Songbook Mantras

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Sacred Valley Tribe

by Diego Palma

Song Index

Aad Guray Nameh 6

Amataye 7
Anandamayi 9
Arunachala Shiva 11
Asato Maa - Claire 13
Asato Maa - Deva 15
Ayodhya Vasi Ram 17
Bhagawan Krishna 19
Closing 21
Ganesha Gayatri 23
Ganesha Jay 24
Ganesha mantra 26
Ganeshaya 27
Gate Gate 29
Gayatri mantra 30
Govinda Gopala 32
Govinda Hari Gopala Hari 33
Govinda Jaya - Jarah 34
Govinda Narayana 35
Govindam Adi Purusham 37
Green Tara Mantra 39
Guru Ramdas 41
Guruji Guruji 43
Hare Krishna - Alonso 44
Hare Krishna - Lakshmi 45
Hare Krishna - Maneesh 47
Hare Krishna - Danzas 47
Hare Krishna / Sri Ganesha 48
Jai Ambe 49
Jai Ambe Maa 50
Jai Ganesha Deva 51
Jai Ma 52
Jaya Radha Madhava 53
Jin Prem Kio 54
Kali Jaya 55
Karpur Gauram 56
Krishna Jai 58
Krishna Manohara 59
Maha Lakshmi / Jai Ma 60
Maha Mantra - Sri Vishnu 61
Mahamrityunjaya mantra 63
Mahamrityunjaya mantra 2 65
Mata Bhavani 67
Medicine Buddha Mantra 69
Mere Gurudev 71
Moola Mantra 73
Mulam Guro 75
Nataraja 76
Om Ah Hum 77
Om Chakshuhu 78
Om Jesus Christaya 79
Om Mani Padme Hum 81
Om Marapa Tsanati 83
Om Namah Shivaya - Ani 84
Om Namah Shivaya - Darbari Raga 85
Om Namah Shivaya - Hare Krishna 87
Om Namoh Amitabhaya 89
Prabhu Aap Jago 90
Pritham Bhagauti 91
Purnamadah mantra 93
Radhe Gopal 94
Ramachandra 95
Saraswati (Bija Mantra) 97
Sarva Mangala 99
Sat Narayan 101
Sat Siri Siri Akaal 103
Sat Siri Siri Akaal - Alexia 103
Shiva Shambo 105
Shivaya Namah Om 106
Shivayah 107
Sita Ram 109
Sri Ma 111
Sri Siksastakam 112
Tayata Om Muni 114
Teyata Om Bekance 115
Uru Shanti Naraguam 117

Aad Guray Nameh

Original song by Snatam Kaur

Capo II
Aad GurayNameh I bow to the primal Wisdom
C Fmaj7 C
Jugaad Guray Nameh I bow to the Wisdom woven through
Fmaj7 C all times
Sat Guray Nameh I bow to the true Wisdom
Fmaj7 C
Siri Guru Deveh Nameh I bow to the inside of me
kitakitm tak-
Mantra in Gurmukhi language. This is a mantra of protection and is
recited to invoke the protective energy of the universe.Yogi Bhajan
taught that this mantra should always be chanted 3 times in a row.

Page 6

Mantra in Hindi language to the Divine Mother Ammaji ( Sri
Amritanandamayi ji ).

Capo II
Amma Amma Taye
Am G Am
Akhilandeshwari Niye
G Am
Annapourneshwari Taye
G Am
Ohhh Adi Parashakti Niye (x2)
C G Am
kitakitm tak-

Mother Mother, Dear Devine Mother
Mother of the Universe
Giver of food to all creatures
You are the supreme primordial Shakti

Page 7

Truth-Realization is not a seeking process. Its a

deconstruction process of all what is un-true. All what is
not. Nothing remains stand. This is not a self development
journey at all. This is the First Step. Its not the realization
of what is, but of whats not.

(not this, not that)
In the seeing of who you are not,
the reality of who you are emerges by itself.

~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj ~

Page 8

Sri Anandamayi Ma, was an indian
saint from Bengal. Precognition,
healing and other miracles where
attributed to her by her followers.

The individual suffers because he

perceives duality. It is duality which
causes all sorrow and grief. Find the
One everywhere and in everything
and there will be an end to pain and

Original song by Brenda McMorrow

Capo III
Om Anandamayi, Chaitanya Mayi
C Fmaj7
Satya Mahi Parameshwari

kitakitm tak-

Page 9

Ramana Maharshi at Arunachala hill in South India.

Happiness is your nature.

It is not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it
outside when it is inside.

- Ramana Maharshi -

Page 10

Arunachala Shiva
Original Song by Maneesh De Moor

Capo I
Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva
C Fmaj7 C
Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva
G Fmaj7 C


Aruna means Red Fire of Wisdom, and Achala means Hill.

Hill of Wisdom

Page 11

This is perhaps one of the most profound Vedic mantras ever. What
this chant is asking for is the Highest of the Highest. It is a mantra
which is implying that the seeker understands finally that there is
no peace or happiness in anything material. That anything
material will forever be transient and will forever bring suffering.
Understanding this, the seeker chants this mantra and asks only for
Truth, Truth and Truth.

Above in the meanings, the implications are as follows. In asking

for deliverance from "Asat", the seeker is asking for deliverance
from Maya, duality or the dream world. The seeker is saying, I feel
this reality is not the Truth, please awaken me to the Absolute Truth
(Sat). The seeker is aiming for God Realization.

Similarly, in the second line, the seeker is asking to be delivered

form darkness (Tamaso), meaning ignorance, to light (Jyotir),
meaning awakening. Again, the seeker, understanding that what is
most important in life, is awakening to the Truth, asks for nothing
material, but asks for Enlightenment and True Knowledge instead.

In the third line, the seeker is not asking for eternal life or
immortality. The seeker is asking for Self Realization. The seeker is
asking to be awakened to his Infinite, Timeless, Un-born and
Eternal nature. The seeker is requesting to be awakened to his True
Nature, to who he truly is, and that awakening to the eternal Self is
the freedom from time and death which he is seeking.

Page 12

Asato Maa - Claire

Veda Invocation, Sanskrit mantra from the Upanishads
Original song by Claire Ludwig

Capo III
__Asato Maa Sadgamaya
Am Em Am
Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya
Em Am
Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya __
Em Am Em

__Oh lord please lead me __

Am Em Am Em
__from illusion to reality __
Am Em Am Em
__Oh lord please guide me __
Am Em Am Em
__from death to immortality __
Am Em Am Em
__from darkness to light __
Am Em Am Em
__from ignorance to knowledge __
Am Em Am Em


Page 13


Any reality that comes into manifestation comes

because you choose to perceive it in that particular
way and believe it to be true. All comes from belief.

What do I believe is true?

Thats the only question that determines what you

experience in your reality.

~ Bashar ~

Page 14

Asato Maa - Deva

Original song by Deva Premal + Diego Palma

Capo III
Om __Asato Maa Sadgamaya
Am Em7 Am
__Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya
Em G Em
Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya __
F G Am Em7

Om shanti, shanti, shanti om (bis)

C G Dm Am

__Oh lord please lead me __from illusion to reality

C G Dm Am
__Oh lord please guide me __from death to immortality
C G Dm Am
__from darkness to light __from ignorance to knowledge (x2)
C G Dm Am

takitm wopch tumch

Page 15

Lord Rama, the resident of Ayodhya, and the beloved son of King
Dasharatha, is the savior of the fallen and the Lord of Janaki (Sita).

