Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors For Structural Health Monitoring of Tsing Ma Bridge: Background and Experimental Observation

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Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659

Fiber Bragg grating sensors for structural health monitoring of Tsing Ma

bridge: Background and experimental observation
T.H.T. Chan a, , L. Yu a,d , H.Y. Tam b , Y.Q. Ni a , S.Y. Liu b , W.H. Chung b , L.K. Cheng c
a Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HungHom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, PR China
b Photonics Research Centre, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HungHom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, PR China
c TNO (TPD), Delft, The Netherlands
d Blasting and Vibration Department, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, 23 Huangpu Street, Wuhan, Hubei 430010, PR China

Received 16 February 2005; received in revised form 15 September 2005; accepted 16 September 2005
Available online 27 October 2005


The rapid expansion of the optical fiber telecommunication industry due to the explosion of the Internet has substantially driven down the cost
of optical components, making fiber optic sensors more economically viable. In addition, the rapid development of fiber-optic sensors, particularly
the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors offers many advantages and capability that could not be achieved otherwise. In the past few years, fiber
Bragg grating sensors have attracted a lot of interest and they are being used in numerous applications. This paper describes the FBG sensors
developed for structural health monitoring, and were installed on Hong Kongs landmark Tsing Ma bridge (TMB), which is the world longest
(1377 m) suspension bridge that carried both railway and regular road traffic. Forty FBG sensors divided into three arrays were installed on the
hanger cable, rocker bearing and truss girders of the TMB. The objectives of the study are to investigate the feasibility of using the developed
FBG sensors for structural health monitoring, via monitoring the strain of different parts of the TMB under both the railway and highway loads
as well as comparing the FBG sensors performance with the conventional structural health monitoring system Wind and Structural Health
Monitoring System (WASHMS) that has been operating at TMB since the bridges commissioning in May 1997. The experimental observations
in this project show that the results using FBG sensors were in excellent agreement with those acquired by WASHMS.
c 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Structural health monitoring; Fiber Bragg grating (FBG); Tsing Ma bridge (TMB); Strain

1. Introduction directly in the fiber core using a holographic interferometer

illuminated with a coherent ultraviolet (UV) source. Since
Fiber photosensitivity is the main phenomenon involved then, many methods have been found to increase the refractive
in writing Bragg gratings into the core of a fiber, which index by improving both the UV exposure method, and the
was first demonstrated by K.O. Hill et al. in 1978 at photosensitivity of the fiber core [3]. Transverse holographic
Canadian Communications Research Centre (CRC), Ottawa, methods are particularly useful for producing the modulated
Ont., Canada [1]. However, pioneering work at the United UV since they can easily create FBG sensors with both the
Technology Research Centre in fabricating fiber Bragg gratings desired spectral response and at any position along the fiber
in a fiber core through its side, which was a significant [4]. In 1993, an advanced FBG production technique was
milestone for in-fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, was reported [5,6], which involved the use of an optical phase mask
published eleven years later by G. Meltz et al. in 1989 to generate interference fringes. Similar techniques for FBG
[2]. This side-writing technique creates a Bragg grating production are used in most current FBG sensor work. Earlier
research on FBG sensors concentrated on the fundamentals of
the reliability of these sensors in terms of their strain sensitivity,
It is hereby stated that content of this paper has not been published
repeatability, signal demodulation techniques, and the general
elsewhere and it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2766 6061; fax: +852 2334 6389. characterization of their performance [79]. These studies have
E-mail address: (T.H.T. Chan). shown encouraging results, underlining the potential of FBG

