Minutes of The Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
Minutes of The Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
Minutes of The Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
Publicly-Held Company
Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ) No. 60.643.228/0001-21
Company Registry (NIRE) 35.300.022.807 | CVM Code No. 12793
1. DATE, TIME AND PLACE: Held at 10 a.m., on April 28, 2017, at the Companys headquarters,
in the City of So Paulo, State of So Paulo, at Rua Fidncio Ramos, No. 302, 4th Floor, Sala Valor, Vila
Olmpia, Zip Code 04551-010.
2. CALL NOTICE: The call notice has been published pursuant to article 124 of Law 6,404, of
December 15, 1976, as amended (Brazilian Corporation Law), in the State of So Paulo Official Gazette
(Dirio Oficial do Estado de So Paulo), issues of March 28, March 29 and March 30, 2017, pages 277, 63 and 48,
respectively, and in the Valor Econmico newspaper, issues of March 28, Mach 29 and March 30, 2017,
pages E40, E30 and E9, respectively.
3. ATTENDANCE: Were present at the meeting shareholders of the Company holding 481,179,300
(four hundred and eighty one million, one hundred and seventy nine thousand and three hundred) common,
book-entry, with no par value shares, issued by the Company, representing 86.96% (eighty six point ninety six
per cent) of the Companys total and voting capital stock, according to the signatures on the Companys
shareholders attendance book. Were also present the member of the Companys management, Mr. Luiz
Fernando Torres Pinto, the member of the Companys Fiscal Council, Mr. Mauricio Aquino Halewicz, and the
representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes, Mr. Emerson Lima de Macedo.
4. PRESIDING BOARD: The meeting was chaired by Mr. Andr Mestriner Stocche and secretariat
by Mr. Ricardo Peres Freoa.
6. AGENDA: The shareholders of the Company gathered to examine, discuss and vote on the following
agenda: (1) Stock Appreciation Rights Plan regarding the shares issued by the Company (Incentive Plan);
(ii) rectification and ratification of the appraisal report of the net book value of the stockholders equity of
VCP Florestal S.A., prepared for the purposes of merger of VCP Florestal S.A. with the Company, approved
at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on January 26, 2005 and rectified in the Companys
shareholders general meeting held on October 17, 2005; and (iii) ratification of the decisions made at the
extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on January 26, 2005.
7. RESOLUTIONS: Upon the opening of the meeting and examination and discussion on the matters
of the agenda, the shareholders present at the meeting have decided as follows:
7.1. To approve, by 481,179,300 (four hundred and eighty one million, one hundred and seventy nine
thousand, three hundred) affirmative votes, none dissenting votes and none abstentions, the drawing up of
these minutes in summary format containing only the transcription of the decisions, pursuant to section 130,
paragraph 1st of the Brazilian Corporation Law, and its publication without the signatures of the shareholders,
pursuant to paragraph 2nd of the same section of the Brazilian Corporation Law.
7.2. To approve, by 447,284,118 (four hundred and forty seven million, two hundred and eighty four
thousand, one hundred and eighteen) affirmative votes, 33,668,364 (thirty three million, six hundred and sixty
eight, three hundred and sixty four) dissenting votes and 199,188 (one hundred and ninety nine thousand, one
hundred and eighty eight) abstentions, the Incentive Plan, initialed by the presiding board and which is filed at
the Companys headquarters as Document No. 01.
7.2.1. As of the present date, the Incentive Plan shall replace and simultaneously cancel the Company's stock
option plan approved in the Company's extraordinary general meeting held on April 25, 2014 ("2014
Stock Option Plan"). The termination of the 2014 Stock Option Plan, however, shall not affect the
effectiveness of the options that have been granted based on the referred 2014 Stock Option Plan and
that are still in force, which shall continue to be in force and being governed by the provisions
contained in the 2014 Stock Option Plan and in the respective stock option agreements.
7.2.2. Pursuant to the Incentive Plan, provided that certain assumptions and conditions set forth in the
referred plan are verified, it will be granted to the members of the Companys statutory and non-
statutory member of the board of officers, as well as the management-level executives selected by the
Board of Directors (Beneficiaries), the right of valorization of the shares issued by the Company
(Reference Shares), which will be translated into the right to receive from the Company a
remuneration, in national currency, tied to the valorization of these Reference Shares.
7.2.3. The Incentive Plan has the following purposes: (i) to align the interests of the Beneficiaries to the
interests of the Company and its shareholders by linking part of the receipts of the Beneficiaries to
the performance of the Company and to the creation of value to its shareholders, sharing, along with
the other shareholders, the stock appreciation, as well as the risks to which the Company is subject;
(ii) to enable the Company to attract and retain the Beneficiaries in its statutory administrative
structure or, as the case may be, non-statutory and management-level executives; and (iii) to
encourage the expansion, success, and achievement of the Companys social corporate purpose and,
consequently, the creation of long-term value for the Company and its shareholders.
7.2.4. The administration of the Incentive Plan, as well as the amounts of the individual grants, shall be
defined annually by the Companys Board of Directors.
