OTR Dune RPG Core Rules V 5 PDF
OTR Dune RPG Core Rules V 5 PDF
OTR Dune RPG Core Rules V 5 PDF
Welcome to the DUNE RPG. This is intended as a classic pen and paper Role-Play for
experienced gamers and fans of the original Dune Legend.
This document probably violates several copyright laws, however, it is designed solely for the
fans, as it was written by fans.
D i s c l a i m e rs :
This is a work of Fan-dom. I avoid the word Fiction because the aim of this project is to
provide something as close to Frank Herberts original vision as possible. Most of the details
within this document are from the Dune Encyclopaedia rather than the new preludes as it
gives a better understanding of classic dune. Certain parts of the preludes have been
included however. I have marked the sections accordingly.
This work is based on the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Play due to its simplicity and ease
of modification. Fans of that system should find this document quite straightforward. Others
may need a little time to get used to the idea but all information needed is included within this
document. Further supplements detailing the Ways of the major factions can be found on
the Dune RPG Website.
Obviously, this beta document is NOT for reproduction or amending in anyway by these who
download this. This is considered my property and as such, may not be altered or
redistributed without my permission.
W h a t is a R o le - Pl a y ? W h a t s D u ne a l l a b o ut ?
A Beginning is a very Delicate Time Irulan Corrino
What is Dune? What is a Roleplay? A Roleplay is a game where the players take on a
persona and play through a scenario in their own way. A Roleplay game can be great fun for
all. A typical game has a number of players and a Games Master. The Games Master is
responsible for the organising and running of the game. All the decisions and rule making are
made by the GM.
There are many famous Role-Play games that you may have heard of, both on a Console or
Computer and in books. Some people may not have heard of the latter. Book or, more
commonly, Pen and Paper, Role-Plays are the most common, and have been around for
some time. The Dune Role-Play is such a game. It uses a similar rule system to Legend of
the Five Rings due to simplicity and in-built similarities.
Dune is the first in a set of books by Frank Herbert. There are 6 original books and 3 preludes
written by Brian Herbert. There is also a semi-official companion that covers the first 4 original
books. In addition to the literature, 4 games exist for the PC, including one role-play based on
st th
the 1 book, and several Real Time Strategy games. A 5 adventure game is also planned
along with a 6 Internet Battle Game.
L e ge n d o f t he Fi v e Ri n gs
As this is version 1.0 of the Dune Role-Play, it was decided to base the game around an easy
and simple system. That system is the Legend of Five Rings system. The reasons for this
are twofold. One , its easy and I know how to use it. Two, the ideas in place can be fitted well
to the Dune Universe.
This document isnt complete in itself to run a complete game. Knowledge of the rules (such
as how skills are dealt with) within the Legend System will be needed. This may be reviewed
at a later time.
T h e Du n e R PG U n i v er s e
The Dune universe should be fairly familiar to the players to begin with. It is recommended
that all players and GMs read at least the original book Dune before venturing into the Dune
Universe. This small document could never cover all the wonder of the Dune legend. Only
Frank Herbert can do that.
The game is set for the year 10100, 91 years before the events of the First Dune book. This is
a tense period, only 100 years or so before the Atreides coup and the Fremen Jihad. It is a
good year for Classic Dune adventures.
Dune covers an amazing universe set several thousand years into mankinds future. Human
civilization is extremely advanced both mentally and technologically. The world we know is
but a distant, ancient legend. Humanity covers several galaxies, thousands upon thousands
of worlds, and millions of different sects, religions and races.
The whole empire is governed by the Padishar Emperors. They have ruled from the Planet
Kaitain for thousands of years. The form of government is essentially Feudal with the Lords,
Barons and other nobles governing imperial granted fiefs. The whole empire rests on a tripod
structure. The CHOAM company represents the landsraad; the amalgamation of all the
houses minor and major, the Spacing
guild with their monopoly on banking
and interstellar transport, and the
Golden Lion throne, upon which sits the
The spice melange is the most important substance in the universe. Discovered after the
great war against the machines, spice became the one thing in the universe capable of
reuniting humanity. With spice, guild ships can be guided through the void. With spice, the
Reverend Mothers can transcend space and time. With spice, people live 2 to 4 times as long.
With spice, one becomes powerful. Oh, did I mention that the spice can only be found on one
planet. Arrakis. Also known as Dune.
F ac t i ons
The current emperor is Fredhrick XIX. He directs his empire from the Planet Kaitain. He has
trillions of souls to govern, over a vast distance. He maintains his control through the fierce
sardaukar legions; trained killers, the most peerless fighting force in the galaxy.
An Empire cant exist without transport, commerce and trade. The spacing guild fills this role.
They hold the monopoly on all communication and travel. They are the wings of the imperium.
Without the guild, there is no empire.
The vast reaches of space are too massive to be governed by one man. The last leg of the
tripod is the Landsraad. The Landsraad consists of the great and minor houses. They are
represented financially by the Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles, known as
CHOAM. This board controls stocks, shares and trading and is linked to the guild.
Religion is a powerful force in the empire, often overlooked. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood
overseas the religion of the empire and much, much more. The sisterhood has its own goals
and motives but wields large amounts of power, greater than almost all the great houses.
They are akin to an unseen hand. They prefer to work behind the scenes to further their own
goal. The creation of the Kwisatz Haderach.