0141-0296/$ - see front matter 

c 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659 649

sensors for strain monitoring. The measurand versatility and accelerometers, level sensors, temperature sensors and weigh-
the unique advantages offered by FBG sensors have resulted in-motion sensors. Because the WASHMS was implemented
in their use in a wide range of sectors such as in advanced several years ago, it has not benefited from the newly developed
aircraft and space vehicles [10,11], marine [12] and medical optical fiber sensor technology. In order to investigate the
science [13]. Recently, it has been demonstrated that FBG feasibility of using the developed FBG sensors for structural
sensors have great potential for a wide range of applications health monitoring, a field test was carried out in May 2003,
where quasi-distributed measurements of physical parameters in which a number of such FBG sensors were installed on
such as strain, pressure, vibration, temperature, ultrasound, high the Tsing Ma bridge to conduct real time and full scale
magnetic field and high-g acceleration are required [14,15]. measurements. The results were assessed and compared with
Comprehensive reviews of recent progress in the applications the conventional strain gauges obtained from the WASHMS.
of FBG are available elsewhere in the literature [1618]. This paper first introduces the background of fiber Bragg
These research works have shown that FBG sensors grating sensor technology and then follows by the high-speed
have several inherent advantages over conventional electrical demultiplexing/interrogation system for FBG sensor arrays,
sensors such as small size, light weight, non-conductivity, fast FBG sensor fabrication and package units. In this paper, the
response, resistance to corrosion, higher temperature capability, installation and experimental setup in the Tsing Ma bridge are
and immunity to electromagnetic noise and radio frequency also described, and the preliminary observation results on the
interference. The distinct advantages of FBG sensors over other structural health monitoring of the Tsing Ma bridge using the
types of fiber optic sensors are their multiplexing capability and FBG sensor units are presented, analyzed and compared with
wavelength-encoded measurand information. A single string of the conventional strain gauges employed in the WASHMS of
optical fiber can accommodate up to many tens of FBG sensors. the Tsing Ma bridge. Some conclusions are made, and further
The measurand information is encoded in the wavelength, measurements and discussions in detail will be reported in
which is an absolute parameter and thus FBG sensor systems another subsequent paper [31].
are less susceptible to signal amplitude fluctuations. Another
attractive feature of FBG sensors is their inherent ability to 2. Background of fiber Bragg grating sensor technology
serve as both the sensing element and the signal transmission
medium which opens new possibilities in the field of reliable In the field of fiber-optic sensors (FOSs) the FBG sensors
remote structural health monitoring [19,20]. In this regard, are one of the most exciting developments in recent years. They
application of this new technology would have a significant have a unique property and many advantages over other FOSs
impact on the health and efficiency of civil infrastructure due to their quasi-point sensing and multiplexing capability.
systems [21]. However, the practical applications of this kind of The most important advantage of an FBG sensor is that the
sensor to real civil engineering structures have not been widely measurand is encoded directly in terms of the wavelength,
adopted although the progress of fiber optic health monitoring which is an absolute parameter and does not suffer from
is impressive [22,23]. disturbances of the light paths [32]. Hence, the output signal
Different types of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors is independent of the intensity of the source, and losses in
for simultaneous strain and temperature measurement and the connecting fibers and couplers. Furthermore, each of the
for temperature independent strain measurement have been reflected signals will have a unique wavelength and can be
developed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University easily monitored; an array of wavelength-multiplexed FBG
[2429]. Fiber-laser-based wavelength-division-multiplexed sensors may thus be implemented for simultaneous multiple
(WDM) FBG sensor interrogation techniques and a broadband measurements using a single fiber. A typical FBG is a periodic
light source-based multiplexed FBG sensor interrogation perturbation of the refractive index in the fiber core as shown in
system have also been devised. The system can perform both Fig. 1.
static and dynamic strain measurement (up to a sampling rate
of 52 Hz), and allows one to read the measurement data at 2.1. FBG-based sensing principle
locations tens of kilometers away from the monitoring site.
After a series of successful laboratory tests and verification, A FBG is a periodic structure, which is written into a
the system has been installed in different parts of the Tsing segment of germanium-doped single-mode fiber in which a
Ma bridge [30] and compared with the results obtained by periodic modulation of the core refractive index (RI) is formed
a sophisticated long-term monitoring system, known as Wind along the fiber length by exposure of the core to a spatial
And Structural Health Monitoring System (WASHMS), which pattern of UV light at 197 or 248 nm wavelengths. When
was devised and implemented by the Highways Department light within a fiber passes through a FBG, multiple Fresnel
of Hong Kong SAR Government to monitor the structural reflections take place along the entire length of the grating due
health and conditions of the three cable-supported bridges to the variations in refractive index. Constructive interference
in Hong Kong, including the Tsing Ma bridge, the Ting between the forward wave and the contra-propagating light
Kau bridge and the Kap Shui Mun bridge. This on-structure wave occurs when the wavelength of the propagating light in
instrumentation WASHMS system consists of a total of about the fiber doubles the grating pitch, i.e. the Bragg (or phase
800 sensors of different types permanently installed on the matching) condition is satisfied. This leads to narrowband back-
three bridges, including strain gauges, GPS position sensors, reflection of light. The reflected wavelength is known as the
650 T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659