7.3. To approve, by 480,965,641 (four hundred and eighty million, nine hundred and sixty five thousand,
six hundred and forty one) affirmative votes, 21,565 (twenty one thousand, five hundred and sixty-five)
dissenting votes and 192,094 (one hundred and ninety two thousand, ninety four) abstentions, the rectification
and ratification of the appraisal report of the book value of stockholders equity of VCP FLORESTAL S.A., a
Brazilian company with head offices in So Paulo, State of So Paulo, at Alameda Santos, 1357, 8th floor,
registered in the Business Register under number 35.300.188.861 and in the Brazilian Registry of Legal
Entities of the Ministry of Finance (CNPJ/MF) under No. 04.179.679/0001-89 (VCP Florestal), prepared
by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes, approved in the Companys extraordinary
shareholders general meeting held on January 25, 2005, which minutes were registered with the Board of
Trade of the State of So Paulo (JUCESP) in session on February 2, 2015, under No. 43.049/05-9, and
rectified in the Companys shareholders general meeting held on October 17, 2005, which minutes were
registered with JUCESP in session on October 20, 2005, under No. 298.752/05- 0 (Appraisal Report), in
order to correct the description of certain real properties that were incorrectly reported in the Appraisal
Report and to include the description of certain real properties owned by VCP Florestal and incorporated by
the Company that were not included in the Appraisal Report, which already contains the following
modifications and are filed in the Companys head offices as Document No. 02:
(i) renumber item 1.63, Fazenda Morro Azul, on page 120, to item 1.63.a) with the following
Name and location of the property: FAZENDA MORRO AZUL, located in the district
of Morro Azul and Faustinos, Municipality of Igarat, District Court of Santa Izabel, in this
State. Area, description, and boundaries: This property has an area of 835.81 ha, abuts
Eugnio Deliberato, Fazenda Santana do Rio Abaixo, Juvenal Alves Ferreira, Estate of
Benedito Freitas, Silvestre Santana de Freitas, Antnio A. Saviato, Roberto A. Saviano,
Vicente Rodrigues de Moraes, Mrio Ranzini, Cludio Ranzini, Elieser Cavalline, Norival
Dinardo, Valdir Pereira Elias, Manoel Sanches Cuenca, Rio das Cobras Municipal Road -
Morro Azul, Jos Ramos Freitas, Aparecido Santana Pereira, Manoel Santana de Freitas,
Roberto Mariano, Aldo Vasconcelos, Joo Luiz dos Sants, Joo dos Santos Lopes, Antonio
Ferreira, Antonio Francisco or the successors of those neighbors. Deed of Title, Register of
Deeds Office of Santa Isabel, under No. 17.928, in book 3-AF, on pages 6 ITR (Tax on
Rural Land) No. 635.073.005.959-3.
(ii) add subparagraphs b and c in item 1.63, Fazenda Morro Azul, on pages 120 to 121,
with the following wording:
b) One piece of land located in the District of Monte Alegre, Municipality of Igarat,
registered under number 17.809 in the District Court of Santa Isabel with an area of
587,950.00 square meters, or 24 (twenty-four) So Paulo bushels, plus 7,150.00 square
meters, abutting Francisco Arice and Roberto Galvo de Barros Campelo, Macuquinho
Brook up to the maximum dimension of Jaguar Dam in this Municipality. Registered with
INCRA (National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform) under No.
635.073.001.686-0 referred to as Fazenda Morro Azul. One piece of land located in the
District of Monte Alegre, Municipality of Igarat registered under number 22.854 in the
District Court of Santa Isabel with an area of 64.555 ha, abutting Jos Ventura, Fazenda
Santo Agostinho owned by former CIA. Agrcola Pastoril Jacareiense, Aurino Dias da Silva,
Joo Rosa Ferreira, Jos Ramos Arantes, Jos Ventura, registered with INCRA under
number 635.073.000.116-1. These properties were acquired through the Public Deed of Sale
and Purchase, drawn up on November 22, 2004, in the Registry Office of the 21st Notary
Public of So Paulo, book 2908, page 257.
c) Sitio Morro Azul, with an area of 68.97 bushels, acquired according to the Deed of
Assignment of Proprietary Rights, drawn up on November 22, 2004, in the Capital City of
So Paulo, in the 21st Notary Publics Office, book 2908, page 263. I) One area of land
located in the District of Monte Alegre, Municipality of Igarat, District Court of Santa
Isabel, with approximately 6.5 (six and a half) So Paulo bushels and that abuts Naime
Andere Benedito Tom de Souza, Jaguari dam and Jos Ramos Arantes. II) One piece of
land within the four pieces of land, within a tract of land, with an area of 28 (twenty-eight)
bushels, or 67.76 ha, within the shared farm, in the District of Monte Alegre, Municipality of
Igarat, District Court of Santa Isabel, abutting, in its entirety, the tracts of Cubato, Rio do
Peixe, Fazenda Santo Agostinho. III) One piece of land located in the District of Monte
Alegre, Municipality of Igarat, District Court of Santa Isabel, with an area of 365,184.00
square meters, in other words, 15 (fifteen) bushels, plus 2,184.00 square meters. The
properties are registered with INCRA under number 635.073.519.979-2.