Page 16

Ayodhya Vasi Ram

Capo IV
__Ayodhya Vasi Ram Ram Ram
__ Dasharatha Nandana Ram
Dm G
__Pateetha Pavana __ Janaki Jeevana
C Am
Sita Mohana Ram (bis)

Sita Sita Sita Sita Ram, Sita Sita Sita Sita Ram
C Am F G
Sita Sita Sita Sita Ram, Sita Sita Sita Sita Ram (bis)
C Am F G C

__This is a prayer for the Earth, sweet Earth,

__may all beings live in peace
Dm G
__And drink clean water, __and breathe fresh air,
C Am
and walk the beauty way
Dm G C

kitakitm tak-

Page 17

There is no difference between dream and the

waking state, except that the dream is short and the
waking state long. Both are the result of the mind.
Because the waking state is long, we imagine that it is
our real state.

- Ramana Maharshi -

Page 18

Bhagawan Krishna
Capo III
He Bhagawan Krishna
He Madhava Krishna
He Achyuta Krishna
Krishna Krishna (bis)

Radha Mano Thada

He Radha Jivana
He Gopi Madhava
Krishna Krishna (bis)

F6b5 - E - F6b5 - E (x2)

Amadd9 - G - F6b5 - E (x2)

kitakitm tak-

Page 19

Anusara Invocation
I bow to Lord Shiva, the auspicious one
In the form of consciousness and bliss
Who is beyond and above this world
Free from all support and luminous

Lokah Samastah
Sanskrit mantra meaning
May all beings in all worlds be free and happy

Universal prayer (Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah)

May all be prosperous and happy
May all be free from illness
May all see what is spiritually uplifting
May no one suffer

Asato Maa mantra

Vedic Invocation, Sanskrit mantra from the Upanishads
O, Lord please lead me from the unreal to the real
Lead me from darkness to light
Lead me from death to immortality
May there be peace, peace and perfect peace


Page 20

Anusara Invocation, Lokah Samastah prayer , the Universal prayer
and the Asato Maa mantra.

Capo II
Om Namah Shivaya Gurave
__Satchidananda Murtaye
Fmaj7 G
__Nishprapanchaya Shantaya
__Niralambaya Tejase
Fmaj7 G C

Lokah Samastah Sukino Bavanthu

C Am7 Fmaj7 C
Lokah Samastah Sukino Bavanthu (bis)
C Am F G

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina

C Am
Sarve Santu Nirmay
C Fmaj7 G
Sarve Bhadri Payantu M
Am Em
Kashchit Dukha Bhgbhavet

Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya

C Am7
__Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya
Fmaj7 C
__Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya
C Am7
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti__ __
Fmaj7 Cmaj7 C
Page 21

youre in a dream. Wake up!

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Life is but a dream.

Page 22

Ganesha Gayatri
Original song by Prebabanda

Om Weinka Pataya __Dimahi

Am E E7 Am
Vakra Tundaya __Dimahi
E E7 Am
Tadunanji Pratcho Daya
Om __Pratcho Daya (bis)
E E7 Am

Om Ganapataye Namaha
F C Dm
Ganapataye Namaha (x3)
C Dm
Om __Pratcho Daya
E E7 Am

kitakitm tak-

Page 23

Ganesha Jay
Original song by Wayra

Capo II
__Ganesha Jay Ganesha Jay __
C Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7
__Ganesha Jay Hare Hare (bis)
C Fmaj7 G C

Guru Ram Hare Ram Guru Ram Hare Krishna

C G Fmaj7 C
Guru Ram Hare Ram Guru Ram Hare Krishna
C Cmaj7 Fmaj7 C

Shiva Tanda Shiva Jaya Shiva Mahadeva

Cmaj9/B Fmaj7 G7 C
Shiva Tanda Shiva Jaya Shiva Mahadeva
C7 Fmaj7 G7 C


Page 24

Ganesha (Ganapati) is Shivas first son. Lord Ganapati, who has an

elephant head, occupies a very special place in the hearts of Hindus
because they consider him the god of wisdom, success, the
remover of obstacles and dissolver of sorrows.

When we call upon Ganesha, the beloved elephant-faced God, we

invoke his desire to remove all obstacles, large or small, internal or
external, that may hinder our paths.

O elephant-faced God, Ganesha,

you are served by the attendants of Shiva
and you eat forest apples and blackberries.
You are Uma's son, the destroyer of sorrows.
I bow to the lotus feet of the remover of obstacles

Page 25

Ganesha mantra
Original song by Prembababnda

Om Parvati Pataye Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva

Em Bm
__ Gajananam Buta (bis)
C D Em

Ganadi Sevatam __Kapitha Jambu

Em Bm
__Phalacharu Bhakshanam (bis)
C D Em

Umasutam Shoka __Vinasha Karakam

Em Bm
__Namami Vigneshvara Pada Pankajam (bis)
C D Em

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha __ (x2)

Em Bm
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha __
G Bm
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha __
Em Bm

takitm tumch

Page 26

Original song by Brenda McMorrow
Capo II
__Ganeshaya Namoh Namah, __Jaya Jaya Vinayaka (x4)
Shree Shree Jai Shree, __Jai Shree Ganapa-ti (x2)
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha (x4)


Page 27

This mantra is consider to be the mantra of the Heart Sutra,

which is a famous and important sutra in the Mahayana

Gate means gone, gone from suffering to liberation. Paragate

means gone all the way to the other shore (to Nirvana). Sam
means everybody. Bodhi means awakening and svaha is an
expression of delight and excitement. So the whole mantra
translates as something like:

Gone, gone, all the way over

everyones gone beyond to the other shore
Enlightenment svaha!

Page 28

Gate Gate
Gate Gate Paragate
Em D
Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha (bis)
Bm Em

Gate Gate Paragate

Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha (bis)
Bm Em

takitakitm -kitakich

Page 29

Gayatri mantra
Among all the mantras, the
Gayatri mantra is called
the essence of all mantras.
All spiritual powers and
potencies are contained
hidden within it. The
Gayatri is meditation on
spiritual light. It is
practiced by Hindus and
Buddhists alike. This
mantra is for the purpose
of enlightening the

By unwrapping the power

of this mantra, one can sit
in meditation and
commune with celestial
beings, sages, saints,
masters, Maha Sidhas and
Rinpoches in the higher
realms. Because of its
ability to bring into the
subtle body keys to tuning ones consciousness to the higher realms,
the Gayatri is called a Master Mantra.

Pictures of Gayatri show her with five heads, Lakshmi (the

primordial power of manifestation), Saraswati (the power of
knowledge and divinely empowered speech), Durga (the power of
protection), Radha (the power of ecstatic bliss), and Bhu Devi (the
power of the Earth).

We meditate on the most sublime light of divinity,

that which is the source of eternal Bliss beyond measure.
May this light illumine our awareness and dispel all darkness.