Fig. 1. A periodic perturbation of the refractive index in the fiber core.

Bragg wavelength, B , and is given by where 11 and 12 are the components of the fiber-optic
strain tensor and the Poissons ratio. For the silica fiber,
B = 2n (1) the wavelengthstrain sensitivities of 800 nm and 1.55 m
where n is the effective refraction index of the fiber core and FBG sensors have been measured as 0.64 pm/ and
the period of the index modulation. Both n and depend 1.15 pm/ respectively [7,34]. For a temperature change of
T , the corresponding wavelength shift,  BT , is given by
on temperature and strain, consequently the Bragg wavelength
is sensitive to both strain and temperature. A FBG is thus  BT = B ( + ), (4)
an intrinsic fiber-optic sensor. Light that does not satisfy the
Bragg condition passes through the FBG with very low loss, where and are the thermal expansion coefficient and
as shown in Fig. 1 [33]. The changes of index created in FBGs thermo-optic coefficient of the fiber material respectively. For
are relatively permanent and FBGs are sensitive to a number the silica fiber, the wavelengthtemperature sensitivities of
of physical parameters. Thus, by monitoring the resultant 800 nm and 1.55 m FBG sensors have been measured with
changes in reflected wavelength, FBG sensors can be used in values of 6.8 pm/ C and 13 pm/ C respectively [7,34].
a variety of sensing applications to measure physical quantities, The refractive index and the grating period, and subsequently,
for example, strain, temperature, pressure, ultrasound, high the Bragg wavelength vary with changes in axial strain  and
temperature T . The shift in the Bragg wavelength in response
magnetic field, force and vibration. Each of the reflected signals
to strain and temperature is given by
will have a unique wavelength and can be easily monitored, thus
achieving multiplexing of the outputs of multiple sensors using  B
= (1 ) + ( + )T. (5)
a single fiber. However, the FBG central wavelength will vary B
with the change of these parameters experienced by the fiber.
For an applied longitudinal strain change of , the wavelength 2.2. FBG multiplexing technique
shift, BS , is given by
The primary advantage of FBG sensors is their capability
BS = B (1 ), (2) for multiplexing operation. In most practical applications, FBG
sensors need to be multiplexed in order to achieve quasi-
where is the photoelastic coefficient of the fiber, given by
distributed measurements and potentially to compete with
n2 conventional electrical or other types of optical sensors. A large
= [12 (11 12 )], (3) array of FBG sensors may be addressed by a single source
T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659 651