IX. The name of the planet that spawned the Butlerian Jihad (Known as Komos* at the time of
the Jihad) is the one remaining home of advanced technology. They are purveyors to the
great houses and the empire. IX is a special force in its own right. Like the Bene Gesserit, IX
is an overlooked force, full of potential.
The Dirty Tleilaxu cannot be forgotten. The Tleilaxu are similar to the Ixians but concentrate
on the Soft Sciences such as biology, pharmacology and such. They are the supreme
amoralists of their time. They provide a much needed, if not often mentioned, service to the
rich and powerful. Everything is either a tool or product to the Tleilaxu.
The Fremen control Dune, but no-one knows this. One of the best kept secrets in the universe,
mainly because the universe doesnt care about anything but the Spice as far as dune is
concerned. The Fremen were once known as the Zensunni Wanderers. They were one of the
most persecuted sects in the history of mankind, and they will not forget.
In a universe where thinking machines are considered blasphemous and evil the Order of
Mentats fill a very large and important void. Some of the most valuable people in the
Imperium are Mentats. Capable of amazing feats of cognitive ability, their mental functions
are second to none.
W ar f ar e a nd C o mb at
Wars are not often fought anymore. However, it must be
made clear, that a war of any notable size in an empire
that spans the stars is quite big. What we would consider
a large war would be considered a skirmish in the Dune
Holtzman shield revolutionised combat. Shields are impassable to any object that is travelling
over a certain speed. This rendered weapons such as guns and pistols that we know today,
obsolete. It also rendered lasguns obsolete, as a shield becomes a nuclear bomb in the
presence of coherent light.
Despite the fact that Lasguns react badly with shields they are still used throughout the
empire albeit in a limited and restricted capacity. Armies will use them when they know their
opponents have no access to shields, or that shields cannot be used due to restrictions such
as the climate or local fauna of a particular world. Criminal Houses will also use them, along
with spies and such. Lasguns are also mounted on some vehicles although shielded vehicles
are quite popular.
Blades and Edged weapons are much more popular. Construction methods have advanced
tremendously over the millennia, making such weapons easy to construct, while constantly
improving the quality.
H o us e , A f f i l i at i on & C h ar a c t er P o i nts
Choosing a character is a difficult but rewarding process. A character can be as simple or as
complex as you like. It is important to think about what your character is like. What is his/ her
history, what does your character believe in,
1. Imperial House
2. Bene Gesserit
3. Bene Tleilax
4. The Ixians
5. The Fremen
6. The Major Houses
7. The Spacing Guild
8. The Order of Mentats
Once you have chosen your characters house, you need to follow the Way of that house.
Write down the house you have chosen on your character sheet. Each houses Way has
different rules to reflect their different roles and outlooks. All houses have at least one
School that the character can join. This represents the characters role in life. For example,
the Bene Gesserit have their Missionaria Protectiva School which deals with their religious
It is important to think about your characters persona. Is she aggressive or timid? What is his
history and background? Does the character have any enemies within the imperium? Its a
good idea to flesh out your character as much as possible. The more complete your
character is, the more fun you will have.
Once your character has a House and School you can write down the benefits and Perks that
the house and school bestow. Most schools grant the character a choice in Perks and Skills.
Others may bestow disadvantages or obligations in addition to their gifts.
Affiliation is also another important aspect of a character. Different houses and schools have
different choices open to you. Choose your affiliation carefully. This attribute governs who are
your friends and enemies. Affiliation rules are governed in your factions Way. Typically, they
are not as obvious as they may first appear. For example, a Bene Gesserit will be aligned
with a Great House but will definitely have a Sisterhood affiliation too!
The Ways of the major factions are included in the add-on modules that can be found on the
Dune Role-Play Site.
In total, a character has 25 character points (or CPs) to spend on skills, statistics and
advantages. Disadvantages have a negative cost. This means you may gain CPs by taking a
S t a t is t ic s
The rest of character generation revolves around statistics, skills and extra perks. This is
where the real characters Character shows through. Think about your characters personality
here. What do they think about? How do they react to certain thinks? Does your character
have an addiction? What about friends, family or enemies? Be as creative as you can.
Your characters main statistics are represented by 9 Values, grouped into 5 Rings, referred
to as a persons 5 Waters. They are known as the Water of the Self, The Water of the
Body, The Water of the Mind, The Water of the Senses and the Water of Life. The water
of life has dual meaning in this case. To simplify this, the 5 Waters are usually referred to as
a persons Sense Water, Body Water etc.
A starting characters traits all start at two. A house and its school usually add a bonus to a
certain Value. These are free. Traits can be raised if you have enough points to spend. The
Water of Life has no sub values.
Strength (STR): This represents how strong your character is. Raw physical strength and
stamina are important for things such as fighting, running, lifting heavy objects, throwing and
Dexterity (DEX): How nimble your character is. An agile character will be quicker on her feet,
faster with his blade, capable of intricate feats of engineering etc. Important for fighting and
art alike.
Willpower (WIL): Literally, the force of your will. How strong is your mind? Mental strength is
important for tests to do with the mind, like fear.
Charisma (CHR): Your characters social skills. How well does your character manipulate
others? Is he or she a good leader? Anything social is based on this statistic. Important for
leaders and courtiers.
Control (CON): How well controlled are you? What is your Zen? Are you the master of Chi?
Can you meditate anywhere? Can you move only one muscle by the side of your nose?
Useful for Bene Gesserit characters especially.
Perception (PER): When looking for clues, do you find them all? How good are your eyes at
looking for specific objects. Perception is useful when trying to deliberately find something or
analysing something.