Page 30

Original song by Claire Ludwig (first part) and Shimshai (second


Capo V
__Bhur Bhuvaha Swaha
__Tat Savitur Varenyam
Fmaj7 C
__Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi __
G C Fmaj7 C
__Dhiyo Yonaha
__Prachodayat Ahh
Fmaj7 C G

__Om Bhur Bhuvaha Swaha

Am Em Fmaj7
Tat Savitur Varenyam
G Am Em Fmaj7
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
G C [Am]
Dhiyo Yonaha
Em Fmaj7
G Am

kitakitm tak-

Page 31

Govinda Gopala
Original song by Brenda McMorrow

Ha-re Hare __ Govin-da Gopala (x3)

Em D C Cmaj7 Em D C
Govin-da Gopala
Em D C

Hare Govinda Gopa-a-la Hare Govinda

Em D G D C Em D
Gopa-a-la (x4)
Em D C

Di-na Tayala Hare Para-ma Tayala

Em D C Em D C
Ra-dha Ramana Hare Govin-da Gopala (x2)
Em D C Em D C

Ma-dura Manara Krishna Govin-da Gopala

Em D C Em D C
Ra-dha Ramana Hare Govin-da Gopala (x2)
Em D C Em D C

Mira Key Pra-a-bhu Ha-re

G D G D C Em D
Gopa-a-la (x4)
Em D C

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Em D C
Govin-da Gopala (x8)
Em D C
Gopa - a - la (x)
Em D C

takitm wopch tumch

Page 32

Govinda Hari Gopala Hari

Capo V
Govinda Hari Gopala Hari
__Hey Prabhu Dinadayal Haari

takitm wopch tumch

Page 33

Govinda Jaya - Jarah

Original song by Jarah Tree

Capo II
__Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya (bis)
Am G Am
Radha Ha Ramana Hare __Govinda Jaya Jaya (bis)
Am G Am

__Govinda Jaya Jaya, __Gopala Jaya Jaya (bis)

Am G Am
Radha Ha Ramana Hare __Govinda Jaya Jaya (bis)
Am C G Am

kitakitm ch tak- kitak-

Page 34

Govinda Narayana
Names of Krishna, incarnation of Vishnu (Narayana)

Capo III
Govinda narayana __Gopala narayana (x2)
Am G Am
Govinda Gopala __narayanaya (X2)
C G Am
Hare __Govinda Gopala __narayanaya (X2)
C G Em Am
Hare __Govinda Gopala __narayanaya (X2)
C G Em Am

kitakitm tak-

Page 35

Take action as a pure response to each moment,

free from indecision, beliefs or agenda,
acting in inspired certainty.

Wait for unfolding and feel the answer

within the peace of your breath.

Thought and understanding will come

after the event, not as the cause.

Remain in a state of not knowing,

work without effort, give to others
and be in abundance.
~ Sri Shibendu Lahiri ~

Page 36

Govindam Adi Purusham

Prayer to Lord Krishna as Govinda, meaning Govinda the
Original Person I do worship

Playing the flute, as blooming lotuses His eyes, A peacocks feather

on top, His fine form like blue clouds, of millions of cupids his
charm, His unique so lovely.

Capo III
Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami (x3)
Am F Dm E

__Venum Kvanantam Aravinda-dalayataksham

Am F E Am
Barhavatamsam Asitam Buda-Sundarangam
F E Dm Am
__Kandarpa Kothi Kamaniya Visesha Sobham
Am F

kitakitm tak-

Page 37

May that transforming power of those three qualities

arise within me.

It is a request to bring our body, speech and mind into synchronism

with those of the enlightened beings, to have the qualities of the
Bodhisattva's path of the three levels of training. The final syllable
SOHA, has a sense of imperative, but in a requesting tone.

Page 38

Green Tara Mantra

Original song by Deva Premal

Capo III
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Suaha
Am Fmaj7 G C
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Suaha
Dm Em Fmaj7 Fb5

Om Tare __ __
Am Fmaj7 G

takitm wopch tumch

Page 39

Human beings have a drive for security and safety. Freedom is

a state of complete and absolute insecurity and not knowing.
There is no security in freedom. This is, of course, why it is so
free: there's nothing there to grab hold of.

The Unknown is more vast, more open, more peaceful, and

more freeing than you ever imagined it would be. If you don't
experience it that way, it means you're not resting there; you're
still trying to know. That will cause you to suffer because you're
choosing security over Freedom. When you rest deeply in the
Unknown without trying to escape, your experience becomes
very vast.

As the experience of the Unknown deepens, your boundaries

begin to dissolve. You realize, not just intellectually but on a
deep level, that you have no idea who or what you are. A few
minutes ago, you knew who you wereyou had a history and a
personalitybut from this place of not knowing, you question
all of that.

Liberated people live in the Unknown and understand that the

only reason they know what they are is because they rest in the
Unknown, moment by moment, without defining who they are
with the mind.

- Adyashanti -

Page 40

Guru Ramdas
Original song by The Yoga of Sound

Guru Ram Das (meaning servant

of God) was the fourth master of the
As a Guru, one of his main
c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o Si khi s m w as
organizing the structure of Sikh
society. Additionally, he was the
author of Laava, the hymns of the
Marriage Rites, the designer of the
Harmandir Sahib, and the planner
and creator of the township of
Ramdaspur (later Amritsar).

Guru guru wahe guru

Guru Ramdas guru (bis)

__Guru guru wahe guru

Bm G D
__Guru Ramdas guru
Bm G A

__Guru guru wahe guru

Bm G D
__Guru Ramdas guru

takich takich

Page 41

The Hindu trinity consisted Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Brahma is the creator of the universe, Vishnu is the preserver
or protector, and Shiva is the destroyer.

Page 42

Guruji Guruji
Original song by Prembabanda

Capo II
Guruji Guruji Guruji Guruji, Guruji Guruji Guruji Guruji
C Dm
Guruji Guruji Guruji Guruji, Guruji Guruji Guruji Guruji
Em F

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo, Maheshvara

C Dm Em F
Guru Sakshat, Param Brahma, Tashmai Shri,
C Dm Em
Guruvey Namaha

ki-tm tumch

Page 43

Hare Krishna - Alonso

Original song by Alonso del Ro

__Hare Krisna, hare Krisna, Krisna, Krisna, hare, hare

G D6/F# Em C

G - D6/F# - Em - C

__Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama, Rama, hare, hare

G D6/F# Em C

G - D6/F# - Em - C (bis)

__Hare Krisna, hare Krisna, __Krisna, Krisna, hare, hare

G D6/F# Em C
__Hare Rama, hare Rama, __Rama, Rama, hare, hare
G D6/F# Em C

takitm tach

Page 44

Hare Krishna - Lakshmi

Original song by Jaya Lakshmi

Capo II
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (bis)

__Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

__Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (bis)

__Goranga, Goranga, Goranga Bo

__Goranga, Goranga, Goranga Bo (bis)

__Cheitaa, Cheitaa, Cheitaa Bo

__Cheitaa, Cheitaa, Cheitaa Bo (bis)

Nita Nita Nita Nita Nita he Goranga

Nita Nita Nita Nita Nita he Goranga (bis)

takich takich

Hoboi Stu shishi, Krishna Cheitaa Mahakdagu

Goi Goranga, in your form like letting go
You purified the heart with the nectar of your Budhi name.