and detector using one or a combination of the four standard flight of signals returning to the interrogation unit. A single
techniques: time-division multiplexing (TDM), spatial-division optical pulse consists of many wavelength components but FBG
multiplexing (SDM), frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) sensors reflect only the wavelength component that matches
and wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). In principle, the their Bragg wavelength. Normally, the wavelength shift of the
multiplexing techniques which are suitable for conventional sensor is determined by using a linear optical filter which
fiber-optic sensors can also be applied to FBG sensors [35]. converts wavelength shift to optical power variation. TDM
Fig. 2 shows the schematic of a scanning filter FBG systems utilize identical, low reflectivity FBG sensors (typical
interrogation system based on WDM techniques. A broadband 4% reflection) all operating in the same wavelength window.
source is used to interrogate a chain of wavelength-multiplexed However, the signal-to-noise ratio of TDM systems is lower
FBG sensors. A quasi-distributed chain of FBG sensors would than that of WDM systems and therefore the performance of
then be multiplexed in the wavelength domain to separate TDM systems is generally not as good as that of WDM systems.
the individual sensor signals. WDM interrogation systems The TDM approach is able to multiplex a large number of FBG
typically require highly reflective FBG sensors each operating sensors without the need for wavelength selective components.
in a distinct wavelength window. It is one of the most The wavelength measurement accuracies demonstrated by
straightforward techniques for FBG elements in which the FBG WDM interrogation systems and TDM interrogation systems
sensors in the network are arranged such that their operational are typically 1 pm and 10 pm, respectively. This is equivalent to
regions do not overlap. The maximal number of FBG sensors temperature and strain measurement accuracies of 0.1 C (1 C)
along a single fiber that could be interrogated by a WDM and 1 (10 ), respectively, for WDM (TDM) interrogation
interrogation unit depends on the optical bandwidth of the light units.
source, operation range of each FBG sensor and the tuning The FBG sensor technology has been undergoing rapid
range of the tunable filter. The typical number of FBG sensors development since its first demonstration by Morey in 1989
that can be dealt with by a WDM interrogation unit is about 40 [7]. This is because the FBG sensors have many advantages
and is mainly limited by the light sources optical bandwidth. compared to other optical and electrical sensors. All the
The FBG sensors would be assigned an operating wavelength aforementioned features make FBG sensors very suitable for
band wide enough to cover the measurand-induced wavelength health monitoring for civil structures, such as bridges, tunnels,
shift without overlap [36]. Commercial FBG interrogation and dams. FBG sensors can be employed in existing structures
systems based on scanning FabryPerot (FP) filters are by attaching the sensors onto their surfaces. New structures
available from several companies. Spatial-division multiplexing can be monitored by embedding FBG sensors in them during
(SDM) is a simple technique that involves the splitting of construction without affecting the structural integrity because
the interrogation light, typically using a fused fiber-coupler, of the small size of optical fiber. The first field application of
to several strings of optical fiber. The reflected light from FBG sensors for bridge health monitoring was demonstrated in
the FBGs of each fiber is either routed to an equal number 1995, by embedding the FBG sensors into the concrete girders
of wavelength measurement units or time-shared by a single of a new road bridge in Calgary, Alberta, Canada [37].
wavelength measurement unit with the help of an optical
switch. The FBG-reflected signal from each string of fiber does 3. High-speed demultiplexing/interrogation system for
not interfere and thus identical FBGs (i.e. FBGs with the same FBG sensor arrays
Bragg wavelength) can be used in each fiber. This technique
combined with the WDM technique can increase the number of In the past few years, the FBG sensor is demonstrated to
FBG sensing points significantly. be very suitable for strain sensing. An important advantage
Fig. 3 shows the schematic diagram for a FDM interrogation of a FBG sensor is that it can be easily surface-mounted
system [36]. A wavelength controlled laser source is used to to or embedded in different structures. The FBG sensors are
address a chain of identical FBG sensors. The source has lightweight, small and can even be embedded and integrated
a periodically modulated chirp in frequency that is smaller in a composite structure. Furthermore, FBG sensors are
than the line width of the gratings. The reference signal from very suitable for simple wavelength multiplexing so that a
the first coupler interferes with the reflected FBG signals. single detection unit can be used to interrogate many FBG
If the FBG sensors operate at different frequencies, the sensors in one fiber. A new demultiplexing/interrogation system
signals from each can be separated using switching electronics. (DEMINSYS) for FBG sensor arrays has been developed by
Successful demultiplexing relies on no overlap between the TNO TPD [38]. This potentially low cost system combines a
FBG modulation frequencies. high readout frequency (about 20 kHz) for all the FBG sensor
Fig. 4 shows that schematic of a TDM interrogation system channels with absolute measurement, and has a detection limit
where narrow optical pulses were launched into an optical fiber of less than 1 pm. The detection limit of the DEMINSYS for
containing many low-reflection FBG sensors with virtually dynamic signal is verified with a tunable laser (New Focus
identical Bragg wavelengths. Light takes about 10 ns to 6200). The wavelength of the tunable laser is modulated with
propagate one round trip along 1 m of optical fiber and a frequency of 600 Hz and the amplitude is 0.6 pm (pp).
therefore the separation between adjacent sensors must be The spectrum of the DEMINSYS output signal showed that
greater than 1 m for interrogating pulses of 10 ns wide. the 600 Hz modulation can clearly be observed in the spectrum
Individual sensors are distinguished by measuring the time of and the amplitude of 0.6 pm (pp) is found to be about 25 dB
652 T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659

