4880 4 1971 Reff2020

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -

Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS: 4880 (Part IV) ·1971

(R ••fftrmed 1"5)
Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2020)



(Second Reprint ocrOBER 1998

uoe .624.196 : 624.191.1

C Copyright 1971
NEW DELIII 11 0002

Gr , No,'CmiJer 1971
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS: _0 (Part IV)-1971

( COPltmued from pail I )

MtmblrJ R."'fStntmg
SECRE'rAIW Central Board of lrllgation & Pow .. r. N .. w Delhi
Sf\JU J. E. V"z Public \\'''rk~ Uep,lI trr/ent. GOVernrn"nt of Tamil
SIIRI]. WALTF.1t ( Altmlal, )
SHIll D. AJl 'I'IiA SIMHA, D lr!'( tor (;('n"ral , lSI ( Ex·/lffiCio .~llmbtT)
Director ( elv Engg )

:',(,tI111 "
SHIt! 1l1~tl.t;,~1i KI:MAI<

A~si!tdnl ])" (ctl)r I Civ Engg ). lSI

PalH't for Design of TUllnds, BDe 58. PI


SlIkl C. K. ellOliSHI Patel Engmee. JnR Co Ltd, Bombav

Dt;Pl 'ry DIItlrC"OR ( DAlII8 I C""tral Water & Power C()mm"~lon. New D,-II"
"HI<[ O. P. nuPTA Iln~all"n U"pattnll'rlt, GOVtrnn)('nt of Ut(dr
Pr .. d.·~h
SUHI 11. S. KAPRIC Iniga("". & I'm"'r f) " partlllent, Governm!'n! oj
SHI!.I R. S. K.u.1t ( Altlnlalt)
SftHIV.S.KR~RNA~WAMY Geolhg.cal Surv!,y of Inella. Calcutta
Sl1m A. R. RAIl'HI IH R. J. Shah & Co Ltd, Bumhay
SnRI J. S. SINOIIOTA Beall ProJect, Nangai TownshIp
SHut O. R. MEHTA ( AilmlDl, )
SHRI J. E. VAZ Puhht: Worh Departrnent, Government or Tamil

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

(S 14880 (Part IV) -1971

Indian Standard

0.1 Thi, Inrlian Standard (Part IV) wa~ adopted by the Indian Standards
I mlirUliol1 on 15 March 1971, aftt'r the draft finalizcd by th(' Water Con-
ductor Syst('ms Sectional Committee had been approvcd hy the Civil
Engillf'cring Division Council.
0.2 W dter conductor system occasionally tak(>~ the form of tunnels through
high ~rollnd or rnolJllt.lins, in ru~~ed terrain where tht> cost of surface pipe
line or callal is excessive and elsewhere a~ conveni('llc(' and economy
dictatl's. This ~tandard. which is b!'ing published in parts, is intend{'d to
h(·I" ellgincer~ in design of tunnels convf'yill£{ water. This part lays down
t hI' ('!'it('ria for structllfal d('sign of concrete lillin~ [')1' tunneh in rock,
covel i w.{ r<'cnlTlll1('llded rnf't hnds of de~jgn. However, in view of the
complf'x ndlurc of the SUhj('f't, it is not possiblf> to cover <'ach and every
possible <;ituation in the standard and many time~ a depdTtur(' from the
practices recolllTnendf'd in this standard may be considered necessary to
meet the requin'ments of a project or site for which descretion of the
d<'signcr would he required.
0.3 This standard is one of a series of Indian Standanls on tunnels.
(see page 28).
0.4 Othl r parts of this standard are as follows:
Part I Gmcral design
Part II Gt·ometl ie design
Part III H}dralllic dl'sign
Part V Su UC'lural dl'sign of concr€'te lining in soft strata and soils
Part VI Tunnel supports
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, express-
ing (hc result of a lest or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS: 2-1960·. The number of significant places retdilled in the rounded off
value should he the same as that of the specificd value in this standard .

• Rulcs for rounding off numerical values ( "vutd ).

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS. 4880 ( Part IV) .1971

1.1 This standard (Part IV) covers criteria for structural design of plain
and reinforced concrete lining for tunnels and circular shafts in rock
mainly for river valley projects.
NOTE- The providont may, nevertheleu, be used for deeign of any other type of
tunnel, like railway or roadway tunnel, provided that all the factort peculiar to .uch
project. which may affect the deeign are taken into account.
1.2 Thi'l standard, however, does not cover the design of steel and pres-
tressed concrete linings, tunnels in swelling and/or squeezing type of rocks,
soils or clays and cut and cover section c
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.
2.1 Miaimam Escavadoa Uae (A.UDe) - A line within which no
unexcavatt'd material of any kind and no supports other than l>ermanent
structural steel supports shall be permitted to remain (see Fig. I).