Awareness (AWR): How awake is your character. Does she bimble through life in a haze or
is she as sharp as a knife. How good are your senses when you are not being specific?
The Water of Life (WOL): This special Water represents how in touch with the universe the
character is. This value becomes more important later on in a characters life. It starts at 2 and
can be raised also, albeit at a different cost.
S k i l ls
Once you have chosen your statistics and worked out your Waters, you may proceed onto
your Perks and Skills. Skills govern your specific trainings and key abilities. You are given a
set of skills depending on your choice of Way. Any number of skills can be bought or
upgraded at character creation, if you have the points to spend.
Your Way will list some skills that you are given for free. Write these down on your character
sheet. You may raise these skills for a certain number of CPs. You may even add new skills.
Certain skills have specialities. These may be bought in addition to your current skill. These
show the characters extra special trainings. When rolling a skill with a speciality you may roll
both the base skill and the special skill. However, the special skill may not exceed the base
There are further limits on skills. A skill may not be greater than its governing statistic. In
addition, the maximum number of skills may not exceed your characters (Intelligence + Water
of Life) X 5. This includes these given by the Way
^ more int ellige nt than mos t ( IN T 3) with a W ater o f Life o f 2. This means
he may tak e 25 p oints wo rth o f s k ills . Hes quite a goo d na vig ator a nd
rais es his Na vig ation s k ill to 3 (The Max im um as the go ve rni ng s tat is
3). He m ay not tak e a s pec iality until his Intellig enc e inc r eas es .
S k i l l L is t i n gs
The following listings describe all the skills in the Dune RPG. Of course, not every skill in the
universe is here but there is enough to richly describe a characters training.
A skill has a name, a description and any specialities.
Pistol (DEX) The art of using and repairing one handed projectile weapons
Specialities: Maula Pistol, LasPistol, Fast-Draw
Shield (Range) The skill of breaching a shield with any ranged weapon.
Specialities: None
Shield (Close) The skill of breaching a shield with a close combat weapon.
Specialities: None
Archaic (DEX) The skill of using strange, older weapons like bows, crossbows etc
Specialities: Crossbow, Bow
Blade 1-H (DEX) The skill of using a one handed blade in close combat
Specialities: None
Blade 2-H (DEX) The skill of using a 2 handed blade such as a sword.
Specialities: None
History (Water of Knowledge of a Houses History. NOTE: You MUST specialise with
Mind) this skill!
Specialities: Any House / Way, Ancient.
Melee Weapons Fighting with improvised weapons such as staves, chairs, sharp sticks
(DEX) etc.
Specialities: None
Meditation (WIL): Clearing your mind of all thought. Helps regain Perks / Skills / WOL.
Specialties: None
Science (Water of Learning new theories and deducing theories from evidence.
the Mind):
Specialties: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Holtzman, Electronics
Medical (PER): All the Healing Arts. From Combat medicine to Surgery
Specialties: Combat, First Aid, Surgery, Doctor.
Literacy (INT): Covers Writing, Reading, Business trainings and book skills
Specialties: Business, Legal, Forgery, Heraldry, Law
Music (CON): Playing an Instrument, Singing, making music. NOTE: You MUST
specialise with this skill!
Specialties: Singing, By Instrument.
Hunter Seeker: The use of remote piloting a hunter seeker using a command console
Specialties: None
Athletics (Water of This training reflects how well your character uses her body when
Body): under pressure, e.g running
Specialties: None
Etiquette (Water of General ways pf doing things, both in the imperial court and in the
Self): major houses and organisations. Also covers codes of practice such
as the Fremen Water Customs.
Specialties: General, By House (E.g Imperial, Bene Gesserit etc)
P e r ks
Perks represent the interesting little facets of your character. You characters ideas, mental
state, family background, personal history, special trainings, etc, are all represented by the
use of Perks.
Perks are a little more limited than skills. Each Way lists the amount of perks a starting
character may obtain. Perks are also gained throughout a characters life. A new perk may be
gained at each new level for free. However, this may vary with each Way. Additional Perks
may be bought for a certain amount of CPs at creation time only. These additional perks may
be restricted by the characters Way as with normal perks.
Perks have requirements that your character must meet. For example, a perk may have a
minimum level, rank and dexterity that your character must obtain first. Look at the details in
your Way for more guidance.
Perks can also be negative. A character who chooses a negative perk may do so, only at
character generation. Negative perks, when chosen, raise the number of CPs a player may
spend by their cost. Negative Perks represent the hardships and disadvantages of a
character and can make for a much more interesting game.
gi ve n to him by his c hos en way , he dec id es to tak e s ome mor e pe rk s to
fles h o ut his c harac ter. He h as no CPs left to s pe nd s o he d ec ides to
tak e s ome ne gati ve Perk s . He c hos es Antis oc ial at Ra nk 1, This p erk
gi ves him 2 ex tra CPs . He may n ow p urc h as e mo re s k ills , or anothe r
Perk . He dec id es to c hoos e the H eartl es s Perk whic h c os ts 2 CPs .
P e r k L is t i n gs
The following section lists all the available Perks a character may obtain. They are broken
down into types such as General, Combat, Mentat etc. Certain Ways have access to certain
types of Perks. Some Perks have ranks greater than 1. This means they may be purchased
again for extra benefit. There are certain MINIMUM requirements for Perks which must be
met. If a Perk has an N/A Cost, it means it cannot be bought at character generation as an
additional perk.
