Ultrafast Demagnetization Enhancement in Cofeb/Mgo/Cofeb Magnetic Tunneling Junction Driven by Spin Tunneling Current
Ultrafast Demagnetization Enhancement in Cofeb/Mgo/Cofeb Magnetic Tunneling Junction Driven by Spin Tunneling Current
Ultrafast Demagnetization Enhancement in Cofeb/Mgo/Cofeb Magnetic Tunneling Junction Driven by Spin Tunneling Current
in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic
PHYSICS tunneling junction driven by spin
tunneling current
Wei He, Tao Zhu, Xiang-Qun Zhang, Hai-Tao Yang & Zhao-Hua Cheng
5 August 2013 State Key Laboratory of Magnetism and Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese
Accepted Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.
16 September 2013
Published The laser-induced ultrafast demagnetization of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunneling junction is
7 October 2013 exploited by time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TRMOKE) for both the parallel state (P state) and
the antiparallel state (AP state) of the magnetizations between two magnetic layers. It was observed that the
demagnetization time is shorter and the magnitude of demagnetization is larger in the AP state than those in
the P state. These behaviors are attributed to the ultrafast spin transfer between two CoFeB layers via the
Correspondence and tunneling of hot electrons through the MgO barrier. Our observation indicates that ultrafast
requests for materials demagnetization can be engineered by the hot electrons tunneling current. It opens the door to manipulate
should be addressed to the ultrafast spin current in magnetic tunneling junctions.
Z.H.C. (zhcheng@
iphy.ac.cn) he current trend in the spintronics devices with faster response demands the study of the magnetization
dynamics of magnetic nanostructures on very small time scales1. In particular, laser induced demagnetiza-
tion in ferromagnetic or ferrimagentic materials has attracted a growing interest, as it provides the ability to
manipulate the magnetization using ultrashort optical pulses on subpicosecond timescale26. The understanding
of the ultrafast demagnetization process is a very important issue not only for investigating the coupling between
spin, electron and lattice in a strongly out-of-equilibrium regime, but also for potential application of spintronics
devices working in terahertz regime7. Since the laser induced ultrafast demagnetization was first observed in Ni
films2, significant progresses have been made to explore the coupling between the laser excitation and the spin
system815. The discussion of the coupling has been focused on the two exchange processes: energy exchange
process and angular momentum exchange process. The whole process of energy exchange among the three
thermal reservoirs: electron, phonon and spin, has been widely recognized by a phenomenological thermodyn-
amic model, the so-called three-temperature model3,8. However, the intriguing exchange paths of angular
momentum, especially, the dissipation channel of spin angular momentum, are still confused in the ultrafast
demagnetization process. Mediated with photon9, electron10, phonon11,12 and magnon13, distinct spin-flip pro-
cesses have been modeled as the dissipation channel of spin angular momentum for the loss of magnetization.
Most recently, the ultrafast spin transport of laser-excited hot electrons was considered as the dissipation
channel of spin angular momentum to predict the ultrafast magnetization dynamics in magnetic layered- or
hetero-structures14,15. After laser irradiation, the photo-excited electrons in metals that have been not cooled to
the thermal equilibrium temperature are known as hot electrons. Transport of hot electrons in magnetic materials
is spin dependent and has been modeled as superdiffusive spin transport to elucidate the influence of the transfer
of spin angular momentum or spin current on the magnetization dynamics on few hundreds femtosecond
timescale15. Recent experimental work has achieved significant progress for the predication of spin current
and its considerable contribution to the ultrafast demagnetization. The giant ultrafast spin current was confirmed
in Fe/Au and Fe/Ru heterostructures7. The demagnetization caused by superdiffusive spin current were observed
not only in Fe/Au in which the hot electrons move from magnetic layer to non-magnetic layer16, but also in Au/Ni
in which the hot electrons move from non-magnetic layer to magnetic layer17. More interesting cases were
reported on the time-resolved magnetization in magnetic metallic sandwiched structures Ni/Ru/Fe18 and [Co/
Pt]n/Ru/[Co/Pt]n19. The superdiffusive spin current in Ni/Ru/Fe magnetic multilayers results in an enhancement
in the magnetization of bottom Fe layer within several picoseconds when the magnetic configuration of two layers
is parallel18. The demagnetization in multilayer [Co/Pt]n is enhanced The two distinct switching fields suggest that the two CoFeB layers
by the spin current when the magnetic configuration for the [Co/ have different perpendicular magnetic anisotropy fields. The mag-
Pt]n/layers is antiparallel19. Hence the ultrafast spin transport has a netizations characterized by polarized neutron reflectometry are
considerable contribution in the ultrafast demagnetization. 663 emu/cm3 and 906 emu/cm3 for top layer and bottom layer,
The superdiffusive spin current opens a door to engineer the spin respectively23. The bottom layer with the high magnetization has a
transfer in magnetic sandwiched structures in terahertz regime. small PMA and the small switching field is H1 5 29 Oe, while the top
However, the space layer between two magnetic layers must be spin layer with the low magnetization has a large PMA and the large
transmitter and most of choice was a thin metal Ru film18,19. It was switching field is H2 5 84 Oe. For the AP state, the normalized
pointed out that the superdiffusive spin current will be weaker by a magnetization is 8%, which is in good agreement with the result of
metal film Ta or W, and will be blocked by an insulating layer NiO or polarized neutron reflectometry (7.6%). This consistence infers that
Si3N419,20. Although the magnetic tunneling current has been iden- the optical depth-dependent profile can be neglected due to the
tified in magnetic multilayer sandwiched by a thin insulator Al2O3 or thickness of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB film is less than the optical pen-
MgO layer21,22, the ultrafast spin transport in magnetic tunneling etration depth.