H'N'~ 8""i
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

1514880 (Part IV)-1971

4.3.1 The provision of reinforcement in the tunnel lining wlllplicates the
construction sequence besides requiring a thicker lining. The use of
reinforcement should, therefore, he restricted, as much as possible consistent
with the safety of lining. For free Row tunuels it is recommcndcu that as
far as possible, 110 reinforcement should be provided to resist external loads.
Such loads should be resisted and taken care of by steel supports and/or
precast concrete rings.

4.3.2 A pressurc tUlinel should ordinarily be reinforced wherever the

depth of cover is less than the internal pressure head. The final choice
whether reinforcement should he provided or not would be guided by the
geological set up and economics.
4.3.3 For design of junctions and transitions for tunnels detailed struc-
tural analysis shall be made. Such transitions are difficult to construct in
the restricted working space in tUlillCls, alJd the desi~ner shall keep in view
this aspect and propose structures which are easy for ronstruction.

4.3.4 An adequate amount of both longitudinal and circumferential

reinforcement in addition to steel supports may be provided, if reCfuired,
near the portals of both pr(,5SUI'C alld free-flow tunnels to resist loads
resulting from loosened rock headings or from slollghing of the portal
4.4 If the seepage of water through the lining is likt"ly to involve heavy lOllS
of water and the structural ~tabilitv of the rock mass around the tunnel i8
likely to be affected adversely· or' might lead to such situation as to be
damaging to the tuunel or adjoining structures, steel lining shall be
provided. Where rock cover is less than that specitled in 4.5 and 4.5.1 or
where the cavitation of lining is expected due to the high velocity of water
or eros-ion is expected the provision of a steel liner shall be considered.
4.S Where the rock is relatively impervious and the danger of blow Ollt
exists, the vertical cover shall be greater than the internal pressure h«>ad in
the tunnel. In other cases the weight of the rock over the tunnel shall be
greater than the internal pressure.
NOT. - The conventional practice i. 10 provide a vertical cover equal 10 the inter.
nal water preaure head (H). Recent trend, however, is to provide leuer cover (at
low u 0·5 H) depending upon the nature of the ruck.

4.5.1 For tunnels located near mountain slopes, the lateral cover ratht'r
than the vertical cover may be the governing criteria many times. In
luch cases the effective vertical cover equivalent to the actual lateral
cover shall be found out, by drawing a profile of the ground surface
(perpendicular to the rontour lines) and fitting the curve shown in Fig. 2
!n such a way that it touches the ground surface. The vertical distance

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

1514880 (Part IV)-1971

for safety under' Extreme' loading conditions (see Appendix A). The
design loading shall be as follows:
a) ExtmlQI Rork Load (see 7.4.2)
b) Self EMd of Unin.l:
c) Desixn External Walfr Pressure (set 7.4.3):
I) Normal denl(n loadinl( conditions - The maximum loading obtain-
ed from either maximum steady or steady state condition
with loading equal to normal maximum ground water presaure
and no internal pressure, or maximum dift't-rence in levels
between hydraulic gradient in the tunnel, under steady state
or static conditions and the maximum down surge under
normal transient operation.
2) ExtmM den"n loading conditions - Loading equal to the
maximum difference in levels between the hydraulic gradient
in the tunnel under static conditions and the maximum down
SUI ge under extreme transient operations or tht' difference
between the hydraulic gradient and the tunnel invert level in
case of tunnel t'mpty condition.
d) De.rign Internal Watt' Pressure:
I) Normal drsign loading conditions - Maximum static conditions
corresponding to maximum water level in the head pond, or
loading equal to the difference in levels between the maximum
upsurge occurring under normal transient operation and the
tunnel invert.
2) Extreme d,sign Loadi"X conditions- Loading equal to the
difference between the highest level of hydraulic gradient in
the tunnel under emergency transient operation and the
invert ofthe tunnel.
e) Grout Prtsstlres (sle 7.f.t)

f) Other Loads - Pressure transmitted from buildings and structures on

external surface' lying within the area of subsidence and non-
permanent loads, such as weight of vehicles moving in the tunnel
or on the surface above it, wh~re applicable.
5.3 The loading conditions vary ii'om construction stage to operation stage
and from operation stage to maintenance stage. The design shall be
checked for all probable C'ombination of loading conditions likely to occur
during all these stages.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS: 4880 ( Part IV) ·1971

6.1 For design of concrete lining, the thickness of concrete up to A-line shall
be considered. The stresses for concrete and reinforcement shall be in
accordance with IS: 456-1964* for design of lining for condition of normal
6.1.1 For extreme conditions of loading, the stresses in accordance
with 6.1 shall be increased by 331 percent.
7.1 The design of concrete lining for external loads may be done by
considering it as an independent structural member (see 7.4). The design
of concrete lining for internal water pressure may be done by considering
the lining as a part of composite thIck cylinder consisting of peripheral
concrete and surrounding rock man subjected to specific boundary
conditions (SII 7.5).
NOTB - To eDlure the validity of the . .umption that lining i. a part of compOlile
thick cylinder in the latter cue adequate mealures shall be t.ken. luch .. pnIIIure
IfOUtin, of the rock mall ....rounding the tunnel.