Page 45

Krishna is one of the most powerful incarnations of Vishnu, the

Godhead of the Hindu Trinity of deities. Of all the Vishnu avatars he
is the most popular, and perhaps of all Hindu gods the one closest to
the heart of the masses. People in India consider Krishna their
leader, hero, protector, philosopher, teacher and friend all rolled into

Govinda is the name of Shri Krishna (incarnation of Lord Vishnu on

earth). Literally means the protector of cows. Gopala, Rama and
Narayana are other names of Krishna. Hare or Hari means Shining

Page 46

Hare Krishna - Maneesh

Original song by MDM

Capo V
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna (x2)
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare (x2)
Hare Rama Hare Rama (x2)
Rama Rama Hare Hare (x2) (bis)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna (x2)

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare (x2)
Hare Rama Hare Rama (x2)
Rama Rama Hare Hare (x2)

chekitm chekitki

Hare Krishna - Danzas

__Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
__Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
D7 G D A D

kitakitm ch tak- kitak-

Page 47

Hare Krishna / Sri Ganesha

Punjananpa Vitranam Ramanam Sairam
Hare Krishna __Hare Ram Madhuranam __Sairam (x2)

Karuna Sindu __Sitaram __Dina Vanduradesham (x2)

Hare Krishna __Hare Ram Madhuranam __Sairam (x2)

Gajavadana Gananatha
Gajavadana Dinanatha (bis)
D A A7 D

Siddhi Data Shiva Tanaya

D G A7 D
Buddhi Pradayaka Gajanana (bis)
D G A7 D

Parvati Nandana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana

D A7 D G
Yuga Yuga Vandita Jaya Shri Ganesha
D G A7 D
Yuga Yuga Vandita Jaya Shri Ganesha (bis)
D G A7 D

takitm tach

Worship the elephant-faced Lord Gajanana, the Lord of demi-gods.

The son of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati who bestows success and
removes the fear of crossing the ocean of life and death, is
worshipped during all yugas (ages).

Page 48

Jai Ambe
Original song by Shimshai

Capo V
Jai Ambe Jagadambe
Am D Am
mata Bhavani Jai ambe (bis x 4)
C G D Am

__Durkha Vinashini Durga Jaya Jaya

Am C
__Kala Vinashini Kali Jaya Jaya (bis)
G D Am

Uma Rama Brahmani Jaya Jaya

G Am
__Radha Rukamini Sita Jaya Jaya (bis)
C G D Am

tmki- chki-

Hail to the Mother of the World, Hail to the Mother Bhavani,

consort of Shiva, Hail to the remover of all misery, Durga! Hail to
the destroyer of Death, Kali! Hail to Parvati, Laksmi and Sarasvati!
Hail to Radha, Rukmini (Krishna's Wife) and Sita (Rama's Wife).

Page 49

Jai Ambe Maa

Capo IV
Jai Ambe Maa

Jai Ambe Maa

Jai Ambe Maa
Durga Durga (bis)

Ama, __Jai Maa Kali

__Jai Mata Devi
Jai Maa Kali
__Amritanandamayi (Maa) (bis)
D Em

kichkitum chek-

Page 50

Jai Ganesha Deva

Original Song by Manu Om

Capo IV
Jay Ganesha Deva, Jay Durga Ma
C Am
Uma Parvati Ananda Ma
Em F G
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shiva
C Am
Mahadeva Shambo __
Em F G

C - Am - Em - F - G

Shambo Shambo
Am C
Mahadeva Shambo __ (bis)
Em F G

takitm tumch

Page 51

Jai Ma
Original song by Wa!

Capo III
Amrita-Mahi Ananda-Mahi
Am G
Amritananda Mahi-Ma (bis)
Dm C G

Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma (x2)

Am G Am G Am

Amrita-Mahi Ananda-Mahi
G Am
Amritananda Mahi __Ma
G Dm Am
Amrita-Mahi Ananda-Mahi
G Am
Amritananda Mahi __
G Dm Am
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma (bis)
G Am G Am

Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma (x4)

G Am G Am C Am
Jai Ma Durga Jai Ma Durga (x2)
F C G Am
Jai Ma Durga Jai Ma Durga (x2)
G Am G Am
Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma, Jai Ma (x4)
G Am G Am C Am

takitm wopch tumch

Page 52

Jaya Radha Madhava

Krsna is the lover of Radha. He displays many amorous pastimes in
the groves of Vrndavana, He is the lover of the cowherd maidens of
Vraja, the holder of the great hill named Govardhana, the beloved
son of mother Yasoda, the delighter of the inhabitants of Vraja, and
he wanders in the forests along the banks of the River Yamuna.

Capo V
__Jaya Radha Madhava
Am G Dm
Jaya __Kunja Vihaari (bis)
Em7 Am

Jaya Gopi-jana Vallabha

Jaya __Giri Varamdhari (bis)
G Em7 Am

Jasoda Nandana, Braja Jana Ranjana (x2)

G Em7 Am
Jamuna Tira __Vana Chari (x2)
G Em7 Am

__Mitai Huna Haribol

__Mitai Huna Haribol (bis)
G Em7 Am

takitm wopch tumch

Page 53

Jin Prem Kio

Song in Gurunakti language, language of the Kundalini yoguis

Jin Prem Kio Tin Hee Prabh Payoh Only those who love
D Am C D have realized God

Satcha Kahon Suna Leayo Sabeh I speak the truth,

D Am C D listen everyone

Ang Sung Wahe Guru Wahe Guru is with me

D Am all the time
Ang Sung Wahe Guru


Page 54

Kali Jaya
Original song by Amy Thiessen

Capo IV
Kali Jaya Jaya, Kali Jaya Jaya
Am F
__Amrit Ananda Durga Jaya Jaya
Em Am
__Durga Jaya Jaya, Durga Jaya Jaya
Am F
__Amrit Ananada Parvati Jaya Jaya
Em Am

__Parvati Jaya Jaya, __Parvati Jaya Jaya

Am F
__Amrit Ananda Kali Jaya Jaya
Em Am
__Kali Jaya Jaya, __Kali Jaya Jaya
Am F
__Amrit Ananada Durga Jaya Jaya
Em Am

Kali > Durga > Parvati > Kali >

takitm wopch tumch

Page 55

Karpur Gauram
Ancient Sanskrit loka related to Lord Shiva

Capo II
Karpur Gauram Karunavataram
C Am Fmaj7 G
Samsara Saram Bhujagendra Haram
C Am F C
Sada Vasantam Hridayara-vinde
C Fmaj7 G
Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami
C Am F C


Pure as the camphor, the personification of compassion.
The one who is essence of the world, the serpent king.
Always residing in the lotus-like heart.
Oh Lord and Goddess Sati I bow to you both.

Page 56

I am is the fundamental
constant of knowledge,
everything else is a belief.

The only truth is I Am - I Exist.

That is the only truth.
Everything else is a concept.