G e n e r a l P o s i t i ve
These perks are not specific to any way or ability.
G e n e r a l N eg a t i v e
Name: A Home in Ashes Ranks: 2 Cost: Gain 2 CPs Per Rank
Requirements: None
Description: You have no home. You are a wanderer. This is due to a either misfortune (1
rank) or you were actively cast out (2 Ranks).
C o mba t P o s i ti v e
These perks revolve around combat, such as large scale battles or personal martial arts.
Name: Bonus Ranged Damage Ranks: 3 Cost: N/A
Requirements: PER 3, Pistol or Rifle Skill 2, LEVEL 3
Description: This Perk gives 1 Free Raise Per Rank for the purposes of ranged damage (i.e
you roll one extra dice and keep it).
P s y c h o l og i c a l N eg a t i v e
These perks deal with the weaker aspects of your characters Mind. These are negative Perks.
Name: Low Pain Threshold Ranks: 3 Cost: Gain 4 CPs Per Rank
Requirements: None
Description: You have a low resistance to pain. You may be able to take the damage but it
hurts you more. For each rank in this Perk, add -1 to each wound rank penalty.
E x p e r ie nc e , L e v e ls a nd R a n ks
The final step involves your characters Insight, Level & Rank. Insight is level of understanding
that your character has reached within his or her school. Insight is directly related to rank.
Rank is how far you character has progressed within their school. Each Way has a set of
ranks, and one starting rank. Write this rank on your character sheet. Insight is a little more
complex. Insight can be worked out as follows:
Each character has a level. A Level is obtained when a character gains a certain amount of
insight. The levels are as follows:
Write down your level on your sheet. Starting characters have a level of one and a rank of
one. Levels increase with insight using the table above.
By performing well in a mission, winning a battle etc, the GM may award Experience Points
(XP). These points may be spent at any time during the game to raise skills or statistics.
Perks cannot be bought. They are awarded free when a character gains a level. Increasing
Rank is a little more difficult. Rank increases may be awarded by the GM or through
purchasing certain Perks. In both cases, the character has to meet certain criteria before he
or she can advance in their school. If a character meets these requirements, he may declare
that he or she is advancing in their school. With the GMs approval, the character must spend
a certain number of XP. They do not gain the Free Perk and must follow the rules written in
the ways.
W o u nds
A character in the Dune universe will, at some point, take damage in some form or another.
How much punishment can someone take? On your characters sheet are a set of boxes
marked with wound levels. When you character takes a certain number of wounds, she enters
a wound level. Each wound level has a modifier next to it, stating how much penalty needs to
be added due to the traumatising effect of wounds.
The number of wounds per level is easily worked out. Simply multiply your characters water of
body by 2. For each wound level, add this value to the previous level.
Imp erial He ro, C ount J ules Ma rmuz VI is quite a r en ow ne d duelis t. He
has many a s c ratc h from le adin g c ountles s battles for the e mpe ro r. His
wate r of body is 5. This dou bles to 10. His wo un d le vels are th er efor e,
10, 20, 30, 4 0, 50 etc .
Your character is now complete and ready to venture forth into the wide open Universe.
Choosing a Faction and a Way are the first steps to character creation (as mentioned in
the Character Generation section). The list below is by no means complete, and will be
amended in future revisions and releases.
The Ways listed within each faction are typically these that venture from the homeland from
time to time. This should give players the option to travel to distant planets and meet other
factions. It should also allow the GM to be more creative. The more Home-Bound Ways may
be included in later revisions.
T h e M aj or Ho us es o f th e L a nds r aa d
The Major houses provide the Majority of the peoples of the Empire. They are spread over
countless different planets and systems, each with its own culture, ideals an unique roles
within the feudal system.
Some of the Major Houses have been listed here. More may be included at a later date in
future revisions.
F ac t i on : Ho us e A tr e i des
House Atreides is currently ruled by Duke Paulos. Under his rule, House Atreides has
become a powerful faction in the Grand running of an Empire. Known for standing up against
tyranny, oppression and other such evils, they have been seen as Do-Gooders , Saviours,
Heros and Meddlers; depending on who you talk to.
The Atreides home is the planet Caladan. Known throughout the empire for its stunning
beauty, it is highly regarded as a paradise planet. The vast majority of its surface is covered
by water. Since large areas of land are often flooded, Rice and Paradan Melons are the
planets major export, along with Opafire gems and many, ocean related products.
Although not as rich or prosperous as some of the other great houses, the Atreides have had
plenty of time to learn valuable skills due to the lack of personal hardships and a simple life.
Almost everyone on Caladan can swim, pilot and fish to a very high standard. The Atreides
off-world agents are also very adept.
Benefit: +1 DEX
W a y : A t r ei d e s D u e l l i s t
Atreides Duellist is a slightly misleading term. A duellist serves the Atreides in non-combat
and combat roles. Such people are the most educated among the population, and are
therefore, off-worlders who are pledged to the Atreides for various reasons or are minor
members of the nobility. They can be found leading small bands of warriors, wandering the
universe as spies or attending ambassadorial functions. They are supremely resourceful and
Benefit: +1 INT
Starting Skills: Shield 1, Shield (Close) 1, Blade 1-H 1, Literacy 1, Dodge 1, Investigation 1,
Literacy 1, 1 Further Skill (Players Choice).
Atreides Duelists gain 1 Free Perk per Level, with one additional Perk when gaining a Rank.