Fig. 2. Schematic of a scanning filter FBG interrogation system based on WDM.

Fig. 3. Schematic of a FDM interrogation system.

Fig. 4. TDM interrogation system of multiple FBG sensors.

higher than the noise level. Therefore detection of a sub-pm cause disturbances to the DEMINSYS. This can be verified by
wavelength shift with a readout frequency of about 20 kHz is using a reference FBG sensor.
The DEMINSYS is designed for Structural Health 4. FBG sensor fabrication and package units
Monitoring for aerospace applications, but is also suitable for
Standard telecommunication single mode fibers (Corning-
civil structures. Other specifications of the DEMINSYS are
SMF28) were used to fabricate FBG sensors. In order not to
shown in Table 1.
weaken the mechanical strength of the FBG, the outer coating
For this field experiment the maximum readout frequency of the fiber was removed by soaking a short length in a
has been used for noise reduction by averaging to achieve sub- warm acid bath instead of using a mechanical stripper. After
pm resolution. Since the strain gauge signal in the WASHMS the FBG inscription, this short un-coated FBG was annealed.
has a maximum detection frequency of about 20 Hz, the FBG To facilitate the installation process while maintaining the
sensors can also provide information of high-frequency events. straightness of the FBG, the FBG was mounted on nitinol
During the measurements, the DEMINSYS is located in the (an acronym for Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory)
bridge close to the FBG sensors. Vibration of the bridge will strips with thickness of 7.5 m (0.0029) and dimensions
T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659 653

Table 1
Other specification of DEMINSYS

No. of input fibers No. of FBG sensors No. of fiber input Resolution FBG channel spacing Wavelength range
4 32 (8 per input fiber) 4 Better than 1 pma (1 ) About 4 nm 15301565 nm
a Depending on sampling frequency.