Page 57

Krishna Jai
Capo II
Gopi Kamala Hare Bhiyari
__Mayi Mira Mana Bihari
__Madana Mohana Murli Dharli Krishna Jai (bis)

Krishna Jai (Krishna Jai)

Krishna Jai (Krishna Jai)
Gopala Pala Pala Radhe __Krishna Jai (bis)

kichkitum chek-

Page 58

Krishna Manohara
Capo II
Dsus2 - Dmaad2/F - Dsus4/E - C - Em7/B - Am

__Krishna Manohara, __Gokula Nandana

Dm C
__Govarda Nodhara, __Murari Daraksha
Am Dm
__Mukunda Murari, __Nanda Kishora
Dm C
__Gopi Manodhara, __Murari Daraksha (bis x3)
Am Dm

Jai Jai Vitala Vitala Vitala Vitala, Vitala Vitala Vitala (x2)
Dm Am
Jai Jai Vitala Vitala Vitala Vitala, Vitala Vitala Vitala
Dm C
Jai Jai Vitala Vitala Vitala Vitala, Vitala Vitala Vitala (x2)
A#b5 C

Hari Om __ (x2)
Dm Am
Hari Om __
Dm C
Hari Om __ (x2) (bis)
A# C

kitakitm tak-

Page 59

Maha Lakshmi / Jai Ma

Original song by Brenda McMorrow

Capo IV
Om Shree Maha Lakshmi Hey __ Swaha __ (x4)
C Fmaj7 Dm C F G

Jai Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma

C Dm F G
Jai Ma Jai Ma __
C Dm F G

__Sarasvati / __ Kali Durga Ma

__Jaga Dambe / Mata Amritananda Mayi
__Om Lakshmi / __Amri Parvati Ma
Ave Mara / Kia Ma Shandra Ma
__Om Shree Madre / __Jai Maja Maje Ma
__Om Tara / __Jai Shree Radhe Radhe
Anandamayma / Adi Shakti Maha Shakti

kichkitum chek-

Page 60

Maha Mantra - Sri Vishnu

Original song by Alonso del Ro

Sri Vishnu, Sri Vishnu Sri __Vishnu (bis)

Cadd2 Bm13 Cadd2 Cadd9 G

__Laira laira rarai larairai lara rairai (bis)

Cadd2 Bm13 Cadd2 G

Laira laira rarai lairai lara rairai lara rairai (bis)

Cadd2 Bm13 Cadd2 G

__Hare Krisna, hare Krisna

Cadd2 Bm13
Krisna, Krisna, __hare, hare
Cadd9 G
__Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Cadd2 Bm13
Rama, Rama, __hare, hare (bis)
Cadd9 G

takitm tach

Page 61

Tryambakan refers to the Three eyes of Lord Shiva, referring to

God as Omniscient (Brahma), Omnipresent (Vishnu) and
Omnipotent (Shiva). Yamahe means we sing Thy praise.

Sugandhim refers to His fragrance of knowledge, presence and

strength. Pusti Vardhanam as representing Brahma, the
Omniscient Presence sustainer of all life.

Urva Rukamiva refers to the powerful and all-pervading suffering

quality of ignorance that is Bandhanan, referring to bounding us

Mrtyor Muksheeya refer to take us from death to the final truth.

Ma-Amritat refers to with your holy nectar.

Page 62

Mahamrityunjaya mantra

Capo II
Om Tryam Bakan Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam
Urva - Rukamiva Bandhanan
Mrtyor - Muksheeya Ma - Amritat


Page 63

That which rises in this

body as I
is the mind

~ Ramana Maharshi ~

Page 64

Mahamrityunjaya mantra 2
Om Tryam Bakan Yajamahe __
C G Dm Fmaj7
Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam
C G Dm
Urva - Rukamiva Bandhanan Mrtyor
Muksheeya Ma - Amritat
Muksheeya Ma - Amritat

takitm wopch tumch

Page 65

Shakti (Parvati, Kali, Durga, Gauri) is the consort of Shiva and is

considered the personification of material energy (Mother of the
Universe). As Parvati she is kind, but as Kali appears cruel and
frightening. Durga, in a warlike form, is equipped for battle to
protect her devotees. Shakti is often addressed as Devi (goddess).

Page 66

Mata Bhavani
Original song by Manu Om

Capo IV
Drgat Nashni Durga Jay Jay Jay
C Fmaj7 G C
Kala Bnashni Kali Jay Jay Jay
C Fmaj7 G C
Jai Ambe Jagatambe Mata Bhavani Jai Ambe
E Fmaj7 G C

Uma Rama Brhman Jay Jay Jay

C Fmaj7 G C
Radha Sita Rkahmni Jay Jay Jay
C Fmaj7 G C
Jai Ambe Jagatambe Mata Bhavani Jai Ambe
E Fmaj7 G C

takitakitm -kitumch

Page 67

The ultimate understanding

is that there is no ultimate understanding.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj ~

Page 68

Medicine Buddha Mantra

Tibetans ascribe great efficacy to the Medicine Buddha Mantra.
Chanting this mantra promotes healing. Enhance medicines by
chanting the mantra prior to taking them. The stronger your faith
and the more mantras you recite, the greater will be the power of
the medicine you take.

Tayata Om
Bekandze Bekandze
Maha Bekandze
Randza Samungate

Page 69

Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are not three different individual

anthropomorphic beings or three different entitiesin fact, they are
not beings or entities at allthey are the three different aspects
of the one all-ensouling Life of the Universe. This is very
important to understand. Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva is not three but is
ONE, manifesting in three different ways at three different times.

Brahma, the Creator

Although Brahma is popularly called the Creator, Hinduism does not
actually teach creation but teaches emanation and evolution.
Brahma is the great Evolver. The Upanishad puts it like this This
universe comes forth from Brahman, exists in Brahman, and will
return to Brahman. Verily, all is Brahman.

Brahma is the Universal Soul without form and no limits; it is

Reality and Truth. The OM or AUM symbol is the sacred symbol of
Brahman and the divine oneness of all life.

Page 70

Mere Gurudev
Original song by Manu Om

Capo III
__Om Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, __Guru Devo Maheshvara
Fmaj7 C Em Fmaj7 C Em
__Guru Devo ParaBrahma, __Tashmahi Siri Gurave Namo
Fmaj7 C Em Fmaj7 C Em

Mere Gurudev, Mere Gurudev, Mere Gurudev, Mere Guru

Em C Am
Hey Krishna, Karuna Sindhu Dina Bandhu Jagat-patey
Gopesha Gopika-kantu Radha-kantu Namastute Mere Gurudev
C Am Em
Mere Gurudev, Mere Gurudev, Mere Gurudev, Mere Gurudev
Em C Am Em

__You are my light where there is darkness

Fmaj7 C Em
__You are bliss and truth in our hearts
Fmaj7 C Em
__Always your love pure and immortal
Fmaj7 C Em
__Your are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva; youre One
Fmaj7 C Em

__ Om Namo Bhagavan, __Om Namo Bhagavan (bis)

Em Fmaj7 F C

__ Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Shanti (bis)

Fmaj7 C Em

takitm tumch

Page 71

Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma
OM is the supreme primordial sound
where the whole creation emerged from.
Sat - Chit is the formless Consciousness of the universe
Ananda is pure love, bliss and joy
Parabrahma is the supreme creator

Purushothama Paramatma
Purushotama is the avatar incarnation in human form
Paramatma, who manifest as the inner voice of the heart

Sri Bhagavathi Sametha

The feminine aspect shakti of creation arising within (sametha)

Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

The masculine aspect of creation, which I acknowledge and bow to

The Moolamantra has given great peace and joy to people all over
the world, who have chanted, or even listened to it. It has the power
to transport ones mind to the state of causeless love and awareness
expansion. The calmness that the mantra can give is to be
experienced, not spoken about.

The Mantra is like calling a name. Just like when you call a person he
comes and makes you feel his presence, the same manner when you
chant this mantra, the supreme energy manifests everywhere around

Page 72

Moola Mantra
Original songs by Diego Palma, Seven & Deva Premal

Capo V
Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
Am Fmaj7 G
__Purushothama Paramatma
Fmaj7 G Am
__Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Fmaj7 G Am
__Sri Bhagavathe Namaha
Fmaj7 G Am

Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma

Purushothama Paramatma

Sri Bhagavathi Sametha

Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat

Am G
Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat
C G Fmaj7 Am

kitakitm tak-

Page 73

Truth doesnt need your devotion.