7.2 Tldcluaeu or LlalD* - The thickness of the lining shall be deaigned

such that the streases in it are within permissible limits when the dlost
adverse load condition. occur. The minimum thickness of the lining will,
however, be governed by ..equirementa of construction. It is recommtnd-
ed that the minimum thickness of unreinforced concrete lining be 15' cm
for manual placement. Where mechanical placement is contemplated the
thicknesl of the lining shall be 10 designed that the slick line can be .ily
introduced on the top 0( the shutter without being obstructed by Iteel
supports. For a IS-mm slick line a clear space of 18 em is recommen4ed.
For reinforced concrete lining, a minimum thicknell of 30 crn is
recommended, the reinforcement, however, being arranged in the crown
to allow for proper placement of sUck line.
7.2.1 However, for preliminary design of lining for tunnelt in reasonably
.table rock, a thicknell of lining may be auumed to be 6 cm per metre
of finished diameter of tunnel.
NOS'. - MiDimum dtic:b_ of liDiq,. a...-ry from atructural coDlid...
tioDI, ~ be provided aiDc:e dUD liainp are more SaiDle and abed oft' loadl to the
7.3 Where .tructural.teel supports are used, they shall be conaidered as
reinforcement only if it is pouible to make them effective as reinforcement
by use of bich tensile boltl at the joinh or by weldin, tbe jointl. A
ecode of pnlCtice for plaia uad reilaf'arced conc:nte (..u ""w,. ).

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

11,.880 (Part IV) .1971

mintmum cover of 15 cm shall be provided over the inner flange' o(steel
supports and a minimum cover of 8 cm over the reinforcement bars.
NOTE - Welding of joints in loft alrata tunnels may nol be posaiblC', and it rna}
become necessary to embed the steel lupports p.'\rtly or fully in primary concl'etp.
immediately after erection. Welded joints should, therefore, be avoided.

7•• Desjgn lor External Loads - The lining may bE' comidered as an
independent structural element assuming that it deflects undt'r the active
external loads and its deflection is restricted by the passive resistance
developed in the surrounding rock mass. At any point on the perifery of
the lining this may be stated by the following equation:
I::"fJ = 1::",+ 1::,,1+ I::"w- I::"y
b.P = deflection due to passive resistance;
b.' - deflection due to rock load;
6.1 = deflection due to self weight of lining and the water
contained in it;
b.w = deflection due to the external water pressure, if any; and
6.Y = yiE'ld of surrounding rock mass due to abutting of the lining
against it.
7.t.l The following loads and reactions are involved in the design of
a) Rock load (1117•••2);
b) External pressure of water, if any (SII 7••• 3) ;
c) Grout pressure, if any (see 7•••• ) ;
d) Self weight of lining;
e) Weight of water contained in the tunnel;
f) Reaction due to active vertical loads (see 7•••5) ; and
g) Lateral passive pressure due to the deformation of lining (se, 7••. 6).
NOTE - AI compared to the other loada, the self weight and the weight of water
contained in th~ tunnel are lmall. These load. are nOI diacutled in detail. However,
the formulae for calculating bending moment, thrust, radial .hear and horizontal and
vertical deflection. ('auscd by self load and the weiaht of water contained in the
conduit are given in A~dix O.

7....2 Rock Load-Rock load acting on the tunnel varies depending

upon the type and mechanical characteristics of rock rna.. pre-existing
stresses in the rock mass and the width of the excavation. The rock load
is also affected by ground water conditions which mar
lubricate the joinu
in rock and cause greater load than when the materia is dry.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14880 (Part IV) ·1971

