Quoting Summarising and Paraphrasing
Quoting Summarising and Paraphrasing
Quoting Summarising and Paraphrasing
i. it helps others to locate the same sources for their own learning purposes;
ii. it also helps you to assert your own voice in assignments, as you can use sources to
lend support to your own ideas or arguments.
Situation Yes No
Element Definition
In-text citation Indicating whose work you are referencing in
the body of your essay.
Reference list Contains of all sources you have written in
your essay.
Direct quotation Using someone's exact words from the
original source.
Paraphrase/summary (Indirect quotation) Using someone's ideas, but putting them in
your own words.
When you use the exact words of another author in your paper, you are directly quoting that
Smith (2002) testified, No one had ever explained the rules of downloading music to
them (p. 150).
For example:
When used to introduce a quote, the following verbs basically mean "says"
Sometimes you will want to include someone elses ideas in your paper without directly quoting
them. To do this, you can paraphrase or summarise and give the author credit. A paraphrase or
summary is a rewrite of the original authors ideas in your own words. You need to be careful
when you do this to make sure that you are really rewriting the text, not just changing a few
key words.
Paraphrasing isn't the easiest skill in academic writing, but it is essential and it becomes much
easier with practice.
1. Use synonyms
English has many synonyms; words that have the same or similar meanings. So you can
paraphrase a sentence using synonyms. For example:
Movies can be divided into three categories. can be changed to Movies can be divided into
three types.
Lets try!
1. The way a person dresses affects the impression that other people have.
You can also change parts of speech. If the sentence uses a noun, you can rewrite the sentence
to use the verb or adjective form of the word. For example:
Lets try!
3. If you eat rabbit, you will find its taste like chicken.
One way you can change a sentence for paraphrasing is by re-ordering and re-structuring the
sentence. For example:
Because I slept too late, I missed my first class can be changed to I missed my first class
because I slept too late,
In order to pass that class, I had to study very hard can be changed to I had to study very
hard in order to pass that class.
However, sometimes it is necessary to change the wording of the parts of the sentences. For
Terry wanted more books, but he couldnt afford them, can be changed to Terry couldnt
afford more books, even though he wanted them.
Lets try!
2. Even though the weather was good, Joan was in a bad mood.
First, READ the text at least twice, and find the main points of the
READ paragraph.
For example, the original material might say a ten-year period, but in
your summary you might say decade instead.
Although main ideas are typically written as single sentences, you may
sometimes find it easier to break them into two or more sentences in
your summary.
There are times when the night sky glows with bands of color. The bands may begin as
cloud shapes and then spread into a great arc across the entire sky. They may fall in folds like a
curtain drawn across the heavens. The lights usually grow brighter, then suddenly dim. During
this time the sky glows with pale yellow, pink, green, violet, blue, and red. These lights are
called the Aurora Borealis. Some people call them the Northern Lights. Scientists have been
watching them for hundreds of years. They are not quite sure what causes them. In ancient
times people were afraid of the Lights. They imagined that they saw fiery dragons in the sky.
Some even concluded that the heavens were on fire.
The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, are bands of color in the night sky. Ancient people
thought that these lights were dragon on fire, and even modern scientists are not sure what
they are.
Exercise 2: Write a summary for paragraphs below using your own words.
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Exercise 3: Paraphrasng/Summarising
Part A:
Read the sentences below and decide which sentences are closest in meaning to the five
sentences below.
1. 25% of adolescents who have one baby have a second baby within two years of the first
baby's birth (Smithson, 2009, p. 6).
a. According to Smithson (2009), 25% of babies are born to mothers who are adolescents
(p. 6).
b. One out of four adolescent mothers has another baby before the first baby reaches his
second birthday (Smithson, 2009, p. 6).
c. A quarter of young mothers give birth when their first born is two (Smithson, 2009, p.
d. 25% of mothers become pregnant again when their first babies are two years old.
2. It has been reported that the richest one percent of Americans own 40% of the country's
wealth (Richards, 2005, p. 45).
a. The richest 1% are 40 times as wealthy as the rest of Americans (Richards, 2005, p. 45).
b. If the gap between rich and poor continues to grow at the current rate, the richest one
percent will soon own 40% of the country's wealth (Richards, 2005, p. 45).
c. 40% of the country's wealth is in the hands of only 1% of Americans (Richards, 2005, p.
d. 99% of Americans own 40% as much as the richest 1%.
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3. The judge was relieved when the jury was finally ready to announce its verdict (Ray,
2011, p. 69).
a. When the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved (Ray, 2011, p. 69).
b. The judge asked the jury to arrive at a verdict.
c. The judge welcomed the prospect of an imminent verdict (Ray, 2011, p. 69).
d. The jury welcomed the judge's relief.
4. Research data suggest that girls who witnessed maternal abuse may tolerate abuse as
adults more than girls who did not (Allen, 2000, p. 33).
a. Allen (2000) claims that women who witnessed the abuse of their mother as teens are
more likely to become abusive adults (p. 33).
b. Women who observed the abuse of their mothers when they were young are more
likely to endure abuse themselves (Allen, 2000, p. 33).
c. Women who were abused as children are more likely to abuse their own children (Allen,
2000, p. 33).
d. Girls who testify about maternal abuse tolerate abuse as adults more readily.