These Perks may be chosen from General / Combat / Psychological Positive. On gaining the
Ambassador Rank, the Duellist gains the Social Position Perk at Rank 1 (or +1 Rank if he
already has this perk). On gaining the Noble Rank, the Duelist receives + 2 Ranks of Social
Position for free. This cannot exceed the maximum of 5. This perk covers mainly, the
Atreides family and population but may extend to the imperial family also.
W a y : A t r ei d e s P i l o t
The largest proportion of the skilled and educated Atreides populace, are pilots of various
craft. The Atreides are well known for their ornithopter pilots. Many have served off-world for
various factions, but most serve the Atreides at home, or as Frigate Pilots carrying goods
F ac t i on : Ho us e H ar ko n ne n
F a c t i o n : Ho us e R ic h e s e
F ac t i on : Ho us e Or dos
F ac t i on : Ho us e X a i ta n
F ac t i on : T he Fr e me n
S h i e l d F ig h ti n g
Shield fighting is a very important part of the combat in the Dune, and can be seen as the
equivalent of Iaijutsu in the Samurai World. The rules are fairly similar to normal combat with
a few exceptions.
Shields absorb all damage in close combat. Therefore, there is no need to roll for damage
when performing a normal attack. However, a successful hit results in the victim being
knocked off guard. The effect raises the TN of the attacker by 5. At any point, either
combatants can make a Shield Attack using the Shield (Close) skill. A Shield attack is an
attempt to bypass the opponents shield. By doing so, actual damage may be caused (wounds
will be taken) BUT the person performing the shield attack loses all the Bonuses gained from
his standard attacks. All Close combat Rules and Perks (etc) can be used with these attacks.
Miles BTek , a Sar dauk ar Bas h ar, is fightin g a H ark o nne n R aide r. Both
are a rme d with k ni ves an d s hields . Miles attac k s firs t and s c ores a hit.
His TN to be hit is rais ed by 5 to 2 5. The H ark o nn en tries to hit bac k but
rolls a 24 a nd mis s es . Miles dec ides to end it an d go for a s hield hit. The
Hark onn en s c or ed n o hits s o his TN is unc ha ng ed at 1 5. Miles rolls a 17
and hits , by pas s ing the s hi eld. He m ay no w roll for d ama ge a nd wou nd
his oppo ne nt. Miles TN no w dr ops bac k to 20 (h e los es all his gain ed
s hield bo nus es ).
R a te o f F ir e
Some weapons can fire quite quickly, releasing many rounds a second. To represent this,
some weapons have a Rate of Fire Listed. This is the maximum amount of times it may be
fired per combat action. Depending on the rate of fire, the user has 2 options.
She may ignore the Rate of Fire, and use the weapon as normal, firing a normal shot as per
the standard rules.
Instead, she may make an Auto-Fire attack. This is declared before rolling dice. The TN is
increased by 5 due to the lack of proper aiming. Should the attacker beat the TN to hit, for
each multiple of 5 over the TN, an extra hit is scored.
A i m i ng & Re -L o ad i n g
In the Dune universe, its a good idea to learn how to aim! Aiming is quit simple. During an
attack, the attacker may declare an Aim. He gains a free raise for every action spent in this
way. However, the TN to hit a person aiming is reduced to 5. You may aim as many times as
your skill in the particular weapon being used.
When a weapon runs out of charges / rounds etc, it must be re-loaded before it can be used
again. This usually takes one action to perform. There are cases where this can be bypassed
(use of speed-loaders for example).
W i e l di n g P e na l t y
Wielding a weapon such as a rifle in close combat is difficult at best. Weapons that are not
designed for close combat (these that do NOT say Close Combat in their range stats) incur
a penalty of + 10 to the TN to hit an opponent in close combat.
B r e a c h i n g S h ie l ds & A r mo ur
Not all weapons can breach shield. Some, however, can. All bladed, close combat weapons
can breach a shield with use of the proper skill. However, in some cases, a number of raises
may be required. If this is the case, it is stated in the weapons description.
Weapons that are not bladed or close combat cannot breach shields unless it specifically
says this in the description.
Armour no longer increases the TN to be Hit. Instead, it absorbs damage (E.g 2K1 Dice
Worth for Light Armour).
W e ap o ns
Weapons typically have a damage rating, cost, ammunition type and special rules that apply
to them. They are listed below with a brief description.
Na m e : Hunter Seeker
Da m a ge : Instant Death
Co st: 500 Solari Per Round. 1000 Solari for Control
Ava ila bility: Highly Limited.
Ma g. / Loa d: 1 Round
Ra nge : See Below.
Ra te of Fire : See Below.
De scription / Rule s: The Hunter Seeker is a vicious weapon. Developed in secret by House
Corrino in the year 9846, this device can kill a man with one hit. The actual projectile is a
small sliver of metal with a crystal seeking device. The Sliver is 5cm Long and Hair Thin.
Once it pierces the body (and armour) it seeks along the neural pathways tearing up organs.
With precise timing, it can penetrate a personal shield (in either mode, with 2 Raises).
2 Attacks may be made with the hunter seeker. It can be fired like a normal Rifle using the
Rifle skill or even Pistol skill or it can be precisely controlled by remote using the Hunter
Seeker Skill. The latter method is a non combat procedure. The Operator must be within 75
meters of the hunter seeker. The Hunter Seekers Holtzman Field is the only giveaway.
Grabbing a seeker in flight is possible but very difficult (TN 30).
When using the Hunter Seeker in Rifle Mode, the Wielding Penalty applies.