Fig. 5. Packaged FBG strain gauges boxed in ABS enclosures with two 3 mm Fig. 6. Inside of the FBG sensor enclosure.
fiber outlets (inset shows the FBG sensors epoxied on nitinol sheets in an oven
after baking at 80 C for 5 h).
which is suitable for the application. The FBG is led out from
of 6 110 mm, which were cleaned with high concentration the enclosure by fusion splicing the FBG to two 3 mm optical
isopropanol to remove grease stains. Nitinol is a room fiber cables that are much stronger than the 250 m bare fiber. In
temperature super elastic metal which is corrosion resisting order to maintain consistent glue thickness and pressure among
and can withstand 8% elongation without deformation. The the sensors, a pressure plate which is supported with a spring at
FBGnitinol sheet combo was sandwiched and pressed together the back is installed at the inner side of the enclosure lid. This
using two Teflon sheets to minimize the thickness as well as pressure plate exerts pressure evenly on the FBG sensor when
the evenness of epoxy between the FBG and the nitinol sheets. the lid is fixed with screws.
Fig. 5 shows a packaged FBG strain gauge boxed in ABS 5. Installation and experimental setup in the Tsing Ma
enclosures with two 3 mm fiber outlets. The inset of Fig. 5 bridge
shows the packaged FBG sensors epoxied on nitinol sheets in
an oven after baking at 80 C for 5 h. 5.1. WASHMS of the Tsing Ma bridge
In order to protect the packaged FBG sensor from moisture
and dust, weather proof ABS enclosures measuring 120 The Tsing Ma bridge (TMB) is the longest suspension bridge
80 60 mm that complied with IP65 specifications were used. carrying both highway and railway traffic. The bridge has a
These enclosures are similar to the WASHMS resistive strain double deck configuration with the expressway on the upper
gauge enclosures in terms of functionality and appearance that deck and the railway below. The upper deck carries a dual three-
are in use by the Highways Department of Hong Kong SAR. lane carriageway and the sheltered lower deck contains two
To attach the packaged FBG sensor to the ABS enclosure, a tracks of railway and two single emergency roadways that allow
rectangular opening was cut from the bottom of the enclosure limited traffic to use the crossing during periods of very strong
so that the sensor can be attached to the structure through this wind. Structurally, the deck section of the Tsing Ma bridge is a
opening. The sensor was then connected to more rigid 3 mm hybrid arrangement combining both truss and box forms [40].
single mode optical fiber cables and led out from the enclosure Two longitudinal trusses to the full depth of the deck at 26
through two stress relieving boots as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. m centers act in conjunction with the steel orthotropic decks
In the case where an extra FBG is needed for temperature of the upper and lower carriageways to provide the vertical
referencing inside the enclosure, this FBG was connected to bending stiffness. Plan diagonal bracings at the upper and lower
the strain sensing FBG before the 3 mm cable is connected. levels enable the trusses to provide lateral bending stiffness.
This temperature referencing FBG must be free from stress to Cross frames of Vierendeel form are provided at 4.5 m centers
avoid cross-sensitivity of strain and temperature [39]. Fig. 6 with every fourth frame being supported from suspenders. The
shows the inside of the enclosure. It can be seen that the FBG bridge was commissioned on May 22, 1997. The monitoring
is protected with a nitinol backing sheet which is attached to system, WASHMS, has been operating since then for the TMB.
the FBG with high strength epoxy. The FBG sensor and the The structural health monitoring system for the TMB comprises
nitinol sheet are attached to the steel using a two-part epoxy sensors such as accelerometers, strain gauges, displacement
654 T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659

Fig. 7. Strain gauge layout of the WASHMS installed on the Tsing Ma bridge.