The t'xisting stresses and their distribution after tunnelling has a great
effect on the development ofload on tunnel lining. The redistribution may
take considerahle time to reach an equilibrium condition. Wherever it
is felt that rock loads are likely to develop excessively it is advisable to
prevent the movement of rock oy immediately supporting it by shotcreting
and/or steel supports and primary lining. Where weak rocks are
supported by steel rib supports, much of the rock load would be taken
by the supports and the lining would take the load developed after its
placement. There may also be redistribution of stresses in supports due
to deformation of the lining. A reasonable approach is to determine the
diametral changes in the supported section with respect to time before
concreting to estimate the extent of deformation that has already taken
place. This investigation may be conveniently done in an experimental
section of the tunnel or pilot tunnpl with proper instrumentation.
In major tunnels, it is recommended that as excavation proceeds load
cell measurements and diametral change measurements are carried out to
estimate the rock loads. In rocks where the loads and deformations do not
attain stable values, it is recommended that pressure measurements should
be made using fiat jack or pressure cells. In the ahsenee of any data and investigations, rock loads may
bE' assumed to be acting uniformly over the tunnel crown a~ ShOWD in
Fig. 3 in accordance with Appendix B. However, Appendix B may be
taken ab an aid to judgement by the designer. '

~fIG"T 0' LIMIN6


1.4.' External Watt' P,essurt - Lining shall be designed for external water
pressure, if any. However, in areas where drainage holes are provided,
lining shall not be de~gned for external water pressure (SII 8.1). For

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

11 •. - ( Part IV ) .1971
conditions of loading for external water pressure reference may· he made
to 5.2. For design of lining for eKternal water pressure where effective
pressure grouting has been done, the water pressure may be assumed to act
on the whole grouted cylinder which may be taken as a structural element
for computing the stresses and deformation of lining.
7.4.4 GrOllt Pressllrts- The lining shall be checked for stresses developf!d
in it at the pressure on which grouting is done and it shall be ensured that
the stresses arc within the limits depending on the strength attained
by concrete by then (see 9.1 and 9.2).

7.4.5 V"tical R,actionr - Reactions due to the vertical loads may be

assumed, reasonably, to be vertical and uniformly distributed on the invert
of the lining as shown in Fig. 3.
NOTII:- In fact, these reaction •• may, howl'\'er. not be uniform depending upon
the foundation conditionl. NevertheleSl, with the uncerlainlie~ involved in the
de.ign of lunnt'I" the Ulumptioll may not giv(' far out reluhs. Moreover, normally,
uniform reactions would give more critical condilion.

7.4.6 Lateral Passive Pressure - The lateral passive preisUI'e may be

estimated either by considering the lining as a ring restrained by elastic
medium with a suitable moduhl!l of deformation or by restricting the
maximum deflt>ction of the lining at the horizontal diameter to an assumed
value (depending upon the yield of the surrounding rock mass) by
the lateral passive pressure. The latter method i!l disc1l5~ed in detail
in for design of circular linings. For design of non·circular linings
the former method shall only be used. For analyzing a circular lining, the designer will have to assume
the maximum deRection to be permiued along the horizontal cl"ntral axis
of the tunnel. This value of horizontal deflection will consist of tile yield
of the rock mass surrounding th(· tllnnel (stt Note 2). It may be assumed
that any further deflection of the lining is restricted to this valu .. bv the
lateral passive resistance of the surrounding rock mass in a pattern given in
fig, 3. The design shall be ~uch that the maximum value of the passive
resistance is within the maximum permissible values.
NOTID 1 - For a circular lining the deftection il outward in a lonl'! exttmding
approximately (rom 450 above the horh..ontal diameter to the invert .. the invert move
up. The maximum value Is near horizontal diameter. On the abo\'e consideralion and
neglectlnlr the effect of vortical translatioll of the lining. the lateral rock r"traint may
he . .umed to Mve approximately a Itrllilliular dittribution ...hown in t'ig. 3. The
vt'l1i<'1I1 translation or the linin. would cautO a shifting or the poinl of maximum
intl!nJity IUllhtly below the hori:tontal dlatn~tl'r ancl re.triction of the upper limit to an
anfJle llipltly Ie.. thlln 45<. but tilt' elTt'<'t of vt'rtical transiation would be small and
can be neglected. The paulv... vrt"A5ures would. in fael, be allO r"dial to the lurfacl'
hilt in view of the r."ct thAI the d('A('Ctionl would be mostly In hOflzontal direction Ilnd
verdul dllftectiolls would be small, il may be allumed to act in horizontal c.lirection,