(iii) add subparagraphs d, e and f in item 1.89 referred to as Fazenda Aliana, on pages
165 to 166, with the following wording:
d) One lot of land, located in the districts of Ronco and Godoy, in the districts and
municipalities of Piquete and Lorena, an integral part of Fazenda Guaruj, with an area of 54
(fifty-four) bushels, with the following description: - it begins in the gate of pedra do
carrapato, in Estrada de Lorena, bordering on Francisco Benfica Nunes, continuing down
the same road up to the point of Rio Ronco, continuing along the wire fence, abutting Dario
Andrade Nunes, continuing along the top of the ridges, abutting tracts of land sold to
Avibrs Industria Aeroespacial S/A, until it reaches a gate, going straight ahead uphill,
turning left and continuing along the wire fence up to the gate, until it reaches the wire fence
in the borderline of the Farm that was owned by Conde de Moreira Lima and continuing
until it reaches the brook and the tracts of land of Francisco Benfica Nunes, continuing
towards the gate of pedra do carrapato, starting point; acquired under the terms of Record
04 of certificate of title 26.875 of the Official Register of Deeds Office of Lorena, within this
State. The property is registered with INCRA under No. 635.138.000.493-2, with a total area
of 341.3 ha, a registered area of 341.3 ha, a rural module of 19.4 ha, rural module number
17.80, tax modules 24.0, tax modules number 14.20. The property in question is 8 registered
under the name of VCP Florestal according to Deed of Sale and Purchase of the Registry
Office of the 21st Notary Public of the Capital City, Book 2.898, pages 235, drawn up on
e) One lot of land, located in the districts of Ronco and Godoy, in the districts and
municipality of Piquete and Lorena, an integral part of Fazenda Guaruj, with an area of 70
(seventy) bushels, in other words, 169.40 ha, with the following description: - it begins in the
brook of the Farm of Jos Coelho Nunes, contouring it always to the right until it reaches an
old border with Conde Moreira Lima, then, it continues straight ahead until it reaches the
borders with Francisco Coelho Nunes, with ridge, and wire fence up to the ridge of the
winter pasture of Rufino, through which its tip returns, turning right with a ridge and wire
fence up to the verge of the brook, after crossing it, it continues along another brook until it
reaches a waterfall, then turning left through a high ridge, in a rock, turning left until it
reaches its tip, turning right with the ridge up to the highest end of carrapato, turning left
towards the point of the ridge, where it finds the borders with Heitor Villela Nunes,
returning to the left through the same ditch up to brook Evaristo, going along it until it
reaches the starting point, acquired under the terms of Record 05 of certificate of title 26.876
of the Official Register of Deeds Office of Lorena, in this State. The property is in a greater
area registered with INCRA under No. 635.138.000.392-2, with a total area of 341.2 ha, rural
mod. 30.0 ha, tax mod. 24 ha, min. fraction subd. 2.0 ha. Acquired by VCP Florestal in
R5/26.876 through the Public Deed of Sale and Purchase, of September 10, 2004, of the
21st Notary Public of the Capital City, Book 2.898, pages 235.
f) One lot of land, located in the districts of Ronco and Godoy, in the Districts and
Municipality of Piquete and Lorena, an integral part of Fazenda Guaruj, with an area of 17
(seventeen) bushels, in other words, 41.14 ha, abutting Nestor Coelho Nunes, Wagner
Caetano de Abreu, successor of Eugenio Natal de Azevedo, and Joana DArc Valente
Manuci, successor of Jos Roberto Azevedo Nunes and siblings, acquired under the terms of
Record 06 of certificate of title 26.877 of the Official Register of Deeds Office of Lorena, in
this State. The property is in a greater area, registered with INCRA under No.
635.138.0003.392-2, with a total area of 341.2 ha, rural mod 30.0 ha, tax mod. 24 ha, min.
fraction subd. 2.0 ha. The property in question is registered under the name of VCP Florestal
according to Public Deed of Sale and Purchase, of September 10, 2004, of the 21st Notary
Public of the Capital City, Book 2.898, pages 235.
(iv) add in the description of Fazenda Barbosa, on pages 192 and 193, the following
District Court of Altinpolis State of So Paulo Registration Number 1.859 Pages 059
Book 2-I Property: One Tract of land of savanna, rural area and swamp, located in a
place referred to as Fazenda Barrosa, located in this Municipality and District Court of
Altinpolis, State of So Paulo, which will be referred to as SITIO CURUCURI, with a
total area of fifty-one hectares, sixtynine ares and fifty centiares (51.69, 50 ha), containing as
improvements: one brick house with roofing tiles and rego dagua made by the purchaser
himself, within the following perimeter: it begins at the left margin of Ribeiro do Esmeril,
in a pepper tree abutting Justino de Morais, Irmos S/A.; it goes up the River, abutting plots
of land of District Court of Patrocino Paulista, until it reaches 9 another pepper tree at the
left margin; continues towards 12700NM, in the distance of 1,290 meters, until it reaches
another pepper tree, bordering on plots of land of Companhia de Cimento Portland Ita, -
previously owned by the sellers, abutting up to this point the tract of land that now belongs
to Doctor Larcio Tassinari: previously owned by the sellers; continues towards 24730NM,
in the distance of 450.00 meters, in another pepper tree on the verge of buraco, abutting up
to this point Companhia de Cimentos Portland Ita, previously owned by the sellers;
continues towards 30700NM, 1,210.00 meters, until it reaches another pepper tree at the
left margin of the River with Justino de Morais, Irmos S/A; registered with INCRA under
number 614.017.002.437/9, with a total area of 1,840.7; used area 1,719.6, useable area
1,816.5; module 20.0 number of modules 90.81 and minimum fraction of subdivision 15.0.
