a solution obtained
by setting (n m) variables equal to zero and solving for remaining m variables is called a basic
feasible solution.
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The variables which are set to zero are known as non-basic variables and the remaining m variables
which appear in this solution are known as basic variables:
Basic Feasible Solution: A feasible solution to LP problem which is also the basic solution is
called the basic feasible solution. Basic feasible solutions are of two types;
(a) Degenerate: A basic feasible solution is called degenerate if value of at least one basic
variable is zero.
(b) Non-degenerate: A basic feasible solution is called non-degenerate if all values of m basic
variables are non-zero and positive.
Optimum Basic Feasible Solution: A basic feasible solution which optimizes (maximizes or
minimizes) the objective function value of the given LP problem is called an optimum basic feasible
Unbounded Solution: A basic feasible solution which optimizes the objective function of the
LP problem indefinitely is called unbounded solution.
Extreme Point Method: In this method, the coordinates of each extreme point are substituted
in the objective function equation, whichever solution has optimum value of Z (maximum or
minimum) is the optimal solution.
Iso-Profit (Cost) Function Line Method: In this method the objective function is represented
by a straight line for arbitrary value of Z. Generally the objective function line is represented by a
dotted line to distinguish it from constraint lines. If the objective is to maximize the value of Z, then
move the objective function line parallel till it touches the farthest extreme point. This farthest extreme
point gives the optimum solution. If objective is to minimize the value of Z, then move the objective
function line parallel until it touches the nearest extreme point. This nearest extreme point gives the
optimal solution.
Example 1: Solve the following LPP using graphical method.
Maximize Z = 3 x1 + 4 x2
Subject to x1 + x2 450
2 x1 + x2 600
x1, x2 0
Solution: Represent x1, on x-axis and x2 on y-axis. Represent the constraints on x and y axis to
an appropriate scale as follows:
Replace the inequality sign of the first constraint by an equality sign, the first constraint becomes
x1 + x2 = 450
This can be represented by a straight line x
If x1 = 0, then x2 = 450
If x2 = 0, then x1 = 450
The straight line of the first constraint equation passes through coordinates (0, 450) and
(450, 0) as shown in Fig. 3.1.
Fig. 3.1
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Any point lying on this line satisfies the constraint equation. Since the constraint is inequality
of type, to satisfy this constraint inequality the solution must lie towards left of the line. Hence
mark arrows at the ends of this line to indicate to which side the solution lies.
Replace the inequality sign of the second constraint by an equality sign, then the constraint
equation is
2 x1 + x2 = 600
This constraint equation can be represented by straight line
If x1 = 0 then x2 = 600
If x2 = 0 then x1 = 300
The line passes through co-ordinates (0, 600) and (300,0) as shown in Fig. 3.1. Any point
lying on this straight line satisfies the constraint equation. Since the constraint is inequality of
type, the solution should lie towards left of the line to satisfy this constraint inequality.
The shaded area shown in figure 3.1 satisfies both the constraints as well as non-negative
condition. This shaded area is called the solution space or the region of feasible solutions.
Fig. 3.2
Take appropriate scale on x and y axis and mark 8 units on x-axis and mark 8 units on x-axis
and 5 units on y-axis, represent the first constraint by straight line as shown in Fig. 3.2. Since all the
constraints are inequalities of type to satisfy the constraint the solution should lie towards left of
28 Operations Research
the respective lines. Shade the common portion of the graph which gives the solution space. The
constraints define the boundary of the solution space.
Extreme Point Method: There are five extreme points (or vertices or corners of the solution
space which are named as 0, A, B, C and D. Find the coordination of each point, substitute them in
objective function equation and determine the value of Z. This is given in Table 3.2.
Since the maximum value of Z is 24.8, point C gives the optimal solution. The optimal solution
is x1 = 1.6, x2 = 2.3, Zmax = 24.1.
Extreme points Value of Z
x1 x2
0 0 0 0
A 3.5 0 17.5
B 2.4 1.6 23.2
C 1.6 2.3 24.1
D 0 3 21
ISO-Profit Line Method: Assume an arbitrary value of Z. It is advised to assume the value of
Z as the product of coefficients of x1 and x2 of the objective function. In this problem these coefficients
are 5 and 7 and hence Z is assumed as 35.
\ 35 = 5 x1 + 7 x2
Represent this by a straight line.
If x1 = 0, then x2 = 5 and if x2 = 0, then x1 = 7.
This objective function line passes through coordinates (0, 5) and (7, 0) and is represented by a
dotted line. Move this dotted line parallel until it touches the farthest extreme point. The point C is
the farthest extreme point and hence gives the optimal solution. The coordinates of point C are (1.6,
2.3). Thus optimal solution is x1 = 1.6, x2 = 2.3, Maximum Z = 24.1.