transducers, level sensors, anemometers, temperature sensors protective paint was removed. Attention was paid during the
and weigh-in-motion sensors, installed permanently on the removal of paint to avoid damaging the steel beneath. Before
bridges, and the data acquisition and processing system. 110 attaching the packaged FBG sensor, that area was cleaned with
strain gauges were installed on bridge-deck sections to measure clear water and isopropanol. Two types of adhesive glues were
the strain of members as shown in Fig. 7. used to attach the enclosure and FBG sensors on the steel. Fast
curing cyanoacrylate glue was applied on the outer rim of the
5.2. Installation and experimental setup enclosure base and, on the inner rim of the enclosure and FBG
sensors, slow curing two-part weather proof epoxy was used.
In this test, three different strategic locations: (1) hanger A combination of the two glues at different positions provides
cables, (2) rocker bearing, and (3) supporting structure on a fast attachment of the sensor package in place while allowing
section (Chainage 23488) of lower deck respectively as shown the much stronger epoxy bonding to cure slowly. The lid of
in Fig. 8, were chosen to install FBG sensors. Three photos are the enclosure is fixed with four captive screws and the joint is
taken after the FBG sensors are installed on these locations as finished with tongue and groove with neoprene gasket.
shown in Fig. 9, in which some FBG sensors were installed
nearby the resistive strain gauges in use such that comparisons 6. Measurement and observation based on FBG sensor
between conventional sensors and FBG sensors can be made. In units
addition, strain-free FBG sensors were also used to measure the
temperature at different sensing points to provide temperature FBG sensors for strain measurement are excellent candidates
compensation for the measurements. for structural health monitoring of the Tsing Ma bridge. A
The FBG DEMINSYS unit developed is a complete field trial with the DEMINSYS system described in Section 3,
system with the capability to perform multiple optical FBG a FBG sensor array system, was carried out on Hong Kongs
sensor measurements and provide a major advancement for landmark Tsing Ma bridge in 2003. The experiment was
mechanical and temperature sensing applications. The unit carried out with a FBG interrogator based on a scanning
provides a rapid measurement rate of hundreds of FBG sensors optical bandpass filter that provides a sampling speed of up to
on several fibers. It includes an optical light source used to 70 sample/s as well as with a high-speed interrogation system
illuminate the FBG sensors, and an optical detector to measure (DC to 20 kHz for all channels simultaneously) based on
the reflected optical signals on each sensor. An external portable CCD. Forty FBG sensors divided into 3 arrays were installed
PC provides the on-line calibration data display/storage of the on different parts of the bridge (hanger cable, rocker and truss
FBG sensors under test. The system resolution and accuracy girders), as shown in Fig. 8. The goal of this field trial is to
are 1 pm and 10 pm respectively. The sampling rate of the monitor the strain of the different parts of the bridge under
system is adjustable and can be increased up to 20 kHz. Fig. 10 railway load and highway load. Various measurements were
briefly shows the experimental setup of the interrogation system performed including an overnight measurement of about 20 h
used to measure the wavelength of FBG sensors. The system with a sampling frequency of about 500 Hz. The measurement
included a broadband light source operating around 1550 nm results will reveal the dynamic responses of the Tsing Ma
bridge, which will be measured by the FBG sensors during train
and a wavelength detection module based on a sensitive charge-
passage. The results of the FBG sensor were also compared
coupled device (CCD) array. Three strands of fibers, in which
with existing conventional strain gauges.
up to 21 FBG sensors were serially connected, were installed
on the hanger cables, rocker bearing, supporting structure on a 6.1. Temperature and strain measurement
section (Chainage 23488) of lower deck and suspender cables
respectively as shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. To attach The interrogation system was switched on continuously
the FBG sensors firmly on the structure, a small area of this for 24 h to monitor the structure and temperature change
T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659 655

Fig. 8. Forty FBG sensors installed on the Tsing Ma bridge to measure temperature and strain at (1) hanger cable, (2) rocker bearing, and (3) truss girders of section
Chainage 23488.

Fig. 9. FBG sensors installed on (1) hanger cable, (2) rocker bearing, and (3) truss girders of section Chainage 23488.

of the bridge. Fig. 11 shows the wavelength variations of a could be modified to express the wavelength change of the FBG
single sensor that incorporated both temperature referencing as:
and strain FBG sensors over a 10 min period. Fig. 11(a) and  B
= (1 ) + (1 )(T ) + T (6)
(b), respectively, show the wavelength change of the strain- B
free temperature measuring FBG and the strain measuring where B is the Bragg wavelength, is the strain, other
FBG which was affected by both thermal and strain effects. parameters have the same meanings as before. Therefore, the
Considering that the FBG is mounted on steel material which is actual strain response of the sensing point can be resolved by
subjected to both thermal and mechanical effects [39], Eq. (5) offsetting the thermal effect using the temperature referencing
656 T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659

Fig. 10. Experimental setup of FBG interrogation system.

FBG. Fig. 11(c) gives a comparison of the strain responses on

the sensing point measured by both the FBG sensor and the
conventional strain gauge over 10 min. At about 320, 420 and
560 s, three trains passed through the bridge. Meanwhile, three
overshoots were clearly shown by the interrogation system
and conventional strain measurements. The experimental data
show that the FBG results are in good agreement with the data
obtained by the installed WASHMS resistive strain gauges.