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS: 4880 (Part 1V)-1971

NnTE 2 - The rork mass surrounding thl' tunnel yields due to the bear in\{ pressure
flf lining against it. This yield may be due to closing up of jOlnlS and fractures in the
rock mass and also due to its elastIc or plastic deformation . The vallie of} if'ld taken
for design should be based on Ihe expt'riments carried out m lhe te~t s('ctions ( Set 4.1 ) .
At Bhakra Dam, rock de8eclion telta indicated yit'ld of eitht'r fact> to poor shattered
rO('k al \·25 mm under a stress of 54 kg/em·. H uwl'ver. a tOla\ defil'clion of3'8 mm
was asmmed in the design of lining though actual bearing pressure on the rock wa.
antiCIpated 10 bl' milch I..... F.xp .. rim.·nts 011 Garrison Onm tUllnpl~. in clay shal .. of
internal d i;unet("r 8 ·1l maud lining thicknes, of 0'9 m indIcated del1('ction of either
f~ce of linin\{ at horiLOntal diameter to range b .. lwel·n 3 to 4 10m. In desi~n of
Ramgang.t Dam tunnel~ OIlier deflection of ei,h"r face of "ning at hOI'izontal diameter
was aMllmed to be 3'8 mOl. Formulae for determining the value, of horizontal deflection;

vertical deflection, Iwnding moments, normal thrust, radial shear for the
various circumferential point~ on a circular linin~ are givt'n in Appendix C
considering the invert as the rt'ference point for various loads excepting the
internal pressure. In derivation of these values the pattern of vt'rtical
reaction and passive pressure has been assumed in accordance with 7.4.5
and 7.4.6 as shown in Fig. 3.

7.4.7 For non-circular licing model tests ar~ recommt'ndeo to d{·termine

the ~tress distributions. f,{owt'ver I the design may be do lie assuming
uniformly distributed load$ as in the ('ase of circular tunnels, and using the
same distribution for passive pressures. The desi~n or SHch indeterminate
sections may be done by'standard methods and is not covered by lhis

7.5 De.lgn For Internal Water Pre••ure- Lining shall be considered

as a part of composite thick cylinder consi~ting of peripheral concrete allu
surrounding rock mass slIbjt>cted to !lpecified boundary conditions. \
NOT ... - This n1l'thod suffers from uncertainrif)s of extern.ll loads. material propertll"
and indeterminate tectunic forc<'s. In thi. melhod thl" rock surrounding the tllnne~ i.
llASumed to have reaaonably uniform charactl'ri!lics and strength and that effL'c.l l\ "
pressure grollting has been done to validate the a~sulTlption that concrete lining and
.urruunding rock behave as a com polite cylind .. r. I he grout fills the cracks in ·the
rock Ilnd thus reduces its ability 10 deform inelastically and increasC!1 the modulus of
deformation. If the grout pressures are high enough to caule lufJicil'nt pre3lresa in
the lining the effect of temperature and drying shrinkage and illf!lamc deformation
mIght be completely counteracted.

7.S.1 For analysing a circular lining the method given in Appendix D

may be adopted. The design sha11 be such that at no point in the linillg
and the surrounding rock the stresses exceed the permissible limits.
If the rock is very good, and cra(,king of lining is not otherwise harm-
ful, cracking of the lining may be permitted to some extent. In that casc,
tangential stress in concrete lining will be absent and correspondingly,
tangential stress in rock will increase.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS t .880 (Part IV) -1971

If the rock is not good, tensile stress in concrete may ex~eed' the
allowable limit and in such a case, reinforcement may be provided.
Reinforcement however, is not capable of reducing the tensile stresses to
a considerable extent. By suitable arrangement, it will help to distribute
the cracks on the whole periphery in the form of hair cracks which are flot
harmful because they may get closed in course of time, or at least they will
not result in serious leakages.
7.5.2 For analyzing non-circular linings, the stress pattern may be
determined by photo-elastic studies.
8.1 Drainage holes may be provided in other than water conveying tunnels
to relieve external pressure, if any, caused by seepage along the outside of
the tunncllining. In free flow tunnels drainage holes may be provided in
the crown above the full supply level. In case of pressure tunnels, if the
external water pressure is substantially more than the internal water pres-
lure, drainage holes may be provided in the crown. However, when the
mountain material is likely to be washed into the tunnel through such
drainage holes they shall not be provided.
8.1.1 The arrall~ement of drainage holes der~·nds upon the site condi.
tions and shall be decided by the designer. A recommended arrangement
i. described below:
At successive sections; one vertical hole drilled in the crown alter-
nating with two drilled horizontal holes one in each side wall
extending to a depth of at least 15 em beyond the back of the lining.
8.1.2 If the flow through the tunnel is conveyed in a separate pipe, the
horizontal holes shall be drilled near the invert.
9.1 Bacldlll Groutllll-Backfill grouting shall be done at a pressure
not exceeding 5 kg/em' and shall be considered as a part of concreting.
It shall be done throughout the length of the concrete lining not earlier
than 21 days after placement after the concrete in the lining hall cooled off.
However, streli~es devl'loped in concrete at the specified grout pressure may
be calculated and ~ccn whether they are within permissible limits depend-
ing on the strength attained by concrete by then. The grout pressure men-
tioned abtwe ill the pres!'ure as mt'&sured at the grout hole.
NOTE - Bacjdill,roulin~ It!rnl to fill all void. and cayities betwefOn concrete linin,
and rock.
9.2 Pre•••" GroutiDI- Pressure grouting shall be done at a maximum
practicable pressure consistent with the strength of lining and safety
against uplift of overburden. The depth of grout holes shall be at least
equal to the diameter of the tunnel.
NO'I'B 1 - Prl'Qure groutin, consolidate. the surrounclinl rock and filii .ny cape
caused by .hriniLagea of concrete. This ,routinl it normally Ipecified where Iinl"l it