DEED: purchase and sale DEED TYPE: Public Deed of Purchase and Sale, drawn up on
October 24, 2003, in the records of the 12th Public Notarys Office of the Capital City of
So Paulo, Book No. 2007, pages 173, according to Record number 25 of the mentioned
registration document.
(v) renumber item 1.90, Fazenda So Jos II, on page 255, to item 190.a) with the following wording:
(vi) add subparagraph b in item 1.90, Fazenda So Jos II, on page 255, with the following
wording 10
b) Rural property composed of part of Fazenda So Jos, located in the district of Poo
Grande, in the Municipality of Trememb-SP, abutting the following:- Jos Andrade Filho,
Amrico da Silva Oliveira, Carlos Miranda Barreto, Santo Antonio Brook. Acquired under
the terms of the certificate of title 93.187 of the Register of Deeds Office of the District
Court of Taubat, registered with INCRA under number 950.017.609.552-6. The property in
question belongs to VCP Florestal S/A according to acquisition through a Public Deed of
Sale and Purchase, drawn up on 12.01.2004 in the 21st Public Notarys Office of So Paulo,
book 2910, pages 161.
(vii) add on pages 255 and 266, in item 1.5 referred to as Fazenda Capixaba, after item c the
following description:
(viii) change the numbering of item 1.18, Fazenda Ponte Nova, on page 278, to item 1.18.a),
with the following wording:
a) One property, "Fazenda Ponte Nova", in the 1st district court of the rural zone,
with 201 ha.17 a.50 ca (two hundred one hectares, seventeen ares and fifty centiares)
in other words, 41 (forty-one bushels) and 27,350.00 square meters (twenty-seven
thousand, three hundred fifty square meters), abutting according to certificate of title
5900, with its borderlines, the successors of Mrs. Celestina Nogueira de Paula, Hermogenio
Jos de Oliveira, Orlandino Klotz, and others, Afonso Maximo Balieiro, Jos Alves de
Almeida e Silva, Armando Veloso and with the road course that goes to Boca do Leo.
(ix) add subparagraph b in item 1.18, Fazenda Ponte Nova, on page 278, with the following
b) One property, Fazenda Ponte Nova II, with 142.57 hectares, extracted from
Fazenda Gloria, in the rural zone of the 1st District Court of this City, with the
following measures and boundaries: It begins in point B01, located in coordinates UTM
North 7512163.3608, East 557020.2340, in the border of Fazenda da Glria owned by Veber
Marques and an area extracted from Fazenda da Glria certificate of title 5.8999, owned by
Waldir Cardozo Gasto and others, always abutting plots of land of an area extracted from
certificate of title 5.899 of Fazenda da Gloria and it ends in point B353, located in
coordinates UTM North 7512147.1561 East 556964.3988, closing the perimeter and
completing an area of 1,425,698.38 square meters, in other words, 142.57 ha in one single
continuous tract, acquired under the terms of certificate of title 30241 in view of the
dismemberment registered in act 6 of certificate of title 5.899 on 01/14/2005. Acquired as a
Purchase and Sale instrument, included in certificate of title 2-30.241 registered in the 21st
Notary Publics Office of So Paulo, book number 2892, pages 371, drawn up on July 29,
(x) add subparagraph f and subparagraph g in item 1.21, Fazenda Santa Edwiges, on
pages 286 and 287, with the following wording:
(xi) add subparagraphs b, c and d in item 1.30, Fazenda So Luiz, on pages 299 and
the Municipality of Monteiro Lobato, of the district court and 2nd Real estate district of So
Jos dos Campos, with the following neighbors Buquira River, Angelo Generoso Aurichio,
Brook of Barro Branco, Francisco Xavier Ribeiro, Luiz Roberto Xavier Ribeiro, Luiz Renato
Xavier Ribeiro. The property is registered with INCRA under number 635.111.003.867-3
with a total area of 65.4 ha, Rural mod.: 15.0; Rural mod. number: 4.36; Tax mod.: 14.0; Tax
mod. number: not applicable. The property in question was acquired under the terms of
record 01 in certificate 12 of title 590 of the 2nd Register of Deeds Office of the District
Court of So Jos dos Campos and was acquired by VCP FLORESTAL S/A through Public
Deed of Sale and Purchase, drawn up on August 12, 2003 of the 12th Notary Publics Office
of So Paulo Capital, book 2.002, pages 31, protocol No. 740.
under the terms of record 01 of certificate of title 590 of the 2nd Register of Deeds Office of
the District Court of So Jos dos Campos and was acquired by VCP FLORESTAL S/A
through Public Deed of Sale and Purchase, drawn up on August 12, 2003 of the 12th Notary
Publics Office of So Paulo Capital, book 2.002, pages 43, protocol No. 742.
