CHA23119HO - Cthulhu Invictus Companion Handouts
CHA23119HO - Cthulhu Invictus Companion Handouts
CHA23119HO - Cthulhu Invictus Companion Handouts
Morituri Te
S a lu ta m u s
1: 2:
Brother, Brother,
I ask that you do the follow- To date, I have performed 126
ing for me. Men will come to you, castrations per your request. I
unsavory men, and ask to be cas- know you asked that I wait un-
trated. Complete their desires, til the Republic is restored to seek
but do not charge them. Instead, compensation, but I have fallen
keep a tally, and I will reimburse on hard times and need money.
you for your troubles once the In fact, one of the men you sent
Republic is restored. to me beat me so severely I had
In love, to seek the aid of another doctor.
Vibius Can you find it in your heart to
pay me for the work done so far?
In love,
I do not have the money to send now. Business is difficult. I ask that you
contact my associate and fellow believer Mancinus Sura. I have spoken to
him, and he has agreed to loan you the money you need.
Contact him soon and do not speak to anyone else about what you are
doing, or our cause of restoring the Republic.
Cthulhu Invictus Companion Handouts
Cultorum Externum
4: 5:
Your power is truly mighty if
Senator Sura, you can command this beast. My
You can find me at my estate agents report that your estate is
in southern Gaul, a day’s journey well furnished and apportioned,
northeast of Masillia. It is there so you are a man of character. I
that the women will need to be believe we can help you secure the
shipped. I have arranged for a women you need, providing the
warehouse in Rome and sever- following proviso is met. You are
al guards. Along with this mes- not to touch any women that have
sage, I have included a sample value to me or my partners Vibius
of my power. No doubt you have Junius Salinus, Decimus Flavius
noticed it, seeing as how it’s as Afer, and Numerious Tarquinius
large as Hannibal’s elephant. It Cato. I believe the sloth Carnifex
is the child of my goddess and will hire out some of his gladia-
will serve you well and faithfully. tors for your use. He’s a doddering
Unless you cross me. fool who can be easily duped.
Gaius Sura
Cthulhu Invictus Companion Handouts
Chuma Invictus
1: 2:
Gaius Ptolemicus will steer you
in the right direction. He can be You are to recover the scrolls.
found in Syrene at the bazaar. Failure will not be tolerated.
Your brother, Your brother,
C.N. C.N.
On the sixteenth day of our journey, the scouts returned with notice of
a strange group of natives. We slowly approached and heard them repeat-
edly calling, “Chuma, sleeping master of Earth, awake!” Dressed in simple
clothes, these natives danced around sacrificed monkeys while chanting
their cries. There must have been a fire nearby because black soot began to
fall and land on our shoulders and heads. After the ceremony concluded,
Xanthippus approached the natives and inquired as to what they were do-
ing. They told our guide that they are praying to their god, Chuma. He
lies sleeping under the earth and in the sky. It is through Chuma that the
forests overflow with food for their villages. When we returned through that
spot several days later, there were signs of devastation. We encountered one
of the villagers, and Xanthippus approached him. This villager told us that
they destroyed the men we saw worshipping because Chuma is a god of evil
and responsible for the death of many villagers. His rain killed many.
Cthulhu Invictus Companion Handouts