Na m e : Gom Jabbar
Da m a ge : Dependent on Load
Co st: 20 Solari
Ava ila bility: Highly Limited.
Ma g. / Loa d: 20 / Poisons.
Ra nge : Close Combat
Ra te of Fire : N/A.
De scription / Rule s: The Gom Jabbar is not often used as a weapon, rather it is a means of
testing utilised by the Bene Gesserit. However, there have been many times when this
weapon has been used in self defence by a member of the sisterhood.
If this Weapon isnt loaded with poison it does a simple STR + 1K1 damage. Only with poison
does this weapon become effective. In game, this weapon adds the benefits of the poison it is
loaded with to all hand to hand attacks, such as these that use Martial Arts (Any) skills.
Similar weapons are available all over the universe for use by assassins and such.
Na m e : Laser Pistol
Da m a ge : 6K6 (No Strength Bonus)
Co st: 500 Solari. 5 Solari Per Magazine
Ava ila bility: Limited.
Ma g. / Loa d: 50 / Batteries
Ra nge : 100m (Close Combat Also)
Ra te of Fire : 1
De scription / Rule s: A small, powerful hand held weapon, capable of searing a mans flesh
completely. Laser Pistols are restricted due to the effect of coherent light on Holtzman fields
which are much more common. However, on certain worlds (notably Dune) such weapons are
extremely useful. Against un-armoured opponents, the weapons are lethal many times over.
If such a weapon hits a shield, a thermonuclear reaction takes place, roughly the size of a
large town.
Na m e : Laser Rifle
Da m a ge : 8K8 (No Strength Bonus)
Co st: 1500 Solari. 10 Solari Per Magazine
Ava ila bility: Limited.
Ma g. / Loa d: 100 / Batteries
Ra nge : 5000m
Ra te of Fire : 3
De scription / Rule s: A larger version of the Laser Pistol. This rifle is very powerful and can
tear people in half with ease. This gun has a higher rate of fire and a much larger range. The
weapon is a lot more cumbersome than the pistol however.
If such a weapon hits a shield, a thermonuclear reaction takes place, roughly the size of a
large town.
Na m e : Maula Pistol
Da m a ge : 5K3 (No Strength Bonus)
Co st: 500 Solari. 5 Solari Per Magazine
Ava ila bility: Common
Ma g. / Loa d: 10 / Darts
Ra nge : 40m (Close Combat Also)
Ra te of Fire : 2
De scription / Rule s: This weapon became very popular just after the Butlerian Jihad, when
most advanced weapons had been discarded for being too machine like.
The Maula pistol is very small and lightweight (15cm long, 125-150 grammes). It fires very
hard, plasteel darts that do 5K3 damage. However, these darts may be loaded with poison to
inflict further damage.
Because of its subsonic rounds and projectile types, a Pistol (Shield) attack may be made.
Na m e : Crysknife
Da m a ge : Str + 3K2
Co st: N/A
Ava ila bility: Heavily Restricted
Ma g. / Loa d: 5 Uses / Poison
Ra nge : Close Combat
Ra te of Fire : N/A
De scription / Rule s: This weapon is more of a symbol than a weapon. It is solely used by the
Fremen. Every Fremen has one of these blades, and they are honoured like no other item.
There are two types of blades, Fixed and Un-Fixed. Un-Fixed are more often found with the
Fremen. Fixed blades dont disintegrate when away from a living body. Crysknives are made
from the tooth of a sandworm. The Root Nerve of the tooth may be filled with a poison
although the Fremen tend not to use poison on Human opponents.
De scription / Rule s: Low quality swords are common throughout the empire. Most armies
are equipped with this weapon due to the reliance on shields. Swordplay with full body shields
has returned once again. The only thing that has changed is the weapons manufacture.
De scription / Rule s: A much better quality sword. Such swords may be found within certain
household regiments, Elite Guards, the Sardaukar etc. They are very finely crafted, usually
using advanced techniques such as monomolecular weaving and laminating to create
microscopic layers to increase the cutting power.
Na m e : Wrist Crossbow
Da m a ge : Std. Arrow 2K2, Explosive 4K2
Co st: 150 Solari.
Ava ila bility: Common
Ma g. / Loa d: 1 / Arrow (Various Types)
Ra nge : 20 M (Close Combat Also)
Ra te of Fire : 1
De scription / Rule s: Hold out Crossbows. Small, archaic devices attached to the wrists of
the user. Some are especially crude such as these used by the Fremen. However,
Professional, high grade plasteel versions are available. These have proven popular with
assassins. They can also breach shields. This weapon uses the Pistol (General) and Pistol
(Shield) skills.
Na m e : Pole-Arms
Da m a ge : Std: STR + 3K2. Stun: STR + 4K2.
Heat: STR + 5K3
Co st: 250, 500, & 1000 Solari.
Ava ila bility: Common
Ma g. / Loa d: See Below
Ra nge : Close Combat
Ra te of Fire : N/A
De scription / Rule s: With the reliance on melee weapons in the Dune Universe it was no
wonder that pole-arms returned. Initially, they were highly ceremonial and carried by elite
guard units, specially trained to use them. However, since the training at the Ginaz school
began and the introduction of the heat lance from Ix, Pole-Arms have become increasingly
more popular.
The 3 most popular are listed above. The Stun Lances are charged by a battery that has 100
charges. Should a person be hit and damaged by such a lance, they must make a Water of
Body Roll against a TN of 30 to avoid being knocked out for a number of rounds by which
they missed the TN.
