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Project & Change Management: Course Description

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NUR514 Project & Change Management

Course Description:
This nursing informatics course examines the knowledge sets, skills, tools and techniques of managing informatics
projects, with an emphasis on how project management contributes to the strategic goals of the organization. Topics
include strategic management process as it relates to information technology; project prioritization and planning;
evaluating project risk; resource scheduling, and project teams and partner management issues. Additionally, some of
the most common change management challenges and best practices related to change in informatics will be explored.

Course Objectives

Integrate project management development into informatics planning

Analyze project development in implementation of informatics projects
Integrate informatics project management into patient care management
Evaluate project implementation for successful outcomes
Implement change for optimum informatics project implementation

Course Credits: 3 credits

Course Textbook(s):

Saba, V.K. & McCormick, K.A. (2015). Essentials of Nursing Informatics, (6th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
ISBN: 9780071829557

Supplemental Texts from previous courses:

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K.G. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, (4th Ed.). Burlington, MA:
Jones & Bartlett.
ISBN: 9781284121247

Nursing Informatics: Scope & Standards of Practice. (2015). American Nurses Association.
ISBN: 9781558105799

Grade Weighting:

Assessment Percent of Final Grade

Discussions 21%
Assignments 47%
ePortfolio Assignment 3%
Final Project 29%

Below is an at-a-glance look at the weekly course content. In each Getting Started module within the course, you will
find details about your weekly readings, lectures, supplemental resources, discussions and assignment instructions, and
rubrics. You must respond to at least two colleagues posts if there is a discussion question post.
Week 1: Historical Influences

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 1-8
Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 26
Read additional Grantham Documents included in Week 1 Reading List

Discussion(s): Choose a milestone event for healthcare records and discuss its influence on current healthcare
information technology challenges.

Assignment(s): Examine how historical influences has changed healthcare information technology in the last twenty-
five years. Include how these changes have influenced quality patient care delivery. Include where
you see healthcare information technology heading in the next twenty-five years.

Week 2: Project Implementation Effectiveness

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 11-16

Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 13

Discussion: Question A
Describe how you thing ARRA had influenced healthcare delivery and information technology. Do you
think the mandate was accomplished? Why or why not?
Question B
Review the SON Global Village for new information. After reviewing the site, discuss something new
you have learned in the Global Village.

Assignment(s): Examine a project implementation of information technology that you have experienced in the last five
years. Describe the effectiveness of the process. Include how the process could have been improved
and why.

Week 3: Implementation and Leadership

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 17-21

Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 11

Discussion: Question A
Discuss a key aspect of health information technology reform that has influenced quality patient care
and why.
Question B
Should ROI (return on investment) be part of healthcare technology improvement? Why or why not?

Assignment(s): Prepare a project implementation proposal for nursing leadership. Include key components of the
proposal and why they should be included.

Week 4: Patient Care

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 23-31

Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 23

Discussion: Question A
Describe your ideal role for the nurse in developing information technology, and why. Include why the

nursing influence in technology is part of a successful implementation
Question B
Does patient monitoring technology change how a nurse will care for a patient? Why or why not?

Assignment(s): Assignment A
Examine one healthcare information technology change you have experienced that has improved
patient care. Describe why the technology was effective. Include how the technology is reviewed
regularly for effectiveness.
Pick a change project for your final project topic and write an overview that is between 200-300 words

Week 5: Scope of Delivery

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 36-41

Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 19

Discussion: Question A
Define agile design in healthcare technology as it applies to quality patient care. Describe an
experience that you have had with design that was agile or one that was not agile and why. What are
the key components of agile design?
Question B
Does evidence-based practice and healthcare information technology have interactive or opposing
outcome goals? Defend your position. Describe an example of either interactive or opposing goals.

Assignment(s): Examine how implementation of a technology related project in a healthcare facility was effective.
Interview the head of the project in question regarding the size and scope of the facility and reasons
the project specifications would be correct for the scope of delivery.

Week 6: Scope and Standards of Practice

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 42-46

Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 20

Discussion: Question A
What training/teaching techniques support improved understanding of technology and why? In what
role have you experienced technology in nursing education?
Question B
Explore the TIGER initiative in conjunction with the AHRQ. Choose a project or toolkit and discuss how
it might be used to create an adaptation of a current practice that would be improved through the use
of evidence-based technology.

Assignment: Access the American Nurses Association Scope and Standard of Practice. Describe how the key
components of the initiative will ensure quality patient care and effective healthcare information

Week 7: Education and Training

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 47-48

Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 20

Discussion: Question A
Discuss the role of technology in pure nursing research data collection. What are some of the
challenges with technology and research?
Question B
Describe three ways a nurse can verify the accuracy of the information accessed. Relate experiences
you have had with information technology and access to information.

Assignment(s): Conduct a search of the library database and find 3-4 research articles about effective training
programs in healthcare. Synthesize the information from these articles, as well as the textbook, to
create a training program for the implementation of a healthcare information technology of your
choosing. Include how your program will be assessed for effectiveness.

Week 8: Future of HIT

Readings/Viewings: Read Saba & McCormick Chapters 49-50

Review McGonigle & Mastrian Chapter 25

Discussion: Question A
Describe how you see the future of healthcare information technology and quality patient care.
Include any idea you would like to see included in future healthcare initiatives.
Question B
What innovative future role, such as genome mapping, do you think will influence healthcare
information technology most? How will technology change our treatment of patients?

Assignment(s): Final Project

Choose a change project based on a problem that exists at your current or previous facility that is high
value for patients and the health system, with a focus on quality patient care delivery and information
technology. Using an evidence-based solution from research and clinical practice guidelines, create a
well-designed project plan that would benefit both patients and the health system.
ePortfolio Assignment
Reflect back on this course and think of ways in which the readings, discussions, and assignments
assisted you in meeting the programmatic outcomes. Choose your artifact(s) that showcase(s) how
you have met the outcomes and create 2-3 PowerPoint slides that reflect on the outcomes and how
this coursework helped you meet them.

The following table outlines the academic effort required by students to be successful in this course. While the times in
the table are approximate, it is presented to help students with their time management. Please note, depending on the
student's background knowledge and experience of the course subject and an individual student's academic capabilities,
these times will vary. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to your instructor or student advisor.

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required

Readings/Lectures 0.5
1 Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
Readings 4.9
Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required

Readings/Lectures 0.6
Online Discussions 4.0
Assignments 0.0
2 Readings 4.1
Discussions 0.5
Assignments 6.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required

Readings/Lectures 0.6
Online Discussions 4.0
Assignments 0.0
3 Readings 2.1
Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required

Readings/Lectures 0.8
Online Discussions 4.0
Assignments 0.0
4 Readings 4.1
Discussions 0.0
Assignments 13.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required

Readings/Lectures 0.6
Online Discussions 4.0
Assignments 0.0
5 Readings 3.0
Discussions 0.5
Assignments 0.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 2.5

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required
Readings/Lectures 0.6
Online Discussions 4.0
Assignments 0.0
6 Readings 2.5
Discussions 0.5
Assignments 12.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required

Readings/Lectures 0.6
Online Discussions 4.0
Assignments 0.0
7 Readings 1.6
Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Week Type of Activity Activity Estimated Hours Required

Readings/Lectures 0.7
Online Discussions 4.0
Assignments 0.0
8 Readings 1.3
Discussions 0.0
Assignments 35.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

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