6.2. Hanger cable measurement

Six FBG sensors are mounted on the hanger cables. One

of the FBG sensors mounted on a hanger cable to the Ma
Wan tower was monitored with the high-speed DEMINSYS
interrogation system. Via another input fiber, an athermal
packaged FBG sensor in a vibration-isolated case is used
as reference. For the hanger cable measurement, the readout
frequency is set to 0.106 ms. The measured histories from the
two FBG sensors are shown in Fig. 12, where an arbitrary off-
set of 40 micro strain is applied to the reference FBG history
for display purposes: the upper time history is from the FBG
sensor on the hanger cable, the lower one from the reference
FBG sensor.
It shows that train passages at t = 307 s and t = 377 s can
clearly be detected by the FBG mounted on the hanger cable.
From the signals, train running directions can be deduced out
as in an opposite direction. In the middle of the measurement
history, the passage of heavy traffic can also be noticed. It
corresponds to the signal at t = 195 s.

6.3. Rocker bearing measurement

Various measurements with the FBG sensors mounted on the

rocker bearings (as shown in Figs. 8 and 9) were performed Fig. 11. Wavelength variations and comparison of strain responses measured
including an overnight measurement of about 20 h with a by FBG sensor (dot) and WASHMS strain gauge (line) respectively.
sample time of 2.1 ms; the data from strain gauges on the rocker
were also logged simultaneously. The corresponding history rocker is very complex and the strain depends strongly on the
results of a one-hour track are compared in Fig. 13, where the position of the sensor. Despite the FBG sensors and the strain
upper time history is from one conventional strain gauge, and gauges are not mounted on exactly the same location of the
the lower from one FBG sensor respectively. rocker the signals of the 2 types of sensors, as shown in Fig. 13,
In the Tsing Ma bridge construction, the rocker bearings are are found to be very similar and the train passages can clearly
used to support and hold the deck. Therefore, the loading on the be detected.
T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659 657

Fig. 12. Hanger cable tension measurement history.

Fig. 13. Comparison between FBG (lower) and conventional (upper) strain gauges installed on rocker bearings.

6.4. Truss girder measurement average filter of 5000 points is shown in Fig. 15. Using such
filtering, sub-pm/ resolution can be achieved.

An array of 21 FBG sensors was mounted on different 7. Conclusions

locations of Chainage 23488 (as shown in Figs. 8 and 9). The
FBG sensors are placed close to the existing strain gauges for an The background of fiber Bragg grating sensor technol-
optimal comparison. In Fig. 14, the upper history from a FBG ogy was briefly introduced. The high-speed demultiplex-
sensor is compared with the signal of the lower corresponding ing/interrogation system for FBG sensor arrays and the FBG
strain gauge. The sampling time of the FBG sensor is 0.0528 sensor package units were developed. A field trial with FBG
ms. A moving average filter of 10 points is applied to the data of sensor arrays for measurement on a hanger cable, rocker bear-
the FBG sensor and the detection bandwidth of the FBG sensor ings and truss girder of the Tsing Ma bridge was performed
is reduced to about 2 kHz. The FBG sensor signal has also an successfully. The application of FBG sensors and interrogation
arbitrary offset for display purposes. Although the sensors are system to monitor the dynamic strain on Hong Kongs landmark
not located at exactly the same location, a great resemblance Tsing Ma bridge has been demonstrated. The FBG package
has been found. technique was proposed to apply for structural health monitor-
Zooming in the signal reveals that the noise in the FBG ing applications. It can clearly and correctly detect the dynamic
sensor signal is mainly caused by a 13 Hz component and can strain responses of the bridge induced by the passage of trains
be reduced by appropriate filtering or placing the DEMINSYS on the bridge. The measurement result of the interrogation sys-
outside the bridge. The resolution is found to be about 1 pm and tem was in excellent agreement with those obtained by resis-
can be reduced by further averaging. The effect of a moving tive strain gauge measurements. The FBG sensor system offers
658 T.H.T. Chan et al. / Engineering Structures 28 (2006) 648659

Fig. 14. Comparison between FBG (upper) and conventional strain gauge (lower) installed on a truss girder of section Chainage 23488 of the Tsing Ma bridge.

Fig. 15. Comparison between FBG (upper) and conventional strain gauge (lower) histories after filtering data in Fig. 14.

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