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14880 (Part IV) .1971

reinforced, to improve the rock quality and, therefMf', to increase the resiatance of
rock to carry internal water preSlUrf'. As a rule of thumb a grout pres.ure of 1'5
times the water pressure in thf' tunn('1 may be used subject to the conditions that
.. rety against uplirt of the overburd .. n is ensured. Grout pressures of up to 5 to 10
times the water preSlure 10 the tunnel have bE-en used in Italy.
NOTE 2 - It is advantageous to provide a grout curtain by means of extensive dee)J
grouting at the reservoir end orthe tunnel to reduce loss of water due to seepage.
9.3 Patter. of Hole. for Grouting-For small tunnels, rings of grout
holes, may be spaced at about 3 m centres, depending upon the nature of the
rock. Each ring may consist of fi)ur grout holes distributed at about 90°
around the periphery, with alternate rings placed vertical and 45° axes.

( Clause 5.2 )
A.I. The basic conditions for including effect of water hammer in the
design of tunnels or turbine penstock installations are divided into normal
and emergency conditions with suitable factors of safety assigned to each
type of operation.
A-2.1 The basic conditions to be considered are as follows:
a) Turbine penstock installation may be operated at any head .be-
tween the maximum and the minimum values of forebay water
surface elevation.
b) Turbine gates may be moved at any rate of speed by action or.the
governor head up to a predetermined rate, or at a slower rate< by
manual control through the auxiliary relay valve.
c) The turbine may be operating at any gate position and be requ"ed
to add or drop any or all of its load.
d) If the turbine penstock installation is equipped with any of the
following pressure control devices it will be assumed that these
devices are properly adjusted and function in all manner for which
the equipment is designed.
1) Surge tanks,
2) Relief valves,
3) Governor control apparatus,
4) Cushioning stroke device, and
5) Any other pressure control device.
e) Unless the actual turbine characteristics arc known, the effective
area through the turbine gates during the maximum rate of gate
movement will be taken as a linear relation with reference to time.
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IS: 4880 (Part IV). 1971

f) ThE' water hammer effects shall be computed on the basis of gaver-
nor head action for the governor rate which is actually set on the
turbine for ~peed regulation. If the relay valve stops are adjusted
to give a slower governor setting than that for which the governor
is desil;rned this shall be detennined prior to proceeding with the
design of turhine penstock installation and later adhered to at the
power plant so that an economical ba,is for designing the pennock
scroll case, etc, under normal operating conditions may be
g) In those instances, where due to higher reservoir elevation, it is
necessary to set the stops on the main relay valve for a slower rate
of gate movement, water hammer effects will be computed for this
slower rate of gate movement aho.
h) The reduction in head at various p)ints along the penstock will be
computed for rate of gate opening which is actually set in the gover-
nor in those cases where it appears th'lt the profile of the penstock is
unfavourable. This minimum pressure will then be used as a basi'!
for normal design of the penstock to ensure that sub-atmospheric
pressures will not cause a penstock failure due to collapse.
j) If a surge is present in the penstock system, the upsurge in the
surge tank will be computed for the maximum reservoir level con-
dition for the rejection of the turbine flow which corresponds to
the rated output of the generator during the gate traversing time
which is actually set on the governor.
k) The downsurge in the surge tank will be computed for minimum
reservoir level condition for a load addition from speed-no-load to
the full gate position during the gate traversing time which is
actually set on the governor.
A-3.1 The basic conditions to be considered as an emergency operation
are as follows:
a) The turbine gates may be closed at any time by the action of the
governor head, manual control knob with the main relay valve or
the emergency solenoid device.
b) The cushioning stroke will be assumed to be inoperative.
c) If a relier valve is present, it will be assumed inoperative.
d) The ~ate traversing time will be taken as the minimum time for
which the governor is designed.
e) The maximum head including water hammer at the turbine and
along the If>ngth of the penstock will be computed for the maxi-
mum reservoir head condition for final part gate closure to the
. • at t h
zero gate pos1I1on '
e maximum . -0
governor rate 10 2L- secon ds.
Where 'L' i. length of penstock and 'a' wave velocity.