(xii) add subparagraph d in item 1.58, Fazenda Santa Cruz II, on pages 346 and 347 , with
the following wording:
(xiii) add subparagraph n in item 1.54, Fazenda So Silvetre Vagalume, on page 355 with the
following wording:
(xiv) renumber item 1.64, Fazenda Goiabeira, on page 396, to item 1.64.a) with the following
(xv) add subparagraph b in item 1.64, Fazenda Goiabeira on page 376, with the following
b) Property - Name: Goiabeira. Location: Municipality of Cruzilha MG. Description of
the Property: One area of land in fields and brush woods, measuring approximately 60,00,00
ha located in a place referred to as Goiabeira I, Municipality of Cruzilha, within the following
borders and boundaries: it begins in the brook, at the edge of the wire fence, bordering on
Jos de Souza Rocha, then going up the brook until it reaches the borders with Eucimar
Ferreira Pereira, continuing up the brook, until it reaches a ditch made in borders with
Francisca Isabel de Oliveira; then, from this ditch, towards the guava tree, along the brook,
down the brook, until it reaches the borders with Joaquim Jos de Oliveira, then, it continues
down the brook until it reaches a wire fence, going down the fence until it reaches the brook,
where it began. The property is registered with INCRA under number 443.107.006.572-5,
registered in the certificate of title 5949 in the Register of Deeds Office of Baependi.
(xvi) add on page 382 the item 1.69, Stio Joo da Silva, with the following wording:
ONE TRACT OF LAND, UNDER NUMBER 01 (ONE), located in the district of Bonfim,
Fazenda Bom Jardim, in this Municipality, with an area of 35.880 hectares, abutting:
Edmundo Azevedo Nunes, Maria Margarida Pereira and Nelly Pereira Chaves, acquired
under the terms of Certificate of Title 3976 of the Official Register of Deeds Office and
related registries of the District Court of Aparecida/SP. It is included in the Certificate of
Title number R.1/3976 in accordance with the Public Deed of Purchase and Sale, drawn up
on 12/28/1984 in the 1st Notary Office and Civil Registry of the City of Aparecida, a part of
the property 14.22 hectares, already registered under No. 5464 of the same District court
and municipality, with the remainder of the certificate of title 3976 with the area of 23.78 ha.
The property in question is registered with INCRA under number 950.017.977.829-2 with
the name of Sitio So Joo which was acquired by VCP Florestal S/A according to Public
deed drawn up on January 23, 2004 in the 12th Notary Public of So Paulo in book 2.007,
pages 285, for the amount of BRL 57,640.00.
(xvii) add on page 383 the item 1.70, Fazenda Vitria, with the following wording:
One rural property located in the DISTRICT OF JARDIM, referred to as TRACT 2-B, at
HTE MUNICIPAL ROAD OF VARADOURO (JCR 100), with an area of 860,357.37
square meters, abutting: Augusto Marques da Silva, currently Martim Marques da Silva,
Guilherme Maria Augusto, an easement area of Petrobras, Sebastio Graciano, Manuel de
Souza, Teixeira brother and Joo Pinto Moraes, Antonio Teixeira Garcia, Antonio Tavares
Dias, Joo Cardoso do Prado, Antonia Maria da Conceio Faria, Hipolito Pinto de Faria,
Virgilio Cardoso, Bento Vieira Pereira, Benedito Vieira Pereira, Jos Vieira Pereira, acquired
under the terms of Certificate of title 58.963 of the Register of Deeds Office of the District
Court of Jacare SP in book No. 02. The property is registered with INCRA under No.
635.081.000.159-6 and with the Internal Revenue Service under No. 0.359.244-8 with the
Name Fazenda 3 Emes total area 98.3 ha Tax Mod.: 12.0 ha, Tax mod. number: 8.19
Rural mod.: 20.4 ha Rurais mod. number: 4.83 Minimum fraction of subdivisions: 2.0 ha.
There is an EASEMENT registered in the certificate of title in favor of PETROLEO
BRASILEIRO S.A. PETROBAS with approximately 3,636.90 square meters, intended
for the pipeline, which gave rise to the certificate of title 1.419, of the same notarys office of
that of the origin certificate of title. Acquired by VCP Florestal S/A through the Public deed
of purchase and sale drawn up on October 31, 2003, in the 12th Notary Publics Office of
the District Court of So Paulo, Book 2.007, pages 179 for the amount of BRL 355,520.00.
(xviii) add on page 383 the item 1.71, Fazenda Santa Lcia, with the following wording:
One area of land, composed of part of Fazenda Santa Lucia, in the district of Cantagalo, in
the municipality and district of Lorena/SP, with an area of 99.64 ha or 44.175 bushels, 15
with boundaries of the following neighbors: Alexandre Cobianchi, Antonio Carlos Santos
Diniz, Jos Roberto Ayrosa Rangel, Neil Eugenio Canettieri, acquired under the terms of
Certificate of Title 15.958 of the Register of Deeds Office of the District Court of LorenaSP,
which is registered with INCRA in a greater area, under No. 635103.002.003-0. Acquired by
VCP Florestal S/A through the Public deed of purchase and sale drawn up on May 29, 2002,
in the 12th Notary Publics Office of the District Court of So Paulo, Book 1.835, pages 377,
for the amount of BRL 156,465.00.