The Heat lance creates a plasma stream (similar to a pillar of fire) at the end of the lance
when activated. It takes a battery that gives 100 hours constant use.
All Pole-Arms have the initiative bonus on 1 Extra Die to roll and keep.
Na m e : Grenades
Da m a ge : Std: 6K4. Stun: 2K2. HE 8K6
Kriminon: See Below
Co st: 20, 20, 100 & 50 Solari
Ava ila bility: Common
Ma g. / Loa d: See Below
Ra nge : STR X 10m
Ra te of Fire : N/A
De scription / Rule s: Although a crude idea, grenades have been refined and refined over
the many years. They are now, ultra light weight and very easy to conceal. Most grenades
can be thrown or set. Set grenades can be set with a timer or a motion sensor much like
mines. When thrown, grenades can be set to explode on impact or after a certain time.
The typical size varies. They can be large to aid in throwing (about 8 cm) or as small as 1cm
square and wafer thin. They also come in many flavours, some of which are listed above.
Stun grenades have a small flash coupled with a short lived, expanding Holtzman effect,
much like a shield. This knocks out the target, which must make a Water of Body Roll
against a TN of 20 to avoid being knocked out by a number of rounds by which they missed
the TN. Kriminon is a lethal gas that kills if a small amount is inhaled. This can be stopped by
breathers (including these on Fremen Stillsuits).
Grenades have an area of effect. For STD, HE, and STUN, this is usually a circle area of
radius 20m. Kriminon requires special note here because it is a gas. Gas tends to dissipate
and/ or drift around an area. GMs Discretion here.
Na m e : Crossbow / Bow
Da m a ge : Std. Arrow 3K2, Explosive 5K3
Co st: 250 Solari.
Ava ila bility: Common
Ma g. / Loa d: 1 / Arrow (Various Types)
Ra nge : 50 M
Ra te of Fire : 1
De scription / Rule s: Crossbows and Bows of various types have become popular with the
lower classes in the empire. Cheap, silent and able to pierce shields (Archaic shield skill)
makes these weapons very useful. The Fremen, the Sardau and others have been known to
use such weapons with great effect. There are advanced versions of such weapons common
to some of the more traditional houses. House Ginaz, famous for its sword-master training,
uses these weapons, albeit high quality composite power assisted versions.
Na m e : Blades
Da m a ge : (as a guide 2K2)
Co st: 250 Solari.
Ava ila bility: Common
Ma g. / Loa d: 1 / Arrow (Various Types)
Ra nge : 50 M
Ra te of Fire : 1
De scription / Rule s: Crossbows and Bows of various types have become popular with the
lower classes in the empire. Cheap, silent and able to pierce shields (Archaic shield skill)
makes these weapons very useful. The Fremen, the Sardau and others have been known to
use such weapons with great effect. There are advanced versions of such weapons common
to some of the more traditional houses. House Ginaz, famous for its sword-master training,
uses these weapons, albeit high quality composite power assisted versions.
E q ui p me n t
The following is a short list of equipment available to a player character. Certain, more
eclectic items for a particular faction may be found in that factions Way although they may
not solely be limited to that faction.
The list here will be incomplete. It is impossible to list all the available items in the Dune
universe. GMs should feel free to use their knowledge of Dune and the system to create
objects that fit the scene. Dunes emphasis on technology is simplicity and refinement. All
elements of technology in Dune are simple, but are extremely well made and highly efficient
using techniques millennia in advance of our own today. You wouldnt find a typical computer
terminal in any great house. You would find live, fully holographic displays that looked just like
a normal piece of furniture. Decadence is another idea to keep in mind. The majority of
people in Dune have no need of advanced technology. Sure they may buy highly advanced
synthetic mono-molecular plas -weave but thats only because such material is easy to cut and
make boats with.
A cost, description, picture and other relevant information is included with each item.
Na m e : Personal Shield
Co st: 2000 Solari Normal Shield, 2500 Solari Stealth
Ava ila bility: Restricted
De scription / Rule s: The personal shield. Reputed to have saved many millions of lives
during the Dark-Ages. The incarnation of the 2D Holtzman effect. The personal shield is one
of the most amazing technological advances mankind has ever made.
The Holtzman effects are too varied and full of history to mention here. Suffice to say the
shield is the perfect suit of armour. Well, almost. No fast moving object may penetrate the
shield. Using a Lasgun against a shield is also a bad idea.
The TN to hit a target is not raised. Instead, unless a shield attack is made, the target is
immune totally to all damage. Concussion effects from grenades etc may still occur. A user
with a shield may be knocked prone but will suffer no damage.
The appearance of a personal shield may vary. There is no limit on the colour a shield may
emit. There are such things as stealth shields, which emit only gamma rays. However, this
does not impart invisibility, just a featureless black silhouette, which is still very useful. A
stealth shield has all the capabilities of a normal shield, but it grants 2 Free Raises to All
Stealth rolls and an Extra + 5 TN to be hit in Dark Areas (+10 if pitch black).
A shield forms a very tight fit around the user. A normal shield will appear as a very faint glow
around the character, or a slightly opaque shimmering a few millimetres above the surface of
the skin. To notice a normal shield, a roll must be made against a variable TN. Distance will
no doubt, affect this.
Na m e : Light Armour
Co st: 500 Solari
Ava ila bility: Restricted (Good Set). Common (2nd Hand)
De scription / Rule s: Light armour is useful. Shields may be breached in a fight with knives or
the like. Palace guards in the great houses will always wear armour. Peons and lower classes
may also be found wearing various types of armour as shields tend not to be available. Light
armour is typically made from a certain form of plas-steel, usually with more emphasis on
deflecting blades. The armour will most likely cover the chest, the lower legs and maybe the
forearms or shoulders, depending on the house / faction in question. Light armour may be
very obvious or much more subtle. The more subtle, the higher the cost.
Light armour absorbs 2K1 Dice Worth of Damage from a hit (Reroll 10s). You may not spend
water of life points on this roll.
Na m e : Heavy Armour
Co st: 1000 Solari
Ava ila bility: Restricted
De scription / Rule s: This armour is the type most often worn by the great houses militia. The
Sarduakar tend not to wear this armour as it impinges on their fighting ability. Most
Harkonnen troops wear this type of armour as the Harkonnen have a preference for lasguns
and brutality. Certain worlds (like Dune), merit the use of armour in certain cases.
Heavy armour absorbs 3K2 Dice worth of Damage from a blow that hits (reroll 10s. You may
not spend water of life points on this roll.) but all physical tests are at +5 TN due to the weight
of the suit. This may include survival tests and certain agility tests too.
Na m e : Suspensors
Co st: 500 Solari per 100kg per 10m
Ava ila bility: Common
De scription / Rule s: Holtzman fields may be used to levitate objects quite easily. Some
glow-globes employ this to create floating light. They can be worn in clothing or armour to
levitate a person. They tend to be cumbersome however and only work under certain
conditions. If the ground below the field is unstable, the chances are the suspensors will not
be much use.
Suspensors may be used in combat as part of a dodge or escape manoeuvre. A roll against
Shield (Suspensor) will always be needed however, as this is difficult to perform. Suspensors
may be viewed as negative magnets. One suspensor can lift an object upwards. Another is
needed to propel someone forward. If there is no surface to push against, the suspensor is
useless. Suspensors have a limited strength. Large suspensors are available to power certain
craft but these are very large. Personal suspensors have an effective ceiling of 100m.
These items are shields. A Lasgun hit has the same effect (hence why suspensors are not
used on military aircraft and vehicles that often!).
Na m e : General Items
Co st: Cost by GM
Ava ila bility: Common
De scription / Rule s: General items such as repair kits, replacement parts, clothing, goggles,
ponchos etc, are all available in the Dune Universe. It is upto the Players and the GM to
decide what equipment is available and how much it will cost. Cost varies across the planets
and galaxies anyway. Feel free to make up whatever fits the Dune universe.
The Dune universe has many types of vehicles, ranging from small desert skiffs to large
space hopping frigates to more archaic means of transport, such as a desert palanquin.
Vehicles have their statistics listed and a brief description. Most vehicle handling is performed
using the pilot skill. Of course, should a test be needed, they would doubtless be quite difficult.
Someone without the pilot skill will have a hard time!
The Handling statistic shows how easy or difficult such a craft is to pilot. Add this value to the
Base TN of 15 when working out piloting tests. Speeds are graded. The first value represents
the lowest speed that the craft may operate at. The values after that denote slow, medium
and fast speeds in Kph.
Na m e : Ornithopter
Mobility: VTOL, Full Flight Capability Within
Co st: Varies 100,000 -10,000,000 Solari
Ava ila bility: Common
W ea pons: Varies. Unarmed / Bombs / Laser
Arm our : Varies. Min 6k4, Max 10 k 8 + 10
Ha ndling: +10 TN
Spe e ds: 0/50/500/1000
De scription / Rule s: Ornithopters rule the skies in the Dune Universe. Cheap to build,
efficient, adaptable and easy to maintain. All the functions required of a vehicle. Except ease
of use. Ornithopters were very dangerous and difficult to manage. However, the control
systems and flight controls have been advanced to a sufficient level. The Control system is
still fairly difficult to manage to the untrained eye however. This is reflected in the above TN.
Ornithopters have bird like wings which flap producing a large enough upward force for full
VTOL capability. In addition, Jet propulsion of a super advanced micro-ramjet design provides
fast, fixed wing flight.
Na m e : Sand Crawler
Mobility: Off-Road Desert Terrain
Co st: Varies 100,000 -10,000,000 Solari
Ava ila bility: Common
W ea pons: Varies. Unarmed / Bombs / Laser Weapons
Arm our : Varies. Min 4k3, Max 8 k 6 + 5
Ha ndling: +5 TN
Spe e ds: 5/20/40/60
De scription / Rule s: Sand Crawlers were developed for use on Arrakis and other similar
worlds. They are designed to work in harsh desert conditions which preclude the use of
suspensor vehicles, more common to the rest of the Empire. These vehicles carry the more
Water-Fat humans around the various locations of interest on Arrakis. They are also used
by prospectors and sand-masters when surveying a mining site.
Na m e : Ground Cars
Mobility: Suspensor Bourn ground vehicles.
Co st: Varies 10,000 - 100,000 Solari
Ava ila bility: Common
W ea pons: Varies.
Arm our : Varies.
Ha ndling: +0 TN
Spe e ds: 5/30/60/120
De scription / Rule s: Ground cars are fair removed from the ones we know today. Almost all
the ground travel is performed by suspensor driven vehicles where possible due to the
excellent efficiency of these vehicles. There were initial problems when such vehicles were
introduced due to the Lasgun / Shield reaction, but since the outlawing and strict limitation of
these weapons, this is no longer a problem.