Example 3: Solve the following LPP using graphical method.
Minimize Z = 5 x 1 + 4 x2
Subject to
x 1 + x2 2
x1 8
x2 9
x1, x2 0
Solution: Replace the inequality of first constraint by equality sign
x1 + x2 = 2
If x1 = 0, x2 = 2
If x2 = 0, x1 = 2
Represent the equation by straight line as shown in Fig. 3.3. Since the constraint is inequality
of type the solution lies to the right side of this line.
The second constraint equation is x1 = 8 which is represented by vertical line. Since constraint
inequality is of type, the solution lies on left side of this line.
Linear ProgrammingGraphical Solution 29
The third constraint equation is x2 = 9 which can be represented by horizontal line. Since the
constraint inequality is of type the solution lies below this line as shown in Fig. 3.3. The shaded
area gives the solution space.
Fig. 3.3
extreme point at which dotted line touches the solution space is point E. Hence point E gives the
minimum value of Z at which x1 = 0, x2 = 2 and Z = 8.
Example 4: Find the maximum and minimum value of Z given by Z = 3 x1 + 4 x2.
Subject to
5 x1 + 4 x2 200
3 x1 + 5 x2 150
5 x1 + 4 x2 100
8 x1 + 4 x2 80
x1, x2 0
Solution: 5 x1 + 4 x2 = 200 passes through coordinates (0, 50) (40, 0)
3 x1 + 5 x2 = 150 passes through coordinates (0, 30) (50, 0)
5 x1 + 4 x2 = 100 passes through coordinates (0, 25) (20, 0)
8 x1 + 4 x2 = 80 passes through coordinates (0, 20) (10, 0)
The constraints are represented as shown in Fig. 3.4 with vertices of the solution space A, B,
C, D, E.
Fig. 3.4
Linear ProgrammingGraphical Solution 31
optimal solution. Consider a point y on the AB, its coordinates being (4, 3.333), the value of
Z = 60.
Fig. 3.5
Solution: x1 x2 = 1
If x1 = 0, x2 = 1
If x2 = 0, x1 = 1
x1 x2 = 1 passes through (0, 1) (1, 0)
x1 + x2 = 3
If x1 = 0, x2 = 3
If x2 = 0, x1 = 3
Linear ProgrammingGraphical Solution 33
Fig. 3.6
Fig. 3.7
Fig. 3.8
Linear ProgrammingGraphical Solution 35
Since there is only a single solution point A (20/19, 45/19), there is nothing to be maximized.
The solution for the problem is x1 = 20/19 and x2 = 45/19.
(i) Max Z = 4 x1 + 2 x2
s/t x1 + 2 x2 6
x1 + x 2 2
x 1 , x2 0 [Ans. Unbounded]
(ii) Max Z = 3 x1 + 5 x2
s/t x1 + x2 100
5 x1 + 10 x2 400
6 x1 + 8 x2 440
x 1, x2 0 [Ans. Infeasible solution]
(iii) Min. Z = 3 x1 + 5 x2
s/t 3 x1 + 4 x2 12
2 x1 x2 2
2 x1 + 3 x2 12
x1 4
x2 2
x1, x2 0 [Ans. x1 = 3, x2 = 2, Zmin = 19]
(iv) Min. Z = x1 + 2 x2
s/t x1 + 3 x2 10
x 1 + x2 6
36 Operations Research
x1 x2 2
x 1 , x2 0 [Ans. x1 = 2, x2 = 0, Zmin = 2]
(v) Min. Z = 5 x1 2 x2
s/t 2 x1 + 3 x2 1
x1, x2 0 [Ans. x1 = 0, x2 = 1/3, Zmin = 2/3]
(vi) Max. Z = x1 + 3 x2
s/t 3 x1 + 6 x2 8
5 x1 + 2 x2 10
x1, x2 0 [Ans. x1 = 0, x2 = 4/3, Zmax = 4]
(vii) Max. Z = 2 x1 + 3 x2
s/t x1 + x2 1
5 x1 x2 0
x1 + x2 6
x1 5 x2 0
x2 x1 1
x2 3
x1, x2 0 [Ans. x1 = 4, x2 = 3, Zmax = 17]
(viii) Find the maximum and minimum value of Z given by
Z = 5 x1 + 3 x2
s/t x1 + x2 6
2 x1 + 3 x2 3
0 x1 3
0 x2 3 [Ans. x1 = 3, x2 = 3, Zmax = 24]