5. Martha thinks that the issue of adolescent problems is important to write about (Black,
2013, para. 14).
a. Martha thinks that adolescents like to write about their problems (Black, 2013, para.
b. Martha feels that writing about adolescent problems is worthwhile (Black, 2013, para.
c. Martha believes that the dream of most adolescents is to write something important
(Black, 2013, para. 14).
d. Martha thinks that adolescents can write about their problems.
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Part B:
Rephrase or make summary for direct quotations below using your own words. Do not forget
to include the in-text references.
a. Although only about 10% of a final manuscript should appear as directly quoted
material, students generally overuse quotations in their writing because they frequently
overuse direct quotation in taking notes for their paper (Ricky, 2003, para. 19).
b. A key factor in explaining the sad state of the traditional education can be found in
overbureaucratization, which is seen in the compulsion to consolidate our public schools
into massive factories and to increase the number of our universities (Espan, 2004, p.
e. Researchers have found a strong association between computer and Internet use in
adolescents and engagement in multiple-risk behaviours (MRB), including illicit drug use
and drunkenness (Zack, 2000, p. 42).
13 | P a g e
Book: more than one Hill, M., & Hall, S. (1996). Woman in the (Hall & Hall, 1996)
author car. New York:
Yale Press.
A work with 3 to 5
authors (use all five last names,
Use all five last names for Smith, H.J., Ti, L., Song, L.G., Hill, B.J., & 2007)
in-text the first time you (Smith, et al., 2007)
cite the source, subsequent Lu, L.S.
use, list first authors last (2007). A Time to Learn. Atlanta: Georgia
name and et al. Press.
Web site page Jones University. (2006, May 30). Canterbury (Jones University, 2006)
Tales Clearing House. Retrieved June 6, 2007,
from: www.jonesu.edu.
Taken from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6 th ed., 2009.
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For example:
If you read an article by Alex Reid, in which he cites information from a previous study
by Seidenberg and McClelland, and you wish to refer to this information in your
Seidenberg and McClellands study (as cited in Reid, 2007) found that the
In your reference list at the end of your assignment, your entry would be a
reference for Reid's article because that is where you sourced the information:
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Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with correct citations from the reference list given.
It is widely known that elephants fear cheese, and will flee at the
first whiff of it ( ). What is not yet well understood is why this Source F
phenomenon occurs. For more than a decade academics have been
researching this perplexing topic. Their work constitutes part of the
booming new discipline known as pachydermo-fromagology, which is
defined as the study of elephant-cheese interactions ( ).
Source D
This paper will evaluate existing research and theories, and argue that
none of them satisfactorily explain the data which has been gathered
so far.
Adopted from: Gordon Coleman, In-text Citation in APA Style: Notes Sheet, Exercise, Answer Key,
16 | P a g e
Achison, C.L. (2004, April). A ripe and weighty issue: an interview with A
Monica Sturgess. Cheese Lovers World, 6 (4), 12-13.
Coleman, G.J. (1984). An odd behaviour observed among the species Elephas B
maximus. Journal of Trunked Mammal Studies, 23, 421-429.
Coleman, G.J. (1988). Underfoot: ten years among the elephants. New York: C
Oxford University Press.
Concise Oxford dictionary, 11th ed. (2004). Oxford University Press. Retrieved D
October 20, 2004, from Oxford Reference Online database.
Gibson, C.N. & Sturgess, M.N. (1987). Elephant fleeing behaviour confirmed.
Journal of Elephantology, 16, 239-245. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from G
Academic Search Elite database.
Gibson, C.N. Sturgess, M.N., & Bates, A.T. (1989). Experiments with cheese
effects on Elephas maximus and Elephas africanus. Journal of
Elephantology, 18, 120-134. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from Academic
Search Elite database.
Gouda, A.N. (n.d.) Commentary of a report about cheese and les elephants. I
Retrieved October 23, 2004, from
Maas, K.A. (2003). The missing link: elephants, mice, and cheese.
International Journal of Rodentia Research, 56, 459-471. Retrieved J
October 31, 2004, from
Sturgess, M.N. (2004a). Of mice and cheese (Part 1). Journal of Trunked K
Mammal Studies, 43, 10-15.
Sturgess, M.N. (2004b). Of mice and cheese (Part 2). Journal of Trunked
Mammal Studies, 43, 219-225.
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For Exercise 5, use your own words to summarize the quote given from the original source.
After that, fill in the table with necessary information.
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Exercise 5
Authors: Sarah Belkins, Ruth DeFone, Samual Cruz, Dan Smith
Publication date: 2007
Title of Article: Messing Up Our Kids
Journal: Journal of Child Psychology and Medicine
Volume: 3
Issue: 17
Original Source/Quote: Children of alcoholic parents are less likely to find themselves in
healthy, loving adult relationships.
Page numbers: 23-29
Location: New York, NY
Publisher: JSTOR
Url: www.jstor.org/jcpm/3_17/2007