It need you to open up your eyes.

Awakening is the process of deprogramming.

Enlightenment is the unprogrammed state.

Page 74

Mulam Guro
Original song by Manu Om

Capo II
Dhyana Mulam Gurur Murti
Pujaa Moolam Guro Padam
Mantra Moolam Gurur Vaakyam
Bm G
Moksha Mulam Guro Kripa.

Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat

Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat
D A Bm G

kichkitum chek-

The Root of Meditation is the Form of the Guru,
The Root of Worship is the Feet of the Guru,
The Root of Mantra is the Word of the Guru,
The Root of Liberation is the Grace of the Guru.

Page 75

Original song by Brenda McMorrow

Capo V
__Natara-ja __ (x3)
Em C Em C
__Natara-ja __ __ Nataraja (bis)
Em C Am G F

__Nataraja Jay Shiva Shankara __Nataraja (x4)

F C Am G
__Shivaraj Shivaraja Shambo Shankara Shivaraja (x2)
F Am G
__Om Namah Shivaya __Shivaya Om Namaha (x4)
F C Am G

takitm tach

Page 76

Om Ah Hum
Vajra Guru Mantra - Mantra de Padmasambhava

OM AH HUM Las tres slabas representan las bendiciones

transformadoras del cuerpo palabra y mente de todos los budas.
VAJRA Diamante, la sabidura inmutable e indestructible de los
GURU De mucho peso, rebosante de cualidades. Representa a
Avalokiteshvara, el buda de la compasin y Padmasambhava.
PADME Loto. Padmasambhava es nacido del loto.
SIDDHI Autntico logro, bendicin.
HUM Representa la mente de sabidura de los budas, y es el
catalizador sagrado del mantra. Es como proclamar su poder y su
verdad, as sea!

Capo III
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padme Siddhi Hum
Em Asus2 Em

takitm takitki

Page 77

Om Chakshuhu
Original song by Henry Marshall

This song is a praise to Lord

Oh God! May my eyes be blessed
with power and strength.

Capo II
Om Chakshuhu Chakshuhu Chakshuhu
Tejaha Sthiro Bhava Mam Pahi Pahi __Tvaritam
Chakshu-Rogaan Shamaya Shamaya

kitakitm tak-

Page 78

Om Jesus Christaya

Capo VI
__Om Jesus Christaya _Paramatmani _Purusha
G6 Am C G6
__Avatarya Namaha (bis x3)
Am C G6

Am - C - G6 - G - F6add2 - Cadd2 - G6

takitm wopch tumch

Page 79

Om Mani Padme Hum (Sanskrit) or Om Mani Peme Hung (Tibetan)

is the oldest and most well known mantra of Tibetan Buddhism. The
mantra is associated with Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of
Infinite Compassion, and means "jewel in the lotus.

The first syllable, OM, is not a word but an evocation of spiritual

power and the presence of the absolute. For Tibetan Buddhists,
"jewel in the lotus" represents bodhichitta. In Sanskrit bodhi means
awakened and chitta means heart. So Boddhichitta, awakened
heart is the compassionate wish to realize enlightenment or
liberation for all beings, not just oneself.

Page 80

Om Mani Padme Hum

Capo III
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum
Am Bm
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum
Em Am Em

takitm takitm

Page 81

Namah means bowing to the divine. Shivaya is the force of the

divine that sweeps away the negative and renew the spirit. I bow
to the inner self or I honor the God inside myself and in all

Om Namah Shivaya es un mantra en Snscrito extrado de los

grandes maestros del linaje Siddha. La slaba Om es descrita por las
escrituras de la India como el sonido primordial o palabra de donde
emerge todo el universo, namah significa "honrar a" y Shivaya
significa "el Seor". Om Namah Shivaya significa "Me inclino ante el

Page 82

Om Marapa Tsanati
Original song by Ani Williams

This a mantra to Marapa who was recognized as Milarepas main


Capo III
Om Marapa Tsanati
Am F
Om Marapa Tsanati (bis x3)
Dm E

Om Ah, Om Oh
Dm E Dm E

kitakitm tak-

Page 83

Om Namah Shivaya - Ani

Original song by Ani Williams

Capo II
Om namah Shivaya
Om namah Shivaya
Om namah Shivaya
Om namah Shiva (bis x3)

Om Shiva __Om
Am Bm
Shiva __Om
Shiva __Om (bis)

takich takich

Page 84

Om Namah Shivaya - Darbari Raga

Capo III
Om namah Shiva, Om namah Shivaya (x2)
Em C Em C D Em

Om namah Shivaya, Om namah Shivaya

Am Em7 Am G Am
Om namah Shivaya, Om namah Shivaya
Am Em7 Am G Bm

Om namah Shivaya, Om namah Shivaya (x2)

Em D Em C D Em


Page 85

"The Attitude of Gratitude is the highest Yoga."

~ Yogi Bhajan ~

Page 86

Om Namah Shivaya - Hare Krishna

Original song by Satyaa & Pari (Jey Shiva Shankara)

Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya,

Namah Shivaya Namah Om
Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya,
G D Am Em
Namah Shivaya Namah Om (bis)
D Em

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Em D Em
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Em D Em
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare (bis)
D7 Em

__ Jey Shiva Shankara, Jey Shiva Shankara,

Jey Shiva Shanka Hari Om
__Jey Shiva Shankara __Parameshwara,
Am Em
__Jey Shiva Shanka Hari Om (bis)
D Em

Om Namoh Shivaya, Om Namoh Shivaya (x4)

Em G D Am Em

takitm tumch

Page 87

Amitabha is the most ancient Buddha among the Dhayni Buddhas.

He is said to reside in the Land of Ultimate Bliss (Pure Land) in
peaceful meditation. He is of red color originating from the red
syllable (HRIH).

Amitabha, Sanskrit word, literally means boundless light and

boundless life. He is the Buddha in which all beings enjoy
unbounded happiness.

Page 88

Om Namoh Amitabhaya
Capo III
Om Namo Amitabhaya
Am G
Buddhaya, Dharmaya, Sanghaya (bis)
C Em7 Am

Om Namo, Om Namo
Am G
Om Namo Amitabhaya (bis)

takitm ch

Page 89

Prabhu Aap Jago

Original song by Carioca

Capo II
Prabhu Aap Jago Prabhu Aap Jago
C Fmaj7
Prabhu Aap Jago Paramathma Jago (bis)
Dm G

Mere Sarva Jago Sarvatra Jago

Em Am
Prabhu Aap Jago Paramathma Jago
Dm G
Mere Sarva Jago Sarvatra Jago
Em Am
Prabhu Aap Jago Paramathma Jago
Dm G C

Lord, You wake up! Lord, You wake up!

Lord, You wake up! The highest of the highest wake up!
Everywhere inside of me wake up! Everywhere outside of me wake
Lord, You wake up! The highest of highest WAKE UP

Cease the cause of suffering, illuminate the cause of joy (bis)

C Fmaj7 Dm G
Cease the cause of suffering, illuminate the cause of love
Em Am Dm G
Cease the cause of suffering, illuminate the cause of love
Em Am Dm G C

takitm takitki

Page 90

Pritham Bhagauti
Original Song by Snatam Kaur

First call up Bhagauti (consort of Visnu, or the goddess Durga) in

your mind, then meditate on Guru Nanak.