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IS I 4880 ( Part IV) .1971

f) If a surge tank is prE's('nt in the penstock ~ystem, the upsurge in
the tank will be computed for the maximum resE-rYoir head condi-
tion for the rejections of full gate turbine flow at the maximum rate
for which the governor is design(~d. The rlownsurge in the surge
tank will be computed for the minimum rl"servoir head condition
for full gate opening from the speed-no-Ioad po!lition at the maxi-
mum rate for which the ~oYcrnor is designed. In determining
the top and bottom elevations of the surge tank nothing will
be added to the upsurge and down surge for this emergency
condition of operation.
A-4.1 The other possible emergency conditions of operation are those
during which certain pieces of control are assumed to malfunctj,m in the
most·unfavourable manner. The most severe emergency head rise in a
turbine penstock installation occurs from either of the two following condi·
tions of operation:
a) Rapid closure of turbine gates ill Jess than 21. ,I, when the flow
of water in tht' pe.stock is maximum.
b) Rhythmic openinlland closing of the turbine gates when a com-
. .15 perml
plete cyc Ieof gate operatlon r
me d'10 4L
- s.
Since these conditions of operation require a complete malfunctionittg,
of the governor control apparatus at the most unfavourable moment, the
probability of obtaining this type of operation is exceedingly rt'mt1te.
Hence, the conditions shall not 1 ,,' used as a basis for desil'!;n. However.
after the design has been estabh~hcd from other considerations it is detir-
able that the stresses in the lUI bine scroll case penstock and pressure
control devices he not in excc~'I of the ultimate bursting strength or twist-
ing strength of structures for these emergency conditions of operation.

( Clause )

B-I.l This appendix contains recommendations for evaluating rock loads
on tunnel lining.
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IS I U80 (Part lV) .1971


B·2.1 Rock load may be assumed as an equivalent uniformly distributed
load over the tunnel soffit over a span equal to the tunnel width or diameter
as the case may be.
B-3.1 Rock loads may be estimated by any of the methods given in 8-3.1.1
to 8-3.1.3.
B-3.1.1 Rock load at depths less than or equal to 1·5 (B + Ht ) may be
taken as equal to depth of actual rock cover where B is the width clnd
H t is the height of the tunnel opening. In case of circular tunnels Band
H, both wilJ be equal to the diameter of tunnel D.
Rock load (Hp) on the roof of support in tunnel with width Band
height H t at depth of more than 1'5 (B+H,) may be assumed to be
according to Table 1.
8-3.1.2 Rock load may also be worked out using Fenner's ellipse (see
Fig .... on P 21 ) by the following equation:
a= T(m-2)
a = main axis of ellipse of rock load,
b - tunnel diameter (excavated), and
m - inverae of poiS!ons ratio for rock (which usually varies from
2 to 7).
The weight of rock in the shaded portion may be taken as rock load and
may be considered as uniformly distributed on the diameter of tunnel.
NOTB- The above treatment a.. tlmel' the rock to be bomogeneou. and to behave
within elutlc range. It has alto limited application a. it does not give any rock loads
for value of poissons ratio equal to 0·25 and above. It does not also take into
conaideration the .trength and characteri.tlcs of rock.
8-3.1.3 The rock load according to the Russian practice depends upon
the degree of rock firmness. The rock load may be taken a. that for rock
area enclosed by a parabola starting from intersection points of the rupture
planes with horizontal length drawn to the crown of the tunnel section.
The dimensions of the parabola are given below (se, Fii. 5 on P 21 ):
B = b + 2 m tan (45° - 442 )
f - the angle of repose of the soil,
I - the strength factor after Protodyakonov (m Table 2 ).
In the case of circular tunnel.,
B - D [ 1 + 2 tan (45° - "2) ]
D = diameter of the tunnel.
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IS r 4880 (Part IV ) .1971

The load may be taken as uniformly distributed over the diameter of
the tunnel.
NOTJI: - The above is applicable when the distance between the vertex of the
pressure parabola from thE' bottom of the weak layer or from the groWld lurface it
not lell than II . However. where thil condition ia not fulfilled the total value of rock
load may be anumed .


( Note Under Clause·7.4.1 and Clause )
<:-1. The values of bending moment, normal thrust, radial shear and
horizontal and vertical deflection for the loading pattern shown in Fig. 3
are given in Tables 3 to 7.
C-2. For purpose of this appendix, the following notations shall apply:
E - Young'. modulus of the lining material,
1- moment of inertia of the section,
K = intensity of lateral triangular load at horizontal diameter,
P - total rock load on mean diameter,
r - internal radius of tunnel,
R .. mean radius of tunnel lining,
t - thickness of lining,
W .... unit weight of water,
W, _ unit weight of concrete, and
~ =: angle that the section makell with the vertical diameter at the centre
meaaured from invert.
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1814880 (Part IV)-1971

(Clause 7.5.1 )

1).1. SCOPE
1).1.1 This appendix contains basic equations for calculating radial and
tangential stresses in concrete lining and the surrounding rock man
considering both as parts of a composite cylinder.
1).2.1 For this appendix the following notations lhall apply:
P - internal hydrostatic pressure (negative compression);
all, att, a'i = tangential stress in rock, concrete and steel respectively;
a'h ar" ara == radial stress in rock, concrete and steel respectively;
E, E I, EI - modulus of elasticity of rock, concrete And Iteel
ml, ml = poission's ratio of rock, and concrete respectively;
Uh Ut, UI o:a radial deformation in rock, concrete and steel
x - radius of element;
B 6f C, etc == integration constants;
A, - areas of reinforcement per unit length of tunnel;
Q := internal diameter of the tunnel; and

h _ external diameter of the lining up to A.line.


1).3.1 Plaia Ceaaeat Coacrete Ua'a. eoa.Wen.. that It I. aot

a) Bam EqtJQlions:

er, - :. !. 1 [B (m+ 1 ) - ;. (m - I) ]

(I, _ mE [ B (m + 1) + --Es- (m - I) ]
ml- f '"
U- Bx+C/x
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JS:~880 (Part IV )-1971

b) Limit Conditions and Constantr:
1) When X=oo a'l =0
2) When x =h, arJ ... a,t
3) When x= h, a,~ = -p
4) When x =b, U1 -U.
D-3.2 Plain Cement Concrete Lbaing Con.idering that it I. Cracked
a) Basic Equations for Roc":

an = 'ml EII [ Bl (ml

--- + 1)
all = mlm~ -E'l [Bl (ml + 1 )
b) For Coneret,:
a. (a,t) x =a
(1,,= x
all =- 0 (since concrete doea not take any tangential stre~s)
c) Limit Conditions:
1) When x= 00 c" - 0
2) When x= b,
3) Whenx=a,
d) Constants are calculated a :
BI =0
C a-b-p (ml + 1)
•- mlEa
(a,,) x-a;==-p
1>-3.3 Plaba Cement Concrete LiDing Considering that it Is
Cracked and Sarroanding Rock al.o i. Cracked for a DI.t-.ce
Equal to Radia. Beyond which Rock i. Ma.sive and Uncrac:ked
a) For Concrete:
a' (a,a) 2' _ 4
ar1 = x
all .... 0
b) For Craclud Ro:":

a,,' - 0
No'l'Jll- Symbol ",,' and "IJ' refer to cracked IIOne of rock.

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IS 14880 ( Part IV) .. 1971

c) For Surrounding Untracked Rock:

mlE I [
(1rt = -m'l ""::'-1 Bl (ml + 1) -
ml HI [
(111 = 7/ l __
1 8 1 (ml +I) +
d) Limit Conditions:
I) Atx=06 Ifn .,,0 0
2) At x = oY, a'I' = '1"
3) At x = h, a'2 = cr,/
4) At x = a, 11'2 = -p
0-3.4 Reinforced Cement Concrete Lining Considering that it is
not Cracked
a) Basic Equations:

11, = mmE
2 -:::'-T
[ B. (m C1
+ I ) - -;2"- (m - 1 ) ]

at = -;;1mE
2-::=-1 [ B (m + 1) I xC2 -
(In - 1 ) ]

U -= Bx + Of 'I:
E3 C2
/1IB = - - - (Bzfl
+ --)

e,3 = -FaA.I
(B ~a + O
2 )

1.1) Limit Conditions and Constmlls:

1) At \' = oCJ a" =- 0
2) At x = h, a" ==- cr,l
3) At x ='- fl, rr'2 _. C1rJ = -- f'
4) At ~ - h, iO j = l O

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IS. 4880 (Part IV )-1971

D.3.5 Reinforced Cement Concrete Lining Considering that it

i. Cracked and that Because of Radial Cracks it Cannot Take
Tangential Tensile Stress
Basic Equationr
For rock

For concrete
iJll = 0

c... \ rJr2) z _ "

u~= • log Mil

For Steel
0'13 - A,

O'r. -,:
R3 KA-, (·B
a l + ClIa f )
' a3er,J
1,= 'na"' A•

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Gajendra Singh -
Ghaziabad(sonu.feena@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

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