Light S.A. Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF) No. 03.378.521/0001-75 Corporate Registry ID (NIRE) No. 33.300.263.16-1 Publicly-Held Company

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LIGHT S.A. Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ/MF) no. 03.378.521/0001-75 Corporate Registry ID (NIRE) no. 33.300.263.


EXCERPT OF THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF LIGHT S.A., HELD ON OCTOBER 26, 2007, DRAWN UP IN THE SUMMARY FORMAT, AS ALLOWED BY PARAGRAPH 1, OF ARTICLE 130, OF LAW 6,404/76. 1. Date, time and place: October 26, 2007, at 3:00 P.M., held at Av. Marechal Floriano, n 168, parte, 2 andar, Corredor A, Centro, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro. 2. Attendees: Sitting members Aldo Floris, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Eduardo Borges de Andrade, Jos Luiz Silva, Ricardo Coutinho Sena, Srgio Landau, and Wilson Nlio Brumer, Chairman of the meeting, as well as deputy members in office Almir Jos dos Santos, Ana Marta Horta Veloso, Bruno Constantino Alexandre dos Santos and Ruy Flaks Schneider. The following alternate members also attended the meeting, without, however, participating in the voting: Alfredo Salomo Neto, Carmen Lcia Claussen Kanter, Celso Fernandez Quintella, Joo Batista Zolini, Lauro Alberto De Luca, Luiz Fernando Rolla and Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes. Attorney Patricia Veiga Borges was invited to be the secretary of the meeting. Officers Jos Luiz Alqures and Ronnie Vaz Moreira also attended the meeting. 3. Matters Discussed Resolutions: 3.1. Capital Stock Increase. The Board of Directors, after a presentation by Officer Ronnie Vaz Moreira, pursuant to paragraph 2 and the caput of Article 5, of the Bylaws, which regulate the conditions and the Companys authorized capital limit, approved the Companys capital stock increase, in the amount of eighty-one million, eight hundred and forty-eight thousand, two hundred and seventy-seven reais and thirty-six centavos (R$81,848,277.36), resulting from the exercise of the rights inherent to a Subscription Bonus occurred between September 29, 2007 and October 26, 2007. The increase takes place upon the issuance of seven billion, seventy-one million, nine hundred and forty-eight thousand, eight hundred and thirty (7,071,948,830) nonpar book-entry common shares. Due to the increase resolved the Companys capital stock shall be two billion, two hundred and twenty million, three hundred and fifty-four thousand, nine hundred and ninety-three reais and eighty-one centavos (R$2,220,354,993.81) represented by two hundred and three billion, four hundred and sixty-two million, seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand and twelve (203,462,739,012) non-par book-entry common shares. The shares issued due to the exercise of the rights inherent to the Subscription Bonus, occurred between September 29, 2007 and October 26, 2007, will fully participate in the payment of dividends and interest on own capital, to be approved by the Company, corresponding to the fiscal year 2007, share subscription year.. 3.1.1. Call of the Companys Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting. The Board of Directors approved the call of the Companys Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to resolve on the amendment to the wording of Article 5 of the Bylaws to reflect the Companys capital increase pursuant to item 3.1 above. 3.2. Presentation of the 3Q07 Results.

Lights Officers Ronnie Vaz Moreira and Roberto Alcoforado made a presentation of the 3Q07 results. 3.3. Light S.A.s Management Vote Shareholders Meeting of Light S.E.S.A. Recommendation at the Extraordinary

The Board of Directors approved, by unanimous vote, the vote recommendation of Light S.A. at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Light S.E.S.A. in order to approve the amendment to the wording of Article 5 of the Bylaws to reflect Light S.E.S.As capital increase under the terms approved by the Board of Directors. 3.4. Working Capital Lines to Light S.E.S.A. and Light Energia S.A. The Coordinator of the Finance Committee reported the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers and answered the questions asked. The Board approved, by unanimous vote, the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers, pursuant to ACD F - 010/07, ACD F - 011/07 and ACD F 018, and recommended the board members appointed by Light S.A. (Light) in the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers pursuant to ACD F - 010/07 and ACD F - 018/07, as follows: ACD F 010/07: Instrument: Overdraft Account Borrower: Light Servios de Eletricidade S/A Creditor: Banco Alfa Amount: up to R$50,000,000.00 Term: up to 120 days (renewable) Cost: up to 105% CDI Guarantee: Surety of Light S/A ACD F 011/07: Instrument: Overdraft Account Borrower: Light Energia Creditor: Banco Ita S/A Amount: up to R$20,000,000.00 Term: up to 90 days (renewable) Cost: up to CDI + 1.75% per annum ACD F 018/07: Instrument: Overdraft Account Borrower: Light Servios de Eletricidade S/A Creditor: Banco Alfa Amount: up to R$50,000,000.00 Term: up to 120 days (renewable) Cost: up to 105% CDI Guarantee: Surety of Light S/A 3.5. Complementary Surety INSS Banco Votorantim. Officer Ronnie Vaz Moreira reported the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers and answered the questions asked. The Board approved, by unanimous vote, and recommended the board members appointed by Light in the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers pursuant to ACD F - 019/07, as below:

ACD F 019/07: Guarantor: Banco Votorantim S/A Beneficiary: 2nd Court of Tax Foreclosures of the Judiciary Section of Rio de Janeiro Guaranteed Company: Light Servios de Eletricidade S/A Purpose: To guarantee the amount determined as attorneys fees in the Tax Foreclosure no. 2004.51.01.532749-0, filed by INSS Brazilian Social Security Institute. Amount: Up to R$6.0 million, restated by SELIC Issuance: Immediate Maturity: Undetermined Commission: 0.90% p.a. on the guaranteed amount, paid annually in advance. Guarantees: Promissory Note This is a free English translation of the excerpt of the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of Light S.A., held on this date. Rio de Janeiro, October 26, 2007.

Patricia Veiga Borges Secretary of the Meeting

TRADE BOARD OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO. I certify the granting on November 5, 2007, AND THE REGISTRATION UNDER THE NUMBER AND DATE BELOW. LIGHT S.A. NO. 1748574, DATE: November 11, 2007. Valria G. M. Serra, GENERAL SECRETARY.

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