Capo III
Pritham Bhagauti Simari Kei Gur Nanak Lain Dhiai
Am Fmaj7 C G
Fidi Aum Diti Guru Te Amare Das Ram Das Sehoi Sahai
Am Fmaj7 C G
Are Jane Are Gobind Deno Simiro Hosiri Habe Dai
Dm Fmaj7 C G
Siri Hare Krishna Dhiai Djesede Desabadu Kechai
Dm Fmaj7 C G
Te Bagaha Tede Simiri Hai Gare No Nidia Betai
Dm Fmaj7 C G
Sab Taesohai Siri Guru Gobind Singh Sabtai Hoe Sahai __ __
Dm Fmaj7 C G Gadd4 G

__Danei Danei Siri Guru Grab Pesai He Ebeji (x4)

Am F C G

kichkitum chek-

Page 91

That is whole;
this is whole;
From that whole
this whole came;
From that whole,
when this whole removed,
What remains is whole.

PurNam, is a beautiful Sanskrit word which means completely

filled - a filledness which (in its Vedic scriptural sense) is wholeness
itself, absolute fullness lacking nothing whatsoever.

Adah, which means that, is always used to refer to something

remote from the speaker in time, place or understanding,
something which, at the time in question, is not available for direct
knowledge. Purnamadah means Wholeness is that.

Idam, which means this, refers to something not remote but

present, here and now, immediately available for perception,
something directly known or knowable. Purnamidam means
Wholeness is this.

PurNam, completeness, absolute fullness, must necessarily be

formless. PurNam cannot have a form because it has to include
everything. Any kind of form means some kind of boundary; any
kind of boundary means that something is left out - something is on
the other side of the boundary. Absolute completeness requires

Page 92

Purnamadah mantra
Original songs by Shantala & Satyaa & Pari
The Purnamadah Mantra is the opening prayer of the Upanishad.

Capo III
Am Am/B
Am Am/B
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Am Am/B Am Am/B
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Am Am/B Fmaj7 G
__Purnamevava Sheshyate
Am Fmaj7 G6
Om __ __
Am Fmaj7 G6
Om __ __ __ __ __
Am Fmaj7 G6 Gadd9 G(5)

Am - Am/C - Am/B / Am - Am/C - Am/B - Am

Om Purnamadah __Purnamidam
Am G F E
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Am G F E
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Am G F E
Purnamevava __Sheshyate __
Am G E E7

chekitm chetatm chetm kijkitm

Page 93

Radhe Gopal
Capo III
Nanda Guela Murai Gopal (x2)
Am G
Giri Dhari Govinda Radhe Gopal (x2)
Am G Em Am
Nanda Mukunda Radhe Gopal (x2)
Am G
Radhe Jai Radhe Jai Radhe Gopal (x2)
Am G Em Am


Page 94

Original song by Jaya Lakshmi

Capo III
Sri Ramachandra Rama He, Sri Ramachandra Rama He (x4)
Am G Am
Hey Natanara Yana Hey Natanara Yana Ramachandra Rama He
Am G Am G Am G Am

Sri Ramachandra Rama He, Sri Ramachandra Rama He (x4)

Dm C Dm
Hey Natanara Yana Hey Natanara Yana Ramachandra Rama He
Dm C Dm C Dm C Dm

Sri Ramachandra Rama He, Sri Ramachandra Rama He (x4)

Em D Em
Hey Natanara Yana Hey Natanara Yana Ramachandra Rama He
Em D Em D Em D Em

takitm wopch tumch

Page 95

Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts, represents the free

flow of wisdom and consciousness. Saraswati is the daughter of Lord
Shiva and Goddess Durga. It is believed that goddess Saraswati
endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and

Page 96

Saraswati (Bija Mantra)

Capo II
Om Aim Saraswati Nama Om (x2)

Om Aim Saraswati Saraswati

Dm G C F
Saraswati __ __Nama Om
Dm G F C


Original Aum Aing Saraswathye Namah Aum. The Bija

Mantra is is chanted by devotees as an offering or salutations
to Maa Saraswati.

Page 97

This prayer is to Goddess Durga, also known as Parvati, Gauri or

Narayani. She is the consort of Lord Shiva, and worshipped as

The Goddess Durga is said to have the combined powers of

Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kali. This mantra is often used for
protection against internal or external negative forces.

This hymn is addressed by every hindu during every possible

marriage ceremony because Parvati is the goddess of fertility and

Page 98

Sarva Mangala
Capo V
Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Am Em
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
G Em Am
Sharanye Tryambake Gauri
Naraya -ni Namostute
Am G Em Am
Naraya -ni Namostute (bis)
Am G Em Am

Om Namah Shivaya, Om Nama Shiva (x3)

Am C G
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Nama Shivaya
Am C G Am

Shivaya, Shivaya, Shivaya (x3)

Am Em Am
Shivaya, Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya (x3)
C G Am

takich takich

Page 99

Self inquire...
What is true about who I am?
Tear away layer after layer.
Ask yourself whats true until you know.
Neti Neti.
Think for yourself.
Dont follow.
Stay with the question.
Everything is available for direct knowing.

You have to become less false by illuminating what is not true

and let the truth to reveal itself, what remains is the
unspeakable truth. So, instead of seeking for the truth, you
illuminate what is not, what belief you are holding to be true.

Truth realization doesnt require anything but purity of intent.

Page 100

Sat Narayan
Gurmukhi Chant inspired by Ajeet Kaur

Capo IV
Sat Narayan Wahe Guru
Am G
__Hari Narayan Sat Nam (bis)
Dm Am

Sat Narayan Wahe Guru

__Hari Narayan Sat Nam (bis)
Dm Am

From the waves of emotion we enter this pure devotion

C G Dm Am
Through the storms of emotion we transmute into this pure devotion
C G Dm Am

We are __cleansed by your healing waters (x2)

C G Dm Am

kichkitum chek-

This mantra is chanted to create inner peace so one can project

outer peace, happiness and good fortune. Narayan is the aspect of
Infinity that relates to the water element. This mantra helps you
go with the flow and takes you beyond the world to the experience
of Infinity.

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Sat means truth and Akaal means timeless being,

without .beginning, without end, without death, inmortal.
Maha Akaal means the great infinity beyond comprehension.
Sat Nam is the recognition of All that is as truth. Akaal
Murat is the embodied form as an image of the infinite.
Wahe Guru is the Ecstatic totality of All that is or God.

This mantra in Punjabi language is said among the kundalini

yogis to be the mantra for the Aquarian Age. When we chant it
we affirm that we are timeless, deathless beings, and imparts a
deep sense of peace to the chanter.

Sat Siri Akaal is also a greeting used mostly by the followers

of the Sikh religion, as a blessing and recognition of the
timeless being of truth within you.

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Sat Siri Siri Akaal

Capo II
Sat Siri Siri Akaal
Em Cmaj7 Dsus2 Em
Siri Akaal Maha Akaal
Cmaj7 Dsus2 Em
Maha Akaal __Sat Naam
Em/F# Am7 Dadd4 Em
Akaal Murat Wahe Guru
D Bm Em


Sat Siri Siri Akaal - Alexia

Original song by Alexia Chellum

__Sat Siri Siri Akaal, Siri Akaal Maha Akaal

C Fmaj7 C G
__Maha Akaal Sat Naam Akaal Murat __Wahe Guru
C Fmaj7 C G C

takitm wopch tumch

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Shiva is one of the three Gods of the Hindu trinity: Brahman,

Vishnu and Shiva. Shiva is responsible for the creation and
desolution of the universe. He is the eternal yogi, blissfully
unaffected by maya (illusion). He destroys our attachments
and delusions and brings our liberation. Shiva is often depicted
with a third eye with which he burned Desire (Kma) to ashes.