(xix) add on pages 383 and 385 the item 1.72, Fazenda Santa Clara III, with the following
1.72 Fazenda Santa Clara III, described in the three properties as follows;
A) A Rural Property with an area of 672,500 square meters located in the district of Taboo
in the City of Taubat/SP with the following borders and boundaries, from picket 91,
continuing straight ahead until it reaches the brook with the direction and distance of
SE1815 with 507.000 m dividing up to this point with Mrio Lemes de Oliveira, from this
point, it goes up the brook, dividing with Maria Conceio de Oliveira with the directions
and distances of NE6220 with 86.000m; NE2200 with 57m; NE8500 with 52.00m;
NE2345 with 85.00; SE6130 with 60.00m; NE3300 with 90.00m; SE4315 with 85.00m;
NE740 with 110.00m; NE2900 with 95.00m from this point it is separated from the brook
and turns right with the directions and distances of NE8850 with 355.00m; SE4300 with
340.00m from this point it turns left and continues along the ridge dividing with Mariotto
brothers with the direction and distance of NE8857 with 135,00m from this point it
continues dividing with Jos Valrio with the direction and distance of 3150 with 355.00m;
SE4300 with 340m from this point it turns left and goes straight ahead with the direction
and distance of NE3345 with 612.500m until it reaches a small brook, dividing with Angela
Pasin, from this point it continues along the brook in the direction of SW6540 with
410.00m; then, it turns right in the direction of NW2000 with 370.00m from this point it
continues along the ridge with the direction of NW8525 with 160.00m dividing with Joo
Francisco Capeletto, from this point it continues towards SW19 with 155.00 from this point
it goes straight ahead with the direction of SW8830 with 317.50m from this point it
continues towards SW2445 with 235.10 dividing with Irineu Ferreira de Souza up to the
starting point; acquired under the terms of Record 05 of Certificate of title 65.119 of the
Official Register of Corporate Deeds, Instruments and documents of Taubat, in this State.
The property is registered with INCRA under No. 635.200.005.827-6. The property in
question is registered under the name of VCP Florestal according to Deed of Sale and
Purchase of the Registry Office of the 21st Notary Public Office of So Paulo/SP, Book
2.909, pages 241, drawn up on 11.26.2004.
B) A pasture, Agricultural, and Rural Property located in the district of Taboo in the City of
Taubat/SP, referred to as Stio Graminha with the existing improvements, enclosed by a
wire fence, with an area of 647,216 square meters or 64.72 ha dividing and abutting totally, as
follows: from the ridge and along it, dividing with Mariotto brothers with the directions and
distances of NE8840 with 124.950m; NE629 with 335.250m; NE3315 with 257.500m;
NE8857 with 55.00 from this point, it turns left towards the brook dividing with the grantee
purchaser with the directions and distances of NW43 with 16 340.00m; SW8850 with
355.000m from this point it goes down the brook, dividing with the designated purchaser,
with the directions and distances of SW2900 with 95.000; SW8740 with 110.000; NW4315
with 85.000; SW3300 with 90.00ms; NW6130 with 60.000; SW2345 with 85.000; SW85
with 52.000; SW2200 with 57.000; SW6220 with 86.000 from this point, it is separated
from the brook and it turns left going straight ahead until it reaches a small brook, with the
direction and distance of SE1815 with 435.000 dividing with tract A, owned by the grantee
purchaser; from this point, it goes up the brook until it reaches a wire fence going up by the
forest in a distance of 325.00m; from this point, it goes along a wire fence until it reaches the
starting point, also dividing with the grantee purchaser, with the direction and distance of
SE1630 with 150.00, and this property corresponds to lot No. 03; acquired under the terms
of Record 05 of the certificate of title 15.892 of the Official Register of Corporate Deeds,
Instruments, and documents Office of Taubat, in this State. The property is registered with
INCRA under No. 635.200.005.827-6 (in a greater area along with others), with a minimum
fraction of subdivision of 13.0. The property in question is registered under the name of
VCP Florestal S/A according to Deed of Sale and Purchase of the Registry Office of the
21st Notary Publics Office of So Paulo/SP, Book 2.909, pages 241, drawn up on
C) Rural Property with an area of 61,000 square meters located in the district of Taboo in
the City of Taubat/SP with the following borders and boundaries, from picket 41, it goes
along ridges with the directions and distances of NE101 with 205.00m; NE8840 with
25.00m; dividing up to this point with Mariotto brothers, from this point it turns left going
down up to a wire fence until it reaches the source of the brook, dividing with Maria
Conceio de Oliveira with the one mentioned below in a distance of 325.00 dividing with
Maria da Conceio de Oliveira, from this point, it is separated from the brook and turns left
and goes straight ahead until it reaches the starting point, dividing with Mario Lemos de
Oliveira with the direction and distance of SE1815 with 410.00m; acquired under the terms
of Record 04 of certificate of title 65.118 of the Official Register of Corporate Deeds,
Instruments and documents Office of Taubat, in this State. The property is registered with
INCRA under No. 635.200.005.827-6 (in a greater area along with others). The property in
question is registered under the name of VCP Florestal according to Deed of Sale and
Purchase of the Registry Office of the 21st Notary Public Office of So Paulo/SP, Book
2.909, pages 241, drawn up on 11.26.2004.
7.3.1. Consign that the rectifications now approved in the list and description of the real properties
integrating the net assets of VCP Florestal transferred to the Company and included in the Appraisal
Report do not change the value of the net assets of VCP Florestal on the base date of December 31,
2004, which remains in the amount of BRL 452,310,116.00 (four hundred fifty-two million, three
hundred ten thousand, one hundred sixteen Brazilian Reais).
7.4. To approve, by 477,246,104 (four hundred and seventy seven million, two hundred and forty six, one
hundred and four) affirmative votes, 26,021 (twenty six thousand, twenty one) dissenting votes and 3,907,175
(three million, nine hundred and seven thousand, one hundred and seventy five) abstentions, the ratification of
all the decisions made at the Companys extraordinary shareholders meeting held on January 26, 2005,
including, but not limited to, the merger of VCP Florestal into the Company, with the consequent extinction
of VCP Florestal and the version of its net worth to the Company.
8. DOCUMENTS: The documents and proposals referred to the general meeting, as well as the
manifestations of votes, protests and dissent presented in writing by the shareholders were numbered,
initialed by the Board and the shareholders and were filed at the Companys headquarters.
9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further matters to be discussed, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 10:28 a.m. and suspended the procedures until 11:58 a.m. for the draft of these minutes,
in the summary format, in accordance with section 130, paragraph 1st, of the Brazilian Corporation Law, and
being authorized its publication without the signature of the shareholders, as provided by paragraph 2nd of
section 130 of the Brazilian Corporation Law, which was read, approved and signed by all those present. So
Paulo, April 28, 2017. Board: (aa) Andr Mestriner Stocche President; (aa) Ricardo Peres Freoa Secretary.
Member of the Companys Management: (aa) Luiz Fernando Torres Pinto Officer. Member of the Fiscal
Council: (aa) Mr. Mauricio Aquino Halewicz. Representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores
Independentes: (aa) Emerson Lima de Macedo. Shareholders Present: BNDES Participaes S.A.
BNDESPAR (by Catarina Breckenfeld Lacerda); Caixa de Previdncia dos Funcionrios do Banco do Brasil
(by Lus Gustavo Frantz); Votorantim S.A. (by Tatiana Bacchi Eguchi Anderson); GIF V PIPE FUNDO DE
INVESTIMENTO EM PARTICIPAES (by Caio Itiber Ferreira da Silva); Acadian Emerging Markets
Equity Fund; Active M Emerging Markets Equity Fund; Advanced Series Trust - AST Blackrock Global
Strategies Portfolio; Advanced Series Trust - AST Goldman Sachs Multi-Asset Portfolio; Advanced Series
Trust - AST Parametric Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio; Alaska Permanent Fund; Arizona PSPRS Trust;
AT&T Union Welfare Benefit Trust; BELLSOUTH CORPORATION RFA VEBA TRUST; Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation Trust; Bimcor Global Equity Pooled Fund; Blackrock CDN MSCI Emerging
Markets Index Fund; Blackrock Institutional Trust Company N.A.; BMO Low Volatility Emerging Markets
Equity ETF; BMO MSCI Emerging Markets Index ETF; BMO UCITS ETF ICAV; British Airways Pension
Trustees Limited - Maic A/C; British Airways Pension Trustees LTD. (MPF A/C); Caisse de Depot et
Placement du Quebec; California Public Employees' Retirement System; Catholic United Investment Trust;
CF DV Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund; CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund; City of Edmonton
Equity Unit Trust; City of New York Group Trust; College Retirement Equities Fund; Commonwealth
Superannuation Corporation; Desjardins IBRIX Low Volatility Emerging Markets Fund; Deutsche X-
Trackers MSCI ALL World EX USA Hedged Equity ETF; Diversified Markets (2010) Pooled Fund Trust;
Dreyfus Investment Funds - Diversified Emerging Markets Fund; Eaton Vance Trust Company Common
Trust Fund- Parametric Structured; Emerging Markets Equity Common Trust Fund; Emerging Markets
Equity Index Master Fund; Emerging Markets Equity Index Plus Fund; Emerging Markets Ex-Controversial
Weapons Equity Index Fund B; Emerging Markets Index Non-Lendable Fund; Emerging Markets Index
Non-Lendable Fund B; Emerging Markets International Fund; Emerging Markets Sudan Free Equity Index
Fund; Employees Retirement System of the State of Hawaii; Ensign Peak Advisors, INC; EVTC CIT FOF
Fidelity Investment Trust: Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund; Fidelity Salem Street Trust: Fidelity
Emerging Markets Index Fund; Fidelity Salem Street Trust: Fidelity Global EX U.S. Index Fund; Fidelity
Salem Street Trust: Fidelity SAI Emerging Markets Index Fund; Fidelity Salem Street Trust: Fidelity Series
Global Ex U.S. Index Fund; Fidelity Salem Street Trust: Spartan Total Internation Index Fund; First Trust
Bick Index Fund; First Trust Brazil Alphadex Fund; First Trust Emerging Markets Alphadex Fund; First
Trust Emerging Markets Alphadex UCITS ETF; First Trust Latin America Alphadex Fund; Ford Motor
Company Defined Benefit Master Trust; Franklin Templeton ETF Trust - Franklin LibertyQ Emerging
Markets ETF; Franklin Templeton ETF Trust - Franklin LibertyQ Global Equity ETF; FSS Emerging
Market Equity Trust; Fundpartner Solutions (SUISSE) SA - Capacity - Fonds Institutionnel - Actions
Emergents; Future Fund Board of Guardians; GE Investments Funds, INC.; GIVI Global Equity Fund;
Global X MSCI; SuperDividend Emerging Markets ETF; Goldman Sachs Trust II - Goldman Sachs Multi-
Manager Global Equity Fund; Government Employees Supernnuation Board; HP Invest Common
Contractual Fund; IBM 401(K) Plus Plan; IBM Diversified Global Equity Fund; Intech Emerging Markets
Managed Volatility Fund; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, ATRSRPA T/RET Staff
Bem Plan and Trust; Ishares III Plubic Limited Company; Ishares MSCI ACWI EX U.S. ETF; Ishares MSCI
Brazil Capped ETF; Ishares MSCI BRIC ETF; Ishares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF; Japan Trustee Services
Bank, LTd, RE: STB Daiwa Emerging Equity Fundamental Index Mother Fund; Japan Trustee Services
Bank, LTD. RE: RTB Nikko Brazil Equity Active Mother Fund; Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. STB
Brazil Stock Mother Fund; John Hancock Funds II International Strategic Equity Allocation Fund; John