junctions was not reported yet. Here, we present a laser induced Figure 2(a) depicts the dynamic signals of ultrafast demagnetiza-
ultrafast demagnetization in sandwiched CoFeB films with an insu- tion under the pump fluence 2.94 mJ/cm2 for the P and AP states (see
lating MgO film as the space layer. In contrast to insulating NiO the Methods section). When the pump laser heats the sample, a
space layer, where the ultrafast demagnetization processes same decrease in the magnitude of the magnetization is observed in time
between P and AP states are same19, it was observed in CoFeB/ less than 400 fs. Then, a subsequent recovery is occurred within a few
MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunneling junction that the demagnetization ps. Owing to the large PMA to suppress the reorientation of the
time becomes shorter and the magnitude of demagnetization magnetization, no signature of the magnetic precession was observed
becomes larger when the magnetic configuration was varied from for the time delay up to 1 ns in both P and AP states (not shown
P state to AP one. This finding can be explained by the transfer of here). Since the reorientation of the magnetization is absent, the
spin angular momentum via the tunneling spin current in two mag- dynamic change of the Kerr signal presents the amplitude of the
netic layers. Our observations indicate the ultrafast spin current can magnetization loss. We write the magnetization loss as {DMz,i ~
tunnel through the insulating MgO layer and control the speed and lsi Mz,i , where lsi is defined as the coefficient of magnetization loss (i
efficiency of ultrafast demagnetization. 5 1,2 for top and bottom layers, and s 5 P, AP state, respectively).
The measured magnetization losses 2DMz are {DMzAP ~lAP 2 Mz,2
Results {lAP M z,1 and {DM P
~l P
Mz,2 zl P
Mz,1 for the AP and P states,
1 z 2 1
Fig. 1 shows the static polar hysteresis loop of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB
multilayered film (see the Methods section). The square loop indi-
cates the film has perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). The
hysteresis loop shows two distinct switching fields separated by a
large antiferromagnetic plateau and is constituted by two minor
loops, for top and bottom CoFeB layers respectively. The minor loop
of with lower switching field is counted and plotted in Fig. 1.
According to the loops in fig. 1, the magnetic directions of the two
CoFeB layers can be controlled by external magnetic field. When the
applied reversal field is in between the two switching fields, their
magnetization directions are antiparallel (AP state). However, when
the applied field is large enough to overcome the higher switching
field, the magnetizations of both FeCoB layers are aligned in the same
direction (P state). The magnetization directions for both CoFeB
multilayers are depicted in Fig. 1 for different magnetic applied fields.
CoFeB film. When CoFeB and Ta layers absorb pump laser, hot between spin-majority and spin-minority is reduced by the net spin
electrons are generated. In magnetic materials, spin-majority and current J1 1 J2 and enhance the demagnetization for both two CoFeB
spin-minority hot electrons have distinctly transport properties layers. As a result, the ultrafast spin tunneling current adds a dissipa-
due to their different lifetimes and velocities. Compared with spin- tion path for spin angular momentum to accelerate the demagnet-
majority electrons, spin-minority electrons have shorter lifetime and ization time for CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB film in the AP state.