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Shiva Shambo
Capo V
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo, Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo (x2)
Am G Am
Maha Devi Shambo, Maha Devi Shambo (x2)
Am G Am

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo, Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo (x2)

Am G Am
Maha Deva Shambo, Maha Deva Shambo (x2)
Am G Am

takitm tumch

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Shivaya Namah Om
Capo III
Shivaya Namah Om
Dm Am
Shivaya Namah Om
G Dm
Shivaya Namah Om
Dm Am
Om Namah Shivaya (bis x4)
G Dm

Rama Kare, Rama Kare

Rama Kare, Rama Kare (bis x3)
G Dm

kitakitm tak-

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Cancin original por Shimshai

A Prayer to Shiva.
He whose ecstatic Dance of Universal Destruction tears away the
veils of ignorance.Oh Fearsome One, The Primordial Being who
wears the moon as an ornament, free me from the chains of
temporal existence. I bow to You.

Capo VII
Shivaya __ParaMeshvaraya __
Am Em Am Em
Shashi Shakaraya __Namah Om __
Dm G Am Em
Bhavaya __Guna Sumbhavaya __
Am Em Am Em
Shiva Tandavaya__ Namah Om __ (bis)
Dm Em Am Em

Hare Shiva Shankare Sheshanka Shekara

Am Em
Hare Bom Hare Bom Bom Bombolo
Am Em
Baba Bayan Gara Girida Shankara
Dm Em
Dimi Dimi Dimi Takanan Tanga Kelo
Am Em

Hare Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya

kichkitum chek-

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Sri means blessed and Jai means glory to. Sita is the goddess
Sita, consort of Rama an embodiment of devotion and loyalty,
especially in divine union. She is also considered the primal energy
of the Kundalini Shakti.

Ram is the god Rama, an embodiment of integrity and truth on the

earth. Rama is an embodiment of Vishnu, lord and protector of the
created universe. This mantra is a recognition of the divine couple,
the union of male and female energy within, shiva and shakti.

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Sita Ram
Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (bis)
Dm Am

Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram

Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram (bis)
Dm Am

takitm takitki

Page 109

Think for yourself and figure out whats true

Sit down, and ask yourself

whats true until you know.
That is the only spiritual teaching.

Think for yourself.

Look for yourself.
Open your eyes. Look.
Nourish your discontent.
Cultivate a skeptic mind and approach.
Start fresh. Think for yourself.
Trust in self reliance.

You do that through a process of elimination,

by figuring out whats not true. Thats the master key.

Youre completely on your own.

Just think for yourself and figure out whats true.

Page 110

Sri Ma
Original song by Brenda McMorrow

Capo III
__Yadevi __Sarba Bute-Shu __Shante Rupena Samstetha-a
C Am G F C Am G F
__Namastah-Sie Namastah-Sie Namastah-Sie Namoh Namah (bis)
C Am G F C
Namastah-Sie Namastah-Sie Namoh Namah
Am G F

Om Mata Sarasvati Eh, Om Mata Jagadum-be

Am G Am G F Am G Am G F
Om Mata Sarasvati Eh, Om Mata Jagadum-be
G Am G Em F

Sri Ma Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma (x4)

G C G Fmaj7 C

__Namastah-Sie Namastah-Sie Namoh Namah (x2)

C Am G F
__Namastah-Sie Namastah-Sie Namastah-Sie Namoh Namah (bis)
C Am G Fmaj7 C
Namastah-Sie Namastah-Sie Namoh Namah
Am G F

kitakitm tak-

Page 111

Sri Siksastakam
Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu (1486-1535) is the
most recent incarnation of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead
Sri Krishna.

His worldwide Sankirtan mission of

propagating the chanting of the
holy name of the Lord (the process
of self-realization for this age - to
meditate upon the sound of the
maha-mantra: Hare Krishna Hare
Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare
Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama,
Rama Rama Hare Hare). He left
us only eight verses, called
Siksastakam, in which His mission
and precepts are revealed.

Capo V
Cheto Darpana Marjanam Bhava Maha
Am Dm
Davagni __Nirvapanam
Fmaj7 G Am

Shreyah Kairava Chandrika Vitaranam

Am Dm
Vidyava __Dhu-jivanam
Fmaj7 G Am

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Anandambudhi Vardhanam Prati Padam

Am Dm
Purnamri __ Taswadanam
Fmaj7 G Am

Sarvatma Snapanam Param Vijayate

Am Dm
Sri Krishna __ Sankirtanam
Fmaj7 G Am

__Sri Krishna Chaitanya

__Prabhu Nityananda
__Sri Adwaita Gadadhara
__Shrivasadi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda (bis)
G Am

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
__Hare Rama Hare Rama
__Rama Rama Hare Hare
G Am

kitakitm tak-

Page 113

Tayata Om Muni
Capo II
Tayata Om Muni Muni Maha Munaye Soha (bis)
C Fmaj7 G C
Tayata Om Muni Muni Maha Munaye Soha (bis)

kitakitm tak-

The mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha could be said to be the essence

of the Buddha, the essence of his enlightenment. It is in no way
separate from the Buddha himself.

Mantras are said to carry this enlightenment essence in the very

sound of the syllables themselves. Its an energetic thing of simply
experiencing the sound that is being generated.

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Teyata Om Bekance
Capo II
Teyata Om Bekance Bekance
Maha Bekance
Randza Samungate So Ham

kitakitm tak-

Page 115

This Mantra is in Irdin language, the language of the angels of 5th

dimension. Language of sounds, vibrations, colors and states of

This is a mantra of gratefulness (Shanti) to the Universal flame of

Creation (Uru) and the source o fAll that Is (Naragua). Gratefulness
for the divine understanding (Sabirantu) and the Divine Blessing
(Nauru) shed over humanity.

Page 116

Uru Shanti Naraguam

Original song by Celicia Baraz

Capo II
Uru Shanti Naraguam
Uru Sani Guaru
Sabirantu Nara Guama
Fmaj7 C
Iti Shanti Nauru
G Fmaj7 C


Page 117

Let Fear be your guide

Fear is there to tell you that you have a belief that is out of
alignment with your natural state.

Therefore feeling the fear is just a self correcting mechanism to

let you know and awaken you to the fact that you have
definitions in your consciousness that are out of alignment.
That is how you use fear, fear is just a messenger knocking on
your door: "Pay attention to this... this is something you want
to know about yourself, this is something you need to know to
integrate within yourself, to become more of who you are".

The fear would not hang around once it delivers the message of
bringing your attention to what need to know about. So, dont
blame fear, dont push it away. It will return and blow your
house until it complete the job of bringing your attention to the
believe system that is out of alignment. Be friend with fear and
use it for the job it was design to do. Let fear be your guide.

Page 118

The belief in things which are untrue is what

imprisons us in the dream state. We must question all
of our beliefs and assumptions down to the very
source of our being until that which is true, real, and
everlasting reveals itself. I am is the absolute truth.
Everything else is a belief. Awareness is all.

~ Adyashanti ~

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