Hancock Funds II Sytrategic Equity Allocation Fund; LACM Emerging Markets Fund L.P.; LACM EMII,
L.P; Lazard Asset Management LLC; Legal & General Global Emerging Markets Index Fund; Legal &
General Global Equity Index Fund; Legal & General International Index Trust; Legal and General Assurance
Society Limited; Legg Mason Global Funds PLC; Liconln Variable Insurance Products Trust - LVIP SSGA
Emerging Markets 100 Fund; Lockheed Martin Corporation Master Retirement Trust; Los Angeles Capital
Global Funds PLC; Managed Pension Funds Limited; Marcer QIF Fund PLC; MFS Emerging Markets
Equity Trust; National Council for Social Security Fund; NAV Canada Pension Plan; New York State
Teachers Retirement System; New Zealand Superannuation Fund; Norges Bank; Northern Emerging Markets
Equity Index Fund; Northern Trust Investment Funds PLC; Northern Trust Ucits FGR Fund; NTGI - QM
Common Daily All Country World Ex-US Equity Index Fund Lending; NTGI - Quantitative Management
Collective Fund Trust; NTGI-QM Common Daily Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund Lending; NTGI-
QM Common Daily Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund-Non Lending; OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund;
Oregon Public Employees Retirement System; Parametric Emerging Markets Fund; Parametric Tax-Managed
Emerging Markets Fund; Pear Tree Panagora Emerging Markets Fund; Pictet-Emerging Markets Index;
Pictet-Emerging Markets Sustainable Equities; Powershares FTSE Rafi Emerging Markets Portfolio;
Prudential Investment Portfolios 2 - Prudential QMA Emerging Markets Equity Fund; Prudential Retirement
Insurance and Annuity Company; Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho; Public Sector Pension
Investment Board; QS Investors DBI Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund LP; Quantshares Enhanced
Core Emerging Markets ETF; Schwab Emerging Markets Equity ETF; Scottish Widows Investment
Solutions Funds ICVC-Fundamental Index Emerging Markets Equity Fund; SPDR MSCI ACWI Ex-US
PLC; State of Minnesota State Employees Retirement Plan; State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D;
State Street Bank and Trust Company Investment Funds for Tax Exempt Retirement Plans; State Street
Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund; State Street Global Advisors Luxembourg Sicav - State Street Global
Emerging Markets Index Equity Fund; State Street Ireland Unit Trust; State Street MSCI Brazil Index Non-
Lending Common Trust Fund; State Street Russell Rafi Global EX-U.S. Index Non-Lending Common Trust
Fund; Sunsuper Superannuation Fund; Teacher Retirement System of Texas; Teachers' Retirement System of
the State of Illinois; The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; The Bank of New York Mellon Employee Benefit
Collective Investment Fund Plan; The Board of Administration of the Los Angeles City Employees'
Retirement System; The Board of Regents of the University of Texas System; The Monetary Authority of
Singapore; The Nomura Trust and Banking CO., LTD. RE: International Emerging Stock Index MSCI
Emerging no Hedge Mother Fund; The Pension Reserves Investment Management Board; The Seventh
Swedish National Pension Fund-AP 7 Equity Fund; The State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio; TIAA-
CREF Funds - TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund; Trust & Custody Services Bank, Ltd.
RE: Emerging Equity Passive Mother Fund; Trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauhi Bishop DBA
Kamehameha Schools; UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust; UPS Group Trust; Utah State Retirement
Systems; VANECK VECTORS NATURAL RESOURCES ETF; Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index
Fund; Vanguard FTSE All-World Ex-US Index Fund, A Series of Vanguard International Equity Index
Funds; Vanguard Funds Pulic Limited Company; Vanguard Investment Funds ICVC - Vanguard FTSE
Global All Cap Index Fund; Vanguard Investment Series PLC; Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund, A
Series of Vanguard International Equity Index Funds; Virginia Retirement System; Voya Emerging Markets
Index Portfolio; WGI Emerging Markets Fund, LLC; Willian and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Wilshire Mutual
Funds, INC - Wilshire International Equity Fund; WisdomTree Emerging Markets Dividend Fund; WSIB
Investment (Public Equities) Pooled Fund Trust; Best Investment Corporation; JP Morgan Chase Retirement
Plan; JP Morgan Funds; Ministry of Startegy and Finance; New York State Common Retirement Fund; Public
Employees Retirement System of Ohio; Stichting Pensioenfonds Voor Huisartsen; The Church
Commissioners for England; The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. as trustee for MTBJ400045796; The
Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. as trustee for MTBJ400045828; The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. as
trustee for MTBJ400045829; The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. as trustee for MTBJ400045835; THE
Stock Index Fund a Series of Vanguard Star Funds; Stichting Juridisch Eigenaar Actianm Beleggingsfondsen;
The present corresponds to the original document drawn up in the Book of the Minutes of General
Shareholders Meeting