diffusion length. Therefore, the spin-minority electrons is more Even the spin tunneling current J1 1 J2 enhance the demagnet-
easily and faster trapped in the local exciting region (electrons ization for both two CoFeB layers in the AP state, the measured
generated by magnetic layers themselves) or at interface (electrons magnetization loss {DM z AP (5 lAP AP
2 Mz,2 {l1 Mz,1 ) will not change
coming from adjacent layers)15. Consequently this transient accu- since the enhanced demagnetizations by tunneling current have been
mulation of spin-minority hot electrons in CoFeB film layer results canceled for measurement. In order to explain the enhanced
in the demagnetization. For each individual magnetic layer of sand- {DMzAP , other mechanisms of ultrafast demagnetization are con-
wiched CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB film, the hot electrons consist of three cluded. Now the dissipation channels of spin angular momentum in
sources: spin-polarized electrons generated by themselves, non- CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB film principally include spin-flip scattering11,
polarized electrons coming from capping or buffer layer, and addi- superdiffusive spin current14 and spin tunneling current. The coef-
tionally spin-polarized electrons transferring from other magnetic ficient of magnetization loss l is formally written as
layer. Here, we focus on the transport of hot electrons causes the
transfer of spin angular momentum between two individual mag- l~lspin{flip zlsuperdiffusive zltunneling : 2
netic layers. Nevertheless the MgO film is an insulating layer, the hot
electrons can not diffuse through it but can tunnel through it25,26. The lspin-flip, lsuperdiffusive and ltunneling are defined as the character-
Furthermore, the MgO barrier is a spin filter and filters out all tun- istic coefficients of the magnetization loss caused by spin-flip scatter-
neling states other than the D1 band and the D1 band of CoFeB only ing, superdiffusive spin current and spin tunneling current,
consists of spin-majority electrons5,21,27. respectively. The lspin-flip and lsuperdiffusive dependent on the popu-
lation of spin-majority and spin minority. The spin tunneling cur-
Once the hot spin-majority electrons of top (bottom) magnetic
rents change the population of spin-majority and spin minority for
layer tunnel to bottom (top) layer, the spin current has distinct
each CoFeB layers in the AP state and then influence the lspin-flip and
functions for demagnetization in the P and AP states. For simplifying
lsuperdiffusive. This influence causes the variations of the lspin-flip and
the discussion, the tunneling current J1 and J2 are defined as from top
lsuperdiffusive for each CoFeB layers. The variation is different for top
to bottom layer and from bottom to top layer. The function of spin
and bottom magnetic layer and the enhancements of total demag-
tunneling current is demonstrated in Fig. 4. In the P state, the net spin
netization loss for the two magnetic layers are different in the AP
current J1J2 is zero for the assumption of local charge neutrality. If
state. The data in Fig. 3(b) indicates the enhancement of the demag-
we count the population between spin-majority and spin-minority,
netization in bottom CoFeB layer is larger than that in top layer. The
change is not happen by tunneling current in Fig. 4(a). The spin
first increase and then saturation of enhancement along with increas-
transfer of tunneling current in the P state has little influence for
the demagnetization of sandwiched CoFeB film. Conversely in the ing laser fluence infers the intriguing competitive relationship among
the different demagnetization mechanisms. A compatible model
AP state, the spin-majority electrons will become spin-minority elec-
trons when they tunnel into other magnetic layer. Both top and includes the spin transport (superdiffusive spin current and tunnel-
ing spin current) and spin-flip scattering is required to explore the
bottom layers lose the spin-majority electrons and receive the spin-
minority electrons. As seen in Fig. 4 (b), the difference of population ultrafast demagnetization in magnetic nanostructures28.
Finally, the ultrafast spin tunneling current in CoFeB/MgO/
CoFeB sandwiched film transfers the spin angular momentum
between two magnetic layers and controls the ultrafast demagnetiza-
tion. Our observation indicates that ultrafast demagnetization can be
engineered by the hot tunneling current. This finding may open a
new route to manipulate the spin transport in magnetic tunneling
junctions within few hundred femtoseconds.
Sample description. The stack structure of CoFeB(1.22 nm)/MgO(1.1 nm)/
CoFeB(1.04 nm) were deposited by magnetron sputtering with a base pressure of 4 3
1026 Pa. The numbers in brackets are nominal thickness. A thin 2.2 nm Ta seed layer
was first deposited on thermally oxidized silicon substrates. Another thin 2.2 nm Ta
layer covered CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB film to protect against oxidation. The stack
structure of the sample is present in the insert of Fig. 1. The sample was then annealed
at 300uC in a vacuum chamber for an hour. Argon was used as the sputtering gas. The
sputtering pressure for metals was 0.4 Pa and for MgO layers was 0.2 Pa. High purity
Co40Fe40B20 (99.9%), MgO (99.99%), and tantalum (99.95%; all obtained from
Functional Materials International, Japan) were used as the target materials.
Experimental method. The static polar Kerr loop of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB film was
acquired using a laser diode with a wavelength of 650 nm. The dynamical process of
ultrafast demagnetization was measured by TRMOKE. The experiments were carried
out using an all optical pump-probe technique. A train of optical pulse with 780 nm
wavelength, 55 fs duration and 100 nJ/pulse is generated at 5.2 MHz repetition rate
by a Ti:sapphire oscillator (FEMTOLASER, XL-100). We doubled the frequency of
the femtosecond laser via a nonlinear optical crystal BaB2O4 (BBO) with a thickness
of 200 mm. The laser beam is split into a 780 nm laser beam and a 390 nm laser beam
by a dichroic beamsplitter. The 780 nm laser is used as pump pulse to excite the
magnetic system out of equilibrium, while the 390 nm laser is much weaker than that
of the 780 nm beam (15100) and is used as probe pulse to measure the subsequent
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