Oil Paint Lesson Plan
Oil Paint Lesson Plan
Oil Paint Lesson Plan
LESSON TITLE: Introduction to Oil Painting: Various Techniques and Need to Knows
before painting
Power-point projector, canvas 18x 24, drawing paper of same size, Oil Paints, Stand Oil,
Collection of Brushes , Prepared colour swatches, own underpainting for demo
Minds On (Hook)
Establishing a positive learning environment
Connecting to prior learning and/or experiences
Setting the context for learning
Extension/PREP/Hwk (activities completed outside of class to reinforce/extend learning or prepare for next class)
*Assign research of various oil painting techniques for homework
Accommodations/Special Needs: (this may have been identified above in DI section) How will you accommodate
for students with IEPs, ELLs etc.?
Teacher Reflection on Lesson: (to be completed after teaching, you do not need to fill this out for this
assignment, just an FYI for reflective practice)
Aspects that worked: Changes for next time: