Chen - Analog and Digital Control System Design Ocr PDF
Chen - Analog and Digital Control System Design Ocr PDF
Chen - Analog and Digital Control System Design Ocr PDF
Control System
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Analog and Digital
Control System Desi~n:
Transfer-Function, State-Space, and
Algebraic Methods
Chi-Tsong Chen
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1 .1 Empirical and Analytical Methods 1
1 .2 Control Systems 2
1.2.1 Position Control Systems 2
1 .2.2 Velocity Control Systems 4
1 .2.3 Temperature Control Systems 6
1 .2.4 Trajectory Control and Autopilot 6
1 .2.5 Miscellaneous Examples 7
1 .3 Problem Formulation and Basic Terminology 9
1.4 Scope of the Text 11
3.1 Introduction 69
3.2 Motors 70
3 .2.1 Field-Controlled DC Motor 70
3 .2.2 Armature-Controlled DC Motor 72
3 .2 .3 Measurement of Motor Transfer Functions 75
3 .3 Gears 78
3.4 Transducers 81
3.5 Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amps) 84
3.6 Block Diagrams of Control Systems 88
3.6.1 Reaction Wheels and Robotic Arms 91
3.7 Manipulation of Block Diagrams 94
3.7.1 Mason's Formula 98
3 .7.2 Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Transfer Functions 101
Problems 102
10 .1Introduction 384
10.2 Unity-Feedback Configuration-Model Matching 385
10.3 Unity-Feedback Configuration-Pole Placement by Matching
Coefficients 388
10.3.1 Diophantine Equations 390
10.3 .2 Pole Placement with Robust Tracking 397
10.3 .3 Pole Placement and Model Matching 400
10.4 Two-Parameter Compensators 402
10.4 .1 Two-Parameter Configuration-Model Matching 405
10.5 Effect of Dr(s) on Disturbance Rejection and Robustness 411
10.5 .1 Model Matching and Disturbance Rejection 419
13 .1 Introduction 511
13 .2 Digital Implementations of Analog Compensators-Time-Domain
Invariance 512
13 .2 .1 Frequency-Domain Transformations 516
13 .3 An Example 522
13.3.1 Selection of Sampling Periods 524
13 .4 Equivalent Digital Plants 526
13.4.1 Hidden Dynamics and Non-Minimum-Phase Zeros 528
13 .5 Root-Locus Method 534
13 .6 Frequency-Domain Design 540
13 .7 State Feedback, State Estimator and Dead-Beat Design 541
13.8 Model Matching 544
13 .9 Concluding Remarks 547
Problems 548
References 590
Index 595
the model can be more complex and realistic . Modeling is the most critical step in
analytical design . If a physical system is incorrectly modeled, subsequent study will
be useless . Once a model is chosen, the rest of the analytical design is essentially a
mathematical problem .
Repeated experimentation is indispensable in the empirical method . It is also
important in the analytical method . In the former, experiments must be carried out
using physical devices, which might be expensive and dangerous . In the latter, how-
ever, experiments can be carried out using models or mathematical equations . Many
computer-aided design packages are available . We may use any of them to simulate
the equations on a digital computer, to carry out design, and to test the result on the
computer. If the result is not satisfactory, we repeat the design . Only after a design
is found to be satisfactory, will we implement it using physical devices .
If the model is adequately chosen, the performance of the implemented system
should resemble the performance predicted by analytical design or computer simu-
lation . However, because of unavoidable inaccuracy in modeling, discrepancies often
exist between the performance of the implemented physical system and that predicted
by the analytical method . Therefore, the performance of physical systems can often
be improved by fine adjustments or tunings . This is why a physical system often
requires lengthy testing after it is implemented, before it is put into actual operation
or mass production . In this sense, experience is also important in the analytical
method .
In the analytical approach, experimentation is needed to set up models, and
experience is needed (due to the inaccuracy of modeling) to improve the performance
of actual physical systems . Thus, experience and experimentation are both used in
the empirical and analytical approaches . The major difference between these two
approaches is that in the latter, we gain, through modeling, understanding and insight
into the structure of systems . The analytical approach also provides systematic pro-
cedures for designing systems and reduces the likelihood of designing flawed or
disastrous systems .
In this text, we study analytical methods in the analysis and design of control
This text is concerned with the analysis and design of control systems ; therefore, it
is pertinent to discuss first what control systems are . Before giving a formal defini-
tion, we discuss a number of examples .
A possible arrangement of such a system is shown in Figure 1 .1(a). This system can
indeed be designed using the empirical method . If it is to be designed using the
analytical method, we must first develop a model for the system, as shown in Figure
1 .1(b). The model actually consists of a number of blocks .' Each block represents
a model of a physical device . Using this model, we can then carry out the design .
A large number of systems can be similarly modeled . For example, the system that
aims the antennas shown in Figure 1 .2 at communication satellites and the systems
that control various antennas and solar panels shown in Figure 1 .3 can be similarly
modeled. These types of systems are called position control systems .
There are other types of position control systems . Consider the simplified nu-
clear power plant shown in Figure 1 .4 . The intensity of the reaction inside the reactor
(and, consequently, the amount of heat generated) ; is controlled by the vertical po-
sition of the control rods . The more deeply the control rods are submerged, the more
heat the reactor will generate . There are many other control systems in the nuclear
power plant. Maintenance of the boiler's water level and maintenance or regulation
of the generated voltage at a fixed voltage all call for control systems . Position control
is also needed in the numerical control of machine tools . For example, it is possible
to program a machine tool so that it will automatically drill a number of holes, as
shown in Figure 1 .5.
0 s(ms+1)
Figure 1 .1 Position control system .
'At this point, the reader need not be concerned with the equation inside each block . It will be developed
in Chapter 3 .
2 .2-m, 30-GHz
receiving antenna
Control F
Control A1 turbine Generato
rod Voltage
I Condenser
r dc Motor Tachometer
Reference signal Differential amplifier Motor and load
I Actua speed
Desired speed I + I U km
o-~ k3
Potentiometer _
k, c
Figure 1 .6 Velocity control system .
Actual temperature
Power supply I
Sensing device
Preset or
water level ~ I
Controller: I _ I Valve
water level
floa ~t
H H Water tank
Figure 1 .9 Bathroom toilet tank.
of controlling the valve is understood, the water level can easily be controlled by
trial and error.
As a final example, a schematic diagram of the control of clothes dryers is shown
in Figure 1 .10 . Presently there are two types of clothes dryers-manual and auto-
matic . In a manual clothes dryer, depending on the amount of clothes and depending
Desired Actual
dryness dryness
Desired Actual
dryness dryness
Transducer Comparator Switch Dryer
)I I
Sensing devi e
Figure 1 .10 (a) Manual clothes dryer . (b) Automatic dryer .
on experience, we set the timer to, say, 40 minutes . At the end of 40 minutes, this
dryer will automatically turn off even if the clothes are still damp or wet . Its sche-
matic diagram is shown in Figure 1 .10(a) . In an automatic dryer, we select a desired
degree of dryness, and the dryer will automatically turn off when the clothes reach
the desired degree of dryness . If the load is small, it will take less time ; if the load
is large, it will take more time . The amount of time needed is automatically deter-
mined by this type of dryer . Its schematic diagram is shown in Figure 1 :10(b) .
Clearly, the automatic dryer is more convenient to use than a manual one, but it is
more expensive . However, in using a manual dryer, we may overset the timer, and
electricity may be wasted . Therefore, if we include the energy saved, an automatic
dryer may turn out to be more economical .
From the examples in the preceding section, we may deduce that a control system
is an interconnection of components or devices so that the output of the overall
system will follow as closely as possible a desired signal . There are many reasons
to design control systems :
1. Automatic control: The temperature of a house can be automatically main-
tained once we set a desired temperature . This is an automatic control system .
Automatic control systems are used widely and are essential in automation in
industry and manufacturing .
2. Remote control : The quality of reception of a TV channel can be improved by
pointing the antenna toward the emitting station . If the antenna is located at the
rooftop, it is impractical to change its direction by hand . If we install an antenna
rotator, then we can control the direction remotely by turning a knob sitting in
front of the TV . This is much more convenient . The Hubble space telescope,
which is orbiting over three hundred miles above the earth, is controlled from
the earth . This remote control must be done by control systems .
3. Power amplification : The antennas used to receive signals sent by Voyager 2
have diameters over 70 meters and weights over several tons . Clearly, it is
impossible to turn these antennas directly by hand . However, using control sys-
tems, we can control them by turning knobs or by typing in command signals
on computers . The control systems will then generate sufficient power to turn
the antennas . Thus, power amplification is often implicit in many control
In conclusion, control systems are widely used in practice because they can be
designed to achieve automatic control, remote control, and power amplification .
We now formulate the control problem in the following . Consider the the po-
sition control problem in Figure 1 .1, where the objective is to control the direction
of the antenna. The first step in the design is to choose a motor to drive the antenna .
The motor is called an actuator . The combination of the object to be controlled and
the actuator is called the plant. In a home heating system, the air inside the home is
r(t) u (t) Object I y(t)
Actuator to be
Reference I Actuating controlled I Plant
signal I signal I output
I Plant
the controlled object and the burner is the actuator . A space shuttle is a controlled
object ; its actuator consists of a number of thrustors . The input of the plant, denoted
by u(t), is called the control signal or actuating signal; the output of the plant,
denoted by y(t), is called the controlled variable or plant output . The problem is to
design an overall system as shown in Figure 1 .11 so that the plant output will follow
as closely as possible a desired or reference signal, denoted by r(t) . Every example
in the preceding section can be so formulated .
There are basically two types of control systems : the open-loop system and the
closed-loop or feedback system . In an open-loop system, the actuating signal is
predetermined by the desired or reference signal ; it does not depend on the actual
plant output. For example, based on experience, we set the timer of the dryer in
Figure 1 .10(a). When the time is up, the dryer will stop even if the clothes are still
damp or wet. This is an open-loop system . The actuating signal of an open-loop
system can be expressed as
u(t) = f(r(t))
where f is some function . If the actuating signal depends on the reference input and
the plant output, or if it can be expressed as
u(t) = h(r(t), y(t))
where h is some function, then the system is a closed-loop or feedback system. All
systems in the preceding section, except the one in Figure 1 .10(a), are feedback
systems. In every feedback system the plant output must be measured and used to
generate the actuating signal . The plant output could be a position, velocity, tem-
perature, or something else . In many applications, it is transformed into a voltage
and compared with the reference signal, as shown in Figure 1 .12. In these transfor-
mations, sensing devices or transducers are needed as shown . The result of the
comparison is then used to drive a compensator or controller . The output of the
controller yields an actuating signal . If the controller is designed properly, the ac-
tuating signal will drive the plant output to follow the desired signal .
In addition to the engineering problems discussed in the preceding section, a
large number of other types of systems can also be considered as control systems .
Our body is in fact a very complex feedback control system . Maintaining our body
temperature at 37 Celsius requires perspiration in summer and contraction of blood
vessels in winter . Maintaining an automobile in a lane (plant output) is a feedback
control system: Our eyes sense the road (reference signal), we are the controller, and
the plant is the automobile together with its engine and steering system . An economic
system is a control system . Its health is measured by the gross national product
(GNP), unemployment rate, average hourly wage, and inflation rate . If the inflation
rate is too high or the unemployment rate is not acceptable, economic policy must
be modified . This is achieved by changing interest rates, monetary policy, and gov-
ernment spending . The economic system has a large number of interrelated factors
whose cause-and-effect relationships are not exactly known . Furthermore, there are
many uncertainties, such as consumer spending, labor disputes, or international
crises . Therefore, an economic system is a very complex system . We do not intend
to solve every control problem ; we study in this text only a very limited class of
control problems .
This text is concerned with the analysis and design of control systems . As it is an
introductory text, we study only a special class of control systems . Every system-
in particular, every control system-is classified dichotomously as linear or nonlin-
ear, time-invariant or time-varying, lumped or distributed, continuous-time or
discrete-time, deterministic or stochastic, and single-variable or multivariable .
Roughly speaking, a system is linear if it satisfies the additivity and homogeneity
properties, time-invariant if its characteristics do not change with time, and lumped
if it has a finite number of state variables or a finite number of initial conditions that
can summarize the effect of past input on future output . A system is continuous-time
if its responses are defined for all time, discrete-time if its responses are defined only
at discrete instants of time . A system is deterministic if its mathematical description
does not involve probability. It is called a single-variable system if it has only one
input and only one output ; otherwise it is called a multivariable system. For a more
detailed discussion of these concepts, see References [15, 18] . In this text, we study
only linear, time-invariant, lumped, deterministic, single-variable systems. Although
this class of control systems is very limited, it is the most important one . Its study
is a prerequisite for studying more general systems . Both continuous-time and
discrete-time systems are studied .
The class of systems studied in this text can be described by ordinary differential
equations with real constant coefficients . This is demonstrated in Chapter 2 by using
examples. We then discuss the zero-input response and the zero-state response . The
transfer function is developed to describe the zero-state response . Since the transfer
function describes only the zero-state response, its use in analysis and design must
be justified . This is done by introducing the concept of complete characterization .
The concepts of properness, poles, and zeros of transfer functions are also intro-
duced. Finally, we introduce the state-variable equation and its discretization . Its
relationship with the transfer function is also established .
In Chapter 3, we introduce some control components, their models, and their
transfer functions . The loading problem is considered in developing the transfer
functions . Electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems are discussed . We
then discuss the manipulation of block diagrams and Mason's formula to conclude
the chapter .
The quantitative and qualitative analyses of control systems are studied in Chap-
ter 4 . Quantitative analysis is concerned with the response of systems due to some
specific input, whereas qualitative analysis is concerned with general properties of
systems . In quantitative analysis, we also show by examples the need for using
feedback and tachometer feedback . The concept of the time constant is introduced .
In qualitative analysis, we introduce the concept of stability, its condition, and a
method (the Routh test) of checking it. The problems of pole-zero cancellation and
complete characterization are also discussed.
In Chapter 5, we discuss digital and analog computer simulations . We show
that if the state-variable description of a system is available, then the system can be
readily simulated on a digital computer or built using operational amplifier circuits .
Because it is simpler and more systematic to simulate transfer functions through
state-variable equations, we introduce the realization problem-the problem of ob-
taining state-variable equations from transfer functions . Minimal realizations of vec-
tor transfer functions are discussed . The use of MATLAB, a commercially available
computer-aided design package, is discussed throughout the chapter .
Chapters 2 through 5 are concerned with modeling and analysis problems ; the
remaining chapters are concerned with the design problem . In Chapter 6, we discuss
the choice of plants . We then discuss physical constraints in the design of control
systems . These constraints lead to the concepts of well-posedness and total stability.
The saturation problem is also discussed . Finally, we compare the merits of open-
loop and closed-loop systems and then introduce two basic approaches-namely,
outward and inward-in the design of control systems . In the outward approach,
we first choose a configuration and a compensator with open parameters and then
adjust the parameters so that the resulting overall system will (we hope) meet the
design objective. In the inward approach, we first choose an overall system to meet
the design objective and then compute the required compensators .
Two methods are available in the outward approach : the root-locus method and
the frequency-domain method. They were developed respectively in the 1950s and
This text is concerned with analytical study of control systems . Roughly speaking,
it consists of four parts :
1. Modeling
2. Development of mathematical equations
3. Analysis
4. Design
This chapter discusses the first two parts . The distinction between physical systems
and models is fundamental in engineering . In fact, the circuits and control systems
studied in most texts are models of physical systems . For example, a resistor with a
constant resistance is a model ; the power limitation of the resistor is often disre-
garded . An inductor with a constant inductance is also a model ; in reality, the in-
ductance may vary with the amount of current flowing through it . An operational
amplifier is a fairly complicated device ; it can be modeled, however, as shown in
Figure 2 .1 . In mechanical engineering, an automobile suspension system may be
modeled as shown in Figure 2.2. In bioengineering, a human arm may be modeled
as shown in Figure 2.3(b) or, more realistically, as in Figure 2.3(c). Modeling is an
extremely important problem, because the success of a design depends upon whether
or not physical systems are adequately modeled .
Depending on the questions asked and depending on operational ranges, a phys-
ical system may have different models . For example, an electronic amplifier has
vo =A(v2 - v )
Arm W W W
u y
The choice of a model for a physical device depends heavily on the mathematics to
be used. It is useless to choose a model that closely resembles the physical device
but cannot be analyzed using existing mathematical methods . It is also useless to
choose a model that can be analyzed easily but does not resemble the physical device .
Therefore, the choice of models is not a simple task. It is often accomplished by a
compromise between ease of analysis and resemblance to real physical systems .
The systems to be used in this text will be limited to those that can be described
by ordinary linear differential equations with constant real coefficients such as
3 d2y(t) + 2 dy(t) du(t) - 3u(t)
dt dt + y(t) = 2 dt
or, more generally,
d o-1 y(t) dy(t)
an dny(t) + an-1 + . . . + a1
dtn dtn-1 dt + a0y(t)
dmu(t) dm-1 u(t) du(t)
= bm + bm 1 dtm - 1 + . . . + bl
dtm dt + b0u(t)
where a; and b; are real constants, and n ? m. Such equations are called nth order
linear time-invariant lumped (LTIL) differential equations . In order to be describable
by such an equation, the system must be linear, time-invariant, and lumped . Roughly
speaking, a system is linear if it meets the additivity property [that is, the response
of u 1(t) + u2(t) equals the sum of the response of u 1 (t) and the response of u 2(t)],
and the homogeneity property [the response of au(t) equals a times the response of
u(t)] . A system is time-invariant if its characteristics-such as mass or moment of
inertia for mechanical systems, or resistance, inductance or capacitance for electrical
systems-do not change with time . A system is lumped if the effect of any past
input u(t), for t < t0 , on future output y(t), for t ? t0, can be summarized by afinite
number of initial conditions at t = t0. For a detailed discussion of these concepts,
000 m h u
I dy/dt A
kI ~y
see References [15, 181 . We now discuss how these equations are developed to
describe physical systems .
'This is obtained by measurements under the assumption that the mass of the spring is zero and that the
spring has no drifting and no hysteresis . See Reference [18] .
if the applied force is outside the range [A', B'], the characteristic is quite different
from the dotted line . However, if the applied force lies inside the range [A', B'],
called the linear operational range, then the characteristic can very well be repre-
sented by (2.3). We shall use (2.3) as a model for the spring .
We now develop an equation to describe the system by using (2.3) and consid-
ering only the viscous friction in (2.2) . The applied force u(t) must overcome the
friction and the spring force, and the remainder is used to accelerate the mass . Thus
we have
d y(t)
u(t) - k1 dy(t) - kzy(t) = m zdt2
m dt + k, dy(t)
dt + k2y(t) = u(t)
This is an ordinary linear differential equation with constant coefficients . It is im-
portant to remember that this equation is obtained by using the linearized relation in
(2.3) and considering only the viscous friction in (2 .2). Therefore, it is applicable
only for a limited operational range .
Consider now the rotational system shown in Figure 2.6(a). The input is the
applied torque T(t) and the output is the angular displacement 0(t) of the load . The
shaft is not rigid and is modeled by a torsional spring . Let J be the moment of inertia
of the load and the shaft . The friction between the shaft and bearing may consist of
static, Coulomb, and viscous frictions . As in Figure 2 .5, we consider only the viscous
friction . Let k1 be the viscous friction coefficient and k2 the torsional spring constant .
Then the torque generated by the friction equals k1dO(t)/dt and the torque generated
by the spring is k20(t) . The applied torque T(t) must overcome the friction and spring
torques; the remainder is used to accelerate the load . Thus we have
20( t )
T(t) - k1 - k20(t) = J
d dtt) ddtz
d zdtzt)
+ k1 d dtt) + k20(t) = T(t) (2.5a)
Exercise 2 .2.1
Exercise 2 .2.2
Show that the system shown in Figure 2 .6(b) where the shaft is assumed to be rigid
is described by
d2B(t) dO(t)
J + k = T(t) (2 .5b)
dt2 1 dt
v(t) C v( t) L
I di(t)
v(t)=L dt
2 .2 .2 RLC Networks
We discuss in this section circuits that are built by interconnecting resistors, capac-
itors, inductors, and current and voltage sources, beginning with the three basic
elements shown in Figure 2 .8. A resistor is generally modeled as v = Ri, where R
is the resistance, v is the applied voltage, and i is current flowing through it with
polarity chosen as shown . In the model v = Ri, nothing is said regarding power
consumption . In reality, if v is larger than a certain value, the resistor will burn out .
Therefore, the model is valid only within the specified power limitation . A capacitor
is generally modeled as Q = Cv, where C is the capacitance, v is the applied voltage,
and Q is the charge stored in the capacitor . The model implies that as the voltage
increases to infinity, so does the stored charge . Physically this is not possible . As v
increases, the stored charge will saturate and cease to increase, as shown in Figure
2.9 . However, for v in a limited range, the model Q = Cv does represent the physical
capacitor satisfactorily . An inductor is generally modeled as 0 = Li where L is the
inductance, 0 is the flux, and i is the current . In reality, the flux generated in an
inductor will saturate as i increases . Therefore the relationship (A = Li is again
applicable only within a limited range of i . Now if R, L, and C change with time,
they are time-varying elements . If R, L, and C are constants, independent of time,
then they are time-invariant elements . Using these linear time-invariant models, we
can express their voltages and currents as
v(t) = Ri(t) (2 .6a)
i(t) = C (2 .6b)
Now we shall use (2 .6) to develop differential equations to describe RLC net-
works . Consider the network shown in Figure 2.10 . The input is a current source
u(t) and the output y(t) is the voltage across the capacitor as shown . The current of
the capacitor, using (2.6b), is
dy(t) _ 2 dy(t)
i (t) = C dt dt
Charge (flux)
This current also passes through the 1-a resistor . Thus the voltage drop across A
and B is
dd(tt) + y(t)
u,B = i,(t) 1 + y(t) = 2
u(t) 0 .54 2F
Figure 2 .10 RC network .
Exercise 2 .2 .3
Find differential equations to describe the networks in Figure 2 .11 . The network in
Figure 2 .11(b) is called a phase-lag network.
(a) (b)
Figure 2 .11 Networks .
q qZ
Figure 2 .12 Control of liquid levels .
They are proportional to relative liquid levels and inversely proportional to flow
resistances . The changes of liquid levels are governed by
A,dh, = (q; - q,)dt
A2dh2 = (q, - q2)dt
which imply
dh, _
(2 .9a)
A1 dt = g` - q,
dh2 _ (2 .9b)
A2 dt - q, - q2
These equations are obtained by linearization and approximation . In reality, the flow
of liquid is very complex ; it may involve turbulent flow, which cannot be described
by linear differential equations . To simplify analysis, turbulent flow is disregarded
in developing (2 .9). Let q; and q2 be the input and output of the system . Now we
shall develop a differential equation to describe them . The differentiation of (2 .8)
dh2 = R dqz dht = R dq, + dhz = R dq,
z dt and + R z dq2
dt dt i dt dt ' dt dt
The substitution of these into (2.9) yields
, d12)
q j - q, = A, (R, d~ + R2 (2 .1 Oa)
q, - q2 - A2 R2 dt (2 .l Ob)
described by LTIL differential equations . In this text, we study only this class of
The response of linear, in particular LTIL, systems can always be decomposed into
the zero-input response and zero-state response . In this section we shall use a simple
example to illustrate this fact and then discuss some general properties of the zero-
input response. The Laplace transform in Appendix A is needed for the following
discussion .
Consider the differential equation
d2y2t) + 3 dy(t) du(t)
+ 2y(t) = 3 - u(t) (2 .12)
dt dt dt
Many methods are available to solve this equation . The simplest method is to use
the Laplace transform . The application of the Laplace transform to (2 .12) yields,
using (A.9),
s2 Y(s) - sy(0 - ) - y(0 - ) + 3[sY(s) - y(0 -)] + 2Y(s)
(2 .13)
= 3[sU(s) - u(0 - )] - U(s)
where y(t) : = dy(t)/dt and capital letters denote the Laplace transforms of the cor-
responding lowercase letters? Equation (2 .13) is an algebraic equation and can be
manipulated using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division . The grouping
of Y(s) and U(s) in (2 .13) yields
(s2 + 3s + 2)Y(s) = sy(0 - ) + y(0 -) + 3y(0 - ) - 3u(0 - ) + (3s - 1)U(s)
which implies
+ 3)y(0 -) + y(0 - ) - 3u(0 - ) + 3s- 1
Y(s) = (s U(s) (2 .14)
s2 +3s+2 s2 +3s+2
Zero-Input Response Zero-State Response
This equation reveals that the solution of (2 .12) is partly excited by the input u(t),
t ? 0, and partly excited by the initial conditions y(0 - ), y(0 - ), and u(0 -). These
initial conditions will be called the initial state . The initial state is excited by the
input applied before t = 0 . In some sense, the initial state summarizes the effect of
the past input u(t), t < 0, on the future output y(t), for t ? 0. If different past inputs
ut(t), u2(t), . . . , t--- 0, excite the same initial state, then their effects on the future
output will be identical . Therefore, how the differential equation acquires the initial
state at t = 0 is immaterial in studying its solution y(t), for t ? 0 . We mention that
2We use A := B to denote that A, by definition, equals B, and A = : B to denote that B, by definition,
equals A .
the initial time t = 0 is not the absolute time; it is the instant we stari to study the
Consider again (2.14). The response can be decomposed into two parts . The
first part is excited exclusively by the initial state and is called the zero-input re-
sponse. The second part is excited exclusively by the input and is called the zero-
state response . In the study of LTIL systems, it is convenient to study the zero-input
response and the zero-state response separately . We first study the zero-input re-
sponse and then the zero-state response .
No matter what the initial conditions y(0 - ) and y(0 - ) are, the zero-input response
is always a linear combination of the two functions a-t and e -2t. The two functions
et and e- 2t are the inverse Laplace transforms of 1/(s + 1) and 1/(s + 2) . The
two roots -1 and - 2-or, equivalently, the two roots of the denominator of (2 .15)
are called the modes of the system . The modes govern the form of the zero-input
response of the system .
We now extend the preceding discussion to the general case . Consider the nth
order LTIL differential equation
any '"'(t) + an-ty(n-1)(t) + . . . + a t y( ' ) (t) + a oy(t)
= bm u(m)(t) + b.-,u(--')(t) + . . . + b,u ( ' ) (t) + b out) (2 .18)
d` d
y (') (t) : = dt` y(t), u(`~(t) : = dt` u(t)
N(p) := b,,,pm + bm ,pm-' + . . . + b I p + b o (2 .19b)
In the study of the zero-input response, we assume u(t) _- 0. Then (2.21) reduces to
D(p)y(t) = 0 (2 .22)
This is the homogeneous equation . Its solution is excited exclusively by initial con-
ditions . The application of the Laplace transform to (2 .22) yields, as in (2.15),
Y(s) =
where D(s) is defined in (2 .19a) with p replaced by s and I(s) is a polynomial of s
depending on initial conditions . We call D(s) the characteristic polynomial of (2.21)
because it governs the free, unforced, or natural response of (2.21). The roots of the
polynomial D(s) are called the modes . 3 For example, if
D(s) = (s - 2)(s + 1)2 (s+2-j3)(s+2+j3)
then the modes are 2, - 1, -1 . - 2 + j3, and - 2 - j3 . The root 2 and the complex
roots -2 j3 are simple modes and the root - I is a repeated mode with multi-
3In the literature, they are also called the natural frequencies . However the W, in D(s) = s2 + 2~ws
+ u is also called the natural frequency in this and some other control texts. To avoid possible confusion,
we call the roots of D(s) the modes .
Exercise 2.3.1
Find the zero-input responses of (2.12) due to y(0 -) = 1, y(0 -) _ -1, and
AV) = YO-) = 1 .
[Answers : y(t) = e y(t) = 3e - r - 2e -2r.]
Exercise 2.3.2
Find the modes and the general form of the zero-input responses of
D(p)y(t) = N(p)u(t) (2.23)
D(p) = p2(p - 2)2(p2 + 4p + 8) and N(p) = 3p2 - 10
[Answers : 0, 0, 2, 2, -2 + j2, and -2 - j2; k, + k 2t + k 3e2` + k4te2` +
kse - (2- j2 )t + k6e -(2+ j2)r ]
where the rational function G(s) = (3s - 1)/(s 2 + 3s + 2) is called the transfer
function. It is the ratio of the Laplace transforms of the output and input when all
initial conditions are zero or
G(s) = Y(s) -T[Output]
(2 .26)
U(s) Initial conditions =0 `[Input] Initial conditions=0
The transfer function describes only the zero-state responses of LTIL systems .
The application of the Laplace transform yields, assuming zero initial conditions,
ms2Y(s) + kl sY(s) + k2Y(s) = U(s)
(Ms' + kls + k 2)Y(s) = U(s)
Thus the transfer function from u to y of the mechanical system is
- 1
G(s) _ Y(s)
U(s) s + kl s + k2
This example reveals that the transfer function of a system can be readily ob-
tained from its differential-equation description . For example, if a system is de-
scribed by the differential equation
D(p)y(t) = N(p)u(t)
where D(p) and N(p) are defined as in (2 .19), then the transfer function of the system
G(s) _
Exercise 2 .4.1
Find the transfer functions from u to y of the networks shown in Figures 2 .10 and
[Answers : 1/(6s + 2), 1/(LCs 2 + RCs + 1), (CR 2s + 1)/(C(R l + R2)s + 1).]
RLC Networks
Although the transfer function of an RLC network can be obtained from its
differential-equation description, it is generally simpler to compute it by using the
concept of the Laplacian impedance or, simply, the impedance . If all initial condi-
tions are zero, the application of the Laplace transforms to (2.6) yields
V(s) = RI(s) (resistor)
V(s) = LsI(s) (inductor)
These relationships can be written as V(s) = Z(s)I(s), and Z(s) is called the
(Laplacian) impedance. Thus the impedances of the resistor, capacitor, and inductor
are respectively R, 1/Cs, and Ls . If we consider I(s) the input and V(s) the output,
then the impedance is a special case of the transfer function defined in (2.26). When-
ever impedances are used, all initial conditions are implicitly assumed to be zero.
The manipulation involving impedances is purely algebraic, identical to the
manipulation of resistances . For example, the resistance of the series connection of
two resistances R, and R2 is R 1 + R2; the resistance of the parallel connection of
R1 and R2 is R1R2/(R 1 + R2) . Similarly, the impedance of the series connection of
two impedances Z 1(s) and Z2(s) is Z1 (s) + Z2(s); the impedance of the parallel
connection of Z1(s) and Z2(s) is Z 1(s)Z2(s)/(Z 1(s) + Z2(s)). The only difference is
that now we are dealing with rational functions, rather than real numbers as in the
resistive case .
Example 2 .4.2
Compute the transfer function from u to i of the network shown in Figure 2.13(a).
Its equivalent network using impedances is shown in Figure 2 .13(b) . The impedance
of the parallel connection of 1/2s and 3s + 2 is
(3s + 2)
2s _ 3s + 2
1 6s2 +4s+ 1
2t 2
as shown in Figure 2 .13(c) . Hence the current I(s) shown in Figure 2 .13 is given by
_ U(s) 6s 2 + 4s + 1
I(s) 3 U(s)
3s + 2 6s2 + 7s +
1 +
6s 2 +4s+ 1
Thus the transfer function from u to i is
I(s) _ 6sz + 4s + 1
G(s) = U(s)
6sz + 7s + 3
Exercise 2.4.3
Find the transfer functions from u to y of the networks in Figures 2 .10 and 2.11
using the concept of impedances .
G(s) is called a proper rational function . It is strictly proper if deg N(s) < deg D(s) ;
biproper if deg N(s) = deg D(s). Thus proper rational functions include both strictly
proper and biproper rational functions . If G(s) is biproper, so is G -1(s) = D(s)/N(s) .
This is the reason for calling it biproper .
Exercise 2 .4.4
The properness of a rational function G(s) can also be determined from the
value of G(s) at s = o. It is clear that G(s) is improper if G(oo) = 00, proper if
G(oo) is a finite nonzero or zero constant, biproper if G(oo) is finite and nonzero, and
strictly proper if G(00) = 0 .
The transfer functions we will encounter in this text are mostly proper rational
functions . The reason is twofold . First, improper transfer functions are difficult, if
not impossible, to build in practice, as will be discussed in Chapter 5 . Second,
improper transfer functions will amplify high-frequency noise, as will be explained
in the following .
Signals are used to carry information. However, they are often corrupted by
noise during processing, transmission, or transformation . For example, an angular
position can be transformed into an electrical voltage by using the wirewound po-
tentiometer shown in Figure 2 .14 . The potentiometer consists of a finite number of
turns of wiring, hence the contact point moves from turn to turn . Because of brush
(a) (b)
where k is a constant and n(t) is noise . Therefore, in general, every signal is of the
v(t) = i(t) + n(t) (2 .28)
where i(t) denotes information and n(t) denotes noise . Clearly in order for v(t) to
be useful, we require
v(t) - i(t)
and for any system to be designed, we require
Response of the system due to v(t)
(2 .29)
response of the system due to i(t)
where - denotes "roughly equal to." If the response of a system excited by v(t) is
drastically different from that excited by i(t), the system is generally useless in
practice . Now we show that if the transfer function of a system is improper and if
the noise is of high frequency, then the system is useless . Rather than discussing the
general case, we study a system with transfer function s and a system with transfer
function 1/s . A system with transfer function s is called a differentiator because it
performs differentiation in the time domain . A system with transfer function 1/s is
called an integrator because it performs integration in the time domain . The former
has an improper transfer function, the latter has a strictly proper transfer function .
We shall show that the differentiator will amplify high-frequency noise ; whereas the
integrator will suppress high-frequency noise. For convenience of discussion, we
i(t) = sin 2t n(t) = 0.01 sin 1000t
v(t) = i(t) + n(t) = sin 2t + 0 .01 sin 1000t (2 .30)
The magnitude of the noise is very small, so we have v(t) - i(t). If we apply this
signal to a differentiator, then the output is
10 I
0 2 4 6 10 12 14
j v(T)dT - l(T)dT
o fU
Exercise 2 .4 .5
v(t) = i(t) + n(t) = cos 2t + 0 .01 cos 0 .001t
Note that the frequency of the noise n(t) is much smaller than that of the information
i(t) . Do we have v(t) - i(t)? Do we have dv(t)/dt - di(t)/dt? Is it true that a
differentiator amplifies any type of noise?
[Answers : Yes, yes, no.]
o Definition
A finite real or complex number A is a pole of G(s) if IG(A) l where H
denotes the absolute value . It is a zero of G(s) if G(A) = 0 .
2(3s 2 + 6s - 1) - -
16 5x- 00
5s4 + 165 3 + 12s 2 -4s-5 s=1
Thus s = 1 is not a pole of G(s) . Therefore not every root of D(s) is a pole of G(s) .
Now we factor N(s) in (2.31) and then cancel the common factors between N(s)
and D(s) to yield
2(s + 3)(s - 1)(s + 1) - 2(s + 3)
G(s) = (2.32)
(s - 1)(s + 2)(s + 1)3 (s + 2)(s + 1) 2
We see immediately that s = 1 is not a pole of G(s) . Clearly G(s) has one zero, - 3,
and three poles, - 2, - 1, and - 1 . The pole - 2 is called a simple pole and the
pole -1 is called a repeated pole with multiplicity 2 .4
From this example, we see that if polynomials N(s) and D(s) have no common
factors,' then all roots of N(s), and all roots of D(s) are, respectively, the zeros and
poles of G(s) = N(s)/D(s) . If N(s) and D(s) have no common factor, they are said
to be coprime and G(s) = N(s)/D(s) is said to be irreducible . Unless stated other-
wise, every transfer function will be assumed to be irreducible .
We now discuss the computation of the zero-state response . The zero-state re-
sponse of a system is governed by Y(s) = G(s)U(s). To compute Y(s), we first
compute the Laplace transform of u(t) . We then multiply G(s) and U(s) to yield Y(s) .
The inverse Laplace transform of Y(s) yields the zero-state response . This is illus-
trated by an example .
Example 2 .4.3
Find the zero-state response of (2 .25) due to u(t) = 1, for t ? 0. This is called the
unit-step response of (2 .25) . The Laplace transform of u(t) is 1/s . Thus we have
3s - 1 1
Y(s) = G(s)U(s) _ (s + 1)(s + 2) s (2.33)
To compute its inverse Laplace transform, we carry out the partial fraction expansion
_ 3s - 1 kt k2 k3
(s + 1)(s + 2)s s + 1 + s + 2 + s
3s - 1 -4
kt = Y(s) . (s + 1) = 4
(s + 2)s s=-1 (1)(-1)
3s - 1 -7
k2 = Y(s) - (s + 2) = - 3 .5
s= -2 (s + 1)s s=-2
_ 3s - 1 -1
k3 = Y(s) . s = -0.5
S=o (s + 1)(s + 2) S=o 2
41f s is very large, (2 .32) reduces to G(s) = I /s 2 and G(x) = 0. Thus - can be considered as a repeated
zero with multiplicity 2 . Unless stated otherwise, we consider only finite poles and zeros .
'Any two polynomials, such as 4s + 2 and 6s + 2, have a constant as a common factor . Such a common
factor, a polynomial of degree 0, is called a trivial common factor . We consider only nontrivial common
factors-that is, common factors of degree 1 or higher .
for t ? 0 . Thus, the use of the Laplace transform to compute the zero-state response
is simple and straightforward .
This example reveals an important fact of the zero-state response . We see from
(2.34) that the response consists of three terms . Two are the inverse Laplace trans-
forms of 1/(s + 2) and 1/(s + 1), which are the poles of the system . The remaining
term is due to the step input . In fact, for any u(t), the response of (2 .33) is generally
of the form
y(t) = kte - ` + k2e + (terms due to the poles of U(s)) (2.35)
(see Problem 2 .20) . Thus the poles of G(s) determine the basic form of the zero-
state response .
Exercise 2.4 .6
Example 2 .4.4
Consider the system in (2.33). Find a bounded input u(t) so that the pole -1 will
not be excited. If U(s) = s + 1, then
3s - 1
Y(s) = G(s)U(s) (s + 1)
_ (s + 1)(s + 2) .
_ 3s- 1 3(s+2)-7 7
s+ 2 s+ 2 3 s+ 2
which implies
y(t) = 35(t) - 7e -2`
This response does not contain e -t, thus the pole - 1 is not excited. Therefore if
we introduce a zero in U(s) to cancel a pole, then the pole will not be excited by the
input u(t) .
If U(s) is biproper or improper, as is the case for U(s) = s + 1, then its inverse
Laplace transform u(t) will contain an impulse and its derivatives and is not bounded .
In order for u(t) to be bounded, we choose, rather arbitrarily, U(s) = (s + 1)/
s(s + 3), a strictly proper rational function . Its inverse Laplace transform is
u(t) = + 2 e -3t
From this example, we see that whether or not a pole will be excited depends
on whether u(t) or U(s) has a zero to cancel it. The Laplace transforms of the unit-
step function and sin mot are
1 mo
- and
s s2 + (0 0
They have no zero . Therefore, either input will excite all poles of every LTIL system .
The preceding discussion can be extended to the general case . Consider, for
(s2 10)(s + 2)(s-1)2
Y(s) = G(s)U(s) := 3(S U(s)
The transfer function G(s) has poles at 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, and - 2 j2 . The complex
poles -2 j2 are simple poles, the poles 0 and 2 are repeated poles with multi-
plicities 3 and 2 . If G(s) and U(s) have no pole in common, then the zero-state
Example 2 .4.5
G 1 (s) =
(s+1)(s+1+j)(s+1 - j)
0.2(s + 10)
G2(s) (s + 1)(s + 1 + j)(s + 1 - j)
-0.2(s - 10)
G3(s) (s+1)(s+ 1 +j)(s+ 1
10(5 2 + 0.1s + 0.2)
(s + 1)(s + 1 + j)(s + 1 - j)
The transfer function G1 (s) has no zero, G 2 (s) and G 3 (s) have one zero, and G4(s)
has a pair of complex conjugate zeros at - 0.05 0.444j. They all have the same
1 .5
-0 .5
-1 .5
- 2 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
set of poles, and their unit-step responses are all of the form
y(t) = ki e -t + k2e -(1+ t)t j + k3e -( + k4
with k 3 equal to the complex conjugate of k 2 . Their responses are shown in Figure
2.16, respectively, with the solid line (G 1 (s)), dashed line (G 2 (s)), dotted line (G3 (s)),
and dash-and-dotted line (G 4 (s)). They are quite different. In conclusion, even though
the poles of G(s) determine the basic form of responses, exact responses are deter-
mined by the poles, zeros, and the input. Therefore, the zeros of a transfer function
cannot be completely ignored in the analysis and design of control systems .
In the analysis and design of control systems, every device is represented by a block
as shown in Figure 2 .4 or 2 .17(a) . The block is then represented by its transfer
function G(s) . If the input is u(t) and the output is y(t), then they are related by
Y(s) = G(s)U(s) (2.37)
where Y(s) and U(s) are respectively the Laplace transforms of y(t) and u(t) . Note
that we have mixed the time-domain representation u(t) and y(t) and the Laplace
transform representation G(s) in Figure 2 .17(a) . This convention will be used
throughout this text. It is important to know that it is incorrect to write y(t) _
G(s)u(t) . The correct expression is Y(s) = G(s)U(s) .'
Equation (2 .37) is an algebraic equation . The product of the Laplace transform
of the input and the transfer function yields the Laplace transform of the output . The
advantage of using this algebraic representation can be seen from the tandem con-
nection of two systems shown in Figure 2 .17(b) . Suppose the two systems are rep-
resented, respectively, by
Y1(s) = Gl(s)U1(s) Y2(s) = G2(s)U2(s)
In the tandem connection, we have u 2 (t) = y 1 (t) or U2(s) = Y1 (s) and
Y2 (s) = G 2 (s)Y1 (s) = G 2 (s)G 1 (s)U1 (s) (2.38)
U y uI Y, u2 y2 u~ y2
9 G(s) G,(S) G2(S)
G 2 (s) G,(s)
(a) (b)
Figure 2 .17 (a) A system . (b) Tandem connection of two systems . (c) Reduction of (b).
blt can also be expressed as y(t) = fo g(t - T)u(T)dT, where g(t) is the inverse Laplace transform of
G(s) . See Reference [18] . This form is rarely used in the design of control systems.
Thus the tandem connection can be represented by a single block, as shown in Figure
2.17(c), with transfer function G(s) : = G2 (s) G 1 (s), the product of the transfer func-
tions of the two subsystems . If we use differential equations, then the differential
equation description of the tandem connection will be much more complex . Thus
the use of transfer functions can greatly simplify the analysis and design of control
The transfer function describes only the zero-state response of a system . There-
fore, whenever we use the transfer function in analysis and design, the zero-input
response (the response due to nonzero initial conditions) is completely disregarded .
However, can we really disregard the zero-input response? This question is studied
in this section.
Consider a linear time-invariant lumped (LTIL) system described by the differ-
ential equation
D(p)y(t) = N(p)u(t) (2.39)
D(p) = anpn + an -1pn-' + . . . + a lp + a o
N(p) =bm pm+bm _ 1pm - '+ . . .+b1p+bo
and the variable p is the differentiator defined in (2 .19) and (2.20). Then the zero-
input response of the system is described by
D(p)y(t) = 0 (2.40)
and the response is dictated by the roots of D(s), called the modes of the system
(Section 2.3.1). The zero-state response of the system is described by the transfer
G(s) :
= D(s)
and the basic form of its response is governed by the poles of G(s) (Section 2.4.2).
The poles of G(s) are defined as the roots of D(s) after canceling the common factors
of N(s) and D(s). Thus if D(s) and N(s) have no common factors, then
The set of the poles = The set of the modes (2.41)
In this case, the system is said to be completely characterized by its transfer function .
If D(s) and N(s) have common factors, say R(s), then the roots of R(s) are nodes of
the system but not poles of G(s). In this case the roots of R(s) are called the missing
poles of the transfer function, and the system is said to be not completely charac-
terized by its transfer function . We use examples to illustrate this concept and discuss
its implications .
Example 2 .5.1
Consider the system shown in Figure 2 .18 . The input is a current source . The output
y is the voltage across the 2-fl resistor as shown . The system can be described by
the LTIL differential equation
dy(t) - du(t)
0.75y(t) = _ 0.75u(t) (2 .42a)
dt dt
(Problem 2.21) . The equation can also be written, using p = d/dt, as
(p - 0.75)y(t) _ (p - 0.75)u(t) (2 .42b)
The mode of the system is the root of (s - 0.75) or 0.75 . Therefore its zero-input
response is of the form
y(t) = keo .75t (2 .43)
where k depends on the initial voltage of the capacitor in Figure 2 .18 . We see that
if the initial voltage is different from zero, then the response will approach infinity
as t - .
We will now study its zero-state response . The transfer function of the system
s - 0.75
G(s) _ = 1 (2 .44)
s - 0.75
Because of the common factor, the transfer function reduces to 1 . Thus the system
has no pole and the zero-state response is y(t) = u(t), for all t. This system is not
completely characterized by its transfer function because the mode 0.75 does not
appear as a pole of G(s) . In other words, the transfer function has missing pole 0.75.
If we use the transfer function to study the system in Figure 2 .18, we would
conclude that the system is acceptable . In reality, the system is not acceptable, be-
cause if, for any reason, the voltage of the capacitor becomes nonzero, the response
will grow without bound and the system will either become saturated or bum out .
Thus the system is of no use in practice .
The existence of a missing pole in Figure 2 .18 can easily be explained from the
structure of the network . Because of the symmetry of the four resistors, if the initial
voltage of the capacitor is zero, its voltage will remain zero no matter what current
source is applied . Therefore, the removal of the capacitor will not affect the zero-
state response of the system . Thus, the system has a superfluous component as far
as the input and output are concerned . These types of systems are not built in practice,
except by mistake .
Example 2 .5 .2
Consider the system described by
(p2 + 2p - 3)y(t) = (p - 2)u(t) (2.45)
The zero-input response of the system is governed by
(p 2 + 2p - 3)y(t) = 0
Its modes are the roots of (s 2 + 2s - 3) = (s - 1)(s + 3) or 1 and -3 . Thus the
zero-input response due to any initial conditions is of the form
yZ1(t) = kiet + k2e -3t
where the subscript zi denotes zero-input . The response of mode 1 approaches in-
finity and the response of mode - 3 approaches zero as t -* oc .
The transfer function of the system is
s-2 - s-2
G(s)- (2 .46)
s2 + 2s - 3 (s - 1)(s + 3)
Thus the zero-state response of the system due to u(t) will generally be of the form
y(t) = kiet + k2e -3t + (Terms due to the poles of U(s))
We see that the two modes appear as the poles of G(s) . Thus the system has no
missing poles and is completely characterized by its transfer function . In this case,
the zero-input response due to any initial conditions will appear in the zero-state
response, so no essential information is lost in using the transfer function to study
the system .
considering the response due to nonzero initial conditions . If a system is not com-
pletely characterized by its transfer function, care must be exercised in using the
transfer function to study the system . This point is discussed further in Chapter 4 .
Exercise 2 .5.1
Which of the following systems are completely characterized by their transfer func-
tions? If not, find the missing poles .
a. (p2 + 2p + 1)y(t) = (p + 1)p u(t)
b. (p2 - 3p + 2)y(t) = (p - 1) u(t)
c. (p2 - 3p + 2)y(t) = u(t)
[Answers : (a) No, - 1 (b) No, 1 (c) Yes .]
b0v t0v
(a) (b)
no matter what device is connected to it, the supplied voltage to the device is always
10 volts. In this case, the connection is said to have no loading problem .
Roughly speaking, if its transfer function changes after a system is connected
to another system, the connection is said to have a loading effect . For example, the
transfer function from u to y in Figure 2 .19(a) is 1 before the system is connected
to any device. It becomes 5/10 = 0 .5 when the system is connected a 10-ft resistor .
Thus, the connection has a loading effect. If the tandem connection of two systems
has a loading effect, then the transfer function of the tandem connection does not
equal the product of the transfer functions of the two subsystems as developed in
(2.38). This is illustrated by an example .
Example 2 .5.3
Consider the networks shown in Figure 2 .20(a) . The transfer function from u, to y,
of network M, is G 1 (s) = s/(s + 1) . The transfer function from u 2 to y2 of network
M2 is G2 (s) = 2/(2 + 3s) . Now we connect them together or set y, = u 2 as shown
in Figure 2 .20(b) and compute the transfer function from u l to y 2 . The impedance
of the parallel connection of the impedance s and the impedance (3s + 2) is
s(3s + 2)/(s + 3s + 2) = s(3s + 2)/(4s + 2). Thus the current I, shown in
Mt M
(a) (b)
Figure 2 .20 Tandem connection of two systems .
The loading of the two networks in Figure 2 .20 can be easily explained . The
current 12 in Figure 2 .20(a) is zero before the connection ; it becomes nonzero after
the connection. Thus, the loading occurs . In electrical networks, the loading often
can be eliminated by inserting an isolating amplifier, as shown in Figure 2 .20(c).
The input impedance Z;,, of an ideal isolating amplifier is infinity and the output
impedance Z,,u, is zero . Under these assumptions, 12 in Figure 2 .20(c) remains zero
and the transfer function of the connection is G2 (s)kG 1 (s) with k = 1 .
The loading problem must be considered in developing a block diagram for a
control system. This problem is considered in detail in the next chapter .
The transfer function describes only the relationship between the input and output
of LTIL systems and is therefore called the input-output description or external
description . In this section we shall develop a different description, called the state-
variable description or internal description . Strictly speaking, this description is the
same as the differential equations discussed in Section 2 .2. The only difference is
that high-order differential equations are now written as sets of first-order differ-
ential equations. In this way, the study can be simplified.
where u and y are the input and output ; xi , i = 1, 2, 3, are called the state variables ;
aid, b i, ci , and d are constants ; and i i (t) : = dxi(t)/dt. These equations are more often
written in matrix form as
x(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t) (State equation) (2 .53a)
x1 all a12 a13 [b l ]
X = x2 A a21 a22 a23 b = b2 (2 .54a)
x3 ] a31 a32 a33 b3
C = [C1 C2 C31 (2 .54b)
The vector x is called the state vector or simply the state. If x has n state variables
or is an n X I vector, then A is an n X n square matrix, b is an n X 1 column
vector, c is a 1 X n row vector, and d is a 1 X 1 scalar . A is sometimes called the
system matrix and d the direct transmission part. Equation (2 .53a) describes the
relationship between the input and state, and is called the state equation . The state
equation in (2.53a) consists of three first-order differential equations and is said to
have dimension 3. The equation in (2 .53b) relates the input, state, and output, and
is called the output equation . It is an algebraic equation ; it does not involve differ-
entiation of x. Thus if x(t) and u(t) are known, the output y(t) can be obtained simply
by multiplication and addition .
Before proceeding, we remark on the notation . Vectors are denoted by boldface
lowercase letters ; matrices by boldface capital letters . Scalars are denoted by regular-
face lowercase letters . In (2.53), A, b, c, and x are boldface because they are either
vectors or matrices ; u, y, and d are regular face because they are scalars .
This text studies mainly single-variable systems, that is, systems with single
input and single output . For multivariable systems, we have two or more inputs
and/or two and more outputs . In this case, u(t) and y(t) will be vectors and the orders
of b and c and d must be modified accordingly . For example, if a system has three
inputs and two outputs, then u will be 3 X 1; y, 2 X 1 ; b, n X 3 ; c; 2 X n; and
d, 2 X 3. Otherwise, the form of state-variable equations remains the same .
The transfer function describes only the zero-state response of systems . Thus,
when we use the transfer function, the initial state or initial conditions of the system
452 3H
Step 3 : From Figure 2 .21, we see that the capacitor current 2x, equals x2(t), which
x 1 (t) = x2 (t) (2 .58)
The voltage across the inductor is, using Kirchhoff 's voltage law,
3x2(t) = u(t) - x,(t) - 4x2 (t)
-3 u(t) (2 .59)
x2(t) _ XI(t) -
3 x2(t) +
Equations (2 .58) and (2 .59) can be arranged in matrix form as
0 0
)jt) 2 XI(t) +
u(t) (2 .60a)
[x2 (t)] -1 -4 [x2(t)] -
3 3
This is the state equation of the network . The output y(t) is
y(t) = 3x2
which is not in the form of cx + du. However the substitution of (2 .59)
y(t) = - x1 (t) - 4x2(1) + u(t)
(2 .oOb)
= [-1 -4-1
[xi(t) 1 + u(t)
This is the output equation.
Exercise 2 .6 .1
Find state-variable descriptions of the networks shown in Figure 2 .22 with the state
variables and outputs chosen as shown .
where I is a unit matrix of the same order as A . Note that without introducing I,
(s - A) is not defined, for s is a scalar and A is an n X n matrix . The premultipli-
cation of (sI - A) -1 to (2.62) yields
This response consists of the zero-input response (the response due to nonzero x(0))
and the zero-state response (the response due to nonzero u(t)). If we substitute X(s)
into the Laplace transform of (2 .61b), then we will obtain
Y(s) = c(sI - A) - 'x(0) + [c(sI - A)- 'b + d]U(s) (2 .64)
Zero-Input Zero-State
Response Response
This is the output in the Laplace transform domain . Its inverse Laplace transform
yields the time response . Thus, the response of state-variable equations can be easily
obtained using the Laplace transform .
Example 2 .7 .1
Consider the state-variable equation
[-6 -3.5l x + [-1 u
x= 4 (2 .65a)
6 J
y = [4 5]x (2 .65b)
Find the output due to a unit-step input and the initial state x(0) = [-2 1 ]', where
the prime denotes the transpose of a matrix or a vector . First we compute
01 _ [-6 -4 .51 - Cs+6 6 s 3 .5 4 ~
sI-A= J
[0 J
Its inverse i s
s + 6 3.5
(sI - A) - ' =
-6 s-4
1 1 s - 4 -3 .5
(s+6)(s-4)+6 X 3 .5 6 s+6
Thus we have
1 s - 4 - 3.5 1 21
c(sI-A)-tx(0)=[4 5]sz +2s-3
1 6 s+6 [ - 11
s2+2s-3[4s+ 14 5s+ 16]~
_ -3s-12
s2 +2s-3
G(s) : = c(sI - A) - 'b
1 s - 4 -3 .5 1
_ [4 5] s (2 .66)
2 +2s-3 6 s+6 1
_ s + 2
s2 +2s-3
Thus, using (2 .64) and U(s) = 1/s, the output is given by
_ -3s- 12 s + 2 1 _ - 3 s2 - lls+2
s2 +2s-3 + s 2 +2s-3 s (s- 1)(s+3)s
which can be expanded by partial fraction expansion as
-3 2/3 2/3
Ys =
s- 1 + s+ 3 s
Thus the output is
y(t) _ -3e` + 3 e 3t
for t?0.
This example shows that the response of state-variable equations can indeed be
readily obtained by using the Laplace transform .
which becomes, if -r = t,
eAre - At =e A'o =e =I (2 .70)
which implies
d eAt = Ae At = e AtA (2 .71)
Now using (2 .67) through (2 .71) we can show that the solutions of (2 .61) due to
u(t) and x(O) are given by
and Response
Zero-State Response
To show that (2 .72) is the solution of (2 .61 a), we must show that it meets the initial
condition and the state equation . Indeed, at t = 0, (2 .72) reduces to x(0) =
Ix(0) + I 0 x(0) . Thus it meets the initial condition . The differentiation of
(2.72) yields
This formula was used in (2 .66) to compute the transfer function of (2.65) . Now we
discuss its general property . Let det stand for the determinant and adj for the adjoint
of a matrix . See Appendix B . Then (2 .75) can be written as
(sI - A)]b + d
G(s) = c det(sI - A) [adj
We call det (sI - A) the characteristic polynomial of A . For example, the charac-
teristic polynomial of the A in (2 .65) is
s + 6 3.5
0(s) : = det (sI - A) = det
-6 s - 4 (2 .76)
=(s+6)(s-4)-(-3 .5x6)=s2+2s-3
We see that if A is n X n, then its characteristic polynomial is of degree n and has
n roots . These n roots are called the eigenvalues of A . The characteristic polynomial
and eigenvalues of A are in fact the same as the characteristic polynomial and modes
discussed in Section 2 .3.1 . They govern the zero-input response of the system . For
Example 2 .8.1
Consider the state-variable equation in (2.65), repeated in the following
x= 66 -3.5l x +
C 4
1 u (2 .79a)
y = [4 5]x (2 .79b)
Its characteristic polynomial was computed in (2 .76) as
0(s)=s2+2s-3=(s+3)(s- 1)
Thus its eigenvalues are 1 and - 3 . The transfer function of (2 .79) was computed
in (2.66) as
s + 2 s + 2
G(s) =
s2 +2s-3 (s+3)(s- 1)
Its poles are 1 and - 3 . The number of the eigenvalues of (2 .79) equals the number
of the poles of its transfer function .
Example 2 .8.2
Consider the state-variable equation
.51 x+ [-I]
x= [-6 - 3 u (2.80a)
y = [-2 -1]x (2.80b)
Equation (2 .80a) is identical to (2 .79a) ; (2 .80b), however, is different from (2.79b) .
The characteristic polynomial of (2 .80) is
0(s)=s 2 +2s-3
Its eigenvalues are -3 and 1 . The transfer function of (2 .80) is, replacing [4 5] in
(2.66) by [-2 - 1],
G(s) = [-2 -1] 2 +
2s-3 s 6 4 s + 611 11
_ 1 s+0.5 2s- 1 -s
-1][ .81)
s2+2s-3[-2 s =s2+2s-3 (2
s - 1
(s - 1)(s + 3)
Thus the transfer function of (2 .80) is G(s) = 1/(s + 3) . It has only one pole at
- 3, one less than the number of the eigenvalues of (2.80).
This equation holds for any t-in particular, for t at kT. Let x(k) : = x(kT) and
x(k + 1) : = x((k + 1)T) . Then we have
x(k) = eAkTx(0) + e AkT fo e -A 'bu(T)dT (2 .85)
(k+ 1)T
x(k + 1) = eA (k+ 1) Tx(0) + e A(k+1)T jo e - ATbu(T)dT (2.86)
u (t) u (k)
3 4 , , )- t 1 3
1 4
1 k
0 1 2 9
- 5 6 0 1 2 5 6
We rewrite (2 .86) as
x(k + 1) = eAT Ak
[eTx(0) + eAkT e -A Tbu(T)dT
f0 (2 .87)
(k+ 1)T
+ e A((k+1)T- T) bu(T)dT
J kT
The term inside the brackets equals x(k) . If the input u(t) is stepwise as in (2 .83),
then u(T) in the integrand of the last term of (2.87) equals u(k) and can be moved
outside the integration . Define a = (k + 1)T - T. Then da = -dr and (2 .87)
x(k + 1) = e ATx(k) - ( J0
T eAada) bu(k)
(2 .88)
A = e AT b= eA TdT b e= c d = d (2 .89c)
Example 2 .9 .1
y = [2 1]x (2 .90b)
First we compute
~[eA`] _ (sI - A) - '
[ 0 s + 1
1 1
S + 1 (s + 1)2
(s + 1)2 [ 0 s 1]
0 l
S + 1
Its inverse Laplace transform is, using Table A . 1,
e At = [e - ` to - `]
0 e -`
Using an integration table, we can compute
= 1- e -T I- (I + T)e -T
'4 rdr
0T ef 0 1-e -T
If T = 0.1, then
e 0.1A = [ 0 .9048 0.0905] / 0.0047
0 0.9048
and I fo
eA TdT) b =
(2 .91)
x(k + 1) =
1 0.9048 0 .0905 x(k) +
u(k) (2 .92a)
0 0 .9048 0 .0952
y(k) = [2 1]x(k) (2 .92b)
This completes the discretization . This discretized equation is used on digital com-
puters, as will be discussed in Chapter 5, to compute the response of the continuous-
time equation in (2.90).
We have used the Laplace transform to compute eAT in (2.91). If T is small, the
infinite series in (2.67) may converge rapidly . For example, for eAT in (2.91) with
T = 0.1, we have
I + TA + (TA)(TA) _
2 [ 0 0 50 0.9050]
1 1 0.9048 0.0905
I + TA + 2 (TA)(TA) + (TA)(TA)(TA) =
6 0 0.9048]
The infinite series converges to the actual values in four terms . Therefore for small
T, the infinite series in (2 .67) is a convenient way of computing eAT. In addition to
the Laplace transform and infinite series, there are many ways (at least 17) of com-
puting eAT. See Reference [47]. In Chapter 5, we will introduce computer software
to solve and to discretize state-variable equations .
2 .1 . Consider the pendulum system shown in Figure P2 .1, where the applying force
u is the input and the angular displacement 0 is the output . It is assumed that
there is no friction in the hinge and no air resistance of the mass . Is the system
linear? Is it time-invariant? Find a differential equation to describe it . Is the
differential equation LTIL?
U <
m Figure P2 .1
2 .2 . Consider the pendulum system in Figure P2 .1 . It is assumed that sin 0 and cos
0 can be approximated by 0 and 1, respectively, if 101 < 7r/4 radians . Find an
LTIL differential equation to describe the system .
2 .3 . a . Consider the system shown in Figure P2 .3(a) . The two blocks with mass
ml and m 2 are connected by a rigid shaft . It is assumed that there is no
friction between the floor and wheels . Find a differential equation to de-
scribe the system .
b . If the shaft is long and flexible, then it must be modeled by a spring with
spring constant k2 and a dashpot . A dashpot is a device that consists of a
m ~ 7.~~rl7TTTTTi m 2
y y
(a) (b)
Figure P2 .3
02 Figure P2 .4
2 .5. Find LTIL differential equations to describe the networks in Figure P2 .5.
(a) (b)
Figure P2 .5
L ii
(b) (c)
Figure P2 .6
where i,' = i t - i0, v' = v - v 0. These linearized models are often called
linear incremental models, or small-signal models .
2.7. Consider the LTIL differential equation
2 .10. Find the transfer function from u to 0 of the system in Problem 2.2.
2 .11 . Find the transfer functions for the networks in Figure P2.5 . Compute them
from differential equations . Also compute them using the concept of Laplacian
2 .12 . Find the transfer functions from u to y, u to y l, and u to y2 of the systems in
Figure P2.3.
2 .13 . Consider a system . If its zero-state response due to a unit-step input is measured
e-2r + sin t, where is the transfer function of the system?
as y(t) = 1 -
2 .14 . Consider a system. If its zero-state response due to u(t) = sin 2t is measured
as y(t) = e -` - 2e -3t + sin 2t + cos 2t, what is the transfer function of the
2 .15 . Consider the LTIL system described by
-0.2(s - 10)
e . G 5 (s) =
(s + 1)(s + 2)
Which type of zeros, closer to or farther away from the origin, has a larger
effect on responses?
2.19. Find the poles and zeros of the following transfer functions :
2(s 2 - 9)(s + 1)
a. G(s) = (s +
3)2(s + 2)(s - 1)2
10(s 2 -s+ 1)
b. G(s) _
s +2s3 +s+2
2S2 +8S+8
c. G(s) =
(S + 1)(S2 + 2s + 2)
PP '
Figure P2.22
inertia about the center of gravity P ; b9, the aerodynamic damping and h, the
deviation of the altitude from ho. Show that the transfer function from u to h
is, by neglecting the effect of I,
k,k2 12 - k2bs
G(s) =
ms (bs + k,l,)
2.23. Consider a cart with a stick hinged on top of it, as shown in Figure P2 .23 . This
could be a model of a space booster on takeoff . If the angular displacement B
of the stick is small, then the system can be described by
where f3 is a constant, and u and y are expressed in appropriate units . Find the
transfer functions from u to 0 and from u to y. Is the system completely char-
acterized by the transfer function from u to y? By the one from u to 0? Which
transfer function can be used to study the system?
Figure P2.23
2.24. Show that the two tanks shown in Figure P2 .24(a) can be represented by the
block diagram shown in Figure P2 .24(b) . Is there any loading problem in the
block diagram? The transfer function of the two tanks shown in Figure 2 .12
is computed in Exercise 2 .4.2 . Is it possible to represent the two tanks in Figure
2.12 by two blocks as in Figure P2 .24(b) on page 66? Give your reasons .
2.25. Find state-variable equations to describe the systems in Problems 2 .1 and 2 .2.
2.26. Find state-variable equations to describe the systems in Figure P2 .3 .
2.27. Find state-variable equations to describe the networks in Figure P2 .5 .
2.28. The soft landing phase of a lunar module descending on the moon can be
modeled as shown in Figure P2 .28. It is assumed that the thrust generated is
proportional to rn, where m is the mass of the module . The system can be
described by my = - kth - mg, where g is the gravity constant on the lunar
surface . Define the state variables of the system as x, = y, x2 = y, x3 = m,
and u = m. Find a state-variable equation to describe the system . Is it a time-
invariant equation?
h2 R2
AZ ~ ~ q2
R; 1 q, 1 92
-~ A I R I s+1 A 2 R 2 s+ 1
[3 -2]
x+ 1] u
y = [4 5]x
due to x(O) = [1 2]' and u(t) = 1 for t ? 0.
A =
[ 0 - 02]
Verify your results by using (2.74).
2.31 . Compute the transfer functions of the following state-variable equations :
a.x= -x+u y = 2x
b. x= 0 - 0 ]x+ u
L [ I]
y = [2 - 2]x
3 1 2
c.x= x+ u
-2 0 4
Y = [l O]x
-3 1 0 [2
d 'x= -2 0 0 + 4 u
1 0 0 1
Y = [1 0 0]x
Do they have the same transfer functions? Which are minimal equations?
2.33. Find the outputs of the equations in Problem 2 .31 due to a unit-step input and
zero initial state .
2.34. Compute the transfer functions of the state-variable equations in Problems
2.25(b), 2 .26(a), and 2 .27(a). Are they minimal state-variable equations?
x u
[ -2 0] x + [4]
y = [1 0]x
2.37 . a. The characteristic polynomial of
-6 -3.5]
C 6 4
is computed in (2 .76) as
0(s)=s 2 +2s-3
0(A) = A 2 + 2A - 31 = 0
This is called the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem . It states that every square
matrix meets its own characteristic polynomial .
b. Show that A2, A3, . . . , can be expressed as a linear combination of I and
A. In general, for a square matrix A of order n, Ak fork ? n can be expressed
as a linear combination of I, A, A 2, . . . , A" -1
2.38. Show that if (2 .67) is used, b in (2 .89c) can be expressed as
T 2 3
b = fo e'TdT b - T (I + 2 A + 31 A2 + 4~ A3 + . . . b
The design of control systems can be divided into two distinct parts . One is con-
cerned with the design of individual components, the other with the design of overall
systems by utilizing existing components . The former belongs to the domain of
instrumentation engineers ; the latter, the domain of control engineers . This is a con-
trol text, so we are mainly concerned with utilization of existing components . Con-
sequently, our discussion of control components stresses their functions rather than
their structures .
Control components can be mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or opti-
cal devices . Depending on whether signals are modulated or not, electrical devices
again are divided into ac (alternating current) or dc (direct current) devices . Even a
cursory introduction of these .devices can easily take up a whole text, so this will
not be attempted . Instead, we select a number of commonly used control compo-
nents, discuss their functions, and develop their transfer functions . The loading prob-
lem will be considered in this development . We then show how these components
are connected to form control systems . Block diagrams of these control systems are
developed . Finally, we discuss manipulation of block diagrams . Mason's formula is
introduced to compute overall transfer functions of block diagrams .
Motors are indispensable in many control systems . They are used to turn antennas,
telescopes, and ship rudders ; to close and open valves ; to drive tapes in recorders,
and rollers in steel mills ; and to feed paper in printers . There are many types of
motors : dc, ac, stepper, and hydraulic . The magnetic field of a dc motor can be
excited by a circuit connected in series with the armature circuit ; it can also be excited
by a field circuit that is independent of the armature circuit or by a permanent magnet .
We discuss in this text only separately excited dc motors . DC motors used in control
systems, also called servomotors, are characterized by large torque to rotor-inertia
ratios, small sizes, and better linear characteristics . Certainly, they are more expen-
sive than ordinary dc motors.
Armature circuit
Figure 3 .1 DC motor.
3.2 MOTORS 71
to the field circuit, the motor is called a field-controlled dc motor. We now develop
its block diagram .
In the field-controlled dc motor, the armature current ia(t) is constant . Therefore,
(3 .1) can be reduced to
T(t) = ki a(t)if(t) _ : kfif(t) (3.3)
where kf = kia. From the field circuit, we have
Lf dt + Rf if (t) = vf (t) = u(t) (3.4)
The application of the Laplace transform to (3.3) and (3.4) yields, 1 assuming zero
initial conditions,
T(s) - kflf(s)
LfsIf(s) + RfIf(s) = U(s)
which imply
If (s) = L f s + R f U(s)
T(s) = L
fs + R f U(s)
Thus, if the generated torque is considered as the output of the motor, then the
transfer function of the field-controlled dc motor is
T(s) kf
Gm(s) : (3 .5)
U(s) Lfs + Rf
This transfer function remains the same no matter what load the motor drives . Now
we compute the transfer function of the load . The application of the Laplace trans-
form to (3.2) yields, assuming zero initial conditions,
T(s) = Js20(s) + fs0(s)
which can be written as
0(s) 1
G, (s)
' T(s) s(Js + f)
This is the transfer function of the load if we consider the motor torque the input,
and the load's angular displacement the output . Thus, the motor and load in
'Capital letters are used to denote the Laplace transforms of the corresponding lowercase letters . In the
case of T(t) and T(s), we use the arguments to differentiate them .
Motor Load
k T
1 e
-~ f
L s+R . f s(Js+f)
Figure 3 .1 can be modeled as shown in Figure 3 .2. It consists of two blocks : One
represents the motor; the other, the load . Note that any change of the load will not
affect the motor transfer function, so there is no loading problem in the connection .
The transfer function of the field-controlled dc motor driving a load is the prod-
uct of Gm (s) and G1 (s) or
G(s) = Gm(S)GZ(S) =S(Lfs + Rf)(JS kf =
+ f) S(TfS + 1)(Tm s + 1)
_ m k
(Tfs + 1)S(Tm S + 1)
G(s) (3 ~)
S(T S m + 1)
For a discussion of this type of approximation, see Reference [18]. Note that Tm
depends only on the load.
The field-controlled dc motor is used to drive a load, yet there is no loading
problem in Figure 3 .2. How could this be possible? Different loads will induce
different ia ; even for the same load, is will not be constant. Therefore, the loading
problem is eliminated by keeping is constant. In practice, it is difficult to keep is
constant, so the field-controlled dc motor is rarely used .
3 .2 MOTORS 73
applied voltage . The voltage v b(t) is linearly proportional to the angular velocity of
the motor shaft :
Vb(t) = kb dt (3.9)
a(t) + k de(t) = u(t)
R i (t) + L di b dt (3 .11)
a a dt
Using (3.2), (3 .8), and (3.11), we now develop a transfer function for the motor . The
substitution of (3 .8) into (3.2) and the application of the Laplace transform to (3 .2)
and (3 .11) yield, assuming zero initial conditions,
kt la(s) = Js 2 0(s) + fs0(s) (3 .12)
Motor Load
I r
U kr I T I 1
doldt 1 I B
R a +L a s I I
Js+f S
L - -J
kb c
The time constant in (3 .17) depends on the load as well as the armature circuit . This
is in contrast to (3.7) where Tm depends only on the load . The electrical and me-
chanical time constants are well defined in (3.6) and (3.7), but this is not possible
in (3 .14) and (3 .15). We often call (3 .14) and (3 .15) motor transfer functions, al-
though they are actually the transfer functions of the motor and load . The transfer
function of the same motor will be different if it drives a different load .
Exercise 3.2 .1
The input and output of the transfer function in (3 .15) are the applied electrical
voltage and the angular position of the motor shaft as shown in Figure 3 .4(a). If
motors are used in velocity control systems to drive tapes or conveyers, we are no
longer interested in their angular positions 0 . Instead we are mainly concerned with
2In engineering, it is often said that the electrical time constant is much smaller than the mechanical time
constant, thus we can set Lo = 0. If we write (3.14) as G(s) = k,/s(as + 1)(bs + 1), then a and b are
called time constants . Unlike (3.6), a and b depend on both electrical and mechanical parts of the motor .
Therefore, electrical and mechanical time constants in armature-controlled dc motors are no longer as
well defined as in field-controlled dc motors .
3 . 2 MOTORS 75
(a) (b)
Figure 3 .4 Transfer functions of armature-controlled dc motor .
their angular velocities . Let w be the angular velocity of the motor shaft . Then we
have w(t) = d6/dt and
W(s) = s0 (S) = S - 1) U(S) U(s)
S(Tm s + TmS + 1 .
The transfer function of the motor from applied voltage u to angular velocity w is
W(s) km
U(S) Tm S + 1
as shown in Figure 3 .4(b) . Equation (3 .18) differs from (3 .15) by the absence of one
pole at s = 0 . Thus the transfer function of motors can be (3 .15) or (3 .18), depending
on what is considered as the output . Therefore it is important to specify the input
and output in using a transfer function . Different specifications lead to different
transfer functions for the same system .
W (t) R(t)
>- t
(a) (b)
Figure 3.5 (a) Step response of motor . (b) Estimation of T,,, .
This is called the final speed or steady-state speed. If we apply a voltage of known
magnitude a and measure the final speed w(-), then the motor gain constant can
be easily obtained as km = w(oo)/a . To find the motor time constant, we rewrite
(3.19) as
w(t) = kma(1 - e tl m)
which implies, using (3.20),
e -tlm = 1 - w(t) = 1 - w(t)
kma w(-)
Thus we have
- T = In 1 - w(~)) : R(t) (3 .21)
where In stands for the natural logarithm . Now if we measure the speed at any t, say
t = to, then from (3 .21) we have
TM = (3.22)
W(to ))
In (1 -
W(- )
Thus the motor time constant can be obtained from the final speed and one additional
measurement at any t.
Example 3 .2 .1
Consider an armature-controlled dc motor driving a load . We apply 5 V to the motor.
The angular speed of the load at to = 2 s is measured as 30 rad/s and the final speed
is measured as 70 rad/s . What are the transfer functions from the applied voltage to
the speed and from the applied voltage to the displacement?
From (3 .20) and (3 .22)~we have
k = w() = 70 = 14
m a 5
3 .2 MOTORS 77
-2 -2 -2
TM = 3.57
30 in 0.57 - 0.5596
1 - 70
Thus the transfer functions are
W(s) _ 14 0(s) _ 14
U(s) 3 .57s + 1 U(s) s(3 .57s + 1)
Exercise 3.2.2
In (3.22), in addition to the final speed, we used only one datum to compute Tm .
A more accurate Tm can be obtained by using more data . We plot R(t) in (3 .21) for
a number of t as shown in Figure 3 .5(b), and draw from the origin a straight line
passing through these points . Then the slope of the straight line equals 1/Tm. This
is a more accurate way of obtaining the motor time constant . This method can also
check whether or not the simplified transfer functions in (3 .18) and (3 .15) can be
used. If all points in the plot are very close to the straight line, then (3 .18) and (3 .15)
are adequate . If not, more accurate transfer functions such as the one in (3 .14) must
be used to describe the motor.
The problem of determining Tm and km in (3.18) from measurements is called
parameter estimation. In this problem, the form of the transfer function is assumed
to be known, but its parameters are not known . We then determine the parameters
from measurements . This is a special case of the identification problem where neither
the form nor the parameters are assumed to be known . If no noise exists in meas-
urements, then the identification problem is not difficult . See Reference [15]. How-
ever, in practice, noise often arises in measurements . This makes the problem dif-
ficult. For a different method of identification, see Section 8 .3.2.
-Ji N.
Gears are used to convert high speed and small torque into low speed and high
torque or the converse . The most popular type of gear is the spur gear shown in
Figure 3.6(a). Let ri be the radius ; Ni , the number of teeth; 0j, the angular displace-
ment, and Ti, the torque for gear i, i = 1, 2 . Clearly, the number of teeth on a gear
is linearly proportional to its radius ; hence N 1 /r 1 = N2 /r 2 . The linear distance
traveled along the surfaces of both gears are the same, thus 0 1 r 1 = 02 r2 . The linear
forces developed at the contact point of both gears are equal, thus T 1 /r 1 = T2/r 2 .
These equalities can be combined to yield
T1 N 02 (3.23)
T2 = N2 = 01
This is a linear equation as shown in Figure 3 .6(b) and is obtained under idealized
conditions . In reality, backlash exists between coupled gears . So long as the gears
are rotating in one direction, the teeth will remain in contact . However, reversal of
the direction of the driving gear will disengage the teeth and the driven gear will
remain stationary until reengagement .3 Therefore, the relationship between 0 1 and
02 should be as shown in Figure 3 .6(c), rather than in Figure 3.6(b). Keeping the
backlash small will increase the friction between the teeth and wear out the teeth
faster . On the other hand, an excessive amount of backlash will cause what is called
the chattering, hunting, or limited-cycle problem in control systems . To simplify
analysis and design, we use the linear equation in (3 .23).
Consider an armature-controlled dc motor driving a load through a gear train
as shown in Figure 3 .7(a) . The numbers of teeth are N 1 and N2 . Let the total moment
3Here we assume that the mass of the gear is zero, or that the gear has no inertia .
3 .3 GEARS 79
Figure 3 .7 Gear train and its equivalence .
of inertia (including rotor, motor shaft, and gear 1) and viscous friction coefficient
on the motor shaft be, respectively, J, and f1 , and those on the load shaft be J 2 and
f2. The torque generated by the motor must drive J 1, overcome f 1, and generate a
torque T1 at gear 1 to drive the second gear. Thus we have
d20,(t) de,(t)
Tmotor - Jl dt 2 + f1 + T, (3 .24)
T2 - J2
N, d 2 6 1 (t) 11
d9 1 (t)
N2 dt2 + f 2 N2 dt
The substitution of this T2 into T, = (N, /N2)T2 and then into (3 .24) yields
d 2 a t (t) d01 (t) N, 2 d 2 0 1 (t)
Tmotor = J, dt2 + f t dt + J2 NZ
dt 2
(') 2
+ f2 Nd9,(t)
(3 .26)
N2 dt
d2 0 1 (t) d0, (t)
dt 2 + fteq dt
2 N' \ 2
J, eq : = J1 + J2 fieq := fl + f2 (3 .27)
N2 C N2
This process transfers the load and friction on the load shaft into the motor shaft as
shown in Figure 3.7(b) . Using this equivalent diagram, we can now compute the
transfer function and develop a block diagram for the motor and load .
Once the load and friction on the load shaft are transferred to the motor shaft,
we can simply disregard the gear train and the load shaft . If the armature inductance
La is assumed to be zero, then the transfer function of the motor and load from u to
0, is, as in (3.15),
(3 .28)
G(s) OU(S) S(7,,,s + 1)
km 01 N,
S(rr S+ 1) N,
u 8, N, 82
Motor N2 Load
Figure 3 .8 (a) Block diagram . (b) Incorrect block diagram .
The transfer function from 0, to 02 is N,/N 2. Thus the block diagram of the motor
driving a load through a gear train is as shown in Figure 3 .8(a). We remark
that because of the loading, it is not possible to draw a block diagram as shown in
Figure 3.8(b).
Transducers are devices that convert signals from one form to another-for example,
from a mechanical shaft position, temperature, or pressure to an electrical voltage .
They are also called sensing devices . There are all types of transducers such as
thermocouples, strain gauges, pressure gauges, and others . We discuss in the follow-
ing only potentiometers and tachometers .
The potentiometer is a device that can be used to convert a linear or angular dis-
placement into a voltage . Figure 2 .14 shows a wire-wound potentiometer with its
characteristic . The potentiometer converts the angular displacement 9(t) into an elec-
tric voltage v(t) described by
v(t) = kO(t) (3 .30)
where k is a constant and depends on the applied voltage and the type of potentiom-
eter used . The application of the Laplace transform to (3 .30) yields
V(s) = kO(s) (3 .31)
Thus the transfer function of the potentiometer is a constant . Figure 3 .9 shows three
commercially available potentiometers .
Figure 3 .9 Potentiometers .
The tachometer is a device that can convert a velocity into a voltage . It is actually
a generator with its rotor connected to the shaft whose velocity is to be measured .
Therefore a tachometer is also called a tachogenerator . The output v(t) of the tach-
ometer is proportional to the shaft's angular velocity ; that is,
v(t) = k (3.32)
where 0(t) is the angular displacement and k is the sensitivity of the tachometer, in
volts per radian per second . The application of the Laplace transform to (3 .32) yields
G(s) = = ks (3.33)
O (S)
Thus the transfer function from 0(t) to v(t) of the tachometer is ks.
As discussed in Section 2.4.1, improper transfer functions will amplify high-
frequency noise and are not used in practice . The transfer function of tachometers
is improper, therefore its employment must be justified . A tachometer is usually
attached to a shaft-for example, the shaft of a motor as shown in Figure 3 .10(a).
Although the transfer function of the tachometer is improper, the transfer function
from u to y t is
km kk n
ks =
S(Tm S + 1) n
T ,S + 1
u k B
s(z s + 1)
Load Tachometer
(a) (b)
Motor Motor
u I km u k W
1 m
Tachometer Tachometer
F- k
(c) (d)
Figure 3.10 Use of tachometer .
R Noise n(t)
Potentiometer Differentiator
as shown in Figure 3 .10(b) . It is strictly proper. Thus electrical noise entered at the
armature circuit will not be amplified . The transfer function from motor torque T(t)
to y t is, from Figure 3 .2,
1 k
ks =
s(Js + f) is + f
which is again strictly proper. Thus, mechanical noise, such as torque generated by
gusts, is smoothed by the moment of inertia of the motor . In conclusion, tachometers
will not amplify electrical and mechanical high-frequency noises and are widely
used in practice . See also Problem 3 .17. Note that the block diagram in Figure 3 .10(b)
can also be plotted as shown in Figure 3 .10(c) . This arrangement is useful in com-
puter computation and operational amplifier circuit realization, as will be discussed
in Chapter 5. We mention that the arrangement shown in Figure 3 .11 cannot be used
to measure the motor angular velocity . Although the potentiometer generates signal
k9(t), it also generates high-frequency noise n(t) due to brush jumps, wire irregu-
larities, and variations of contact resistance . The noise is greatly amplified by the
differentiator and overwhelms the desired signal kdO/dt . Thus the arrangement can-
not be used in practice .
The transfer function of a tachometer is ks only if its input is displacement . If
its input is velocity w(t) = dO(t)/dt, then its transfer function is simply k. In velocity
control systems, the transfer function of motors is km/(Tms + 1) as shown in Figure
3.4(b). In this case, the block diagram of a motor and a tachometer is as shown in
Figure 3 .10(d) . Therefore, it is important to specify what are the input and output
of each block.
Error Detectors
Every error detector has two input terminals and one output terminal. The output
signal is proportional to the difference of the two input signals . An error detector
can be built by connecting two potentiometers as shown in Figure 3 .12(a). The two
potentiometers may be located far apart . For example, one may be located inside a
room and the other, attached to an antenna on the rooftop . The input signals 0, and
0, are mechanical positions, either linear or rotational ; the output v(t) is a voltage
signal . They are related by
v(t) = k[O,(t) - 00(t)] (3.34)
(b) (c)
Figure 3 .12 Pair of potentiometers and their schematic representations .
V(s) = k[O,(s) - O o(s)]
where k is a constant . The pair of potentiometers can be represented schematically
as shown in Figure 3.12(b) or (c). The circle where the two signals enter is often
called the summing point .
The operational amplifier is one of the most important circuit elements . It is built in 0
integrated-circuit form . It is small, inexpensive, and versatile . It can be used to build
buffers, amplifiers, error detectors, and compensating networks, and is therefore
widely used in control systems .
The operational amplifier is usually represented as shown in Figure 3 .13(a) and
is modeled as shown in Figure 3 .13(b) . It has two input terminals . The one with a
- " sign is called the inverting terminal and the one with a " +' 9 sign the non-
inverting terminal . The output voltage v, equals A(vz2 - vi,), and A is called the
open-loop gain . The resistor Ri in Figure 3 .13(b) is called the input resistance and
(a) (b)
R0, the output resistance. R; is generally very large, greater than 10 4 fl, and Ro is
very small, less than 50 fl . The open-loop gain A is very large, usually over 10 5,
in low frequencies . Signals in op-amps are limited by supply voltages, commonly
15 V . Because of this limitation, if A is very large or infinity, then we have
Ui1 - Ui2 (3.35)
This equation implies that the two input terminals are virtually short-circuited . Be-
cause Ri is very large, we have
ii = 0 (3 .36)
This equation implies that the two input terminals are virtually open-circuited . Thus
the two input terminals have the two conflicting properties : open-circuit and short-
circuit . Using these two properties, operational amplifier circuits can easily be
analyzed .
Consider the operational amplifier circuit shown in Figure 3 .14(a) . Because of
the direct connection of the output terminal and inverting terminal, we have vi1 =
v,,Thus we have, using the short-circuit property, v o = vie. It means that the output
v tage is identical to the input voltage v f2. One may wonder why we do not connect
vo directly to v f2, rather than through an op-amp . There is an important reason for
doing this . The input resistance of op-amps is very large and the output resistance
is very small, so op-amps can isolate the circuits before and after them, and thus
eliminate the loading problem . Therefore, the circuit is called a voltage follower,
buffer, or isolating amplifier and is widely used in practice .
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 3 .14(b) where Z1 and Zf are two imped-
ances . The open-circuit property i i = 0 implies i 1 = -i0. Thus we have'
V1 - Vil V0 - Vi1
(3 .37)
Z1 Zf
'Because impedances are defined in the Laplace transform domain (see Section 2 .4), all variables must
be in the same domain. We use V,, to denote the Laplace transform of v,.
vi 2
D R pm
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3 .14 Op-amp circuits.
Because the noninverting terminal is grounded and because of the short-circuit prop-
erty, we have v i , = vie = 0. Thus (3 .37) becomes
Vo Zf
V1 Z1
If Zf = Rf and Z1 = R 1 , then the transfer function from v 1 to v o is -Rf/R 1 and
the circuit can be used as an amplifier with fixed gain -Rf/R 1 . If Rf is replaced by
a potentiometer or an adjustable resistor as shown in Figure 3 .14(c), then the gain
of the amplifier can be easily adjusted .
Exercise 3.5 .1
Show that the transfer function of the circuit in Figure 3 .14(d) equals -1/RCs .
Thus, the circuit can act as an integrator . Show that the transfer function of the
circuit in Figure 33 4(e) equals -RCs . Thus, the circuit can act as a pure differen-
tiator . Integrators and differentiators can be easily built by using operational amplifier
circuits. However, differentiators so built may not be stable and cannot be used in
practice . See Reference [18] . Integrators so built are stable and are widely used in
practice .
Consider the op-amp circuit shown in Figure 3 .15 . The noninverting terminal
is grounded, so v i1 = v ie = 0. Because of ii = 0, we have
if = - (i 1 + + i 3)
vo = -(av I + bv2 + ev 3 )
(a) (b)
Figure 3 .16 (a) Inverting amplifier. (b) Error detector .
In this section, we show how block diagrams are developed for control systems .
Example 3 .6.1
Consider the control system shown in Figure 3 .17(a) . The load could be a telescope
or an antenna and is driven by an armature-controlled dc motor . The system is
designed so that the actual angular position of the load will follow the reference
signal . The error e between the reference signal r and the controlled signal y is
detected by a pair of potentiometers with sensitivity k1 . The dotted line denotes
mechanical coupling, therefore their signals are identical . The error e is amplified
by a dc amplifier with gain k2 and then drives the motor. The block diagram of this
system is shown in Figure 3 .17(b) . The diagram is self-explanatory .
40 Load
r +1 ) 1 e U km y
k ~
Figure 3 .17 Position control system .
Example 3 .6.2
In a steel or paper mill, the products are moved by rollers, as shown in Figure 3 .18(a) .
In order to maintain a- prescribed tension, the roller speeds are kept constant and
equal to each other. This can be achieved by using the control system shown in
Figure 3 .18(b) . Each roller is driven by an armature-controlled dc motor . The desired
(0 3
I is
1+ I
Isolation Amplifie I I
r amplifier I Load k2
k=1 k3 I_ I
To other
k2 c
Example 3 .6.3
Temperature control is essential in many chemical processes . Consider the temper-
ature control system shown in Figure 3 .19(a) . The problem is to control the tem-
perature y inside the chamber . The chamber is heated by steam. The flow q of hot
steam is proportional to the valve opening x ; that is, q = kq x. The valve opening x
is controlled by a solenoid and is assumed to be proportional to the solenoid current
i; that is, x = ki. It is assumed that the chamber temperature y and the steam flow
q are related by
-cy + kq (3 .40)
where c depends on the insulation and the temperature difference between inside
and outside the chamber . To simplify analysis and design, c is assumed to be a
positive constant . This means that if no steam is pumped into the chamber, the
temperature will decrease at the rate of e - ". The application of the Laplace transform
Amplifier Thermocouple
10. 4 0
r u 1 i x q k, y
Pot Ls+R s+c
Figure 3 .19 Temperature control system .
U(s) R + Ls
Thus the transfer function from u to i is 1/(Ls + R) as shown. The remainder of
the block diagram is self-explanatory .
Exercise 3 .6.1
Example 3 .6 .4
In order to point the antenna toward the earth or the solar panels toward the sun, the
altitude or orientation of a satellite or space vehicle must be properly controlled .
This can be achieved using gas jets or reaction wheels . Because of unlimited supply
of electricity through solar panels, reaction wheels are used if the vehicle will travel
for long journeys . Three sets of reaction wheels are needed to control the orientation
in the three-dimensional space ; but they are all identical .
A reaction wheel is actually a flywheel ; it may be simply the rotor of a motor .
It is assumed to be driven by an armature-controlled dc motor as shown in Figure
3 .20(a) and (b) . The case of the motor is rigidly attached to the vehicle . Because of
the conservation of momentum, if the reaction wheel turns in one direction, the
satellite will rotate in the opposite direction . The orientation and its rate of change
can be measured using a gyro and a rate gyro . The block diagram of the control
system is shown in Figure 3 .20(c).
We derive in the following the transfer function G(s) of the space vehicle and
' II s
(a) (b)
r U y
Rate gyro
Figure 3 .20 Altitude control of satellite .
motor . Let the angular displacements, with respect to the inertial coordinate, of the
vehicle and the reaction wheel be respectively y and 0 as shown in Figure 3 .20(a) .
They are chosen, for convenience, to be in opposite directions . Clearly, the relative
angular displacement of the reaction wheel (or the rotor of the motor) with respect
to the vehicle (or the stator or case of the motor) is y + 0. Thus the armature circuit
is governed by, as in (3.10),
Raia(t) + La + v b(t) = u(t) (3 .42)
Vb(t) (3 .43)
= kb ( dt + dt )
Let J and f be the moment of inertia and the viscous friction coefficient on the motor
shaft. Because the friction is generated between the motor shaft and the bearing that
is attached to the satellite, the friction equals f(dO/dt + dy/dt) . Thus the torque
equation is
T(t) = ktia = J + f (3 .44)
de + dt
Let the moment of inertia of the vehicle be J,, . Then the conservation of angular
momentum implies
Jv t= J (3 .45)
d ae
Using (3 .42) through (3.45), we can show that the transfer function from u to y
G(s) .46)
U(s) s[(Las + R a)(JJs + (J + J)f) + krkb(J + J01 (3
This completes the block diagram in Figure 3 .20 .
Ex anhple 3 .6.5
Consider the industrial robot shown in Figure 3 .21(a) . The robot has a number of
joints . It is assumed that each joint is driven by an armature-controlled dc motor
through gears with gear ratio n = Nl/N 2. Figure 3 .21(b) shows a block diagram of
the control of a joint, where the block diagram in Figure 3 .3 is used for the motor .
The J and f in the diagram are the total moment of inertia and viscous friction
coefficient reflected to the motor shaft by using (3 .27). The compensator is a
r kt T w y Ni
L Gs + Ra JS +f s N2
Figure 3 .21 (a) Industrial robot . (b) Joint control system .
Once a block diagram for a control system is obtained, the next step in analysis is
to simplify the block diagram to a single block or, equivalently, to find the overall
transfer function. It is useless to analyze an individual block, because the behavior
of the control system is affected only indirectly by individual transfer function . The
behavior is dictated completely by its overall transfer function .
Two methods are available to compute overall transfer functions : block diagram
manipulation and employment of Mason's formula . We discuss first the former and
than the latter . The block diagram manipulation is based on the equivalent diagrams
shown in Table 3 .1 . The first pair is concerned with summers . A summer must have
two or more inputs and one and only one output . If a summer has three or more
Table 3 . 1 Equivalent Block Diagrams
Y Y1
2. G G
Y2 Y3 Y2 Y3
U Y1
5. G
U Y1 Y1
6. G
L~ G
1 /G l
G1 --;I G2
L- ~
G1 G2 H
inputs, it can be separated into two summers as shown . A terminal can be branched
out, at branching points, into several signals as shown in the second pair of Table
3.1 with all signals equal to each other . A summer or a branching point can be moved
around a block as shown from the third to the sixth pair of the table . Their equiva-
lenCes can be easily verified . For example, for the fourth pair, we have Y =
GUI U2 for the left-hand-side diagram and Y = G(U, U 2/G) = GU, U 2
for the right-hand-side diagram . They are indeed equivalent .
The last three pairs of Table 3 .1 are called, respectively, the tandem, parallel,
and feedback connections of two blocks . The reduction of the tandem and parallel
connections to single blocks is very simple . We now reduce the feedback connection
to a single block. Note that if W is fed into the summer with a positive sign (that is,
E = U + W), it is called positive feedback . If W is fed into the summer with a
negative sign (that is, E = U - W), it is called negative feedback . We derive only
the negative feedback part. Let the input of G, be denoted by E and the output of
G2 by W as shown in the left-hand-side diagram of the last pair of Table 3 .1 . Then
we have
W=G2 Y E = U - W = U - G2Y Y=G,E (3 .47)
The substitution of the second equation into the last yields
Y = G I(U - G 2 Y) = G I U - G I G2 Y (3 .48)
which can be written as
(1 + GIG2)Y = G I U
Thus we have
Y _ G,
U 1 + GIG2
This is the transfer function from U to Y, for the negative feedback part, as shown
in the right-hand-side diagram of the last pair of Table 3 .1 . In conclusion, the transfer
function of the feedback connection is G,/(1 + G I G2) for negative feedback and
GI/(1 - G IG2) for positive feedback. They are important formulas, and should be
Now we use an example to illustrate the use of Table 3 .1 to compute overall
transfer functions of block diagrams .
Example 3.7 .1
Consider the block diagram shown in Figure 3 .22(a) . We first use entry 9 in Table
3 .1 to simplify the inner positive feedback loop as shown in Figure 3 .22(b) . Note
that the direct feedback in Figure 3 .22(a) is the same as feedback with transfer
function 1 shown in Figure 3 .22(b) . Using entries 7 and 9, we have
r + Y r + G
1 - G 2 G3
(a) (b)
r + + y y
G1 G2 1
-G3 /G
1/G F
(C) (d)
r + Y
1-- F--
Figure 3 .22 Manipulation of block diagram.
Y _ G' 1 - G2G3 G1 G2
R 1 - G2G3 + G 1 G2
1 + G1 1GG 1
This is the overall transfer function from R to Y in Figure 3 .22(a) .
A block diagram can be manipulated in many ways . For example, we can move
thIsecond summer in Figure 3 .22(a) to the front of G 1, using entry 4 of Table 3 .1,
to yield the block diagram in Figure 3 .22(c) which can be redrawn, using entry 1 of
Table 3.1, as shown in Figure 3 .22(d) . Note that the positive feedback has been
changed to a negative feedback, but we also have introduced a negative sign into
the feedback block . The two feedback paths are in parallel and can be combined as
shown in Figure 3.22(e) . Thus we have
Y _ G1 G2 _ G1G2
R G3 1 + G l G2 - G2G3
1 + G,G2 -
\1 G1
which is the same as (3.50), as expected .
Exercise 3 .7 .1
Use block manipulation to find the transfer functions from r to y of the block dia-
grams in Figure 3 .23.
-* G4
r + + U l y
Although this formula looks very complicated, it is not necessarily so in its appli-
A O 0 O E 0
cation . For example, if a block diagram has no loop as in the tandem and parallel
connections in Table 3 .1, then 0 = 1 . If a block diagram has only nontouching
loops, then the formula terminates at the first parentheses . If a block diagram does
not have three or more mutually nontouching loops, then the formula terminates at
the second parentheses . For example, the block diagram in Figure 3 .24 does not have
three or more mutually nontouching loops, and we have
0 = 1 -(-G1G6 - G4G5 + G 3G4G7 - G1G3G4 + G2G4)
+((-G1G6)(-G4G5) + ( - G1G6)(G2G4))
For easy reference, we call 0 the characteristic function of the block diagram . It is
an inherent property of a block diagram and is independent of input and output
terminals .
Now we introduce the concept of forward paths . It is defined for specific input/
output pairs . A forward path from input r to output y is any connection of unidirec-
tional branches and blocks from r to y along which no point is encountered more
than once . A forward path gain is the product of all transfer functions along the path
including signs at summers . For the block diagram in Figure 3 .24, the r-y in-
put/output pair has two forward paths, with gains P 1 = G 1G3G4 and P2 = - G2G4.
The p-y input/output pair has only one forward path, with gain - G4. A loop touches
a forward path if they have at least one point in common .
With these concepts, we are ready to introduce Mason's formula . The formula
states that the overall transfer function from input v to output w of a block diagram
is given by
W(s) Ii PL1
Gwu (3 .54)
V(s) 0
where 0 is defined as in (3 .52),
Pi = the gain of the ith forward path from v to w
Ai = Aset those loop gains to zero if they touch the ith forward path .
and the summation is to be carried out for all forward paths from v to w . If there is
no forward path from v to w, then G,t, = 0. Now we use the formula to compute
Gyr and Gpy for the block diagram in Figure 3 .24. The 0 for the diagram was com-
puted in (3 .53) . There are two forward paths from r to y, with P 1 = G 1G3G4 and
P2 - -G2G4. Because all loops touch the first forward path, we set all loop gains
to zero in (3 .53) to yield
A1 =1
All loops except the one with loop gain -G 1 G6 touch the second forward path,
therefore we have
A2 = 1 - ( - G1G6) = 1 + G1G6
Thus we have
= Y(s) - P101+ P2A2
GYr (3.55)
R(s) A
G1G3G4 ' 1 + ( - G2G4)(1 + G1G6)
1 + G1G6 + G4G5 - G3G4G7 + G1G3G4 - G2G4 + G1G6G4G5 - G1G6G2G4
Now we find the transfer function from p to y in Figure 3 .24 . The A for the
block diagram was computed in (3.53). There is only one forward path from p to y
with gain P 1 = - G4. Because all loops except the loop with loop gain -G 1G6
touch the path, we have
0 1 = 1 - ( - G1 G6) = 1 + G 1G6
Thus the transfer function from p to y in Figure 3 .24 is, using Mason's formula,
Gyp = P(S) = 1
(-G4)(1 + G,G6 )
1 + G,G6 + G 4 G5 - G3 G4 G7 + G 1G3G4 - G2G4 + G,G6G 4 G5 - G,G 6G2G4
Exercise 3 .7 .2
Exercise 3.7 .3
Exercise 3 .7 .4
Repeat Exercise 3 .7.1 by using Mason's formula . Are the results the same?
r + e y r
e _ y
'a- 111+ G1
(a) (b)
Figure 3 .26 Closed-loop and open-loop systems .
These transfer functions are often referred to as closed-loop transfer functions . Now
we open the loop at e as shown, and the resulting diagram becomes the one in Figure
3.26(b) . The transfer functions from r to y, from p l to y, and from P2 to y now
Gyr = 0 GYP1 = G 2 GYP2 = I
They are called open-loop transfer functions. We see that they are quite different
from the closed-loop transfer functions in (3.57). This is not surprising, because the
block diagrams in Figure 3 .26 represent two distinctly different systems . Unless
stated otherwise, all transfer functions in this text refer to closed-loop or overall
transfer functions .
u kg V
8 RL y
+ Lf S RL + Rg
(b) Figure P3 .1
we assume that vg(t) appears as shown in Figure P3 .1(a) and combine Rg with
the load resistance RL. Show that the generator can now be represented by the
block diagram in Figure P3 .1(b) and there is no loading problem in the block
diagram . Where does the power of the generator come from? Does the flow of
power appear in the block diagram?
3.2. Consider an armature-controlled dc motor driving a load as shown in Figure
P3.2. Suppose the motor shaft is not rigid and must be modeled as a torsional
spring with constant ks. What is the transfer function from u to 0? What is the
transfer function from u to w = dO/dt?
3.3. The combination of the generator and motor shown in Figure P3 .3 is widely
used in industry . It is called the Ward-Leonard system . Develop a block
diagram for the system . Find the transfer functions from u to v g and from
vg to 0.
R f R
+ I
u I
I f\
c~ 0
I I I I 9
~ I I
Ward-Leonard system
Figure P3.3
3.4. a. The system in Figure P3 .4(a) can be used to control the voltage v o(t) of a
generator that is connected to a load with resistance RL. A reference signal
r(t), which can be adjusted by using a potentiometer, is applied through an
amplifier with gain k, to the field circuit of the generator. Draw a block
diagram for the system . The system is called an open-loop voltage regulator .
b. The system in Figure P3 .4(b) can also be used to control the voltage vo(t).
It differs from Figure P3 .4(a) in that part of the output voltage or v, = k v0
is subtracted from r(t) to generate an error voltage e(t) . The error signal
e(t) is applied, through an amplifier with gain k,, to the field circuit of the
generator. Develop a block diagram for the system . The system is called a
closed-loop or feedback voltage regulator .
Figure P3 .4
3.6. Consider the gear train shown in Figure P3 .6(a). Show that it is equivalent to
the one in Figure P3 .6(b) with
2 2
N~ (N I N3 '\
Jleq = Jl + J2 + J3
N2 N 2 N4
2 2
fleq = fl + f2 N2 + f3 \N2 N4
N'N3 /
3.7 . Find the transfer functions from v ; to v o of the op-amp circuits shown in Figure
P3.7 .
U ,1eq ffeq
J3' f 3
N2 N4
(a) (b)
Figure P3 .6
F,F%6, Vt. o-
Figure P3 .7
3 .8 . Consider the operational amplifier circuit shown in Figure P3 .8 . Show that the
output uo equals
Uo = R (VB - VA)
Figure P3 .8
3 .9. Develop a block diagram for the system shown in Figure P3 .9. Compute also
the transfer function of each block .
Figure P3.9
3 .10. Consider the temperature control system shown in Figure P3 .10 . It is assumed
that the heat q pumped into the chamber is proportional to u and the temperature
y inside the chamber is related to q by the differential equation dy(t)/dt =
-0.3y(t) + 0.1q(t) . Develop a block diagram for the system and compute the
transfer function of each block.
sensor, k,
Figure P3.10
Pulse generator
Control level Light
Motor source
Amplifier 8 ......t0-
Digital-to- Pulse
analog count
converter Digital speed signal Pulse
Figure P3.11
r I
Tape --> reader Pulse -~o D/A converter
. 0 1
I 1
I Digital 1
feedback I
e=k 1 (Bd -B )
Figure P3.12
3.13. In industry, a robot can be designed to replace a human operator to carry out
repeated movements. Schematic diagrams for such a robot are shown in Figure
P3.13 . The desired movement is first applied by an operator to the joystick
shown. The joystick activates the hydraulic motor and the mechanical arm .
The movement of the arm is recorded on a tape, as shown in Figure P3 .13(a).
The tape can then be used to control the mechanical arm, as shown in Figure
P3 .13(b) . It is assumed that the signal x is proportional to u, and the transfer
function from x to y is k,,,/s(Tm s + 1). Draw a block diagram for the system
in Figure P3 .13(b) . Indicate also the type of transfer function for each block .
Error Tape F
detector reader Tape
3.14. Use Table 3 .1 to reduce the block diagrams shown in Figure P3 .14 to single
blocks .
G1 V
Figure P3 .14
r1 + y
G1 G3
Figure P3.16
3.17. Consider the block diagram shown in Figure P3 .17. It is the connection of the
block diagram of an armature-controlled dc motor and that of a tachometer .
Suppose noises may enter the system as shown . Compute the transfer functions
from n t to w and from n 2 , to w . Are they proper transfer functions?
u I + k, T I I w
1.0 ks
LG s+RQ JS +f I
I Tachometer
Once block diagrams of control systems are developed, the next step is to carry out
analysis . There are two types of analysis : quantitative and qualitative . In quantitative
analysis, we are interested in the exact response of control systems due to a specific
excitation . In qualitative analysis, we are interested in general properties of control
systems . We discuss first the former and then the latter .
'The radius of the reel changes from a full reel to an empty reel, therefore a constant angular velocity
will not generate a constant linear tape speed . For this reason, the angular velocity of motor shafts that
drive expensive compact disc (CD) players is not constant . The angular velocity increases gradually as
the, pick-up reads from the outer rim toward the inner rim so that the linear speed is constant .
km /(Tm s + 1), as is shown in Figure 3 .4(b). Thus the transfer function from r to
w is
(s) = klkm
G(s) = W
R(s) Tm S + I
where km and Tm are the motor gain and time constants (see (3 .16) and (3.17)). If
we apply a constant voltage, or r(t) = a, for t ? 0, then R(s) = als, and
klkm a ak,,,k, - akm Tm ki _ akmk, - akm kl
W(s) -
Tm S+ I S S Tm S+ I S S+ 1/T m
which implies
w(t) = akm k i - akm ki e -(1 /m )t (4.2)
for t ? 0 . This response, shown in Figure 4.2(a), is called the step response; it is
called the unit-step response if a = 1 . Because a -t/ m approaches zero as t ~,
we have
w,(t) : = lim w(t) = akm k i
This is called the steady-state orfinal speed . If the desired speed is w,., by choosing
a as a = wr/k l km, the motor will eventually reach the desired speed .
In controlling the tape, we are interested in not only the final speed but also the
speed of response ; that is, how fast the tape will reach the final speed. For the first-
order transfer function in (4.1), the speed of response is dictated by Tm , the time
constant of the motor. We compute
et lm
Tm (0 .37)' = 0 .37
2T, (0 .37) 2 = 0 .14
3r, (0 .37) 3 = 0 .05
4Tm (0 .37)' = 0 .02
5Tm (0 .37) 5 = 0.007
w (t) e-
(a) (b)
Figure 4 .2 Time responses .
and plot e - `lm in Figure 4.2(b). We see that if t ? 5T,,,, the value of e - `/m is less
than 1 % of its original value. Therefore, the speed of the motor will reach and stay
within 1% of its final speed in 5 time constants . In engineering, the system is often
considered to have reached the final speed in 5 time constants .
The system in Figure 4 .1 is an open-loop system because the actuating signal
u(t) is predetermined by the reference signal r(t) and is independent of the actual
motor speed . The motor time constant T. of this system depends on the motor and
load (see (3.17)). For a given load, once a motor is chosen, the time constant is
fixed . If the time constant is very large, for example, T,,, = 60 s, then it will take
300 seconds or 5 minutes for the tape to reach the final speed . This speed of response
Amplifier a
e Load Tachometer
ki T r
Desired speed r + e U km w
Pot ~- ki
2 c
Figure 4 .3 Feedback control system .
is much too slow . In this case, the only way to change the time constant is to choose
a larger motor. If a motor is properly chosen, a system with good accuracy and fast
response can, be designed . This type of open-loop system, however, is sensitive to
plant perturbation and disturbance, as is discussed in Chapter 6, so it is used only
in inexpensive or low-quality speed control systems .
We now discuss a different type of speed control system . Consider the system
shown in Figure 4.3(a). A tachometer is connected to the motor shaft and its output
is combined with the reference input to generate an error signal . From the wiring
shown, we have e = r - f. The block diagram is shown in Figure 4.3(b). Because
the actuating signal u depends not only on the reference input but also the actual
plant output, this is a closed-loop or feedback control system . Note that in developing
the transfer function of the motor, if the moment of inertia of the tachometer is
negligible compared to that of the load, it may be simply disregarded. Otherwise, it
must be included in computing the transfer function of the motor and load.
The transfer function from r to w of the feedback control system in Figure 4 .3
k1 km
- W(s) - Tm S + 1 = k,km
R(s) I + k1kmk2 Tms + k lk2km + 1
Tm S + I
klk2 km + 1 k1ko
T's + 1
(k 1k2k. + 1 s + 1
(4 .4a)
T . k1 k2 kmm + 1
d4 .4b)
k . k 1k 2k mm + 1
This transfer function has the same form as (4.1). If r(t) = a, then we have, as in
w(t) = akok1 - akokre -OlTo )t (4.5)
and the steady-state speed is akokl. With a properly chosen, the tape can reach a
desired speed . Furthermore, it will reach the desired speed in 5 X To seconds.
The time constant To of the feedback system in Figure 4 .3 is Tm/(k,k2km + 1).
It now can be controlled by adjusting k 1 or k2 . For example, if Tm = 60 and km =
1, by choosing k 1 = 10 and k2 = 4, we have To = 60/(40 + 1) = 1 .46, and the
tape will reach the final speed in 5 X 1 .46 = 7 .3 seconds . Thus, unlike the open-
loop system in Figure 4 .1, the time constant and, more generally, the speed of re-
sponse of the feedback system in Figure 4 .3 can be easily controlled .
Exercise 4 .2 .1
Consider (4.6). If k l k2 km = 1 and r(t) = 10 -2, for t ? 0, what is the speed w(t) of
the motor shaft? What is its final speed?
[Answers : k i km t/l00Tm, infinity .]
2 1 kl k2km
s + -s +
If we define con := k,k2 km /T m , and 2~Wn := 1/Tm , then (4.7) becomes
G ,(s)
o(s) Y(s) __
(4 .8)
R(s) s2 + 2Ccons + Wn
This is called a quadratic transfer function with a constant numerator. In this section
we study its unit-step response .
The transfer function G O (s) has two poles and no zero . Its poles are
where a : _ Ccon and cod : = ton '\/1 - ~2. They are plotted in Figure 4.5. The
constant is called the damping ratio ; (o., the natural frequency ; o-, the damping
Im s
factor; and cod , the damped or actual frequency. Clearly if the damping ratio ~ is 0,
the two poles jwn are pure imaginary . If 0 < ~ < 1, the two poles are complex
conjugate and so forth as listed in the following :
k2* -
( -2Jwd)( 0- (
.t Ud)
where k2* is the complex conjugate of k2. Thus the unit-step response of (4.8) is
y(t) = 1 + k2e-(+jwd)` + k 2* e -(0'- i wd)t
which, after some manipulation, becomes
sin (C)d t+ 0)
e r
Figure 4 .6 Response of a - `sin (wdt + 0) .
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
wn t
Figure 4 .7 Responses of quadratic system with various damping ratios.
be undamped. If 0 < ~ < 1, the response y(t) contains oscillation whose envelope
decreases with time as shown in Figure 4 .7 . In this case, the system in (4.8) is said
to be underdamped. If ~ > 1, the two poles of (4.8) are real and distinct and the
unit-step response of (4.8) will contain neither oscillation nor overshoot . In this case,
the system is said to be overdamped. The system is said to be critically damped if
~ = 1 . In this case, the two poles are real and repeated, and the response is on the
verge of having overshoot or oscillation .
The step response of (4.8) is dictated by the natural frequency w, and the damp-
ing ratio ~. Because the horizontal coordinate of Figure 4 .7 is wt, the larger w,,, the
faster the response . The damping ratio governs the overshoot ; the smaller ~, the
larger the overshoot. We see from Figure 4 .7 that, if ~ is in the neighborhood of 0 .7,
then the step response has no appreciable overshoot and has a fairly fast response .
Therefore, we often design a system to have a damping ratio of 0 .7. Because the
response also depends on w,,, we like to control both w and ~ in the design .
Example 4 .3.1
The transfer function of the automobile suspension system shown in Figure 2 .7 is
1 1/m
G(s) =
ms2 +kls+k2
s2 +m
ks + k2
If the shock absorber is dead (that is, it does not generate any friction), or k, = 0,
then the damping ratio ~ is zero . In this case, the car will remain oscillatory after
hitting a pothole and the car will be difficult to steer . By comparing the transfer
function of the suspension system and (4.8), we have
k2 _ W2
' = 2~con
m " m
If we choose ~ = 0.7 and con = 2, then from Figure 4 .7, we can see that the
automobile will take about 2 seconds to return to the original horizontal position
after hitting a pothole and will hardly oscillate. To have these values, k, and k2 must
k2 =22m=4m k, =2 .0.7 .2m=2.8m
Thus, the suspension system of an automobile can be controlled by using suitable
k, and k2 .
Exercise 4 .3.1
Find the damping ratio, damping factor, natural frequency, and actual frequency of
the following systems . Also classify them in terms of dampedness .
a. G(s) =
2s 2 + 9
b. G(s) =
s2 +3s+9
c. G(s)= s2+
12s + 9
[Answers : (a) 0, 0, \/4 .5, \/4 .5, undamped; (b) 0 .5, 1 .5, 3, 2 .6, underdamped ;
(c) ~ = 2, wn = 3, the other two not defined, overdamped .]
With the preceding discussion, we are now ready to study the position control
system in (4.7) . Its block diagram was developed in Figure 3 .17(b) and is repeated
in Figure 4.8(a). In the block diagram, km and T,,, are fixed by the motor and load .
The amplifier gain k2 clearly can be adjusted ; so can the sensitivity of the error
detector (by changing the power supply E) . Although both k, and k2 can be changed,
to, = \/k,k 2 km /T m and ~ = 2TmWn
only one of to,, and ~ can be arbitrarily assigned . For example, if k, and k2 are chosen
so that wn = 10, we may end up with ~ = 0 .05 . If k, and k2 are chosen so that
r + u km y
u km y
S(Tn S + 1)
Exercise 4.3 .2
(a) Consider the position control system in (4.7). Suppose T1 = 4 and k= 0.25 ;
find k1 and k2 so that w n = 0.25. What is ~? Use Figure 4.7 to sketch roughly its
unit-step response . (b) Can you find k 1 and k2 so that (o,, = 0.25 and = 0 .7?
[Answers : k1 k2 = 1, ~ = 0 .5, no.]
y (t)
Exercise 4 .3.3
Suppose the position control system in Figure 4 .8(a) cannot achieve the design ob-
jective . We then introduce' an additional tachometer feedback with sensitivity k3 as
shown in Figure 4.8(b). Show that its transfer function from r to y is
k1 k2km
Y(s) = T m = wn z
G,(s) _
R(s) s2 + 1 + k2k3km 2 + 2~w n s + wn
s + klk2km . s
Tm / Tm
For this system, is it possible to assign ~ and w n arbitrarily by adjusting k 1 and k2?
If Tm = 4, km = 0.25, and k3 = 1, find k1 and k2 so that to, = 0.25 and = 0.7.
[Answers : Yes, k 1 = 1/1 .6, k2 = 1 .6.]
From the preceding two sections, we see that poles of overall transfer functions
essentially determine the speed of response of control systems . In this section, we
shall discuss further the time response of poles .
Poles can be real or complex, simple or repeated . It is often convenient to plot
them on the complex plane or s-plane as shown in Figure 4 .10. Their corresponding
responses are also plotted . The s-plane can be divided into three parts : the right half
plane (RHP), the left half plane (LHP) and the pure imaginary axis or jw-axis . To
avoid possible confusion whether the RHP includes the jw-axis or not, we shall use
the following convention: The open RHP is the RHP excluding the j(0-axis and the
closed RHP is the RHP including the jw-axis . If a pole lies inside the open LHP,
then the pole has a negative real part ; its imaginary part can be positive or negative .
If a pole lies inside the closed RHP, then the pole has a positive or zero real part .
Poles and zeros are usually plotted on the s-plane using crosses and circles . Note
that no zeros are plotted in Figure 4 .10. Consider 1/(s + a)' or the pole at - a with
multiplicity n. The pole is a simple pole if n = 1, a repeated pole if n > 1 . To
simplify the discussion, we assume a to be real . Its time response, using Table A .1,
1 t o-I e -at (4.14)
If the pole - a is in the open RHP, or a < 0, then its response increases exponentially
to infinity for n = 1, 2 If the pole is at the origin, or a = 0, and is simple,
then its response is a step function . If it is repeated, with multiplicity n ? 2, then
its response is to -1 /n!, which approaches infinity as t -* oo . If the real pole is
in the open LHP, or a > 0, and is simple, then its response is a -at, which decreases
Im s
e 2.4t te at
1 1 i
0 .37
X Res
A4 A3 -a A1
0 1 0
IA 3
Im s et cos (t), t
X -
I 2,r
I Re s
y I 0
e at cosw 2 t
I (0 1 -
s-6-jw i + s-6+jw
1 i
=e ot Cosco .t
4 .5 STABILITY 125
This table implies the following facts, which will be used later .
1. The time response of a pole, simple or repeated, approaches zero as t -* 00 if
and only if the pole lies inside the open LHP or has a negative real part .
2. The time response of a pole approaches a nonzero constant as t -3 00 if and only
if the pole is simple and located at s = 0.
stability . In this text, we study only BIBO stability . Therefore, the adjective BIBO
will be dropped .
A function u(t) defined for t ? 0 is said to be bounded if its magnitude does
not approach infinity or, equivalently, there exists a constant M such that
~u(t)J !5 M < -
for allt?0l
o Definition 4 .1
A system is stable if every bounded input excites a bounded output. Otherwise
the system is said to be unstable .
Example 4.5.1
Consider the network shown in Figure 4 .11(a) . The input u is a current source ; the
output y is the voltage across the capacitor . Using the equivalent Laplace transform
circuit in Figure 4 .11(b), we can readily obtain
S -
Y(s) = 1 U(s) = s 2 + 1 U(s)
If we apply the bounded input u(t) = 1, for t ? 0, then the output is
_ s 1 1
s2 + 1 s s2 + 1
which implies
y(t) = sin t
It is bounded. If we apply the bounded input u(t) = sin at, for t ? 0, where a is a
positive real constant and a 1, then the output is
s a as[(s2 + a2) - (s2 + 1)]
Y(s) _
S 2 + 1 s2 + as (a2 - 1)(s 2 + 1)(s2 + a2)
a s a s
a2 - 1 s2 + 1 a2 - 1 s2 + a 2
(a) (b)
4 .5 STABILITY 127
which implies
y(t) = az _ 1 [cos t - cos at]
It is bounded for any a 0 1 . Thus the outputs due to the bounded inputs u(t) = 1
and sin at with a = 1 are all bounded. Even so, we cannot conclude the stability of
the network because we have not yet checked every possible bounded input . In fact,
the network is not stable, because the application of u(t) = sin t yields
s 1 S
Y(s) = _
s 2 + 1 s2 + 1 (s2 + 1)2
which, using Table A.1, implies
y(t) = t sin t
This output y(t) approaches positive or negative infinity as t - oc . Thus the bounded
input u(t) = sin t excites an unbounded output, and the network is not stable .
Exercise 4 .5 .1
A system with proper rational transfer function G(s) is stable if and only if every
pole of G(s) has a negative real part or, equivalently, lies inside the open left
half s-plane .
By open left half s-plane, we mean the left half s-plane excluding the jw-axis .
This theorem implies that a system is unstable if its transfer function has one or
more poles with zero or positive real parts . This theorem can be argued intuitively
by using Table 4 .1 . If a transfer function has one or more open right half plane poles,
then most bounded inputs will excite these poles and their responses will approach
infinity. If the transfer function has a simple pole on the imaginary axis, we may
apply a bounded input whose Laplace transform has the same pole . Then its response
will approach infinity . Thus a stable system cannot have any pole in the closed right
half s-plane . For a proof of the theorem, see Reference [151 or [181 .
We remark that the stability of a system depends only on the poles of its transfer
function G(s) and does not depend on the zeros of G(s). If all poles of G(s) lie inside
the open LHP, the system is stable no matter where the zeros of G(s) are . For
convenience, a pole is called a stable pole if it lies inside the open LHP or has a
negative real part. A pole is called an unstable pole if it lies inside the closed RHP
or has a zero or positive real part . A zero that lies inside the open LHP (closed RHP)
will be called a minimum-phase (nonminimum-phase) zero . The reason for using
such names will be given in Chapter 8 .
Now we shall employ Theorem 4 .1 to study the stability of the network in Figure
4.11 . The transfer function, as developed in (4.15), is
G(s) =
s2 + 1
Its poles are j ; they have zero real part and are unstable poles . Thus, the network
is not stable .
Most control systems are built by interconnecting a number of subsystems . In
studying the stability of a control system, there is no need to study the stability of
its subsystems. All we have to do is to compute the overall transfer function and
then apply Theorem 4 .1. We remark that a system can be stable with unstable sub-
systems and vice versa . For example, consider the system in Figure 4 .12(a) . It con-
sists of two subsystems with transfer functions -2 and 1/(s + 1) . Both subsystems
are stable. However, the transfer function of the overall feedback system is
s + 1 _ -2 _ -2
G0(s) =
-2 s+1-2 s-1
1 +
S + 1
which is unstable . The overall system shown in Figure 4 .12(b) is stable because its
transfer function is
s - 1 2 2
G0 (s) =
2 s- 1+ 2 s+ 1
s - 1
(a) (b)
Figure 4.12 Stability of overall system and subsystems .
Its subsystem has transfer function 2/(s - 1) and is unstable . Thus the stability of
a system is independent of the stabilities of its subsystems. Note that a system with
transfer function
s2 -2s-3
G(s) = ( 4.16)
(s + 2)(s - 3)(s + 10)
is stable, because 3 is not a pole of G(s). Recall that whenever we encounter rational
functions, we reduce them to irreducible ones . Only then are the roots of the denom-
inator poles . Thus, the poles of G(s) = (s - 3)(s + 1)/(s + 2)(s - 3)(s + 10)
= (s + 1)/(s + 2)(s + 10) are - 2 and - 10. They are both stable poles, and the
transfer function in (4.16) is stable .
Exercise 4 .5.2
r + Y
1t 2F 2
(a) (b)
Figure 4 .13 (a) Network. (b) Feedback system.
[Answers : All are stable .]
Consider a system with transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) . It is assumed that N(s)
and D(s) have no common factor . To determine the stability of G(s) by using Theo-
rem 4 .1, we must first compute the poles of G(s) or, equivalently, the roots of D(s) .
If the degree of D(s) is three or higher, hand computation of the roots is complicated .
Therefore, it is desirable to have a method of determining stability without solving
for the roots . We now introduce such a method, called the Routh test or the Routh-
Hurwitz test.
o Definition 4.2
A polynomial with real coefficients is called a Hurwitz polynomial if all its roots
have negative real parts .
We form Table 4 .2. 2 The first two rows are formed from the coefficients of D(s) .
The first coefficient (in descending power of s) is put in the (1, 1) position, the
second in the (2, 1) position, the third in the (1, 2) position, the fourth in the (2, 2)
position and so forth. The coefficients are renamed as shown for easy development
of recursive equations . Next we compute k5 = b 61 /b 51 ; it is the ratio of the first
elements of the first two rows . The third row is obtained as follows . We subtract the
product of the second row and k5 from the first row :
b40 = b61 k5 b 51 b41 = b62 - k5b52
= b63 - k5 5 53
b42 b43 - b64 k5 . 0
Note that b40 is always zero. The result is placed at the right hand side of the second
row. We then discard the first element, which is zero, and place the remainder in the
third row as shown in Table 4 .2. The fourth row is obtained in the same manner
from its two previous rows . That is, we compute k4 = b51/b41, the ratio of the first
elements of the second and third rows, and then subtract the product of the third row
and k4 from the second row:
b30 - b51 k4b41 b31
= b52 - k4b42 b32 = b53 - k4 b43
We drop the first element, which is zero, and place the remainder in the fourth row
as shown in Table 4 .2. We repeat the process until the row corresponding to s 0 =
1 is obtained. If the degree of D(s) is n, there should be a total of (n + 1) rows . The
table is called the Routh table .
We remark on the size of the table . If n = deg D(s) is even, the first row has
one more entry than the second row . If n is odd, the first two rows have the same
number of entries . In either case, the number of entries decreases by one at odd
powers of s . For example, the number of entries in the rows of s 5 , s 3 , and s is one
less than that of their preceding rows . We also remark that the rightmost entries of
the rows corresponding to even powers of s are the same . For example, in Table
4.2, we have b64 = b43 = b22 = bo1 = ao .
'The presentation is slightly different from the cross-product method ; it requires less computation and is
easier to program on a digital computer . See Problem 4.16 .
S6 b 61 : = a6 b 62 : = a4 b63 : = a2 b64 : = ao
so bol
It is clear that if all the entries of the table are positive, so are all the entries in
the first column . It is rather surprising that the converse is also true . In employing
the theorem, either condition can be used . A proof of this theorem is beyond the
scope of this text and can be found in Reference [18] . This theorem implies that if
a zero or a negative number appears in the table, then the polynomial is not Hurwitz .
In this case, it is unnecessary to complete the table .
Example 4 .6 .1
Consider 2s 4 + s 3 + 5s 2 + 3s + 4 . We form
S4 2 5 4 ;
_ 2
S3 1 3 [0 - 1 4] = (1st row) - k3 (2nd row)
k3 1
S2 -1 4 ;
Clearly we have k3 = 2/1, the ratio of the first entries of the first two rows . The
result of subtracting the product of the second row and k3 from the first row is placed
on the right hand side of the s 3 -row. We drop the first element, which is zero, and
put the rest in the s 2 -row. A negative number appears in the table, therefore the
polynomial is not Hurwitz.
Example 4 .6 .2
Consider 2s 5 + s4 + 7s 3 + 3s 2 + 4s + 2 . We form
S5 2 7 4
_ 2
S4 1 3 2 ; [0 1 0] = (1st row) - k4(2nd row
k4 1
S3 1 0
A zero appears in the table, thus the polynomial is not Hurwitz . The reader is advised
to complete the table and verify that a negative number appears in the first column .
Example 4 .6 .3
Consider 2s 5 + s4 + 7s 3 + 3s 2 + 4s + 1 .5. We form
S5 2 7 4
k4 S4 1 3 1.5 [0 1 1 ] = (1st row) - k4(2nd row)
1 i
1 i
k3 S3 1 1 [0 2 1 .5] = (2nd row) - k3(3rd row)
k2 S2 2 1 .5 [0 0.25] = (3rd row) - k2(4th row)
k, Si 0.25 [0 1 .5] = (4th row) - k,(5th row)
S 1 .5 ,
Every entry in the table is positive, therefore the polynomial is Hurwitz .
Exercise 4 .6.1
c . 2S4 + 2s +
d. 2S4 + 5S3 + 5s2 + 2s
e. s5 +3s4 + 10s3 + 12s 2 +7s+3
[Answers : No, no, no, yes, yes .]
Exercise 4 .6 .2
Show that a polynomial of degree 2 is Hurwitz if and only if the three coefficients
of a2s2 + a1s + ao are of the same sign .
Exercise 4 .6 .3
The most important application of the Routh test is to check the stability of
control systems . This is illustrated by an example .
Example 4 .6 .4
Consider the system shown in Figure 4 .14. The transfer function from r toy is, using
Mason's formula,
G0(s) =
2s + 1 I
s + 2 s(s2 + 2s + 2)
-2(s- 1) 2s + 1
f (s + 1)(s 2 + 2s + 2) (s + 2)s(s 2 + 2s + 2)]
(2s + 1)(s + 1)
(s + 1)(s + 2)s(s 2 + 2s + 2) + 2(s - 1)s(s + 2) + (2s + 1)(s + 1)
r + 2s+ 1 I
__0__ s+2 s(s 2 +2s+2)
0 2s
To conclude this section, we mention that the Routh test can be used to deter-
mine the number of roots of D(s) lying in the open right half s-plane . To be more
specific, if none of the entries in the first column of the Routh table is zero, then the
number of changes of signs in the first column equals the number of open RHP roots
of D(s) . This property will not be used in this text and will not be discussed further .
Example 4 .6.5
Consider the system shown in Figure 4 .15 . If
G(s) = (s + 1)(s 2 + 2s + 2)
then the transfer function from r to y is
8k 8k
Go(s) _ (s + 1)(s 2 + 2s + 2) + 8k s 3 + 3s 2 + 4s + (8k + 2)
G (s)
i I I I I
-0.25 0 1 .25 -7 .04 -5 0 3 .6 5 .54
(a) (b)
Example 4 .6 .6
k(s 2 - 2s + 5)
s 3 +(5+k)s2 +(12-2k)s+5k- 18
We form the Routh table for its denominator :
S 3 1 12 - 2k
5k - 1k8 =:
5+k 5k-18 0 (12-2k)- [0 x]
5 +
x [0 5k - 181
S 5k - 18
The x in the table requires some manipulation :
-2k2 - 3k + 78
(12 - 2k)(5 + k) - (5k - 18)
= -
5 + k 5 + k
-2(k + 7 .04)(k - 5.54)
5 + k
Thus the conditions for G,(s) to be stable are
5+k>0 5k- 18>0
x - -2(k + 7.04)(k - 5.54) > 0
5 + k
These three inequalities imply
k > -5 k > = 3.6 (4 .23a)
(k + 7 .04)(k - 5 .54) < 0 (4 .23b)
Exercise 4 .6 .4
y r +
s+a I
s+2 s(s+1)
(a) (b)
Figure 4 .17 Feedback systems .
Generally speaking, every control system is designed so that its output y(t) will track
a reference signal r(t). For some problems, the reference signal is simply a step
function, a polynomial of degree 0 . For others, the reference signal may be more
complex . For example, the desired altitude of the landing trajectory of a space shuttle
may be as shown in Figure 4 .18 . Such a reference signal can be approximated by
r(t) =ro +r a t+rz t 2 + . . +r,,,t"'
a polynomial of t of degree m . Clearly, the larger m, the more complex the reference
signal that the system can track . However, the system will also be more complex .
> I
Figure 4 .18 Time function.
that is, y(t) will track r(t) as t approaches infinity . This is called asymptotic tracking,
and the response
ys(t) : = lim y(t)
is called the steady-state response . We will now compute the steady-state response
of stable systems due to polynomial inputs .
Consider a system with transfer function
o+ . . . +1 m Sm
G(s) Y(s) I S+
(4 .24)
R(s) ao + a ls + + a"s"
with n ? m. It is assumed that G(s) is stable, or that all the poles of G(s) have
negative real parts . If we apply the reference input r(t) = a, for t ? 0, then the
output is given by
No +f1s + . . + Nmsm a
Y(s) = G (s)R(s)
= a 0+ a s 1 + + a ns" s
_ - + (terms due to the poles of G(s))
with k given by, using (A.8b),
k = Go
(s) a- . s = G (0)a =
s S=0 ao
If the system is stable, then the response due to every pole of G(s) will approach
zero as t Thus the steady-state response of the system due to r(t) = a is
Y(s) = G"(s) 2
+ + (terms due to the poles of G 0(s))
with, using (A.8c) and (A.8d),
k2 = G0(s) . s2 = G O(0)a
s s=0
k, - G0(s)a
ds s=o
(ao + a,s + . . . + a"s")(,(3, + + rn/3 m sm -1 )
(ao + a,s + + an s")2
_ (/o + 0 1 s+ . . . + /msm)(a1 + . . . + na"s " 1)
(ao + a,s + . . . + a" S")2 s=0
a ao1a1-Goal
that is, y(t) will track asymptotically any ramp reference input . Proceeding forward,
ao =/3 o a1 =/3 1 and a2 =(32 (4.27)
then the output of G (s) will track asymptotically any acceleration reference input
ate. Note that in the preceding discussion, the stability of G (s) is essential . If G(s)
is not stable, the output of G (s) will not track any r(t).
Exercise 4 .7.1
2 + 3s
c. G(s) = due to r(t) = 2 + t
2+3s+s 2
d. G(s) = s + 1 due to r(t) = 3t
68+9s+9s 2
e. G(s) = 68 + 9s + 9s 2 + s3 due to r(t) = a
awo awo a
ki = G 0 (s) = G0(jw) 2 w~ = 2j. Go(jwo)
s + jwo S =jw j o 2
* a
ki = 2j. Go( -jwo)
Since all the poles of G 0(s) have negative real parts, their time responses will ap-
proach zero as t - - . Hence, the steady-state response of the system due to r(t) _
a sin wo t is given by
aG(jwo) aGo( -jwo)
YS(t) (4 .29)
2j(s - jwo) 2j(s + jwo)
All coefficients of G 0 (s) are implicitly assumed to be real . Even so, the function
G 0(jwo ) is generally complex . We express it in polar form as
G0(j(oo) = A((o o )eje(-o) (4 .30)
A(wo) : = 1G o (j(o o)I = [(Re Go( j(00))2 + (Im Go(jwo))2I (12
0(wo ) :_ < G0(jwo) := tan-' Re
where Im and Re denote, respectively, the imaginary and real parts. A((0o ) is called
the amplitude and 0(wo ), the phase of G0 (s) . If all coefficients of G 0(s) are real,
then A(too) is an even function of wo , and 0(coo ) is an odd function of w0 ; that is,
A(- wo) = A(too) and 0(- wo) = - 0(wo). Consequently we have
This shows that if r(t) = a sin wot, then the output will approach a sinusoidal
function of the same frequency . Its amplitude equals ajG0(jwo )j ; its phase differs
from the phase of the input by tan ( [Im G 0 (jwo )/Re Go ( jwo )] . We stress again that
(4 .32) holds only if G 0 (s) is stable.
Example 4 .7 .1
Note that the phase - 1 .37 is in radians, not in degrees . This computation is very
simple, but it does not reveal how fast the system will approach the steady state .
This problem is discussed in the next subsection .
Exercise 4.7 .2
Find the steady-state response of 2/(s + 1) due to (a) sin 2t (b) I + sin 2t
(c) 2 + 3 sin 2t - sin 3t.
[Answers : (a) 0.89 sin (2t - 1.1). (b) 2 + 0 .89 sin (2t - 1 .1) . (c) 4 + 2 .67
sin (2t - 1 .1) - 0.63 sin (3t - 1 .25).]
The steady-state response of a stable G 0(s) due to sin mot is completely deter-
mined by the value of G0 (s) at s = jwo. Thus G(jco) is called the frequency response
of the system . Its amplitude A(co) is called the amplitude characteristic, and its phase
0(co), the phase characteristic. For example, if G0(s) = 2/(s + 1), then Go(0) =
2, Go(j1) = 2/(j l + 1) = 2/(1 .4ej45') = 1.4e -j45 ', GO(j10) = 2/(j lO + 1) =
0.2e-j 84', and so forth . The amplitude and phase characteristics of G0(s) =
2/(s + 1) can be plotted as shown in Figure 4 .19. From the plot, the steady-state
response due to sin coot, for any wo, can be read out .
Exercise 4 .7 .3
Plot the amplitude and phase characteristics of G0(s) = 2/(s - 1). What is the
steady-state response of the system due to sin 2t?
[Answers : Same as Figure 4 .19 except the sign of the phase is reversed, infinity .
The amplitude and phase characteristics of unstable transfer functions
do not have any physical meaning and, strictly speaking, are not
I G,(jw) 4G(jw)
(a) (b)
For example, the bandwidth of G,(s) = 2/(s + 1) can be read from Figure 4 .19 as
1 radian per second. Thus, the amplitude of G0(j(o) at every frequency within the
bandwidth is at least 70 .7% of that at w = 0 . Because the power is proportional to
the square of the amplitude, the power of G0(jw) in the bandwidth is at least
(0.707)2 = 0.5 = 50% of that at to = 0. Thus, the bandwidth is also called the
half-power bandwidth . (It is also called the - 3-dB bandwidth as is discussed in
Chapter 8 .) Note that if G0(s) is not stable, its bandwidth has no physical meaning
and is not defined .
4 .7 .2 Infinite Time
The steady-state response is defined as the response as t - c . Mathematically speak-
ing, we can never reach t = 00 and therefore can never obtain the steady-state
response. In engineering, however, this is not the case. For some systems a response
may be considered to have reached the steady state in 20 seconds . It is a very short
infinity indeed!
'This definition applies only to G(s) with lowpass characteristic as shown in Figure 4 .19 . More generally,
the bandwidth of stable G,(s) is defined as the frequency range in which the amplitude of G,(jw) is at
least 70 .7% of the largest amplitude of G(jn ).
Consider G0(s) = 3/(s + 0.4). If we apply r(t) = sin 2t, then ys(t) = 1 .47
sin (2t - 1 .37) (see [4 .34]). One may wonder how fast y(t) will approach ys(t). In
order to find this out, we shall compute the total response of G 0(s) due to sin 2t . The
Laplace transform of r(t) = sin 2t is 2/(s 2 + 4) . Thus we have
_ 3 2 6
s + 0.4 s2 + 4 (s + 0.4)(s + 2j)(s - 2j) (4 .36)
i11 .44 .47e-i1
.37 1 .47e'
s + 0.4 2j(s - 2j) 2j(s + 2j)
which implies
y(t) = 1 .44e -0.41 + 1 .47 sin (2t - 1 .37) (4 .37)
Transient Steady-State
Response Response
The second term on the right hand side of (4 .37) is the same as (4.34) and is the
steady-state response . The first term is called the transient response, because it ap-
pears right after the application of r(t) and will eventually die out . Clearly the faster
the transient response approaches zero, the faster y(t) approaches ys(t). The transient
response in (4.37) is governed by the real pole at - 0.4 whose time constant is
defined as 1/0 .4 = 2 .5. As shown in Figure 4.2(b), the time response of
1/(s + 0 .4) decreases to less than 1% of its original value in five time constants or
5 X 2.5 = 12 .5 seconds . Thus the response in (4 .37) may be considered to have
reached the steady state in five time constants or 12 .5 seconds .
Now we shall define the time constant for general proper transfer functions . The
time constant can be used to indicate the speed at which a response reaches its steady
state. Consider
N(s) N(s)
G(s) = (4 .38)
D(s) (s + a t )(s + a2 )(s + Qt + jc)dl )(s + at - ju dt) . . .
If G(s) is not stable, the response due to its poles will not die out and the time
constant is not defined . If G(s) is stable, then a; > 0 and crt > 0. For each real pole
(s + a,), the time constant is defined as 1/a, . For the pair of complex conjugate
poles (s + o-t jcodt ), the time constant is defined as 1/u 1 ; this definition is
reasonable, because a-t governs the envelope of its time response as shown in Figure
4.6. The time constant of G(s) is then defined as the largest time constant of all poles
of G(s). Equivalently, it is defined as the inverse of the smallest distance of all poles
of G(s) from the imaginary axis . For example, suppose G(s) has poles - 1, -3,
-0.1 j2. The time constants of the poles are 1, 1/3 = 0 .33 and 1/0 .1 = 10 .
Thus, the time constant of G(s) is 10 seconds . In engineering, the response of G(s)
due to a step or sinusoid input will be considered to have reached the steady state
in five time constants . Thus the smaller the time constant or, equivalently, the farther
away the closest pole from the imaginary axis, the faster the response reaches the
steady-state response .
Exercise 4 .7.4
Im s
X -2
0 -I
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
O --1
X --2 X Pole
- 3 0 Zero
The time constant of a stable transfer function G(s) as defined is open to argu-
ment. It is possible to find a transfer function whose step response will not reach the
steady state in five time constants . This is illustrated by an example .
Example 4 .7.2
Consider G(s) = 1/(s + 1) 3. It has three poles at s = 1 . The time constant of
G(s) is 1 second . The unit-step response of G(s) is
1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
_ (s + 1)3 s s (s + 1)3 + (s + 1)2 + (s + 1)
y(t) = I - 0 .5t2e -` - to - ` - e t
1 2 3 4 5 10
0 i i I i t_i - t
Transient response
This example shows that if a transfer function has repeated poles or, more
generally, a cluster of poles in a small region close to the imaginary axis, then the
rule of five time constants is not applicable . The situation is actually much more
complicated . The zeros of a transfer function also affect the transient response . See
Example 2 .4 .5 and Figure 2 .16 . However, the zeros are not considered in defining
the time constant, so it is extremely difficult to state precisely how many time con-
stants it will take for a response to reach the steady state . The rule of five time
constants is useful in pointing out that infinity in engineering does not necessarily
mean mathematical infinity .
4.1 . Consider the open-loop voltage regulator in Figure P3 .4(a). Its block diagram
is repeated in Figure P4 .1 with numerical values .
a. If RL, = 100 fl and if r(t) is a unit-step function, what is the response vo (t)?
What is its steady-state response? How many seconds will v o(t) take to reach
and stay within 1 % of its steady state?
b. What is the required reference input if the desired output voltage is 20 V?
10s+3 50 + R L
Figure P4 .1
c. Are the power levels at the reference input and plant output necessarily the
same? If they are the same, is the system necessary?
d If we use the reference signal computed in (b), and decrease RL from 100 i
to 50 fl, what is the steady-state output voltage?
4.2. Consider the closed-loop voltage regulator shown in Figure P3 .4(b). Its block
diagram is repeated in Figure P4 .2 with numerical values .
a. If RL = 10012 and if r(t) is a unit-step function, what is the response vo(t)?
What is its steady-state response? How many seconds will v0 (t) take to reach
the steady state?
b. What is the required r(t) if the desired output voltage is 20 V?
c. If we use the r(t) in (b) and decrease RL from 100 ft to 50 c, what is the
steady-state output voltage?
r 2 RL vo
10 -0
10s+3 50 + R L
Figure P4 .2
4.3 . Compare the two systems in Problems 4 .1 and 4 .2 in terms of (a) the time
constants or speeds of response, (b) the magnitudes of the reference signals,
and (c) the deviations of the output voltages from 20 V as RL decreases from
100 c to 50 c. Which system is better?
4.4 . The transfer function of a motor and load can be obtained by measurement.
Let the transfer function from the applied voltage to the angular displacement
be of the form kmls(r,,,s + 1). If we apply an input of 100 V, the speed (not
displacement) is measured as 2 rad/s at 1 .5 seconds . The speed eventually
reaches 3 rad/s . What is the transfer function of the system?
4.5 . Maintaining a liquid level at a fixed height is important in many process-control
systems. Such a system and its block diagram are shown in Figure P4 .5, with
q0 qj
.ir~ v
TS + 1
d. Compare the system with the one in Problem 4 .7 in terms of the speed of
response .
4.9. Consider a dc motor . It is assumed that its transfer function from the input to
the angular position is 1/s(s + 2). Is the motor stable? If the angular velocity
of the motor shaft, rather than the displacement, is considered as the output,
what is its transfer function? With respect to this input and output, is the system
4.10 . A system may consist of a number of subsystems . The stability of a system
depends only on the transfer function of the overall system . Study the stability
of the three unity-feedback systems shown in Figure P4 .10 . Is it true that a
system is stable if and only if its subsystems are all stable? Is it true that
negative feedback will always stabilize a system?
Figure P4 .10
Figure P4.12
4.13 . Find the ranges of k in which the systems in Figure P4 .13 are stable.
r + s+k Y
r + 300 Y
+ 184s 3 +760.56 2 + 162s
r + 3s+1 1
(c) Figure P4.13
4.14. Consider a system with transfer function G(s) . Show that if we apply a unit-
step input, the output approaches a constant if and only if G(s) is stable . This
fact can be used to check the stability of a system by measurement .
4.15 . In a modern rapid transit system, a train can be controlled manually or auto-
matically . The block diagram in Figure P4 .15 shows a possible way to control
Figure P4.15
the train automatically . If the tachometer is not used in the feedback (that is,
if b = 0), is it possible for the system to be stable for some k? If b = 0.2,
find the range of k so that the system is stable .
4.16. Let D(s) = a n s n + a- i s' 1 + + a i s + a o , with a n > 0 . Let [j/2] be
the integer part of j/2 . In other words, if j is an even integer, then [j/2] _
j/2 . Ifj is an odd integer, then [j/2] = (j - 1)/2 . Define
bn,j = a,+2-2i i = 1, 2, . . . , [n/2] + 1
ij = an+1-2r
bn - i = 1, 2, . . ., [(n - 1)/2] + 1
For j = n - 2, n - 3, . . ., 2, 1, compute
bj +2,1
kj + 1 -
bj+ 1,t
bj, i = bb+2,i+1 -
kj+1b1+i,i+i i = 1, 2, . . . , [J/2] + I
Verify that the preceding algorithm computes all entries of the Routh table .
4.17 . What are the time constants of the following transfer functions?
s - 2
a s2 + 2s + 1
s - 1
. (s + 1)(s 2 + 2s + 2)
s2 +2s-2
(s 2 + 2s + 4)(s 2 + 2s + 10)
s + 10
s + 1
s - 10
e s 2 +2s+2
Do they all have the same time constant?
4.18 . What are the steady-state responses of the system with transfer function
1/(s 2 + 2s + 1) due to the following inputs :
a. ul ( t) = a unit-step function .
b. U2(t) = a ramp function .
C . u3(t) = ui ( t) + u2(t) .
d. u4 (t) = 2 sin 27rt, for t ? 0.
4.19 . Consider the system with input r(t), output y(t), and transfer function
s + 8
G(s) =
(s + 2)(s + 4)
In recent years computers have become indispensable in the analysis and design of
control systems . They can be used to collect data, to carry out complicated com-
putations, and to simulate mathematical equations . They can also be used as control
components, and as such are used in space vehicles, industrial processes, autopilots
in airplanes, numerical controls in machine tools, and so on . Thus, a study of the
use of computers is important in control engineering .
Computers can be divided into two classes : analog and digital . An intercon-
nection of a digital and an analog computer is called a hybrid computer. Signals on
analog computers are defined at every instant of time, whereas signals on digital
computers are defined only at discrete instants of time . Thus, a digital computer can
accept only sequences of numbers, and its outputs again consist only,Qf sequences
of numbers. Because digital computers yield more accurate results and are more
flexible and versatile than analog computers, the use of general-purpose analog
computers has been very limited in recent years . Therefore, general-purpose analog
computers are not discussed in this text ; instead, we discuss simulations using op-
erational amplifier (op-amp) circuits, which are essentially special-purpose or cus-
tom-built analog computers .
We first discuss digital computer computation of state-variable equations . We
use the Euler forward algorithm and show its simplicities in programming and com-
putation . We then introduce some commercially available programs . Op-amp circuit
implementations of state-variable equations are then discussed . We discuss the rea-
sons for not computing transfer functions directly on digital computers and then
introduce the realization problem . After discussing,the problem, we show how trans-
fer functions can be simulated on digital computers or built using op-amp circuits
through state-variable equations .
Example 5 .2.1
Compute the output y(t), from t = 0 to t = 10 seconds, of
y(t) = [1
[ _ 0.5 - I .5]
- 1]x(t)
X(t) +
due to the initial condition x(0) = [2 -1]' and the input u(t) = 1, for t ? 0,
where the prime denotes the transpose .
For this equation, (5 .3) becomes
+ a a
Cx2(to + a)] - ([0 01] 1 -0.5 -1 .5 1 / 1x2(t0 )] + 1I1 1
a [xi(to)1 + I i 1 a
[- 0 .5a 1 - 1 .5a I x2(to) J 1
which implies
x, ((k + 1)a) = x, (ka) + ax2 (ka) (5 .5a)
y (t)
a = 0.25 and then for a = 0.125 . The last two results are very close, therefore we
stop the computation .
The exact solution of (5 .4) can be computed, using the procedure in Section
2.7, as
y(t) = 2 + 4e -' - 3e -o.5 t
The computed result is very close to the exact solution.
Exercise 5 .2 .1
Discretize and then compute the solution of x(t) = - 0.5x(1) + u(t) due to x(0) _
1 and u(t) = 1, for t ? 0 . Compare your result with the exact solution .
Before the age of personal computers, control systems were mostly simulated on
mainframe computers . Many computer programs are available at computing centers .
Two of the most widely available are
IBM Scientific Routine Package
LSMA (Library of Statistics and Mathematics Association)
In these packages, there are subroutines for solving differential equations, linear
algebraic equations, and roots of polynomials . These subroutines have been thor-
oughly tested and can be employed with confidence . Most computing centers also
have UNPACK and Eispack, which were developed under the sponsorship of the
National Science Foundation and are considered to be the best for solving linear
algebraic problems . These programs are often used as a basis for developing other
computer programs .
Many specialized digital computer programs have been available for simulating
continuous-time systems in mainframe computers : CSMP (Continuous System Mod-
eling Program), MIDAS (Modified Integration Digital Analog Simulator), MIMIC
(an improved version of MIDAS), and others . These programs were major simulation
tools for control systems only a few years ago . Now they are probably completely
replaced by the programs to be introduced in the following .
Personal computers are now widely available . A large amount of computer
software has been developed in universities and industries . About 90 programs
are listed in Reference [30] . We list in the following some commercially available
CTRL-C (Systems Control Technology)
EASY5 (Boeing Computer Services Company)
MATLAB (Math Works Inc.)
MATRIX,, (Integrated Systems Inc .)
Program CC (Systems Technology)
Simnon (SSPA Systems)
For illustration, we discuss only the use of MATLAB .* The author is familiar with
version 3 .1 and the Student Edition of MATLAB, which is a simplified edition of
version 3 .5. Where no version is mentioned, the discussion is applicable to either
*The author has experience only with PC-MATLAB and has no knowledge of the relative strength or
weakness of the programs listed . MATLAB is now available in many universities . The Student Edition
of MATLAB" is now available from Prentice Hall .
We discuss how MATLAB computes the step response of (5.7). It first trans-
forms the continuous-time state-variable equation into a discrete-time equation as in
(2.89). This can be achieved by using the command c2d which stands for continuous
to discrete . Note that the discretization involves only A and b; c and d remain
unchanged . If the sampling period is chosen as 1, then the command
[da,db] = c2d(a,b,1)
will yield
-0.1375 -0.8502 -0.1783 0.3566
da = 0.3566 0.3974 -0.1371 db = 0 .2742
0.2742 0.7678 0.9457 0.1086
Thus, the discretized equation of (5.6) is
-0.1375 - 0 .8502 - 0 .1783 0.3566
x(k + 1) = 0.3566 0.3974 -0.1371 x(k) + 0.2742 u(k) (5.8a)
0.2742 0.7678 0.9457 0.1086
y(k) = [1 .5 0 0.5]x(k) (5.8b)
This equation can be easily computed recursively .
If the input u(t) is stepwise, as shown in Figure 2 .19(a), the discretized equation
in (5.8) will give the exact response of (5.7) at sampling time . Clearly, a step function
is stepwise, so the two responses in Figure 5 .2 are the same at the sampling instants
even though one sample period is 1 second and the other is 0 .05 second . We mention
that several methods are listed in MATLAB for computing e". One of them is to
use the infinite series in (2.67). In using the series, there is no need to compute the
eigenvalues of A .
A basic block diagram is any diagram that is obtained by interconnecting the three
types of elements shown in Figure 5 .3 . The three types of elements are multipliers,
adders, and integrators . The gain k of a multiplier can be positive or negative, larger
or smaller than 1 . An adder or a summer must have two or more inputs and one and
only one output . The output is simply the sum of all inputs . If the input of an
integrator is x(t), then its output equals fo x(T)dT. This choice of variable is not as
convenient as assigning the output of the integrator as x(t) . Then the input of the
integrator is x(t) : = dx/dt as shown in Figure 5 .3. These three elements can be easily
built using operational amplifier (op-amp) circuits . For example, a multiplier with
gain k can be built as shown in Figure 5 .4(a) or (b) depending on whether k is
positive or negative . The adder can be built as shown in Figure 5.4(c). Figure 5 .4(d)
shows an implementation of the integrator with R = 1 kfl = 1000 fl, C = 10 -3 F
orR = 1 Mfg. = 106 fl, C = 1 F = 10 -6 F. For simplicity, the grounded inverting
terminals are not plotted in Figure 5 .4(b through f).
Now we show that every state-variable equation can be represented by a basic
block diagram . The procedure is simple and straightforward . If an equation has n
state variables or, equivalently, has dimension n, we need n integrators . The output
of each integrator is assigned as a state variable, say, x,; then its input is x, . If it is
assigned as -x,, then its input is -x,. Finally, we use multipliers and adders to
build up the state-variable equation . This is illustrated by an example . Consider
C 2(t)
1(t) I
= 1
-0.3 xl(t)1
-8 I C X2(t) J +
u(t) (5.9a)
It has dimension 2 and needs two integrators . The outputs of the two integrators are
assigned as x1 and x2 as shown in Figure 5 .5. Their inputs are xl and i 2 . The first
equation of (5.9a) is xl = 2x 1 - 0.3x2 - 2u . It is generated in Figure 5 .5 using
the solid line . The second equation of (5 .9a) is x2 = x1 - 8x2 and is generated using
the dashed line . The output equation in (5 .9b) is generated using the dashed-and-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
R/c R/C
(e) (f)
Figure 5 .4 Implementation of basic elements .
dotted line . It is indeed simple and straightforward to develop a basic block diagram
for any state-variable equation . Conversely, given a basic block diagram, after as-
signing the output of each integrator as a state variable, a state-variable equation can
be easily obtained . See Problem 5 .5.
Every basic element can be built using an op-amp circuit as shown in Figure
5 .4; therefore every state-variable equation can be so built through its basic block
Figure 5 .6 Implementations of (5 .9) .
- (ax, + bx 2 + cx3). The circuit in Figure 5 .4(f) can act as an integrator, an adder,
and multipliers . If we assign its output as x, then we have -x = av, + bv 2 + cv3 .
If we assign the output as -x, then we have X = av1 + bv2 + cv3. It is important
to mention that we can assign the output either as x or -x, but we cannot alter its
relationship with the inputs.
Figure 5 .6(b) shows an op-amp circuit implementation of (5.9) by using the
elements in Figure 5 .4(e) and (f). It has two integrators. The output of one integrator
is assigned as x,; therefore, its input equals -x, = - 2x, + 0.3x2 + 2u as shown .
The output of the second integrator is assigned as -x2; therefore its input should
equal x2 = x1 - 8x2 as shown. The rest is self-explanatory . Although the numbers
of capacitors used in Figure 5 .6(a) and (b) are the same, the numbers of operational
amplifiers and resistors in Figure 5 .6(b) are considerably smaller.
In actual operational amplifier circuits, the range of signals is limited by the
supplied voltages, for example 15 volts . Therefore, a state-variable equation may
have to be scaled before implementation. Otherwise, saturation may occur . This and
other technical details are outside the scope of this text, and the interested reader is
referred to References [24, 50].
Consider a transfer function G(s) . To compute the response of G(s) due to an input,
we may find the Laplace transform of the input and then expand G(s)U(s) into partial
fraction expansion . From the expansion, we can obtain the response . This procedure
requires the computation of all poles of G(s)U(s), or all roots of a polynomial. This
can be easily done by using MATLAB . A polynomial in MATLAB is represented
by a row vector with coefficients ordered in descending powers. For example, the
polynomial (s + 1) 3(s + 1 .001) = s4 + 4.001s3 + 6.003s2 + 4.003s + 1 .001
is represented as
p = [1,4 .001,6 .003,4 .003,1 .001 ]
p = [1 4 .001 6 .003 4 .003 1 .001]
roots([1 4 .002 6 .002 4 .002 1])
will generate
-1 .2379
- 9 .9781 + 0 .2081
- 9 .9781 - 0 .2081
-0 .8078
The roots are quite different from those of the original polynomial, even though the
two polynomials differ by less than 0 .03% . Thus, roots of polynomials are very
sensitive to their coefficients . One may argue that the roots of the two polynomials
are repeated or clustered together ; therefore, the roots are sensitive to coefficients .
In fact, even if the roots are well spread, as in the polynomial
p(s) = (s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 3) . . . (s + 19)(s + 20)
the roots are still very sensitive to the coefficients . See Reference [15, p . 219] .
Furthermore, to develop a computer program to carry out partial fraction expansion
is not simple . On the other hand, the response of state-variable equations is easy to
program, as is shown in Section 5 .2. Its computation does not require the compu-
tation of roots or eigenvalues, therefore it is less sensitive to parameter variations .
For these reasons, it is desirable to compute the response of G(s) through state-
variable equations .
Consider a transfer function G(s) . If we can find a state-variable equation
x(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t) (5 .1Oa)
y(t) = cx(t) + du(t) (5 .10b)
such that the transfer function from u to y in (5 .10) equals G(s) or, from (2.75),
G(s) = c(sI - A) - 'b + d
then G(s) is said to be realizable and (5 .10) is called a realization of G(s) . The term
realization is well justified, for G(s) can then be built or implemented using op-amp
circuits through the state-variable equation . It turns out that G(s) is realizable if and
only if G(s) is a proper rational function . If G(s) is an improper rational function,
its realization will assume the form
x(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t) (5 .11 a)
5 .5 .1 Realizations of N(s)/D(s)
Instead of discussing the general -case, we use a transfer function of degree 4 to
illustrate the realization procedure . Consider
3 + b2s 2 + b,s + b o - N(s)
G(s) = Y(s) = b4s4 + b,SS3 (5.12)
U(s) a4s 4 + a3 + a2S2 + a ts + a o D(s)
Example 5 .5.1
S 4 + 2s3 - s2 + 4s + 12
G(s) = 2S (5.13)
4 + 105 3 + 20S 2 + 205 + 8
the output of the second integrator to the input of the third integrator . A similar
remark applies to the fourth equation of (5 .17a). From (5 .17b), we can readily draw
the upper part of Figure 5 .7. The basic block diagram has four loops with loop gains
-a 3 /s,-a 2 /s 2, - a,/s 3 and -a
0 /s 4. They touch each other. Thus, we have
a3+ -a2+ -a l - ao
O= 1 _ = 1 +a3 + a22 +a3 + a
S S S S ) S S S S
There are five forward paths from u to y with path gains :
b0 b~ b2 b3
P' P4
_ S4 P2 S3 P3 S2 S
P5 = d
Note that the first four paths touch all the loops ; whereas P 5 , the direct transmission
path, does not touch any loop . Thus we have
L 1 = A2 = 03 = A4 = 1
A5 = A
Therefore the transfer function from u to y is
Pi +P2 +P3 +P4 +d0
G(s) = - Q
b2 + b3
S + s s + bsa
= d +
b3s3 + b2s2 + b ' S + b0
= d +
s4 + a3s 3 + a2 s 2 + as + ao
This is the same as (5.16). Thus (5.17) is a realization of (5 .12) or (5.16). This can
also be shown by computing c(sI - A) - 'b + d in (5.17). This is more tedious and
is skipped .
Because G(s) is scalar-that is, G(s) = G'(s)-we have
G(s) = c(sI - A) - 'b + d = b'(sI - A') - 'c' + d
Thus, the following state-variable equation
- a3 1 0 0 b3
Example 5 .5 .2
Consider the G(s) in (5.13). It can be written as, as discussed in (5.15),
s4 +2s3 -s 2 + 4s + 12
G(s) =
2s4 + 10s3 + 20s2 + 20s + 8 (5 .19)
-1.5s3 - 5.5s2 - 3s + 4
s4 +5s3 + 10s2 + 10s+4
The denominator of G(s) has degree 4, therefore the realization of G(s) has dimension
4. Its controllable-form realization is
-5 -10 -10 -4 1
_ 1 0 0 0 0
x x+ 0 U (5 .20a)
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 -0 -
y = [ -1 .5 - 5 .5 - 3 4] x + 0 .5u (5 .20b)
Its observable-form realization is
-5 1 0 0 -1 .5
-10 0 1 0 -5.5
7C = X + u
-10 0 0 1 -3
-4 0 0 0 4
y=[1 0 0 0]x+0 .5u
Example 5 .5.3
1 0.50 s 2 +0 s +0.5
G(s) _ = _
2s 3 s3 +0 s 2 +0 s +0
The denominator of G(s) has degree 3, therefore the realization of G(s) has dimension
3. Because G(s) is strictly proper or G(c) = 0, the realization has no direct trans-
Exercise 5 .5 .1
4s 3 +2s+ 1
2s3 + 3s 2 + 2
Exercise 5 .5 .2
Find realizations of
a. 2s2 + 4s + 3
S 3 +S - 1
2s5 + 1
will generate the controllable-form realization in (5.20). To find the step response
of G(s), we type
if we use version 3 .5 or the Student Edition of MATLAB . Then the response will
appear on the monitor . If we use version 3 .1 of MATLAB to find the step response
of G(s) from 0 to 20 seconds and with print-out interval 0 .1, we type
t=0 :0.1 :20 ;
y=step(num,den,t) ;
Then the response will appear on the monitor . Inside MATLAB, the transfer function
is first realized as a state-variable equation by calling tf2ss, and then discretized by
calling c2d . The response is then computed and plotted.
Example 5 .5 .4
Consider the transfer function
20 _ 2 1 10
G(s)=(s+2)2(2s+3) s+2 s+2 2s+3
with grouping shown; the grouping is quite arbitrary . It is plotted in Figure 5.8(a).
Now we assign the output of each block as a state variable as shown . From the first
u 2 1 x2 10 x3 =Y
s+2 s+2 2s+3
U 4s+2 s +4s+8 1
s+3 s 2 +2s+2 s+I
Figure 5.8 Tandem connections .
Example 5 .5.5
(4s + 2)(s2 + 4s + 8)
G(s) = (5 .23)
(s + 3)(s 2 + 2s + 2)(s + 1)
It has pairs of complex conjugate poles and zeros . If complex numbers are not
permitted in realization, then these poles and zeros cannot be further factored into
first-order factors . We group (5 .23) and then plot it in Figure 5.8(b). The first block
has the biproper transfer function (4s + 2)/(s + 3) . If we assign its output as a
state variable as x,, then we have
4s + 2
XI (s) = s + 3 U(s) or (s + 3)X,(s) = (4s + 2)U(s)
which implies
z, + 3x, = 4u + 2u or z, _ - 3x, + 2u + 4u
This equation contains the derivative of u, thus we cannot assign the output of the
first block as a state variable . Now we assign the outputs of the first and second
blocks as w, and w 2 as shown in Figure 5.8(b). Then we have
W1 (s) = 4s +
= C
4 + s + / U(s)
s2 +4s+8 2s+6
W2(S) = s2 + 2s + 2 W, (s) = 1 + s
2 + 2s + 2
W, (S)
[x3] [ 1 0] [x3 ] + [0] (5 .25)
W2 = [2 6]
If we assign the output of the third block in Figure 5 .8(b) as x4, then we have, using
x4 = x4 +w2 = -x4 +2x2 +6x3 +x1 +4u (5 .27)
izations. The outputs of blocks with transfer function b/(s + a) can be assigned as
state variables (see also Problem 5.9). The outputs of blocks with transfer function
(s + b)/(s + a) or of degree 2 cannot be so assigned .
In the following, we discuss a different type of realization, called parallel
realization .
Example 5 .5.6
Consider the transfer function in (5 .21). We use partial fraction expansion to expand
it as
20 - 40 - 20 40
G(s) _ = + + (5.29)
(s + 2)2(2s + 3) s + 2 (s + 2)2 s + 1.5
Figure 5.9 Parallel connections .
Figure 5 .9 shows two different plots of (5.29). If we assign the output of each block
as a state variable as shown, then from Figure 5 .9(a), we can readily obtain
Xl = -2x 1 + x2 x2 = - 2x2 + u
X3 = - 1 .5X3 + 40u y = - 20x1 - 40x2 + x3
3 0 0 - 1 .5 x3 40
y = [-20 -40 1]x (5 .30b)
This is a parallel realization of G(s) in (5.29). The matrix A in (5 .30a) is said to be
in a Jordan form ; it is a generalization of diagonal matrices .
Exercise 5 .5.3
Show that the block diagram in Figure 5 .9(b) with state variables chosen as shown
can be described by
z, -2 0 0 x [-20
X2 = 1 - 2 0 x2 + - 40 a (5 .31 a)
X3 0 0 - 1 .5 x3]
' 1
y = [0 1 40] x (5.31 b)
Example 5 .5.7
Consider the transfer function in (5 .23). Using partial fraction expansion, we expand
it as
(4s + 2)(s2 + 4s + 8)
G(s) _
(s + 3)(s2 + 2s + 2)(s + 1) (5 .32)
-5 5 4s + 12
s+1 + s+3 + s2 +2s+2
It is plotted in Figure 5 .10. With the variables chosen as shown, we have
zl = -x, - 5u X2- 3x2 +Su
-5 x I
u 5 x 2 y
4s 12
s2 +2s+2
Figure 5.10 Parallel connections .
x3 ] 1u
x4 1 0] [x4 + C0
w = [4 12]
They can be combined to yield
xl -1 0 0 0 ^ xl -5
x2 0 -3 0 0 x2 5
u (5 .33a)
x3 0 0 -2 -2 x3 1
x4 0 0 1 0 x4 0
y = [1 1 4 12] x (5 .33b)
Tandem and parallel realizations are less sensitive to parameter variations than
the controllable- and observable-form realizations are . For a comparison, see Ref-
erence [13].
y = [l 4 7 6]x (5 .35b)
y = [1 0 0 0]x (5 .36b)
Both realizations have dimension 4 . If we use either realization to simulate or im-
plement G(s), then we need 4 integrators . It happens that the numerator and denom-
inator of G(s) have the common factors' + 2s + 3 . If we cancel this common
factor, then G(s) in (5 .34) can be reduced to
s + 2
G(s) = (5 .37)
s2 + 3s + 1
This can be realized as
C 1
0] X +
I Iu
(5 .38a)
y = [1 2]x (5 .38b)
= C -1 0 ] x + C 2 ~ a (5 .39a)
y = [1 0]x (5 .39b)
These realizations have dimension 2 . They are called minimal realizations of G(s)
in (5 .34) or (5.37), because they have the smallest number of state variables among
all possible realizations of G(s) . The realizations in (5 .35) and (5 .36) are called
nonminimal realizations. We mention that minimal realizations are minimal equa-
tions discussed in Section 2.8. Nonminimal realizations are not minimal equations .
If D(s) and N(s) have no common factor, then the controllable-form and
observable-form realizations of G(s) = N(s)/D(s) are minimal realizations . On the
other hand, if we introduce a common factor into N(s) and D(s) such as
s + 2 (s + 2)P(s)
G(s) _
s2 + 3s + 1 (s2 + 3s + 1)P(s)
then depending on the polynomial P(s), we can find many nonminimal realizations .
For example, if the degree of P(s) is 5, then we can find a 7-dimensional realization .
Such a nonminimal realization uses unnecessarily large numbers of components and
is not desirable in practice.
Exercise 5.6 .1
G 1 (s)
G 2 (s)
Exercise 5 .6.2
Find three different nonminimal realizations of dimension 3 for the transfer function
G(s) = 1/(s + 1) .
where GI(s) and G2 (s) are proper rational functions . We assume that both GI (s) and
G2(s) are irreducible-that is, the numerator and denominator of each transfer func-
tion have no common factor . Certainly, we can find a minimal realization for G,(s)
and that for G 2(s). By connecting these two realizations, we can obtain a realization
for the two-input, one-output system . This realization, however, may not be a min-
imal realization.
We now discuss a method of finding a minimal realization for the two-input,
one-output system in Figure 5 .11 . First, the system is considered to have the follow-
ing 1 X 2 vector transfer function
G(s) = [G, (s) G2(S)1 (5.41)
We expand G(s) as
'The material in this section is used only in Chapter 10 and its study may be postponed .
Example 5 .6.1
Consider G 1 (s) = (s + 3)/(s + 1)(s + 2) and G 2(s) = (-s + 2)/2(s + 1)
connected as shown in Figure 5 .11 . Let the input of G 1 (s) be r and the output be e 1 .
We expand G 1 (s) as
E1 (s) - s+3 - s+3
GI(s) =
R(s) (s+ 1)(s+2) s2 +3s+2
From its coefficients, we can obtain the following minimal realization :
x i (t) I = C-3 -21[x1(t)1
+ 0 r(t) (t)
C 1 0 x2(t) ['1
e1(t) _ [1 3] x, (t)
x2(t) ]
To realize G 2 (s) with input y and output e2, we expand it as
E2(s) (-s + 2) 1 .5
Y(s) 2(s + 1) - -0 .5 + s + 1
0 0
Exercise 5 .6 .3
a. Cs-1 s+ 1]
s(s + 1)
2s2 + 1 -sz + s - 2
s2 +3s+ 1 s2 +3s+ 1
5.1 . Write a program to compute the output y of the following state-variable equa-
tions due to a unit-step input . The initial conditions are assumed to be zero .
What integration step sizes will you choose?
-1 -2 1 .5
a. z =
81 -0.9 x + 1 .1 u
y = [0 .7 2.1]x
9 1 1 .1
b. x= 1 .9 -0.1
0 4.5 x+ 0 J u
1 2 5 2
y = [2.5 1 1 .2]x
5.4 . Draw operational amplifier circuits for the two state-variable equations in Prob-
lem 5 .1 . Use the elements in Figure 5 .4(e) and (f ) .
5 .5 . Develop a state-variable equation for the basic block diagram shown in Figure
P5.5 .
Figure P5.5
5.6. Develop a state-variable equation for the op-amp circuit shown in Figure P5 .6.
R/c I R
R/c 2
INM oy
C R/c 3
--A (- -
R W--R
RC = 1
R/a 3
R R/a 0
Figure P5 .6
5.7 . Draw a basic block diagram for the observable-form equation in (5 .18) and
then use Mason's formula to compute its transfer function .
5.8. Find realizations for the following transfer functions and draw their basic block
s 2 +2
a. G 1 (s) _
4s 3
3s 4 + 1
b. G2 (s) _
2s 4 + 3s 3 + 4s 2 + s + 5
(s + 3) 2
c. G3O
G3(S) __
(S + 1)2 (S + 2)
5.9. Show the equivalence of the blocks in Figure P5 .9.
U -31' . s-a
Figure P5.9
5 .10. Use Problem 5 .9 to change every block of Figure P5 .10 into a basic block
diagram and then develop state-variable equations to describe the two systems .
1 I
s+2 s+2
U I 1 x2 1 3 y
s+2 s+I s+2
Figure P5 .10
5.11. Find tandem and parallel realizations for the following transfer functions :
(s + 3)2
. (s + 1)2(s + 2)
(s + 3) 2
. (s + 2)2(s2 + 4s + 6)
5.12. a . Find a minimum realization of
S2 -4
G(s) _ 2
(s - 2)(2s + 3s + 4)
b. Find realizations of dimension 3 and 4 for the G(s) in (a).
5.13. a. Consider the armature-controlled dc motor in Figure 3 .1 . Show that if the
state variables are chosen as x l = 0, x2 = B and x 3 = i, then its state-
variable description is given by
xl 0 1 0 x, 0
z2 = 0 - f /J k,/J x, + 0
X3 0 - k,,/L, - R,/L, x3 1 L/ Q U
0 = [1 0 0]x
r + 2s 2 +s-1 y
+s 2 +3s+2
Figure P5 .14
5.15 . Consider the block diagram shown in Figure P5 .15 . It has a tachometer feed-
back with transfer function 2s . Differentiators are generally not built using
operational amplifier circuits . Therefore, the diagram cannot be directly simu-
lated using operational amplifier circuits . Can you modify the diagram so that
it can be so simulated?
r + 1 y
s s+2)
Figure P5 .15
5 .16 . Find minimal realizations for the following 1 X 2 vector transfer functions :
a. s + 2 s + 11
(s+ 1) 2 s + 2
b. s - 2 s + 1
1(s +1)(s+2) s + 2
C. s 2 +S+ 1 5 3- 1
[ S 3 + 2S 2 + I S 3 + 2S 2 + l
5 .17 . Consider the block diagram shown in Figure 5 .11 . Suppose G 1 (s) and G2(S)
are given as in Problem 5 .16(c) . Draw a basic block diagram . Can you identify
the summer in Figure 5 .11 with a summer in your diagram?
5.18. a. Consider the block diagram in Figure 5 .7. Show that if the state variables
x 1 , x2 , x3 , and x4 in Figure 5 .7 are renamed as x4 , x3 , x2 , and x 1 , then the
block diagram can be described by
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
x(t) + u(t)
0 0 0 1
-ai -a2 - "3 -
y(t) = I& b, b2 b3]x(t) + du(t)
This is also called a controllable-form realization of (5.16). See References
[15, 16] . This is an alternative controllable form of (5 .17) .
b. Show that an alternative observable form of (5 .18) is
0 0 - ao
1 0 0
x(t) _ x(t) +
1 0 - a2
0 1 b3
y(t) = [0 0 0 1]x(t) + du(t)
M mw- Y.P?l M ,
Design Criteria,
and Feedback
With the background introduced in the preceding chapters, we are now ready to
study the design of control systems . Before introducing specific design techniques,
it is important to obtain a total picture of the design problem . In this chapter, we
first discuss the choice of plants and design criteria and then discuss noise and
disturbance problems encountered in practice . These problems impose constraints
on control systems, which lead to the concepts of well-posedness and total stability .
We also discuss the reason for imposing constraints on actuating signals . Feedback
systems are then shown to be less sensitive to plant perturbations and external dis-
turbances then are open loop systems . Finally, we discuss two general approaches
in the design of control systems .
where J is the moment of inertia of the antenna and 0(t) is its angular displacement .
The power needed to drive the antenna is
Power = Torque X Velocity = J6(t)6(t)
This equation shows that the larger the acceleration and the velocity, the larger the
power needed . Let bmax and 6max be the maximum acceleration and velocity . Then
the required power is
Power - J(emax)( 6max) (6.1)
In this computation, the moments of inertia of motor and gear trains, which are not
yet determined, are not included . Also, we consider neither the power required to
overcome static, Coulomb, and viscous frictions nor disturbances due to gusting .
Therefore, the horsepower of the motor should be larger than the one computed in
(6.1). After the size of a motor is determined, we must select the type of motor : dc,
ac, or hydraulic . The choice may depend on availability at the time of design, cost,
reliability, and other considerations . Past experience may also be used in this choice .
For convenience of discussion, we choose an armature-controlled dc motor to drive
the antenna . A dc generator is also chosen as a power amplifier, as shown in Figure
6.1 . This collection of devices, including the load, is called the plant of the control
system . We see from the foregoing discussion that the choice of a plant is not unique .
1 0
T -
V h = kh6 Bm Antenna
--- ----
I vs Nm I
U I G, (s) G2 (S) 0
I G (s) I
Different designers often choose different plants ; even the same designer may choose
different plants at different times .
Once a plant is chosen, the design problem is concerned with how to make the
best use of the plant . Generally, the plant alone cannot meet the design objective .
We must introduce compensators and transducers and hope that the resulting overall
system will meet the design objective . If after trying all available design methods,
we are still unable to design a good control system, then either the design objective
is too stringent or the plant is not properly chosen . If the design objective can be
relaxed, then we can complete the design . If not, then we must choose a new plant
and repeat the design . Thus a change of the plant occurs only as a last resort . Other-
wise, the plant remains fixed throughout the design .
Once a plant with transfer function G(s) is chosen, the design problem is to design
an overall system, as shown in Figure 6 .2, to meet design specifications . Different
applications require different specifications . For example, in designing a control
system to aim an astronomical telescope at a distant star, perfect aiming or accuracy
is most important; how fast the system achieves the aiming is not critical . On the
other hand, for a control system that drives guided missiles to aim at incoming enemy
missiles, speed of response is as critical as accuracy . In general, the performance of
control systems is divided into two parts : steady-state performance, which specifies
accuracy, and transient performance, which specifies the speed of response . The
steady-state performance may be defined for a step, ramp, or acceleration reference
input . The transient response, however, is defined only for a step reference input .
Before proceeding, it is important to point out that the behavior of a control
system depends only on its overall transfer function G0 (s) from the reference input
to the plant output y . It does not depend explicitly on the plant transfer function
G(s) . Thus, the design problem is essentially the search for a G 0 (s) to meet design
specifications . Let G0(s) be of the form
B(s) - (30 + 13s + 32s+ . . . + RmS n
G,(s) - (6.2)
A(s) a 0 + a l s + a2s2+ + as
with n ? m. If G0(s) is not stable, the output y(t) will approach infinity for almost
any reference input and the system will break down or burn out . Thus, every G 0(s)
r -1
r u Y
G(s) T
I GO (S) I
Figure 6.2 The design problem .
to be designed must be stable . The design problem then becomes the search for a
stable G0(s) to meet design specifications .
a - y(t)
Position error : = ep (t) : = lim
ao ao -/3 o
= 11 - Go (0)I
a ao
Because step functions correspond to positions, this error is called the position error .
Clearly if G0(0) = 1 or 130 = ao then the position error is zero . If we require the
position error to be smaller than y or 100y percent, then
< y
Thus, the specification on the position error can easily be translated into the constant
coefficients a 0 and 0 0 of G0(s). Note that the position error is independent of a, and
f3j, for i ? 1 .
Exercise 6 .3.1
Find the range of 60 so that the position error of the following transfer function is
smaller than 5% .
G(s) = go
s2 +2s+2
[Answer : 1.9 < go < 2.1 .]
where G ,(0) = dG0 (s)/dsI s _ 0. The percentage steady-state error due to a ramp
function is defined as
r(t) - y(t) at - y,(t)
Velocity error : = e (t) : = lim a
t__ a
_ I(1 - Go(0))t - Go(0)j (6.6)
ao -ao 1 a0f31- 0oai
a0 J a z0
This error will be called the velocity error, because ramp functions correspond to
velocities . We see that if G0(0) = ,130/x 0 1, then r(t) and ys (t) have different
slopes, as shown in Figure 6.3(a), and their difference approaches infinity as t -.
Thus the velocity error is infinity . Therefore, in order to have a finite velocity error,
we must have G 0 (0) = 1 or a0 = a 0 . In this case, r(t) and ys (t) have the same
0 0
(a) (b)
slope, as is shown in Figure 6.3(b), and the velocity error becomes finite and equals
ao/3, - g oal
Velocity error = e(t) =
a o0
Thus the conditions for having a zero velocity error are a o = /3o and a, = /3,, or
G0(0) = 1 and Go(0) = 0 . They are independent of a ; and /3 i, for i ? 2.
The preceding analysis can be extended to acceleration reference inputs or any
inputs that are polynomials oft . We will not do so here . We mention that, in addition
to the steady-state performances defined for step, ramp, and acceleration functions,
there is another type of steady-state performance, defined for sinusoidal functions .
This specification is used in frequency-domain design and will be discussed in
Chapter 8 .
The plant output y(t) is said to track asymptotically the reference input r(t) if
If the position error is zero, then the plant output will track asymptotically any step
reference input . For easy reference, we recapitulate the preceding discussion in the
following. Consider the design problem in Figure 6 .2. No matter how the system is
designed or what configuration is used, if its overall transfer function GO(s) in (6.2)
is stable, then the overall system has the following properties :
1. If Go(0) = 1 or a o = /3 o, then the position error is zero, and the plant output
will track asymptotically any step reference input.
2. If G o(0) = 1 and Go(0) = 0, or a o = /3o and a, = /3,, then the velocity error
is zero, and the plant output will track asymptotically any ramp reference input .
3. If G 0(0) = 1, Go(0) = 0, and Go(0) 0, or a o = /3o, a, = /3,, and a 2 = /3 z,
then the acceleration error is zero, and the plant output will track asymptotically
any acceleration input.
Thus, the specifications on the steady-state performance can be directly translated
into the coefficients of G 0(s) and can be easily incorporated into the design .
The problem of designing a system to track asymptotically a nonzero reference
signal is called the tracking problem . The more complex the reference signal, the
more complex the overall system . For example, tracking ramp reference inputs im-
poses conditions on a o, a,, /3o, and /3, ; tracking step reference inputs imposes con-
ditions only on a o and /3o . If the reference signal is zero, then the problem is called
the regulating problem . The response of regulating systems is excited by nonzero
initial conditions or disturbances, and the objective of the design is to bring such
nonzero responses to zero . This objective can be achieved if the system is designed
to be stable ; no other condition such as G o(0) = 1 is needed . Thus, if a system is
designed to track a step reference input or any nonzero reference input, then the
system can also achieve regulation . In this sense, the regulating problem is a special
case of the tracking problem.
with N,(0) ~ 0 and D,(0) :~ 4- 0. Now we claim that if G,(s) is of type 1, and if the
unity-feedback system is stable, then the position error of the unity-feedback system
is 0 . Indeed, if G,(s) is of type 1, then the overall transfer function is
(s) _ sD,(s) - N1(s)
N,(s) sD,(s) + N,(s)
1 +
sD, (s)
Therefore we have
N1(0) = N,(0)
(0) =
G O(O) = 1
X D,(0) + N,(0) N1 (0)
which implies that the position error is zero . Thus, the plant output will track asymp-
totically any step reference input . Furthermore, even if there are variations of the
parameters of N,(s) and D,(s), the plant output will still track any step reference input
so long as the overall system remains stable . Therefore, the tracking property is said
to be robust. Using the same argument, we can show that if the loop transfer function
is of type 2 and if the unity-feedback system is stable, then the plant output will
track asymptotically and robustly any ramp reference input (Problem 6.7).
0 00
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6 .4 (a) Unity-feedback system . (b) Unity-feedback system with a forward gain .
(c) Nonunity-feedback system .
If G,(s) is of type 0, that is, G,(s) = N,(s)/D,(s) with N(0) 34- 0 and D,(0) ~ 0,
then we have
N1(s) N(0)
G ,(s) and Go O
0 =
DI(s) + N,(s) D1 (0) + N,(0) 0 1
and the position error is different from zero . Thus, if the loop transfer function in
Figure 6 .4(a) is of type 0, then the plant output will not track asymptotically any
step reference input . This problem can be resolved, however, by introducing the
forward gain
D,(0) + N1(0)
k =
as shown_in Figure 6.4(b) . Then the transfer function G0 (s) from r to y has the
property Go(0) = 1, and the plant output will track asymptotically any step reference
input r. In practice, there is no need to implement gain k. By a proper calibration or
setting of r, it is possible for the plant output to approach asymptotically any desired
value .
There is one problem with this design, however . If the parameters of GI (s) _
G(s)C(s) change, then we must recalibrate or reset the reference input r . Therefore,
this design is not robust . On the other hand, if G,(s) is of type 1, then the tracking
property of Figure 6 .4(a) is robust, and there is no need to reset the reference input .
Therefore, in the design, it is often desirable to have type I loop transfer functions .
We mention that the preceding discussion holds only for unity-feedback sys-
tems. If a configuration is not unity feedback, such as the one shown in Figure 6.4(c),
even if the plant is of type 1 and the feedback system is stable, the position error is
not necessarily zero . For example, the transfer function of Figure 6 .4(c) is
S 1
G0(s) _
2 s + 2
1 + -
0 .9 Ys
0 .04 y,
tr ts t t
(a) (b)
only for step reference inputs . Consider the outputs due to a unit-step reference input
shown in Figure 6 .5, in which ys denotes the steady state of the output . The transient
response is generally specified in terms of the rise time, settling time, and overshoot .
The rise time can be defined in many ways . We define it as the time required for
the response to rise from 0 to 90% of its steady-state value, as shown in Figure 6 .5.
In other words, it is the smallest tr such that
At) = 0.9ys
The time denoted by is in Figure 6 .5 is called the settling time. It is the time for the
response to reach and remain inside 2% of its steady-state value, or it is the
smallest is such that
ly(t) - Ysl 0.02y s for all t - is
Let ymax be the maximum value of l y (t)l, for t ? 0, or
Ymax : = max ly(t) I
Then the overshoot is defined as
Ymax -Ys
Overshoot : = X 100%
For the response in Figure 6.5(a), if ymax = 1.3ys , then the overshoot is 30% . For
the response in Figure 6.5(b), because ymax = ys, the overshoot is zero or there is
no overshoot.
Control systems are inherently time-domain systems, so the introduced speci-
fications are natural and have simple physical interpretations . For example, in point-
ing a telescope at a star, the steady-state performance (accuracy) is the main concern ;
the specifications on the rise time, overshoot, and settling time are not critical . How-
ever, in aiming missiles at an aircraft, both accuracy and speed of response are
important . In the design of an aircraft, the specification is often given as shown in
Figure 6 .6. It is required that the step response of the system be confined to the
region shown . This region is obtained by a compromise between the comfort or
physical limitations of the pilot and the maneuverability of the aircraft . In the design
of an elevator, any appreciable overshoot is undesirable . Different applications have
different specifications .
A system is said to be sluggish if its rise time and settling time are large. If a
system is designed for a fast response, or to have a small rise time and a small
settling time, then the system may exhibit a large overshoot, as can be seen from
Figure 4 .7 . Thus, the requirements on the rise time and overshoot are often conflict-
ing and must be reached by compromise .
The steady-state response of G0(s) depends only on a number of coefficients of
G0(s) ; thus the steady-state performance can easily be incorporated into the design .
The transient response of G0(s) depends on both its poles and zeros . Except for some
special cases, no simple relationship exists between the specifications and pole-zero
locations . Therefore, designing a control system to meet transient specifications is
not as simple as designing one to meet steady-state specifications .
Noise and disturbances often arise in control systems . For example, if a potentiom-
eter is used as a transducer, noise will be generated (because of brush jumps, wire
irregularity, or variations of contact resistance) . Motors and generators also generate
noise because of irregularity of contact between carbon brushes and commutators .
Shot noise and thermal noise are always present in electronic circuits . Therefore,
noise, usually high-frequency noise, exists everywhere in control systems .
Most control systems will also encounter external disturbances . A cruising air-
craft may encounter air turbulence or air pockets . A huge antenna may encounter
strong or gusting winds . Fluctuations in power supply, mechanical vibrations, and
hydraulic or pneumatic pressure will also disturb control systems .
Variation of load is also common in control systems . For example, consider a
motor driving an audio or video tape . At the beginning and end, the amounts of tape
on the reel are quite different ; consequently, the moments of inertia of the load are
not the same. As a result, the transfer function of the plant, as can be seen from
(3.17), is not the same at all times . One way to deal with this problem is to choose
(a) (b)
the average moment of inertia or the largest moment of inertia (the worst case),
compute the transfer function, and use it in the design . This transfer function is
called the nominal transfer function. The actual transfer function may differ from
the nominal one . This is called plant perturbation . Aging may also change plant
transfer functions . Plant perturbations are indeed inevitable in practice .
One way to deal with plant perturbation is to use the nominal transfer function
in the design . The difference between actual transfer function and nominal transfer
function is then considered as an external disturbance . Thus, disturbances may arise
from external sources or internal load variations . To simplify discussion, we assume
that noise and/or disturbance will enter at the input and output terminals of every
block, as shown in Figure 6 .7 . These inputs also generate some responses at the
plant output . These outputs are undesirable and should be suppressed or, if possible,
eliminated . Therefore, a good control system should be able to track reference inputs
and to reject the effects of noise and disturbances .
In this and the following sections we discuss some physical constraints in the design
of control systems . Without these constraints, design would become purely a math-
ematical exercise and would have no relation to reality . The first constraint is that
compensators used in the design must have proper transfer functions . As discussed
in the preceding chapter, every proper transfer function can be realized as a state-
variable equation and then built using operational amplifier circuits . If the transfer
function of a compensator is improper, then its construction requires the use of pure
differentiators. Pure differentiators built by using operational amplifiers may be un-
stable. See Reference [18]. Thus compensators with improper transfer functions
cannot easily be built in practice . For this reason, all compensators used in the design
will be required to have proper transfer functions .
In industry, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers or compensators
are widely used . The transfer functions of proportional and integral controllers are
kp and k;/s ; they are proper transfer functions . The transfer function of derivative
controllers is kd s, which is improper . However, in practice, derivative controllers
are realized as
k, s
1 + Nkd s
for some constant N. This is a proper transfer function, and therefore does not violate
the requirement that all compensators have proper transfer functions . In the remain-
der of this chapter, we assume that every component of a control system has a proper
transfer function. If we encounter a tachometer with improper transfer function ks,
we shall remodel it as shown in Figure 3 .10(c) . Therefore, the assumption remains
Even though all components have proper transfer functions, a control system so
built may not have a proper transfer function . This is illustrated by an example .
Example 6.5.1
Consider the system shown in Figure 6.7(a). The transfer functions of the plant and
the compensator are all proper . Now we compute the transfer function Gyr(s) from
r to y . Because the system is linear, in computing Gyr(S), all other inputs shown
(n;, i = 1, 2, and 3) can be assumed zero or disregarded . Clearly we have
-(s + 1) s -s
s+2 s+ 1 s+2 -s
Gyr(S) = _ - 0.5s
-(S + 1) S I- S s+ 2 - s
s+ 2 s+ 1 s+ 2
It is improper! Thus the properness of all component transfer functions does not
guarantee the properness of an overall transfer function .
output is completely dominated by the noise and the system cannot be used in
In conclusion, if a control system has an improper closed-loop transfer function,
then high-frequency noise will be greatly amplified and the system cannot be used .
Thus, a workable control system should not contain any improper closed-loop trans-
fer function . This motivates the following definition .
o Definition 6 .1
A system is said to be well-posed or closed-loop proper if the closed-loop
transfer function of every possible input/output pair of the system is proper .
We have assumed that noise and disturbance may enter a control system at the
input and output terminals of each block . Therefore, we shall consider not only the
transfer function from r to y, but also transfer functions from those inputs to all
variables . Let Gpq denote the transfer function from input q to output p. Then the
system in Figure 6 .7(a) or (b) is well posed if the transfer functions Gel., Gvr, Gur,
Gyr, Gen,, Gun, , Gyn ,, Gene, Gun2, Gyn2, Gen3, Gun3, Gyn3, are all proper . These transfer
functions are clearly all closed-loop transfer functions and, strictly speaking, the
adjective closed-loop is redundant . It is kept in Definition 6 .1 to stress their difference
from open-loop transfer functions .
The number of possible input/output pairs is quite large even for the simple
systems in Figure 6 .7. Therefore, it appears to be difficult to check the well-posed-
ness of systems. Fortunately, this is not the case. In fact, the condition for a feedback
system to be well posed is very simple . A system that is built with blocks with proper
transfer functions is well posed if and only if
A(co) =A 0 (6 .8)
where 0 is the characteristic function defined in (3.37). For the feedback systems in
Figure 6.7, the condition becomes
A(oc) = 1 + C(oc)G(cc) 0 0 (6 .9)
For the system in Figure 6.7(a), we have C(s) = - (s + 1)/(s + 2) and G(s) =
s/(s + 1) which imply C(cc) = - 1, G(co) = 1 and 1 + C(oo)G(oo) = 0 . Thus the
system is not well posed . For the system in Figure 6 .7(b), we have
+ 1) 2s
1 + C(s)G(s)I, = I + -(s = I + (-1)(2) -1 71~ 0
s + 2 s + 1 S= .
Thus the system is well posed . As a check we compute the closed-loop transfer
functions from n2 to u, y, e, and v in Figure 6.7(b). In this computation, all other
inputs are assumed zero . The application of Mason's formula yields
_ 1 1 1 s+ 2
2s-(s+ 1) 1 - 2s s + 2 - 2s -s + 2
s + I (s + 2) s + 2 s + 2
(S + 1) 2s(s + 2)
Gyn2 (s) _
1 + 2s . - (s + 1) (s + I)( - s + 2)
S + I s+2
- 2s(s + 2)
G en2 (S) _ - G1'2 (S) -
(S + I)( - S + 2)
2s -(S + 1) 2s
s+ 1 s+2 s+2 2s
G,'2(S) = 2s -(s + 1) s + 2 - 2s -s + 2 (6 .10)
1 +
S + 1 s+ 2 s+ 2
They are indeed all proper . Because the condition is (6.8) can easily be met, a control
system can easily be designed to be well posed . We remark that if a plant transfer
function G(s) is strictly proper and if C(s) is proper, then the condition in (6 .9) is
automatically satisfied . Note that the conditions in (6 .8) and (6.9) hold only if the
transfer function of every block is proper . If any one of them is improper, then the
conditions cannot be used .
To conclude this section, we discuss the relationship between well-posedness
and properness of compensators . Properness of compensators is concerned with
open-loop properness, whereas well-posedness is concerned with closed-loop prop-
erness . Open-loop properness does not imply closed-loop properness, as is demon-
strated in the system in Figure 6.7(a). It can be verified, by computing all possible
closed-loop transfer functions, that the system in Figure 6 .8 is well posed . However,
the system contains one improper compensator . Thus, well-posedness does not imply
properness of compensators . In conclusion, open-loop properness and closed-loop
properness are two independent concepts . They are also introduced for different
reasons. The former is needed to avoid the use of differentiators in realizing com-
pensators; the latter is needed to avoid amplification of high-frequency noise in
overall systems .
ni n
In the design of control systems, the first requirement is always the stability of
transfer functions, G0(s), from the reference input r to the plant output y . However,
this may not guarantee that systems will work properly . This is illustrated by an
example .
Example 6.6 .1
r I y
C(s) G(s)
It is unstable! Thus any nonzero noise, no matter how small, will excite an un-
bounded plant output and the system will bum out . Therefore the system cannot be
used in practice, even though its transfer function from r to y is stable . This motivates
the following definition .
o Definition 6.2
A system is said to be totally stable if the closed-loop transfer function of every
possible input-output pair of the system is stable .
'In addition to pole-zero cancellations, missing poles may also arise from parallel connection and
other situations . See Reference [15, pp . 436-437] . In this text, it suffices to consider only pole-zero
cancellations .
I- t
S-0.9 - 4
S+ 1 .1
s2+0 .09s+99
s(s + 2)
due to aging or inexact realization . With this C(s), the transfer function of Figure
6.11 (a) becomes
s2 +0.09s+99 3
s(s + 2) s 2 +0 .1s+ 100
G' (s) _ s 2 +0.09s+99 3
1 +
s(s + 2) s2 100
_ 3(s 2 + 0.09s + 99)
s(s + 2)(s 2 + 0.1s + 100) + 3(s 2 + 0.09s + 99)
_ 3s 2 + 0.27s + 297
S 4 + 2.1s 3 + 103.2s2 + 200.27s + 297
r + s2 +0 .15+100 3 y
s(s+2) s +0 .15+100
1 .2
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Figure 6.11 (a) Feedback system. (b) Its step response.
Its unit-step response is plotted in Figure 6 .11(b) with the dotted line . We see that
the two responses in Figure 6 .11(b) are hardly distinguishable . Therefore, unlike
unstable pole-zero cancellation, imperfect stable pole-zero cancellations may not
cause any serious problem in control systems .
Gyp =
s +Ols+ 100
2 3
1 +
s(s + 2) + + 100
s +0.1s+ 100
2 3s(s + 2)
3 (s + 2s + 3)(s2 + + 100)
1 +
s(s + 2)
We see that the complex-conjugate poles s + + 100 = (s + 0 .05 + j9 .999)
(s + 0 .05 - j9.999), which do not appear in G0(s), do appear in Gyp. Because the
poles have a very small real part and large imaginary parts, they will introduce high-
frequency oscillation and slow decay . Indeed, if the disturbance is modeled as a unit-
step function, then the excited output is as shown in Figure 6 .12. Even though the
response eventually approaches zero, it introduces too much oscillation and takes
too long to decay to zero . Therefore, the system is not good, and the stable pole-
zero cancellation should be avoided .
Can pole-zero cancellations be used in the design? Unstable pole-zero cancel-
lations are not permitted, because the resulting system can never be totally stable .
0 .06
0 .05
0 .04
0 .03
0 .02 r r r 41
0 .01
-0.02, J
-0 .03
-0.04 .
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
A system can be totally stable with stable pole-zero cancellations . However, if can-
celed stable poles are close to the imaginary axis or have large imaginary parts, then
disturbance or noise may excite a plant output that is oscillatory and slow decaying .
If poles lie inside the region C shown in Figure 6 .13, then their cancellations will
not cause any problems . Therefore, perfect or imperfect cancellation of poles lying
inside the region C is permitted in theory and in practice . The exact boundary of the
region C depends on each control system and performance specifications, and will
be discussed in the next chapter .
There are two reasons for using pole-zero cancellation in design . One is to
simplify design, as will be seen in the next chapter . The other reason is due to
necessity . In model matching, we may have to introduce pole-zero cancellations to
insure that the required compensators are proper . This is discussed in Chapter 10 .
Example 6.7 .1
Consider the system shown in Figure 6 .14 . The element A is an amplifier with gain
2. The overall transfer function is
e n
-> s+2
(a) (b)
s + 2
s(s - 1) 2(s + 2) 2(s + 2)
G0 (s) = (6.17)
s+2 s2 -s+2s+4 s2 +s+4
s(s - 1)
Because G0(0) = 4/4 = 1, the system has zero position error and the plant output
will track any step reference input without an error . The plant outputs excited by
r = 0.3, 1.1, and 1 .15 are shown in Figure 6 .15 with the solid lines .
In reality, the amplifier may have the characteristic shown in Figure 6 .14(b) .
For ease of simulation, the saturation is approximated by the dashed lines shown .
The responses of the system due to r = 0 .3, 1 .1, and 1 .15 are shown in Figure 6 .15
with the dashed lines . These responses are obtained by computer simulations . If
r = 0.3, the amplifier will not saturate and the response is identical to the one
obtained by using the linear model . If r = 1 .1, the amplifier saturates and the re-
sponse differs from the one obtained by using the linear model . If r = 1 .15, the
response approaches infinity oscillatorily and the system is not stable, although the
linear model is always stable for any r . This example shows that linear analysis
cannot be used if signals run outside the linear range .
for all t ? 0, where u(t) is the actuating signal and M is a constant . This constraint
arises naturally if valves are used to generate actuating signals . The actuating signals
reach their maximum values when the valves are fully open . In a ship steering
system, the constraint exists because the rudder can turn only a finite number of
degrees. In electric motors, because of saturation of the magnetic field, the constraint
also exists . In hydraulic motors, the movement of pistons in the pilot cylinder is
limited. Thus, the constraint in (6 .18) exists in most plants . Strictly speaking, similar
constraints should also be imposed upon compensators . If we were to include all
these constraints, the design would become very complicated . Besides, compared
with plants, compensators are rather inexpensive, and hence, if saturated, can be
replaced by ones with larger linear ranges . Therefore, the saturation constraint is
generally imposed only on the plant .
Actuating signals depend on reference input signals . If the amplitude of a ref-
erence signal is doubled, so is that of the actuating signal . Therefore, in checking
whether or not the constraint in (6 .18) is met, we shall use the largest reference input
signal . However, for convenience, the constraint M in (6 .18) will be normalized to
correspond to unit-step reference inputs . Therefore, in design, we often require the
actuating signal due to a unit-step reference input to have a magnitude less than a
certain value .
To keep a plant from saturating is not a simple problem, because in the process
of design, we don't know what the exact response of the resulting system will be .
Hence, the saturation problem can be checked only after the completion of the de-
sign . If saturation does occur, the system may have to be redesigned to improve its
L__ G(s)__ J
(a) (b)
Figure 6.16 Open- and closed-loop systems .
In order to compare the two configurations, we must consider noise and dis-
turbances as discussed in Section 6 .4. If there were no noise and disturbances in
control systems, then there would be no difference between open-loop and closed-
loop configurations . In fact, the open-loop configuration may sometimes be prefer-
able because it is simpler and less expensive . Unfortunately, noise and disturbances
are unavoidable in control systems .
The major difference between the open-loop and feedback configurations is that
the actuating signal of the former does not depend on the plant output . It is pre-
determined, and will not change even if the actual plant output is quite different
from the desired value . The actuating signal of a feedback system depends on the
reference signal and the plant output . Therefore, if the plant output deviates from
the desired value due to noise, external disturbance, or plant perturbations, the de-
viation will reflect on the actuating signal . Thus, a properly designed feedback sys-
tem should perform better than an open-loop system . This will be substantiated by
examples .
Example 6 .8.1
Consider the two amplifiers shown in Figure 6 .17 . Figure 6 .17(a) is an open-loop
amplifier . The amplifier in Figure 6 .17(b) is built by connecting three identical open-
loop amplifiers and then introducing a feedback from the output to the input as
shown, and is called a feedback amplifier. Their block diagrams are also shown in
Figure 6 .17 . The gain of the open-loop amplifier is A = - 1OR/R = -10 . From
Figure 6.17(b), we have
Rf= 10 .101 R
-MM- -AA&- -Wv-
r R R R
0-NW'- -NA- JWb- Y
Y r + e
~A=-10H I A I A A
(a) (b)
Figure 6 .17 Open- and closed-loop amplifiers .
In order to make a fair comparison, we shall require both amplifiers to have the same
gain-that is, A = A = - 10 . To achieve this, /3 can readily be computed as /3 =
0.099, which implies Rf = 10.101R .
The feedback amplifier needs three times more hardware and still has the same
.gain as the open-loop amplifier . Therefore, there seems no reason to use the former .
Indeed, this is the case if there is no perturbation in gain A .
Now suppose gain A decreases by 10% each year due to aging . In other words,
the gain becomes - 9 in the second year, - 8.1 in the third year, and so forth . We
( - 9)3
A 1 - 0 .099( - 9)3 - 9.96
(-8 .1)3
A = -9.91
1 - 0.099(-8 .1)3
and so forth . The results are listed in the following :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-A 10 9.0 8.1 7.29 6.56 5 .9 5.3 4.78 4.3 3.87
-A0 10 9.96 9.92 9.84 9.75 9.63 9.46 9.25 8.96 8.6
We see that although the open-loop gain A decreases by 10% each year, the closed-
loop gain decreases by from 0 .4% in the first year to 4 .1 % in the tenth year . Thus
the feedback system is much less sensitive to plant perturbation .
If an amplifier is to be taken out of service when its gain falls below 9, then the
open-loop amplifier can serve only one year, whereas the closed-loop amplifier can
last almost nine years . Therefore, even though the feedback amplifier uses three
times more hardware, it is actually three times more economical than the open-loop
amplifier . Furthermore, the labor cost of yearly replacement of open-loop amplifiers
can be saved.
Example 6 .8.2
Consider a speed control problem in an aluminum factory . Heated aluminum ingots
are pressed into sheets through rollers as shown in Figure 6 .18(a) . The rollers are
driven by armature-controlled dc motors ; their speeds are to be kept constant in order
to maintain uniform thickness of aluminum sheets . Let the transfer function of the
motor and rollers be
G(s) = 5s + 1 (6 .20)
Its time constant is 5 ; therefore it will take 25 seconds (5 X time constant) for the
rollers to reach the final speed . This is very slow, and we decide to design an overall
system with transfer function
G(s) = (6 .21)
s + 2
Its time constant is 1/2 = 0 .5 ; therefore the speed of response of this system is
much faster . Because G 0(0) = 2/2 = 1, the plant output of G0(s) will track any
step reference input without an error .
Now we shall implement G0(s) in the open-loop and closed-loop configurations
shown in Figure 6.18(b) and (c) . For the open-loop configuration, we require
5s+ 1
C2 (s) 10 Y
5s+ 1
Figure 6 .18 Speed control of rollers .
Plant Perturbation
The transfer function of the motor and rollers is assumed as G(s) = 10/(5s + 1)
in (6.20). Because the transfer function depends on the load, if the load changes, so
does the transfer function . Now we assume that, after the design, the transfer function
changes to
G(s) = (6 .25)
(4.5s + 1)
This is called plant perturbation . We now study its effect on the open-loop and
closed-loop systems .
After plant perturbation, the open-loop overall transfer function becomes
5s + 1 9
G00(s) = C,(s)G(s) (6 .26)
= 5(s + 2) (4.5s + 1)
Because Goo(0) = 9/10 0 1, this perturbed system will not track asymptotically
any step reference input . Thus the tracking property of the open-loop system is lost
after plant perturbation .
Now we compute the overall transfer function of the closed-loop system with
perturbed G(s) in (6.25). Clearly, we have
5s + 1 9
C2(s)G(s) 5s 4.5s + 1
1 + C2(s)G(s) 5s+I 9
5s 4.5s + 1 (6,27)
9(5s + 1) 45s + 9
5s(4 .5s + 1) + 9(5s + 1) 22.5s2 + 50s + 9
Because G 0( .(0) = 1, this perturbed overall closed-loop system still track any step
reference input without an error . In fact, because the compensator is of type 1, no
matter how large the plant perturbation is, the system will always track asymptoti-
cally any step reference input, so long as the overall system remains stable . This is
called robust tracking . In conclusion, the tracking property is destroyed by plant
perturbation in the open-loop system but is preserved in the closed-loop system .
Disturbance Rejection
One way to study the effect of load variations is to introduce plant perturbations as
in the preceding paragraphs . Another way is to introduce a disturbance p(t) into the
plant input as shown in Figure 6 .18(b) and (c). Now we study the effect of this
disturbance in the open-loop and closed-loop systems . From Figure 6 .18(b), we see
that the transfer function from p to y is not affected by the open-loop compensator
C1(s) . If the disturbance is modeled as a step function of magnitude a, then it will
excite the following plant output
10 a
Yp (s) _ s (6.28)
Ss + I
Its steady-state output, using the final-value theorem, is
10 a = lOa
yp (oo) = lim yp(t) = lim sYp(s) = lim s
t-. S-o S-0 5s + 1 ' s
In other words, in the open-loop configuration, the step disturbance will excite a
nonzero plant output ; therefore, the speed of the rollers will differ from the desired
speed . For example, if the disturbance is as shown in Figure 6 .19(a), then the speed
will be as shown in Figure 6 .19(b) . This differs from the desired speed and will
cause unevenness in thickness of aluminum sheets . Thus, the open-loop system is
not satisfactory .
P(t) Yo Yc
r L r r~y~
I I ` ' '_ t ' 1 ' 1 ' > t ' ' ' ' ' t
0 25 50 1 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Now we study the closed-loop system . The transfer function from p to y is,
using Mason's formula,
G(s) _ 10/(5s + 1) _ lOs
Gyp (6.29)
(s) = 1 + G(s)C 2(s) 1 + 10 5s + 1 (5s + 1)(s + 2)
5s + 1 5s
Now if the disturbance is P(s) = a/s, the steady-state output y p due to the disturbance
From the preceding two examples, we conclude that the closed-loop or feedback
configuration is less sensitive to plant perturbation and disturbances than the open-
loop configuration. Therefore, in the remainder of this text, we use only closed-loop
configurations in design .
With the preceding discussion, the design of control systems can now be stated as
follows : Given a plant, design an overall system to meet a given set of specifications .
We use only feedback configurations because they are less sensitive to disturbances
and plant perturbation than open-loop configurations are . Because improper com-
pensators cannot easily be built in practice, we use only compensators with proper
transfer functions . The resulting system is required to be well posed so that high-
frequency noise will not be unduly amplified . The design cannot have unstable pole-
zero cancellation, otherwise the resulting system cannot be totally stable . Because
of the limitation of linear models and devices used, a constraint must generally be
imposed on the magnitude of actuating signals . The following two approaches are
available to carry out this design:
1. We first choose a feedback configuration and a compensator with open param-
eters . We then adjust the parameters so that the resulting feedback system will
hopefully meet the specifications .
2. We first search for an overall transfer function G0(s) to meet the specifications .
We then choose a feedback configuration and compute the required
These two approaches are quite different in philosophy . The first approach starts
from internal compensators and works toward external overall transfer functions .
Thus, it is called the outward approach . This approach is basically a trial-and-error
method . The root-locus and frequency-domain methods discussed in Chapters 7 and
8 take this approach . The second approach starts from external overall transfer func-
tions and then computes internal compensators, and is called the inward approach.
This approach is studied in Chapters 9 and 10 . These two approaches are independent
and can be studied in either order. In other words, we may study Chapters 7 and 8,
and then 9 and 10, or study first Chapters 9 and 10, and then Chapters 7 and 8 .
To conclude this chapter, we mention a very important fact of feedback . Con-
sider a plant with transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) and consider the feedback
configuration shown in Figure 6 .20. Suppose the transfer function of the compensator
is C(s) = B(s)/A(s) . Then the overall transfer function is given by
B(s) N(s)
C(s)G(s) _ A(s) D(s) _ B(s)N(s)
G,(s) =
I + C(s)G(s) 1 + B(s) N(s) A(s)D(s) + B(s)N(s)
A(s) D(s)
r + u Y
C(s) G (s)
The zeros of G(s) and C(s) are the roots of N(s) and B(s) ; they remain to be the zeros
of G0(s). In other words, feedback does not affect the zeros of G(s) and C(s) . The
poles of G(s) and C(s) are the roots of D(s) and A(s) ; after feedback, the poles of
G0(s) become the roots of A(s)D(s) + B(s)N(s) . The total numbers of poles before
feedback and after are the same, but their positions have now been shifted from D(s)
and A(s) to A(s)D(s) + B(s)N(s) . Therefore, feedback affects the poles but not the
zeros of the plant transfer function . The given plant can be stable or unstable, but
we can always introduce feedback and compensators to shift the poles of G(s) to
desired position . Therefore feedback can make a good overall system out of a bad
plant . In the outward approach, we choose a C(s) and hope that G 0(s) will be a good
overall transfer function . In the inward approach, we choose a good G 0 (s) and then
compute C(s) .
6.1 . Find the ranges of f3i so that the following transfer functions have position
errors smaller than 10% .
a.. + 00
s 2 +2s+2
2 + f31 s + f3o
b. s3a2s 2
+3s +2s+3
c. s 3 I32s 2 +p1s+I3
+2s 2 +9s+68
6.2. Find the ranges of f3 ; so that the transfer functions in Problem 5 .1 have velocity
errors smaller than 10% .
6.3. Consider the three systems shown in Figure P6 .3. Find the ranges of k so that
the systems are stable and have position errors smaller than 10% .
6.4. Repeat Problem 6 .3 so that the systems have velocity errors smaller than 10% .
6.5. a. Find the range of k o such that the system in Figure P6 .5 is stable . Find the
value of k0 such that the system has a zero position error or, equivalently,
such that y will track asymptotically a step reference input .
b. If the plant transfer function in Figure P6 .5 becomes 5 .1/(s - 0.9) due to
aging, will the output still track asymptotically any step reference input? If
not, such a tracking is said to be not robust.
6 .6. Consider the unity feedback system shown in Figure 6 .4(a). We showed there
that if the loop transfer function G1(s) = C(s)G(s) is of type I or, equivalently,
can be expressed as
sD I(s)
where N1(0) 0 0 and D,(0) =A 0, and if the feedback system is stable, then the
1 Y
k -0
(s + 2)(s + 1)
r + 2 Y
(D----v- k
s(s + 1)(s + 2)
s+1 Y
k 2s
(c) Figure P6 .3
ko 5 Y
Figure P6 .5
plant output will track asymptotically any step reference input . Now show that
the tracking is robust in the sense that, even if there are perturbations in N(s)
and D(s), the position error is still zero as long as the system remains stable .
6.7. a. Consider the unity feedback system shown in Figure 6.4(a). Show that if
G,(s) is of type 2 or, equivalently, can be expressed as
= s2D1(s)
with N,(0) =A 0 and D,(0) =A 0, and if the unity feedback system is stable,
then its velocity error is zero . In other words, the plant output will track
asymptotically any ramp reference input .
b. Show that the tracking of a_ramp reference input is robust even if there are
perturbations in N,(s) and D,(s) as long as the system remains stable . Note
that GI(s) contains 1/s 2, which is the Laplace transform of the ramp refer-
ence input. This is a special case of the internal model principle, which
states that if G1(s) contains R(s), then y(t) will track r(t) asymptotically and
the tracking is robust. See Reference [15] .
6.8. Consider the system shown in Figure P6 .8. Show that the system is stable . The
plant transfer function G(s) is of type 1, is the position error of the feedback
system zero? In the unity feedback system, the position and velocity error can
be determined by system type. Is this true in nonunity feedback or other con-
G (s)
Figure P6.8
6.9. Show that if a system is designed to track t2, then the system will track any
reference input of the form ro + r t t + r2 t2.
6.10 . The movement of a recorder's pen can be controlled as shown in Figure
P6.10(a) . Its block diagram is shown in Figure P6 .10(b). Find the range of k
such that the position error is smaller than I% .
r = 0.02 m
1 Bm
k s(s + 2) 0 .02 Y
Figure P6 .10
6 .11 . Consider the systems shown in Figure P6 .11. Which of the systems are not
well posed? If not, find the input-output pair that has an improper closed-loop
transfer function.
r + V r + Y
1 s+I
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure P6 .11
6 .12 . Discuss the total stability of the systems shown in Figure P6 .11 .
6 .13 . Consider the speed control of rollers discussed in Figure 6 .18. We now model
the plant transfer function as 10/(Ts + 1), with r ranging between 4 and 6 .
Use the compensators computed in Figure 6.18 to compute the steady-state
outputs of the open-loop and feedback systems due to a unit-step reference
input for the following three cases : (a) T equals the nominal value 5, (b) T =
4, and (c) r = 6. Which system, open-loop or feedback system, is less sensitive
to parameter variations?
6.14 . a. Consider the plant transfer function shown in Figure 6 .18 . Find a k in Figure
P6 .14, if it exists, such that the overall transfer function in Figure P6 .14
equals 2/(s + 2) .
b. If the plant has a disturbance as shown in Figure 6 .18, find the steady-state
output of the overall system in (a) due to a unit-step disturbance input .
c. Which feedback system, Figure 6 .18(c) or Figure P6 .14, is less sensitive to
plant perturbations? The loop transfer function in Figure 6 .18(c) is of type
1 . Is the loop transfer function in Figure P6 .14 of type 1?
r + y Y
O 5s + 1
Figure P6.14
6.15 . Consider the system shown in Figure P6 .15. The noise generated by the am-
plifier is represented by n . If r = sin t and n = 0 .1 sin 10t, what are the steady-
state outputs due to r and n? What is the ratio of the amplitudes of the outputs
excited by r and n?
5 1
2 10
Figure P6 .15
6.16 . Consider the systems shown in Figure P6 .16 . (a) If the plant, denoted by P,
has the following nominal transfer function
s(s2 + 2s + 3)
show that the two systems have the same steady-state output due to r(t) = sin
0.1t. (b) If, due to aging, the plant transfer function becomes
s(s 2 + 2.1s + 3 .06)
what are the steady-state outputs of the two systems due to the same r?
(c) Which system has a steady-state output closer to the one in (a)?
3 +2s+3) 3(s 2 + 2s + 3)
P -
s3 + 3 .5S 2 +Ss+3 ff r + s 2 + 3 .5s + 5
(a) (b)
Figure P6 .16
6.17 . The comparison in Problem 6 .16 between the open-loop and closed-loop sys-
tems does not consider the noise due to the transducer (which is used to intro-
duce feedback) . Now the noise is modeled as shown in Figure P6 .17 .
a. Compute the steady-state y, due to n(t) = 0.1 sin lOt .
b. What is the steady-state y, due to r(t) = sin O .lt and n(t) = 0 .1 sin lOt?
c. Compare the steady-state error in the open-loop system in Figure P6.16(a)
with the one in the closed-loop system in Figure P6 .17 . Is the reduction in
the steady-state error due to the feedback large enough to offset the increase
of the steady-state error due to the noise of the transducer?
r + 3(s2 +2s+3) 1 v
sZ +3 .5s+5 s(s` + 2 . Is + 3 .06)
Figure P6 .17
6.18. a. Consider the feedback system shown in Figure P6 .18. The nominal values
of all k, are assumed to be 1 . What is its position error?
b. Compute the position error if k, = 2 and k2 = k3 = 1 . Compute the position
error if k2 = 2 and k, = k3 = 1 . Compute the position error if k3 = 2 and
k, = k2 = 1.
r +
Figure P6 .18
The Root-Locus
As was discussed in the preceding chapter, inward and outward approaches are
available for designing control systems . There are two methods in the outward ap-
proach: the root-locus method and the frequency-domain method . In this chapter,
we study the root-locus method .
In the root-locus method, we first choose a configuration, usually the unity-
feedback configuration, and a gain, a compensator of degree 0 . We then search the
gain and hope that a good control system can be obtained . If not, we then choose a
different configuration and/or a more complex compensator and repeat the design .
Because the method can handle only one parameter at a time, the form of compen-
sators must be restricted . This is basically a trial-and-error method . We first use an
example to illustrate the basic idea.
(~ ~)
G(s) s(s + 2)
It could be the transfer function of a motor driving a load . The problem is to design
an overall system to meet the following specifications :
1. Position error = 0
2. Overshoot < 5%
3. Settling time < 9 seconds
4. Rise time as small as possible .
Before carrying out the design, we must first choose a configuration and a
compensator with one open parameter. The simplest possible feedback configuration
and compensator are shown in Figure 7 .1 . They can be implemented using a pair of
potentiometers and an amplifier . The overall transfer function is
+ 2) _ k
G 0(s)
,(s) = (7.2)
1 s2 + 2s + k
s(s + 2)
The first requirement in the design is the stability of G0(s). Clearly, G0 (s) is stable
if and only if k > 0. Because G0(0) = k/k = 1, the system has zero position error
for every k > 0. Thus the design reduces to the search for a positive k to meet
requirements (2) through (4) . Arbitrarily, we choose k = 0.36 . Then G0 (s) becomes
G ,(s)
(s) 2
+ 2s + 0.36 (s + 0.2)(s + 1 .8) (73)
One way to find out whether or not G0(s) will meet (2) and (3) is to compute
analytically the unit-step response of (7.3). A simpler method is to carry out computer
simulation . If the system does not meet (2) or (3), then k = 0.36 is not acceptable .
If the system meets (2) and (3), then k = 0.36 is a possible candidate . We then
choose a different k and repeat the process . Finally, we choose from those k meeting
(2) and (3) the one that has the smallest rise time . This completes the design.
From the preceding discussion, we see that the design procedure is very tedious
and must rely heavily on computer simulation . The major difficulty arises from the
fact that the specifications are given in the time domain, whereas the design is carried
out using transfer functions, or in the s-plane . Therefore, if we can translate the time-
domain specifications into the s-domain, the design can be considerably simplified .
This is possible for a special class of transfer functions and will be discussed in the
next subsection .
r Y
s(s +2)
Im s
0)d i
C = 1 o . 60
E X~rI > Re s
n 40
~> 1 Kv I ~=cosO 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0 1 .2
s-plane Damping ratio 4
(a) (b)
Figure 7 .2 Damping ratio and overshoot .
We see that the overshoot depends only on the damping ratio . The relationship is
plotted in Figure 7 .2(b). From the plot, the range of ~ for a given overshoot can be
obtained . For example, if the overshoot is required to be less than 20%, then the
damping ratio must be larger than 0 .45, as can be read from Figure 7.2(b). Now we
translate this relationship into a pole region . Because
~ = cos 0
where 6 is defined in Figure 7.2(a), and because cos 0 is a decreasing function of 0
in 0 < 0 < 90, if ~ ? ~0, then 0 < 00 = cos -' ~0. Using this fact, the specification
on overshoot can easily be translated into a pole region in the s-plane . For example,
we have
Overshoot :!s~ 10% - ~ ? 0.6 - 0 < cos - '0.6 = 53
Overshoot !!~ ; 5% - ~ ? 0.7 -> 0 < cos - '0.7 = 45 0
In other words, for the system in (7.4), if the overshoot is required to be less than
5%, then the poles of G0(s) must lie inside the sector bounded by 45, as is shown
in Figure 7 .3. This translates the specification on overshoots into a desired pole
region .
Next we consider the settling time . As defined in Section 6 .3 .3, the settling time
is the time needed for the step response to reach and stay within 2% of its steady-
state value . The difference between y(t) in (7 .5) and its steady state y s = I is
con e - Ut (on e _ f _ e at
D : _ I y(t) - I I = sin (coa t + 8) (7 .6)
UI - ~ 2
Wd Cod
for ~ < 1 . Note that a- = own is the magnitude of the real part of the poles (see
Figure 7 .2) ; it is the distance of the complex-conjugate poles from the imaginary
10 percent overshoot Im s
5 percent
Re s
Im S
C 45
Re s
~I -
Overshoot J
Settling time
Figure 7 .4 Desired pole region .
Exercise 7 .2.1
By definition, the rise time is the time required for the step response of G0(s) to
rise from 0 to 90 percent of its steady-state value . The translation of the rise time
into a pole region cannot be done quantitatively, as in the case of overshoot and
settling time . All we can say is that, generally, the farther away the closest pole s
from the origin of the s-plane, the smaller the rise time . Strictly speaking, this state-
ment is not correct, as can be seen from Figure 4 .7. The rise times of the responses
in Figure 4 .7 are all different, even though the distances of the corresponding com-
plex poles from the origin all equal w,, . On the other hand, because the time scale
of Figure 4.7 is wt, as the distance w increases, the rise time decreases . Thus, the
assertion holds for a fixed ~ . Because there is no other better guideline, the assertion
that the farther away the closest pole from the origin, the smaller the rise time will
be used in the design .
We recapitulate the preceding discussion as follows :
These simple rules, although not necessarily exact, are very convenient to use in
design .
'The system has two poles . If they are complex, the distances of the two complex-conjugate poles from
the origin are the same. If they are real and distinct, then one pole is closer to the origin then the other .
We consider only the distance to the closer pole . If a system has three or more poles, then we consider
the pole closest to the origin .
Im s
k=5 12-
\_ i
\.\ i I -
k=0 .36 k= 1 :\ k=0
I X)( )( J( x>< I >- Res
-2 0 1
k=0 k=0.75 1
\ k=0.36
~ I -1 -
T k=2 I
7 I
7 k=5 -2-
hand side of the vertical line passing through -4 .5/t s = - 0.5 . Hence, if all poles
of G0 (s) lie inside the shaded region in Figure 7 .5, the overall system will meet the
specifications on overshoot and settling time .
The poles of G0(s) in (7 .2) for k = 0 .36, 0.75, 1, 2, and 5 are computed in the
They are plotted in Figure 7 .5. Note that there are two poles for each k. For k =
0.36, although one pole lies inside the region, the other is on the right-hand side of
the vertical line . Hence if we choose k = 0.36, the system will meet the specification
on overshoot but not that on settling time . If we choose k = 5, then the system will
meet the specification on settling time but not that on overshoot . However for k =
0 .75, 1, and 2, all the poles are within the allowable region, and the system meets
the specifications on overshoot and settling time . Now we discuss how to choose a
k from 0 .75, 1, and 2, so that the rise time will be the smallest . The poles corre-
sponding to k = 0.75 are -0 .5 and - 1 .5 ; therefore, the distance of the closer pole
from the origin is 0 .5 . The poles corresponding to k = 1 are -1 and - 1 . Their
distance from the origin is I and is larger than 0.5 . Therefore, the system with
k = 1 has a smaller rise time than the one with k = 0.75 . The poles corresponding
to k = 2 are -1 j I . Their distance from the origin is V 1 + 1 = 1 .4, which is
the largest among k = 0.75, 1, and 2 . Therefore the system with k = 2 has the
smallest rise time or, equivalently, responds fastest . The unit-step responses of the
system are shown in Figure 7 .6 . They bear out the preceding discussion .
For this example we are able to find a gain k to meet all the specifications . If
some of the specifications are more stringent, then no k may exist. For example, if
the settling time is required to be less than 2 seconds, then all poles of G0(s) must
lie on the left-hand side of the vertical line passing through - 4.5/2 = -2 .25. From
Figure 7 .5, we see that no poles meet the requirement . Therefore, no k in Figure 7 .1
can yield a system with settling time less than 2 seconds . In this case, we must
choose a different configuration and/or a more complicated compensator and repeat
the design .
Exercise 7.2.2
Consider a plant with transfer function 2/s(s + 4) . (a) Find the range of k in Figure
7 .1 such that the resulting system has overshoot less than 5% . (b) Find the range of
k such that the system has settling time smaller than 4 .5 seconds . (c) Find the range
of k to meet both (a) and (b). (d) Find a value of k from (c) such that the system has
the smallest rise time .
[Answers : (a) 0 < k < 4 . (b) 1 .5 < k < o . (c) 1 .5 < k < 4. (d) k = 4.]
1 .2
0 .8
/ k = 0 .75
0 .6
0 .2
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10
Figure 7.6 Unit-step responses .
The example in the preceding sections illustrates the essential idea of the design
method to be introduced in this chapter . The method consists of two major
components :
1. The translation of the transient performance into a desired pole region . We then
try to place the poles of the overall system inside the region by choosing a
parameter .
2. In order to facilitate the choice of the parameter, the poles of the overall system
as a function of the parameter will be plotted graphically . The method of plotting
is called the root-locus method.
In this section we discuss further the desired pole region . The root-locus method is
discussed in the next section .
The desired pole region in Figure 7 .4 is developed from a quadratic transfer
function with a constant numerator . We shall check whether it is applicable to other
types of transfer functions . Consider
G 0(s) = 1 (7 .9)
(s2 + 1 .2s + 1) (1 +
Y (t)
a=- a=4 a=1 a = 0 .6 a = 0 .2
2 4 6
Figure 7 .7 Unit-step responses of (7 .9) .
1 + -
G0(s) _ (7.10)
s2 + 1 .2s + 1
Figure 7 .8(a) shows the unit-step responses of G 0(s) for a = 4, 1, 0 .6, and 0 .2, and
Figure 7 .8(b) shows the unit-step responses of G 0(s) for a = -4, - 1, - 0.6, and
-0.2. The responses for a = 4 and -4 are quite similar to the one for a = -. In
other words, if the zero is far away (either in the right half plane or in the left half
plane) from the complex conjugate poles, the concept of dominant poles is still
applicable . As the left-half-plane zero moves closer to the origin, the overshoot and
settling time become larger . However, the rise time becomes smaller. If the zero is
in the right half plane, or a < 0, the unit-step response will become negative and
then positive. This is called undershoot.2 For a = - 4, the undershoot is hardly
detectable . However as the right-half-plane zero moves closer to the origin, the
undershoot becomes larger. The overshoot, settling time, and rise time also become
larger. Thus, the quantitative specifications developed in Figure 7 .4 are no longer
applicable . This is not surprising, because the response of a system depends on its
poles and zeros, whereas zeros are not considered in the development of the desired
pole region .
Even for the simple systems in (7 .9) and (7.10), the relationships between the
specifications for the transient performance and the pole region are no longer as
precise as for quadratic transfer functions with a constant numerator . However, be-
cause there is no other simple design guideline, the desired pole region developed
in Figure 7 .4 will be used for all overall transfer functions . Therefore, if an overall
transfer function is not quadratic as in (7 .4) and cannot be approximated by (7 .4),
then there is no guarantee that the resulting system will meet the transient specifi-
cations by placing all poles inside the desired pole region . It is therefore important
to simulate the resulting system on a computer, to check whether or not it really
meets the specifications . If it does not, the system must be redesigned .
ZIt was shown by Norimatsu and Ito [49] that if G0 (s) has an odd number of open right-half-plane real
zeros, then undershoots always occur in step responses of G,(s) .
a=4 \
a = 0.6
2 4 6
From the example in Section 7 .2, we see that the design requires the computation
of the poles of G0(s) as a function of k. In this section, we shall discuss this problem .
Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 7 .9, where G(s) is a proper
rational function and k is a real constant . Let G(s) = N(s)/D(s) . Then the overall
r + U Y
> k -* G (s)
transfer function is
kG(s) _ k D(s) _ kN(s)
G0 (s)
1 + kG(s) N(s) D(s) + kN(s)
1 + k
The poles of G0(s) are the zeros of the rational function
The roots of D(s) + k/N(s) or the poles of G0(s) as a function of a real k are called
the root loci . Many software programs are available for computing root loci . For
example, for G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) = 1/(s 2 + 2s + 0), the following commands in
version 3 .1 of MATLAB
num=[1 ] ;den =[1 2 0] ;
k= 0 :0.5:10 ;
r= rlocus(num,den,k) ;
will plot 21 sets of the poles of kG(s)/(1 + kG(s)) fork = 0, 0.5, 1, 1 .5, . . ., 9 .5,
and 10. If we use version 3 .5 or the Student Edition of MATLAB, the command
will plot the complete root loci on the screen . Therefore, to use an existing computer
program to compute root loci is very simple . Even so, it is useful to understand the
general properties of root loci . From the properties, we can often obtain a rough plot
of root loci even without any computation or measurement . This can then be used
to check the correctness of computer printout .
To simplify discussion, we assume
G(s) = q(s + z 1 )(s + z2) (7 .14)
(s + P1)(s + P2)(s + P3)
where -z, and -p, denote, respectively, zeros and poles, and q is a real constant,
positive or negative . Because G(s) is assumed to have real coefficients, complex-
conjugate poles and zeros must appear in pairs . Now we shall write 1 + kG(s) _
0 as
q(s + z 1 )(s + z2 ) 1
G(s) _ _ - k (7 .15)
(s + p1)(s + p2)(s + p3)
Then the roots of D(s) + kN(s) are those s, real or complex, which satisfy (7 .15)
for some real k. Note that for each s, say s 1 , each factor on the left-hand side of
(7:15) is a vector emitting from a pole or zero to s 1 , as shown in Figure 7 .10. The
magnitude I I is the length of the vector . The phase < is the angle measured from
the direction of positive real axis ; it is positive if measured counterclockwise, nega-
tive if measured clockwise . The substitution of
s l + z; = Is, + z,l ei'I s s +z,> = Is, + z,l eje
S1 + p, = Is, + p,l ei<(s ' + P;) = Is, + p,l ei0i
into (7 .15) yields
Iql Is, + z1lei(4 +e,+e2)
Is1 + z2l
i,+02+03> (7.16)
Is, + P1l ISI + P21 is, + P31 e k
This equation actually consists of two parts : the magnitude condition
IqI Is, + zil ISI + z2I 1
Is1 + PIl ISI + P21 ISI + P31 k
Re s
We see that the constant k does not appear explicitly in (7.19). Thus the search
for the root loci becomes the search for all s 1 at which the total phase of G(s 1) equals
0 or in If s1 satisfies (7 .19), then there exists a real k 1 such that D(s 1 ) + k,N(s 1 ) _
0. This k1 can be computed from (7.17).
We recapitulate the preceding discussion in the following . The poles of G0(s)
or, equivalently, the roots of D(s) + kN(s) for some real k are those s 1 such that the
total phase of G(s 1) equals 0 or IT. The way to search for those s 1 is as follows . First
we choose an arbitrary s, and draw vectors from the poles and zeros of G(s) to s 1
as shown in Figure 7 .10 . We then use a protractor to measure the phase of each
vector . If the total phase is 0 or 7r, then s 1 is a point on the root loci . If the total
phase is neither 0 nor IT, then s 1 is not on the root loci . We then try a different point
and repeat the process . This is a trial-and-error method and appears to be hopelessly
complicated . However, using the properties to be discussed in the next subsection,
we can often obtain a rough sketch of root loci without any measurement .
complex s-plane . We first plot all poles and zeros on the s-plane and then measure
the angle from every pole and zero to a chosen s . Note that the constant q does not
appear on the plot, but it still contributes a phase to (7.19) . To simplify discussion,
we assume in this section that q > 0. Then the phase of q is zero and the total phase
of G(s) will be contributed by the poles and zeros only . We discuss now the general
properties of the roots of the polynomial
D(s) + kN(s) (7 .21)
or the zeros of the rational function
1 + k = 1 + kG(s)
or the solutions of the equation
N(s) q(s + zl)(s + z2) . (s +Z m) - 1
-k (7 .22)
D(s) (s + Pi)(s + P 2) . . . (s + p)
as a function of real k. To simplify discussion, we consider only k ? 0. In this case,
the root loci consist of all s at which G(s) has a total phase of ar radians or 180.
This is the phase condition in (7 .19); the magnitude condition in (7 .17) will not be
used in this section .
The root loci consist of n continuous trajectories as k varies continuously from 0
to cc . The trajectories are symmetric with respect to the real axis .
The polynomial in (7 .21) has degree n. Thus for each real k, there are n roots.
Because the roots of a polynomial are continuous functions of its coefficients, the n
roots form n continuous trajectories as k varies from 0 to oc . Because the coefficients
of G(s) are real by assumption, complex-conjugate roots must appear in pairs . There-
fore the trajectories are symmetric with respect to the real axis .
Every section of the real axis with an odd number of real poles and zeros
(counting together) on its right side is a part of the root loci for k ? 0. 3
If k ? 0, the root loci consist of those s with total phases equal to 180 . Recall
that we have assumed q > 0, thus the total phase of G(s) is contributed by poles
and zeros only. We use examples to establish this property . Consider
(s + 4)
Gt(s) = (7.23)
(s - 1)(s + 2)
3 More generally, if q > 0 and k > 0 or q < 0 and k < 0, then every section of the real axis whose right-
hand side has an odd number of real poles and real zeros is part of the root loci . If q < 0 and k > 0 or
q > 0 and k < 0, then every section of the real axis whose right-hand side has an even number of real
poles and real zeros is part of the root loci .
Their poles and zeros are plotted in Figure 7 .11(a) . If we choose s 1 = 2 .5 in Figure
7.11(a) and draw vectors from poles 1 and -2 to s 1 and from zero -4 to s1, then
the phase of every vector is zero . Therefore, the total phase of G 1(s 1) is zero. Thus
s, - 2.5 is not a zero of 1 + kG1(s) = 0 for any positive real k. If we choose
s2 = 0 and draw vectors as shown in Figure 7 .11(a), then the total phase is
0 - 0 - 7r = - 7r
which equals 7r after the addition of 27T. Thus s2 = 0 is on the root loci . In fact,
every point in [ - 2, 1 ] has a total phase of ar, thus the entire section between [ - 2,
1 ] is part of the root loci . The total phase of every point between
[-4, -2] can be shown to be 2rr, therefore the section is not on the root loci . The
total phase of every point in (, -4] is -rr, thus it is part of the root loci . The two
sections (-, -4] and [-2, 1] have odd numbers of real poles and zeros on their
right-hand sides.
The transfer function in (7 .23) has only real poles and zeros . Now we consider
2(s + 2)
G2(s) = (s + (7 .24)
3)2(s + 1 + j4)(s + 1 - j4)
which has a pair of complex-conjugate poles . The net phase due to the pair to any
point on the real axis equals 0 or 2rr as shown in Figure 7 .11(b) . Therefore, in
applying property 2, complex-conjugate poles and zeros can be disregarded . Thus
for k > 0, the sections (--, -3] and [-3, -2] are part of the root loci .
Exercise 7 .4.1
Exercise 7 .4.2
The n trajectories migrate from the poles of G(s) to the zeros of G(s) as k
increases from 0 to oc .
(a) (b)
Figure 7 .11 Root loci on real axis.
The roots of (7 .21) are simply the roots of D(s) if k = 0. The roots of D(s)
+ kN(s) = 0 are the same as the roots of
+ N(s) = 0
Thus its roots approach those of N(s) as k ---> - . Therefore, as k increases from 0 to
cc, the root loci exit from the poles of G(s) and enter the zeros of G(s) . There is one
problem, however. The number of poles and the number of zeros may not be the
same. If n (the number of poles) > m (the number of zeros), then m trajectories will
enter the m zeros . The remaining (n - m) trajectories will approach (n - m) asymp-
totes, as will be discussed in the next property .
For large s, the root loci will approach (n - m) number of straight lines, called
asymptotes, emitting from
I Poles - I Zeros
(7 .27a)
(No. of poles - No. of zeros' 0
called the centroid.4 These (n - m) asymptotes have angles
Ir 3 1r 5Tr
(7 .27b)
n - m n - m n - m
4If G(s) has no zeros, then the centroid equals the center of gravity of all poles .
These formulas will give only (n - m) distinct angles. We list some of the
angles in the following table .
n - m Angles of asymptotes
1 180
2 901
3 60, 180-
4 45, 135
5 36, 108, 180
We justify the property by using the pole-zero pattern shown in Figure 7 .12(a).
For s l very large, the poles and zeros can be considered to cluster at the same point-
say, a-as shown in Figure 7 .12(b) . Note the units of the scales in Figure 7 .12(a)
and (b). Consequently the transfer function in (7 .22) can be approximated by
q(s + zl ) . . . (s + zm) q for s very large (7.28)
(S + p i ) . . . (S + pn) (S - a)n-m
In other words, all m zeros are canceled by poles, and only (n - m) poles are left
at a. Now we compute the relationship among zi, pi, and a. After canceling q, we
turn (7 .28) upside down and then expand it as
(s+pl) . . .(s+pn)= S n +(y pi)Sn-1 + . . . y-m (S - a
(S + Zl) . . . (S + Zm) s m + (I'Zi ) S m-1 + . . .
Im s Im s
(a) (b)
Figure 7.12 Asymptotes .
Exercise 7 .4.3
Find the centroids and asymptotes for G3(s) in (7.25) and G4 (s) in (7.26).
[Answers : (1.5, 0), 90; no need to compute centroid, 180 .]
5 The G(s) in (7 .20) can be, for s very large, approximated by q/s" - ' . Because it equals zero at s = -,
G(s) can be considered to have n - m number of zeros at s = - . These zeros are located at the end of
the (n - m) asymptotes. If these infinite zeros are included, then the number of zeros equals the number
of poles, and the n trajectories will emit from the n poles and approach the n finite and infinite zeros .
Breakaway points-Solutions of D(s)N'(s) - D'(s)N(s) = 0.
where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to s. The elimination of k from
(7.29) yields
D' (so)
D(so) - N(so) = 0
Im S
i 90
-6 -4 -2 A
which implies
D(so)N'(so) - D'(so)N(so) = 0 (7 .30)
Thus a breakaway point so must satisfy (7 .30) and can be obtained by solving the
equation . For example, if G(s) = (s + 4)/(s - 1)(s + 2), then
D(s) =s 2 +s-2 D'(s) = 2s + 1
N(s) = s + 4 N' (s) = 1
D(s)N'(s) - D'(s)N(s) = s2 + s - 2 -(2s 2 + 9s + 4) = 0 (7 .31)
s 2 +Ss+6=0
Its roots are - 0.8 and -7.2 . Thus the root loci have two breakaway points at A =
- 0.8 and B = - 7 .2 as shown in Figure 7 .13 . For this example, the two solutions
yield two breakaway points . In general, not every solution of (7 .30) is necessarily a
breakaway point for k ? 0. Although breakaway points occur mostly on the real
axis, they may appear elsewhere, as shown in Figure 7 .14(a). If two loci break away
from a breakaway point as shown in Figure 7 .13 and Figure 7 .14(a), then their
tangents will be 180 apart. If four loci break away from a breakaway point (it has
four repeated roots) as shown in Figure 7 .14(b), then their tangents will equally
divide 360.
With the preceding properties, we are ready to complete the root loci in Figure
7.13 or, equivalently, the solutions of
s + 4 1
(s - 1)(s + 2) k
(a) (b)
Figure 7 .14 Breakaway points.
for k ? 0 . As discussed earlier, the sections (- -, -4] and [-2, 1] are parts of the
root loci . There is one asymptote that coincides with the negative real part . There
are two breakaway points as shown. Because the root loci are continuous, the root
loci must assume the form indicated by the dotted line shown in Figure 7 .13 . The
exact loci, however, must be obtained by measurement . Arbitrarily we choose an s 1
and draw vectors from zero - 4 and poles - 2 and 1 to s 1 as shown in Figure 7 .13 .
The phase of each vector is measured using a protractor. The total phase is
90 - 135 - 158 = -203
which is different from 180 . Thus s 1 is not on the root loci . We then try s2, and
the total phase is measured as -190 . It is not on the root loci . We then try s 3, and
the total phase roughly equals -180 . Thus s3 is on the root loci . From the fact that
they break away at point A, pass through s3 , and come in at point B, we can obtain
the root loci as shown . Clearly the more points we find on the root loci, the more
accurate the plot. The root loci in Figure 7 .13 happens to be a circle with radius 3 .2
and centered at -4 . This completes the plot of the root loci of G1 (s) in (7.23).
Exercise 7 .4.4
Find the breakaway points for G3(s) in (7 .25) and G4(s) in (7 .26). Also complete the
root loci of G3(S)-
Every trajectory will depart from a pole . If the pole is real and distinct, the
direction of the departure is usually 0 or 180. If the pole is complex, then the
direction of the departure may assume any degree between 0 and 360 . Fortunately
this angle can be measured in one step . Similarly the angle for a trajectory to arrive
at a zero can also be measured in one step . We now discuss their measurement .
Consider the transfer function G 2(s) in (7.24). Its partial root loci are obtained
in Figure 7 .11(b) and repeated in Figure 7 .15(a) . There are four poles, so there are
four trajectories . One departs from the pole at - 3 and enters the zero at - 2. One
departs from another pole at - 3 and moves along the asymptote on the negative
real axis . The last two trajectories will depart from the complex-conjugate poles and
move toward the asymptotes with angles 60 . To find the angle of departure, we
draw a small circle around pole -1 + j4 as shown in Figure 7 .15(b) . We then find
a point s 1 on the circle with a total phase equal to in Let s 1 be an arbitrary point on
the circle and let the phase from pole -1 + j4 to s 1 be denoted by 01. If the radius
of the circle is very small, then the vectors drawn from the zero and all other poles
to s 1 are the same as those drawn to the pole at - 1 + j4 . Their angles can be
measured, using a protractor, as 76, 63 , and 90 . Therefore, the total phase of G 2(s)
63 76
Re s
(a) (b)
Figure 7 .15 Root loci of G 2(s).
at s, is
76 - (63 + 63 + 90 + 9,) = - 140 - 0,
Note that there are two poles at - 3, therefore there are two 63 in the phase equation .
In order for s, to be on the root loci, the total phase must be 180 . Thus we have
01 = 40 . This is the angle of departure .
Once we have the asymptote and the angle of departure, we can draw a rough
trajectory as shown in Figure 7 .15. Certainly, if we find a point, say A = j5 shown
in the figure, with total phase 180, then the plot will be more accurate . In conclusion,
using the properties discussed in this section, we can often obtain a rough sketch of
root loci with a minimum amount of measurement .
Exercise 7 .4.5
Compute the angle of arrival for G 4(s) in (7 .26) and then complete its root loci .
14 Using the properties discussed in the preceding subsection, we can often obtain a
rough sketch of root loci . However, because the roots of polynomials are very sen-
sitive to coefficients, small changes in coefficients may yield entirely different root
loci . For example, consider the transfer function
G(s) = - a - j/3)(s - a + jf3)(s- a) 732
It has three poles . If a = a + V"3-f3 or, equivalently, if the three poles form an
equilateral triangle, then the root loci are all straight lines as shown in Figure 7 .16(a).
If a < a + \f3, then the root loci are as shown in Figure 7 .16(b) . If a >
a + ~/3, then the root loci have two breakaway points as shown in Figure 7 .16(c).
Although the relative positions of the three poles are the same for the three cases,
their root loci have entirely different patterns .
As an another example, consider
s + 1
G(s) = (7 .33)
S 2(s + a)
Its approximate root loci for a = 3, 7, 9, and 11 are shown in Figure 7 .17 . It has
two asymptotes with degrees 90 0, emitting respectively from
3 - 1 2
As a moves away from the origin, the pattern of root loci changes drastically . There-
fore to obtain exact root loci from the properties is not necessarily simple . On the
other hand, none of the properties is violated in these plots . Therefore the properties
can be used to check the correctness of root loci by a computer .
--4 G (s)
Im s
x 3-
k2\ -143
-3.7 -0.27 1 kt
I I ' I II 1 A / X I I I - Re s
-6 -5 -4 -2 -1 ` O 1 2 3 4
-2- 0
-143. We compute
D(s)N'(s) - D'(s)N(s) = (s3 + 5s 2 + 12s - 18)(2s - 2)
-(3S 2 + 10s + 12)(s 2 - 2s + 5) = _S4 + 4s3 + 7s 2 - 86s - 24
Its roots are computed, using MATLAB, as 3 .9870 j2 .789, - 3.7, and - 0.274 .
Clearly, - 3.7 and - 0.274 are breakaway points, but not the complex-conjugate
roots . Using the breakaway points and departure angles, we can readily obtain a
rough sketch of root loci as shown in Figure 7.19 with heavy lines . As k increases
from 0 to -, the three roots of D(s) + kN(s) or, equivalently, the three poles of the
unity-feedback system in Figure 7.18 will move along the trajectories as indicated
by arrows .
The rates of emigration of the three closed-loop poles are not necessarily the
same . To see this, we list the poles for k = 0, 1 and 2:
k=0: 1,-3j3
k = 1 : 0 .83,-3 .4j2
k = 2 : 0 .62,-5 .1,-2 .9
We see that, at k = 1, the complex-conjugate poles have moved quite far away from
-3 j3, but the real pole is still very close to 1 . As k continues to increase, the
complex-conjugate poles collide at s = - 3.7, and then one moves to the left and
the other to the right on the real axis . The pole moving to the left approaches --
as k approaches infinity . The one moving to the right collides with the real pole
emitting from 1 at s = - 0.274 . They split and then enter the complex-conjugate
zeros of G(s) with angles 143 . They cross the imaginary axis roughly at s =
jl .
From the preceding discussion, we can now determine the stability range of k.
At k = 0, the unity-feedback system has one unstable pole at s = 1 and one pair
of stable complex-conjugate poles at - 3 j3 . As k increases, the unstable closed-
loop pole moves from 1 into the left half plane . It is on the imaginary axis at
k = k1 , and then becomes stable fork > k l. Note that the complex-conjugate closed-
loop poles remain inside the open left half plane and are stable as k increases from
0 to k 1. Therefore, the unity-feedback system is stable if k > k1 . The three closed-
loop poles remain inside the open left half plane until k = k 2, where the root loci
intersect with the imaginary axis . Then the closed-loop complex-conjugate poles
move into the right half plane and become unstable . Therefore, the unity-feedback
system is stable if k 1 < k < k2.
To compute k 1 and k2, we must use the magnitude equation . The magnitude of
(7.35) is
i s- 1 + j21 Is -
1 -j21 -1 1
(7 .36)
is fIIs+3+j3IIs+3-131 = k k
where we have used the fact that k > 0 . Note that k1 is the gain of the root loci at
s = 0 and k2 the gain at s = j 1 . To compute k1, we sets = 0 in (7 .36) and compute
1 I - 1+ j21 - 1- 12l V V 1
kl 13 + j31 13 - j31 \ V 3 .6
which implies k1 = 3.6 . This step can also be carried out by measurement . We draw
vectors from all the poles and zeros to s = 0 and then measure their magnitudes .
Certainly, excluding possible measurement errors, the result should be the same as
(7 .37) . To compute k2, we draw vectors from all the poles and zeros to s = j 1 and
measure their magnitudes to yield
1 .4 X 3 .2 1
1 .4 x 3.6 X 5 k2
which implies
k2 = 5.6
Thus we conclude that the overall system is stable in the range
3.6 = k1 < k < k2 = 5.6
This result is the same as the one obtained by using the Routh test .
Exercise 7 .4.6
Consider the G2(s) in (7 .24) with its root loci plotted in Figure 7 .15 . Find the range
of positive k in which the system is stable .
[Answer : 0 < k < 38 .]
In this section we discuss the design using the root-locus method . We use the ex-
ample in (7 .1) to develop a design procedure . The procedure, however, is applicable
to the general case . It consists of the following steps :
Step 1 : Choose a configuration and a compensator with one open parameter k such
as the one in Figure 7 .1 .
Step 2 : Compute the overall transfer function and then find the range of k for the
system to be stable and to meet steady-state specifications . If no such k
exists, go back to Step 1 .
Step 3: Plot root loci that yield the poles of the overall system as a function of the
Step 4: Find the desired pole region from the' specifications on overshoot and set-
tling time as shown in Figure 7 .4 .
Step 5: Find the range of k in which the root loci lie inside the desired pole region .
If no such k exists, go to Step 1 and choose a more complicated compen-
sator or a different configuration .
Step 6 : Find the range of k that meets 2 and 5 . If no such k exists, go to Step 1 .
Step 7: From the range of k in Step 6, find a k to meet the remaining specifications,
such as the rise time or the constraint on the actuating signal . This step
may require computer simulation of the system .
We remark that in Step 2, the check of stability may be skipped because the stability
of the system is automatically met in Step 5 when all poles lie inside the desired
pole region . Therefore, in Step 2, we may simply find the range of k to meet the
specifications on steady-state performance .
Example 7 .5.1
We use an example to illustrate the design procedure . Consider a plant with transfer
s + 4
G(s) = (7.38)
(s + 2)(s - 1)
This plant has two poles and one zero . Design an overall system to meet the following
specifications :
1. Position error < 10%
2. Overshoot < 5%
3. Settling time < 4 .5 seconds
4. Rise time as small as possible .
Step 1 : We try the unity-feedback configuration shown in Figure 7 .20.
r + V
)'0 s+4
(s +2)(s- 1
Im s
Re s
Figure 7 .21 Root loci of (7 .38) .
poles lie inside the sector bounded by 45 . If 1 < k < 5, the two poles
move outside the sector . They again move inside the sector fork > 5 . Thus
if 0 .5 < k < 1 or 5 < k, the overall system meets the specification on
overshoot . If k < 1, although one pole of G0(s) is on the left-hand side of
the vertical line passing through - 1, one pole is on the right-hand side .
If k > 1, then both poles are on the left-hand side . Thus if k > 1, the
system meets the specification on settling time .
Step 6 : The preceding discussion is summarized in the following :
k > 0 .5: stable
k > 5.5: meets specification (1) . The larger k is, the smaller the
position error .
k > 5 or 1 > k > 0.5: meets specification (2)
k > 1 : meets specification (3) .
Clearly in order to meet (1), (2), and (3), k must be larger than 5 .5.
Step 7: The last step of the design is to find a k in k > 5.5 such that the system
has the smallest rise time . To achieve this, we choose a k such that the
closest pole is farthest away from the origin . From the plot we see that as
k increases, the two complex-conjugate poles of G0(s) move away from
the origin . At k = 13 .3, the two complex poles become repeated poles at
s = - 7.2. At k = 15, the poles are -10 .4 and - 6 .4; one pole moves
away from the origin, but the other moves closer to the origin . Thus, at
k = 13.3, the poles of G0(s) are farthest away from the origin and the
system has the smallest rise time . This completes the design.
It is important to stress once again that the desired pole region in Figure 7 .4 is
developed for quadratic transfer functions with a constant numerator. The G0(s) in
(7 .39) is not such a transfer function . Therefore, it is advisable to simulate the re-
sulting system. Figure 7 .22 shows the unit-step responses of the system in (7 .39) for
k = 13.3 (dashed line) and k = 5 .5 (solid line) . The system with k = 13.3 is better
than the one with k = 5 .5. Its position error, settling time, and overshoot are roughly
4%, 1 .5 seconds, and 10% . The system meets the specifications on position error
and settling time, but not on overshoot . This system will be acceptable if the re-
quirement on overshoot can be relaxed . Otherwise, we must redesign the system .
The root loci in Figure 7 .21 are obtained by using a personal computer ; there-
fore, the gain k is also available on the plot . If the root loci are obtained by hand,
then the value of k is not available on the plot . In this case, we must use the magnitude
(s + 4) -1
(s + 2)(s - 1) k
to compute k. For example, to find the value of kl shown in Figure 7 .21, we draw
vectors from all poles and zeros to s 1 and then measure their magnitudes to yield
(s + 4) _ 3 .2 _ -1
(s + 2)(s - 1) S=Sj
3 .2 x 5 k,
which implies k1 = 5. To compute k2, we draw vectors from all poles and zeros to
s2 and measure their magnitudes to yield
(s + 4) 3 .2 -1
(s + 2)(s - 1) S=S2 5.2 x 8.2 k2
1 .4
1 .2
0 .8
0 .4
0 .2
00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
Figure 7 .22 Step responses .
which implies k2 = 13 .3. Thus, the gain can be obtained from the magnitude
equation .
7.5.1 Discussion
1. Although we studied only the unity-feedback configuration in the preceding
section, the root-locus method is actually applicable to any configuration as long
as its overall transfer function can be expressed as
G0 (s) = N(s, (7 .42)
p(s) + kq(s)
where p(s) and q(s) are polynomials, independent of k, and k is a real parameter
to be adjusted . Since the root-locus method is concerned only with the poles of
G0(s), we plot the roots of
p(s) + kq(s) (7 .43a)
or the solutions of
q(s) 1
(7 .43b)
p(s) k
as a function of real k. We see that (7.43a) and (7.43b) are the same as (7 .12)
and (7.13), thus all discussion in the preceding sections is directly applicable to
(7.42). For example, consider the system shown in Figure 7 .23 . Its overall trans-
fer function is
s+k2 10
_ k1 + 2 s(s2 + 2s + 2)
G ,(s)
s + k2 10
1 + k1
s + 2 s(s2 +2s+2)
10k1(s + k2)
As + 2)(s2 + 2s + 2) + 10k 1(s + k2)
It has two parameters, k1 and k2. If we use a digital computer to plot the root
loci, it makes no difference whether the equation has one, two, or more param-
eters. Once the root loci are obtained, the design procedure is identical to the
one discussed in the preceding sections . If the root loci are to be plotted by
hand, we are able to handle only one parameter at a time . Arbitrarily, we choose
r + s + k2 u 10 Y
(s +2) s(s 2 +2s+2)
2 y
s(s + 1) (s + 5)
Im s
for k > 0 . The root loci are shown in Figure 7 .25 . There are three asymptotes with
centroid at
0 - 1 - 5
_ -2
and with angles 60 and 180 . The breakaway point can also be computed ana-
lytically by solving
D(s)N'(s) - D'(s)N(s) _ -(3s2 + 12s + 5) _ -3(s + 0 .47)(s + 3 .5)
Its solutions are - 0.47 and - 3.5 . Clearly - 0.47 is a breakaway point, but - 3 .5
is not.'
In order for the resulting system to have settling time less than 5 seconds, all
the poles of G0(s) must lie on the left-hand side of the vertical line passing through
the point - 4.5/t s = - 0.9. From the root loci in Figure 7 .25 we see that this is not
possible for any k > 0 . Therefore, the configuration in Figure 7 .24 cannot meet the
specifications .
As a next try, we introduce an additional tachometer feedback as shown in
Figure 7 .26 . Now the compensator consists of a proportional compensator with gain
2 Y
s(s + 1) (s + 5)
IM s
\ I I
\I k1= 7 1 -3
I 6
I \ 1 -2
\ Ik =1
I 4\ 3 1 X
I -I
k 1 =1 k 1 =3 \
!k1=4 k 1 =5
\ I \
Re s
-5 .4 1 2
/ I
Because G 0(0) = 1, the system in (7.45) has zero position error and its velocity
error, using (6.7), is
5+2k, - 0 2k, + 5
e(t) =
10 10
Thus the smaller k,, the smaller the error . To meet the specification on overshoot,
all poles must lie in the sector bounded by 45, as shown in Figure 7.27 . The real
pole lies inside the sector for all k, > 0. The complex poles move into the section
at about k, = 3 and move out at about k, = 6.5. Therefore, if 3 < k, < 6.5, then
all three closed-loop poles lie inside the sector and the system meets the specification
on overshoot. To meet the specification on settling time, all poles must lie on the
left-hand side of the vertical line passing through - 4.5/5 = - 0.9. The real pole
moves into the right-hand side at about k, = 5 ; the complex poles move into the
left-hand side at about k, = 2 .5 . Therefore if 2.5 < k, < 5, then all poles lie on the
left-hand side of the vertical line and the system meets the specification on settling
time . Combining the preceding two conditions, we conclude that if 3 < k, < 5, then
the system meets the specifications on overshoot and settling time .
The condition for the system to have the smallest rise time is that the closest
pole be as far away as possible from the origin . Note that for each k,, G0(s) in (7.45)
has one real pole and one pair of complex-conjugate poles . We list in the following
the poles and their shortest distance from the origin for k t = 3, 4, and 5 :
Because the system corresponding to k t = 4 has the largest shortest distance, it has
the smallest rise time among k t = 3, 4, and 5 . Recall that the velocity error is smaller
if k t is smaller. Therefore, if the requirement on velocity error is more important,
then we choose k t = 3. If the requirement on rise time is more important, than we
choose kt = 4. This completes the design .
The overall transfer function in (7 .45) is not quadratic ; therefore, the preceding
design may not meet the design specifications . Figure 7 .28 shows the unit-step re-
sponses of (7.45) for kt = 4 (solid line) and 3 (dashed line) . The overshoot, settling,
and rise times of the system with k t = 4 are, respectively, 0, 3 .1 and 2 .2 seconds .
The system meets all design specifications . The overshoot, settling, and rise times
of the system with k t = 3 are, respectively, 4 .8%, 6 .1, and 1 .9 seconds . The system
does not meet the specification on settling time but meets the specification on over-
shoot . Note that the system with kt = 3 has a smaller rise time than the system with
k t = 4, although the distance of its closest poles from the origin for kt = 3 is
1 .2
0 .8 Rise Settling -
Overshoot time, time,
percent seconds seconds
Figure 7 .26 (k = 5, k 1 = 4) 0 2 .2 3 .1
0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 7 .28 Step responses .
smaller than that for k, = 4. Therefore the rule that the farther away the closest pole
from the origin, the smaller the rise time, is not applicable for this system . In con-
clusion, the system in Figure 7.26 with k = 5 and k, = 4 meets all design require-
ments and the design is completed .
Consider again the design problem studied in Section 7.6. As shown there, the design
cannot be achieved by using the configuration in Figure 7.24 . However, if we intro-
duce an additional tachometer feedback or, equivalently, if we use a PD controller,
then the design is possible . The use of tachometer feedback, however, is not the only
way to achieve the design . In this section, we discuss a different design by using a
compensating network as shown in Figure 7.29 . The transfer function of the com-
pensating network is chosen as
s + a
C(s) : (7 .47)
_ s + aa
It is called a phase-lead network, if a > 1 ; a phase-lag network, if a < 1 . The
reason for calling it phase-lead or phase-lag will be given in the next chapter . See
also Problem 7 .9.
The transfer function of the system in Figure 7.29 is
s + a 2
- s + aa s(s + 1)(s + 5)
G(s) s + a 2
1 + k
s + as s(s + 1)(s + 5) (7 . 48)
_ 2k(s + a)
s(s + 1)(s + 5)(s + aa) + 2k(s + a)
Its denominator has degree 4 and the design using (7.48) will be comparatively
complex . To simplify design, we shall introduce a stable pole-zero cancellation .
Because both - 1 and - - 5 lie inside the desired pole region, either one can be
canceled. Arbitrarily, we choose to cancel the pole at - 1 . Thus we choose a = 1
in (7.47) and the overall transfer function in (7.48) reduces to
G(s) (7.49)
As + 5)(s 2+ a) + 2k
r + s+a 2 Y
)'0 k
s+aa s(s + 1) (s + 5)
-1 _ s(s + 5)
a s3 + 5s2 + 10 (7 .51)
s(s + 5)
(s + 5.35)(s - 0.18 + jl .36)(s - 0.18 - j1.36)
Re s
from (6.7),
5a - 0 a
e,(t) = X 100%
10 2
Hence in order to have the smallest possible velocity, error, we choose a to be a, .
The parameter a, can be obtained from (7 .51) by measurement as
-1 s(s + 5)
al (s + 5 .35)(s - 0.18 + j 1 .36)(s - 0.18 - j l .36) S=sj
_ 1 .4 X 4.1 1
4 .45 X 1 .2X2.7 2.52
which implies a, = 2 .52 . Hence by choosing k = 5, a = 1, and a = 2.52, the
system in Figure 7 .29 may meet all the design specifications, and the design is
completed . The total compensator is
k(s + a) - 5(s + 1)
s + aa s + 2.52
It is a phase-lead network .
The unit-step response of the system in Figure 7 .29 with (7 .52) as its compen-
sator is plotted in Figure 7 .28 with the dotted line . Its overshoot is about 3 .6%; its
settling time is 4.5 seconds . It also responds very fast . Thus the design is satisfactory.
7.1 . Sketch the root loci for the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 7 .1 with
s + 4
a. G(s) = s
2(s + 1)
b .G(s)=(s+4)(s+6)
(s - 1)(s + 1)
s2 +2s+2
c. G (s) =
(s + 1) 2(s2 + 4s + 6)
7.2. Sketch the root loci of the polynomials
a. s3 +252 +3s+ks+2k
b. s3 (l + 0.001s)(1 + 0 .002s) + k(1 + 0.1s)(1 + 0.25s)
7.3. Use the root-locus method to show that
a. The polynomials3 + s2 + s + 2 has one real root in (-2, - 1) and a pair
of complex-conjugate roots with real part in (0, 1) . [Hint: Write the poly-
nomial as s2(s + 1) + k(s + 2) with k = 1.1
b. The polynomial
s5 + 2s4 - 15s3 + s2 - 2s - 15
has three real roots and a pair of complex-conjugate roots . Also show that
the three real roots lie in (5, 3), (0, - 3), and (- 5, - cc) .
7.4. The root loci of the system shown in Figure P7 .4(a) are given in Figure P7.4(b) .
Find the following directly from measurement on the graph .
a. The stability range of k.
b. The real pole that has the same value of k as the pair of pure imaginary
poles .
c. The k that meets (i) overshoot < 20%, (ii) settling time <_ 10 seconds, and
(iii) smallest possible position error .
7.5. Consider the feedback system shown in Figure P7 .5 . Sketch root loci, as a
function of positive real k, for the following :
1 _ 4(s + 2)
a . G(s) = s(s + 1)' H(s) s + 4
s2 +4s+4 _ s+5
b. G(s) = H(s)
s(s - 1) ' s2 + 2s + 2
r + 2
(s+3) (s 2 +2s+2)
IM s
' ~ I I 1
~ 2
k --3 oo k=0 k--oo
Re s
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
i 2
(b) Figure P7 .4
Figure P7 .5
7.6. Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 7.1. Let the plant transfer
function be
s + 1
G(s) _
Find the ranges of k to meet the following
a. Position error < 10%
b. a. and overshoot < 15%
c. a., b., and settling time < 4 .5 seconds
d. a., b., c ., and the smallest possible rise time .
Digital measurement
Hydraulic motor
-l Machine
D/A tool
Tape Comparator converter
reader 1 S2
.000, END
1 -0 3
k 1+2s s(O.3s+ 1)
Figure P7 .7
7 .8 . The depth below sea level of a submarine can be maintained by the control
system shown in Figure P7 .8 . The transfer function from the stem plane angle
0 to the actual depth y of the submarine can be modeled as
10(s + 2)2
G(s) _ (s + 10)(s 2 + 0.1)
The depth of the submarine is measured by a pressure transducer, which is
assumed to have a transfer function of 1 . Find the smallest k such that the
Actuator and
submarine dynamics
Figure P7 .8
position error is less than 5%, the settling time is less than 10 seconds, and the
overshoot is less than 2% .
7 .9. a. Consider C(s) = (s + 2)/(s + 1). Compute its phase at s = jl . Is it
positive or negative?
b. Consider C(s) = (s + a)/(s + b) . Show that the phase of G(j(o) for every
u> > 0 is positive for 0 < a < b and negative for 0 < b < a . (Thus, the
transfer function is called a phase-lead network if b > a and a phase-lag
network if a > b .)
7 .10. Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure P7 .10 . Use the Routh test
to find the range of real a for the system to be stable . Verify the result by using
the root-locus method . Find the a such that the system has the smallest settling
time and overshoot. Is it a phase-lead or phase-lag network?
)'0 s+a I
Figure P7 .10
7 .11 . The speed of a motor shaft can be controlled accurately using a phase-locked
loop [39] . The schematic diagram of such a system and its block diagram are
shown in Figure P7 .11 . The desired speed is transformed into a pulse sequence
with a fixed frequency . The encoder at the motor shaft generates a pulse stream
whose frequency is proportional to the motor speed . The phase comparator
generates a voltage proportional to the difference in phase and frequency .
Sketch the root loci of the system . Does there exist a k such that the settling
time of the system is smaller than I second and the overshoot is smaller than
10 percent?
Desired Motor
speed speed
Phase Compensation Amplifier
Encoder detector network Motor
1lN1fL ncode
0.2 0.4s+ 1 20
S 4s 0 .ls+ 1
Figure P7 .11
7 .12 . The transfer function from the thrust deflection angle u to the pitch angle 0 of
a guided missile is found to be
4(s + 0.05)
G(s) =
s(s + 2)(s - 1 .2)
The configuration of the compensator is chosen as shown in Figure P7 .12. The
transfer function of the actuator is G 1(s) = 1/(s + 6.1). If kt = 2k2, find a
kt, if it exists, such that the position error is less than 10%, the overshoot is
less than 15%, and the settling time is less than 10 seconds .
Actuator Missile
u 0
G I (s) G (s) 1
Figure P7 .12
7 .13 . Consider the control system shown in Figure P7 .13 . Such a system may be
used to drive potentiometers, dials, and other devices . Find kt and k2 such that
the position error is zero, the settling time is less than 1 second, and the over-
shoot is less than 5% . Can you achieve the design without plotting root loci?
Amplifier Motor Gear train
r U 10 1
4 i s(s+1) 5
k s
Figure P7 .13
7 .14 . One way to stabilize an ocean liner, for passengers' comfort, is to use a pair
of fins as shown in Figure P7 .14(a) . The fins are controlled by an actuator,
which is itself a feedback system consisting of a hydraulic motor . The transfer
function of the actuator, compared with the dynamics of the liner, may be
simplified as a constant k. The equation governing the roll motion of the
liner is
JO(t) + 716(t) + aO(t) = ku(t)
where 0 is the roll angle, and ku(t) is the roll moment generated by the fins .
The block diagram of the linear and actuator is shown in Figure P7 .14(b) . It
is assumed that a/J = 0.3, r,/2V'aJ = 0 .1, and k/a = 0.05. A possible
configuration is shown in Figure P7 .14(c) . If kt = 5, find a k2, if it exists, such
that (1) position error < 15%, (2) overshoot <_ 5%, and (3) settling time < 30
seconds. If no such k2 exists, choose a different k, and repeat the design .
r I
u k I B
Js 2 +ris+a I
(a) (b)
0 .015
s 2 +0 .11s+0.3
7 .15 . A highly simplified model for controlling the yaw of an aircraft is shown in
Figure P7 .15(a), where 0 is the yaw error and 0 is the rudder deflection . The
rudder is controlled by an actuator whose transfer function can be approximated
as a constant k. Let J be the moment of inertia of the aircraft with respect to
the yaw axis . For simplicity, it is assumed that the restoring torque is propor-
tional to the rudder deflection (t) ; that is,
JO(t) = -kcp(t)
The configurations of compensators are chosen as shown in Figure P7 .15(b),
(c), and (d), where G(s) = - k/Js 2 = - 2/s 2. We are required to design an
overall system such that (1) velocity error < 10%, (2) overshoot < 10%,
(3) settling time < 5 seconds, and (4) rise time is as small as possible . Is it
possible to achieve the design using configuration (b)? How about (c) and (d)?
In using (c) and (d), do you have to plot the root loci? In this problem, we
assume that the saturation of the actuating signal will not occur .
7 .16. Consider the plant discussed in Section 6 .2 and shown in Figure 6.1 . Its transfer
function is computed as
G(s) =
s(s3 + 184s2 + 760.5s + 162)
G (s)
k S+/3 G(s)
s s+a
Figure P7 .15
Design an overall system such that (1) position error < 10%, (2) settling time
~ 5 seconds, and (3) overshoot is as small as possible .
7 .17 .Consider the system shown in Figure 7 .26 . Let k = 10 . Use the root-locus
method to find a k, so that the system meets the specifications listed in
Section 7.6.
7.18 . Consider the system shown in Figure 7 .26 . Let k, = 4. Use the root-locus
method to find a k so that the system meets the specifications listed in Section
7.19 . In Figure 7 .29, if we choose a = 5, then the system involves a stable pole-
zero cancellation at s = - 5 . Is it possible to find k and a in Figure 7 .29 so
that the system meets the specifications listed in Section 7 .6? Compare your
design with the one in Section 7 .7 which has a stable pole-zero cancellation at
In this chapter we introduce a design method that, like the root-locus method, takes
the outward approach. In this approach, we first choose a configuration, then search
a compensator and hope that the resulting overall system will meet design specifi-
cations . The method is mainly limited to the unity-feedback configuration shown in
Figure 8 .1, however . Because of this, it is possible to translate the design specifi-
cations for the overall system into specifications for the plant transfer function G(s) .
If G(s) does not meet the specifications, we then search for a compensator C(s) so
that C(s)G(s) will meet the specifications and hope that the resulting unity-feedback
configuration in Figure 8 .1 will perform satisfactorily . Thus, in this method we work
directly on G(s) and C(s) . However, the objective is still the overall system
G0(s) = G(s)C(s)/(1 + G(s)C(s)) . This feature is not shared by any other design
The method has another important feature ; it uses only the information of G(s)
along the positive imaginary axis, that is, G(jto) for all co ? 0. Thus the method is
called the frequency-domain method. As discussed in Chapter 4, G(jco) can be ob-
tained by direct measurement. Once G(jw) is measured, we may proceed directly
to the design without computing the transfer function G(s). On the other hand, if we
are given a transfer function G(s), we must first compute G(jw) before carrying out
the design . Thus we discuss first the plotting of G(jw) .
r U y
C(s) G (s)
Im G(jw) I G(j(O) dB I
-45 1 2 Re G(jw) 0 .01 0 .1 1 10 100 1000 w
-1 / 0
w = 0 .5
1 2
log w
4 G (jw)
FA 0 .5
2 -45 w
0.1 1 10 100
- -45
I _901 -
(b) (c)
Figure 8 .2 Frequency of plots of G(s) .
20 log 0 .1 = - 20 dB
Note that the decibel gain is positive if I G(jw)I 1, and negative if IGjwI < 1 . The
gain versus frequency, and phase versus frequency . The gain is expressed in decibels,
the phase in degrees . The frequency on the horizontal coordinate is expressed in
logarithmic units as shown . Thus w = 1 corresponds to 0 ; w = 10 corresponds to
1 ; w = 100 corresponds to 2, and so forth . Note that w = 0 appears at -oo. Thus
point A should appear at -- and has 6 dB and zero degree . The complete Bode
plot of G(s) in (8.1) is plotted in Figure 8.2(c). We remark that w appears as a
variable on the plots in Figure 8 .2(a) and (b) whereas it appears as coordinates in
Figure 8.2(c). Although the three plots in Figure 8 .2 look entirely different, they are
plots of the same G(jw) . It is clear that if any plot is available, the other two plots
can be obtained by change of coordinates .
With digital computers, the computation and plotting of G(jw) become very
simple . Even so, it is useful to be able to estimate a rough sketch of G(j(O) . This is
illustrated by an example .
Example 8.2 .1
Plot the polar plot of
G(s) = s(s + 1)(s + 2)
Before computing G(jw) for any w, we shall estimate first the values of G(j(O) as
w ---> 0 and w ---> - . Clearly we have
s - 0 or w - 0: G(s) - 2 or G(jc)) ~ =* IG(jco)l < G(jw) _ -90
They imply that for w very small, the phase is - 90 and the amplitude is very large .
Thus the plot will start somewhere in the region denoted by A shown in Figure
8.3(a). As w increases to infinity, the plot will approach zero or the origin with phase
Im G(jco) Im G(jc))
w=~ 1 1
Re G(jw) I i Re G(jw)
0 0
0 .6
162 B
(a) (b)
Figure 8 .3 Polar plot of (8.2).
Exercise 8 .2 .1
Plot the polar, log magnitude-phase, and Bode plots of G(s) = 1/(s + 2) .
To conclude this section, we discuss the plot of G(s) = 1/(s + 0 .5) using
MATLAB . We first list the commands for version 3 .1 of MATLAB:
n=[1] ;d=[1 0 .5] ;
w = logspace( -1,2) or w = logspace( -1,2,200) ;
[re,im] = nyquist(n,d,w) ;
plot(re,im),title('Polar plot')
[mag,pha]=bode(n,d,w) ;
db=20*log10(mag) ;
plot(pha,db),title('Log magnitude-phase plot')
semilogx(w,db),title('Bode gain plot')
semilogx(w,pha),title('Bode phase plot')
The numerator and denominator of G(s) are represented by the row vectors n and
d, with coefficients arranged in descending power of s, separated by spaces or com-
mas. Command logspace( -1,2,200) generates 200 equally spaced frequencies in
logarithmic scale between 10 -1 = 0 .1 and 102 = 100 radians per second. If 200
is not typed, the default is 50 . Thus logspace( -1,2) generates 50 equally spaced
frequencies between 0.1 and 100. Command nyquist(n,d,w) 1 computes the real part
and imaginary part of G(jw) at w. Thus, plot(re,im) generates a polar plot. Com-
mand bode(n,d,w) computes the magnitude and phase of G(jw) at w . The magni-
'The name Nyquist will be introduced in a later section . The Nyquist plot of G(s) is defined as G(jw)
for w ? 0 and w < 0, whereas the polar plot is defined for only w ? 0 . Because command nyquist(n,d,w)
in version 3 .1 of MATLAB computes only positive w, a better name would be polar(n,d,w) .
In this section, we discuss the plot of Bode plots by hand . One may wonder why we
bother to study this when the plot can be easily obtained on a personal computer .
Indeed, one can argue strongly for not studying this section . But in the study, we
can learn the following : the reason for using logarithmic scales for frequency and
magnitude, the mechanism for identifying a system from its Bode plot, and the reason
for using the Bode plot, rather than the polar or log magnitude-phase plot, in the
design. Besides, the plot of Bode plots by hand is quite simple ; it does not require
much computation .
We use an example to discuss the basic procedure of plotting Bode plots .
5s + 50 _ 5(s + 10)
G(s) (8 3)
- s 2 + 99 .8s - 20 (s - 0.2)(s + 100)
First we write it as
-5X101 +1O s)
G(s) =
0.2 X 1001 - 012 s 1 + 1
10 s
-2.5(l + t s)
0 .2s)( 1 + 100 s)
- 20 log 1 - 1
0 2 s - 20 log 1 + 100
C 02
1- s) -<
We see that the decibel gain of G(s) is simply the algebraic sum of the decibel gain
of each term of G(s). Adding all gains of the terms in the numerator and then
subtracting those in the denominator yields the gain of G(s) . Similar remarks apply
to the phase of G (s) . Other than the constant term, (8.4) consists only of linear factors
of form (1 + Ts) . Therefore we discuss these linear factors first .
if w j 10/T, the difference between 20 log 1 jwTI and 20 log wT is again less
than 0.04 dB . Thus, for w < 0 .1/T and w ? 10/T, or for w less than one-tenth of the
corner frequency and larger than ten times the corner frequency, the Bode gain plot
almost coincides with the asymptotes. For w in the frequency interval
(0.1/T, 10/T), the exact plot differs from the asymptotes . The largest difference
occurs at corner frequency 1/T, and equals
20 log 11 jwr 1 = 20 log 11 j II = 20 log \ = 3 dB
0 01 1 N I 10
T T ~~ I T
Poles ' I
-20 'S
-20 dB/decade
-20 log I I jro)I
If we pick the 3-dB point and draw a smooth curve as shown in Figure 8 .4, then the
curve will be a very good approximation of the Bode gain plot of (1 Ts) . Note
that the Bode gain plot of (1 + Ts) is identical to that of (1 - -rs) . If they appear
in the numerator, their asymptotes go up with slope 20 dB/decade . If they appear
in the denominator, their asymptotes go down with slope -20 dB/decade . In other
words, the asymptotes of 20 log 11 jrwl go up with slope 20 dB/decade ; the
asymptotes of -20 log Il jTtol go down with slope -20 dB/decade .
Now we plot the Bode gain plot of (8.4) or (8.5). The corner frequency of zero
(1 + s/10) is 10, and its asymptote goes up with slope 20 dB/decade as shown in
Figure 8 .5 with the dashed lines . The corner frequency of pole (I - s/0 .2) is 0 .2,
and its asymptote goes down with slope - 20 dB/decade as shown with the dotted
8 dB
lines. Note that the negative sign makes no difference in the gain plot . The corner
frequency of pole (1 + s/100) is 100, and its asymptote goes down with slope
- 20 dB/decade as shown with the dashed-and-dotted lines . Thus, there are three
pairs of asymptotes . Now we consider gain - 2.5 in (8.4). Its decibel gain is 20 log
- 2 .51 = 8 dB; it is a horizontal line, independent of w, as shown . The sum of the
horizontal line and the three pairs of asymptotes is shown by the heavy solid line .
It is obtained by adding them point by point . Because the plot consists of only straight
lines, we need to compute the sums only at w = 0 .2, 10, 100, and at a point larger
than w = 100. The sum can also be obtained as follows . From w = 0 to w = 0.2,
the sum of an 8-dB line and three 0-dB lines clearly equals 8 dB . Between [0.2, 101,
there is only one asymptote with slope -20 dB/decade . Thus we draw from w =
0.2 a line with slope -20 dB/decade up to w = 10 as shown . Between [10, 100],
there is one asymptote with slope 20 dB/decade and one with slope - 20 dB/decade,
thus the net is 0 dB/decade . Therefore, we draw a horizontal line from w = 10 to
w = 100 as shown . For w ? 100, two asymptotes have slope -20 dB/decade
and one has slope 20 dB/decade . Thus, the net is a straight line with slope
-20 dB/decade . There are three corner frequencies, at w = 0.2, 10, and 100 .
Because they are far apart, the effects of their Bode gain plots on each other are
small . Thus the difference between the Bode plot and the asymptotes at every corner
frequency roughly equals 3 dB . Using this fact, the Bode gain plot can then be
obtained by drawing a smooth curve as shown . This completes the plotting of the
Bode gain plot of (8.4).
In other words, for w in ( - co, 0.1/T), the phase of (1 jwT) can be approximated
by 0; for w in (10/T, oc), the phase of (1 + j(oT) can be approximated by 90 and
the phase of (1 - jwr), by -90 as shown in Figure 8 .6 . We then connect the end
points by a dashed straight line as shown . The exact phase of (1 + j (0 r) is also
plotted in Figure 8 .6 using a solid line . We see that at w = 0.1/T and w = 10/r,
the differences are 5 .7. There is no difference at w = 1/r . The differences at the
midpoints between 0 . 11,r and 1 / T and between 1/7 - and 10/Tare 3 .4. The differences
are fairly small between the dashed straight line and the exact phase plot . Thus, the
phase plot of (1 + jwr) can be approximated by the straight lines . Note that the
phase of (1 - j (o r) equals the reflection of the phase of (1 + jwr) to negative
angles . Thus the phase of (1 - jwr) can also be approximated by the straight lines .
5 .7
901 - 3 .4
3 .4
5 .7'
1 101
(1 -jTcu) (zero)
II =- (I +jzc)) (Pole)
_901 -
270 _ I
180 I
I I 1 I
90- ---1
1 ` --- - - - -I - -
0 .01 0.02 0.1 0 .2 1 2 10 - 100 1000
of -2 .5 is plotted as -180 , then the phase plot in Figure 8 .7 will be shifted down
by 360 , which is the one generated by calling bode in MATLAB .
Exercise 8 .3.1
Up to this point, we have considered transfer functions that contain only linear
factors . Now we discuss transfer functions that also contain quadratic factors and
poles or zeros at the origin .
through the 0-dB line at co = 1 and with slope -20 dB/decade, as shown in Figure
8.8 . Its phase is a horizontal line passing through - 90. In Figure 8 .8, we also plot
the Bode plot of 1/s` for i = 2, - 1, and -2. The plots are very simple .
180 i=-
90 Zeros
0.1 10 100
90 i =+1
180 i=+2
-40 dB /decade
Figure 8.8 Bode plot of 1/s` .
Quadratic Factors
Consider the complex-conjugate poles 2
w2 1
n (8 .7)
E(s) : _ 2
s2 + 2~ws + wn
1+ S+
with 0 < ~ < 1 . The logarithmic magnitude for s = j(o is
20 log E(jw)I _ - 20 log 1 +
I (jw) -
((on ) 2
2The Bode gain plot of 1/(1 - (2~/w,, )s + (s/w, )2 ) equals that of (8 .7), and its Bode phase plot equals
that of (8 .7) reflected to positive angles . To simplify discussion, we study only (8 .7) .
b 0.3
c 5
c7 0.5
~1..l MV1
b 90
1 \
a 0.3
0.5 i%P`
0 .1 0.2 0.4 0 .6 0 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
-40 dB/decade . We then compute the damping ratio and use Figure 8 .9 to draw
an approximate Bode gain plot . Note that if the quadratic factor appears as zeros,
then one asymptote will go up with slope + 40 dB/decade, and the plots in Figure
8.9 are reversed.
The phase plot of the quadratic factor in (8.7) can be approximated by straight
lines as follows :
(o very small or w < 0.1 w,,: 4 E(jw) - 1 = 0
w very large or w ? 10w0: E(jw) - ~ (jw/(O) 2 = - 180
The exact phases for w in (0.1 w,,, 10w) are plotted in Figure 8 .9 for various ~. For
small ~, they are quite different from the dashed straight line shown . Thus in plotting
the Bode phase plot of (8.7), we must compute the corner frequency w n as well as
the damping ratio ~ and then use Figure 8 .9.
Example 8 .3.1
Plot the Bode plot of the transfer function
50(s + 2)
G(s) =
s(s2 + 4s + 100)
wn = 100 2~w = 4
which imply w = 10 and ~ = 0 .2. We then express every term of G(s) in the form
Gain (dB)
of 1 + () as in (8 .4) or (8.7):
50 X2(i+Zs
G (s) =
z z
100s( 1+ s l+2 (10) s+ (10)]
100 s+ 100) 1
The asymptotes of the zero, the pole at the origin, and the quadratic term are plotted
in Figure 8 .10 using, respectively, the dashed, dotted, and dashed-and-dotted lines .
The sums of these asymptotes are denoted by the thin solid lines . Because the damp-
ing ratio is 0 .2, the Bode plot is quite different from the asymptotes at co = co n =
10. Using the plot in Figure 8 .9, we can obtain the Bode gain and phase plots of
G(s) as shown in Figure 8 .10 with the heavy solid lines .
Exercise 8 .3 .2
Im s Im s
we obtain G 2(s). Now we compare the gains and phases of G 1(s) and G2(s) on the
positive jw-axis . From Figure 8 .11, we can see that the vectors from zero z . to any
point on the jw-axis and from zero - z to the same point have the same length ;
therefore, we have
IG1(jw)I = IGZ(j(0 )I
for all w ? 0 . Actually, this fact has been used constantly in developing Bode gain
plots. Although G1(s) and G2(s) have the same gain plots, their phases are quite
different . From Figure 8 .11, we have
<G1(jw)= 01 <G2(j ('J)=02-4)
At w = 0, 0 1 = 180 > 02 = 0. At w - 00, 01 = 02 = 90 . In general, 01 ? 02
for all w > 0 . Thus we have
< G1(j(o) ? < G2(j(0)
for all w ? 0. Thus, if a transfer function has right-half-plane zeros, reflecting these
zeros into the left half plane gives a transfer function with the same amplitude but
a smaller phase than the original transfer function at every w ? 0. This motivates
the following definition :
o Definition 8 .1
A proper rational transfer function is called a minimum-phase transfer function if
all its zeros lie inside the open left half s-plane . It is called a non-minimum-phase
transfer function if it has zeros in the closed right half plane . Zeros in the closed
right half plane are called non-minimum-phase zeros. Zeros in the open left half
plane are called minimum-phase zeros .
Exercise 8.3 .3
Exercise 8 .3.4
8.3.2 Identification
Determination of the transfer function G(s) of a system from measured data is an
identification problem . As discussed in Section 4 .7.1, if a system is stable, then
IG(jco)I and o G(jw) can be obtained by measurement . This is also possible if G(s)
has only one unstable pole at s = 0 (see Problem 4 .21). From IG(jw)I and ~ G(jw),
we can readily obtain the Bode plot of G(s). Now we discuss how to obtain G(s)
from its Bode plot . This is illustrated by examples .
Example 8.3 .2
Find the transfer function of the Bode plot shown in Figure 8 .12(a) . First we ap-
proximate the gain plot by the three straight dashed lines shown . They intersect at
w = 1 and w = 10. We begin with the leftmost part of the gain plot . There is a
dB dB
0 .1 0.2 1 5 10 20 100
-I Nw Co
0.1 1 --90 10 100
-]go, - --180
-270' -
(a) (b)
straight line with slope - 20 dB/decade, therefore the transfer function has one pole
at s = 0 . At w = 1, the slope becomes -40 dB/decade, a decrease of 20 dB/decade,
thus there is a pole with corner frequency w = 1 . At w = 10, the slope becomes
- 20 dB/decade, an increase of 20 dB/decade, therefore there is a zero with corner
frequency w = 10 . Thus, the transfer function must be of the form
G(s) =
k\/1 + 0 .01
37 = 20 X log = 20 X log
j IX (I J1)
k X 1.005
20 X log
which implies
1 .414
Ik~ = 1037/20 = 1 .4 x 101-115 = 1 .4 . 70.79 = 99 .6
1 .005
Now we use the phase plot to determine the signs of each term . The phase of
G(s) for w very small is determined by k/s . If k is negative, the phase of k/s is
+ 90; if k is positive, the phase is - 90. From the phase plot in Figure 8 .12(a), we
conclude that k is positive and equals 99 .6. If the sign of pole 1 s is negative, the
pole will introduce positive phase into G(s) or, equivalently, the phase of G(s) will
increase as w passes through the corner frequency 1 . This is not the case as shown
in Figure 8 .12(a), therefore we have 1 + s . If the sign of zero 1 0 .ls is positive,
the zero will introduce positive phase into G(s) or, equivalently, the phase of G(s)
will increase as w passes through the corner frequency at 10 . This is not the case as
shown in Figure 8 .12(a), thus we have 1 - 0 .1s and the transfer function of the
Bode plot is
99.6(1 - 0. 1s) -9.96(s - 10)
G(s) =
s(1 + s) s(s + 1)
Example 8.3.3
Find the transfer function of the Bode plot in Figure 8.12(b) . The gain plot is first
approximated by the straight lines shown . There are three corner frequencies : 0.2,
5, and 20. At w = 0 .2, the slope becomes - 20 dB/decade; therefore, there is one
pole at 0 .2 or (1 s/0 .2) . At w = 5, the slope changes from -20 dB/decade to
0; therefore, there is a zero at 5 or (1 s/5) . At w = 20, the slope changes from
0 to -40 dB/decade ; therefore, there is a repeated pole or a pair of complex-
conjugate poles with corner frequency 20 . Because of the small bump, it is a quad-
ratic term . The bump is roughly 10 dB high, and we use Figure 8 .9 to estimate its
damping ratio ~ as 0 .15. Therefore, the transfer function of the Bode plot is of the form
C1 5)
G(s) _ 2
s 2X0 .15 s
0.21 20 s + 20
The gain of G(s) at w -> 0 or s = 0 is 40 dB. Thus we have
20 X log JG(0)J = 20 X log Jkl = 40
which implies Jkl = 100 or k = 100. Using the identical argument as in the
preceding example we can conclude from the phase plot that we must take the
positive sign in all . Thus the transfer function of the Bode plot is
100 1 +
( 5) 1600(s + 5)
G(s) = )2)
s 0.3 s (s + 0.2)(s2 + 6s + 400)
1+ 1+ 20 s+ 20))
C 0.2)( v
From these examples, we see that if a Bode plot can be nicely approximated by
straight lines with slope 20 dB/decade or its multiples, then its transfer function
can be readily obtained . The Bode gain plot determines the form of the transfer
function . Wherever the slope decreases by 20 dB/decade, there is a pole ; wherever
it increases by 20 dB/decade, there is a zero . Signs of poles or zeros are then
determined from the Bode phase plot . If the Bode plot is obtained by measurement,
then, except for a possible pole at s = 0, the system must be stable . Therefore, we
can simply assign positive sign to the poles without checking the phase plot . If the
transfer function is known to be of minimum phase, then we can assign positive sign
to the zeros without checking the phase plot . In fact, if a transfer function is stable
and of minimum phase, then there is a unique relationship between the gain plot and
phase plot, and we can determine the transfer function from the gain plot alone . To
conclude this section, we mention that devices, such as the HP3562A Dynamic
System Analyzer, are available to measure Bode plots and then generate transfer
functions . This facilitates considerably the identification of transfer functions .
8 .4 .1 Principle of Argument
Consider a rational function F(s) . The substitution of a value s ;, a point in the
s-plane as shown in Figure 8 .13, into F(s) yields a value F(s, ), a point in the
F-plane. In mathematical terminology, s, in the s-plane is said to be mapped into
F(s l ) in the F-plane. In this sense, the polar plot in Figure 8 .2(a) is the mapping of
IM s Im s
Re s %%'4,4
o,wA4h.,0, MZN% Re F(s)
s-plane F-plane
(a) (b)
Figure 8 .13 Mapping of C, .
the positive jcw-axis of the s-plane by G(s) in (8.1) into the G-plane . A simple closed
curve is defined as a curve that starts and ends at the same point without going
through any point twice .
Principle of Argument
Let C 1 be a simple closed curve in the s-plane . Let F(s) be a rational function of
s that has neither pole nor zero on C 1. Let Z and P be the numbers of zeros and
poles of F(s) (counting the multiplicities) encircled by C 1 . Let C 2 be the mapping
of C1 by F(s) into the F-plane . Then C2 will encircle the origin of the F-plane
(Z - P) times in the same direction as C 1 .
Im s Im s
hIF Re s
Re s
(a) (b)
plot of F(s) . Similarly, we may define the Nyquist plot of GI(s) as the mapping of
C1 by G,(s) . We first use an example to illustrate the plotting of the Nyquist plots
of G,(s) and F(s) .
Example 8 .4.1
G,(s) (8 .10)
_ (s - 1)(s - 2)
We compute G,(j l) = 2 .6ej 161 ' G,(j2) = 2.6ei"and G,(j 10) = 0.8e-''07' .
Using these, we can plot the polar plot of GI(s) or the plot of G,(jw) for w ? 0 as
shown in Figure 8 .15 with the solid curve . It happens to be a circle . Because all
coefficients of G,(s) are real, we have
G,( -j(o) = G i (j(o)
where the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate . Thus the mapping of G,(jw), for
w < 0, is simply the reflection, with respect to the real axis, of the mapping of
G,(jw), for w ? 0, as shown with the dashed curve . Because G,(s) is strictly proper,
every point of the semicircle in Figure 8 .14(a) with R --* is mapped by GI(s) into
0. Thus, the complete Nyquist plot of G,(s) consists of the solid and dashed circles
in Figure 8 .15 . As w travels clockwise in Figure 8 .14(a), the Nyquist plot of G,(s)
travels counterclockwise as shown .
If GI(s) is proper, then the mapping of the infinite semicircle in Figure C 1 by
G1(s) is simply a point in the G,-plane . Thus the Nyquist plot of G,(s) consists mainly
of G,(jw) for all w. The polar plot of G,(s), however, is defined as G,(jw) for w
0. Therefore the Nyquist plot of G,(s) consists of the polar plot of G,(s) and its
reflection with respect to the real axis . Therefore, the Nyquist plot can be readily
obtained from the polar plot .
Re G1
Re F
Because F(s) = 1 + G,(s), the Nyquist plot of F(s) is simply the Nyquist plot
of GI(s) shifted to the right by one unit . This can be more easily achieved by choosing
the coordinates of the F-plane as shown in Figure 8 .15. In other words, the origin
of the F-plane is the point (- 1,0) in the G,-plane . Therefore, once the Nyquist plot
of G,(s) is obtained, the Nyquist plot of F(s) is already there .
Exercise 8 .4 .1
The transfer function in (8 .10) has one zero and no pole on the imaginary axis,
and its Nyquist plot can easily be obtained . Now if a transfer function G,(s) contains
poles on the imaginary axis, then GI(s) is not defined at every point of C, in Figure
8.14(a) and its Nyquist plot cannot be completed. For this reason, if G,(s) contains
poles on the imaginary axis as shown in Figure 8 .14(b), then the contour C 1 must
be modified as shown . That is, wherever there is a pole on the imaginary axis, the
contour is indented by a very small semicircle with radius r. Ideally, the radius r
should approach zero. With this modification, the Nyquist plot of G,(s) can then be
completed . This is illustrated by an example . Before proceeding, we mention that
the command nyquist in MATLAB will yield an incorrect or incomplete Nyquist
plot if GI(s) has poles on the imaginary axis .
Example 8 .4.2
S + 1
G,(s) = s2(s - 2) (8.11)
Its poles and zero are plotted in Figure 8 .16(a). Because GI(s) has poles at the origin,
the contour C, at the origin is replaced by the semicircle re' , where 0 varies from
G (C) Re G 1
-2 - G,(A) 1 -]I ~ ReF
I /
(a) (b)
Figure 8 .16 Nyquist plot of (8.11).
G,(s) = (8.12)
s 2(s - 2) s2( -2) 2s 2
Now consider point A or s = rej 0 in Figure 8 .16(a) . It is mapped by (8 .11) or (8 .12)
- I - = 1 ej180-
2r 2ej0 2r 2 2r 2
Its phase is 180 and its amplitude is very large because r is very small . Similarly,
we have the following
ej180- 1 e j90 -
B: s = re j45- GI(B) = 2ej90 =
2r 2r 2
ej 180 1
C: s = re j90 G,(C)
= 2r 2ej 180 2r 2
We then compute G,(jO.1) = 50ej9 , G,(jl) = 0.6ej710, and G,(jlO) =
0 .0lej 162. From these, we can plot G,(jc)) for w > 0 (including section ABC) as
shown in Figure 8 .16(b) with the solid lines . The plot of G,(jw) for w < 0 is the
reflection, with respect to the real axis, of the plot for w > 0 and is shown in Figure
8.15(b) with the dashed lines . Every point on the large semicircle with R ---> - is
mapped by G,(s) into the origin of the G,plane . Thus the plot in Figure 8 .16(b) is
the conplete Nyquist plot of G,(s) in (8.11). If the Nyquist plot of F(s) = 1 + GI(s)
is desired, we may simply add a set of coordinates as shown in Figure 8.16(b) .
Exercise 8 .4 .2
Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 8 .17(a). Its overall transfer
function is
G,(s) _ : G,(s)
GG(s) = (8.13)
+ G,(s) F(s)
THEOREM 8 .1 (Nyquist Stability Criterion)
The G0(s) in (8 .13) is stable if and only if the Nyquist plot of G,(s) does not pass
through critical point (- 1, 0) and the number of counterclockwise encirclements
of (- 1, 0) equals the number of open right-half-plane poles of GI(s).
To prove this theorem, we first show that G0(s) is stable if and only if the Nyquist
plot of F(s) does not pass through the origin of the F-plane and the number of
counterclockwise encirclements of the origin equals the number of open right-half-
plane poles of G,(s) . Clearly G0(s) is stable if and only if F(s) has no closed right-
half-plane zeros . If the Nyquist plot of F(s) passes through the origin of the F-plane,
then F(s) has zeros on the imaginary axis and G9(s) is not stable . We assume in the
following that F(s) has no zeros on the imaginary axis . Let Z and P be, respectively,
the numbers of open right-half-plane zeros and poles of F(s) or, equivalently, the
numbers of zeros and poles of F(s) encircled by C1 . Because F(s) and G 1(s) have
the same denominator, P also equals the number of open right-half-plane poles of
G,(s) . Now the principle of argument states that
N = Z - P
Clearly F(s) has no open right-half-plane zeros, or G O(s) is stable if and only if
Z = 0 or N = - P . Because C 1 is chosen to travel in the clockwise direction, the
stability condition requires the encirclements to be in the counterclockwise direction .
This establishes the assertion.
(a) (b)
From the discussion in the preceding subsection, the encirclement of the Nyquist
plot of F(s) around the origin of the F-plane is the same as the encirclement of the
Nyquist plot of GI(s) around point (- 1, 0) on the GIplane . This establishes the
theorem. We note that if the Nyquist plot of G,(s) passes through (-1,0), then G0(s)
has at least one pole on the imaginary axis and G0(s) is not stable.
We discuss now the application of the theorem .
Example 8.4.3
Consider the unity-feedback system in Figure 8 .17(a) with G,(s) given in (8.10).
G,(s) has two poles in the open right half plane . The Nyquist plot of G,(s) is shown
in Figure 8 .15. It encircles (- 1, 0) twice in the counterclockwise direction . Thus,
the unity-feedback system is stable . Certainly, this can also be checked by computing
- 1)(s - 2)
G,(s) = G 1 (s) (s
1 + G,(s) 1 + 8s
(s - 1)(s - 2)
8s 8s
(s- 1)(s-2)+8s s 2 +5s+2
which is stable .
Example 8 .4.4
Consider the unity-feedback system in Figure 8 .17(a) with GI(s) given in (8.11) .
GI(s) has one open right-half-plane pole . Its Nyquist plot is shown in Figure 8 .16;
it encircles (- 1, 0) once in the clockwise direction . Although the number of encir-
clements is right, the direction is wrong . Thus the unity-feedback system is not stable .
This can also be checked by computing
G,(s) - s + 1
G ,(s) =
I + GI (s) s3 - 2S2 + S + I
which is clearly not stable .
In application, we may encounter the problem of finding the range of k for the
system in Figure 8 .17(b) or
G,(s) = (8.14)
1 + kG,(s)
to be stable . Although Theorem 8 .1 can be directly applied to solve the problem, it
is more convenient to modify the Nyquist stability criterion as follows :
The G0(s) in (8 .14) is stable if and only if the Nyquist plot of G1(s) does not pass
through the critical point at (- 1/k, 0) and the number of counterclockwise
encirclements of (-1/k, 0) equals the number of open right-half-plane poles
of GI(s).
Example 8 .4.5
Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 8 .17(b) with
_ 8
G, (s) (8 .15)
(s + 1)(s2 + 2s + 2)
- oo < - < - 0.8 (8 .16a)
4 < -k 00 (8 .16b)
Re G(jw)
then the Nyquist plot does not encircle (-1/k, 0) and the feedback system in
Figure 8 .17(b) is stable. Now (8 .16a) implies 0 < k < 5/4 and (8 .16b) implies
0 ? k > - 1/4 . Thus the stability range of the system is
1 5
-4<k<4 (8 .17)
This result is the same as (4 .21) which is obtained by using the Routh test . We
mention that the stability range can also be obtained by using the root-locus method .
This will not be discussed .
If the loop transfer function G,(s) in Figure 8 .17(a) has no open right-half-plane
poles, then G0 (s) in (8 .13) is stable if and only if the Nyquist plot of G,(s) does
not encircle critical point (- 1, 0) nor passes through it .
G (s)
C2 (s)
(-1, 0) at, say, s= jwo, then the numerator of (1 + GI(s)) equals zero at s = jcoo.
In other words, the numerator has a zero on the imaginary axis and is not Hurwitz .
Consequently, G0 (s) is not stable . Thus, the distance between the Nyquist plot of
GI (s) and critical point (- 1, 0) can be used as a measure of stability of G0(s) .
Generally, the larger the distance, the more stable the system . The distance can be
found by drawing a circle touching the Nyquist plot as shown in Figure 8 .20(a).
Such a distance, however, is not easy to measure and is not convenient for design .
Therefore, it will be replaced by phase margin and gain margin .
Consider the Nyquist plot for w ? 0 or, equivalently, the polar plot shown in
Figure 8 .20 . Let cop > 0 be the frequency at which l G,(jwp) = 180 . This is called
the phase crossover frequency ; it is the frequency at which the polar plot of G,(s)
passes through the negative real axis . The distance between -1 and G,(jcop) as
shown in Figure 8 .20(b) is called the gain margin. The distance, however, is not
measured on linear scale; it is measured in decibels defined as
Gain margin : = 20 log I - 11 - 20 log I G1(jwp)I
-20 log IG,(jwp) I
For example, if G,(jwp) _ -0.5, then the gain margin is +6 dB . If G,(jwp) = 0,
then the gain margin is ~ . Note that if G,(jw ) lies between -1 and 0, then
jGr(jcop) j < 1 and the gain margin is positive . If ~G,(jwp) I > 1, or the polar plot of
GI (jwp) intersects the real axis on the left hand side of -1 as shown in Figure
8.20(c), then the gain margin is negative .
Let cog > 0 be the frequency such that IG I (j(og)I = 1 . It is the frequency at
which the polar plot of G,(s) intersects with the unit circle as shown in Figure 8 .20(b)
and is called the gain crossover frequency . If we draw a straight line from the origin
to GI(jwg), then the angle between the straight line and negative real axis is called
the phase margin . To be more precise, the phase margin is defined as
Phase margin : = I< (-1)I - I < GI(jwg)I = 180 0 - I 1 G,(jwg )I (8.20)
where the phase of GI(jwg) must be measured in the clockwise direction . Note that
if the intersection with the unit circle occurs in the third quadrant as shown in Figure
8.20(b), then the phase margin is positive. If the intersection occurs in the second
quadrant as shown in Figure 8 .20(c), then the phase margin is negative .
The phase and gain margins can be much more easily obtained from the Bode
plot. In fact, the definitions in (8 .19) and (8 .20) are developed from the Bode plot .
Recall that the Bode plot and polar plot differ only in the coordinates and either one
can be obtained from the other . Suppose the polar plots in Figure 8 .20(b) and
(c) are translated into the Bode plots shown in Figure 8 .21 (a) and (b). Then the gain
crossover frequency co g is the frequency at which the gain plot crosses the 20 log
1 = 0-dB line . We then draw a vertical line downward to the phase plot . The distance
in degrees between the - 180 line and the phase plot is the phase margin . If the
phase of G,(jc) g lies above the - 180 line, the phase margin is positive, as shown
in Figure 8 .21(a). If it lies below, the phase margin is negative, as shown in Figure
8.21(b) . The phase crossover frequency p is the frequency at which the phase plot
crosses the -180 line . We then draw a vertical line upward to the gain plot . The
distance in decibels between the 0-dB line and the gain plot at ce p is the gain margin .
If the gain at (op lies below the 0-dB line, as shown in Figure 8.21(a), the gain margin
is positive. Otherwise it is negative, as shown in Figure 8 .21(b) . Thus, the phase and
gain margins can readily be obtained from the Bode plot .
Although the phase and gain margins can be more easily obtained from the
Bode plot, their physical meaning can be more easily visualized on the Nyquist plot .
For example, if G,(s) has no pole in the open right half plane and has a polar plot
roughly of the form shown in Figure 8 .20, then its Nyquist plot (the polar plot plus
its reflection) will not encircle (- 1, 0) if both the phase and gain margins are
positive . Thus, the overall system G 0 (s) = G,(s)/(1 + G,(s)) is stable . In conclusion,
dB dB
Gain Gain
margin crossover
20 20
0 frequency
0.1 x
Phase margin > 0
(a) (b)
Figure 8 .21 Phase margin and gain margin .
if G,(s) has no open right-half-plane pole, then generally the overall system
G0(s) = G,(s)/(1 + G,(s)) is stable if the phase margin and the gain margin of GI(s)
are both positive . Furthermore, the larger the gain and phase margins, the more stable
the system . In design we may require, for example, that the gain margin be larger
than 6 dB and that the phase margin be larger than 30 . If either the phase margin
or gain margin equals 0 or is negative, then the system G 0(s) is generally not stable .
If a loop transfer function G,(s) has open right-half-plane poles, in order for
G0(s) to be stable, the Nyquist plot must encircle the critical point . In this case, the
polar plot may have a number of phase-crossover frequencies and a number of gain-
crossover frequencies as shown in Figure 8 .22(a), thus phase margins and gain mar-
gins are not unique . Furthermore, some phase margins must be positive and some
negative in order for the system to be stable . Thus, the use of phase margins and
gain margins becomes complicated. For this reason, if loop transfer functions have
open right-half-plane poles, the concepts of phase and gain margins are less useful .
Even if loop transfer functions have no pole in the open right half plane, care
must still be exercised in using the phase and gain margins . First, the polar plots of
such transfer functions may not be of the form shown in Figure 8 .20 . They could
have more than one phase margin and/or more than one gain margin as shown in
Figure 8 .22(b) . Moreover, if a polar plot is as shown in Figure 8 .22(c), even though
G,(s) has a large phase margin and a large gain margin, the closed loop system
G0(s) = G,(s)/(1 + G,(s)) has a poor degree of stability. Therefore, the relationship
between the degree of stability and phase and gain margins is not necessarily exact .
Exercise 8 .4.3
Find the gain and phase margins of the following transfer functions :
s(s + 1)
s(s + 1)(s + 2)
s 2 (s + 1)
With the preceding background, we are ready to discuss the design problem . The
problem is : given a plant with transfer function G(s), design a feedback system with
transfer function G0(s) to meet a set of specifications . The specifications are generally
stated in terms of position error, rise time, settling time, and overshoot . Because they
are defined for the time responses of G0(s), they are called time-domain specifica-
tions. Now, if the design is to be carried out using frequency plots, we must translate
the time-domain specifications into the frequency domain . This will be carried out
in this section . Recall that the specifications are stated for the overall transfer function
GO (s), not for the plant transfer function G(s).
Steady-State Performance
Let G0(s) be written as
Thus from Go(0), the position error can immediately be determined . For example, if
G0(0) = 1, then ep = 0; if Go(0) = 0.95, then the position error is 5% . The velocity
error or the steady-state error due to a ramp-reference input is, as derived in (6 .6),
Velocity error = e (t) = I(1 - Go(0))t - Go(0)1 X 100% (8 .22a)
In order to have finite velocity error, we require G0(0) = 1 . In this case, (8 .22a)
reduces to
Velocity error = vp(t) = IGo(0)I X 100% (8 .22b)
which implies that the velocity error depends only on the slope of G0(jw) at w = 0 .
If the slope is zero, velocity error is zero . Thus the steady-state performance can be
easily translated into the values of G0(jw) and its derivatives at w = 0 .
Transient Performance
The specifications on the transient performance consist of overshoot, settling time,
and rise time. These specifications are closely related to MP and bandwidth shown
in Figure 8 .23. The constant MP, called the peak resonance, is defined as
MP : = max I G0(j(o)I (8 .23)
for (o ? 0. It is the largest magnitude of G0(jw) in positive frequencies . The band-
width is defined as the frequency range in which the magnitude of GO(jw) is equal
to or larger than 0 .707jGo(0)I. The frequency w, with the property IG0(j(qw )j =
0.7071Go(0)I is called the cutoff frequency . If G0(0) = 1 or 0 dB, the amplitude of
G,,(s) at w, is
20 log 0 .707 = - 3 dB
Figure 8 .23 Typical frequency plot of control systems .
and, because the power is proportional to IGo (jw)1 2, the power of G0(s) at ww is
(0.707) 2 = 0.5
thus w, is also called the - 3 dB or half-power point. In conclusion, the cut-off
frequency of G0(s) is defined as the frequency at which its amplitude is 70% or
3 dB below the level at w = 0, or at which the power is half of that at w = 0 .
Now we discuss the relationship between the specifications on transient per-
formance, and the peak resonance and bandwidth . Similar to the development of the
desired pole region in Chapter 7, we consider the following quadratic transfer
n (8.24)
G0(s) : _
S 2 + 2,'wns + wn
Clearly we have
G0(j (o) =
- w2 + 2gwnw + wn
G (jw)12 - (w2 - w2)2 + (2~wn w)2
By algebraic manipulation, it can be shown that
for 1 < 0707
M,=max I G0(jw)l = 2C'\11 - ~2 (8.25)
1 for ? 0.707
Thus the peak resonance MP depends only on the damping ratio. The same situation
holds for the overshoot as shown in Figure 7.2(b). Now we plot (8 .25) on Figure
7.2(b) to yield Figure 8 .24 . From Figure 8 .24, the relationship between overshoot
and peak resonance can easily be obtained . For example, if we require the overshoot
to be less than 20%, then from Figure 8 .24, we see that Mn must be less than 1 .25.
Similarly, if we require the overshoot to be less than 10%, then we require M P <-
1 .05. Thus, the peak resonance dictates the overshoot .
The bandwidth of G0(s) is related to the speed of response . The larger the band-
width, the faster the response. This rule of thumb is widely accepted in engineering,
even though the exact relationship is not known and the statement may not be true
for every control system . The speed of response here may mean the rise time or
settling time . We give a plausible argument of the statement by using the quadratic
transfer function in (8.24). From the horizontal coordinate wnt in Figure 4 .7, we
argued in Section 7 .2 .1 that the rise time is inversely proportional to wn. The Bode
plot of (8.24) is shown in Figure 8 .9 . The intersection of the - 3-dB horizontal line
with the gain plot yields the cutoff frequency and the bandwidth . Because the hor-
L L'
i n
8 2
a 1
Overshoot -
0 I 0
0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0
Damping ratio
Figure 8 .25 Two frequency plots with same bandwidth .
Steady-State Performance
Consider the loop transfer function G,(s) . We define
K,, : = lim G,(s) = G,(0) (8 .27a)
K, : = lim sG,(s) (8 .27b)
'If r(t) = a, then the error must be divided by a. Because a = 1, this normalization is not needed .
4If r(t) = at, then the error must be divided by a. Because a = 1, this normalization is not needed .
Type 0 k 0 0
Type 1 00 k 0 eP =
1 + KP
Type 2 00 00 k e =
Transient Performances
The transient performance of G 0(s) is specified in terms of the peak resonance MP,
bandwidth, and high-frequency gain . Now we shall translate these into a set of
specifications for G,(s) . To do so, we must first establish the relationship between
G0(jco) and G,(jw) = G(jco)C( jw) . Let the polar plot of GI(s) be as shown in Figure
8 .26(a). Consider the vector G,(j(o t) . Then the vector drawn from (-1, 0) to G1(j(o1)
equals 1 + G,(jwt). Their ratio
I + GI(jot) = Go(jw1)
yields G0(jw t ) . Therefore it is possible to translate G,(jto) graphically into G0(jco) .
To facilitate the translation, we first compute the loci on the G,-plane that have
constant IG0(jw)I . Let x + jy be a point of G,(jw) on the G,-plane . Clearly we have
G,(jco) + jy _ x 2 + y2
G o (J w)j = = x (8 .31
1 + G,(j(o) 1 + x + jy - ((1 + x) 2 + y2
(1 + x)2M 2 + y 2M 2 = x2 + y2
'This subsection establishes the last column in Table 8 .1 . It may be skipped without loss of continuity .
Im G i I G0(jw) I
Re G 1
(a) (b)
Figure 8 .26 From G,(j(o) to G,(jco).
61t is also possible to plot the loci of constant phases of Ge (s) on the G,-plane . The plot consists of a
family of circles called constant N-loci. The plot of constant M- and N-loci on the log magnitude-phase
plot is called the Nichols chart . They are not used in this text and will not be discussed .
Im G(jc))
Re G1 (jco)
Re G1 (jo))
IG0(jw)I = IG,(j(o)I
1 + G,(jw)
for large w. Hence the specification of G0 (jw) < e, for w ? cod, can be translated
to IG,(jw)l < e, for w ? wd.
The preceding discussion is tabulated in the last column of Table 8 .1 . We see
that there are three sets of specifications on accuracy (steady-state performance) and
speed of response (transient performance) . The first set is given in the time domain,
the other two are given in the frequency domain . The first two sets are specified for
overall systems, the last one is specified for loop transfer functions in the unity
feedback configuration . It is important to mention that even though specifications
are stated for loop transfer functions, the objective is still to design a good overall
< C(jco)G(j(o) = -~', C(jco) + < G(jw)
Thus in the design, if the Bode plot of G(s) does not meet the specifications, we
simply add the Bode plot of C(s) to it until the sum meets the specifications . On the
other hand, if we use the polar plot of G(s) to carry out the design, the polar plot of
G(s) is of no use in subsequent design because the polar plot of C(s)G(s) cannot
easily be drawn from the polar plot of G(s). Therefore the polar plot is less often
used. In the log magnitude-phase plot, the frequency appears as a parameter on the
plot, thus the summation of C(j(o) and G(jw) involves summations of vectors and
is not as convenient as in the Bode plot. Thus, the Bode plot is most often used in
the frequency-domain design .
dB dB
-20 db/decade
20 log I Kv I = a
~ w i =gv
I >' a)
0 .1 1 10 wl
-40 db/decade
(a) (b)
Figure 8.29 Bode plots .
which implies KP = 10'20. Thus the position-error constant can be easily obtained
from the plot.
Every type 1 transfer function can be expressed as
k(1 + bls)(1 + b2s)
G (s)
s(1 + ais)(1 + a2s)(1 + a3s) . . .
Clearly, its position-error constant is infinity . At very low frequencies, the Bode gain
plot is governed by
k k K
20 log IG(j(o)l - 20 log = 20 log = 20 log (8 .33)
Jw w w
This is a straight line with slope -20 dB/decade . We extend the straight line to
intersect with the vertical axis at, say, a dB and intersect with the horizontal axis at,
say, w l radians per second . The vertical axis passes through w = 1, thus (8 .33)
20 log a
which implies K = 10 / 20. The gain of (8.33) is 0 dB at w = w l , thus we have
0 = 20 log
which implies K = w 1. Thus, the velocity-error constant of type 1 transfer functions
can also be easily obtained from the Bode gain plot . In conclusion, from the leftmost
asymptote of Bode gain plots, the constants KP and K can be easily obtained . Once
KP, K, the phase margin, and the gain margin are read out from the measured data,
we can then proceed to the design.
Before discussing specific design techniques, we review the problem once again .
Given a plant with transfer function G(s), the objective is to design an overall system
to meet a set of specifications in the time domain . Because the design will be carried
out by using frequency plots, the specifications are translated into the frequency
domain for the overall transfer function G0(s), as shown in Table 8 .1 . For the unity-
feedback configuration shown in Figure 8 .1, the specifications for G0(jw) can be
further translated into those for the loop transfer function G1(s) = G(s)C(s) as shown
in Table 8 .1 . Therefore the design problem now becomes : Given a plant with Bode
plot G(jw), find a compensator C(s) in Figure 8 .1 such that the Bode plot of C(s)G(s)
will meet the specifications on position- or velocity-error constant, phase margin,
gain margin, gain-crossover frequency, and high-frequency gain . If this
is successful, all we can hope for is that the resulting overall system G0 (s) =
G1(s)/(1 + G,(s)) would be a good control system . Recall that the translations of
the specifications in Table 8 .1 are developed mainly from quadratic transfer func-
tions; they may not hold in general . Therefore, it is always advisable to simulate the
resulting overall system to check whether it really meets the design specifications .
The search for C(s) is essentially a trial-and-error process . Therefore we always
start from a simple compensator and, if we are not successful, move to a more
complicated one . The compensators used in this design are mainly of the following
four types : (a) gain adjustment (amplification or attenuation), (b) phase-lag compen-
sation, (c) phase-lead compensation, and (d) lag-lead compensation. Before pro-
ceeding, we mention a useful property . Consider the Bode plots shown in Figure
8.30. It is assumed that the plant has no open right-half-plane poles nor open right-
half-plane zeros . Under this assumption, the phase can be estimated from the slopes
of the asymptotes of the gain plot . If a slope is -20 dB/decade, the phase will
approach -90. If a slope is -40 dB/decade, the phase will approach - 180 . If a
slope is - 60 dB/decade, the phase will approach - 270 . Because of this property,
if the slope of the asymptote at the gain-crossover frequency is - 60 dB/decade, as
shown in Figure 8 .30(a), then the phase will approach - 270 and the phase margin
will be negative . Consequently the feedback system will be unstable . On the other
hand, if the slope of the asymptote at the gain-crossover frequency is -20
dB/decade as shown in Figure 8 .30(b), then the phase margin is positive . If the slope
of the asymptote at the gain-crossover frequency is -40 dB/decade, the phase
margin can be positive or negative . For this reason, if it is possible, the asymptote
at the gain-crossover frequency is designed to have slope - 20 dB/decade . This is
the case in almost every design in the remainder of this chapter .
dB dB
a) w
(a) (b)
Figure 8 .30 Bode plots .
Example 8 .7.1
Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 8 .31 . Let the plant transfer
function be G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) and let the compensator C(s) be simply a constant
k. Find a gain k such that the loop transfer function kG(s) will meet the following :
1. Position error <_ 10% .
2. Phase margin > 60, gain margin ? 12 dB .
3. Gain-crossover frequency as large as possible .
The plant is of type 1, thus its position-error constant KP is infinity and its
position error 11/(1 + KP)I is zero for any k. The Bode plot of G(s) = l/s(s + 2)
1 0.5
G(s) _ _
2s1 +~sl s(1 + I
C S)
is shown in Figure 8.32 with the solid lines . The gain plot crosses the 0-dB line
roughly at 0.5; thus the gain-crossover frequency is cog = 0 .5 rad/s . The phase
margin is then measured from the plot as 76 . To find the gain margin, we must first
find the phase-crossover frequency . Because the phase approaches the -180 line
asymptotically as shown, it intersects the line at w = -, and the phase-crossover
frequency w, is infinity . The gain plot goes down to -c dB with slope
-40 dB/decade as co - - . Thus, the gain margin at top = oo is infinity. Thus, the
Bode plot of G(s) meets the specifications in (1) and (2) . If we do not require the
specification in (3), then there is no need to introduce any compensator and the
design is completed. It is important to point out that no compensator means C(s) _
k = 1 and that the unity feedback is still needed as shown in Figure 8 .31.
Compensator Plant
C(s) 1
10 20 50 100
o .l o .z I
I nun
I II Compensated 1
-40 db/decade
I 1
0 .5 2 10 20 50 100
I ~
Q = 1 .15
-90 I
-180 1 60
First we use the example in Figure 8 .31 to show that adjustment of a gain alone
sometimes cannot achieve a design .
Example 8 .8.1
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) . Find a compensator C(s)
in Figure 8 .1 such that C(s)G(s) will meet the following : (1) velocity error < 10%,
(2) phase margin ? 60, and (3) gain margin ? 12 dB .
First we choose C(s) = k and see whether or not the design is possible . The
loop transfer function is
G,(s) = kG(s) (8.34)
= s(s + 2)
It is of type 1 and its velocity-error constant is
K = lim sG,(s) _ - (8.35)
S-o 2
In order to meet (1), we require
1 2
:5:: 0.1 (8.36)
K~, k
in Figure 8 .33 . We plot only the asymptotes . We see that the gain-crossover fre-
quency roughly equals wg = 4.2 rad/s, and the phase margin roughly equals 26 .
The phase-crossover frequency is wp = cc, and the gain margin is infinity . Although
the gain margin meets the specifications, the phase margin does not . If we restrict
C(s) to be k, the only way to increase the phase margin is to decrease k. This,
however, will violate (1). Thus for this problem, it is not possible to achieve the
design by adjusting k alone .
Im s
(a) (b)
1 I ,'
T1 aT1 ,'
log w
0 -20 dB d/ ecade
90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
log w
1\ 5 .7
Now we plot the Bode plot of C,(s). The corner frequency of the pole is 1/T, .
We draw two asymptotes from 1/T,, one with slope -20 dB/decade . The corner
frequency of the zero is 1/aT, . We draw two asymptotes from 1/aT,, one with slope
20 dB/decade . Note that the corner frequency 1/aT, is on the right-hand side of the
corner frequency 1/T,, because a < 1 . The summation of these yields the Bode gain
plot of Cl(s) as shown in Figure 8 .35. For w very small, the Bode gain plot is a
horizontal line with gain I or 0 dB . For w very large, C,(s) can be approximated by
(1 + aT,s)/(1 + Ts) .- aTis/T,s = a; thus its Bode gain plot is a horizontal line
with gain a or 20 log a dB. Because a < 1, 20 log a is a negative number . Thus the
phase-lag network introduces an attenuation of 20 Ilog al . The Bode phase plot of
C, (s) can be similarly obtained as shown in Figure 8 .35 . We see that the phase is
negative for all w as expected .
A phase-lag network has two parameters a and T,- The amount of attenuation
introduced by the network is determined by a . In employing a phase-lag network,
we use mainly its attenuation property. The phase characteristic will not be used
except the phase at 10/aT,, ten times the right-hand-side corner frequency . From
Figure 8 .6, we see that the phase at 10/aT, is at most 5 .7. Now we shall redesign
the problem in Example 8.8.1.
K = lim sG,(s) = lim skC,(s)G(s) _ -
s-o s-o 2
Thus, in order to meet (1), we require, as in (8 .36), k ? 20. The Bode plot of
s(s + 2)
is plotted in Figure 8 .33 with the solid lines . Its gain-crossover frequency is cog =
4 .5 rad/s and its phase margin is 25 . The phase margin, however, is required to be
at least 60 . This will be achieved by introducing a phase-lag network . First we
search for a new gain-crossover frequency that has a phase margin of 60 plus 6
(this will be explained later), or 66 . This can be found by drawing a horizontal line
with 66 phase margin . Its intersection with the phase plot yields the new gain-
crossover frequency. It is read from Figure 8 .33 as cog' = 0 .9. We then draw a vertical
line upward to the gain plot. We see that if the gain is attenuated by 20 dB at
to << cog', then the new gain plot will pass through cog' = 0.9 at the 0-dB line . A
phase-lag network will introduce an attenuation of 20 Ilog al, thus we set
20 log a = - 20
which implies a = 0 .1 .
The remaining problem is to determine T, in (8.38) . If the right-hand-side corner
frequency 1/aT, is close to cog, the phase margin at cog' will be greatly reduced by
the phase of the network . If the corner frequency is very far away from cog (on the
left-hand side), then .the phase margin will be hardly affected by the phase of the
network . Therefore it seems that we should choose T, so that 1 /aT, is as small as
possible. However, this will cause a different problem. If 1/aT, is very small, then
C(s) has a pole very close to the origin, as shown in Figure 8 .34(b) . If we plot the
root locus of C(s)G(s), then we can see that the closed-loop system will have a pole
very close to the origin and the corresponding time constant will be very large .
Therefore, if 1 /aT, is very small, the speed of response of the resulting unity-feed-
back system may become slow . For this reason, we do not want to place 1 /aT, too
far away from cog . In practice, 1/aT, is often placed at one decade below wg ; that
1 wg1
aTl 10
In this case, the phase-lag network has at most a phase lag of 5.7 at cog, as shown
in Figure 8 .35 . Thus the phase of G(s) at cog' will be reduced by roughly 6 after
introducing C(s) . This is the reason for adding 6 to the required phase margin in
7The design on Bode plots is carried out mostly by measurements . It is difficult to differentiate between
5 .7 and 6 on a plot . Therefore we need not be concerned too much about accuracy in this method.
To conclude this section, we remark that the use of a phase-lag network will
reduce the gain-crossover frequency . Consequently the bandwidth of the unity-feed-
back system may be reduced . For this reason, this type of compensation will make
a system more sluggish .
In this section we introduce a network that has a positive phase for every w > 0 .
Consider the network shown in Figure 8 .36(a) . It is built by using two resistors, one
capacitor, and an amplifier . The impedance of the parallel connection of R 1 and the
capacitor with impedance 1/Cs is
Cs R1
R1Cs + 1
R + 1
1 Cs
Thus the transfer function from e1 to e2 in Figure 8 .36(a) is
E2(s) Rl + R2 R2
C2(s) : _ _
El(s) R2
R + R1
2 R 1 Cs + I (8 .43)
_ R1 + R2 R2+ R 1R2Cs 1 + bT2s
R2 R1 + R2 + R1R2Cs 1 + T2s
+ R2 . C
T2 = R1R1R2 (8 .45)
Im s
(a) (b)
The pole and zero of C 2(s) are plotted in Figure 8 .36(b) . The phase of C 2 (s) equals
0 - 0 as shown. Because 0 > 0 for all positive w, the phase of C 2 (s) is positive.
Thus it is called a phase-lead network. Note that C 2(0) = 1 .
The corner frequency of the zero is 1/bT 2 ; the corner frequency of the pole is
1/T 2 . Because b > 1, l/bT 2 < 1/T 2 and the corner frequency of the zero is on the
left-hand side of that of the pole . Thus the Bode gain plot of C 2 (s) is as shown
in Figure 8 .37. The gain at low frequencies is 1 or 0 dB . For large w, we have
C2(s) .- bT2 s/T2 s = b, thus the gain is b or 20 log b dB as shown . Unlike the phase-
lag network, the phase of the phase-lead network is essential in the design, therefore
we must compute its phase . The phase of (1 + bT2s)/(1 + T 2s) at s = jw equals
bT2 w - T2 w
P(w) = tan -i bT2w - tan -i T2 w = tan-i
1 + bTZw2
Thus we have
bT2 w - T2w
tan COO = (8.46)
1 + bTZw2
Since the phase plot is symmetric with respect to the midpoint of 11bT2 and 1/T2, as
shown in Figure 8.37, the maximum phase occurs at the midpoint . Because of the
logarithmic scale, the midpoint w,,, is given by
V bT2
20 log b /
10 log b i
log w
1 (t)
m 1
bT2 T2
90 0
00 log w
Vb T 2
-900 ----- - - - - - - --- -- - - -- --- - - - - - -
(b - 1)
(b - 1)TZ wm V _ b - 1
= 1 + bTzwm 1 + 1 2V
which implies
,~, b- I l+sin4
sin `I'm and b (8 .48)
= b + 1 = 1 - sin
We see that the larger the constant b, the larger the maximum phase 0m . However,
the network in Figure 8 .36 also requires a larger amplification . In practice, constant
b is seldom chosen to begreater than 15 . We mention that the gain equals 10 log b
at w = wm , as shown in Figure 8 .37 .
The philosophy of using a phase-lead network is entirely different from that of
using a phase-lag network . A phase-lag network is placed far away from the new
gain-crossover frequency so that its phase will not affect seriously the phase margin.
A phase-lead network, on the other hand, must be placed so that its maximum phase
will contribute wholely to the phase margin . Therefore, com should be placed at the
new gain-crossover frequency . To achieve this, however, is not as simple as in the
design of phase-lag networks . The procedure of designing phase-lead networks is
explained in the following :
Step 1 : Compute the position-error or velocity-error constant from the specifica-
tion on steady-state error .
Step 2: Plot the Bode plot of kG(s), the plant with the required position- or veloc-
ity-error constant. Determine the gain-crossover frequency co g and phase-
crossover frequency w,,. Measure the phase margin 0, and gain margin
from the plot .
Step 3 : If we decide to use a phase-lead compensator, calculate qf = (required
phase margin) - cbl . The introduction of a phase-lead compensator will
shift the gain-crossover frequency to the right and, consequently, decrease
the phase margin . To compensate for this reduction, we add 0, say 5 , to
qi. Compute 0m = i/r + 0.
Step 4: Compute constant b from (8.48), which yields phase 4m .
Step S. If we place this maximum phase at wg or, equivalently, set wm = wg,
because the network has positive gain, the gain-crossover frequency of
C2,(s)G(s) will be shifted to the right and the maximum phase will not
appear at the new gain-crossover frequency. For this reason, we must com-
pute first the new gain-crossover frequency before placing w m . We draw a
horizontal line with gain - 10 log b. Its intersection with the Bode gain
plot of kG(s) yields the new gain-crossover frequency, denoted by w9' .
Measure the phase margin 42 of kG(s) at this frequency. If 0, - 02 > 0,
choose a larger 0 in Step 3 and repeat Steps 4 and 5 . If 0, - 42 < 0, go
to the next step.
Step 6: Set to. = to' and compute T 2 from (8.47). If the resulting system satisfies
all other specifications, the design is completed. The network can then be
realized as shown in Figure 8 .36(a).
Example 8 .9.1
We shall redesign the system discussed in the preceding section by using a phase-
lead network. Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) . Find a
compensator C(s) in Figure 8 .1 such that C(s)G(s) will meet (1) velocity error <_
10%, (2) phase margin ? 60, and (3) gain margin ? 12 dB.
Now we shall choose C(s) as kC2(s), where C 2 (s) is given in (8 .43). Because
C2(0) = 1, the velocity-error constant K0 of C(s)G(s) is
K = lim sG,(s) = lim skC2(s)G(s) _
s-o s-o 2
Thus we require k ? 20 in order to meet the specification in (1). The Bode plot of
kG(s) = 20/s(s + 2) is plotted in Figure 8.38 with the solid lines . The phase margin
tp, is 26. The required phase margin is 60. Thus we have = 60 - 26 = 34.
If we introduce a phase-lead network, the gain-crossover frequency will increase
and the corresponding phase margin will decrease . In order to compensate for this
reduction, we choose arbitrarily 0 = 5 . Then we have tp~ = 34 + 5 = 39. This
is the total phase needed from a phase-lead network.
co'x = 6 .8
WR = 6.3 Phase-lead compensator
10 ! 20 50 100
Pole of -1 j1 .2 -0.98 -3 .2
G0 (s) -0.96 j O .96 -7 .7 j6.6
Root loci Im S Im s Im s
0 .09
-0.009 I
-0 .961 -7 .9 1 -2 .78
X - Re s )( I 0 )- Re s )( I \o) - Re s
-1 0 -2 1 -16 .67 1 -2
Step 1 .6
1 .4 Phase lead
Phase lag PI compensator
1 .2
0 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 8 .39 Various designs.
(shown with the dotted line) has the smallest overshoot among the three designs ; its
rise time and settling time are also smallest . Therefore it is the best design among
the three .
The phase-lead compensation does not always yield a good design . For example,
if the phase in the neighborhood of the gain-crossover frequency decreases rapidly,
then the reduction of the phase margin due to a phase-lead compensator will offset
the phase introduced by the compensator . In this case, the specification on phase
margin cannot be met . Thus, the phase-lead compensation is not effective if the
phase at the gain-crossover frequency decreases rapidly . To conclude this section,
we compare phase-lag and phase-lead networks in Table 8 .3.
In addition to the phase-lag and phase-lead networks, we may also use a network
with transfer function
1 + aT1s 1 + bT2s
C3(s) _ I + T,s I + T 2 s
in the design . The transfer function is the product of the transfer function of a phase-
lag network and that of a phase-lead network . Thus it is called a lag-lead network .
In the design, we use the attenuation property of the phase-lag part and the positive
phase of the phase-lead part . The basic idea is identical to those discussed in the
preceding two sections and will not be repeated .
Example 8 .10.1
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) . Find a PI compensator
C3 (s) in Figure 8.1 such that C 3 (s)G(s) will meet (1) velocity error <_ 10%, (2) phase
margin ? 60, and (3) gain margin ? 12 dB.
The transfer function of C3 (s)G(s) is
k (l + cs) 1 _ k (1 + cs)
C3(s)G(s) = (8 .51)
s s(s + 2) 2s2(l + 0.5s)
which has two poles at s = 0 . Thus it is of type 2, and the velocity error is zero for
any ki ( see Section 6.3.2). The same conclusion can also be reached by using Table
8.2. For a type 2 transfer function, the velocity-error constant K is infinity . Thus,
its velocity error 1/KI is zero for any ki.
We first assume c = 0 and plot in Figure 8.40 the Bode plot of
+ 2 s~
with k;/2 = 1 . The gain-crossover frequency is co g = 1 and the phase margin can
be read from the plot as -27. Because the phase plot approaches the - 180 line
at co = 0, the phase-crossover frequency is cop = 0 and the gain margin is negative
infinity . Changing ki will shift the gain plot up or down and, simultaneously, shift
the gain-crossover frequency to the right or left . However, the phase margin is always
0) A
0 .1 0 .2 1 2 10 20
__90 1
-27 --270o
negative and the gain margin remains negative infinity . Thus, if c = 0, the unity-
feedback system is unstable for any k ; and the design is not possible .
If k, > 0 and c > 0, the Bode phase plot of C3(s)G(s) is given by
+ Cs
(C3(s)G(s)) = (s2) + (11 + 0.5s) (8 .53)
(1 +Cs
-180 +
1 + 0.5s )
If c < 0 .5, then (1 + cs)/(1 + 0 .5s) is a phase-lag network and its phase is negative
for all positive w . In this case, the phase in (8 .53) is always smaller than -180.
Thus, the phase margin is negative, and the design is not possible . If c > 0 .5, then
(1 + cs)/(1 + 0 .5s) is a phase-lead network, and it will introduce positive phases
into (8.53). Thus the design is possible. We write
l+cs 1+cX0.5s
(8 .54)
1 + 0.5s 1 + 0.5s
with c > I and compare it with (8.43), then c = b and (8 .48) can be used to compute
c. Now the phase margin of C3(s)G(s) is required to be at least 60, therefore we
- - I + sin 60 1 + 0 .866
= 13 .9
1 - sin 60 1 - 0.866
Substituting this c into (8 .54) yields
l+cs 1+13.9X0 .5s 1+6.95s
1 + 0.5s 1 +0.5s 1 + 0.5s
and C3(s)G(s) in (8 .51) becomes
k,(21 + 6.95s)
C3 (s)G(s) = 2s (1 + 0 .5s) (8 .55)
The corner frequencies of the pole and zero of the phase-lead network are, respec-
tively, 1/0 .5 = 2 and 1/6 .95 = 0 .14 . Thus the maximum phase of the network
occurs at
w,,,=V0 .14X2=10 .28=0.53 (8 .56)
and equals 60. Figure 8 .41 shows the Bode plot of (8 .55) with k,/2 = 1 . We plot
only the asymptotes for the gain plot . Because the phase of 1/s 2 is -180, the phase
of (8 .55) is simply the phase of (1 + 6 .95s)/(1 + 0 .5s) shifted down by 180 . From
the plot, we see that the gain-crossover frequency is roughly 3 radians per second .
If we draw a vertical line down to the phase plot, the phase margin can be read out
as 25. This is less than the required 60 . Thus if k,12 = 1 or k, = 2, C 3 (s)G(s) in
(8.55) is not acceptable .
If we increase k the gain plot will move up, the gain-crossover frequency will
shift to the right, and the corresponding phase margin will decrease . On the other
hand, decreasing ki will move down the gain plot and shift the gain-crossover fre-
quency to the left . Thus the phase margin will increase . Now c in the phase-lead
network (1 + cs)/(1 + 0 .5s) is chosen so that the phase is 60 at Wm = 0.53 . Thus,
we shall choose ki so that the gain-crossover frequency equals The gain at W,
is roughly 22 dB, so we set
20 log 2 = - 22
which implies
= 10 -22/20 = 0.08
a If we choose ki = 2 X 0.08 = 0.16, then C3(s)G(s) in (8 .55) will meet the speci-
fication on phase margin .
The phase plot approaches the -180 line at to = 0 and W = oc, as shown in
Figure 8 .41 . Thus, there are two phase-crossover frequencies . Their corresponding
gain margins are, respectively, -- and co . It is difficult to see the physical meaning
of these gain margins from Figure 8 .41, so we shall plot the Nyquist plot of
C3(s)G(s), where the phase and gain margins are originally defined . Figure 8 .42
0 .1 0 .14 1 1 2 3 10
I --20 1
I 1
I 4 I
0 .53 I ^ 1
0.1 I 1 1 10
I 1
1 --90 I
y I
y 25
-180 t
Figure 8 .41 Bode plot of (1 + 6 .95s)/s 2 (l + 0.5s).
Im Im
8.1 . Plot the polar plots, log magnitude-phase plots, and Bode plots of
10 20
(s - 2) s(s + 1)
8.2. Plot the Bode plots of the following transfer functions :
s + 5
a. G(s) = s(s +
1)(s + 10)
s(s + 1)(s + 10)
c. G (s) =
(s + 2)(s 2 + 8s + 25)
8.3. a. Consider the Bode gain plot shown in Figure P8 .3. Find all transfer func-
tions that have the gain plot .
Figure P8.3
b. If the transfer functions are known to be stable, find all transfer functions
that have the gain plot .
c. If the transfer functions are known to be minimum phase, find all transfer
functions that have the gain plot .
d. If the transfer functions are known to be stable and of minimum phase, find
all transfer functions that have the gain plot . Is this transfer function unique?
8.4. Consider the three Bode plots shown in Figure P8 .4. What are their transfer
dB dB
Phase Phase
0 10 100 1000
(a) (b)
Figure P8 .4
Figure P8 .4 (Continued)
8 .5 . Consider
k(1 + 0.5s)
G(s) = s(bs + 1)(s + 10)
Its Bode plot is plotted in Figure P8 .5 . What are k and b?
90 1 -
0 .1 0.2 1
10 20 100
Figure P8 .5
IA(jw)I A(jc))
1 10 10 6 Hz
Figure P8 .6
8.7. Use the Nyquist criterion to determine the stability of the system shown in
Figure 8 .17(a) with
2s + 10
a. G 1(s) =
(s + 1)(s - 1)
2s + 1
b. G 1 (s) = s(s
- 1)
100(s + 1)
c. G i (s) = s(s
- 1)(s + 10)
8.8. Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 8 .17(b) . If the polar plot
of G1(s) is of the form shown in Figure P8 .8, find the stability range for the
following cases :
a. G 1(s) has no open right-half-plane (RHP) pole and zero .
Figure P8 .8
Figure P8.12
8.13 . Consider the system shown in Figure 8 .1 . The Bode plot of the plant is shown
in Figure P8 .13. The compensator C(s) is chosen as a gain k. Find k to meet
(1) phase margin ?60, (2) gain margin ? 10 dB, and (3) position error S25% .
10 100
-180 -
Figure P8 .13
8.14. The Bode plot of the plant in Figure 8 .1 is shown in Figure P8 .14 . Find
a phase-lag network to meet (1) phase margin ?60 and (2) gain margin
?10 dB .
0 .1 1 10 100
Figure P8 .14
8.15. Consider the control of the depth of a submarine discussed in Problem 7 .8.
Design an overall system to meet (1) position error :10%, (2) phase margin
?60, and (3) gain margin >_ 10 dB . Compare the design with the one in Prob-
lem 7 .8 .
8.16 . Consider the ship stabilization problem discussed in Problem 7 .14 . Design an
overall system to meet (1) position error X15%, (2) phase margin ?60,
(3) gain margin ? 10 dB, and (4) gain-crossover frequency ? 10 rad/s .
8.17 . Consider the problem of controlling the yaw of the airplane discussed in Prob-
lem 7 .15. Design an overall system to meet (1) velocity error <_10%, (2) phase
margin j30%, (3) gain margin ?6 dB, and (4) gain-crossover frequency as
large as possible .
8.18. Consider the plant transfer function given in Problem 7 .16, which is factored
G(s) =
s(s + 0.225)(s + 3 .997)(s + 179 .8)
Design an overall system to meet (1) position error = 0, (2) phase margin
?55, (3) gain margin >6 dB, and (4) gain-crossover frequency is not smaller
than that of the uncompensated plant . [Hint: Use a lag-lead network .]
8.19 . a. Plot the Bode plot of
s - 1
G(s) = s
2(s + 10)
In the design of control systems using the root-locus method or the frequency-domain
method, we first choose a configuration and a compensator with open parameters .
We then search for parameters such that the resulting overall system will meet design
specifications . This approach is essentially a trial-and-error method ; therefore,
we usually choose the simplest possible feedback configuration (namely, a unity-
feedback configuration) and start from the simplest possible compensator-namely,
a gain (a compensator of degree 0) . If the design objective cannot be met by searching
the gain, we then choose a different configuration or a compensator of degree 1
(phase-lead or phase-lag network) and repeat the search. This approach starts from
internal compensators and then designs an overall system to meet design specifica-
tions; therefore, it may be called the outward approach.
In this and the following chapters we shall introduce a different approach, called
the inward approach. In this approach, we first search for an overall transfer function
to meet design specifications, and then choose a configuration and compute the
required compensators . Choice of overall transfer functions will be discussed in this
chapter. The implementation problem-namely, choosing a configuration and com-
puting the required compensators-will be discussed in the next chapter .
Consider a plant with proper transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) as shown in
Figure 9 .1 . In the inward approach, the first step is to choose an overall transfer
function G0(s) from the reference input r to the plant output y to meet a set of
r I Y
G (s) T- ~
i __L~
i i
i G o (s) i
L---_ J
Consider a plant with proper transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) . Then G0 (s) is
implementable if and only if G0(s) and
T(s) :
= G (s)
are proper and stable .
We discuss first the necessity of the theorem . Consider, for example, the con-
figuration shown in Figure 9 .2 . Noise, which may enter into the intput and output
terminals of each block, is not shown . If the closed-loop transfer function from r to
y is G0(s) and if there is no plant leakage, then the closed-loop transfer function from
r to u is T(s). Well-posedness requires every closed-loop transfer function to be
proper, thus T(s) and G0(s) must be proper. Total stability requires every closed-loop
transfer function to be stable, thus G0(s) and T(s) must be stable. This establishes
the necessity of the theorem . The sufficiency of the theorem will be established
constructively in the next chapter .
C3 C4
CI C2 G (s)
Cs C7 C6
Consider a plant with proper transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) . Then G0(s) _
N0(s)/D 0 (s) is implementable if and only if
(a) deg D0(s) - deg N0(s) ? deg D(s) - deg N(s) (pole-zero excess inequality) .
(b) All closed RHP zeros of N(s) are retained in N0(s) (retainment of non-
minimum-phase zeros) .
(c) D0(s) is Hurwitz .
As was defined in Section 8 .3.1, zeros in the closed RHP are called non-mini-
mum-phase zeros . Zeros in the open left half plane are called minimum-phase zeros .
Poles in the closed RHP are called unstable poles . We see that the non-minimum-
phase zeros of G(s) impose constraints on implementable G 0(s) but the unstable
poles of G(s) do not . This can be easily explained from the unity-feedback config-
uration shown in Figure 9 .3. Let
G (s) = N(s) C(s) = Nc(s)
D(s) Dr (s)
be respectively the plant transfer function and compensator transfer_ function . Let
r + e U Y
C(s) G (s)
G0 (s) = N0 (s)/D 0(s) be the overall transfer function from the reference input r to
the plant output y . Then we have
N0(s) C(s)G(s) N(s)Nc (s)
G ,(s)
D0(s) 1 + C(s)G(s) D(s)D,(s) + N(s)Nc(s) I921
We see that N(s) appears directly as a factor of N0(s). If a root of N(s) does not
appear in N0(s), the only way to achieve this is to introduce the same root in D(s)Dc(s)
+ N(s)NN,(s) to cancel it . This cancellation is an unstable pole-zero cancellation if
the root of N(s) is in the closed right half s-plane . In this case, the system cannot be
totally stable and the cancellation is not permitted . Therefore all non-minimum-phase
zeros of G(s) must appear in N0(s). The poles of G(s) or the roots of D(s) are shifted
to D(s)D,(s) + N(s)N N(s) by feedback, and it is immaterial whether D(s) is Hurwitz
or not . Therefore, unstable poles of G(s) do not impose any constraint on G0(s), but
non-minimum-phase zeros of G (s) do. Although the preceding assertion is developed
for the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 9 .3, it is generally true that, in any
feedback configuration without plant leakage, feedback will shift the poles of the
plant transfer function to new locations but will not affect its zeros . Therefore the
non-minimum-phase zeros of G(s) impose constraints on G0(s) but the unstable poles
of G(s) do not .
Example 9 .2.1
+ 2)(s - 1)
G(s) - (s
s(s - 2s + 2)
Then we have
G0(s) = 1 Not implementable, because it violates (a) and (b) in Corollary 9 .1 .
s + 2
G 1) Not implementable, meets (a) and (c) but violates (b).
(s) = (s + 3)(s +
s - 1
G0 Not implementable, meets (a) and (b), violates (c).
(s) = s(s + 2)
s - 1
G0(s) = Implementable .
(s + 3)(s + 1)
S - 1
G0 Implementable.
(s) = (s + 3)(s + 1)2
(2s - 3)(s -1)
Qs) = Implementable .
- 3)(s - 1)(s + 1)
o(s) =
G ,(s) ( s + 2)5 Implementable .
Exercise 9.2 .1
Exercise 9 .2.2
From the preceding examples, we see that if the pole-zero excess inequality is
met, then all poles and all minimum-phase zeros of G0(s) can be arbitrarily assigned .
To be precise, all poles of G0(s) can be assigned anywhere inside the open left half
s-plane (to insure stability) . Other than retaining all non-minimum-phase zeros of
G(s), all minimum-phase zeros of G0(s) can be assigned anywhere in the entire
s-plane . In the assignment, if a complex number is assigned as a zero or pole, its
complex conjugate must also be assigned . Otherwise, the coefficients of G 0 (s) will
be complex, and G0(s) cannot be realized in the real world . Therefore, roughly speak-
ing, if G0(s) meets the pole-zero excess inequality, its poles and zeros can be arbi-
trarily assigned .
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s). The problem of designing a system
so that its overall transfer function equals a given model with transfer function G m(s)
is called the model-matching problem . Now if Gm(s) is not implementable, no matter
how hard we try, it is not possible to match Gm(s) without violating the four con-
straints . On the other hand, if Gm(s) is implementable, it is possible, as will be shown
in the next chapter, to match Gm(s). Therefore, the model-matching problem is the
same as our implementability problem . In conclusion, in model matching, we can
arbitrarily assign poles as well as minimum-phase zeros so long as they meet the
pole-zero excess inequality.
To conclude this section, we mention that if G o is implementable, it does not
mean that it can be implemented using any configuration. For example, G0(s) =
1/(s + 1) 2 is implementable for the plant G(s) = 1/s(s - 1). This G0(s), however,
cannot be implemented in the unity-feedback configuration shown in Figure 9 .3 ; it
can be implemented using some other configurations, as will be discussed in the
next chapter . In conclusion, for any G(s) and any implementable G0(s), there exists
at least one configuration in which Gs(s) can be implemented under the preceding
four constraints .
'Also, they can all be negative . For convenience, we consider only the positive case .
Exercise 9.2 .3
What types of reference signals can the following systems track without an error?
s + 5
. s3 +2s2 +8s+5
8s + 5
b. s3
+2s2 +8s+5
2s2 +9s+68
s3 +2s2 +9s+68
[Answers : (a) Step functions . (b) Ramp functions . (c) None, because it is not
stable . ]
The performance of a control system is generally specified in terms of the rise time,
settling time, overshoot, and steady-state error . Suppose we have designed two sys-
tems, one with a better transient performance but a poorer steady-state -performance,
the other with a poorer transient performance but a better steady-stage performance .
The question is : Which system should we use? This difficulty arises from the fact
that the criteria consist of more than one factor. In order to make comparisons, the
criteria may be modified as
J : = kl X (Rise time) + k2 X (Settling time)
(9 .4)
+ k 3 X (Overshoot) + k4 X (Steady-state error)
where the k, are weighting factors and are chosen according to the relative importance
of the rise time, settling time, and so forth. The system that has the smallest J is
called the optimal system with respect to the criterion J. Although the criterion is
reasonable, it is not easy to track analytically . Therefore more trackable criteria are
used in engineering .
We define
e(t) : = r(t) - y(t)
It is the error between the reference input and the plant output at time t as shown
in Figure 9 .4. Because an error exists at every t, we must consider the total error in
[0, oc) . One way to define the total error is
J l e(t)dt
:= (9.5)
This is not a useful criterion, however, because of possible cancellations between
positive and negative errors . Thus a small Jl may not imply a small e(t) for all t. A
better definition of the total error is
J2 (9 .6)
fo e(t)I dt
This is called the integral of absolute error (IAE) . In this case, a small J2 will imply
a small e(t) . Other possible definitions are
J3 = fo le(t)I2 dt (9 .7)
Figure 9 .4 Errors .
J4 : = f0 tl e(t)I dt (9 .8)
The former is called the integral of square error (ISE) or quadratic error, and the
latter the integral of time multiplied by absolute error (ITAE) . The ISE penalizes
large errors more heavily than small errors, as is shown in Figure 9 .4. Because of
the unavoidable large errors at small t due to transient responses, it is reasonable not
to put too much weight on those errors . This is achieved by multiplying t with I e(t)I .
Thus the ITAE puts less weight on e(t) for t small and more weight on e(t) for t
large . The total errors defined in J 2 , J3, and J4 are all reasonable and can be used in
design .
Although these criteria are reasonable, they should not be used without consid-
ering physical constraints . To illustrate this point, we consider a plant with transfer
function G(s) = (s + 2)/s(s + 3). Because G(s) has no non-minimum-phase zero
and has a pole-zero excess of 1, G0 (s) = a/(s + a) is implementable for any positive
a. We plot in Figure 9 .5(a) the responses of G 0(s) due to a unit-step reference input
for a = I (solid line), a = 10 (dashed line), and a = 100 (dotted line) . We see that
the larger a is, the smaller J2, J3 , and J4 are . In fact, as a approaches infinity, J2, J3 ,
and J4 all approach zero . Therefore an optimal implementable G 0 (s) is a/(s + a)
with a = -.
As discussed in Section 6 .7, the actuating signal of the plant is usually limited
~u(t)I < M for all t ? 0 (9 .9)
This arises from limited operational ranges of linear models or the physical con-
straints of devices such as the opening of valves or the rotation of rudders . Clearly,
the larger the reference input, the larger the actuating signal . For convenience, the
u(t) in (9.9) will be assumed to be excited by a unit-step reference input and the
constant M is proportionally scaled . Now we shall check whether this constraint will
be met for all a. No matter how G0(s) is implemented, if there is no plant leakage,
the closed-loop transfer function from the reference input r to the actuating signal u
is given by
T(s) G (s)) (9.10)
= G
If r is a step function, then the actuating signal u equals
0(s) 1 = a(s + 3)
U(s) = T(s)R(s) = G (9.11)
G(s) s (s + 2)(s + a)
This response is plotted in Figure 9 .5(b) for a = 1, 10, and 100. This can be obtained
by analysis or by digital computer simulations . For this example, it happens that
Iu(t)I max = u(0) = a . For a = 100, u(0) is outside the range of the plot . We see
1 .2
a = 100
0 .8
0 -t
0 .5 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4
a = 1
0.5 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4
Figure 9 .5 (a) Step responses . (b) Actuating signals .
that the larger a is, the larger the magnitude of the actuating signal . Therefore if a
is very large, the constraint in (9.9) will be violated.
In conclusion, in using the performance indices in (9.6) to (9.8), we must include
the constraint in (9.9). Otherwise we can make these indices as small as desired and
the system will always be saturated . Another possible constraint is to limit the band-
width of resulting overall systems . The reason for limiting the bandwidth is to avoid
amplification of high-frequency noise . It is believed that both constraints will lead
to comparable results . In this chapter we discuss only the constraint on actuating
signals .
In this section we discuss the design of an overall system to minimize the quadratic
performance index
G( s ) = N(s) (9 .14)
It is assumed that N(s) and D(s) have no common factors and deg N(s) < deg D(s)
= n. The design problem is to find an overall transfer function to minimize the
quadratic performance index
where q is a positive constant, r is the reference signal, y is the output, and u is the
actuating signal . Before proceeding, we first discuss the spectral factorization .
Consider the polynomial
Q(s) : = D(s)D( - s) + qN(s)N( - s) (9 .16)
It is formed from the denominator and numerator of the plant transfer function and
the weighting factor q. It is clear that Q(s) = Q(-s) . Hence, if s, is a root of Q(s),
so is -s 1 . Since all the coefficients of Q(s) are real by assumption, if s i is a root of
Q(s), so is its complex conjugate s* . Consequently all the roots of Q(s) are symmetric
with respect to the real axis, the imaginary axis, and the origin of the s-plane, as
shown in Figure 9 .6 . We now show that Q(s) has no root on the imaginary axis .
Q(jw) = D(jw)D( - jw) + gN(jw)N( - jw) (9.17)
= ID( j (0)1 2 + ql N(j(0 )1 2
The assumption that D(s) and N(s) have no common factors implies that there exists
no coo such that D(jcoo) = 0 and N(jwo) = 0 . Otherwise s2 + wo would be a
common factor of D(s) and N(s) . Thus if q 0 0, Q(jw) in (9.17) cannot be zero for
any w . Consequently, Q(s) has no root on the imaginary axis . Now we shall divide
the roots of Q(s) into two groups, those in the open left half plane and those in the
open right half plane . If all the open left-half-plane roots are denoted by D0(s), then,
because of the symmetry property, all the open right-half-plane roots can be denoted
by D,(- s). Thus, we can always factor Q(s) as
Q(s) = D(s)D(- s) + gN(s)N(- s) = D0(s)D0(- s) (9.18)
where D0(s) is a Hurwitz polynomial . The factorization in (9 .18) is called the spectral
factorization .
With the spectral factorization, we are ready to discuss the optimal overall trans-
fer function . The optimal overall transfer function depends on the reference signal
r(t) . The more complicated r(t), the more complicated the optimal overall transfer
function . We discuss in the following only the case where r(t) is a step function .
Im s
X d X
I X X >< >< I >- Re s
-c -b -a a b c
X -d X
where q > 0, and r(t) = 1 for t ? 0, that is, r(t) is a step-reference signal .
Solution First we compute the spectral factorization :
Q(s) : = D(s)D( - s) + qN(s)N( - s) = D0(s)D,(-s)
where D0(s) is a Hurwitz polynomial . Then the optimal overall transfer function is
given by
The proof of (9.19) is beyond the scope of this text ; its employment, however,
is very simple. This is illustrated by the following example .
Example 9 .4 .1
Consider a plant with transfer function
G(s) _ N(s) 1
(9 .20)
D(s) s(s + 2)
Find G0 (s) to minimize
Clearly we have q = 9,
D(s) = s(s + 2) D(-s) = -s(-s + 2)
N(s) = 1 N(- s) = 1
We compute
Q(s) : = D(s)D( - s) + qN(s)N( - s)
= s(s + 2)( - s)( - s + 2) + 9 . 1 . 1 (9 .22)
_ -s 2(-s 2 +4)+9=s 4 -4s 2 +9
B = tan-' = 48
Thus the four roots of Q(s) are
u 3ej0/2 = V 3ej 24 _\ej24 = V 3ej(180+24) _ \ ej204-
\e-j24 -N/3e j24 _ N/-3ej(180-24) _ \ ej156
as shown in Figure 9.7. The two roots in the left column are in the open right half
s-plane; the two roots in the right column are in the open left half s-plane . Using the
two left-half-plane roots, we form
D(s) _ (s + \ej24 )(s + \e - j24 )
S2 + '\13(e j24' + e-j240)s + 3 (9 .23)
=s 2 +2 N/3(cos24 )s+3=s 2 +3.2s+3
This completes the spectral factorization . Because q = 9, N(O) = 1, and D(0) _
3, the optimal system is, using (9.19),
1 3
G (s)
,(s) (9 .24)
3 s 2 + 3 .2s + 3 s 2 + 3 .2s + 3
This G (s) is clearly implementable . Because G(0) = 1, the optimal system has a
zero position error . The implementation of this optimal system will be discussed in
the next chapter .
Im s
> Res
- 0
_ -ej 24 ~3e -j 24
Exercise 9 .4.1
where b; are required to be all positive .2 If any one of them is zero or negative, then
D0(s) is not Hurwitz. Clearly, we have
D,(-s) = bo + b,(-s) + b2 (- s) 2 = bo - b t s + b2s 2 (9 .28)
The multiplication of D0(s) and Do( - s) yields
D0(s)D,(-s) = (bo + bt s + b 2s2)(bo - bts + b2s2)
= bo + (2b0b2 - b2 )s 2 + b22s 4
It is an even function of s. In order to meet (9 .26), we equate
b0 = 9
2b0b2 - b2 = - 4
b2 = I
Thus we have b0 = 3, b 2 = 1 and
bi =2b0b2 +4=2 .3 .1 + 4 = 10
which implies b t = N/10 . Note that we require all b; to be positive ; therefore, we
have taken only the positive part of the square roots . Thus the spectral factorization
of (9.26) is
D0 (s)=3+V10s+s 2 =3+3 .2s+s 2
We see that this procedure is quite simple and can be used if a digital computer and
the required software are not available . The preceding result can be stated more
generally as follows : If
Q(s) = a 0 + a2s2 + a4 s4 (9 .29)
and if
D0(s) = b0 + bts + b2s2 (9 .30)
b0 = V b2 = bt = -\I(-a2 + 2b0b 2) (9 .31)
Note that before computing b t , we must compute first b0 and b2 .
Now we shall extend the preceding procedure to a more general case . Consider
Q(s) = a0 + a2s2 + a4s4 + a6 S6 (9 .32)
2Also, they can all be negative . For convenience, we consider only the positive case .
D0(-s) = b - b,s + b2s 2 - b3S3
D0 (s)D 0(-s) = bo + (2b b 2 - b,)s2 + (b2 - 2b1b3 )s4 - b3s6 (9 .34)
2bb2 - bi = a 2 (9 .35b)
b2 - 2b, b3 = a4 (9 .35c)
b3 = - ab (9 .35d)
31f we compute b2 = ( a2 + b ;)/2b o and b, = (b22 - a4)/2b 3 iteratively, the process will diverge .
Example 9 .4.2
Compute the spectral factorization of
Q(s) = 25 - 41s 2 + 20s4 - 4s6 (9.37)
D0(s) = b + b 1 s + b2 S 2 + b3s3
Its constant term and leading coefficient are simply the square roots of the corre-
sponding coefficients of Q(s) :
bo = 25=5 b3 =VI -41 =N/ 4 = 2
The substitution of these into (9 .36) yields
b, = V 10b 2 + 41
b2 = 120 + 4b,
Now we shall solve these equations iteratively . Arbitrarily, we choose b2 as b
0 and compute
Exercise 9.4.2
It is also required that the actuating signal due to a unit-step reference input meet
the constraint ~u(t)j < 3, for all t ? 0. Arbitrarily, we choose q = 100 and compute
Q(s) = s(s + 2)(-s)(-s + 2) + 100 .1 .1 = s4 - 4s2 + 100
Its spectral factorization can be computed as, using (9 .31),
D0 (s)=s2 + 24s+ 10=s 2 +4.9s+ 10
Thus the quadratic optimal transfer function is
qN(0) N(s) _ 100 . 1 1
0(s) - R(s) -
G ,(s) Do(0) D0 (s) 10 s2 + 49s + 10
s 2 +49s+ 10
The unit-step response of this system is simulated and plotted in Figure 9.8(a). Its
rise time, settling time, and overshoot are 0 .92 s, 1 .70 s, and 2 .13%, respectively.
Although the response is quite good, we must check whether or not its actuating
signal meets the constraint. No matter what configuration is used to implement G 0(s),
if there is no plant leakage, the transfer function from the reference signal r to the
actuating signal u is
G0(s) _ 10 s(s + 2) _ 10s(s + 2)
T(s) =
G(s) s2 +4.9s+ 10 1 s 2 +4.9s+ 10
YO y(r~
,- t yt 0 I I-t
5 5 10 u(t) 5
u (t)
rat 0 i >t
(b) (c)
q = 100 0 .64 9
Rise time = 0.92 6 .21 2 .01
Settling time = 1 .70 10 .15 2 .80
Overshoot = 2 .13% 0% 0 .09%
U (0+) = 10 0 .8 3
The unit-step response of T(s) is simulated and also plotted in Figure 9.8(a). We see
that u(0 + ) = 10 and the constraint J u(t) l < 3 is violated . Because the largest mag-
nitude of u(t) occurs at t = 0 + , it can also be computed by using the initial-value
theorem (see Appendix A) . The response u(t) due to r(t) = 1 is
U(s) = T(s)R(s) =
s 2 + 4.9s + 10 s
The application of the initial-value theorem yields
u(0+) = lim sU(s) = lim sT(s)R(s) = lim T(s) = 10
Thus the constraint Ju(t) l < 3 is not met and the selection of q = 100 is not
acceptable 4
Next we choose q = 0 .64 and repeat the design . The optimal transfer function
is found as
0.64 x 1 1 0.8
G0 (s) =
0.8 S2 + 6 s + 0 .8 s 2 + 2.4s + 0.8
4 1t is shown by B . Seo [511 that if a plant transfer function is of the form (b 1 s + bo )/s(s + a), with
bo = 0, then the maximum magnitude of the actuating signal of quadratic optimal systems occurs at
t = 0 + and ~u(t)j < u(0 + ) = V.
Its unit-step response and the actuating signal are plotted in Figure 9.8(b). The re-
sponse is fairly slow . Because Ju(t)j < u(0 + ) = 0.8 is much smaller than 3, the
system can be designed to respond faster . Next we try q = 9, and compute
Q(s) = s(s + 2)(-s)(-s + 2) + 9 . 1 . 1
Its spectral factorization, using (9.31), is
DO (s) =s 2 +V10 s+3=s 2 +3.2s+3
Thus the optimal transfer function is
qN(0) N(s) = 9 . 1 1
GO(s) = = 3 (9.38)
D0(0) DO(s) 3 s2 + 3 .2s + 3 s2 + 3.2s + 3
and the transfer function from r to u is
G0(s) 3s(s + 2)
s 2 +3 .2s+3
Their unit-step responses are plotted in Figure 9 .8(c). The rise time of y(t) is 2 .01
seconds, the settling time is 2 .80 seconds, and the overshoot is 0 .09%. We also have
Iu(t)l < u(0 + ) = T(-) = 3, for all t. Thus this overall system has the fastest response
under the constraint J u(t) l < 3.
From this example, we see that the weighting factor q is to be chosen by trial
and error . We choose an arbitrary q, say q = q 0, and carry out the design . After the
completion of the design, we then simulate the resulting overall system . If the re-
sponse is slow or sluggish, we may increase q and repeat the design. In this case,
the response will become faster . However, the actuating signal may also become
larger and the plant may be saturated . Thus the choice of q is generally reached by
a compromise between the speed of response and the constraint on the actuating
signal .
Optimality is a fancy word because it means "the best ." However, without
introducing a performance index, it is meaningless to talk about optimality . Even if
a performance index is introduced, if it is not properly chosen, the resulting system
may not be satisfactory in practice . For example, the second system in Figure 9 .8 is
optimal with q = 0.64, but it is very slow . Therefore, the choice of a suitable
performance index is not necessarily simple.
Exercise 9 .4.3
Given a plant with transfer function G(s) = (s + 2)/s(s - 2), find a quadratic
optimal system under the constraint that the magnitude of the actuating signal due
to a unit step reference input is less than 5 .
[Answer : G0(s) = 5(s + 2)/(s 2 + 7s + 10) .]
In this section we shall discuss three more examples . Every one of them will be
redesigned in latter sections and be compared with quadratic optimal design .
Example 9 .5.1
Consider a plant with transfer function [19, 34]
s = 9
s(s 2 + 0.25s + 6 .25)
Design an overall system to minimize
J = f
[q(y(t) - 1)2 + u2(t)]dt (9 .40)
The weighting factor q is to be chosen so that the actuating signal u(t) due to a unit-
step reference input meets Ju(t)l < 10 for t ? 0. First we choose q = 9 and compute
Q(s) = D(s)D( - s) + qN(s)N( - s)
= s(s 2 + 0 .25s + 6 .25) . (-s)(s 2 - 0.25s + 6 .25) + 9 . 2 . 2 (9.41)
= -s 6 - 12.4375s4 - 39 .0625s2 + 36
The spectral factorization of (9.41) can be carried out iteratively as discussed in
Section 9.4.2 or by solving its roots . As a review, we use both methods in this
example . We first use the former method . Let
D0(s) = b + b,s + b2s2 + b3S 3
Its constant term and leading coefficient are simply the square roots of the corre-
sponding coefficients of Q(s) :
b = N/36 = 6 b3 = '\/ _11 _ Vi = 11
b, 6.25 6.49 6.91 7.30 7.53 7.65 7.70 7.73 7.75 7.75
b2 0 0.25 0.73 1 .18 1 .47 1 .62 1.69 1 .72 1 .74 1 .74 1 .75
We see that they converge to the solution b, = 7 .75 and b2 = 1 .75 . Thus we have
Q(s) = D0(s)D,,(-s) with
D0 (s) = s3 + 1 .755 2 + 7 .75s + 6
Thus the optimal overall transfer function that minimizes (9.40) with q = 9 is
_ qN(0) N(s) 9 .2 2
G(s) D0(0) D0(s) 6 s3 + 1 .755 2 + 7 .75s + 6 (9 .42)
s 3 + 1 .755 2 + 7 .75s + 6
For this overall transfer function, it is found by computer simulation that ju(t)j < 3,
for t ? 0. Thus we may choose a larger q . We choose q = 100 and compute
Q(s) = D(s)D(-s) + 100N(s)N( - s)
_S6 - 12 .4375s4 - 39 .0625s 2 + 400
Now we use the second method to carry out the spectral factorization . We use
PC-MATLAB to compute its roots . The command
r =roots([ -1 0 -12 .4375 0 - 39.0625 0 400])
y (f)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 9.9 Responses of various designs of (9.39).
r= -0 .9917+3 .0249i
- 0 .9917 - 3 .02491
0 .9917 + 3 .02491
0 .9917 - 3 .0249i
1 .9737
-1 .9737
The first, second, and last roots are in the open left half plane . The command
poly([r(1) r(2) r(6)])
yields [1 .000 3 .9571 14.0480 20.0000] . Thus we have D (s) = s 3 + 3 .957s 2
+ 14.048s + 20 and the quadratic optimal overall transfer function is
G(s) = (9 .43)
s3 + 3.957s 2 + 14.048s + 20
For this transfer function, the maximum amplitude of the actuating signal due to a
unit-step reference input is 10 . Thus we cannot choose a larger q . The unit-step
response of G0(s) in (9 .43) is plotted in Figure 9 .9 with the solid line. The response
appears to be quite satisfactory .
Exaryiple 9 .5.2
Consider a plant with transfer function
G(s) =
s( + 1) (9 .44)
where the weighting factor has been chosen as 100 . We first compute
Q(s) = D(s)D( - s) + qN(s)N( - s)
= s(s - 1)(-s)(-s - 1) + 100(s + 3)(-s + 3)
=S4 - lOls2 +900
Its response due to a unit-step reference input is shown in Figure 9 .10(a) with the
solid line . The actuating signal due to a unit-step reference input is shown in Figure
9 .10(b) with the solid line ; it has the property I u(t)I < 10 for t ? 0.
Y (t) u(t)
,- ITAE in (9.59)
L Quadratic optimal
ITAE in (9 .57)
Computer simulation
0.1 0.2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5
(a) (b)
Figure 9 .10 Responses of various designs of (9.44).
Example 9.5.3
Consider a plant with transfer function
S - 1
G(s) = (9.47)
s(s - 2)
It has a non-minimum-phase zero . To find the optimal system to minimize the quad-
ratic performance index in (9.45), we compute
Q(s) = s(s - 2)(-s)(-s - 2) + 100(s - 1)(-s - 1) = s 4 - 104s 2 + 100
= (s + 10.1503)(s - 10.1503)(s + 0 .9852)(s - 0.9852)
Thus we have D(s) = s2 + 11 .14s + 10 and
-10(s - 1)
G ,(s)
(s) (9.48)
s2 + 11 .14s + 10
Its unit-step response is shown in Figure 9 .11 with the solid line. By computer
simulation we also find Ju(t)l !5 10 for t ? 0 if the reference input is a unit-step
function .
Y (t)
5 6
= G (s)G ( - s) = s) (9.50)
41 D(s)D(-
These equations are similar to (7 .11) through (7.13), thus the root-locus method can
be directly applied . The root loci of (9 .50) for G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) are plotted in
Im s
1 ) I >-Res
q= 1
Figure 9.12. The roots for q = 0 .64, 4, 9, and 100 are indicated as shown . We see
that the root loci are symmetric with respect to the imaginary axis as well as the real
axis . Furthermore the root loci will not cross the imaginary axis for q > 0 . Although
the root loci reveal the migration of the poles of the quadratic optimal system, they
do not tell us how to pick a specific set of poles to meet the constraint on the actuating
signal .
We discuss now the poles of G0(s) as q It is assumed that G(s) has n poles
and m zeros and has no non-minimum-phase zeros . Then, as q - -, 2m root
loci of G(s)G ( - s) will approach the 2m roots of N(s)N( - s) and the remaining
(2n - 2m) root loci will approach the (2n - 2m) asymptotes with angles
(2k + 1) 7r
k = 0, 1,2, . . .,2n - 2m - 1
2n - 2m
Ims Ims
/ / 3
>)K Re s -H
1 1
\ / x
n-m=3 / n-m=4
Figure 9 .13 Distribution of optimal poles as q --> - .
In this section we discuss the design of control systems to minimize the integral of
time multiplied by absolute error (ITAE) in'(9.8). For the quadratic overall system
_ s2 + 2~s + 1
the ITAE, the integral of absolute error (IAE) in (9.6), and the integral of square
error (ISE) in (9.7) as a function of the damping ratio ~ are plotted in Figure 9 .14.
The ITAE has largest changes as C varies, and therefore has the best selectivity . The
ITAE also yields a system with a faster response than other criteria, therefore Graham
and Lathrop [33] chose it as their design criterion . The system that has the smallest
ITAE is called the optimal system in the sense of ITAE or the ITAE optimal system.
Consider the -overall transfer function
G (s) = (9.51)
s" + an i s" -1 + + a2 s2 + a 1 s + a o
This transfer function contains no zeros . Because G(0) = 1, if G(s) is stable, then
the position error is zero, or the plant output will track asymptotically any step-
reference input . By analog computer simulation, the denominators of ITAE optimal
systems were found to assume the forms listed in Table 9 .1 . Their poles and unit-
step responses, for w o = 1, are plotted in Figures 9 .15 and 9.16 . We see that the
optimal poles are distributed evenly around the neighborhood of the unit circle . We
also see that the overshoots of the unit-step responses are fairly large for large n.
These systems are called the ITAE zero-position-error optimal systems .
0 0.4 0.8 1 .2
Figure 9.14 Comparison of various design criteria.
_j -J -j
5 10 15
Normalized time
Figure 9.16 Step responses of ITAE optimal systems with zero position error .
1 .5
0 .5
0 5 10 15
Normalized time
Figure 9.17 Step responses of ITAE optimal systems with zero velocity error .
s2 +3.2wos+wo
s3 + 1 .75wos2 + 3.25wos + wo
s4 + 2.41wos3 + 4.93wos 2 + 5.14wps + wo
S' + 2.19wos4 + 6.SOwos 3 + 6.30wos 2 + 5.24
OS + 0)5
s6 + 6.12woss + 13 .42wos4 + 17.16wos3 + 14.14wos 2 + 6 .76wos + w60
Figure 9.18 Step responses of ITAE optimal systems with zero acceleration error .
9.6.1 Applications
In this subsection we discuss how to use Tables 9 .1 through 9 .3 to design ITAE
optimal systems . These tables were developed without considering plant trans-
fer functions. For example, for two different plant transfer functions such as
I/s(s + 2) and 1/s(s - 10), the optimal transfer function G (s) can be chosen as
s2 + 1 .4w0s + wo
The actuating signals for both systems, however, will be different . Therefore too in
both systems should be different . We shall use the constraint on the actuating signal
as a criterion in choosing w o. This will be illustrated in the following examples .
Example 9 .6.1
Consider the plant transfer function in (9 .20) or
Find a zero-position-error system to minimize ITAE . It is also required that the
actuating signal due to a unit-step reference input satisfy the constraint
Iu(t)I - 3
for all t.
The ITAE optimal overall transfer function is chosen from Table 9 .1 as
G(s) = 0
s2 + 1 .4,0 s + cwo
It is implementable . Clearly the larger the to o, the faster the response . However, the
actuating signal will also be larger . Now we shall choose to o to meet ~u(t)j <_ 3 . The
transfer function from r to u is
U(s) = G (s) cwos(s + 2)
:= R(s) G(s) s2 + 1 .4ce0s + wo
Y (t) u(t)
1 .4 3
1 .2 2.5 1
2 1
1 .5 1
0.8 1 1
1 ITAE zero-velocity-error
04 0
ITAE zero-position-error
02 -0.5 /
0 t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 t
(a) (b)
Figure 9 .19 Step responses of (9 .54) (with solid lines) and (9 .55) (with dashed lines) .
i Consequently, we have
wos(s + 2) 1
U(s) = T(s)R(s) =
s 2 + 1.4w0 s + w z0 S
By computer simulation, we find that the largest magnitude of u(t) occurs at t =
0+ .6 Thus the largest magnitude of u(t) can be computed by using the initial-value
theorem as
toos(s + 2) 2
Umax = u(0 + ) = I'M sU(s) = I' M 2 2 = WO
S + 1.4wo s + (0o
S__ S_ .
In order to meet the constraint Ju(t)l < 3, we set wo = 3 . Thus the ITAE optimal
system is
3 3
G0(s) = 2 (9 .54)
s + 1 .4x V-3s+3 s z +2.4s+3
This differs from the quadratic optimal system in (9 .38) only in one coefficient.
Because they minimize different criteria, there is no reason that they have the same
overall transfer function . The unit-step responses of G0(s) and T(s) are shown in
Figure 9 .19 with solid lines . They appear to be satisfactory .
Exercise 9 .6.1
Consider a plant with transfer function 2/s 2 . Find an optimal system to minimize
the ITAE criterion under the constraint J u(t)I !5 3 .
61f the largest magnitude of u(t) does not occur at t = 0, then its analytical computation will be com-
plicated. It is easier to find it by computer simulations .
Example 9 .6.2
Consider the problem in Example 9 .6.1 with the additional requirement that the
velocity error be zero . A possible overall transfer function is, from Table 9 .2,
3 .2wos + coo
G(s) =
s2 + 3.2WOs + coo
However, this is not implementable because it violates the pole-zero excess inequal-
ity. Now we choose from Table 9 .2 the transfer function of degree 3 :
3.25&)02 s + coo
G(s) _ s
3 + 1 .75cwO S 2 + 3.25 (002S + ceo
This is implementable and has zero velocity error . Now we choose co o so that the
actuating signal due to a unit-step reference input meets Ju(t)l < 3. The transfer
function from r to u is
(s) _ (3.25 (oos + coo)s(s + 2)
T(s) - G
G(s) s3 + 1 .75wos2 + 3.25wos + wo
Its unit-step response is shown in Figure 9 .19(b) with the dashed line . We see that
the largest magnitude of u(t) does not occur at t = 0 + . Therefore, the procedure in
Example 9 .6.1 cannot be used to choose wO for this problem . By computer simula-
tion, we find that if wO = 0.928, then fa(t)f < 3. For this wo, G (s) becomes
2.799s + 0.799
G(s) = (9 .55)
s3 1 .624s2 + 2.799s + 0.799
This is the ITAE zero-velocity-error optimal system . Its unit-step response is plotted
in Figure 9 .19(a) with the dashed line . It is much more oscillatory than that of the
ITAE zero-position-error optimal system . The corresponding actuating signal is plot-
ted in Figure 9.19(b).
Example 9 .6.3
Consider the plant transfer function in (9.39), that is,
= s(s2 + 0.25s + 6.25)
Find an ITAE zero-position-error optimal system . It is also required that the actuating
signal u(t) due to a unit-step reference input meet the constraint J u(t)I < 10, for
t ? 0. We choose from Table 9.1
G (s) =
s3 + 1.75wos2 + 2.15wos + wo
By computer simulation, we find that if to o = 2.7144, then I u(t)I <_ u(0) = 10 for
all t > 0 . Thus the ITAE optimal system is
G(s) = (9 .56)
s3 + 4.75s 2 + 15.84s + 20
Its unit-step response is plotted in Figure 9 .9 with the dashed line . Compared with
the quadratic optimal design, the ITAE design has a faster response and a smaller
overshoot . Thus for this problem, the ITAE optimal system is more desirable .
Example 9.6.4
Consider the plant transfer function in (9 .44) or
s + 3
G(s) = s(s
- 1)
Find an ITAE zero-position-error optimal system . It is also required that the actuating
signal u(t) due to a unit-step reference input meet the constraint Iu(t) l <_ 10, for
t ? 0. The pole-zero excess of G(s) is 1 and G(s) has no non-minimim-phase zero;
therefore, the ITAE optimal transfer function
G(s) = ~o (9 .57)
is implementable . We find by computer simulation that if W o = 10, then G(s) meets
the design specifications . Its step response and actuating signal are plotted in Figure
9.10 with the dashed line . They are almost indistinguishable from those of the quad-
ratic optimal system . Because G (s) does not contain plant zero (s + 3), its imple-
mentation will involve the pole-zero cancellation of (s + 3), as will be discussed in
the next chapter . Because it is a stable pole and has a fairly small time constant, its
cancellation will not affect seriously the behavior of the overall system, as will be
demonstrated in the next chapter .
In addition to (9.57), we may also choose the following ITAE optimal transfer
G, (s) __ o (9 .58)
s2 + 1.4wos + t002
It has pole-zero excess larger than that of G(s) and is implementable . We find by
computer simulation that if too = 24.5, then the G(s) in (9 .58) or
_ 600.25
G(s) (9 .59)
s2 + 34 .3s + 600 .25
meets the design specifications . Its step response and actuating signal are plotted in
Figure 9 .10 with the dotted lines . The step response is much faster than the ones of
(9.57) and the quadratic optimal system . However, it has an overshoot of about 4.6%.
Example 9 .6 .5
Consider the plant transfer function in (9 .47) or
S - I
s (s - 2)
Find an ITAE zero-position-error optimal system . It is also required that the actuating
signal u(t) due to a unit-step reference input meet the constraint ju(t)~ < 10, for
t ? 0. This plant transfer function has a non-minimum-phase zero and no ITAE
standard form is available to carry out the design . However, we can employ the idea
in [34] and use computer simulation to find its ITAE optimal transfer function as [54]
-10(s - 1)
G (s) _ (9 .60)
sz + 5.1s + 10
under the constraint l u(t)l < 10 . We mention that the non-minimum-phase zero
(s - 1) of G(s) must be retained in G(s), otherwise G(s) is not implementable . Its
step response is plotted in Figure 9 .11 with the dashed line . It has a faster response
than the one of the quadratic optimal system in (9.48) ; however, it has a larger
undershoot and a larger overshoot . Therefore it is difficult to say which system is
In the preceding sections, we introduced two criteria for choosing overall transfer
functions . The first criterion is the minimization of the quadratic performance index .
The main reason for choosing this criterion is that it renders a simple and straight-
forward procedure to compute the overall transfer function . The second criterion is
the minimization of the integral of time multiplied by absolute error (ITAE) . It was
chosen in [33] because it has the best selectivity . This criterion, however, does not
render an analytical method to find the overall transfer function ; it is obtained by
trial and error and by computer simulation . In this section, we forego the concept of
minimization or optimization and select overall transfer functions based on engi-
neering judgment. We require the system to have a zero position error and a good
transient performance . By a good transient performance, we mean that the rise and
settling times are small and the overshoot is also small . Without comparisons, it is
not possible to say what is small . Fortunately, we have quadratic and ITAE optimal
systems for comparisons. Therefore, we shall try to find an overall system that has
a comparable or better transient performance than the quadratic or ITAE optimal
system. Whether the transient performance is comparable or better is based on en-
gineering judgment ; no mathematical criterion will be used . Consequently, the se-
lection will be subjective and the procedure of selection is purely trial and error .
Example 9.7.1
Consider the plant transfer function in (9.39), or
s(s 2 +0.25s+6 .25)
We use computer simulation to select the following two overall transfer functions
20 20
G' (s) = (s (9.61)
+ 2)(s2 + 2.5s + 10) s3 + 4.5s2 + 15s + 20
20 20
Go2(s) =
(s + 10)(s2 + 2s + 2) s3 + 12s 2 + 22s + 20 (9.62)
The actuating signals of both systems due to a unit-step reference input meet the
4 constraint Ju(t) l < 10 for t ? 0 . Their step responses are plotted in Figure 9 .9 with,
respectively, the dotted line and the dashed-and-dotted line . The step response of
Gol(s) lies somewhere between those of the quadratic optimal system and the ITAE
optimal system . Therefore, G0,(s) is a viable alternative of the quadratic or ITAE
optimal system.
The concept of dominant poles can also be used to select G0(s). Consider the
overall transfer function in G o2(s). It has a pair of complex-conjugate poles at
-1 j 1 and a real pole at - 10. Because the response due to the real pole dies
out much faster than does the response due to the complex-conjugate poles, the
response of G02(s) is essentially determined or dominated by the complex-conjugate
poles . The complex-conjugate poles have the damping ratio 0 .707, and consequently
the step response has an overshoot of about 5% (see Section 7.2.1), as can be seen
from Figure 9.9 . However, because the product of the three poles must equal 20 in
order to meet the constraint on the actuating signal, if we choose the nondominant
pole far away from the imaginary axis, then the complex-conjugate poles cannot be
too far away from the origin of the s-plane . Consequently, the time constant of G02(s)
is larger than that of Gol (s) and its step response is slower, as is shown in Figure
9.9. Therefore for this problem, the use of dominant poles does not yield a satisfac-
tory system. We mention that if the complex-conjugate poles are chosen at
-2 j2, then the system will respond faster . However, the real pole must be chosen
as 20/8 = 2 .5 in order to meet the constraint on the actuating signal . In this case,
the complex-conjugate poles no longer dominate over the real pole, and the concept
of dominant poles cannot be used.
Example 9 .7 .2
Consider the plant transfer function in (9.44), or
G (s) = s (s + 1) (9.63)
We have designed a quadratic optimal system in (9 .46) and two ITAE optimal sys-
tems in (9 .57) with wo = 10 and (9.59). Their step responses are shown in Figure
9.10. Now using computer simulation, we find that the following
- 784
G0(s) (9.64)
s 2 + 50 .4s + 784
has the response shown with the dashed-and-dotted line in Figure 9 .10 . It is com-
parable with that of the ITAE optimal system in (9 .59) under the same constraint on
the actuating signal . Thus, the overall transfer function in (9 .64) can also be used,
although it is not optimal in any sense .
Example 9 .7 .3
Consider the plant transfer function in (9 .47) or
S - 1
G(s) =
s(s - 2)
We have designed a quadratic optimal system in (9 .48) and an ITAE optimal system
in (9.60) . Their step responses are shown in Figure 9 .11 . Now we find, by using
computer simulation, that the response of
10(s - 1)
G0(s) = - (9.65)
(s + N/_10 )2
lies somewhere between those of (9 .48) and (9 .60) under the same constraint on the
actuating signal . Therefore, (9.65) can also be chosen as an overall transfer function .
This chapter introduced the inward approach to design control systems . In this ap-
proach, we first find an overall transfer function to meet design specifications and
then implement it . In this chapter, we discussed only the problem of choosing an
overall transfer function. The implementation problem is discussed in the next
The choice of an overall transfer function is not entirely arbitrary ; otherwise we
may simply choose the overall transfer function as 1 . Given a plant transfer function
G(s) = N(s)/D(s), an overall transfer function G0(s) = N0(s)/D 0(s) is said to be
implementable if there exists a configuration with no plant leakage such that G0(s)
can be built using only proper compensators. Furthermore, the resulting system is
required to be well posed and totally stable-that is, the closed-loop transfer function
of every possible input-output pair of the system is proper and stable . The necessary
and sufficient conditions for G 0(s) to be implementable are that (1) G 0(s) is stable,
(2) G0 (s) contains the non-minimum-phase zeros of G(s), and (3) the pole-zero ex-
cess of G0(s) is equal to or larger than that of G (s). These constraints are not stringent ;
poles of G0(s) can be arbitrarily assigned so long as they all lie in the open left half
s-plane; other than retaining all zeros outside the region C in Figures 6 .13 or 7 .4,
all other zeros of G0(s) can be arbitrarily assigned in the entire s-plane .
In this chapter, we discussed how to choose an implementable overall system
to minimize the quadratic and ITAE performance indices . In using these performance
indices, a constraint on the actuating signal or on the bandwidth of resulting systems
must be imposed; otherwise, it is possible to design an overall system to have a
performance index as small as desirable and the corresponding actuating signal will
approach infinity . The procedure of finding quadratic optimal systems is simple and
straightforward; after computing a spectral factorization, the optimal system can be
readily obtained from (9.19). Spectral factorizations can be carried out by iteration
without computing any roots, or computing all the roots of (9 .16) and then grouping
the open left half s-plane roots . ITAE optimal systems are obtainable from Tables
9.1 through 9.3 . Because the tables are not exhaustive, for some plant transfer func-
tions (for example, those with non-minimum-phase zeros), no standard forms are
available to find ITAE optimal systems . In this case, we may resort to computer
simulation to find an ITAE optimal system .
In this chapter, we also showed by examples that overall transfer functions that
have comparable performance as quadratic or ITAE optimal systems can be obtained
by computer simulation without minimizing any mathematical performance index .
It is therefore suggested that after obtaining quadratic or ITAE optimal systems, we
may change the parameters of the optimal systems to see whether a more desirable
system can be obtained . In conclusion, we should make full use of computers to
carry out the design.
We give some remarks concerning the quadratic optimal design to conclude this
1. The quadratic optimal system in (9 .19) is reduced from a general formula in
Reference [10]. The requirement of implementability is included in (9.19) . If no
such requirement is included, the optimal transfer function that minimizes (9 .15)
with r(t) = 1 is
Go(s) = N+(s) (9 .66)
Do(0) D0 (s)
where N + (s) is N(s) with all its right-half-plane roots reflected into the left half
plane . In this case, the resulting overall transfer function may not be imple-
mentable. For example, if G(s) = (s - 1)/s(s + 1), then the optimal system
that minimizes
with q = 9 is
3(ss + 1)
S +4s+3
which does not retain the non-minimum-phase zero and is not implementable .
For this optimal system, J can be computed as J = 3 . See Chapter 11 of Ref-
erence [12] for a discussion of computing J . The implementable optimal system
that minimizes J in (9 .67) is
- 3(s - 1)
G(s) =
s2 + 4s + 3
For this implementable G0 (s), J can be computed as J = 21 . It is considerably
larger than the J for G 0 (s). Although G"(s) has a smaller performance index, it
cannot be implemented.
2. If r(t) in (9.15) is a ramp function, that is r(t) = at, t ? 0, then the optimal
system that minimizes (9 .15) is
N(s) -s qN(O) N(s)
GG (s) = q(k 1 + k2 s) = 1 + (9 .68)
D0 (s) k1 D0 (0) D0 (s)
N(0) d FN(-s)]
k1 = and
Do (0) ds D"(-s) s=o
where n : = deg D0(s) and c is a very small positive number, then G0(s) will be
implementable. Furthermore, for a sufficiently small E, D0 (s) + Es"' is Hur-
witz, and the frequency response of G0(s) is very close to that of G 0(s) in (9.68).
Thus (9 .69) is a simple and reasonable modification of (9.68).'
3. The quadratic optimal design can be carried out using transfer functions or using
state-variable equations . In using state-variable equations, the concepts of con-
trollability and observability are needed . The optimal design requires solving an
algebraic Riccati equation and designing a state estimator (see Chapter 11). For
the single-variable systems studied in this text, the transfer function approach
is simpler and intuitively more transparent . The state-variable approach, how-
ever, can be more easily extended to multivariable systems .
7 This modification was suggested by Professor Jong-Lick Lin of Cheng Kung University, Taiwan .
9.5. What types of reference signals will the following G 0(s) track without an error?
a. G0(s)
-s2 -Ss-2
4s2 +s+ 3
s5 +35 4 +45 2 +s+3
- 2S 2 + 154s + 120
c. G0(s) = s
4 + 14s 3 + 715 2 + 154s + 120
9.6. Consider two systems . One has a settling time of 10 seconds and an overshoot
of 5%, the other has a settling time of 7 seconds and an overshoot of 10% . Is
it possible to state which system is better? Now we introduce a performance
index as
J = k, . (Settling time) + k2 (Percentage overshoot)
If k, = k2 = 0 .5, which system is better? If k, = 0 .8 and k2 = 0.2, which
system is better?
9.7. Is the function
J = fo [q(y(t) - r(t)) + u(t)]dt
9.21 . Find an ITAE zero-position-error optimal system for the plant in Problem 9 .11 .
The real part of the poles of the optimal system is required to equal that in
Problem 9 .11 .
9.22 . Is it possible to obtain an ITAE optimal system for the plant in Problem 9 .12
from Table 9.1 or 9 .2? If yes, what will happen to the plant zero?
9.23 . Repeat Problem 9 .22 for the plant in Problem 9 .14.
9.24. a. Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = (s + 4)/s(s + 1) . Design
an ITAE zero-position-error optimal system of degree 1 . It is required that
the actuating signal due to a unit-step reference input have a magnitude less
than 10.
b. Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = (s + 4)/s(s + 1) . Design
an ITAE zero-position-error optimal system of degree 2 . It is required that
the actuating signal due to a unit-step reference input have a magnitude less
than 10.
c. Compare their unit-step responses.
9.25. Consider the generator-motor set in Figure 6 .1 . Its transfer function is assumed
to be
G(s) = s
4 + 184s3 + 760s 2 + 162s
It is a type I transfer function . Design a quadratic optimal system with q =
25 . Design an ITAE optimal system with u(0 +) = 5. Plot their poles . Are
there many differences?
9.26. Consider a plant with transfer function 1/s 2. Find an optimal system with zero
velocity error to minimize the ITAE criterion under the constraint Ju(t) l <_ 6 .
[Answer : (6s + 2.5)/(s3 + 2.38s 2 + 6s + 2 .5) .]
9.27 . If software for computing step responses is available, adjust the coefficients of
the quadratic optimal system in Problem 9 .8, 9 .11, 9 .12, 9.14, or 9 .15 to see
whether a comparable or better transient performance can be obtained .
Linear Algebraic
The first step in the design of control systems using the inward approach is to find
an overall transfer function to meet design specifications . This step was discussed
in Chapter 9 . Now we discuss the second step-namely, implementation of the
chosen overall transfer function . In other words, given a plant transfer function G(s)
and an implementable G0(s), we shall find a feedback configuration without plant
leakage and compute compensators so that the transfer function of the resulting
system equals G0(s). The compensators used must be proper and the resulting system
must be well posed and totally stable .
The preceding problem can also be stated as follows : Given a plant G(s) and
given a model G 0 (s), design an overall system so that the overall transfer function
equals or matches G0(s). Thus the problem can also be called the model-matching
problem. In the model-matching problem, we match not only poles but also zeros ;
therefore, it can also be called the pole-and-zero placement problem . There is a
closely related problem, called the pole-placement problem . In the pole-placement
problem, we match or control only poles of resulting overall systems ; zeros are not
specified . In this chapter, we study both the model-matching and pole-placement
This chapter introduces three control configurations . They are the unity-feed-
back, two-parameter, and plant input/output feedback configurations . The unity-
feedback configuration can be used to achieve any pole placement but not any model
matching. The other two configurations, however, can be used to achieve any model
matching. In addition to model matching and pole placement, this chapter also stud-
ies robust tracking and disturbance rejection .
The idea used in this chapter is very simple. The design is carried out by match-
ing coefficients of compensators with desired polynomials. If the denominator D(s)
and numerator N(s) of a plant transfer function have common factors, then it is not
possible to achieve anypoleplacement or any model matching . Therefore, we require
D(s) and N(s) to have no common factors or to be coprime . Under this assumption,
the conditions of achieving matching depend on the degree of compensators . The
larger the degree, the more parameters we have for matching . If the degree of com-
pensators is large enough, matching is always possible . The design procedures in
this chapter are essentially developed from these concepts and conditions .
G a,(s) 10 .1
(s) = 1 + C(s)G(s)
which implies
G0 (s) + C(s)G(s)G0(s) = C(s)G(s)
C(s)G(s)(1 - G0(s)) = G0 (s)
Thus, the compensator can be computed from
r y
C(s) G (s)
Example 10 .2.1
Consider a plant with transfer function 1/s(s + 2) . The optimal system that mini-
mizes the ITAE criterion and meets the constraint ~u(t)I < 3 was computed in (9 .54)
as 3/(s 2 + 2.4s + 3) . If we implement this G0(s) in Figure 10 .1, then the
compensator is
s 2 +2.4s+3
C(s) =
1 1 - 3
s(s + 2) s2+2.4s+3 (10.3)
s2 +2.4s+3 _ 3(s+2)
1 s2 + 2.4s s + 2.4
s(s + 2) s 2 + 2.4s + 3
It is a proper compensator. This implementation has a pole-zero cancellation. Be-
cause the cancelled pole (s + 2) is a stable pole, the system is totally stable . The
condition for the unity-feedback configuration in Figure 10 .1 to be well posed is
1 + G(oc)C(oo) =A 0. This is the case for this implementation ; therefore, the system
is well posed. In fact, if G(s) is strictly proper and if C(s) is proper, then the unity-
feedback configuration is always well posed .
This implementation has the cancellation of the stable pole (s + 2) . This can-
celed pole is dictated by the plant, and the designer has no control over it . If this
cancellation is acceptable, then the design is completed . In a latter section, we shall
discuss a different implementation where the designer has freedom in choosing can-
celed poles .
Example 10 .2.2
Consider a plant with transfer function 2/(s + 1)(s - 1). If G0(s) = 2/(s 2 + 2s
+ 2), then
s2 +2s+2
C(s) =
2 2
(s+ 1)(s- 1) 1 s2 +2s+2
s2 +2s+2 (s+ 1)(s- 1)
2 s2 + 2s s(s + 2)
(s + 1)(s - 1) s2 + 2s + 2
r + e (s+ 1)(S- 1) U 2 V
s (s + 2) (s +1) (s-1
C(s) G (s)
The compensator is proper . The implementation is plotted in Figure 10 .2. The im-
plementation has a stable pole-zero cancellation and an unstable pole-zero cancel-
lation between C(s) and G(s) .
As discussed in Chapter 6, noise and/or disturbance may enter a control system
at every terminal . Therefore we require every control system to be totally stable . We
compute the closed-loop transfer function from p to y shown in Figure 10 .2:
(S + 1)(S - 1)
Gyp (S) : = Y(S) =
P(S) 1 + (S + 1)(S - 1) 2
s(s + 2) (S + 1)(S - 1)
_ (S + 1)(S - 1) 2s(s + 2)
S(s + 2) + 2 (S - 1)(S + 1)(S 2 + 2s + 2)
s(s + 2)
It is unstable . Thus the output will approach infinity if there is any nonzero, no
matter how small, disturbance . Consequently, the system is not totally stable, and
the implementation is not acceptable .
Exercise 10 .2 .1
Consider a plant with transfer function 1/s 2. Implement G0(s) = 6/(s 2 + 3.4s
+ 6) in the unity-feedback configuration . Is the implementation acceptable?
[Answer : C(s) = 6s/(s + 3 .4), unacceptable .]
Example 10 .3 .1
Consider a plant with transfer function
G (s) =
s(s + 2)
and consider the unity-feedback configuration shown in Figure 10 .1 . If the compen-
sator C(s) is a gain of k (a transfer function of degree 0), then the overall transfer
function can be computed as
kG(s) = 2 k
GG (s) -
1 + kG (s) s + 2s + k
This G0 (s) has two poles . These two poles cannot be arbitrarily assigned by choosing
a value for k. For example, if we assign the two poles at - 2 and - 3, then the
denominator of G0(s) must equal
s2 +2s+k=(s+2)(s+3)=s 2 +5s+6
Clearly, there is no k to meet the equation . Therefore, if the compensator is of degree
0, it is not possible to achieve arbitrary pole placement .'
Next let the compensator be proper and of degree 1 or
B0 + B1s
C(s) =
A0 + A 1s
with A 1 =A 0 . Then the overall transfer function can be computed as
B0 + B 1 s
G ,(s)
1 + C(s)G(s) s(s + 2)(A 1s + A 0) + Bs + B 0
B1s + B0
A1 s3 + (2A 1 + A o )s2 + (2A0 + B 1 )s + B0
This G0 (s) has three poles . We show that all these three poles can be arbitrarily
assigned by choosing a suitable C(s) . Let the denominator of G0 (s) be
D0(s) = s 3 + F2S 2 + F1s + F0
'The root loci of this problem are plotted in Figure 7 .5 . If C(s) = k, we can assign the two poles only
along the root loci .
where Fi are entirely arbitrary . Now we equate the denominator of G0 (s) with D0(s)
A1s3 + (2A 1 + A0)s2 + (2Ao + B 1)s + B0 = s3 + F2s2 + Fls + F0
Matching the coefficients of like power of s yields
A1 = 1 2A 1 +A 0 =F2 2Ao +B1 =F1 B0 =F0
which imply
A1 = 1 A 0 =F2 -2A 1 B 1 =F1 -2F2 +4A1 B0 =F0
For example, if we assign the three poles G0(s) as - 2 and - 2 2j, then D0(s)
D0(s) = s3 + F2S 2 + Fs + F0 = (s + 2)(s + 2 + 2j)(s + 2 - 2j)
=s3 +6s2 + 16s + 16
We mention that if a complex pole is assigned in D0(s), its complex conjugate must
also be assigned . Otherwise, D0(s) will have complex coefficients . For this set of
poles, we have
A1 = 1 A 0 =6-2=4 B1 = 16-2 .6+4=8 B0 = 16
and the compensator is
8s + 16
C(s) = s + 4
This compensator will place the poles of G0(s) at - 2 and - 2 2j. To verify this,
we compute
8s + 16 1
_ C(s)G(s) s + 4 s(s + 2)
1 + C(s)G(s) 1 + 8s + 16 1
s+4 s(s+2)
8s+ 16 8s+ 16
s(s + 2)(s + 4) + 8s + 16 s3 +6s2 + 16s+ 16
Indeed G0 (s) has poles at - 2 and - 2 2j. Note that the compensator also intro-
duces zero (8s + 16) into G0(s). The zero is obtained from solving a set of equations,
and we have no control over it . Thus, pole placement is different from pole-and-
zero placement or model matching .
This example shows the basic idea of pole placement in the unity-feedback
configuration. It is achieved by matching coefficients . In the following, we shall
extend the procedure to the general case and also establish the condition for achieving
pole placement. Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 10.1 . Let
N(s) B(s)
G(s) = G ,(s)
D(s) C(s) A(s) (s) D(s)
and deg N(s) < deg D(s) = n. The substitution of these into (10 .1) yields
B(s) N(s)
C(s)G(s) A(s) D(s)
Q ,(s)
1 + C(s)G(s) + B(s) N(s)
A(s) D(s)
which becomes
N(s) = B(s)N(s)
G(s) = (10.4)
D(s) A(s)D(s) + B(s)N(s)
Given G(s), if there exists a proper compensator C(s) = B(s)/A(s) so that all
poles of G(s) can be arbitrarily assigned, the design is said to achieve arbitrary pole
placement. In the placement, if a complex number is assigned as a pole, its complex
conjugate must also be assigned . From (10 .4), we see that the pole-placement prob-
lem is equivalent to solving
A(s)D(s) + B(s)N(s) = D (s) (10.5)
This polynomial equation is called a Diophantine equation . In the equation, D(s)
and N(s) are given, the roots of D(s) are the poles of the overall system to be
assigned, and A(s) and B(s) are unknown polynomials to be solved. Note that B(s)
also appears in the numerator N(s) of G(s). Because B(s) is obtained from solving
(10 .5), we have no direct control over it and, consequently, no control over the zeros
of G(s). Note that before solving (10 .5), we don't know what G (s) will be ; therefore
C(s) = B(s)/A(s) cannot be computed from (10 .2).
signed . Therefore we assume from now on that D(s) and N(s) have no common
factors .
Because G(s) and C(s) are proper, we have deg N(s) :!~; deg D(s) = n and
deg B(s) < deg A(s) = m, where deg stands for "the degree of ." Thus, D0 (s) in
(10 .5) has degree n + m or, equivalently, the unity-feedback system in Figure 10 .1
has (n + m) number of poles . We develop in the following the conditions under
which all (n + m) number of poles can be arbitrarily assigned .
If deg C(s) = 0 (that is, C(s) = k, where k is a real number), then from the
root-locus method, we see immediately that it is not possible to achieve arbitrary
pole placement . We can assign poles only along the root loci . If the degree of C(s)
is 1, that is
B(s) = B 0 + B1s
= A(s) A0 + A1 s
then we have four adjustable parameters for pole placement . Thus, the larger the
degree of the compensator, the more parameters we have for pole placement . There-
fore, if the degree of the compensator is sufficiently large, it is possible to achieve
arbitrary pole placement .
Conventionally, the Diophantine equation is solved directly by using polyno-
mials and the solution is expressed as a general solution . The general solution, how-
ever, is not convenient for our application . See Problem 10 .19 and Reference [41] .
In our application, we require deg B(s) < deg A(s) to insure properness of compen-
sators . We also require the degree of compensators to be as small as possible . Instead
of solving (10 .5) directly, we shall transform it into a set of linear algebraic equations .
We write
D(s) : = Do + D1 s + D2s 2 + + Dnsn Dn 0 0 (10 .6a)
B(s) := B 0 + B 1 s + B 2 S 2 + . . . + Bs' (10 .7b)
where D,, Ni, A;, B; are all real numbers, not necessarily nonzero . Because deg D0(s)
= n + m, we can express D0(s) as
D0(s) = F0 + Fs + F2S2 + . . . + Fn+msn+m (10 .8)
which becomes, after grouping the coefficients associated with the same powers
of s,
(AoD0 + B oNo) + (A oD I + BON, + A ID0 + B1 N o )s +
+ (A mD, + BmN,i)Sn+m = FO + F1s + F2s2 + . . . + Fn+mS n+m
Matching the coefficients of like powers of s yields
A0D0 + B o No = FO
AoDI + B ON, + A 1Do + B 1 No = F l
Do No 0 0 ' 0 0 AO _ _
D1 N1 Do No ' Bo FO
0 0 A1 F1
Smcm := Dn Nn Dn_1 Nn-1 Do No B1 F2 (10 .9)
0 0 Dn Nn D1 NI
Am Fn+m
0 0 . 0 0 Dn Nn Bm
Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 10 .1 with a strictly proper
plant transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) with deg N(s) < deg D(s) = n . It is
assumed that N(s) and D(s) are coprime . If m ? n - 1, then for any polynomial
D0 (s) of degree (n + m), a proper compensator C(s) = B(s)/A(s) of degree m
exists to achieve the design . If m = n - 1, the compensator is unique. If m
n, the compensators are not unique and some of the coefficients of the
compensators can be used to achieve other design objectives . Furthermore, the
compensator can be determined from the linear algebraic equation in (10 .9).
Consider the unity-feedback system shown in Figure 10 .1 with a biproper plant
transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) with deg N(s) = deg D(s) = n. It is
assumed that N(s) and D(s) are coprime . If m ? n, then for any polynomial D0 (s)
of degree (n + m), a proper compensator C(s) = B(s)/A(s) of degree m exists
to achieve the design . If m = n, and if the compensator is chosen to be strictly
proper, then the compensator is unique . If m ? n + 1, compensators are not
unique and some of the coefficients of the compensators can be used to achieve
other design objectives . Furthermore, the compensator can be determined from
the linear algebraic equation in (10 .9).
Example 10.3.2
Consider a plant with transfer function
N(s) - s - 2 -2 + s + 0 s 2
G(s) = D(s) (10.12)
(s + 1)(s - 1) - 1 + 0 s + S2
Clearly D(s) and N(s) have no common factor and n = 2. Let
B0 + B,s
C(s) =
A0 + As
It is a compensator of degree m = n - 1 = 1 . Arbitrarily, we choose the three
poles of the overall system as - 3, - 2 + j 1 and - 2 - j 1 . Then we have
D(s) :=(s+3)(s+2-jl)(s+2+jl)= 15 + 17s+7s 2 + S 3
We form the linear algebraic equation in (10 .9) as
-1 -2 ~ 0 0 A0 15
0 1 -1 -2 B0 17
(10 .13)
1 0 0 1 A, 7
0 0 1 0 B, 1-
Its solution can easily be obtained as
62 58
A0 = 79 A = 1 B = -
0 3 0 3 3
Thus the compensator is
62 58
-- - -s
3 3 = -(58s + 62) = -(19 .3s + 20.7) .
C(s) - (10 .14)
79 3s+79 s+26 .3
and the resulting overall system is, from (10.4),
62 58
s (s - 2)
B(s)N(s) (_ 3 3 - (58s + 62)(s- 2)
G ,(s)
D(s) - s3 + 7s2 + 17s + 15 3(s3 + 7s2 + 17s + 15)
Note that the zero 58s + 62 is solved from the Diophantine equation and we have
no control over it . Because G(0) = 124/45, if we apply a unit-step reference input,
the output will approach 124/45 = 2 .76 . See (4.25). Thus the output of this overall
system will not track asymptotically step-reference inputs .
r U Y
k C(s) -1 G (s)
The design in Example 10.3.2 achieves pole placement but not tracking of step-
reference inputs . This problem, however, can be easily corrected by introducing a
constant gain k as shown in Figure 10 .3 . If we choose k so that kGo(0) =
k X 124/45 = 1 or k = 45/124, then the plant output in Figure 10 .3 will track
any step-reference input . We call the constant gain in Figure 10 .3 a precompensator.
In practice, the precompensator may be incorporated into the reference input r by
calibration or by resetting . For example, in temperature control, if ro, which corre-
sponds to 70, yields a steady-state temperature of 67 and rl yields a steady-state
temperature of 70 . We can simply change the scale so that ro corresponds to 67
and rl corresponds to 70 . By so doing, no steady-state error will be introduced in
tracking step-reference inputs .
Example 10 .3.3
Consider a plant with transfer function 1 /s 2 . Find a compensator in Figure 10 .1 so
that the resulting system has all poles at s = - 2. This plant transfer function has
degree 2 . If we choose a compensator of degree m = n - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1, then
we can achieve arbitrary pole placement . Clearly we have
D0(s)=(s+2) 3 =S 3 +6S 2 +12s+8
From the coefficients of
1 1 +0 s +0 s 2
S2 0+0 s + 1 s 2
and D0 (s), we form
0 1 0 0 Ao 8
0 0 0 1 Bo 12
1 0 0 0 At 6
0 0 1 1 0 Bt 1-
Its solution is
A0=6 At =1 I3 =8 Bi = 12
Thus the compensator is
C(s) =
s + 6
From the preceding two examples, we see that arbitrary pole placement in the
unity-feedback configuration can be used to achieve asymptotic tracking . If a plant
transfer function is of type 0, we need to introduce a precompensator to achieve
tracking of step-reference inputs . In practice, we can simply reset the reference input
rather than introduce the precompensator . If G(s) is of type 1, after pole placement,
the unity-feedback system will automatically track step-reference inputs . If G(s) is
of type 2, the unity-feedback system will track ramp-reference inputs . If G(s) is of
type 3, the unity-feedback system will track acceleration-reference inputs . In pole
placement, some zeros will be introduced. These zeros will affect the transient re-
sponse of the system . Therefore, it is important to check the response of the resulting
system before the system is actually built in practice .
To conclude this section, we mention that the algebraic equation in (10 .9) can
be solved by using MATLAB . For example, to solve (10 .13), we type
a=[-1 -2 0 0 ;0 1 -1 -2 ;1 0 0 1 ;0 0 1 0] ;b=[15 ;17 ;7 ;1] ;
Then MATLAB will yield
-20 .6667
1 .0000
-19 .3333
This yields the compensator in (10 .14).
Exercise 10 .3 .1
Exercise 10.3 .2
Because G(0) = (45 X 130 .2)/(124 X 59 .1) = 0.799 0 1, the system no longer
tracks asymptotically step-reference inputs . If the reference input is 1, the output
approaches 0 .799 and the tracking error is about 20% . This type of design is called
nonrobust tracking because plant parameter perturbations destroy the tracking
property .
Now we shall redesign the system so that the tracking property will not be
destroyed by plant parameter perturbations. This is achieved by increasing the degree
of the compensator by one and then using the extra parameters to design a type 1
compensator . The original compensator in (10.14) has degree 1 . We increase its
Exercise 10 .3.3
Given a plant with transfer function 1/(s - 1), design a compensator of degree 0
so that the pole of the unity-feedback system in Figure 10 .3 is - 2 . Find also a
precompensator so that the overall system will track asymptotically any step-
reference input . If the plant transfer function changes to 1/(s - 1 .1), is the unity-
feedback system still stable? Will it still track any step-reference input without an
[Answers : 3, 2/3, yes, no .]
Exercise 10 .3 .4
Given a plant with transfer function 1/(s - 1), design a compensator of degree I
so that the poles of the unity-feedback system in Figure 10 .3 are - 2 and - 2. In
this design, do you have freedom in choosing some of the coefficients of the com-
pensator? Can you choose compensator coefficients so that the system in Figure 10 .3
will track asymptotically step-reference inputs with k = 1? In this design, will the
system remain stable and track any step-reference input after the plant transfer func-
tion changes to 1 /(s - 1 .1)?
[Answers: [(5 - a)s + (4 + a)]/(s + a) ; yes ; yes by choosing a = 0; yes .]
20.175s + 100
C(s) =
s + 3 .525
Thus, from (10.4), the overall transfer function from r to y is
(20 .175s + 100)(s + 3)
- s3 + 22.7s 2 + 157s + 300
and the transfer function from r to u is
U(s) - G0(s) -(20.175s + 100)s(s - 1)
T(s) :
= R(s) G(s) s3 + 22.7s2 + 157s + 300
The unit-step responses of G0(s) and T(s) are plotted in Figure 10 .4 with solid lines .
For comparison, the corresponding responses of the quadratic optimal system are
also plotted with the dashed lines . We see that for the set of poles chosen, the
resulting system has a larger overshoot than that of the quadratic optimal system .
Furthermore, the actuating signal does not meet the constraint Ju(t)l < 10.
It is conceivable that a set of poles can be chosen in pole placement so that the
resulting system has a comparable response as one obtained by model matching .
The problem is that, in pole placement, there is no way to predict the response of
the resulting system from the set of poles chosen, because the response also depends
on the zeros which are yet to be solved from the Diophantine equation . Therefore,
pole placement design should consist of the following steps : (1) choose a set of
poles, (2) compute the required compensator, (3) compute the resulting overall trans-
fer function, and (4) check the response of the resulting system and check whether
the actuating signal meets the constraint . If the design is not satisfactory, we go back
to the first step and repeat the design . In model matching, we can choose an overall
system to meet design specifications . Only after a satisfactory overall system is
chosen do we compute the required compensator . Therefore, it is easier and simpler
to obtain a good control system by model matching than by pole placement .
Y (t) U (t)
12 25
08 15
"- Model matching
06 t 10
0. Pole placement 5
02 0
t -s t
0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0 .8 1 1 .2 1 .4 0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0.8 1 1 .2 1 .4
(a) (b)
Figure 10.4 (a) Unit-step response. (b) Actuating signal .
and the configuration in Figure 10 .5(a) becomes the one in Figure 10 .5(b). If A(s),
which is yet to be designed, contains unstable roots, the signal at the output of
L(s)/A(s) will grow to infinity and the system cannot be totally stable . Therefore the
configuration in Figure 10 .5(b) cannot be used in actual implementation . If we move
L(s)/A(s) into the feedback loop, then the configuration becomes the one shown in
Figure 10.5(c) . This configuration is also not satisfactory for two reasons : First, if
L(s) contains unstable roots, the design will involve unstable pole-zero cancellations
and the system cannot be totally stable . Second, because the two compensators
L(s)/A(s) and M(s)/L(s) have different denominators, if they are implemented using
operational amplifier circuits, they will use twice as many integrators as the one to
be discussed immediately . See Section 5 .6.1 . Therefore the configuration in Figure
10.5(c) should not be used . If we move M(s)/L(s) outside the loop, then the resulting
system is as shown in Figure 10 .5(d). This configuration should not be used for the
same reasons as for the configuration in Figure 10 .5(c). Therefore, the three config-
urations in Figures 10 .5(b), (c), and (d) will not be used in actual implementation .
r Y
C 2 (s)
r L (s) Y
A (s)
A (s)
G (s)
r L (s)
M(s) 0- M (S)
91 G (s)
Figure 10 .5 Various two-parameter configurations .
We substitute (10 .25) into (10 .24) and rewrite it into matrix form as
R(s) - M(s) [L(s) -M(s) R(s)
U(s) = L(s) Y(s) = (10 .26)
A(s) A(s) A(s) ] Y(s)
Thus the compensator
CL (s) - M(s)]
C(s) := [Cl(s) - Cz(s)l = = A-1(s)[L(s) -M(s)] (10 .27)
A(s) A(s)
is a 1 X 2 rational matrix ; it has two inputs r and y and one output u, and can be
plotted as shown in Figure 10 .6. The minus sign in (10.27) is introduced to take care
of the negative feedback in Figure 10 .6. Mathematically, this configuration is no
different from the ones in Figure 10 .5. However, if we implement C(s) in (10 .27)
as a unit, then the problem of possible unstable pole-zero cancellation will not arise .
Furthermore, its implementation will use the minimum number of integrators . There-
fore, the configuration in Figure 10 .6 will be used exclusively in implementation .
We call the compensator in Figure 10 .6 a two-parameter compensator [63] . The
configurations in Figure 10 .5 are called two-degree-of-freedom structures in [36] .
We can use the procedure in Section 5 .6 .1 to implement a two-parameter com-
pensator as a unit . For example, consider
10(s + 30)2 88.9s2 + 140s + 9000
[C1(s) - C2(s)] =
s(s - 15 .2) s(s - 15.2)
We first expand it as
752s + 9000 -1491.28s - 9000
I C I(S ) _ C2(S)1 = [10 -88 .91 +
C S 2 - 15.2s + 0 s 2 - 15.2s + 0
From its coefficients and (5 .44), we can obtain the following two-dimensional state-
variable equation realization
1 (t)1 15 752 -1491 .28 1 1(t)1
C 2(t) =C 0.2 10 ] [x1(t)1
X2(t) J + 9000 -9000 y(t)
From this equation, we can easily plot a basic block diagram as shown in Figure
10.7. It consists of two integrators . The block diagram can be built using operational
amplifier circuits . We note that the adder in Figure 10 .6 does not correspond to any
adder in Figure 10.7.
L(s) A- ' (s) G (s)
I M(s)
L_ _ J
Figure 10 .7 Basic block diagram .
Exercise 10 .4 .1
u(t) = x(t) + [10 -38 .7] .]
Now we show that this can be used to achieve any model matching . For convenience,
we discuss only the case where G(s) is strictly proper .
Problem Given G(s) = N(s)/D(s), where N(s) and D(s) are coprime, deg N(s) <
deg D(s) = n, and given an implementable G(s) = N(s)/D(s), find proper com-
pensators L(s)/A(s) and M(s)/A(s) such that
N(s) L(s)N(s)
G( s) = D (10 .29)
(s) A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s)
Procedure :
Step 1 : Compute
G (s) _ N(s) NP(s)
N(s) D(s)N(s) D,(s)
where NP(s) and DP(s) are coprime . Since N(s) and D(s) are coprime by
assumption, common factors may exist only between N (s) and N(s) . Can-
cel all common factors between them and denote the rest NP(s) and DP(s).
Note that if N(s) = N(s), then Dr (s) = D (s) and NP (s) = 1 . Using (10.30),
we rewrite (10.29) as
_ L(s)N(s)
G (s)
,(s) = (10 .31)
DP(s) A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s)
From this equation, one might be tempted to set L(s) = Na(s) and to solve
for A(s) and M(s) from Dp(s) = A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s). Unfortunately, the
resulting compensators are generally not proper . Therefore, some more
manipulation is needed .
Step 2 : Introduce an arbitrary Hurwitz polynomial Dp (s) so that the degree of
DP(s)DP (s) is at least 2n - 1. In other words, if deg Dp(s) : = p, then the
degree of DP (s) must be at least 2n - 1 - p. Because the polynomial
Dr(s) will be canceled in the design, its roots should be chosen to lie inside
an acceptable pole-zero cancellation region .
If we write
A(s) = A 0 + A ls + + As (10.35a)
M(s) = M0 + M1s + + Mms m (10 .35b)
2 (10.36)
F(s) := DP(s)15,(s) = F0 + F 1s + F2S + + Fn, mSn+m
with m ? n - 1, then A(s) and M(s) in (10 .34) can be solved from the
following linear algebraic equation :
Do No 0 0 0 0 A0
D 1 N1 Do No M0 F0 -
0 0 A1 F1
Dn Nn Dn-1 Nn-1 Do No M1 F2 (10 .37)
0 0 Dn Nn D1 N1
Am Fn+m
0 0 , 0 0 Dn Nn Mm
The solution and (10 .33) yield the compensators L(s)/A(s) and M(s)/A(s) .
This completes the design .
Now we show that the compensators are proper . Equation (10.37) becomes
(10 .9) if M ; is replaced by B i . Thus, Theorem 10 .1 is directly applicable to (10 .37).
Because deg N(s) < deg D(s) and deg F(s) ? 2n - 1, Theorem 10 .1 implies the
existence of M(s) and A(s) in (10 .37) or (10 .34) with deg M(s) < deg A(s) . Thus,
the compensator M(s)/A(s) is proper. Furthermore, (10 .34) implies
deg A(s) = deg [DP(s)DP(s)] - deg D(s) = deg F(s) - n
Now we show deg L(s) < deg A(s) . Applying the pole-zero excess inequality of
G0(s) to (10 .32) and using (10 .33), we have
deg [DP(s)DP(s)] - (deg N(s) + deg L(s)) ? deg D(s) - deg N(s)
which implies
deg L(s) <_ deg [DP(s)Dp(s)] - deg D(s) = deg A(s)
Thus the compensator L(s)/A(s) is also proper . _
- The design always involves the pole-zero canc ellation of DP(s). The polynomial
DP(s), however, is chosen by the designer . Thus if DP (s) is chosen to be Hurwitz or
to have its roots lying inside the region C shown in Figure 6 .13, then the two-
parameter system in Figure 10 .6 is totally stable . The condition for the two-parameter
configuration to be well posed is 1 + G(-)C2(cc) 0 0 where C 2(s) = M(s)/A(s) .
This condition is always met if G(s) is strictly proper and C 2 (s) is proper. Thus the
system is well posed . The configuration clearly has no plant leakage . Thus this design
Example 10 .4.1
Consider the plant with transfer function
= N(s) = s + 3
D(s) s(s - 1)
studied in (9 .44). Its ITAE optimal system was found in (9 .59) as
600 .25
G(s) = s (10 .38)
2 + 34.3s + 600 .25
Note that the zero (s + 3) of G(s) does not appear in G0 (s), thus the design will
involve the pole-zero cancellation of s + 3 . Now we implement G0 (s) by using the
two-parameter configuration in Figure 10 .6. We compute
G0 (s) 600.25 Ne (s)
N(s) (s 2 + 34.3s + 600 .25)(s + 3) Dp(s)
Next we choose 5p(s) so that the degree of Dp(s)_DD(s) is at least 2n - I =
3 . Becau se the degree of Dp(s) is 3, the degree of Dp(s) can be chosen as 0 . We
choose Dr(s) = 1 . Thus we have
L(s) = Np(s)Dp(s) = 600.25 X 1 = 600 .25
The polynomials A(s) = A 0 +_ A ls and M(s) = M o + M,s can be solved from
A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s) = Dp(s)Dp( s) with
F(s) : = Dp(s)Dp(s) = (s 2 + 34.3s + 600 .25)(s + 3)
= s3 + 37 .3s2 + 703.15s + 1800 .75
or from the following linear algebraic equation :
Do No 0 0 A0 0 31 0 0 A0 1800.75
D, N, Do No Mo -1 1 0 3 Mo _ 703.15
D2 N2 D, N, A, 1 0 -1 1 A, 37.3
0 0 D 2 N2 M, 0 0 1 0 M, 1
The solution is A(s) = A 0 + A,s = 3 + s and M(s) = Mo + M,s = 600.25 +
35.3s. Thus the compensator is
600.25 35.3s + 600.25
ICI(s) _C2(S)1 = (10 .39)
s + 3 s + 3
This completes the design .
Example 10 .4.2
Consider the same plant transfer function in the preceding example . Now we shall
implement its quadratic optimal transfer function G 0(s) = 10(s + 3)/(s 2 + 12.7s
+ 30) developed in (9 .46). First we compute
G0(s) _ 10(s + 3) _ 10 N,,(s)
N(s) (s 2 + 12 .7s + 30)(s + 3) s2 + 12.7s + 30 Dr(s)
Because the degree of Dp(s) is 2, we must introduce Dr (s) of degree at least 1
so that the degree of DD (s)DD(s) is at least 2n - 1 = 3 . Arbitrarily, we choose
Dr (s) = s + 3 (10 .40)
(This issue will be discussed further in the next section.) Thus we have
L(s) = Np(s)DD(s) = 10(s + 3)
F(s) = Dp(s)Dp (s) _ (s 2 + 12.7s + 30)(s + 3)
= s 3 + 15.7s2 + 68.1s + 90
The polynomials A(s) and M(s) can be solved from
0 3 0 0 A0 90
-1 1 0 3 Mo _ 68.1
(10 .41)
1 0 - 1 1 A, 15.7
0 0 1 0 M, 1
as A(s) = A1s + A 0 = s + 3 and M(s) = M l s + Mo = 13.7s + 30. Thus, the
compensator is
10(s + 3) 13.7s + 301
LC 1(s) - C2(S)l Cs + 3
13.7s + 301
s + 33 (10 .42)
_ 10 _
s + 33
This completes the design. Note that C,(s) reduces to 10 because DP (s) was chosen
as s + 3 . For different Dp (s), C 1 (s) is not a constant, as is seen in the next section .
Example 10 .4.3
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) . Implement its ITAE
optimal system G0(s) = 3/(s 2 + 2.4s + 3) . This G0(s) was implemented by using
the unity-feedback system in Example 10 .2.1. The design had the pole-zero cancel-
lation of s + 2, which was dictated by the given plant transfer function . Now we
implement G0(s) in the two-parameter configuration and show that the designer has
the freedom of choosing canceled poles . First we compute
G0(s) 3 NP(s)
N(s) (s2 + 2.4s + 3) . 1 Dr(s)
Exercise 10.4 .2
_ N(s)L(s)
G ,(s) D
p(s)Dp(s) A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s)
to insure that the resulting compensators are proper . Because Dr(s) is completely
canceled in G0(s), the tracking of r(t) by the plant output y(t) is not affected by the
choice of Dr(s). Neither is the actuating signal affected by Dp(s), because the transfer
function from r to u is
where Dr(s) does not appear directly or indirectly . Therefore the choice of Dr(s)
does not affect the tracking property of the overall system and the magnitude of the
actuating signal .
Although Dr (s) does not appear in G0(s), it will appear in the closed-loop transfer
functions of some input/output pairs . We compute the transfer function from the
disturbance input p to the plant output y in Figure 10 .6:
= Y(s) = G(s)
H(s) :
P(s) 1 + G(s)M(s)A - t (s) (10.44)
N(s)A(s) N(s)A(s)
A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s) Dp(s)Dp(s)
We see that Dr(s) appears directly in H(s); it also affects A(s) through the Diophantine
equation in (10 .34). Therefore the choice of Dr(s) will affect the disturbance rejection
property of the system. This problem will be studied in this section by using
examples. _
In this section, we also study the effect of Dr(s) on the stability range of the
overall system . As discussed in Section 6 .4, the plant transfer function G(s) may
change due to changes of the load, power supplies, or other reasons . Therefore it is
of practical interest to see how much the coefficients of G(s) may change before the
overall system becomes unstable . The larger the region in which the coefficients of
G(s) are permitted to change, the more robust the overall system is . In the following
examples, we also study this problem .
Example 10 .5 .1
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = (s + 3)/s(s - 1). Implement
its quadratic optimal system G0(s) = 10(s + 3)/(s 2 + 12.7s + 30) in the two-
parameter configuration . As shown in Example 10 .4.2, we must choose DP (s) of
degree 1 to achieve the design . If PP(s) is chosen as (s + 3), then the compensator
was computed in (10.42) . For this Dp(s) and compensator, the transfer function from
p to y can be computed as
N(s)A(s) (s + 3)(s + 3) - s + 3
H(s) = (10.45)
Dp(s)DD(s) (s 2 + 12 .7s + 30)(s + 3) s 2 + 12.7s + 30
If Dp(s) is chosen as (s + 30), using the same procedure as in Example 10.4 .2, we
can compute the compensator as
+ _ 38.675s + 3001
[CI(s) -C2(s)] (10 .46)
E s + 5 .025 s + 5 .025 J
H(s) =
H( (s + 3)(s + 5.025)
(10 .47)
(s2 + 12 .7s + 30)(s + 30)
(s + 3)(s + 25.275)
H(s) = (10.49)
(s 2 + 12.7s + 30)(s + 300)
Now we assume the disturbance p to be a unit-step function and compute the plant
outputs for the three cases in (10 .45), ( 10.47), and (10.49). The results are plotted
in Figure 10 .8 with the solid line for Dr(s) = s + 3, the dashed line for Dp(s) _
s + 30, and the dotted line for p(s) = s + 300 . We see that the system with
DP(s) = s + 300 attenuates the disturbance most . We plot in Figure 10.9 the am-
plitude characteristics of the three H(s) . The one corresponding to Dp(s) = s + 300
again has the best attenuation property for all w . Therefore, we conclude that, for
this example, the faster the root of Dr (s), the better the disturbance rejection property .
_ Now we study the robustness property of the system . First we consider the case
Dp (s) = s + 300 with the compensator in (10 .48). Suppose that after the imple-
Y (t)
0 .12
0 .1
0 .08
0 .06
0 .04
0 .02 s+30
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
0 0 .1 0.2 0 .3 0 .4 0.5 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9 1
Figure 10 .8 Effect of canceled poles on disturbance rejection (time domain) .
mentation, the plant transfer function G(s) changes to
N(s) =s + 3 + eZ
G(s) (10 .50)
= D(s) s(s - 1 + E l )
With this perturbed transfer function, the transfer function from r to y becomes
Go (s) =
A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s)
I H(jw) I
D (s)=s+3
is a Hurwitz polynomial . The application of the Routh test to (10 .51) yields the
following stability conditions:
312 .7 + 1 > 0 3 + 2 > 0 (10 .52a)
3000(3 + 21 >
3840 + 25 .275 1 + 288 .4252 - 0 (10 .52b)
312 .7 + ,
(See Exercise 4.6.3.) These conditions can be simplified to
2 > - 3 if 1 > - 117 .7
1191768 + 11743 .4925E, + 25.275E 2
2 > - if - 302 .29 < 1 < - 117 .7
87190 .4975 + 288 .425 1
It is plotted in Figure 10 .10 with the dotted line .
10 s+3
-5 El
-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300
Figure 10 .10 Effect of canceled poles on stability range.
Example 10 .5.2
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = N(s)/D(s) = (s - 1)/s(s - 2) .
Implement its quadratic optimal system G0(s) = - 10(s - 1)/(s 2 + 11 .14s + 10)
in the two-parameter configuration . First, we compute
G0(s) -10(s - 1) - - 10 NP(s)
N(s) - (s 2 + 11 .14s + 10)(s - 1) s2 + 11 .14s + 10 . DP(s)
Because the degree of DP(s) is 2, which is smaller than 2n - 1 = 3, we must
choose a Hurwitz polynomial DP (s) of degree at least 1 . We choose
Then we have
Dp(s)Dp(s) = (s 2 + 11.14s + 10)(s + )3)
=s3 +(11 .14+ B)s 2 +(10+ 11 .14/3)s+ 10(3
L(s) = Np(s)DP(s) = - 10(s + 6)
The polynomials A(s) and M(s) can be solved from
0 -1 0 0 A0 10/3
-2 1 0 -1 Mo 10 + 11 .14/3
1 0 ; -2 1 A1 11 .14 + /3
0 0 1 0 M1 1
This can be solved directly . It can also be solved by computing
0 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -2
-2 1 0 -1 -1 0 0 0
1 0 -2 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 2 4
Thus we have
A0 -1 -1 -1 -2 10/3 - 23 .14 - 22.14/3
M0 -1 0 0 0 10 + 11 .14/3 _ -10/3
A, = 0 0 0 1 11 .14 + 0 1
M1 1 1 2 4 1 36.28 + 23 .14/3
and the compensator is
L(s) M(s)
ICI(S) - C'2(s)l =
A(s) A(s)
-10(s + /3)(36.28 + 23.14/3)s - 10/31
s-23.14-22.14/3 s-23.14-22.14(3
This completes the implementation of the quadratic optimal system . Note that no
matter what value /3 assumes, as long as it is positive, Dr(s) = s + /3 will not affect
the tracking property of the overall system . Neither will it affect the magnitude of
the actuating signal . _
Now we study the effect of Dr (s) on disturbance rejection . The transfer function
from the disturbance p to the plant output y is
Y(s) N(s)A(s) = (s - 1)(s - 23.14 - 22.14/3) '
H(s) : (10.55)
= P(s) = Dp (s)Dp (s) (s 2 + 11.14s + 10)(s + /3)
Let the disturbance be a unit-step function . We compute the unit-step resp onses of
(10.55) on a personal computer and plot the results in Figure 10.11 for Dr(s) =
-2 t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 10.11 Effect of canceled poles on disturbance rejection (time domain) .
G(s) (10.56)
D(s) s(s - 2 + el)
With this plant transfer function and the compensators in (10 .54), the overall transfer
function becomes
G0 (s) =
A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s)
A(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s)
_ (s - 23 .14 - 22.14/3) . s(s - 2 + El ) ( 10.57)
+ [(36.28 + 23 .14f3)s - 10/31 . (s - 1 + E2 )
I H(iw) I
We compute its stability ranges for the three cases with Dp(s) = s + 1,
Dp(s) = s + 10, and Dp(s) = s + 100. If Dp(s) = s + 1, (10 .57) becomes
10(1 -
(21 .14 - 45.28, + 59.422) - EZ) > 0
(12 .14 + ,)
From these inequalities, the stability range of E, and 2 can be plotted as shown in
Figure 10 .13 with the solid line . We repeat the computation for DP (s) = s + 10
and Dp(s) = s + 100 and plot the results in Figure 10 .13, respectively, with the
E 2
dashed line and dotted line . We see that, roughly speaking, the larger /3, the larger
the stability range . (Note that in the neighborhood of ei = 0 and E2 = 0, the stability
region correspon ding to DP (s) = s + 100 does not include completely the regions
corresponding to DP(s) = s + 10 and DP(s) = s + 1 .) Therefore we conclude that
the faster the root of Dp(s), the more robust the overall system .
From the preceding two examples, we conclude that the choice of DP(s) in the
two-parameter configuration does affect the disturbance rejection and robustness
properties of the resulting system . For the system
_ in Example 10 .5.1, which has no
non-minimum-phase zeros, the faster the root of DP (s), the better the step disturbance
rejection and the more robust the resulting system . For the system in Example 10.5.2,
which has a non-minimum-phase zero, the choice of DP (s) is no longer clear-cut . In
conclusion, in using the two-parameter configuration to achieve model matching,
although the choice of DP (s) does not affect the tracking property of the system and
the magnitude of the actuating signal, it does affect the disturbance rejection and
robustness properties of the system . Therefore, we should utilize this freedom in the
design . No general rule of choosing DP (s) seems available at present . However, we
may always choose it by trial and error .
where yy(t) is the plant output excited by the disturbance p(t) shown in Figure 10 .6.
In the examples in the preceding section, we showed that by choosing the root of
DP (s) appropriately, the effect of step disturbances can be reduced . However, no
matter where the root is chosen, the steady-state effect of step disturbances can never
be completely eliminated . Now we shall show that by increasing the degree of Dr(s),
step disturbances can be completely eliminated as t-->-.
The transfer function from p to y in Figure 10 .6 is
H(s) = (10 .59)
If p is a step function with magnitude a, then
N(s)A(s) a
YP(s) = H(s)P(s) = (10.60)
DP(s)Dp (s) . s
The application of the final-value theorem to (10 .60) yields
N(s)A(s) a aN(0)A(0)
lim yp( t) = lim s (10.61)
s-o Dp(s)Dp(s) s Do(0)DP(0)
This becomes zero for any a if and only if_N(0) = 0 or A(0) = 0 . Note that
D,(0) :A 0 and Dp(0) =A 0 because Dp(s) and Dp(s) are Hurwitz . The constant N(0)
is given and is often nonzero . Therefore, the only way to achieve disturbance rejec-
tion is to design A(s) with A(0) = 0 . Recall that A(s) is to be solved from the
Diophantine equation in (10 .34) or the linear algebraic equation in (10 .37). If the
degree of Dp(s) is chosen so that the degree of Dp (s)Dp (s) is 2n - 1, where n =
deg D(s), then the solution A(s) is unique and we have no control over A(0) . How-
ever, if we increase the degree of Dp (s), then solutions A(s) are no longer unique
and we may have the freedom of choosing A(0). This will be illustrated by an
example .
Example 10.5.3
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = (s + 3)/s(s - 1) . Implement its
quadratic optimal system G0(s) = 10(s + 3)/(s 2 + 12.7s + 30) . This was imple-
mented in Example 10.5.1 by choosing the degree of Dp (s) as 1 . Now we shall
increase the degree of Dr(s) to 2 and repeat the design . First we compute
G0 (s) 10 NP(s)
N(s) s 2 + 12.7s + 30 . Dp(s)
Arbitrarily, we choose
DP(s) = (s + 30)2 (10.62)
Then we have
Dp (s)Dp(s) = (s 2 + 12.7s + 30)(s + 30) 2
= s 4 + 72.7s3 + 1692s 2 + 13,230s + 27,000
L(s) = Np (s)Dp(s) = 10(s + 30) 2
The polynomials A(s) = A 0 + A,s + A 2 s 2 and M(s) = M0 + M,s + M2S2 can
be solved from
0 31 0 0~ 0 0 27,000
-1 1i 0 3 0 0 13,230
1 0 -1 1 0 3 1692 (10.63)
0 0 1 0 -1 1 72.7
0 01 0 0 1 0 1
M2 _
This has 5 equations and 6 unknowns . Because the first column of the 5 X 6 matrix
is linearly dependent on the remaining columns, A 0 can be arbitrarily assigned, in
particular, assigned as 0 . With A 0 = 0, the solution of (10 .63) can be computed as
Y (t)
0 .005
-0 .005
-0 .015 1
0 0 .1 0 .2 0.3 0 .4 0.5 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9 1
Exercise 10 .5 .1
Consider the configuration shown in Figure 10 .15(a) in which G(s) is the plant
transfer function and C 1(s), C2(s), and C0(s) are proper compensators . This config-
uration introduces feedback from the plant input and output ; therefore, it is called
the plant input/output feedback configuration or plant I/O feedback configuration
for short . This configuration can be used to implement any implementable GO (s) .
Instead of discussing the general case, we discuss only the case where
deg D0(s) - deg N0 (s) = deg D(s) - deg N(s) (10 .66)
In other words, the pole-zero excess of G0(s) equals that of G(s) . In this case, we
can always assume C0(s) = 1 and
L(s) M(s)
C1 C2 (10 .67)
(s) = A(s) (s) = A(s)
and the plant I/O feedback configuration can be simplified as shown in Figure
10.15(b) . Note that A(s), L(s), and M(s) in Figure 10 .15(b) are different from those
in the two-parameter configuration in Figure 10 .6 . The two compensators enclosed
by the dashed line can be considered as a two-input, one-output compensator and
must be implemented as a unit as discussed in Section 10 .4. The configuration has
two loops, one with loop gain -L(s)/A(s), the other -G(s)M(s)/A(s) . Thus its
r u y
0 -
G (s)
C 1 (s)
0 - C2
(s) F
r U
G (s)
L (s) -~O c M(s)
I A -1 (s) E--
Problem Given G(s) = N(s)/D(s), where N(s) and D(s) are coprime and deg N(s)
!!~; deg D(s). Implement an implementable G0(s) = N0(s)/D 0(s) with deg D0(s) -
deg N0(s) = deg D(s) - deg N(s) .
Procedure :
Step 1 : Compute
Go(s) - NN(s) _ Np(s)
(10 .70)
N(s) D0(s)N(s) Dr(s)
where NP(s) and Dp(s) have no common factors .
Step 2 : If deg Na(s) = : m < n - 1, introduce an arbitrary Hurwitz polynomial
A(s) of degree n - 1 - m. If m ? n - 1, set A(s) = 1
Step 3 : Rewrite (10 .70) and equate it with (10 .69) :
N(s)Np(s) N(s)NN(s)A(s)
G0(s) = (10 .71)
Dr(s) Dp(s)A(s)
A(s)D(s) + L(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s)
From this equation, we have
A(s) = Np(s)A(s)
_ (10 .72)
A(s)D(s) + L(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s) = D D(s)A(s)
which becomes, after substituting (10 .72)
L(s)D(s) + M(s)N(s) = DD(s)A(s) - A(s)D(s)
= DD(s)A(s) - NN(s)A(s)D(s) (10 .73)
F(s) = 2n - 1 . Let
L(s) = Lo + L 1 s + + Ln_1sn-1 (10 .74a)
M(S) = M0 + M1 S + . . . + Mn-1sn-I (10 .74b)
F(s) = F0 + F ls + F2S 2 + . . . + F2n-IS 2n-1 (10 .74c)
Then L(s) and M(s) can be solved from the following linear algebraic
equation :
Do No 0 0 0 0 Lo
D1 N1 Do NO MO F0
L1 F1
Dn Nn Dn-1 Nn-1 M1 F2 (10 .75)
0 0 Dn Nn
Ln-1 F2n -1
0 0 . 0 0 Mn-1
This is illustrated by an example .
Example 10 .6.1
Consider G(s) = (s + 3)/s(s - 1). Implement its quadratic optimal system G0(s)
= 10(s + 3)/(s 2 + 12.7s + 30) . This problem was implemented in the two-
parameter configuration in Example 10.4.2. Now we shall implement it in the plant
I/O feedback configuration shown in Figure 10 .15(b) . First we compute
G0(s) _ 10(s + 3) _ 10 No(s)
N(s) (s2 + 12 .7s + 30)(s + 3) s2 + 12.7s + 30 Dr(s)
Because the degree of NP(s) is 0, we must introduce a Hurwitz polynomial A(s) of
degree at least n - 1 - deg NP(s) = 1 . Arbitrarily, we choose
A(s) = s + 3 (10 .76)
Then we have
A(s) = Np(s)A(s) = 10(s + 3)
and, from (10 .73),
F(s) = A(s)(Dp(s) - Np(s)D(s)) = (s + 3) [s 2 + 12.7s + 30 - 10s(s - 1)]
_ -95 3 -4 .3s2 +98 .1s+90
We see that the design using the plant I/O feedback configuration is quite similar
to that of the two-parameter configuration . Because A(s) is completely canceled in
G0 (s), the choice of A(s) will not affect the tracking property and actuating signal of
the system . However, its choice may affect disturbance rejection and stability ro-
bustness of the resulting system . The idea is similar to the two-parameter case and
will not be repeated.
Exercise 10.6 .1
Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = 1/s(s - 1). Find compensators in
the plant I/O feedback configuration to yield (a) G0(s) = 4/(s 2 + 2.8s + 4) and
(b) G0(s) = (13s + 8)/(s 3 + 3.5s2 + 13s + 8) . All canceled poles are to be chosen
at s = - 4.
[Answers : (a) L(s)/A(s) = (- 3s - 8 .2)/4(s + 4), M(s)/A(s) =
(23s + 16)/4(s + 4) . (b) L(s)/A(s) = (- 12s - 3 .5)/(13s + 8),
M(s)/A(s) = (17 .5s + 8)/(13s + 8).]
to achieve pole placement . If the degree of G(s) is n, the minimum degree of com-
pensators to achieve arbitrary pole placement is n - 1 if G(s) is strictly proper, or
n if G(s) is biproper. If we increase the degree of compensators, then the unity-
feedback configuration can be used to achieve pole placement and robust tracking .
The two-parameter configuration can be used to achieve any model matching .
In this configuration, generally we have freedom in choosing canceled poles . The
choice of these poles will not affect the tracking property of the system and the
magnitude of the actuating signal . Therefore, these canceled poles can be chosen to
suppress the effect of disturbance and to increase the stability robustness of the
system. If we increase the degree of compensators, then it is possible to achieve
model matching and disturbance rejection .
Finally we introduced the plant input/output feedback configuration . This con-
figuration is developed from state estimator (or observer) and state feedback (or
controller) in state-variable equations . See Chapter 11 . The configuration can also
be used to achieve any model matching . For a comparison of the two-parameter
configuration and the plant I/O feedback configuration, see References [16, 44] .
In this chapter all compensators for pole placement and model matching are
obtained by solving sets of linear algebraic equations . Thus the method is referred
to as the linear algebraic method.
We now compare the inward approach and the outward approach . We intro-
duced the root-locus method and the frequency-domain method in the outward ap-
proach . In the root-locus method, we try to shift the poles of overall systems to the
desired pole region . The region is developed from a quadratic transfer function with
a constant numerator. Therefore, if an overall transfer function is not of the form,
even if the poles are shifted into the region, there is no guarantee that the resulting
system has the desired performance . In the frequency-domain method, because the
relationship among the phase margin, gain margin, and time response is not exact,
even if the design meets the requirement on the phase and gain margins, there is no
guarantee that the time response of the resulting system will be satisfactory . Fur-
thermore, if a plant has open right-half-plane poles, the frequency-domain method
is rarely used . The constraint on actuating signals is not considered in the root-locus
method, nor in the frequency-domain method .
In the inward approach, we first choose an overall transfer function ; it can be
chosen to minimize the quadratic or ITAE performance index or simply by engi-
neering judgment. The constraint on actuating signals can be included in the choice .
Once an overall transfer function is chosen, we may implement it in the unity-
feedback configuration . If it cannot be so implemented, we can definitely implement
it in the two-parameter or plant input/output feedback configuration . In the imple-
mentation, we may also choose canceled poles to improve disturbance rejection
property and to increase stability robustness property of the resulting system . Thus,
the inward approach appears to be more general and more versatile than the outward
approach . Therefore, the inward approach should be a viable alternative in the design
of control systems .
We give a brief history about various design methods to conclude this chapter .
The earliest systematic method to design feedback systems was developed by Bode
in 1945 [7] . It is carried out by using frequency plots, which can be obtained by
measurement. Thus, the method is very useful to systems whose mathematical equa-
tions are difficult to develop . The method, however, is difficult to employ if a system,
such as an aircraft, has unstable poles . In order to overcome the unstable poles of
aircrafts, Evans proposed the root-locus method in 1950 [27] . The method has since
been widely used in practice. The inward approach was first discussed by Truxal in
1955 [57] . He called the method synthesis through pole-zero configuration . The
conditions in Corollary 9 .1 were developed for the unity-feedback configuration . In
spite of its importance, the method was mentioned only in a small number of control
texts. ITAE optimal systems were developed by Graham and Lathrop [33] in 1953 .
Newton and colleagues [48] and Chang [10] were among the earliest to develop
quadratic optimal systems by using transfer functions .
The development of implementable transfer functions for any control configu-
ration was attempted in [12]. The conditions of proper compensators and no plant
leakage, which was coined by Horowitz [36], were employed. Total stability was
not considered. Although the condition of well-posedness was implicitly used, the
concept was not fully understood and the proof was incomplete . It was found in [ 14]
that, without imposing well-posedness, the plant input/output feedback configura-
tion can be used to implement G0(s) = 1 using exclusively proper compensators . It
was a clear violation of physical constraints . Thus the well-posedness condition was
explicitly used in [15, 16] to design control systems . By requiring proper compen-
sators, total stability, well-posedness and no plant leakage, the necessity of the im-
plementability conditions follows immediately for any control configuration . Al-
though these constraints were intuitively apparent, it took many years to be fully
understood and be stated without any ambiguity . A similar problem was studied by
Youla, Bongiorno, and Lu [68], where the conditions for G0(s) to be implementable
in the single-loop configuration in Figure P10 .3 by using stable proper compensators
are established . The conditions involve the interlacing of real poles of G0(s) and
G(s), and the problem is referred to as strong stabilization .
The computation of compensators by solving linear algebraic equations was first
suggested by Shipley [55] in 1963 . Conditions for the existence of compensators
were not discussed . The coprimeness condition was used in 1969 [11] to establish
the existence of compensators in the plant input/output feedback system and to
establish its relationship with state feedback [66] and state estimators [45] . The two-
parameter configuration seems to be first introduced by Astrom [2] in 1980 and was
employed in [3] . The design procedure discussed in this text follows [21].
Most results in Chapter 10 are available for multivariable systems, systems with
more than one input or more than one output. The results were developed from the
polynomial fractional approach, which was developed mainly by Rosenbrock [53],
Wolovich [65], Kucera [41], and Callier and Desoer [9] . The polynomial fractional
method was translated into linear algebraic equations in [14, 15] . Using elementary
results in linear algebra, it was possible to develop most results in the polynomial
fractional approach in [15] . More importantly, minimum-degree compensators can
now be easily obtained by solving linear algebraic equations . This method of com-
puting compensators is therefore called the linear algebraic method .
10.1 . Consider a plant with transfer function 1/s(s + 3) . Implement the overall
transfer function G0(s) = 4/(s 2 + 4s + 4) in the unity-feedback configu-
ration in Figure 10.1 . Does the implementation involve pole-zero cancella-
tions? Do you have the freedom of choosing canceled poles?
10.2. Consider a plant with transfer function 2/s(s - 3). Can you implement the
overall transfer function G0(s) = 4/(s 2 + 4s + 4) in the unity-feedback
configuration in Figure 10.1? Will the resulting system be well posed? totally
10.3. Given G(s) = 1/(s - 1). Can G0(s) = 1/(s + 1) be implemented in the
unity-feedback configuration in Figure 10.1? Can G0(s) be implemented in
the single-loop feedback system shown in Figure P10 .3 with C,(s) = 1?
u Y
G (s)
C 2 (s)
Figure P10 .3
10.4. Consider a plant with transfer function 1 /s(s + 2) . Find a proper compensator
of degree 1 in the unity-feedback configuration such that the overall system
has poles at -1 + j, -1 - j, and - 3 . What is the compensator? Use the
root-locus method to give an explanation of the result.
10.5. Consider a plant with transfer function 1/s(s - 2) . Find a proper compensator
of degree 1 in the unity-feedback configuration such that the overall system
has poles at - 1 + j, -1 - j, and - 3. Will the resulting system track
asymptotically every step-reference input? Is this tracking robust?
10.6. a. Consider a plant with transfer function 1/s(s + 2) . Design a compensator
in the unity-feedback configuration such that the overall system has the
dominant poles - 1 .4 j1 .43 and a pole a with a = -4. What is u(0 + )?
b. Repeat (a) for a = -5 . Can you conclude that, for the same dominant
poles, the farther away the pole a, the larger the actuating signal?
10.7. a. Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = 1/s(s + 2) and its quadratic
optimal system G0(s) = 3/(s 2 + 3 .2s + 3). Can G0(s) be implemented
in Figure P10 .7 by adjusting k1 and k2?
b. Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) _ (s - 1)/(s 2 - 4) and its
quadratic optimal system G0(s) = - 1.8(s - 1)/(s 2 + 5.2s + 5). Can
G0(s) be implemented in Figure P10 .7 by adjusting k1 and k2? Will this
optimal system track asymptotically step-reference inputs? Note that if
G (s)
after implementation, is the system still stable? Will the system still track
asymptotically every step-reference input? Is this design robust in track-
10.10. In Problem 10 .9, is it possible to design a system which is robust in tracking
by increasing the degree of the compensator?
10.11 . Implement G0(s) in Problem 10 .7(a) in the unity-feedback configuration . Also
implement it in the two-parameter configuration . Do you have control over
the canceled pole in both cases?
10.12. Can you implement G0(s) in Problem 10 .7(b) in the unity-feedback configu-
ration? Can you implement it in the two-parameter configuration?
10.13. Consider G(s) = 2/s(s 2 + 0.25s + 6.25). Implement
s3 + 3.957s 2 + 14 .048s + 20
in the unity-feedback and two-parameter configurations . Which implemen-
tation is more desirable? Give your reasons .
10.14. a . Consider G(s) = (s + 3)/s(s - 1) and its overall system G0(s) _
784/(s 2 + 50 .4s + 784) . Implement the system in the two-parameter
configuration by choosing Dr(s) = 1 . Will the plant output of the system
reject completely, as t any step disturbance function entering at the
plant input terminal?
A(s)D(s) + B(s)N(s) = 1
In this chapter we discuss the design of control systems using state-variable equa-
tions. We use simple networks to introduce the concepts of controllability and ob-
servability, and we develop their conditions intuitively . We then discuss equivalence
transformations . Using an equivalence transformation, we show how to design pole
placement using state feedback under the assumption of controllability. Because the
concept and condition of controllability are dual to those of observability, design of
full-dimensional state estimators can then be established . We also discuss the design
of reduced-dimensional state estimators by solving Lyapunov equations . The con-
nection of state feedback to the output of state estimators is justified by establishing
the separation property . This design is also compared with the transfer function
approach discussed in Section 10 .6. Finally, we introduce the Lyapunov stability
theorem and then apply it to establish the Routh stability test .
The state in state-variable equations forms a linear space, called state space ;
therefore, the design using state-variable equations is also called state space design .
Example 11 .2.1
Consider the network shown in Figure 11 .1(a). The input is a current source, and
the output is the voltage across the 2-fl resistor shown. The voltage x across the
capacitor is the only state variable of the network . If x(O) = 0, no matter what input
is applied, because of the symmetry of the four resistors, the voltage across the
capacitor is always zero . Therefore, it is not possible to transfer x(0) = 0 to any
nonzero x . Thus, the state-variable equation describing the network is not control-
lable . If x(O) is different from zero, then it will generate a response across the output
y . Thus, it is possible that the equation is observable, as will be established later .
(a) (b)
Example 11 .2.2
Consider the network shown in Figure 11 .1(b). The input is a current source and the
output y l is the voltage across the resistor . The network has two state variables : the
voltage x1 across the capacitor, and the current x2 through the inductor . Nonzero
x 1 (0) and/or x 2 (0) will excite a response inside the LC loop. However, the current
i(t) always equals u(t) and the output always equals 2u(t) no matter what x1 (0) and
x2(0) are . Therefore, there is no way to determine the initial state from u(t) and y1 (t).
Thus, the state-variable equation describing the network will not be observable .
Because the LC loop is connected directly to the input, it is possible that the
equation is controllable, as will be shown later . We mention that controllability and
observability depend on what are considered as input and output . If Y2 in Figure
11 .1(b) is considered as the output, then the equation will be observable .
b fo u(T)dT + Ab fo (t - T)u(T)d7
+ A2 b fo 0 .5(t - T) 2 u(T)dT +
fo (t - r)u(,r)dT
= [b Ab A2 b . . .]
0 .5(t - r) 2u(T)dT
Using Theorem B .1, we conclude that for any x(O) and x(t), a solution u(t) exists if
and only if the matrix
[b Ab A2 b . . . An - 'b . . .] (11 .2)
has rank n. The matrix has n rows but infinitely many columns. Fortunately, using
the Cayley-Hamilton theorem (see Problem 2 .37), we can show that (11 .2) has rank
n if and only if the n X n matrix
U = [b Ab A2 b . . . An - 'b] (11 .3)
has rank n . Thus we conclude that (11 .1) is controllable if and only if the matrix in
(11 .3) has rank n or, equivalently, its determinant is different from zero . The matrix
in (11 .3) is called the controllability matrix . The first column is b, the second column
is Ab, and the last column is An - 'b . Similarly, we define the n X n matrix
(11 .4)
Its first row is c, second row is cA, and the last row is cAn - ' . Then the n-dimensional
equation in (11 .1) is observable if and only if the matrix V has rank n or, equivalently,
Example 11 .2.3
N(s) 2s - 1 2s - 1
G(s) = (11 .5)
D(s) s2 - 1 .5s - 1 (s - 2)(s + 0.5)
Because the dimension of (11 .6) equals the number of poles of G(s) in (11 .5), (11 .6)
is a minimal state-variable equation (see Section 2.8) . Every minimal equation is
controllable and observable . We demonstrate this fact for the equation in (11 .6).
To check controllability, we first compute
5 ][ 1]
Ab = = (11 .7)
C1 0 0 [ 1 .5 ]
Thus the controllability matrix of (11 .6) is
1 1.5
U = [b Ab] = (11 .8)
0 1
Example 11 .2.4
Consider the transfer function
2s + 1 2s + 1
G(s) =
s2 - 1 .5s - 1 s - 2)(s + 0 .5)
Its controllable-form realization is
.5 [11 u
x= 1]x+ (11 .12a)
y = [2 1]x (11 .12b)
This equation differs from (11 .6) only in the output equation ; therefore, its control-
lability matrix is the same as (11 .8), and (11 .12) is controllable. To check observa-
bility, we compute
cA = [2 1111 .5 = [4 2]
U=C1 2] V= C1 .5 1
Because det U = 0 and det V = 1, where det stands for the determinant, the equation
is observable but not controllable .
5.5.1 . This is done for convenience in developing the design procedure in Section
11.4. The controllable-form realization of (11 .15) is, as shown in (5.17),
-a1 -a2 -a3 -a4 1
1 0 0 0 0
x + U (11 .16a)
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
y = [b 1 b2 b3 b4 ]x (11 .16b)
This equation is always observable . It is controllable if N(s) and D(s) have no com-
mon factors ; otherwise, it is not controllable .
Exercise 11 .2.1
Show that the network in Figure 11 .1(a) can be described by the following state-
variable equation
z= -0.75x+0 u y=0 .Sx+u
Is the equation controllable? observable?
[Answers : No, yes.]
Exercise 11 .2.2
Show that the network in Figure 11 .1(b) with y1 as the output can be described by
=C -0] x + [0] u
y1 = [0 0]x + 2u
Is the equation controllable? observable?
[Answers : Yes, no.]
Exercise 11 .2.3
Show that the network in Figure 11 .1(b) with y2 as the output can be described by
0 -
x = ~ x + u
OJ [0]
Y2 = [1 0]x
Is the equation controllable? observable?
[Answers : Yes, yes .]
In addition to (11 .3) and (11 .4), there are many other controllability and ob-
servability conditions . Although (11 .3) and (11 .4) are most often cited conditions in
control texts, they are very sensitive to parameter variations, and consequently not
suitable for computer computation . For a discussion of this problem, see Reference
[15, p . 217] . If state-variable equations are in diagonal or, more generally, Jordan
form, then controllability can be determined from b alone and observability, from c
alone . See Problems 11 .2, 11.3, and Reference [15, p . 209] .
Example 11 .2.5
Consider the block diagram in Figure 11 .2(a) with input u and output y . It consists
of two blocks with transfer functions 1/(s - 1) and (s - 1)/(s + 1) . If we assign
the output of the first block as x 1, then we have
u I s-1 y
s-1 s+1
u s-1 w 1 x 1 y
s+l s-1
Figure 11 .2 Pole-zero cancellations .
See Section 5 .5.2. The second block has input x, and output y, thus we have
Y(s) = s-1 -2
XI (s) s + 1 s + 1
Therefore, it can be realized as
z2 - -x2 -2x, y=x2 +x 1
Thus, the tandem connection of the two blocks can be described by
[x2 ] -
[-2 -1][x2] + [0' ]
Y2 = [1 1]x
Because its controllability matrix
U = [b Ab] _
which implies
X2 = 2(x 1 - x2)
(a) (b)
Figure 11 .3 Network with different choices of state variables .
Both (11 .18) and (11 .19) describe the same network ; therefore, they must be related
in some way . Indeed, from the currents through the inductor and resistor in Figure
11 .3(a) and (b), we have x1 = xl and x2/2 = x l - x2. Thus we have
x := x (11 .20)
X21 1
1X = C2 - 0 ]Cx2] C2 -2]
The square matrix in (11 .20) is nonsingular because its determinant is -2 . Two
state-variable equations are said to be equivalent if their states can be related by a
nonsingular matrix such as in (11 .20) . Thus (11 .18) and (11 .19) are equivalent.
Consider the n-dimensional state-variable equation
i = Ax + bu (11 .21 a)
y = cx + du (11 .21b)
Let P be an arbitrary nonsingular matrix . Define x = Px. The substitution of x =
P - ' x and i = P - 'x into (11 .21) yields
P - ' x = AP - 'x + bu
y=cP - 'x+du
which become
x = Ax + bu (11 .22a)
y = cx + du (11 .22b)
A : = PAP - ' b : = Pb c : = cP -1 d := d (11 .22c)
Equations (11 .21) and (11 .22) are said to be equivalent, and P is called an equiva-
lence transformation . For (11 .18) and (11 .19), we have, from (11 .20),
= and
12 -02] P = [2 -20] 1 - [1 -0.5]
- 0] - -1 1
PAP -1 = ]=A
[1 -0.5][0 -0 .5][2 2 - 1 0 .5
Pb = = b
[1 -0.5] [0 5] - [0.5]
In this section, we discuss the design of pole placement by using state feedback . We
first use an example to illustrate the basic idea .
Example 11 .4.1
Consider a plant with transfer function
G(s) _
s(s + 1)
The plant could be an armature-controlled dc motor driving an antenna and can be
represented by the block diagram enclosed by the dotted line in Figure 11 .4(a). If
we assign the output of each block as a state variable as shown, then we can readily
z2 = -x2 + 10u
(see Section 5.5.2). Thus, the plant can be described by the following state-variable
x+ (11 .25a)
[0 -1] [10] u
y = [1 0]x (11 .25b)
Now we introduce feedback from x 1 and x2 as shown in Figure 11 .4(a) with real
constant gains k1 and k2. This is called state feedback. With the feedback, the transfer
function from r to y becomes, using Mason's formula,
s(s + 1) 10
G(s) _ 1 +
10k2 + IOk1 s(s + 1) + lOk2s + 10k 1
s + 1 s(s + 1) (11 .26)
_ 10
S 2 + ( 1 + 10k2)s + 10k 1
We see that by choosing k1 and k2, the poles of G0(s) can be arbitrarily assigned
(a) (b)
Because the feedback paths consist of only gains (transfer functions with degree
0), the number of the poles of the resulting system remains the same as the original
plant . Thus, the ,introduction of constant-gain state feedback does not increase the
number of poles of the system, it merely shifts the poles of the plant to new positions .
Note that the numerator of G0(s) equals that of G(s) . Thus, the state feedback does
not affect the numerator or the zeros of G(s). This is a general property and will be
established later.
Exercise 11 .4.1
Although Example 11 .4.1 illustrates the basic idea of pole placement by state
feedback, the procedure cannot easily be extended to general G(s) = N(s)/D(s) . In
the following, we use state-variable equations to discuss the design . Consider the
n-dimensional state-variable equation
x = Ax + bu (11 .28a)
y = cx (11 .28b)
with transfer function
G(s) = c(sI - A) - 'b (11 .28c)
To simplify discussion, we have assumed the direct transmission part to be zero .
The equation is plotted in Figure 11 .5, where single lines denote single signals and
double lines denote two or more signals . Let
u(t) = r(t) - kx(t) (11 .29)
_ N(s) b,s 3 + b2s2 + bas + b4
G (s) (11 .32)
D(s) s4 + a,s 3 + a2 S2 + a3s + a 4
We show in the following that if (11 .28) is controllable, then it can be transformed
by an equivalence transformation into
U -1 = (11 .34b)
The easiest way to verify this is to show U - 1 U = I. Now, as developed in (11 .24),
the controllability matrices of (11 .28) and (11 .33) are related by
U = PU (11 .35)
We see that (11 .38) is still of the controllable form, so its transfer function from r
to y is
Now by choosing k the denominator of G0(s), and consequently the poles of G 0(s),
can be arbitrarily assigned . We also see that the numerator of G0(s) equals that of
G(s) . Thus the_state feedback does not affect the zeros of G(s).
To relate k in (11 .37) with k in (11 .29), we substitute X = Px into (11 .37) to
Thus we have k = kP. The preceding procedure is summarized in the following .
Example 11 .4 .2
S = P - ' = [b Ab]
10 11 1 [10 -10][0 1] = [10 1 01
Thus we have
k = kP = [3 81 - [0 .8 0.3]
1 10 10] 1 = [3 8][00 .1 0-1] 0
As we expected, this result is the same as the one in Example 11 .4.1. To verify the
result, we compute
s 0 0 -1] 0] s -1
sI-A+bk= 0 s .8 0
0 -1] [ 10 [0 .3]= 8 s+4
Thus, the transfer function of the resulting system is
_ -1
GG(s) _ [1
0] [g s + 14 10
1 s+4 1][0] _ 10
_ [1 0]
5 2 +4s+8 -8 s 10 s2 +4s+8
as expected. We see that the state feedback shifts the poles of G(s) from 0 and -1
to - 2 j2 . However, it has no effect on the numerator of G (s) .
If (A, b) is not controllable, then the matrix in (11 .36) is not nonsingular and
(11 .28) cannot be transformed into the controllable-form equation in (11 .33). In this
case, it is not possible to assign all eigenvalues of (A - bk); however, it is possible
to assign some of them. See Problem 11 .8 and Reference [15] .
To conclude this section, we mention that state feedback gain can be obtained
by using MATLAB . For the problem in Example 11 .4.2, we type
a=[0 1 ;0 -1] ;b=[0 ;10] ;
i=sgrt(-1) ;
p = [ - 2 + 2*i ; - 2 - 2*i] ;
Then k = [0 .8 0 .3] will appear on the screen . The command acker(a,b,p), which
uses the Ackermann formula, will also yield the same result . But the MATLAB
manual states that acker(a,b,p) is not numerically reliable and starts to break down
rapidly for equations with dimension larger than 10 .
x = Ax + bu (11 .42a)
y = cx (11 .42b)
In the preceding section, the input u was expressed as r - kx, where r is the
reference input and k is the feedback gain, also called the control law . Now we
assume that the reference input r is zero and that the response of the system is excited
by nonzero initial state x(0), which in turn may be excited by external disturbances .
The problem is then to find a feedback gain to force the response to zero as quickly
as possible . This is called the regulator problem. If r = 0, then (11 .29) reduces to
u = -kx, and (11 .42a) becomes
x = (A - bk)x (11 .43)
Clearly, the response of (11 .43) depends on the eigenvalues of (A - bk). If all
eigenvalues have negative real parts or lie inside the open left half s-plane, then for
any nonzero x(0), the response of (11 .43) approaches zero as t -* o. The larger the
negative real parts, the faster the response approaches zero . Now if (A, b) is con-
trollable, we can find a k to place all eigenvalues of (11 .43) in any desired positions .
This is one way of designing the regulator problem .
How to choose the eigenvalues of (11 .43) is not simple, however . One possi-
bility is to use the pole patterns in Figure 9 .15 . The radius of the semicircles in
Figure 9 .15 is to be determined from the constraint on the magnitude of u(t) . Gen-
erally, the larger the radius, the larger the feedback gain k and the larger the ampli-
tude of u(t) . Therefore, the constraint on u(t) will limit the rate for the response to
approach zero . The most systematic and popular method is to find k to minimize
the quadratic performance index
A symmetric matrix Q of order n is positive definite (positive semidefinite) if
and only if any one of the following conditions holds :
1. All n eigenvalues of Q are positive (zero or positive) .
2. It is possible to decompose Q as Q = N'N, where N is a nonsingular square
matrix (where N is an m X n matrix with 0 < m < n) .
3. All the leading principal minors of Q are positive (all the principal minors
of Q are zero or positive) .
that is, the determinants of the submatrices by deleting the last k rows and the last
k columns for k = 2, 1, 0. The principal minors of Q are
q11 q21
q11 q22 q33 det
q21 q22
that is, the determinants of all submatrices whose diagonal elements are also diagonal
elements of Q . Principal minors include all leading principal minors but not con-
versely . To check positive definiteness, we check only the leading principal minors .
To check positive semidefiniteness, however, it is not enough to check only the
leading principal minors . We must check all principal minors . For example, the
leading principal minors of
1 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 0
are 1, 0, and 0, which are zero or positive, but the matrix is not positive semidefinite
because one principal minor is - 1 (which one?) .
If Q is positive semidefinite and R is positive, then the two integrands in (11 .44)
will not cancel each other and J is a good performance criterion . The reasons for
choosing the quadratic index in (11 .44) are similar to those in (9.13). It yields a
simple analytical solution, and if Q and R are chosen properly, the solution is ac-
ceptable in practice .
If Q is chosen as c'c, then (11 .44) becomes
This performance index is the same as (9 .13) with r(t) = 0 and R = 1 /q . Now, if
the state-variable equation in (11 .42) is controllable and observable, then the feed-
back gain that minimizes (4 .45) is given by
k = R - 'b'K (11 .46)
where K is the symmetric and positive definite matrix meeting
-KA-A'K+KbR - 'b'K-c'c=0 (11 .47)
This is called the algebraic Riccati equation . This equation may have one or more
solutions, but only one solution is symmetric and positive definite. The derivation
of (4.46) and (4 .47) is beyond the scope of this text and can be found in References
[1, 5] . We show in the following its application .
Example 11 .5.1
Consider the plant with transfer function 1/s(s + 2) studied in Example 9 .4.1 . Its
controllable form realization is
X = 1 + u (11 .48a)
0] x [0]
= fo [Y2(t) + 9 U2(t) dt
j (11 .49)
The comparison of (11 .45) and (11 .49) yields Q = c'c and R = 1/9 . Let
k21 k22
It is a symmetric matrix . For this problem, (11 .47) becomes
[k u k2i ] [-2 0] [-2 1 ] 1k11l k21]
k2 l k22 1 0 0 0 k2
k21][1][1 0][k1,
+ 9 k11
k21 kzz 0 C21 -
k21 kzz] 1 0 1 [0
1] =
9k21 - 1 = 0 (11 .50c)
From (11.50c), we have k21 = 1/3 . If k21 = -1/3, then the resulting K will not
be positive definite . Thus we choose k 21 = 1/3 . The substitution of k21 = 1/3 into
(11 .50a) yields
9k11 + 4k 11 - = 0
whose solutions are 0 .129 and -0.68. If k1 l = - 0.68, then the resulting K will
not be positive definite . Thus we choose k11 = 0.129 . From (11 .50b), we can solve
k22 as 1 .05 . Therefore, we have
K _ 0.129 0 .333
0 .333 1 .05
which can be easily verified as positive definite . Thus the feedback gain is given by
.129 0.333] = [1
k = R -1 b'K = 9[1 0] 0 .2 31 (11 .51)
0.333 1.05
and (11 .43) becomes
The optimal gain in quadratic regulators, also called linear quadratic regulator
or lqr, can be obtained by using MATLAB . For the example, we type
a=[-2 0 ;1 0] ;b=[1 ;0] ;
q=[0 0 ;0 1] ;r=1/9 ;
k= Igr(a,b,q,r)
then k=[1 .1623 3.000] will appear on the screen . Thus the use of MATLAB is
very simple .
The state feedback in the preceding sections is introduced under the assumption that
all state variables are available for connection to a gain . This assumption may or
may not hold in practice . For example, for the dc motor discussed in Figure 11 .4,
the two state variables can be generated by using a potentiometer and a tachometer .
However, if no tachometer is available or if it is available but is very expensive and
we have decided to use only a potentiometer in the design, then the state feedback
cannot be directly applied . In this case, we must design a state estimator . This and
the following sections will discuss this problem .
x = Ax + bu (11 .53a)
y = cx (11 .53b)
with known A, b, and c . The problem is to use the available input u and output y to
drive a system, called a state estimator, whose output x approaches the actual state
x. The easiest way of building such an estimator is to simulate the system, as shown
in Figure 11 .6. Note that the original system could be an electromechanical one, and
the estimator in Figure 11 .6 may be built using operational amplifier circuits . Be-
cause the original system and the estimator are driven by the same input, their states
x(t) and x(t) should be equal for all t if their initial states are the same . Now if
(11 .53) is observable, its initial state can be computed and then applied to the esti-
mator . Therefore, in theory, the estimator in Figure 11 .6 can be used, especially if
both systems start with x(O) = x(0) = 0 . We call the estimator in Figure 11 .6 the
open-loop state estimator.
Let the output of the estimator in Figure 11 .6 be denoted by x. Then it is
described by
X=Ax+bu (11 .54)
Subtracting this equation from (11 .53a) yields
x - X = A(x - R)
Define e(t) : = x(t) - i(t) . It is the error between the actual state and the estimated
state at time t. Then it is governed by
e = Ae (11 .55)
and its solution is
e(t) = eA`e(0) = eA`(x(0) - x(0))
Although it is possible to estimate x(0) and then set x(0) = x(0), in practice e(0) is
often nonzero due to estimation error or disturbance . Now if A has eigenvalues in
the open right half plane, then the error e(t) will grow with time . Even if all eigen-
values of A have negative real parts, we have no control over the rate at which e(t)
approaches zero . Thus, the open-loop state estimator in Figure 11 .6 is not desirable
in practice.
Although the output y is available, it is not utilized in the open-loop estimator
in Figure 11 .6. Now we shall compare it with cx and use the difference to drive an
estimator through a constant vector I as shown in Figure 11 .7(a). Then the output x
of the estimator is governed by
x = Ax + bu + 1(y - cx)
x=(A-lc)x+bu+ly (11 .56)
and is replotted in Figure 11 .7(b) . We see that the estimator is now driven by u as
well as y . We show in the following that if (A, c) is observable, then (11 .56) can be
designed so that the estimated state x will approach the actual state x as quickly as
The subtraction of (11 .56) from (11 .53a) yields, using y = cx,
= (A - Ic)x - (A - Ic)z = (A - lc)(x - X)
which becomes, after the substitution of e = x - x,
e = (A - Ic)e (11 .57)
(sI - A) -1
u Y
L . J
Figure 11 .7 State estimator .
Now we show that if (A, c) is observable, then the eigenvalues of (A - lc) can
be arbitrarily assigned (provided complex-conjugate eigenvalues are assigned in
pairs) by choosing a suitable vector 1 . If (A, c) is observable, its observability matrix
in (11 .4) has rank n . The transpose of (11 .4) is
V' = [c' A'c' (A')'c' (A' )n-' c ']
and is also of rank n . By comparing this with (11 .3), we conclude that (A', c') is
controllable. Consequently, the eigenvalues of (A' - c'1') or its transpose (A - lc)
can be arbitrarily assigned by choosing a suitable 1 . This completes the argument .
We list in the following a procedure of designing 1 . It is a simple modification of
the procedure for pole placement .
5. Compute 1 = Pi = S - '1.
Now if the eigenvalues of (11 .57) are designed to have large negative real parts
by choosing a suitable 1, then no matter what e(0) is, e(t) will approach zero rapidly .
Therefore, in using the estimator in Figure 11 .7, there is no need to estimate x(0) .
The state estimator in (11 .56) has the same dimension as (11 .53) and is called a full-
dimensional estimator.
y = cx (11 .59b)
The estimator in (11 .56) has dimension n and is thus a full-dimensional estimator .
In this section, we discuss the design of (n - 1)-dimensional estimators . Such an
x = (11 .61b)
[T] 1[Z]
is an estimator of x in (11 .59).
We give some remarks about the procedure . The conditions that the eigenvalues
of F differ from those of A and that (F, g) be controllable are introduced to insure
that a solution T in TA - FT = gc exists and has full rank. The procedure can
also be used to design a full-dimensional estimator if F is chosen to be of order n.
For a more detailed discussion, see Reference [15]. In this design, we have freedom
in choosing the form of F . It can be chosen as one of the companion forms shown
in (2.77); it can also be chosen as a diagonal matrix . In this case, all eigenvalues
must be distinct, otherwise no g exists so that (F, g) is controllable . See Problem
11 .2. If F is chosen as a Jordan-form matrix, then its eigenvalues can be repeated .
If F is of Jordan form, all solutions of TA - FT = gc can be parameterized . See
Reference [59] . We mention that Lyapunov equations can be solved in MATLAB
by calling the command Iyap .
Example 11 .6.1
Consider the equation in (11 .41) or
0 0
% _ x + U (11 .62a)
[ack,e] = [0 - 1 ] 110]
y = [1 0]x (11 .62b)
] -1[0.25 -0.083]
y (11 .636)
x = [3 -1 02] [z] = [3y 12z]
This completes the design .
Exercise 11 .6 .1
The feedback gain is designed for the original state x . Now it is connected to the
estimated state z . Will the resulting system still have the desired eigenvalues? This
will be answered in the following .
The substitution of (11 .66) and y = cx into (11 .64a) and (11 .65) yields
They can be combined as
r (11 .67a)
[z] - [lc A - I ck bk] [i] + [b]
y = cx = [c (11 .67b)
0] [x]
This equation describes the overall system in Figure 11 .8. Consider
P = II P -1 (11 .68)
I =
The inverse of P happens to equal itself. By applying the equivalence transformation
where a = (sI - A + bk) -1bk(sI - A + lc) -1 . From (11 .70), we see that the
eigenvalues of the overall system in Figure 11 .8 consist of the eigenvalues of the
state feedback and the eigenvalues of the state estimator . Thus the connection of the
feedback gain to the output of the estimator does not change the original designs .
Thus the state feedback and the state estimator can be designed separately . This is
often referred to as the separation property .
The transfer function of the overall system in Figure 11 .8 is computed in (11 .71).
It equals (11 .30c) and has only n poles . The overall system, however, has 2n eigen-
values . Therefore, the state-variable equations in (11 .67) and (11 .69) are not minimal
equations. In fact, they can be shown to be uncontrollable and unobservable . The
transfer function of the state feedback system with a state estimator in Figure 11 .8
equals the transfer function of the state feedback system without a state estimator in
Figure 11 .5 ; thus, the state estimator is hidden from the input r and output y and its
transfer function is canceled in the design . This can be explained physically as
follows. In computing transfer functions, all initial states are assumed to be zero,
therefore, we have x(0) = i(0) and, consequently, x(t) = i(t) for all t and for any
u(t). Thus the estimator does not appear in (11 .71). This situation is similar to the
pole-zero cancellation design in Chapter 10 .
We have shown the separation property by using the full-dimensional estimator.
The property still holds if we use reduced-dimensional estimators . The proof, how-
ever, is slightly more complicated . See Reference [15] .
G ,(s)
(s) D0 (s)
where D0(s) has the same degree and the same leading coefficient as D(s). Note that
the numerator of G0 (s) is the same as that of G(s) . Clearly G0 (s) is implementable
for the given G(s) (see Section 9.2) and the linear algebraic methods discussed in
Chapter 10 can be used to implement such G0(s). In this subsection, we use an
example to compare the design using the state-variable method with that using the
linear algebraic method .
Consider the minimal equation in Example 11 .4.2 or
j =
[x2] - [0 -1] x + [10] u
C1 (s)
= U(s)
= (-0.83) .
s + 4
. (- 12) (0.3)
= s + 4
_ (-12) (0.3) 1 .7s + 3.2
C 2(s)
2(S) = Y(s) + 0.3 3 + 0.8 =
s+4 s+4
u Y
L 1 J
State feedback State estimator
Figure 11 .9 (a) State estimator. (b) State feedback and state estimator .
These two transfer functions are plotted in Figure 11 .10(a) and then rearranged
in Figure 11 .10(b) . It is the plant input/output feedback configuration studied in
Figure 10 .15.
Now we shall redesign the problem using the method in Section 10.6, namely,
given G(s) in (11 .72) and implementable G 0(s) in (11 .73), find two compensators of
the form
C1(s)A(s) CZ(s) A( s)
so that the resulting system in Figure 10 .15(b) or Figure 11 .10 has G0(s) as its transfer
10 Y
s(s + 1)
1 .7s + 3 .2
s + 4
r M 10
s(s + 1)
1 .7s + 3 .2 F-
I (s + 4) -t
L ) I
The first equation of (11 .74) yields 10M0 = 32 or Mo = 3 .2. The fourth equation
of (11 .74) yields L 1 = 0 . The second and third equations of (11 .74) are Lo +
10M1 = 20 and Lo + L 1 = 3, which yield Lo = 3 and M 1 = 1.7. Thus the
compensators are
= L(s) .3 M(s) 1 .7s + 3 .2
C 1 (s)
A(s) s + 4 C2(s) A(s) s + 4
They are the same as those computed using state-variable equations .
Now we compare the state-variable approach and the transfer function approach
in designing this problem . The state-variable approach requires the concepts of con-
trollability and observability . The design requires computing similarity transforma-
tions and solving Lyapunov matrix equations . In the transfer function approach, we
require the concept of coprimeness (that is, two polynomials have no common fac-
tors) . The design is completed by solving a set of linear algebraic equations . There-
fore, the transfer function approach is simpler in concept and computation than the
state-variable approach . The transfer function approach can be used to design any
implementable transfer function . The design of any implementable transfer function
by using state-variable equations would be more complicated and has not yet ap-
peared in any control text .
A square matrix A is said to be stable if all its eigenvalues have negative real parts .
One way to check this is to compute its characteristic polynomial
0(s) = det (sI - A)
We then apply the Routh test to check whether or not 0(s) is a Hurwitz polynomial.
If it is, A is stable ; otherwise, it is not stable .
In addition to the preceding method, there is another popular method of checking
the stability of A . It is stated as a theorem .
THEOREM 11 .2 (Lyapunov Theorem)
All eigenvalues of A have negative real parts if for any symmetric positive
definite matrix N, the Lyapunov equation
A'M + MA = -N
has a symmetric positive definite solution M .
All eigenvalues of A have negative real parts if, for any symmetric positive
semidefinite matrix N = n'n with the property that (A, n) is observable, the
Lyapunov equation
A'M + MA = -N (11 .75)
has a symmetric positive definite solution M .
V(x(t)) = dt (x'Mx) = x'Mx + x'Mx
= x'A'Mx + x'MAx = x'(A'M + MA)x
which becomes, after the substitution of (11 .75),
V( x) V(x)
(a) (b)
Figure 11 .11 Lyapunov functions .
for some t, V(x(t)) will eventually continue to decrease until it reaches zero as t---> - .
This establishes the corollary . For a more detailed discussion of these results, see
Reference [15].
k2 = i s
k, = - 1
Then the Routh test states that the polynomial is Hurwitz if and only if
a, > 0 a3 > 0 c : = a2 - >0 (11 .80)
Now we use Corollary 11 .2 to establish the conditions in (11 .80). Consider the
block diagram in Figure 11 .12 with ki defined in the Routh table . The block diagram
has three loops with loop gains -1/k 3 s, - 1/k 1 k2s2, and -I /k 2k 3 s2, where we
have assumed implicitly that all k; are different from 0 . The loop with loop gain
- l/k 3s and the one with - 1/k l k 2s2 do not touch each other . Therefore, the char-
acteristic function in Mason's formula is
1 1
=1-(- 1 1- 1)+
k 3s k,k 2s2 k 2 k3 s 2 k 3s (k 1T2 s 2)
Let us consider x 3 as the output, that is, y = x3 . Then the forward path gain from u
toy is
P1 = k 3s
u + 1 x 3 =y + 1 x 2 klzl
k3s k2s k1 s
and, because the path does not touch the loop with loop gain -1/k,k 2 s 2 , the cor-
responding 0, is,
0,=I- -
kl 2)
k3 s (1 + k1kz s2 )
G(s) =
1 1 1 1
1 + k
3s + k,kzs2 + +
k2k3sz k,k2k3s 3
which can be simplified as
1 1
- s2 +
G(s) = k3 k1k2k3
3 1 k, + k3 1
s + k s2 s
3 + k1k2k3 + kl kzk3
From k, in the Routh table, we can readily show 1/k 3 = a,, 1/k 1k2k3 = a 3 , and
(k 1 + k3)/k 1k2k3 = a 2 . Thus, the transfer function from u to y of the block diagram
O a,s z + a3 = N(s) ( )
G s = 1181
s 3 +a 1 s 2 +a 2s+a 3 D(s)
Clearly, N(s) and D(s) have no common factor . Thus G(s) has three poles . Now we
develop a state-variable equation to describe the system in Figure 11 .12 . We assign
the state variables as shown . Then we have
k1-i1 = x 2 k2x2 = x 1 + x3
k3X3 = _X2 - X3 + u y = x3
These can be expressed in matrix form as
X = x + 0 u (11 .82a)
k2 1
0 k3
k3 k3
y = [0 0 l]x (11 .82b)
Both (11 .81) and (11 .82) describe the same block diagram, thus (11 .81) is the transfer
function of the state-variable equation in (11 .82). Because the dimension of (11 .82)
equals the number of poles of G(s) in (11 .81), (11 .82) is a minimal realization
of G(s) and the characteristic polynomial of A in (11 .82) equals D(s) = s 3 + a1s2
+ a2s + a 3.
Now we use Corollary 11 .2 to develop a condition for A to be stable or, equiv-
alently, for D(s) to be Hurwitz . Define
0 0 0 0
N= n'n = 0 [0 0 V-21 = 0 0 0
0 0 2
It is symmetric and positive semidefinite . Because the matrix
k3 k3
N/2 V-2 d
_k2k3 k2k3
with d = - \(k 3 - k2)/k 2k3, is nonsingular, the pair (A, n) is observable . There-
fore Corollary 11 .2 can be used to establish a stability condition for A . It is straight-
forward to verify the following
0 0
k2 k1 0 0
0 k2 0
0 k3
(11 .83)
k1 0 0 k1 0 0 0
-1 1
+ 0 k2 0 0 0 0 0
k2 k2
0 0 k3 -1 -1 0 0 2
k3 k3
Therefore the symmetric matrix
k1 0 0
M = 0 k2 0
0 0 k3
is a solution of the Lyapunov equation in (11 .83). Consequently, the condition for
A in (11 .82) to be stable is M positive definite or, equivalently,
This chapter introduced state space designs . We first introduced the concepts of
controllability and observability . We showed by examples that a state-variable equa-
tion is minimal if and only if it is controllable and observable . We then introduced
equivalent state-variable equations ; they are obtained by using a nonsingular matrix
as an equivalence transformation . Any equivalent transformation will not change the
eigenvalues of the original equation or its transfer function . Neither are the properties
of controllability and observability affected by any equivalence transformation .
If a state-variable equation is controllable, then it can be transformed, using an
equivalence transformation, into the controllable-form equation . Using this form, we
developed a procedure to achieve arbitrary pole placement by using constant-gain
state feedback. Although state feedback will shift the eigenvalues of the original
system, it does not affect the numerator of the system's transfer function .
If (A, c) is observable, then (A', c'), where the prime denotes the transpose, is
controllable . Using this property, o - + that if (A, c) is observable, a state
estimator with any eigenvalue can be designed . We also discussed a method of
designing estimators by solv g Lyapunov equations . The connection of state feed-
back gains to estimated st tes, rather than to the original state, was justified by
establishing the separating property . We then compared the state space design with
the linear algebraic metho developed in Chapter 10 . It was shown that the transfer
function approach is simpler, in both concept and computation, than the state-
variable approach. Finally, we introduced the Lyapunov stability theorem.
To conclude this chapter, we discuss constant gain output feedback. In constant-
gain state feedback, we can assign all n poles arbitrarily . In constant-gain output
feedback of single-variable systems, we can arbitrarily assign only one pole ; the
remaining poles cannot be assigned . For example, consider the constant-gain output
feedback system shown in Figure 11 .13(a) . We can assign one pole in any place .
For example, if we assign it at - 3, then from the root loci shown in Figure 11.13(b),
we can see that the other two poles will move into the unstable region . Therefore,
the design is useless . For constant-gain output feedback, it is better to use the root-
I( I
I I > - Res
-3 -2 -1 v 0 1 2 3
(a) (b)
Figure 11 .13 (a) Constant gain output feedback. (b) Root loci .
locus method in Chapter 7 to carry out the design . The design using a compensator
of degree 1 or higher in the feedback path is called dynamic output feedback . The
design of dynamic output feedback is essentially the same as the design of state
estimators and the design in Chapter 10 . Therefore, it will not be discussed .
b.x = 1 x+
CO J C 0J u
y = [2 -2]x
c. x = [-2 + [ 4] u
0] x
y = [1 O]x
-3 1 0 2
d. x= -2 0 0 x+ 4 u
1 0 0 1
y = [1 0 0]x
Which are minimal equations?
11 .2. Show that the equation
% = C A,0 A20 1
y = [2 0] x
is controllable if and only if A, =?~= A 2. Show that the equation is always not
observable .
11 .3. Show that the equation
X= A1Jx+
[0 [b2]
y = [2 0] x
is controllable if and only if b2 0 0. It is independent of b Show that the
equation is always observable .
11.4. Let X = Px with
P - [-1 3]
Find equivalent state-variable equations for the equations in Problem 11 .1(b)
and (c).
11 .5. Check the controllability and observability of the equations in Problem 11 .4.
Also compute their transfer functions . Does the equivalence transformation
change these properties and transfer functions?
11 .6. Given a plant with transfer function
G(s) =
s(s - 1)(s + 2)
use the procedure in Example 11 .4.1 to find the feedback gain such that the
resulting system has poles at - 2, - 3, and - 4.
11 .7. Redesign Problem 11 .6 using the state-variable method. Is the feedback gain
the same?
11 .8. Consider the state-variable equation
x= I All0 A12x+
A 221 0 1 1
Show that the equation is not controllable . Show also that the eigenvalues of
A22 will not be affected by any state feedback . If all eigenvalues of A22 have
11 , 1
negative real parts and if (A b ) is controllable, then the equation is said
to be stabilizable .
11 .9. Consider
x= [1 1Jx+
L O]
y = [2 -1]x
Find the feedback gain k in u = r - kx such that the resulting system has
eigenvalues at - 2 and - 3 .
11 .10. Consider
[-2 0] [-2] u
y = [1 0]x
Find the feedback gain k in u = r - kx such that the resulting system has
eigenvalues at - 2 2j.
11 .11 . Design a full-dimensional state estimator with eigenvalues - 3 and - 4 for
the state-variable equation in Problem 11 .9.
11 .12 . Design a full-dimensional state estimator with eigenvalues - 3 and - 4 for
the state-variable equation in Problem 11 .10.
11 .13 . Design a reduced-dimensional state estimator with eigenvalue - 3 for the
state-variable equation in Problem 11 .9.
11 .14. Design a reduced-dimensional state estimator with eigenvalue - 3 for the
state-variable equation in Problem 11 .10 .
11 .15. Consider a co ntrollable n-dimensional (A, b) . Let F be an arbitrary n X n
matrix and let k_be an arbitrary n X 1 vector. Show that if the solution T of
AT - TF = bk is nonsingular, then (A - bkT -1) has the same eigenvalues
as F .
11 .16. Connect the state feedback in Problem 11 .9 to the estimator designed in Prob-
lem 11.11 . Compute the compensators from u to w and from y to w in Figure
11 .8. Also compute the overall transfer function from r to y . Does the overall
transfer function completely characterize the overall system? What are the
missing poles?
11 .17. Repeat Problem 11 .16 by using the estimator in Problem 11 .13. Does the
overall transfer function equal the one in Problem 11 .16?
11 .18. Connect the state feedback in Problem 11 .10 to the estimator designed in
Problem 11.12 . Compute the compensators from u to w and from y to w in
Figure 11 .8. Also compute the overall transfer function from r to y . Does the
overall transfer function completely characterize the overall system? What are
the missing poles?
11 .19. Repeat Problem 11 .18 by using the estimator in Problem 11 .14 . Does the
overall transfer function equal the one in Problem 11 .18?
11 .20 . Redesign Problem 11 .17 using the linear algebraic method in Section 10 .6.
Which method is simpler?
11 .21 . Redesign Problem 11 .19 using the linear algebraic method in Section 10 .6.
Which method is simpler?
11 .22. Check whether the following matrices are positive definite or semidefinite .
0 0 -2 5 0 -2
Jo0 3 0 Jo0 3 0
C21 11 -2 0 1 -2 0 1
11 .23. Compute the eigenvalues of the matrices in Problem 11 .22. Are they all real?
From the eigenvalues, check whether the matrices are positive definite or
11 .24. Consider the system in Problem 11 .9 . Find the state feedback gain to minimize
the quadratic performance index in (11 .45) with R = 1 .
11 .25. Consider
0 1 0
A2 = 0 0 1
-2 -3 -1
a. Use the Routh test to check their stability .
b. Use the Lyapunov theorem to check their stability .
Systcm Analysis
r +e u y
C (s) G (s)
r +e Digital y
A/D System D/A ---I- G (s)
Figure 12 .1 (a) Analog control system . (b) Digital control system.
y (t) At)
11111 1 1
\~Sampling period 1 1
(a) (b)
Figure 12 .2 Continuous-time and discrete-time signals .
y(kT) y(kT)
1 2 3 4
(a) (b)
Figure 12 .3 Digital signal and its binary representation .
signal a nonanalog signal . A continuous-time signal usually has the same waveform
as the physical variable, thus it is also called an analog signal .
Systems that receive and generate analog signals are called analog systems .
Systems that receive and generate digital signals are called digital systems. However,
an analog system can be modeled as a digital system for convenience of analysis
and design . For example, the system described by (2 .90) is an analog system . How-
ever, if the input is stepwise, as shown in Figure 2 .23 (which is still an analog signal),
and if we consider the output only at sampling instants, then the system can be
modeled as a digital system and described by the discrete-time equation in (2.92).
This type of modeling is used widely in digital control systems . A system that has
an analog input and generates a digital output, such as the transducer in Problem
3 .11, can be modeled as either an analog system or a digital system .
We compare analog and digital techniques in the following :
1. Digital signals are coded in sequences of 0 and 1, which in terms are represented
by ranges of voltages (for example, 0 from 0 to 1 volt and 1 from 2 to 4 volts) .
This representation is less susceptible to noise and drift of power supply .
2. The accuracy of analog systems is often limited. For example, if an analog
system is to be built using a resistor with resistance 980 .5 ohms and a capacitor
with capacitance 81 .33 microfarads, it would be difficult and expensive to obtain
components with exactly these values . The accuracy of analog transducers is
also limited . It is difficult to read an exact value if it is less than 0 .1 % of the
full scale . In digital systems, there is no such problem, however. The accuracy
of a digital device can be increased simply by increasing the number of bits .
Thus, digital systems are generally more accurate and more reliable than analog
3. Digital systems are more flexible than analog systems . Once an analog system
is built, there is no way to alter it without replacing some components or the
entire system. Except for special digital hardware, digital systems can often be
changed by programming . If a digital computer is used, it can be used not only
as a compensator but also to collect data, to carry out complex computation,
and to monitor the status of the control system . Thus, a digital system is much
more flexible and versatile than an analog system .
4. Because of the advance of very large scale integration (VLSI) technology, the
price of digital systems has been constantly decreasing during the last decade .
Now the use of a digital computer or microprocessor is cost effective even for
small control systems.
For these reasons, it is often desirable to design digital compensators in control
Although compensators are becoming digital, most plants are still analog . In order
to connect digital compensators and analog plants, analog signals must be converted
into digital signals and vice versa . These conversions can be achieved by using
xp x2 x3
- E - 2R 4R 8R
1 0
(a) (b)
Analog signal u
D/A Converter
We see from Figure 12 .5(b) that the A/D conversion cannot be achieved in-
stantaneously ; it takes a small amount of time to complete the conversion (for ex-
ample, 2 microseconds for a 12-bit A/D converter) . Because of this conversion time,
if an analog signal changes rapidly, then the value converted may be different from
the value intended for conversion . This problem can be resolved by connecting a
sample-and-hold circuit in front of an A/D converter . Such a circuit is shown in
Figure 12.6. The field-effect transistor (FET) is used as a switch ; its on and off states
are controlled by a control logic . The voltage followers [see Figure 3 .14(a)] in front
and in back of the switch are used to eliminate the loading problem or to shield the
capacitor from other parts of circuits . When the switch is closed, the input voltage
will rapidly charge the capacitor to the input voltage . When the switch is off, the
capacitor voltage remains almost constant. Hence the output of the circuit is stepwise
as shown . Using this device, the problem due to the conversion time can be elimi-
nated . Therefore, a sample-and-hold circuit is often used together with an A/D
With A/D and D/A converters, the analog control system in Figure 12 .1 (a) can
be implemented as shown in Figure 12 .1(b) . We call the system in Figure 12 .1(b) a
digital control system . In the remainder of this chapter, we discuss digital system
analysis ; design will be discussed in the next chapter .
X (t) FET
u (t) u (t)
logic 1 ~ t
u (k) y (k)
Figure 12.7 Discrete-time system .
Consider the discrete-time system shown in Figure 12.7. If we apply an input se-
quence u(k) : = u(kT ), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , then the system will generate an output
sequence y(k) : = y(kT) . This text studies only the class of discrete-time systems
whose inputs and outputs can be described by linear difference equations with con-
stant real coefficients such as
3y(k + 2) + 2y(k + 1) - y(k) = 2u(k + 1) - 3u(k) (12.1)
3y(k) + 2y(k - 1) - y(k - 2) = 2u(k - 1) - 3u(k - 2) (12.2)
In order to be describable by such an equation, the system must be linear, time-
invariant, and lumped (LTIL) . Difference equations are considerably simpler than
the differential equations discussed in Chapter 2. For example, if we write (12 .2) as
y(k) = 3 [-2y(k - 1) + y(k - 2) + 2u(k - 1) - 3u(k - 2)]
y(1) [-2y(0) + y(-1) + 2u(0) - 3u(-1)]
1 5 -10
-2 X--2+2 =
3 3 9
y(2) [-2y(1) + y(O) + 2u(1) - 3u(0)]
1 -10 5 26
- -2X + - + 2 - 3 =-
3 9 3 27
and so forth . Thus, the solution of difference equations can be obtained by direct
substitution . The solution obtained by this process is generally not in closed form,
and it is difficult to abstract from the solution general properties of the equation . For
this and other reasons, we introduce the z-transform.
Consider a sequence f (k) . The z-transform of f (k) is defined as
where z is a complex variable . The z-transform is defined for f (k) with k ? 0 ; f (k)
with k < 0 does not appear in F(z) . If we write F(z) explicitly as
F(z) = f(O) + f(l)z -1 + f(2)z -2 + f(3)z -3 + . . .
then z - `can be used to indicate the ith sampling instant . In other words, z indicates
the initial time k = 0 ; z- 1 indicates the time instant at k = 1 and, in general, z
indicates the ith sampling instant . For this reason, is called the unit-delay
The infinite power series in (12 .3) is not easy to manipulate . Fortunately, the
z-transforms of sequences encountered in this text can be expressed in closed form .
This will be obtained by using the following formula
1 + r + r2 + r 3 + =I
r k = ( 12 .4)
0 1 - r
where r is a real or complex constant with amplitude less than 1, or Irl < 1 .
Example 12 .4 .1
Consider f(k) = e-akT, k = 0, 1, 2 Its z-transform is
e-akTZ -k = (e-aTZ-1)k = 1 1 z
F(z) _ e-aTZ-1 _ (12 .5)
0 0 - Z - e-aT
This holds only if le - aTZ -1 1 < 1 or Ie-aTl < ~ zJ . This condition, called the region
of convergence, will be disregarded, however, and (12 .5) is considered to be defined
for all z except at z = e - aT. See Reference [18] for a justification .
If a = 0, a - akT equals 1 for all positive k. This is called the unit-step sequence,
as is shown, in Figure 12 .8(a), and will be denoted by q(k) . Thus we have
q (k) S(k - 3)
1 1
'-k >-k
-2 -1 0 2 3 4 5 -1 1 2 3 4 5
(a) (b)
Figure 12.8 (a) Step sequence . (b) Impulse sequence at k = 3.
1 z
2[q(k)] = 1 -z -1 z- 1
If we define b = e - T, then (12 .5) becomes
1 z
Z[bk] = _
1 -bz - ' z-b
Example 12 .4 .2
Consider f(t) = Then we have
F(s) = -T[f(t)] = -T[e -at ] _
s + a
F(z) = Z[f(kT)] = Z[e-akT] =
z - e -aT
Thus we have
z - e-aT - [s + a]
Exercise 12 .4 .1
From the preceding example and exercise, we see that a pole a in F(s) is mapped
into the pole e~T in F(z) by the analog-to-digital transformation in (12.7). This prop-
erty will be further established in the next_subsection . We list in Table 12 .1 some
pairs of F(s) and F(z) . In the table, we use 6(t) to denote the impulse defined for the
continuous-time case in Appendix A and 6(k) to denote the impulse sequence defined
for the discrete-time case in (12 .6). Because 6(t) is not defined at t = 0, 6(k) is not
the sample of 6(t) . The sixth and eighth pairs of the table are obtained by using
Z [kf(k)] _ - z dF(z)
For example, because Z[bk] = z/(z - b), we have
z -z . (z - b) - z = bz
Z[kb k ] _ -z d (Z b)2
dz z -b (z-b)2
The Laplace transform is defined for continuous-time signals and the z-transform is
defined for discrete-time signals . If we apply the Laplace transform directly to a
discrete-time signal f(kT ), then the result will be zero . Now we shall modify f (kT )
1 6(t)
e- T, S(t - T )
S(kT) I
S((k - n)T)
1 1
Z - 1
(z - 1) 2
e -akT z
s + a z - e -aT
1 Tze - aT
to -a ` kTe -kT
(s + a)2 (z - e -aT)2
w z sin wT
sin wt sin wkT
s 2 + w2 z2 - 2z(cos (oT) + 1
S z(z - cos wT)
cos wt cos wkT
s2+ w2 z2 - 2z(cos wT) + 1
w e-at ze -aT sin wT
sin wt e -akT sin wkT
(s + a) 2 + w2 Z2 - 2ze - cT(cos wT) + e -2aT
S + a Z2 - ze - aT(cos wT)
ea t cos wt e - a kT cos wkT
(s + a) 2 + w 2 Z2 - 2ze - aT(cos wT) + e -2aT
so that the Laplace transform can be applied . Consider f (kT ), for integer k ? 0 and
positive sampling period T > 0 . We define
f*(t) : =
I f(kT)S(t - kT) (12.8)
where 8(t - kT) is the impulse defined in Appendix A . It is zero everywhere except
at t = kT. Therefore, f *(t) is zero everywhere except at sampling instants kT, where
it is an impulse with weight f(kT) . Thus, we may consider f *(t) to be a continuous-
time representation of the discrete-time sequence f (kT ) . The Laplace transform of
f *(t) is, using (A.21),
F*(s)1 Z _ eTS =
f(kT)z - k
Its right-hand side is the z-transform of f (kT). Thus the z-transform of f (kT) is the
Laplace transform of f*(t) with the substitution of z = e Ts or
Z[f(kT)I = .[f* (t)]I Z=eTs (12.10)
This is an important relationship between the Laplace transform and z-transform .
We now discuss the implication of
= Ts 1
or s = In z (12.11)
where In stands for the natural logarithm . If s = 0, then z = e0 = 1 ; that is, the
origin of the s-plane is mapped into z = 1 in the z-plane as shown in Figure 12.9.
In fact, because
e T l = e jm2~ = 1
for all positive and negative integer m, the points s = 0, j21T/T, -j277/T, j4i-/T,
. . . are all mapped into z = 1 . Thus, the mapping is not one-to-one . If s = jm, then
Izl = I e j&TI = 1
for all cw . This implies that the imaginary axis of the s-plane is mapped into the unit
circle on the z-plane . If s = a + jw, then
IzI = l e(a+1 TI = IeaTI I e j-T I =
Im z
Im z
Ad Re z Re z
Figure 12.9 Mapping between s-plane and z-plane .
Thus, a vertical line in the s-plane is mapped into the circle in the z-plane with radius
eaT. If a < 0, the vertical line is in the left half s-plane and the radius of the circle
is smaller than 1 ; if a > 0, the radius is larger than 1 . Thus the entire open left half
s-plane is mapped into the interior of the unit circle on the z-plane . To be more
specific, the strip between - ar/T and it/T shown in Figure 12.9 is mapped into the
unit circle . The upper and lower strips shown will also be mapped into the unit circle .
We call the strip between - lr/T and 1r/T the primary strip .
12 .4 .2 Inverse z-Transform
Consider a z-transform F(z) = N(z)/D(z), where N(z) and D(z) are polynomials of
z. One way to obtain the inverse z-transform of G(z) is to express G(z) as a power
series as in (12.3). This can be done by direct division . For example, consider
2z - 3
F(z) _ 3z + 2z (12 .12)
2 - 1
If we compute
13 -2 + 2327Z _3 + . . .
gz -1 - 7z
3z2 +2z- 112z-3
2z+g-gz -1
+ 9z -1
33 - 96 Z -1 + 13 Z -2
9z - 2
32 -1 -
then we have
2z - 3 2 1 13 2 + 32 z 3
F(z) = =0+ z - +
3z2 +2z- 1 3 9z 27
Thus, the inverse z-transform of F(z) is
2 13 32
f(0) = 0, f(l) = 3, f(2) _ - 9 , f(3) = 27, . . . (12 .13)
Therefore, the inverse z-transform of F(z) can be easily obtained by direct division .
The inverse z-transform can also be obtained by partial fraction expansion and
table look-up. We use the z-transform pairs in Table 12 .1 . Although the procedure
is similar to the Laplace transform case, we must make one modification . Instead of
expanding F(z), we expand F(z)/z . For example, for F(z) in (12 .12), we expand
F(z) 2z - 3 _ 2z - 3
z z(3z2 + 2z - 1) z(3z - 1)(z + 1) (12 .14)
= k1 + k2 + k3
z 3z- 1 z+ 1
2z - 3 -3
_-= 3
- 1)(z + 1) Z=0
- - 3
2z - 3 3 -21
z(z + 1) 1 4 4
3 3
2z - 3 -5 _ -5
k 3 = z(3z - 1)
Z--1 (-1)(-4) 4
We then multiply (12.14) by z to yield
z 21 z 5 z _-3 7 z 5 z
Z - 4 3z- 1 4z+ 1 4 1 4z+1
Z - -
Therefore, the inverse z-transform of F(z) is, using Table 12 .1,
7 1 5 -7 5 -7 + 15 2
f(1)=0-4 .3-- .(-1)=
12 + 4 12 3
f(k) f(k - 1)
111 I I -k
-2-1 01 2 3 4 5
f(k + 1)
01 2 3 4
Figure 12 .10 (a) Sequence. (b) Time delay . (c) Time advance .
It is defined only for f (k) with k ? 0, and f ( - 1), f( - 2) . . . . do not appear in F(z) .
Consider f(k - 1). It is f(k) shifted to the right or delayed by one sampling period
as shown in Figure 12 .10(b) . Its z-transform is
Z[f(k - 1)] = z - ' _~ f(k)z-k = z - ' f(-1)z +
k= -1 k=o (12.16a)
= z - '[f(-I)z + F(z)]
This has a simple physical interpretation . F(z) consists of f (k) with k ? 0 . If f (k) is
delayed by one sampling period, f(- 1) will move into k = 0 and must be included
in the z-transform of f(k - 1) . Thus we add f(- 1)z to F(z) and then delay it
(multiplying by z - ') to yield Z[f(k - 1)] . Using the same argument, we have
Z[f(k - 2)] = z -2 [f(-2)z 2 + f(-l)z + F(z)] (12.16b)
Z[f(k - 3)] = z - 3[f(-3)z 3 + f(-2)z 2 + f( - 1)z + F(z)] (12 .16c)
and so forth.
Now we consider f (k + 1) . It is the shifting of f (k) to the left (or advancing
by one sampling period) as shown in Figure 12 .10(c) . Because f (O) is moved to
k = - 1, it will not be included in the z-transform of f(k + 1), so it must be excluded
from F(z) . Thus, we subtract f (O) from F(z) and then advance it (multiplying by z),
and so forth .
In the study of the zero-input response, we assume u(k) _- 0 . Then (12.25) becomes
D(p)y(k) = 0 (12 .26)
This is the homogeneous equation . Its solution is excited exclusively by initial con-
ditions . The application of the z-transform to (12 .26) yields, as in (12 .20),
Y(z) = I(z)
where D(z) is defined in (12 .23a) with p replaced by z and I(z) is a polynomial of z
depending on initial conditions y( - k), k = 1, 2, . . . , n. As in the continuous-time
case, we call D(z) the characteristic polynomial of (12 .25) because it governs the
free, unforced, or natural response of (12 .25). The roots of the polynomial D(s) are
called the modes. For example, if
D(z)=(z-2)(z+1)2(z+2-j3)(z+2+ j3)
then the modes are 2, -1, - 1, -2 + j3 and -2 -j3. Root 2 and complex roots
-2 j3 are simple modes and root - 1 is a repeated mode with multiplicity 2.
Thus, for any initial conditions, the zero-input response due to any initial conditions
will be of the form
y(k) = k, (2)k + k2 (-2 + j3)k + k3(-2 - j3) k + c1(-1) k + c 2k(-1)k
for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Thus the zero-input response is essentially determined by the
modes of the system .
Consider the difference equation in (12 .18). If all initial conditions are zero,
then the response is excited exclusively by the input and is called the zero-state
response. In the z-transform domain, the zero-state response of (12 .18) is governed
by, as computed in (12 .20),
2z - ' 3z 2 2z 3
Y(z) = -1 U(z) = : G(z)U(z) (12 .27)
+ 2z - z - ~ U(z) 3z2 + 2z - 1
where the rational function G(z) is called the discrete, digital, pulse, or sampled
transfer function or simply the transfer function . It is the ratio of the z-transforms
of the output and input when all initial conditions are zero or
Y(z) Z[Output]
G(z) = _ (12 .28)
U(z) Initial conditions-0 Z[Input] Initial conditions =0
The transfer function describes only the zero-state responses of LTIL systems .
The transfer function can easily be obtained from difference equations . For
example, if a system is described by the difference equation
D(p)y(k) = N(p)u(k)
where D(p) and N(p) are defined as in (12 .23), then its transfer function is
(a) (b)
u (k) u (k)
yin . k . .
01 2 3 4
y (k) a (k)
. .
>-k . . . . 1 >- k
-1 01 2 3 4 - 1 01 2 3 4 5 6
(a) (b)
Figure 12.12 (a) Response of noncausal system . (b) Response of causal system with r = 5 .
m < k . Such systems are called causal systems . We study in the remainder of this
text only causal systems with proper digital transfer functions . Recall that in the
continuous-time case, we also study only systems with proper transfer functions .
However, the reasons are different . First, an improper analog transfer function cannot
be easily built in practice . Second, it will amplify high-frequency noise, which often
exists in analog systems . In the discrete-time case, we study proper digital transfer
functions because of causality .
Consider a proper (biproper or strictly proper) transfer function G(z) _
N(z)/D(z) . Let r = deg D(z) - deg N(z). It is the difference between the degrees
of the denominator and numerator . We call r the pole-zero excess of G(z) because
it equals the difference between the number of poles and the number of zeros . Let
y(k) be the step response of G(z). If r = 0 or G(z) is biproper, then y(O) 0 0 . If
r = 1, then y(O) = 0 and y(l) = 0 . In general, the step response of a digital transfer
function with pole-zero excess r has the property
y(O) = 0 y(l) = 0 . . . y(r - 1) = 0 y(r) 0 0
as shown in Figure 12 .12(b) . In other words, a pole-zero excess of r will introduce
a delay of r sampling instants . This phenomenon does not arise in the continuous-
time case.
The equation is controllable if we can transfer any state to any other state in a finite
number of sampling instants by applying an input . The equation is observable if we
can determine the initial state from the knowledge of the input and output over a
finite number of sampling instants. The discrete-time equation is controllable if and
only if the controllability matrix
U = [b Ab A2 b . . . A" - 'b] (12 .38)
has rank n . The equation is observable if and only if the observability matrix
V = (12 .39)
has rank n. These conditions are identical to the continuous-time case . We prove the
controllability part in the following. We write (12 .33) explicitly fork = n as
x(n) - AN(0) = An-l- mbu(m)
= [b Ab A%b . . . An - 'b]
u(0) -
For any x(0) and x(n), a solution u(k), k = 0, 1, . . . , n - 1, exists in (12 .40) if and
only if the matrix U has rank n (Theorem B.1). This completes the proof . If an
equation is controllable, then the transfer of a state to any other state can be achieved
in n sampling periods and the input sequence can be computed from (12 .40). Thus,
the discrete-time case is considerably simpler than the continuous-time case . The
observability part can be similarly established . See Problem 12 .13 .
If a state-variable equation is controllable and observable, then the equation is
said to be a minimal equation . In this case, if we write
c(zI - A) - 'b + d = :
D(z) = 0(z) = det (zI - A)
then there are no common factors between N(z) and D(z), and the set of the eigen-
values of A [the roots of the characteristic polynomial A (z)] equals the set of the
poles of the transfer function . This situation is identical to the continuous-time case .
Every discrete-time state-variable equation can be easily built using the three ele-
ments shown in Figure 12.13 . They are called multipliers, summers or adders, and
unit-delay elements . The gain a of a multiplier can be positive or negative, larger or
x(k) ax(k) +x 2 +x 3 x(k+ 1) I x (k)
> x2 -~ z
z (k)
Figure 12 .14 Basic block diagram of (12 .41) .
smaller than 1 . An adder has two or more inputs and one and only one output . The
output is simply the sum of all inputs . If the output of the unit-delay element is x(k),
then the input is x(k + 1) . A unit-delay element will be denoted by z -1. These
elements are quite similar to those in Figure 5 .3. A block diagram which consists of
only these three types of elements is called a basic block diagram .
We use an example to illustrate how to draw a basic block diagram for a discrete-
time state-variable equation . Consider
x k+ 1 _ 2 -0.3 x [- 2]
u(k) (12 .41 a)
2 (k + 1)] [0 -8 ] [x2(k)]
kx + 0
then G(z) is said to be realizable and (12 .42) is a realization of G(z). As in the
continuous-time case, G(z) is realizable if and only if G(z) is a proper rational
function . If G(z) is improper, then any realization of G(z) must be of the form
This means that y(k) will depend on the future input u(k + 1) with 1 ? 1 and the
system is not causal . Thus, we study only proper rational G(z).
1 0 0 0
x(k) + u(k) (12 .47a)
0 1 0 0
.0 0 1 0
y(k) = [b 3 b2 b, bo ]x(k) + du(k) (12 .47b)
with d = G(oo), is a realization of (5 .12). The value of G(oo) yields the direct
transmission part . If G(z) is strictly proper, then d = 0. Equation (12.47) is always
controllable and is therefore called the controllable form realization . If N(z) and
D(z) in (12 .45) have no common factors, then (12 .46) is observable as well and the
equation is called a minimal equation . Otherwise, the equation is not observable.
The following equation, which is similar to (5.18),
- a3 1 0 0 b3
-a2 0 1 0 x(k) + b2 u(k)
x(k + 1) = _ (12 .48a)
-a, 0 0 i
- ao 0 0 0 bo
y(k) = [1 0 0 O]x(k) + du(k) (12 .48b)
is a different realization of (12 .45). The equation is observable whether or not N(z)
and D(z) have common factors . IfN(z) and D(z) have no common factors, the equa-
tion is controllable as well and is a minimal equation . Equation (12 .48) is called the
observable form realization .
Exercise 12 .7 .1
The tandem and parallel realizations discussed in Section 5 .5.2 can again be
applied directly to discrete transfer functions, and the discussion will not be repeated.
To conclude this section, we mention that the same command tf2ss in MATLAB
can be used to realize analog transfer functions and digital transfer functions . For
example, if
3z2 -z+2 0+3z-1 -z -2 +2z -3
G(z) = (12.49)
Z3 + 2Z2 + 1 1+ 2z-1 + 0 . Z-2 + z -3
then the following
num=[3 -1 2] ;den=[1 2 0 1] ;
[a,b,c,d] =tf2ss(num,den)
will generate its controllable-form realization . The command to compute the re-
sponse of G(s) due to a unit-step function is "step" ; and G(s) is expressed in de-
scending powers of s. The command to compute the response of G(z) due to a unit-
step sequence is "dstep" . Furthermore, G(z) must be expressed in ascending powers
of z -1. Therefore,
num=[0 3 -1 2] ;den=[1 2 0 1] ;
y = dstep(num,den,20) ;
will generate 20 points of the unit-step response of (12 .49).
12 .8 STABILITY 50 1
ao a, a 2 a3 a4
a4 a 3 a2 a, ao ki a4
pole of G(z) must lie inside the unit circle of the z-plane or have a magnitude less
than 1 . This condition can be deduced from the continuous-time case, where stability
requires every pole to lie inside the open left half s-plane . Because z = es T maps
the open left half s-plane into the interior of the unit circle in the z-plane, discrete
stability requires every pole to lie inside the unit circle of the z-plane .
In the continuous-time case, we can use the Routh test to check whether all
roots of a polynomial lie inside the open left half s-plane . In the discrete-time case,
we have a similar test, called the Jury test . Consider the polynomial
D(z) = a o z4 + a,z3 + a2 Z2 + a 3z + a4 ao > 0 (12.50)
It is a polynomial of degree 4 with a positive leading coefficient . We form the table
in Table 12.2. The first row is simply the coefficients of D(z) arranged in the de-
scending power of z . The second row is the reversal of the order of the coefficients
in the first row . We then take the ratio k, of the last elements of the first two rows
as shown in the table . The subtraction of the product of k, and the second row from
the first row yields the first b row . The last element of the b row will be zero and
will be disregarded in the subsequent development . We reverse the order of the
coefficients of the b row and repeat the process as shown in Table 12 .2. If D(z) is
of degree n, then the table consists of 2n + 1 rows .
Although this test is stated for a polynomial of degree 4, it can be easily extended
to the general case . We use an example to illustrate its application .
Example 12 .8 .1
Consider a system with transfer function
(z - 2)(z + 10)
G (z) _ (12.51)
z3 - O.IZ2 - 0.122 - 0.4
1 -0 .1 -0.12 -0.4
-0.4 -0.12 -0.1 1 k, = - 0.4/1 = - 0.4
0.84} -0.148 -0.16 0 (1st row) + 0 .4(2nd row)
-0.16 -0.148 0.84 k2 = -0.16/0 .84 = -0 .19
,0.8096 ; -0.176 0 (3rd row) + 0.19(4th row)
-0.176 0.8096 k3 = - 0.176/0 .8096 = -0 .217
0.771 ; (5th row) + 0 .217(6th row)
The three leading coefficients 0 .84, 0.8096, and 0.771 are all positive ; thus, all roots
of the denominator of G(z) lie inside the unit circle . Thus the system is stable .
This is called the final-value theorem . The theorem holds only if f (k) approaches a
constant . For example, if f(k) = 2k, then F(z) = z/(z - 2) . For this z-transform
pair, we have ft-) = -, but
lim (z - 1) . = 0 . (-1) = 0
z-1 z-2
Thus (12.52) does not hold. The condition for f(k) to approach a constant is that
(z - 1)F(z) is stable or, equivalently, all poles of (z - 1)F(z) lie inside the unit
circle. This implies that all poles of F(z), except for a possible simple pole at z =
1, must lie inside the unit circle . As discussed in Figure 12.11, if all poles of F(z)
lie inside the unit circle, then the time response will approach zero . In this case, F(z)
has no pole (z - 1) to cancel the factor (z - 1), and the right-hand side of (12 .52)
is zero . If F(z) has one pole at z = 1 and remaining poles inside the unit circle such
F(z) =
(z - 1)(z - a)(z - b)
then it can be expanded, using partial fraction expansion, as
z z z
+k2 z-a +k3 z-b
F(z) =klz- 1
Z - 1
with k1 = lim F(z) = lim (z - 1) F(z) . The inverse z-transform of F(z) is
Z-1 Z Z-1
Consider a discrete-time system with transfer function G(z). The response of G(z)
as k - - is called the steady-state response of the system. If the system is stable,
then the steady-state response of a step sequence will be a step sequence, not nec-
essarily of the same magnitude . The steady-state response of a ramp sequence will
be a ramp sequence ; the steady-state response of a sinusoidal sequence will be a
sinusoidal sequence with the same frequency . We establish these in the following .
Consider a system with discrete transfer function G(z) . Let the input be a step
sequence with magnitude a-that is, u(k) = a, for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Then U(z) _
az/(z - 1) and the output y(k) is given by
Y(z) = G (z) U(z) = G (z)
To find the time response of Y(z), we expand, using partial fraction expansion,
Yzz) = aG(z) = aG(l)
+ (Terms due to poles of G(z))
which implies
Y(z) = aG(l) + (Terms due to poles of G(z))
z - 1
If G(z) is stable, then every pole of G(z) lies inside the unit circle of the z-plane and
its time response approaches zero as k -> c . Thus we have
ys (k) : = lim y(k) = aG(1)(1) k = aG(1) (12.54)
Thus, the steady-state response of a stable system with transfer function G(z) due to
a unit-step sequence equals G(1) . This is similar to (4 .25) in the continuous-time
case . Equation (12'.54) can also be obtained by applying the final-value theorem . In
order for the final-value theorem to be applicable, the poles of
(z - 1) Y z = (z - 1) z - 1 = azG(z)
must all lie inside the unit circle. This is the case because G(z) is stable by assump-
tion. Thus we have
y,, (k) : = lim y(k) = lim (z - 1) Y(z) = lim azG (z) = aG (1)
k-- z-->1 z-1
Example 12 .9.1
Consider the transfer function
G(z) - (z - 2)(z + 10)
z3 - O.1z2 - 0.12z - 0.4
Y(z) = G(z)U(z) = G(z) (z
- 1)2
We expand, using (A.8) in Appendix A,
Y(z) _ aTG(z) _ aTG(1) + aTG'(1)
+ Terms due to poles of G z
z (z - 1)2 (z - 1)2 z - 1 ( ( ))
which can be written as
Y(z) = aG(1) 2 + aTG'(1) z
(z - 1) z - 1 (12 .55)
+ (Terms due to poles of G(z))
dz z=1
A(coo) = IG(eJ'o T)I and 0(coo) = IG(eJ',,T) ( 12 .57)
In other words, if G (z) is stable, its steady-state response due to a sinusoidal sequence
approaches a sinusoidal sequence with the same frequency ; its amplitude is modified
by A((oo ) and its phase by 0(w0 ). The derivation of (12 .56) is similar to (4 .32) and
will not be repeated .
The plot of G(e',T ) with respect to w is called the frequency response of the
discrete-time system . The plot of its amplitude A(w) is called the amplitude char-
acteristic and the plot of 0(w), the phase characteristic. Because
+ T r
ej = e 1-Tej2- = e 1wT
e',T is periodic with period 27T/T . Consequently, so are G(e',T), A(w), and 0(w).
Therefore, we plot A(w) and 0((o) only for w from - it/T to 7r/T . If all coefficients
of G(z) are real, as is always the case in practice, then A(w) is symmetric and 0((0)
is antisymmetric with respect to w as shown in Figure 12 .15. Therefore, we usually
plot A(w) and 0(w) only for w from 0 to rr/T or, equivalently, we plot G(z) only
along the upper circumference of the unit circle on the z-plane .
A(co) 6((0)
U) - CU
n 0 it Jr n
(a) (b)
Figure 12 .15 (a) Symmetric of A(w). (b) Antisymmetric of 6(w) .
This is the transfer function of the discrete system whose impulse response equals
the sample of the impulse response of the analog system . Now we discuss the re-
lationship between the frequency response G(j(o) of the analog system and the fre-
quency response G(e'l T) of the corresponding discrete system . It turns out that they
are related by
G(e'"T) _ 1 7r
G (~ (w - k 2 ~~ 1 G(1(w - kwS)) (12 .59)
T k=-~ T T k=-~
where co, = 21r/T is called the sampling frequency . See Reference [18, p . 371 ; 13,
p. 71 .]. G(j(w - w,)) is the shifting of G(j(o) to w, and G(j(w + w,)) is the shifting
of G(jw) to - w, . Thus, except for the factor 1 /T, G(ej" T) is the sum of repetitions
of G(jw) at kw, for all integers k. For example, if G(jw) is as shown in Figure
12.16(a), then the sum will be as shown in Figure 12 .16(b) . Note that the factor
11T is not included_in the sum, thus the vertical coordinate of Figure 12 .16(b) is
TG(e'WT). The plot G(j(o) in Figure 12 .16(a) is zero for 1w1 ? 1r/T, and its repetitions
do not overlap with each other . In this case, sampling does not introduce aliasing
and we have
G(j(o) = TG(ei -T ) for Iwl ar/T (12 .60)
The plot G(jw) in Figure 12 .16(c) is not zero for 1wl ? IT/T, and its repetitions do
overlap with each other as shown in Figure 12 .16(d) . In this case, the sampling is
said to cause aliasing and (12.60) does not hold . However, if the sampling period T
is chosen to be sufficiently small, we have
G(jw) -~- TG(ej(T ) for wl : TT/T (12 .61)
G(j(0) TG(ejwT)
11 It
Ir 0 n Jr 0 jr 2ir
(c) (d)
Figure 12 .16 Frequency responses of analog and digital systems .
If all eigenvalues of A lie inside the unit circle, then A is said to be stable. If we
compute its characteristic polynomial
0(z) = det (zI - A) (12 .63)
then the stability of A can be determined by applying the Jury test . Another way of
checking the stability of A is applying the following theorem .
[x2 (k + 1)] -
[1 1] x(k) + ~ 0i u(k)
y(k) _ [2 1]x(k)
Compute its transfer function .
12.10 . Consider
x l (k + 1) 0 1 0 0
x2(k + 1) = 0 0 1 x(k) + 0 u(k)
x 3(k + 1) 1 1 0 1 11
y(k) = [2 1 1]x(k)
Compute its transfer function .
12 .11 . Is the equation in Problem 12 .9 controllable? observable?
12 .12 . Is the equation in Problem 12 .10 controllable? observable?
12 .13 . Consider (12 .32) with d = 0 . Show
y(0) c
y(l) - cbu(0) cA
12 .14 . Draw basic block diagrams for the equations in Problems 12 .9 and 12.10.
12 .15. Find realizations for the following transfer functions
z 2 +2
a. 4z3
3z4 + 1
b. 2z4 +3z3 +4z 2 +z+ 1
(z + 3)2
C. (z + 1)2 (z + 2)
12 .16. Are the transfer functions in Problems 12 .15 stable?
12 .17 . Plot the frequency responses of
1 z
G(s) = s + 1 G(z) =
Plants of control systems are mostly analog systems . However, because digital com-
pensators have many advantages over analog ones, we may be asked to design digital
compensators to control analog plants . In this chapter, we study the design of such
compensators . There are two approaches to carrying out the design . The first ap-
proach uses the design methods discussed in the preceding chapters to design an
analog compensator and then transform it into a digital one . The second approach
first transforms analog plants into digital plants and then carries out design using
digital techniques . The first approach performs discretization after design ; the second
approach performs discretization before design . We discuss the two approaches in
In this chapter, we encounter both analog and digital systems . To differentiate
them, we use variables with an overbar to denote analog systems or signals and
variables without an overbar to denote digital systems or signals . For example,
G(s) is an analog transfer function and G(z) is a digital transfer function; y(t) is an
analog output and y(kT) is a digital output . However, if y(kT) is a sample of y(t),
then y(kT) = y(kT) and the overbar will be dropped . If the same input is applied to
an analog and a digital system, then we use u(t) and u(kT) to denote the inputs ; no
overbar will be used .
Consider the analog compensator with proper transfer function C(s) shown in Figure
13.1(a). The arrangement in Figure 13 .1(b) implements the analog compensator digi-
tally. It consists of three parts : an A/D converter, a digital system or an algorithm,
and a D/A converter . The problem is to find a digital system such that for any input
e(t), the output u(t) of the analog compensator and the output u(t) of the digital
compensator are roughly equal . From Figure 13 .1(b), we see that the output of the
A/D converter equals e(kT ), the sample of e(t) with sampling period T. We then
search for a digital system which operates on e(kT) to yield a sequence u(kT). The
D/A converter then holds the value of u constant until the arrival of next data . Thus
the output u(t) of the digital compensator is stepwise as shown . The output of the
analog compensator is generally not stepwise ; therefore, the best we can achieve is
that u(t) approximately equals u(t).
In designing a digital system, ideally, for any input e(t), u(kT) in Figure 13 .1(b)
should equal the sample of u(t) . It is difficult, if not impossible, to design such a
digital compensator that holds for all e(t). It is, however, quite simple to design such
a digital compensator for specific e(t) . In this section, we design such compensators
for e(t) to be an impulse and a step function .
Impulse-Invariance Method
Consider an _analog compensator with a strictly proper transfer function Qs). If
the input of CS (s) is an impulse (its Laplace transform is 1), then the output is
U(s) = CS (S) 1 = CS (S)
Its inverse Laplace transform is actually the impulse response of the analog com-
pensator . The z-transform of the sample of the impulse response yields a digital
compensator with discrete transfer function
C(z) _ [~- t[cS(s)]It=k1]
or, using the notation in (12 .7),
C(z) = 2[CS (s)] (13.1)
u (t) u (t)
-t 3-t
v A I
e (t) it (t) e(t) e (kT) Digital u (kT) u (t)
C(s) > -) A/D D/A
(a) (b)
Figure 13.1 (a) Analog compensator . (b) Digital compensator .
As discussed in Section 12 .9.1, if the sampling period is very small and the aliasing
is negligible, then the frequency responses of C s(s) and C(z) will be of the same
form but differ by the factor 1/T in the frequency range Im1 < it/T . To take care of
this factor, we introduce T into (13 .1) to yield
C(z) = TZ[CS(s)]
This yields an impulse-invariant digital compensator for a strictly proper C s(s). If
C(s) is biproper, then C(s) can be decomposed as
C(s) = k + C s(s)
The inverse Laplace transform of k is H(t) . The value of 6(t) is not defined at
t = 0 ; therefore, its sample is meaningless . If we require the frequency response of
C(z) to equal the frequency response of k, then_ C(z) is simply k. Thus the impulse-
invariant digital compensator of C(s) = k + Cs(s) is
C(z) = k + TZ[CS(s)] (13 .2)
Note that the poles of C(z) are obtained from the poles of C(s) or C s(s) by the
transformation z = es T which maps the open left half s-plane into the interior of the
unit circle of the z-plane ; therefore, if all poles of C(s) lie inside the open left half
s-plane, then all poles of C(z) will lie inside the unit circle on the z-plane . Thus, if
C(s) is stable, so is C(z) .
Example 13.2.1
Consider an analog compensator with transfer function
= 2(s - 2)
C(s) (13 .3)
(s + 1)(s + 3)
To find its impulse response, we expand it, using partial fraction expansion, as
5 3
s+3 S + 1
Thus, using (13 .2) and Table 12 .1, the impulse-invariant digital compensator is
Step-Invariance Method
Consider an analog compensator with transfer function C(s) . We now develop a
digital compensator C(z) whose step response equals the samples of the step response
of C(s) . The Laplace transform of a unit-step function is 1/s ; the z-transform of a
unit-step sequence is z/(z - 1) . Thus, the step responses of both systems in the
transform domains are
and C(z)
z -
If they are equal at sampling instants, then
Z-' C(z) . z = `e-' C(s) ~
C z 1J C s t=kT
Example 13 .2 .2
Find the step-invariant digital compensator of the analog compensator in (13 .3). We
first compute
C(s) - 2(s - 2) - 4 + 3 5
s s(s + 1)(s + 3) 3s s + I 3(s + 3)
Using Table 12 .1, we have
C(s) 4z 3z 5z
Z s 3(z - 1) + z - e-T 3(z - e -3T)
which becomes, after lengthy manipulation,
This is a strictly proper transfer function . Although (13.5) and (13 .8) have the same
set of poles, their numerators are quite different . Thus the impulse-invariance and
step-invariance methods implement a same analog compensator differently.
As can be seen from this example that the z-transform of C(s)/s will introduce
an unstable pole at 1, which, however, will be cancelled by (1 - z - '). Thus the
poles of C(z) in (13 .6) consist of only the transformations of the poles of C(s) by
z = esT. Thus if C(s) is stable, so is the step-invariant digital compensator.
The step-invariant digital compensator of C(s) can also be obtained using state-
variable equations . Let
X(t) = Ax(t) + be(t) (13 .9a)
be a realization of C(s) . Note that the input of the analog compensator is e(t) and
the output is u(t) . If the input is stepwise as shown in Figure 2 .23(a), then the
continuous-time state-variable equation in (13 .9) can be described by, as derived in
(2 .89),
x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + be(k) (13 .1Oa)
A=eAT b= f0 eATdr b c=c d = d (13 .1Oc)
The output u(k) of (13 .10) equals the sample of (13 .9) if the input e(t) is stepwise .
Because a unit-step function is stepwise, the discrete-time state-variable equation in
(13 .10) describes the step-invariant digital compensator . The discrete transfer func-
tion of the compensator is
G(z)=c(zI-A)-'b+d (13 .11)
Example 13 .2.3
Find the step-invariant digital comp ensator for the analog compensator in (13 .3).
The controllable-form realization of C(s) = (2s - 4)/(s 2 + 4s + 3) is
x(t) = x(t) + e(t) (13 .12o)
0] L ]
u(t) = [2 - 41 x(t) (13 .12b)
will yield
0.0314 -0.5751 0.1917
da = db =
0.1917 0.7982 0 .0673
where da and db denote discrete a and b. See Section 5 .3. Thus, the step-invariant
digital compensator is given by
1 0.0314 -0.5751 [0.1917 ,I
x(k +, 1) = x(k) + e(k) ( 13 .13a)
0.1917 0.7982 ] 0.0673 J
u(k) = [2 -4]x(k) (13 .13b)
This transfer function is the same as (13 .8), other than the discrepancy due to trun-
cation errors . Therefore, step-invariant digital compensators can be obtained using
either transfer functions or state-variable equations . In actual implementation, digital
transfer functions must be realized as state-variable equations . Therefore, in using
state-variable equations, we may stop after obtaining (13 .13). There is no need to
compute its transfer function .
Forward Approximation
The integration of (13 .15a) from to to to + T yields, with e(t) = 0,
rto +T dx(t) td +T
Using this transformation, an analog compensator can easily be changed into a digital
compensator. This is called the forward-difference or Euler's method. This trans-
formation may not preserve the stability of C(s) . For example, if C(s) = 1/(s + 2),
1 T
C(z) =
z- 1 z- 1 +2T
+ 2
I- t I t I- t
to to + T
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 13 .2 Various approximations of integration .
which is unstable for T > 1 . Therefore, forward difference may not preserve the
stability of C(s) . In general, if the sampling period is sufficiently large, C(z) may
become unstable even if C(s) is stable .
The forward-difference transformation can easily be achieved using state-
variable equations as in Section 5 .2. Let
X(t) = Ax(t) + be(t) (13 .20a)
u(t) = cx(t) + de(t) (13 .20b)
be a realization of C(s), then
x(k + 1) = (I + TA)x(k) + Tbe(k) (13 .21 a)
u(k) = cx(k) + de(k) (13 .21b)
is the digital compensator obtained by using the forward-difference method .
Example 13 .2.4
Consider C(s) = 2(s - 2)/(s 2 + 4s + 3) . Then
z T
2 2I
C /
C(z) = C(s)Is-(Z-u/T = z 2
- 1 z- 1
+ 4 T + 3
T / (13 .22)
2T(z - 1 - 2T)
z 2 +(4T-2)z+(3T2 -4T+ 1)
is a digital compensator obtained using the forward-difference method . If T = 0 .5,
then (13 .22) becomes
2 . 0.5(z - 1 - 1)
C(z) = a
Z + (4 . 0.5 - 2)z + (3 . 0.25 - 2 + 1) (13 .23)
z - 2 z - 2
Z2 - 0.25 (z + 0.5)(z - 0.5)
This is the digital compensator . If we realize C(s) as
-4 3 1
x(t) = 1 0 x(t) + 0 e(t)
u(t) = [2 - 4] x(t)
T 4T -13T] x(k) +
e(k) (13 .24a)
I [o ]
u(k) = [2 - 4] x(k) (13 .24b)
is the digital compensator . It can be shown that the transfer function of (13 .24) equals
(13 .22) . See Problem 13 .5.
Backward Approximation
In the backward approximation, the integration in (13 .16) is approximated by the
shaded area shown in Figure 13 .2(b). In this approximation, (13 .16) becomes
x(to + T) - x(to) = Ax(to + T )T
which can be written as
x(to) - x(to -T)
T = Ax(t0)
Trapezoid Approximation
In this method, the integration in (13 .16) is approximated by the trapezoid shown in
Figure 13 .2(c) and (13 .16) becomes
x(to + T) + x(to)
x(to + T) - x(to) -= A T
zX(z) - X(z) =
A[zX(z) + X(z)] =
T(z 21) AX(z)
which implies
+ 1 X(z) = AX(z)
The Laplace transform of (13 .15a) with e(t) = 0 is A(s) = AX(s) . Thus, the
approximation can be achieved by setting
2z- 1
s = (Trapezoidal approximation) (13 .27)
Tz + 1
This is called the trapezoidal approximation method . Equation (13.27) implies
(z+1)s2=(z-1) or 2-)z=C1+ 2)
C 1-
Thus we have
1 +-
Z = (13 .28)
For every z, we can compute a unique s from (13 .27); for every s, we can compute
a unique z from (13 .28). Thus the mapping in (13 .27) is a one-to-one mapping,
called a bilinear transformation . Let s = o- + jco. Then (13 .28) becomes
To- TW
1 + + j
Z = 2 2
To- T (O
1 - 2 I 2
1 +-
~( 2 )2 ( T2w ) 2
Izl = ( 13 .29)
To-)2 (Tco)2
1 - 2
J( 2
This equation implies jzi = 1 if o- = 0, and jzj < 1 if o- < 0. Thus, the j&) -axis on
the s-plane is mapped onto the unit circle on the z-plane and the open left half
s-plane is mapped onto the interior of the unit circle on the z-plane . To develop a
precise relationship between the frequency in analog systems and the frequency in
digital systems, we define s = jce and z = ejw T. Then (13 .27) becomes
2e jwT - 1 2 e jo.SwT( ejo .SwT _ e -jo .5wT)
jw T ejwT + 1 T ej0.5wT(e jO .5wT + e -j0 .5wT)
2 2 j sin 0.5wT _ 2j wT
T 2 cos 0 .5cwT T 2
which implies
2 coT
to = tan 2 (13 .30)
This is plotted in Figure 13 .3 . We see that the analog frequency from w = 0 to
W = oc is compressed into the digital frequency from to = 0 to co = it/T . This is
called frequency warping . Because of this warping and the nonlinear relationship
between w and ce, some simple manipulation, called prewarping, is needed in using
bilinear transformations . This is a standard technique in digital filterdesign. See, for
example, Reference [13].
Pole-Zero Mapping
Consider an analog compensator with pole p, and zero q,. In the pole-zero mapping,
pole pi is mapped into epiT and zero q, is mapped into egiT. For example, the
- 2 2(s - 2) - 2(s - 2) - 2(s - 2)
C(s) 1) (s-(-3))(s-(-1))
S + 4s + 3 (s + 3)(s +
is mapped into
2(z - e2T )
C(z) = (z
- e -3T )(z - e- T)
Thus the transformation is very simple .
There is, however, one problem with this transformation . Consider
b b
C(s) _ = (13 .31)
D(s) (s - a i)(s - a2)(s - a3)
Then its corresponding digital compensator is
C(z) = (z (13 .32)
- ea, T)(z - eazT)(z - ea3T)
Let y(t) be the step response of (13 .31). Because C(s) has three more poles than
y (t) y (kt)
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) (b)
Figure 13 .4 (a) Step response of (13 .31). (b) Step response of (13 .32) .
zeros, it can be shown that y(0) = 0, y(0) = 0, and y(0) = 0 (Problem 13 .7) and
the unit-step response will be as shown in Figure 13 .4(a). Let y(kT) be the response
of (13 .32) due to a unit-step sequence . Then, because C(z) has three more poles than
zeros, the response will start from k = 3, as shown in Figure 13 .4(b). In other words,
there is a delay of 3 sampling instants . In general, if there is a pole-zero excess
of r in C(z), then there is a delay of r sampling instants and the response will start
from k = r . In order to eliminate this delay, a polynomial of degree r - 1 is
introduced into the numerator of C(z) so that the response of C(z) will start at
k = 1 . For example, we may modify (13 .32) as
C(z) = (13 .33)
(z - eaIT )(z - e a2T )(z - ea3T)
with deg N(z) = 2. If the zeros at s = - in C(s) are considered to be mapped into
z = 0, then we may choose N(z) = z2. It is suggested to choose N(z) = (z + 1) 2
in Reference [52] and N(z) = z 2 + 4z + 1 in Reference [3]. Note that the steady-
state response of C(s) in (13 .31) due to a unit-step input is in general different from
the steady-state response of C(z) in (13 .32) or (13 .33). See Problem 13 .8. If they are
required to be equal, we may modify b in (13 .33) to achieve this .
Consider the control system shown in Figure 13 .5(a) . The plant transfer function is
G(s) = (13 .34)
s(s + 2)
The overall transfer function is required to minimize a quadratic performance index
and is computed in (9 .38) as
3 = 3
G0(s) = s (13 .35)
2 + 3.2s + 3 (s + 1 .6 + jO.65)(s + 1 .6 - jO.65)
The compensator can be computed as
Go(s) 3(s + 2) = 3 - 3 .6 = :
C(s) = - k + CS (s) (13 .36)
G(s)(l - G0(s)) s + 3 .2 s + 3 .2
u Y
AID C(z) D/A G (s)
Figure 13 .5 (a) Analog control system . (b) Digital control system .
1 .875 1 .125
s + s+3.2J (13.38)
(1 - Z)
_ 1.875z
1 1
z - 1 z - e -3 2T]
3z - 1 .125 - 1.875e -3.2T
z - e- 3 .2T
3(z - 1 + 2T)
`(z) = (13 .39)
z - 1 + 3.2T
3(z - 1 + 2Tz)
Cd(z) = (13.40)
z - 1 + 3.2Tz
Figure 13 .6(a) through (f) shows the unit-step responses of the overall system in
Figure 13 .5(b) with C;(z) in (13 .37) through (13 .42) for T = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and
0.8. For comparison, the response of the analog system in Figure 13 .5(a) is also
plotted and is denoted by T = 0 . We compare the compensators in the following
where A denotes the best or closest to the analog system and F the worst or not
acceptable . For T = 0 .1 and 0 .2, the responses in Figure 13 .6(a) and (b) are very
close to the analog response; therefore, they are given a grade of A . Although the
responses in Figure 13 .6(e) are quite good, they show some overshoot; therefore
they are given a grade of A - . If T is large, the responses in Figure 13 .6(a), (c), and
(d) are unacceptable . Overall, the compensators obtained by using the step-invariant
and bilinear methods yield the best results . The compensator obtained by pole-zero
transformation is acceptable but not as good as the previous two . In conclusion,
if the sampling period is sufficiently small, then any method can be used to digitize
analog compensators . However, for a larger sampling period, it is better to use
the step-invariant and bilinear transformation methods to digitize an analog
13 .3 AN EXAMPLE 525
2.0 2 .0
1 .5 1 .5
0 .6
0 .1 T=0 0.8 . 0 4 --------------
1 .0 02 1 .0
---- 0.2
0.6 0 .1
.4 T=0
0 .5 0.5
0 :- ---- Q=8
0 .0 2.
0" 4.0 6 .0 8 .0 10.0 0 .0 20
. 4.0 6 .0 8 .0 10.0
(a) (b)
2 .0 A
2 .0
introduce computational problems, as is discussed in the next section . See also Ref-
erence [46] . How to choose an adequate sampling period has been widely discussed
in the literature . References [46, 52] suggest that the sampling frequency or l/T be
chosen about ten times the bandwidth of the closed-loop transfer function . Reference
[3] suggests the following rules : If the pole of an overall system is real-say,
(k) u (t) u (t)
>- k t t
13 .7(c), the conversion is called the first-order hold. Clearly, higher-order holds are
also possible . However, the zero-order is the hold most widely used . The D/A
converter discussed in Section 12 .3 implements zero-order hold.
The Laplace transform of the pulse p(t) with height 1 and width T shown in
Figure A.3 is computed in (A .23) as
1 (1 - e - ST )
If the input of a zero-order hold is 1, then the output is p(t) . Therefore, the zero-
order hold can be considered to have transfer function
1 - e -Ts
Gh(s) _ (13 .45)
In digital control, a plant is always connected to a zero-order hold (or a D/A con-
verter) and the transfer function of the plant and hold becomes
e -Ts) _
(I - G(s) (13 .46)
as shown in Figure 13 .8(a). Note that the input u(kT) of Figure 13 .8(a) must be
modified as
u*(t) _ u(kT)6(t - kT )
as in (12 .8) in order for the representation to be mathematically correct . The output
y(t) of the plant and hold is an analog signal . If we add an A/D converter after the
plant as shown in Figure 13 .8(a), then the output is y(kT) . If we consider y(kT) as
the output and u(kT) as the input, then the analog plant and hold in Figure 13 .8(a)
can be modeled as a digital system with discrete transfer function
G(s)] = [G(s)] G(s)1
G(z) = Z C(1 - e Ts) J Z - Z e Ts J (13 .47) s
Because e-Ts introduces only a time delay, we may move it outside the z-transform
Z, [e-Ts G(s) = e-TSB L
S s J
(a) (b)
Figure 13.8 (a) Equivalent analog plant . (b) Equivalent digital plant .
be a realization of G(s) . If the input is stepwise as in digital control, then the input
y(t) and output u(t) at t = kT can be described, as derived in (2.89), by
x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + 6u(k) (13 .50a)
A = e AT b = Jo eA dT Ib T c = c d = d (13 .50c)
The transfer function of (13 .50) equals (13 .48). As shown in Example 13 .2.3, this
computation can easily be carried out by using the commands tf2ss, c2d, and ss2tf
Figure 13.9 Direct design of digital control system .
Example 13 .4.1
Consider an analog plant with transfer function
101 _ 101
G(s) _ (s + 1) 2 + 100 (13.51)
s2 + 2s + 101
with its poles plotted in Figure 13.10. Its step-invariant digital transfer function is
given by
G(z) = (1 - z-) IS((s + 1)2 + 100)
z- 1 z 1 s+ 1 1
z s (s + 1)2 + 100 (s + 1)2 + 100
z - 1 z z
2 - ze-T cos lOT
z C z - 1 z2 - 2ze -T cos lOT + e- 2T
ze -T sin lOT
10(z 2 - 2ze -T cos 10T + e -2T ) ]
where we have used the z-transform pairs in Table 12.1 . Now if the sampling period
T is chosen as lOT = 2ar, then cos 10T = 1, sin 10T = 0 and e -T = e- 0.21r -
IM s
X 10
2 2
z_/_ -7c/T
I - Res
X -10
z- 1 .z z(z-e T)
G(z) =
z [z - 1 z2 - 2ze -T + e -2T
z - 1 z z(z-e - T )
(13 .53)
z z - 1 (z
z- 1 z z _ 1- e-T 0.47
z [z- 1 z-e -T z-e-T z-0.53
It is a transfer function with only one real pole, whereas the original analog plant
transfer function in (13 .51) has a pair of complex-conjugate poles . Figure 13 .11
shows the unit-step responses of (13 .51) and (13 .53) . We see that the oscillation in
the analog plant does not appear in its step-invariant digital plant . Thus, some dy-
namics of an analog plant may disappear from or become hidden in its equivalent
digital plant.
1 .8
1 .6
1 .4
1 .2
0 .8
0 .4
0 .2
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(a) (b)
Figure 13 .11 Unit-step responses of G(s) and G(z) .
The reason for the disappearance of the dynamics can easily be explained from
the plot in Figure 13 .10 . Recall from Figure 12 .9 that the mapping z = e T is not a
one-to-one mapping . If the sampling period T is chosen so that rr/T equals half of
the imaginary part of the complex poles as shown in Figure 13 .10, then the complex
poles will be mapped into real poles . Furthermore, the two poles are mapped into
the same location. This is the reason for the disappearance of the dynamics . Knowing
the reason, it becomes simple to avoid the problem . If the sampling period is chosen
to be small enough that the primary strip (the region bounded between - ar/T and
Ir/T as shown in Figure 12 .9) covers all poles of G(s), then no dynamic will be lost
in the sampling and its equivalent digital plant can be used in design .
Example 13 .4.2
Loss of dynamics can also be explained using state-variable equations . Consider the
transfer function in Example 13.4.1 or
101 101
G(s) = 1)2 _ I
(s + + 100 (s + + j lO)(s + 1 - j lO) (13 .54)
5.05j 5.05j
s+1+10j s+1-10j
-1 10j
x(t) = 1 u(t) (13 .55a)
0 - 1 0+ 10']
J x(t) + C ]
y(t) _ [5 .05j -5 .05j]x(t) (13 .55b)
This is a minimal realization of (13 .54) and is controllable and observable .' Because
matrix A is diagonal, the discretized equation of (13 .55) with sampling period T can
be easily obtained as
I (-t-lOi)T )
(1 - e
Ce(-t-10j)T 0 lOj
x(k) + 1 + u(k)
0 e(- t + tOj)T e(-t+lo;)T)
1 (I -
1 - lOj
y(k) = [5 .05j -5 .05j]x(k)
'Although we consider state-variable equations with only real coefficients in the preceding chapters, all
concepts and results are equally applicable to equations with complex coefficients without any modifi-
cation . See Reference [15] .
If T is chosen as lOT = 27r or T = 0.2ar, then e - 1OfT = 1, and the equation reduces
- e -T)
e T 0 1 1 + 10j (1
x(k + 1) = x(k) + u(k) (13 .560)
0 e -T I 1
- e - T)
1 - lOj (1
y(k) = [5 .05j -5.05j]x(k) (13.56b)
Because A is diagonal and has the same eigenvalues, the equation is neither con-
trollable nor observable . See Problem 11 .2. This can also be verified by checking
the ranks of the controllability and observability matrices . The transfer function of
(13 .56) can be computed as (1 - e-T )/(z - e-T ), which is the same as (13.53) .
Thus controllability and observability of a state-variable equation may be destroyed
after sampling. For a more general discussion, see Reference [15, p. 559] .
Example 13 .4 .3
G(s) (13 .57)
= s(s z + 2s + 2)
Its pole-zero excess is 3; therefore, the step-invarient discretization of G(s) will
introduce two zeros into G(z) . We use MATLAB and state-variable equations to
carry out discretization . The commands
nu =1 ;de = [1 2 2 0] ; (Express G(s) in numerator and denominator.)
[a,b,c,d] = tf2ss(nu,de) ; (Yield controllable-form realization of G(s).)
[da,db]=c2d(a,b,0 .5) ; (Discretize a and b with sampling period 0.5.)
[dn,dd]=ss2tf(da,db,c,d,1) ; (Compute the discrete transfer function G(z).)
[z,p,k]=tf2zp(dn,dd) (Express G(z) in zero and pole form .)
0.0161(z + 2.8829)(z + 0.2099)
G(z) (13 .58)
(z - 1 .0000)(z - 0.5323 + 0 .2908j)(z - 0.5323 - 0 .2908j)
The discretization does introduce two zeros . If the sampling period is chosen as
T = 0.1, then
1 .585 10 -4 (z + 3 .549)(z + 0.255)
G(z) = (13 .59)
(z - 1)(z - 0.9003 + 0 .0903j)(z - 0.9003 - 0.0903j)
It also introduces two zeros .
Now we discuss why sampling will introduce additional zeros . The Laplace
transform of the unit-step response y(t) of G(s) is G(s)/s . Using the initial value
theorem in Appendix A, its value at t = 0 can be computed as
y(0) = lim s = G(oc)
t->= S
2The two steps ss2tf and tf2zp can be combined as ss2zp . However, I was not able to obtain correct
answers using ss2zp for this problem, even though ss2zp is successfully used in Example 13 .5 .1 .
Therefore, the difficulty may be caused by numerical problems .
Thus we have y(O) = 0 and y(T) = b, . The unit-step response y(t) of the analog
system G(s) is generally of the form shown in Figure 13 .4(a) . No matter what its
pole-zero excess is, generally y(T) is different from zero . If y(kT) is a sample of
y(t), then y(T) = b, = y(T) 0 . Therefore, the pole-zero excess of G(z) in (13 .60)
is 1 . This establishes the assertion that if the pole-zero excess of G(s) is r ? 1, the
pole-zero excess of G(z) is always 1 . Thus, sampling will generate r - 1 additional
zeros into G(z) .
In the analog case, a zero is called a minimum-phase zero if it lies inside the
open left half s-plane, a non-minimum-phase zero if it lies inside the closed right
half s-plane . Following this terminology, we call a zero inside the interior of the unit
circle on the z-plane a minimum-phase zero, a zero on or outside the unit circle a
non-minimum-phase zero . For the analog plant transfer function in (13 .57), sampling
introduces a minimum- and a non-minimum-phase zero as shown in (13 .58) and
(13 .59) . Non-minimum-phase zeros will introduce constraints in design, as will be
discussed in a later section .
To conclude'this section, we mention that the poles of G(z) are transformed
from the poles of G(s) by z = eS T. Once the poles of G(z) and, consequently, the
coefficients a; in (13 .60) are computed, then the coefficients b; in (13 .60) can be
computed from al and the samples of the unit-step response y(t) as
b, 1 0 0 0 y(T)
b2 - a, - 1 1 0 0 y(2T)
b3 a 2 - a, a, - 1 1 0 y(3T)
b4 a3 - a 2 a2 - a, a, 1 1 y(4T)
See Problem 13 .11 . Thus, the numerator of G (z) in (13 .60) is determined by the first
four samples of y(t). If T is small, then these four samples are hardly distinguishable,
as can be seen from Figure 13 .4(a). Therefore, the possibility of introducing errors
in b; is large . Thus, using an unnecessarily small sampling period will not only
increase the amount of computer computation, it will also increase computational
error. Therefore, selection of a sampling period is not simple .
In this section we discuss how to use the root-locus method to design a digital
compensator directly from a given equivalent digital plant . The root-locus design
method actually consists of two parts : searching for a desired pole region, and plot-
ting the roots of p(s) + kq(s) as a function of real k. The plot of root loci discussed
in Section 7 .4 for the continuous-time case is directly applicable to the discrete-time
case ; therefore, we discuss only the desired pole region in the digital case .
The desired pole region in Figure 7 .4 for analog systems is developed from the
specifications on the settling time, overshoot, and rise time . Settling time requires
closed-loop poles to lie on the left-hand side of the vertical line passing through
-a = -4.5/t s, where is denotes the settling time . The vertical line is transformed
by z = esT into a circle with radius e _ T as shown in Figure 13 .13(a). Note that the
Im s lm z
I 0
-a2-a Res Rez
Im s Im z
., Re
Im s Im z
Res ,fAh Re z
Im axis
90 72
Sam-7r 21r 3n
2 lOT 54-
126'p7np _ ~
~` 5T
144 Fr 5T
IOT,~0~~~_0 .1 ~-0
U~ '
A~ 1~
~If-/ 4, `IV
16 I OT
~~' 'I
,5 p~ \
~~`,` ~'"``
!, 1 . V1 ~~ ~\ ar
I ,`
T i~~
-1 .0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0
Liwira 14 1 4 TlpcirPil nnla raninn
mapping z = es T is not one-to-one, therefore we map only the primary strip (or
- ar/T :5 (o it/T) in the s-plane into the interior of the unit circle on the z-plane .
The poles denoted by X on the s-plane are mapped into the positive real axis of the
z-plane inside the unit circle . The poles with imaginary part ar/T shown with small
squares are mapped into the negative real axis inside the unit circle .
The overshoot is governed by the damping ratio ~ or the angle 0 in the analog
case . If we substitute s = rej e into z = esT and plot z as a function of r (for a fixed
0) and as a function of 0 (for a fixed r), then we will obtained the solid lines and
dotted lines in Figure 13 .13(b) . Because the overshoot is governed by 0, the solid
line in Figure 13 .13(b) determines the overshoot . The distance from the origin or r
is inversely proportional to the rise time ; therefore, the dotted line in Figure 13 .13(b)
determines the rise time . Consequently, the desired pole region in the analog case
can be mapped into the one shown in Figure 13 .13(c) for the digital case . For con-
venience of design, the detailed relationship in Figure 13 .13(b) is plotted in Figure
13.13(d) . With the preceding discussion, we are ready to discuss design of digital
compensators using the root-locus method . We use an example to illustrate the
design .
Example 13 .5.1
Consider the problem in Section 7.2 .2-that is, given a plant with transfer function
(13 .63)
G(s) = s(s + 2)
use the root-locus method to design an overall system to meet
1. Position error = 0 .
2. Overshoot < 5% .
3. Settling time < 9 seconds .
4. Rise time as small as possible .
First we compute the equivalent digital plant transfer function of (13 .63):
u (k) y (k)
h G (z)
and the overall system will automatically meet the specification on the position error
so long as the system is stable . This situation is similar to the continuous-time case
because the analog plant transfer function is of type 1 . Thus if a digital plant transfer
function has one pole at z = 1, and if the unity-feedback system in Figure 13 .14 is
stable, then the plant output will track asymptotically any step-reference input .
As discussed in Section 7 .2.1, in order to have the overshoot less than 5%, the
damping ratio ~ must be larger than 0 .7. This can be translated into the curve denoted
by 0 .7 in Figure 13 .15 . In order to have the settling time less than 9 seconds, we
require a > 4 .5/9 = 0 .5 . This can be translated into the circle with radius e_OST
= 0.606 as shown in Figure 13 .15. We plot in the figure also the root loci of
-1 _ 0.2838(z + 0.5232)
(13 .67)
h (z - 1)(z - 0.1353)
The one in Figure 13 .15(a) is the complete root loci ; the one in Figure 13 .15(b)
shows only the critical part . The root loci have two breakaway points at 0 .48 and
- 1 .52 and consist of a circle centered at - 0.5232 and with radius 1 . From the root
loci, we see that if
h l <h !5 h2
1M Z
Re z
-1 0
-0 .523
Im z
= 0 .7
0 I I
)( V I )( - Re z
-0 .523 0 0 .2 0 .4 1 0.6 1
0 .48
This example shows that the root-locus method discussed in Chapter 7 can be
directly applied to design digital control systems . Note that the result h = 1 .03 in
digital design is quite different from the result h = 2 obtained in analog design in
Section 7 .2.2 . This discrepancy may be caused by the selection of the sampling
period T = 1 . To see the effect of the sampling period, we repeat the design by
choosing T = 0 .2. Then the equivalent digital transfer function is
From its root loci and using the same argument, the gain h that meets all the spec-
ifications can be found as h = 1 .71 . This is closer to the result of the analog design .
To compare the analog and digital designs, we plot in Figure 13 .16 the plant outputs
and actuating signals of Figure 13 .14 due to a unit-step reference input for T = I
with h = 1 .03 and T = 0.2 with h = 1 .71 . We also plot in Figure 13 .16 the unit-
step response and actuating signal for the analog design, denoted by T = 0 and
h = 2. We see that the digital design with T = 0.2 and h = 1 .71 is almost identical
to the analog design with T = 0 and h = 2. The maximum value of the actuating
signal in the digital design, however, is smaller .
In conclusion, the root-locus method can be applied to design digital control
systems. The result, however, depends on the sampling period . If the sampling period
is sufficiently small, then the result will be close to the one obtained by analog design .
There is one problem in digital design, however . If the sampling period is small,
then the possibility of introducing numerical error will be larger . For example, for
the problem in the preceding example, as T decreases, the design will be carried out
in a region closer to z = 1, where the solid lines in Figure 13 .13(d) are more
clustered . Therefore, the design will be more sensitive to numerical errors .
u(t) (T=0,h=2)
1 .0
0 .0
y(t) (T=0,h=2)
y(t) (T = 0 .2, h = 1 .71)
1 .0 0
2 .0 4 .0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Figure 13 .16 Comparison of analog and digital designs .
Frequency-domain design methods, specially, the Bode plot method, are useful in
designing analog control systems . Because the frequency response G(jw) of analog
transfer functions is a rational function of jw and because the Bode plot of linear
factors can be approximated by two asymptotes-which are obtained by considering
two extreme cases : w -* 0 and w - --the plot of Bode plots is relatively simple .
In the digital case, the frequency response G(e'"T) is an irrational function of w.
Furthermore, the frequency of interest is limited to the range from 0 to 7r/T . There-
fore, the procedure of plotting Bode plots in Chapter 8 cannot be directly applied to
the discrete-time case .
One way to overcome this difficulty is to carry out a transformation . Consider
2z - 1
w = (13 .69a)
T z + 1
Z = (13 .69b)
This is the bilinear transformation studied in (13 .27). Let z = e 3`"T and w = jv .
Then, we have, similar to (13 .30),
2 wT
v = -tan (13 .70)
Thus the transformation transforms w from 0 to Ir/T to v from 0 to - as shown in
Figure 13 .3 . Define
G(w) = G(z)Iz=(1+wT12)1(1-wT/2) (13 .71)
Then G(jv) will be a rational function of v and v ranges from 0 to -. Thus the Bode
design method can be applied . In conclusion, design of digital compensators using
the Bode plot method consists of the following steps : (1) Sample the analog plant
to obtain an equivalent digital plant transfer function G(z). (2) Transform G(z) to
G(w) using (13 .69). (3) Use the Bode method on G(jv) to find a compensator
C(w). (4) Transform C(w) to C(z) using (13 .69). This completes the design .
The key criteria in the Bode design method are the phase margin, gain margin,
and gain-crossover frequency . Because the transformations from G(s) to G(z) by
z = esT and from G(z) to G(w) by (13 .69) are not linear, considerable distortions
occur. Furthermore, the sampling of G(s) may introduce non-minimum-phase zeros
into G(z); this may also cause difficulty in using the Bode method . Thus, even though
the Bode method can be used to design digital compensators, care must be exer-
cised and the result must be simulated before actual implementation of digital
compensators .
The design methods in Sections 11 .4 and 11 .6 for analog systems can be applied to
digital systems without any modification . Consider the discrete-time state-variable
x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + bu(k) (13 .72a)
y(k) = cx(k)' (13 .72b)
If we introduce the state feedback
u(k) = r(k) - kx(k)
then (13 .72) becomes
x(k + 1) = (A - bk)x(k) + br(k) (13 .73a)
y(k) = cx(k) (13 .73b)
with transfer function
G0(z) = c(zI - A + bk) -lb (13 .74)
If (A, b) is controllable, by choosing a real feedback gain k, all eigenvalues of
(A - bk) or, equivalently, all poles of G0(z) can be arbitrarily assigned, provided
complex-conjugate poles are assigned in pairs . The design procedure in Section 11 .4
can be used to find k without any modification. If (A, c) is observable, a full-
dimensional or a reduced-dimensional state estimator can be designed to generate
an estimated state ; the rate for the estimated state to approach the original state can
be arbitrarily chosen by selecting the eigenvalues of the estimator . The procedure
for designing a full-dimensional estimator in Section 11 .6 and the procedure for
designing a reduced-dimensional estimator in Section 11 .6.1 can be used without
any modification . The only difference is that poles are chosen to lie inside the open
left half plane in the analog case and to lie inside the unit circle in the digital case.
In the digital case, if all poles of G 0(z) are chosen to be located at the origin, it
is called the dead-beat design . In this case, the overall transfer function is of the
of (13 .75) will become a step sequence after the nth sampling instant . This cannot
happen in analog systems ; the step response of any stable analog system will become
a step function only at t - oo. Note that a pole at z = 0 in digital systems corresponds
to a pole at s = -- in analog systems . It is not possible to design an analog system
with a proper transfer function that has all poles at s = - oc . Thus dead-beat design
is not possible in analog systems .
Example 13 .7 .1
Consider the discrete-time state-variable equation
x(k + 1)
=C O
x(k) + [ lOJ u(k) (13 .77a)
with transfer function G(z) = 10/z(z + 1) . This equation is identical to (11 .41)
except that it is in the discrete-time domain . Find a feedback gain k in u = r - kx
so that the resulting system has all eigenvalues at z = 0 . We use the procedure in
Section 11 .4 to carry out the design . We compute
[T] - [-10 -9 .09]
is clearly nonsingular and its inverse is
-9.09] [-1.1 -0.11
We compute
h = Tb = [-10 -9.09] = - 90 .9
Thus the 1-dimensional state estimator is
z(k + 1) = 0 .lz(k) + y(k) - 90 .9u(k) (13 .79a)
1 0 y(k) y(k)
x(k) = (13.79b)
[ - 1 .1 -0.11] [z(k)] = [ -1 .ly(k) - 0 .l lz(k)
This completes the design . We see that the design procedure is identical to the analog
case . We plot in Figure 13 .17 the state estimator in (13 .79) and the state feedback
9 .09
in (13 .78) applying at the output of the estimator . To verify the result, we use Ma-
son's formula to compute the transfer function from r to y. It is computed as
G0 (z)
Pole placement and model matching, discussed in Chapter 10 for analog systems,
can be applied directly to digital systems . To discuss model matching, we must
discuss physical constraints in implementation . As in the analog case, we require
1. All compensators used have proper rational transfer functions .
2. The resulting system is well posed .
3. The resulting system is totally stable .
4. There is no plant leakage in the sense that all forward paths from r to y pass
through the plant .
As was discussed in Section 12 .5.2, a compensator with an improper transfer
function is not a causal system and cannot be built to operate on real time . If a
resulting system is not well posed, then the system has at least one improper closed-
loop transfer function and the system can predict what input will be applied in the
future . This is not possible in the real world . If a resulting system is not totally stable,
then the response of the system may grow without bound if noise or disturbance
enters the system . The fourth constraint implies that all power must pass through
the plant and that no compensator may be introduced in parallel with the plant . For
a more detailed discussion of these constraints, see Chapter 6 .
Given a digital plant transfer function
G(z) = (13.80)
an overall transfer function
is said to be implementable if there exists a control configuration such that G 0(z) can
be implemented without violating any of the preceding four constraints . This defi-
nition is similar to the analog case . The necessary and sufficient conditions for G(z)
= N(z)/D(z) to be implementable are
1. deg D (z) - deg N (z) ? deg D(z) - deg N(z) (pole-zero excess inequality) .
2. All zeros of N(z) on and outside the unit circle must be retained in N (z) (re-
tainment of non-minimum-phase zeros) .
3. All roots of D (z) must lie inside the unit circle .
Condition (1) implies that if the plant has a delay of r : = [deg D(z) - deg N(z)]
sampling instants, then G (z) must have a delay of at least r sampling instants . If a
control configuration has no plant leakage, then the roots of N(z) will not be affected
by feedback . Therefore, the only way to eliminate zeros of N(z) is by direct pole-
zero cancellations . Consequently, zeros on or outside the unit circle of the z-plane
should be retained in N(z) . In fact, zeros that do not lie inside the desired pole region
discussed in Figure 13 .13(c) should be retained even if they lie inside the unit circle .
Thus the definition and conditions of implementable transfer functions in the digital
case are identical to the analog case discussed in Section 9 .2.
As in the analog case, the unity-feedback configuration in Figure 10.1 can be
used to implement every pole placement but not every model matching . The two-
parameter configuration in Figure 10 .6 and the plant input/output feedback config-
uration in Figure 10 .15 can be used to implement any model matching . The design
procedures in Chapter 10 for the analog case are directly applicable to the digital
case . We use an example to illustrate the procedures .
Example 13 .8.1
z + 0.6 = N(z)
G(z) = (13 .82)
(z - 1)(z + 0.5) D(z)
Implement the overall transfer function
_ 0.25(z + 0.6) N(z)
Gz) (13 .83)
z2- 0.8z + 0 .2 D (z)
y (k)
C (Z) G (z)
L (z) A - '( )
Figure 13 .18 (a) Unity-feedback system . (b) Two-parameter feedback system.
replaced by z, we have
_ G0(z)
G(z)(1 - G0 (z))
0.25(z + 0.6)
zz -0.8z+0 .2
(z + 0.6) 0.25(z + 0.6)
(z - 1)(z + 0.5) 1 z~ - 0.8z + 0.2 (13 .84)
0.25(z - 1)(z + 0.5)
zZ - 0.8z + 0.2 - 0.25(z + 0.6)
The polynomials A(z) = A 0 + A,z and M(z) = Mo + M1z can be solved from
A(z)D(z) + M(z)N(z) = DD(z)5,,(z)
F(z) : = DP(z)D,(z) = (z 2 - 0.8z + 0 .2)z = z3 - 0 .8z2 + 0 .2z
or from the following linear algebraic equation
Do No 0 0 A0 -0.5 0.6 : 0 0 A0 0
D1 N1 Do No Mo -0.5 1 -0.5 0.6 Mo _ 0.2
D2 N2 D, N, A, 1 0 -0.5 1 A, -0.8
0 0 1D Z N Ml 0 0 1 0 Ml I
The solution is A(z) = A 0 + A 1 z = -3.3 + z and M(z) = Mo + M,z =
-2.75 + 3z . Thus the compensator is
0.25z 3z - 2.75
[C](z) -C2(z)1 - (13 .85)
[z - 3.3 z - 3.3
This completes the design . As for the unity-feedback configuration, this design also
involves one pole-zero cancellation . However, this pole is chosen by the designer .
We have chosen it as z = 0 for this problem .
From this example, we see that the design procedures in Chapter 10 for analog
systems can be directly applied to design digital systems .
This chapter introduced two approaches to design digital compensators . The first
approach is to design an analog compensator and then transform it into a digital one .
We discussed six methods in Section 13.2 to carry out the transformation . Among
these, the step-invariant and bilinear transformation methods appear to yield the best
results . The second approach is to transform an analog plant into an equivalent step-
invariant digital plant . We then design digital compensators directly by using the
root-locus method, state-space method, or linear algebraic method . The Bode design
method cannot be directly applied because G(e' ") is an irrational function of w
and because w is limited to (- IT/T, ar/T ). However, it can be so used after a bilinear
A question may be raised at this point: Which approach is simpler and yields a
better result? In the second approach, we first discretize the plant and then carry out
design . If the result is found to be unsatisfactory, we must select a different sampling
period, again discretize the analog plant, and then repeat the design . In the first
approach, we carry out analog design and then discretize the analog compensator .
If the discretized compensator does not yield a satisfactory result, we select a dif-
ferent sampling period and again discretize the analog compensator . There is no
need to repeat the design ; therefore, the first approach appears to be simpler . There
is another problem with the second approach . In discretization of an analog plant, if
the sampling period is small, the resulting digital plant will be more prone to nu-
merical error. In analog design, the desired pole region consists of a good portion
of the left half s-plane . In digital design, the desired pole region consists of only a
portion of the unit circle of the z-plane . Therefore, digital design is clustered in a
much smaller region and, consequently, the possibility of introducing numerical error
is larger . In conclusion, the first approach (discretization after design) may be simpler
than the second approach (discretization before design) .
G(s) _
s(s+ 1 +jl0)(s+ 1 -j10)
Find its equivalent digital plant transfer functions for T = 0.27r and T = 0.1 .
Can they both be used in design?
13.11 . Use (13.61) to establish (13 .62).
13.12 . Given a digital plant
Z + 1
G(z) =
(z - 0.3)(z - 1)
Use the root-locus method to design a system to meet (1) position error = 0,
(2) overshoot :10%, (3) settling time <- 5 seconds, and (4) rise time as small
as possible.
13.13 . Design a state feedback and a full-dimensional state estimator for the plant
in Problem 13 .12 such that all poles of the state feedback and state estimator
are at z = 0.
13.14 . In the design of a reduced-dimensional state estimator for the digital plant
in Example 13 .7.1, show that if F = 0 and g = 1, then the equation TA -
FT = gc has no solution T.
13.15. Design a state feedback and a reduced-dimensional state estimator for the
plant in Problem 13 .12 such that all poles of the state feedback are at z = 0 .
Can you choose the eigenvalue of the estimator as z = 0? If not, choose it
as z = 0.1.
13 .16 . Repeat Problem 13 .15 using the linear algebraic method . Are the results the
same? Which method is simpler?
13 .17. Consider the plant in Problem 13 .12 . Use the unity-feedback configuration to
find a compensator such that all poles are located at z = 0 . What zero, if any,
is introduced in G0(z)? Will G0(z) track any step-reference input without an
13.18 . Consider the plant in Problem 13 .12. Implement the following overall transfer
0.5(z z+ 1)
G0(z) =
In this chapter, we discuss first analog PID controllers and the adjustment of
their parameters . We then discuss digital implementations of these controllers . Be-
fore proceeding, we mention that what will be discussed for nonlinear control sys-
tems is mostly extrapolated from linear control systems . Therefore, basic knowledge
of linear control systems is essential in studying nonlinear systems . We also mention
that, unlike linear systems, a result in a nonlinear system in a particular situation is
not necessarily extendible to other situations . For example, the response of the non-
linear system in Figure 6 .14 due to r(t) = 0.3 approaches 0 .3, but the response due
to r(t) = 4 X 0.3 does not approach 4 X 0 .3. Instead, it approaches infinity . Thus
the response of nonlinear systems depends highly on the magnitude of the input . In
this chapter, all initial conditions are assumed to be zero and the reference input is
a unit-step function .
Consider the system shown in Figure 14 .1. It is assumed that the plant cannot be
adequately modeled as a linear time-invariant lumped system . This is often the case
if the plant is a chemical process . Most chemical processes have a long time delay
in responses and measurements ; therefore, they cannot be modeled as lumped sys-
tems . Chemical reactions and liquid flow in pipes may not be describable by linear
equations. Control valves are nonlinear elements ; they saturate when fully opened .
Therefore, many chemical processes cannot be adequately modeled as linear time-
invariant and lumped systems .
Many industrial processes, including chemical processes, can be controlled in
the open-loop configuration shown in Figure 14 .1(a). In this case, the plant and the
controller must be stable . The parameters of the controller can be adjusted manually
or by a computer . In the open-loop system, the parameters generally must be read-
justed whenever there are changes in the set point and load . If we introduce feedback
around the nonlinear plant as shown in Figure 14 .1(b), then the readjustment may
not be needed . Feedback may also improve performance, as in the linear case, and
make the resulting systems less sensitive to plant perturbations and external disturb-
ances . Therefore, it is desirable to introduce feedback for nonlinear plants .
Nonlinear Y (t)
Controller plant
Figure 14 .1 (a) Open-loop nonlinear system . (b) Unity-feedback nonlinear system.
The design of nonlinear feedback systems is usually carried out by trial and
error. Whenever we use a trial-and-error method, we begin with simple control
configurations such as the unity-feedback configuration shown in Figure 14 .1(b) and
use simple compensators or controllers . If not successful, we then try more complex
configurations and controllers . We discuss in the following some simple controllers .
Proportional Controller
The transfer function of a proportional controller is simply a gain, say kP. If the input
of the controller is e(t), then the output is u(t) = kpe(t) or, in the Laplace transform
domain, U(s) = kPE(s) . To abuse the terminology, we call a nonlinear system stable'
if its output excited by a unit-step input is bounded and approaches a constant as
t - oo . Now if a plant is stable, as is often the case for chemical processes, the
feedback system in Figure 14.1 will remain stable for a range of kP. As kP increases,
the unit-step response may become faster and eventually the feedback system may
become unstable . This is illustrated by an example .
Example 14 .2 .1
Consider the system shown in Figure 14 .2. The plant consists of a saturation non-
linearity, such as a valve, followed by a linear system with transfer function
-s + 1
G(s) =
(5s + 1)(s + 1)
The controller is a proportional controller with gain kP. We use Protoblock 2 to simu-
late the feedback system . Its unit-step responses with kP = 0 .1, 1, 4 .5, 9, are shown
i G (s)
'The stability of nonlinear systems is much more complex than that of linear time-invariant lumped
systems . The response of a nonlinear system depends on whether or not initial conditions are zero and
on the magnitude of the input . Therefore, the concept of bounded-input, bounded-output stability defined
for linear systems is generally not used for nonlinear systems . Instead, we have asymptotic stability,
Lyapunov stability, and stability of limit cycles . This is outside the scope of this text and will not be
2 A trademark of the Grumman Corporation . This author is grateful to Dr . Chien Y . Huang for carrying
out the simulation .
1 .4
1 .2
0 .6
0 .4
0 .2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ' 16 18 20
Figure 14.3 Unit-step responses .
in Figure 14.3. We see that as kP increases, the response becomes faster but more
oscillatory . If kP is less than 9, the response will eventually approach a constant, and
the system is stable . If kP is larger than 9, the response will approach a sustained
oscillation and the system is not stable . Recall that we have defined a nonlinear
system to be unstable if its unit-step response does not approach a constant . The
smallest kP at which the system becomes unstable is called the ultimate gain.
For some nonlinear plants, it may be possible to obtain good control systems
by employing only proportional controllers . There is, however, one problem in using
such controllers . We see from Figure 14 .3 that, for the same unit-step reference
input, the steady-state plant outputs are different for different kP. Therefore, if the
steady-state plant output is required to be, for example, 1, then for different kP, the
magnitude of the step-reference input must be different . Consequently, we must
adjust the magnitude of the reference input or reset the set point for each kP. There-
fore, manual resetting of the set point is often required in using proportional
controllers .
The preceding discussion is in fact extrapolated from the linear time-invariant
lumped systems discussed in Section 6 .3.2. In the unity-feedback configuration in
Figure 6 .4(a), if the plant is stable and the compensator is a proportional controller,
then the loop transfer function is of type 0 . In this case, the position error is different
from zero and calibration or readjustment of the magnitude of the step-reference
input is needed to have the plant output reach a desired value . If the loop transfer
function is of type 1, then the position error is zero and the readjustment of the
reference input is not necessary . This is the case if the controller consists of an
integrator, as will be discussed in the next paragraph .
Integral Controller
If the input of an integral controller with gain ki is e(t), then the output is
or U(s) = kiE(s)/s . Thus the transfer function of the integral controller is ki/s . For
linear unity-feedback systems, if the forward path has a pole at s = 0 or of type 1,
and if the feedback system is stable, then the steady-state error due to any step-
reference input is zero for any ki. We may have the same situation for nonlinear
unity-feedback systems . In other words, if we introduce an integral controller in
Figure 14 .1(b) and if the system is stable, then for every ki, the steady-state error
may be zero, and there is no need to reset the set point . For this reason, the integral
control is also called the reset control and ki is called the reset rate .
Although the integral controller will eliminate the need of resetting the set point,
its presence will make the stabilization of feedback systems more difficult . Even if
it is stable, the speed of response may decrease and the response may be more
oscillatory, as is generally the case for linear time-invariant lumped systems . In
addition, it may generate the phenomenon of integral windup or reset windup . Con-
sider the system shown in Figure 14 .4(a) with an integral controller and a valve
saturation nonlinearity with saturation level u,,,. Suppose the error signal e(t) is as
shown in Figure 14.4(a) . Then the corresponding controller output u(t) and valve
output u(t) are as shown . Ideally, if the error signal changes from positive to negative
at to, its effect on u(t) will appear at the same instant to. However, because of the
integration, the value of u(t) at t = to is quite large as shown, and it will take awhile,
say until time t2, for the signal to unwind to um. Therefore, the effect of e(t) on
u(t) will appear only after t2 as shown in Figure 14 .4(a) and there is a delay of
t2 - to. In conclusion, because of the integration, the signal u(t) winds up over the
saturation level and must be unwound before the error signal can affect on u(t). This
is called integral windup or reset windup .
If the error signal e(t) in Figure 14.4 is small and approaches zero rapidly,
integral windup may not occur . If integral windup does occur and makes the feedback
system unsatisfactory, it is possible to eliminate the problem . The basic idea is to
disable the integrator when the signal u(t) reaches the saturation level . For example,
consider the arrangement shown Figure 14.4(b). The input e(t) of the integral con-
troller is e(t) = e(t) X w(t), where w(t) = 1 if Ju(t)l < u, and w(t) = 0 if Ju(t)l
> u,,,. Such w(t) can be generated by a computer program or by the arrangement
shown in Figure 14 .4(b) . The arrangement disables the integrator when its output
reaches the saturation level, thus u(t) will not wind up over the saturation level, and
when e(t) changes sign at to, its effect appears immediately at u(t) . Hence, the per-
formance of the feedback system may be improved . This is called antiwindup or
integral windup prevention.
e (t) U u
>. t I I >- t
0 t t0 t2
U If
e (t) U U
um I I\ um
.- t i , t
0 0 t
1 t0 t0
e Um
u Y
r 0-`- Plant
W O 1
0 b <
F>u m
Figure 14.4 (a) Integral windup. (b) Anti-integral windup .
Derivative Controller
If the input of a derivative controller with derivative constant kd is e(t), then its
output is kd de(t)/dt or, in the Laplace transform domain, kd sE(s) . Therefore, the
transfer function of the derivative controller is kd s . This is an improper transfer
function and is difficult to implement . In practice, it is built as
kd s
(14 .2)
I + kd s
where N, ranging from 3 to 10, is determined by the manufacturer and is called the
taming factor. This taming factor makes the controller easier to build . It also limits
high-frequency gain ; therefore, high-frequency noise will not be unduly amplified .
For control signals, which are generally of low frequency, the transfer function in
(14 .3) can be approximated as kd s.
The derivative controller is rarely used by itself in feedback control systems .
Suppose the error signal e(t) is very large and changes slowly or, in the extreme
case, is a constant . In this case, a good controller should generate a large actuating
signal to force the plant output to catch up with the reference signal so that the error
signal will be reduced . However, if we use the derivative controller, the actuating
signal will be zero, and the error signal will remain large . For this reason, the deriv-
ative controller is not used by itself in practice . If we write the derivative of e(t) at
t=to as
de(t) e(to + a) - e(to)
dt t-1o a-
.o a
with a > 0, then its value depends on the future e(t). Thus the derivative or rate
controller is also called the anticipatory controller .
The combination of the proportional, integral, and derivative controllers is called
a PID controller . Its transfer function is given by
Figure 14 .5 (a) Textbook PID controller . (b) Derivative-of-output controller . (c) Set-point-
on-1 controller .
Closed-Loop Method Consider the system shown in Figure 14 .1(b). The controller
consists of only a proportional controller with gain kP. It is assumed that the system
is stable for 0 < kP < k and the unit-step response of the system with kP = k is
of the form shown in Figure 14 .6(b). It has a sustained oscillation with period T,,.
We call k the ultimate gain and T the ultimate period. Then the rules of Ziegler
and Nichols for tuning the PID controller are as shown in Table 14 .1 .
e (t) e (t)
(a) (b)
Controller k, Td
P 0.5Ku
PI 0.4Ku 0 .8Tu
PID 0.6Ku 0 .5Tu 0 .12T
G (s) = Ts + 1 (14.5)
This transfer function contains an irrational function e -LS, which is due to the time
delay of L seconds. The rest is a linear time-invariant lumped system with gain K
and time constant T. Then the rules of Ziegler and Nichols for tuning the PID con-
troller are as shown in Table 14 .2. These two sets of rules are quite simple and can
be easily applied . Certainly, there is no guarantee that they will yield good control
systems, but they can always be used as an initial set of parameters for subsequent
adjustment or tuning .
0 t
->I L Imo- T ---I
Figure 14.7 Unit-step response .
Controller k,, T; Td
PI 0 .9TL 0.3L
PID 1 .2TL 2L 0.5L
2 8
Note that these approximations are good for s small or s approaching zero . Because
s small governs the time response as t approaches infinity, as can be seen from the
final-value theorem, these equations give good approximations for the steady-state
response but, generally, poor approximations for the transient response . For example,
Figure 14.8 shows the unit-step responses of
e- 3s
G(s) _
2s + 1
and its rational function approximations
1 2 3s
G,(s) = ( 2s + 1)(1 + 3s) G2(s)
(2s + 1)(2 + 3s)
8- 12s+9s 2
G3(s) _
(2s + 1)(8 + 12s + 9S 2)
All of them approach the same steady-state value, but their transient responses are
quite different. The unit-step response of G 3 (s) is closest to the one of G(s).
Once a plant transfer function with time delay is approximated by a rational
transfer function, then all methods introduced in this text can be used to carry out
the design . This is the second approach mentioned in Section 14 .1 .
G 2 (s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 14 .8 Unit-step response of rational function approximations .
The PID controller certainly can also be used in the design of linear time-invariant
lumped systems . In fact, the proportional controller is always the first controller to
be tried in using the root-locus and Bode plot design methods . If we use the PID
controller for linear time-invariant lumped systems, then the tuning formula in Table
14.1 can also be used. In this case, the ultimate gain K u and ultimate period T can
be obtained by measurement or from the Bode plot or root loci . If the Bode plot of
the plant is as shown in Figure 14 .9(a) with phase-crossover frequency (Op and gain
margin a dB, then the ultimate gain and ultimate period are given by
= 21r
Ku = l0a120 Tu
If the root loci of the plant are as shown in Figure 14 .9(b), then from the intersection
of the root loci with the imaginary axis, we can readily obtain the ultimate gain K
and the ultimate period as T,, = 27r/co, Once Ku and T are obtained, then the tuning
rule in Table 14 .1 can be employed.
Even though PID controllers can be directly applied to linear time-invariant
lumped systems, there seems no reason to restrict compensators to them . The transfer
function of PI controllers is
k. kps + k
kp +==
This is a special case of the phase-lag compensator with transfer function k(s + b)/
(s + a) and b > a ? 0 . Therefore, phase-lag compensators are more general than
PI compensators and it should be possible to design better systems without restricting
a = 0 . This is indeed the case for the system in Example 8 .10.1 . See the responses
dB Res
X co u
> IM S
(a) (b)
in Figure 8 .39 . The phase-lag controller yields a better system than the PI controller
If we use the more realistic derivative controller in (14 .2), then the transfer
function of PD controllers is
kds kd(N + k)
P k(s + ac)
k, + = (14 .7)
1 + kd s
S + Nk s + a
where k = N + kk, a = N/k d, and c = kp/(N + kp) < 1 . This is a special case
of the phase-lead compensator with transfer function k(s + b)/(s + a) and
0 :5 b < a . Similarly, the transfer function of realistic PID controllers is a special
case of the following compensator of degree 2 :
k(s 2 + b1s + bo)
(14 .8)
S 2 + as + ao
Thus if we use general controllers, then the resulting systems should be at least as
good as those obtained by using PID controllers . Furthermore, systematic design
methods are available to compute general controllers . Therefore, for linear time-
invariant lumped systems, there seems no reason to restrict controllers to PID
controllers .
There is, however, one situation where PID controllers are useful even if a plant
can be adequately modeled as an LITL system. PID controllers can be built using
hydraulic or pneumatic devices ; general proper transfer functions, however, cannot
be so built . If control systems are required to use hydraulic systems, such as in all
existing Boeing commercial aircrafts, then we may have to use PID controllers . A
new model of AirBus uses control by wire (by electrical wire) rather than hydraulic
tube . In such a case there seems no reason to restrict controllers to PID controllers,
because controllers with any proper transfer functions can be easily built using elec-
trical circuits as discussed in Chapter 5 . Using control by wire, the controller can be
more complex and the performance of the system can be improved .
If we define
(Proportional gain) (14 .12a)
G(z) kp + 1 - z 1 +
kd (1 - z -1) ( 14 .13)
This is one commonly used digital PID controller . Note that digital kp differs from
analog kP by the amount kk T/2T 1 which is small if the sampling period T is small .
However, if T is small, then the derivative gain kd will be large . This problem will
not arise if the analog differentiator is implemented as in (14 .2). In this case, the
transfer function of analog PID controllers becomes
Td s
G(s) = kP + I + (14 .14a)
T;s Tds
I +
+ I + N(s - 0)
= k,, (14 .14b)
Tis N
S- --
If we use the impulse-invariant method for the integrator and the pole-zero mapping
for the differentiator, then we have
T + N(z - 1)
G(z) = kp I + (14 .15a)
Tj(z - 1) z - a
a = e (14 .15b)
If we use the forward difference for the integrator and the backward difference for
the differentiator, then we have
G(z)=kP I +T
Td NTz- I
1 ) +1+T
(14 .16a)
(14 .16b)
Td + NT
This is a commonly used digital PID controller . We mention that if T is very small,
then (14 .15) and (14.16) yield roughly the same transfer function . In (14 .16a), if we
use forward difference for both the integrator and differentiator, then the resulting
digital differentiator may become unstable. This is the reason we use forward dif-
ference for the integrator and backward difference for the differentiator .
The digital PID controllers in (14 .10), (14 .13), (14.15), and (14 .16) are said to
be in position form . Now we develop a different form, called velocity form . Let the
input and output of the digital PID controller in (14 .13) be e(k) : = e(kT) and
u(k) : = u(kT) . Then we have
This is plotted in Figure 14.10 . We see that only the integration acts on the error
signal ; the proportional and derivative actions act only on the plant output . This is
called the velocity form PID controller. This is the set-point-on-I-only controller
shown in Figure 14.5(c) .
kd (1 -z i )
If the sampling period is small, then the effects of analog and digital PID con-
trollers will be close ; therefore, the tuning methods discussed for the analog case
can be used to tune digital PID controllers . Because the dynamics of industrial
processes are complex and not necessarily linear, no analytical methods are available
to determine parameters of PID controllers ; therefore, their determinations will in-
volve trial and error . At present, active research has been going on to tune these
parameters automatically . See, for example, References [3, 31] .
The Laplace
In this appendix, we give a brief introduction of the Laplace transform and discuss
its application in solving linear time-invariant differential equations . The introduc-
tion is not intended to be complete ; it covers only the material used in this text .
Consider a function f (t) defined for t ? 0. The Laplace transform of f (t),
denoted by F(s), is defined as
Example A.1 .1
Consider f(t) = e- at, for t > 0 . Its Laplace transform is
F(s) = c2 [e-at ] = J ~ e-ate-st dt = - 1 e -(Q+s)t
o- s + a t=0 -
Consider the two functions defined in Figure A .1 (a) and (b). The one in Figure
A.1(a) is a pulse with width e and height 1/E . Thus the pulse has area 1, for all
e > 0. The function in Figure A .1(b) consists of two triangles with total area equal
to 1, for all E > 0., The impulse or delta function is defined as
8(t) = lim SE(t)
where 8E(t) can be either the function in Figure A .1 (a) or that in (b) . The impulse is
customarily denoted by an arrow, as shown in Figure A.1(c). If the area of the
function in Figure A.1 (a) or in (b) is 1, then the impulse is said to have weight 1 .
Note that 8(t) = 0, for t 0 0. Because 8(0) may assume the value of -, if Figure
A.1 (a) is used, or 0, if Figure A .1(b) is used, 8(t) is not defined at t = 0 .
The impulse has the following properties
6(t)dt =f E
8(t)dt = 1 (A.3)
1 1
, t >- t t
0\ E 0 E 0
(a) 2 (b) (c)
Figure A . 1 Pulses and impulse
f(t), t ? 0 F(s)
8(t) (impulse) 1
1 (unit-step function) -
t" (n = positive integer) s' + i
e - " (a = real or complex)
s + a
t"e " n!
(S + a)" + 1
sin wt
S2 + w2
(s + a)2 + w2
s + a
e - "' cos wt
(s + a)2 + w2
f(t)e"' F(s - a)
The computation of f (t) from its Laplace transform F(s) is called the inverse Laplace
transform. Although f(t) can be computed from
f(t) = 1 F(s)e''t ds
27rj J c-ice
the formula is rarely used in engineering . It is much simpler to find the inverse of
F(s) by looking it up in a table . However, before using a table, we must express F(s)
as a sum of terms available in the table .
Consider the Laplace transform
F(s) a)(s- (A.6)
D(s) (s - b)215(s)
where N(s) and D(s) are two polynomials with deg N(s) < deg D(s), where deg
stands for the degree . We assume that D(s) has a simple root at s = a and a repeated
root with multiplicity 2 at s = b, as shown in (A .6). Then F(s) can be expanded as
This procedure is called partial fraction expansion . Using Table A. 1, the inverse
Laplace transform of F(s) is
f(t) = k0 (t) + kaea` + kbi eb` + kb2 te bt + (Terms due to the roots of D(s))
Note that (A .8b) is applicable for any simple root ; (A.8c) and (A .8d) are applicable
for any repeated root with multiplicity 2. Formulas for repeated roots with multi-
plicity 3 or higher and alternative formulas are available in Reference [18].
Example A .2 .1
Find the inverse Laplace transform of
s3 -2s+3
F(s) =
s2(s + 1)(s - 2)
We expand it as
Exercise A .2 .1
For a more detailed discussion of partial fraction expansion, see Reference [18] .
Differentiation in Time
Let F(s) = `S[f(t)] . Then
dt2 f(t) = s 2F(s) - sf(0 ) - f"')(0 ) (A.9b)
and, in general
= s?F(s) - sn - 'f(0 - )
C nn f(t)
f(n-1)(0 - )
S n-2f(')(0-)
Integration in Time
The Laplace transform of the integral of f(t) is given by
f(t)dt= s F(s)
Hence integration in the time domain is converted into division by s in the Laplace
transform domain .
Final-Value Theorem
Let f (t) be a function defined for t ? 0. If f (t) approaches a constant as t or
if sF(s) has no pole in the closed right half s-plane, then
lim f (t) = lim sF(s)
This theorem is applicable only if f(t) approaches a constant as t --> 00 . If f(t)
(A. 10)
Initial-Value Theorem
Let f(t) be a function defined for t ? 0, and let F(s) be its Laplace transform . It is
assumed that F(s) is a rational function of s . If F(s) = N(s)/D(s) is strictly proper,
that is, deg D(s) > deg N(s), then
f(0 +) = lim sF(s)
s + 3
s 3 +2s2 +4s+2
2s2 +3s+ 1
F2(S) = s 3 +2s 2 +4s+2
They are both strictly proper. Therefore the initial-value theorem can be applied .
The application of the theorem yields
f ,(O') = lim sF1 (s) = 0
2s 3 + 3s2 + s 2
f2 (0 + ) =
I'M sF2(s) = =
S + 2s2 + 4s + 2
The rational function F 3(s) = (2s + 1)/(s + 1) is not strictly proper. The application
of the initial-value theorem yields
s(2s + 1)
f3(0 + ) = lim sF3 (s) = lim = 00 (A.11)
S-= S_. S + 1
In this section we apply the Laplace transform to solve linear differential equations
with constant coefficients . This is illustrated by examples .
Example A .4 .1
Consider the first-order differential equation
dt y(t) + 2y(t) - 3 d u(t) + 2u(t) (A. 12)
The problem is to find y(t) due to the initial condition y(0 - ) = 2 and the input
u(t) = 1, fort ? 0. The application of the Laplace transform to (A .12) yields, using
sY(s) - y(0 - ) + 2Y(s) = 3sU(s) - 3u(0- ) + 2U(s) (A.13)
The Laplace transform of u(t) is 1/s . The substitution of y(0 - ) = 2, u(0 - ) = 0,
and U(s) = 1 /s into (A .13) yields
(s + 2)Y(s) = y(0 - ) + 3sU(s) - 3u(0- ) + 2U(s)
2 2
= 2 + 3 + - = 5 + -
s s
which implies
_ 5 2
s + 2 + s(s + 2)
which can be simplified as, after partial fraction expansion of the second term,
_ 5 1 1 4 1
s + 2 + s s+2 s + 2 + s
Thus we have, using Table A . 1,
y(t) = 4e-21 + 1 (A. 14)
for t ? 0.
This example gives another reason for using 0 - rather than 0 as the lower limit
in defining the Laplace transform . From (A.14), we have y(0) = 5, which is different
from the initial condition y(0 - ) = 2. If we had used y(0) = 2, then confusion would
have arisen . In conclusion, the reason for using 0 - as the lower limit in (A.1) is
twofold: First, to include impulses at t = 0 in the Laplace transform, and second,
to avoid possible confusion in using initial conditions . If f (t) does not contain im-
pulses at t = 0 and is continuous at t = 0, then there is no difference in using either
0 or 0 - in (A .1).
Exercise A.4 .1
Find the solution of (A .12) due to y(0 -) = 2, u(0 -) = 0, and u(t) = 8(t) .
[Answer: y(t) = 38(t) - 2e-2', t ? 0.]
Example A .4 .2
Consider the second-order differential equation
d2 d _ d
dt2 y(t) + 2 y(t) + 5y(t)
dt dt u(t) (A .15)
It is assumed that all initial conditions are zero . Find the response y(t) due to
u(t) = e - `, t ? 0. The application of the Laplace transform to (A. 15) yields
s2Y(s) - sy(0 - ) - y (')(0- ) + 2(sY(s) - y(0 - )) + 5Y(s) = sU(s) - u(0 - )
which, because all initial conditions are zero, reduces to
(s2 + 2s + 5)Y(s) = sU(s)
Y(s) = s (A.16)
2 + 2s + 5 U(s)
The substitution of U(s) = `e[u(t)] = 1/(s + 1) into (A.15) yields
s = S
Y(s) = (A.17)
(s2 + 2s + 5)(s + 1) (s + 1)(s + 1 - j2)(s + 1 + j2)
Thus, the remaining task is to compute the inverse Laplace transform of Y(s). We
expand it as
O _ k, k2 k3
S + 1 + s+ 1- j2+ s+ 1+ j2
ki = Y(s)(s + 1)Js _ _ 1 =
(s + 1 - j2)(s + 1 + j2) s=-i
1 + j2 - 1 - j2
k2 = Y(s)(s + 1 - J2)1 s - 1 +j2 = -
(j2)(j4) 8
-1 - j2 1 + j2
k3 = Y(s)(s + 1 + j2)1 s- _ 1 j2 = _
( -j2)( -j4) 8
The computation of k3 is in fact unnecessary once k2 is computed, because k3 equals
the complex conjugate of k2-that is, if k2 = a + jb, then
k3 =k2* := a-jb
k2 = _ e -635 _ _ e -ii .i
= k3
Exercise A .4 .2
Consider a time function f (t) which is zero for t < 0. Then f (t - T) with T ? 0 is
a delay of f (t) by T seconds as shown in Figure A .3. Let F(s) be the Laplace
transform of f (t) . Then we have
2[f(t - T)] = e - TSF(s) (A .20)
f(t) f(t - T)
t t
0 0 T
0 T
Linear Algebraic
A + B = [ aij + bij]nxm
nXm nXm
C A = A c = [caij]nxm
1X1 nXm nXm ] X1
A B = E, aikbkj
n Xm mxp k=1 nXp
For a square matrix A = [a ij], the entries a ii , i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , on the diagonal
are called the diagonal elements of A . A square matrix is called a lower triangular
matrix if all entries above the diagonal elements are zero ; an upper triangular matrix
if all entries below the diagonal elements are zero . A square matrix is called a
diagonal matrix if all entries, except the diagonal entries, are zero . A diagonal matrix
is called a unit matrix if all diagonal entries equal 1 . The transpose of A, denoted
by A', interchanges the rows and columns . For example, if
all a12 a 11 a 21
2l 31
A = a21 a 22
a31 a32
then A'
C a12 a22 a32
By definition, we have
b 0 0 0
all 0 1 0 0
[b 21 b22 0 a21 a22 0 = 0 1 0
b31 b32 b 33 a 313l 32 a33 0 0 1
Equating the element (1, 1) yields b11a11 = 1 . Thus we have b11 = a11'. Equating
elements (2, 2) and (3, 3) yields b22 = a2z' and b33 s' .
= a3 Equating element
(2, 1) yields
b21a11 + b22a21 = 0
which implies
b21 - - a21
- b22 - - a21
all a11a22
Proceeding forward, the inverse of triangular matrices can be easily computed .
The preceding procedure can be used to compute the inverse of block triangular
matrices . For example, we have
A D ' A -' a
[0 B] [ 0 B-'
where Aa + DB - ' = 0. Thus we have
a = -A - 'DB - '
Consider the matrix in (B.1). Let air_ denote its ith row, that is,
air = [a,1 a .2 . . . aim]
The set of n row vectors in (B.1) is said to be linearly dependent if there exist n real
numbers a 1 , a 2 , . . . . an, not all zero, such that
a lair + a2a2r + + a nanr = 0 (B.7)
where 0 is a 1 X m vector with 0 as entries. If we cannot find n real numbers a 1 ,
a2 a n , not all zero, to meet (B .7), then the set is said to be linearly independent.
Note that if a; = 0 for all i, then (B .7) always holds . Therefore the crucial point is
whether we can find a ;, not all zero, to meet (B .7). For example, consider
alr 1 2 3 4
a2r = 2 - 1 0 0 (B .8)
a3r 2 4 6 8
We have
1 Xa, r +OXa 2r +(-0 .5)Xa 3r =[0 0 0 01
Therefore the three row vectors in (B.8) are linearly dependent . Consider
air [1 2 3 4
a2r = 2 -1 0 0 (B.9)
la3r 1 2 0 0
We have
aiair + a2a2r + a3a3r
= [a i + 2a2 + a3 2a 1 - a 2 + 2a3 3a 1 4a1] ( B .10)
= [0 0 0 01
The only a i meeting (B .10) are ai = 0 for i = 1, 2, and 3. Therefore, the three row
vectors in (B .9) are linearly independent.
If a set of vectors is linearly dependent, then at least one of them can be ex-
pressed as a linear combination of the others . For example, the first row of (B .8) can
be expressed as
air =0Xa 2r +0.5 Xa3r
This first row is a dependent row . If we delete all dependent rows in a matrix, the
remainder will be linearly independent . The maximum number of linearly inde-
pendent rows in a matrix is called the rank of the matrix. Thus, the matrix in (B.8)
has rank 2 and the matrix in (B.9) has rank 3 .
The rank of a matrix can also be defined as the maximum number of linearly
independent columns in the matrix . Additionally, it can also be defined from deter-
minants as follows : An n X m matrix has rank r if the matrix has an r X r submatrix
with nonzero determinant and all square submatrices with higher order have deter-
minants zero . Of course, these definitions all lead to the same rank . A consequence
of these definitions is that for an n X m matrix, we have
Rank (A) min (n, m) (B .11)
An n X m matrix is said to have a full row rank if it has rank n or all its rows
are linearly independent . A necessary condition for the matrix to have a full row
rank is m ? n . Thus, if a matrix has fewer rows than columns, then it cannot have
a full row rank . If a square matrix has a full row rank, then it also has a full column
rank and is called nonsingular .
To conclude this section, we discuss the use of MATLAB to compute the rank
of matrices . Matrices are represented in MATLAB row by row, separated by semi-
colon. For example, the matrix in (B.8) is represented as
a=[1 2 3 4 ;2 -1 0 0 ;2 4 6 8] ;
The command
yields 2, the rank of the matrix in (B.8). The command
rank([1 2 3 4 ;2 -1 0 0 ;1 2 0 0])
yields 3, the rank of the matrix in (B .9). Thus the use of the computer software is
very simple.
The number of bits used in digital computers is finite, therefore numerical errors
always occur in computer computation . As a result, two issues are important in
computer computation. The first issue is whether the problem is ill conditioned or
not . For example, we have
0113 0.31333 _ 2
Rank 2 = 1 Rank
61 1 2]
We see that small changes in parameters yield an entirely different result . Such a
problem is said to be ill conditioned. Thus, the computation of the rank is not a
simple problem on a digital computer . The second issue is the computational method .
A method is said to be numerically stable if the method will suppress numerical
errors in the process of computation . It is numerically unstable if it will amplify
numerical errors and yield erroneous results . The most reliable method of computing
the rank is to use the singular value decomposition . See Reference [15] .
a n1 xl + a n2 x2 + + anmxm = Yn
where a ll and y, are known and x; are unknown . This set of equations can be written
in matrix form as
Ax = y (B.12)
A = [aid] x =
For every y, a solution x exists in Ax = y if and only if A has a full row
For a proof of this theorem, see Reference [15] . We use an example to illustrate
its implication. Consider
1 2 3 4 yl
2 -1 0 0 = y2
3 4 6 8 y3
Although this equation has a solution (x' = [1 1 0 1]) for y' = [7 1 141,
it does not have a solution for y' = [0 0 1]. In other words, the equation has
solutions for some y, but not for every y . This follows from Theorem 13 .1 because
the 3 X 4 matrix does not have a full row rank .
Consider again (B .12) . It is assumed that A has a full row rank . Then for any
y, there exists an x to meet the equation . Now if n = m, the solution is unique . If
n < m or, equivalently, (B .12) has more unknowns than equations, then solutions
are not unique; (m - n) number of the parameters of the solutions can be arbitrarily
assigned . For example, consider
Ax = x2 (B .13)
[-1 0 2] [-1]
The matrix A in (B .13) has a full row rank . It has three unknowns and two equations,
therefore one of x 1 , x2, and x3 can be arbitrarily assigned . It is important to mention
that not every one of x1, x2, or x3 can be assigned . For example, if we assign x 2 =
3, then (B .13) becomes
2x1 + 3 - 4x3 = 3 -x1 + 2x3 = -1
2x1 - 4x3 = 0 -x1 + 2x3 = - 1
These equations are inconsistent, therefore we cannot assign x 2 arbitrarily . It turns
out that either x1 or x3 in (B .13) can be arbitrarily assigned . The reason is as follows :
The first column of A in (B .13) is linearly dependent on the remaining two columns .
If we delete the first column, the remaining matrix still has a full row rank . Therefore
the coefficient corresponding to the first column-namely, x 1 -can be arbitrarily
assigned. If we assign it as x 1 = 10, then (B .13) becomes
20+x2 -4x3 =3 -10+2x3 = -1
x2 -4x3 = - 17 2x3 =9
which imply x3 = 4.5 and x2 = 1 . Thus x' = [10 1 4 .5] is a solution . If we
choose a different x 1 , we will obtain a different solution . Similarly, we can assign
x3 arbitrarily, but we cannot assign both x 1 and x 3 arbitrarily .
Exercise B.1
A nontrivial solution exists in Ax = 0 if and only if A is singular . Or,
equivalently, x = 0 is the only solution of Ax = 0 if and only if A is
There are many ways to compute the solution of Ax = y . We discuss in this section
the method of Gaussian elimination . This method is applicable no matter whether
or not A is nonsingular . It can also be used to compute nontrivial solutions of
Ax = 0. This is illustrated by examples .
Example B .1
Find a solution of
x1 + 2x2 + x 3 = 10 (B .15)
x, + 3x 2 = 0 (B .17)
Subtraction of the product of 2 and (B .15) from (B .16), and subtraction of (B. 15)
from (B.17) yield
x, +2x 2 +x3 = 10 (B.15')
X2 - 4x3 = 17 (B.16')
x2 - x 3 = - 10 (B.17')
This process is called back substitution . Thus, the solution of linear algebraic equa-
tions can be obtained by Gaussian elimination and then back substitution .
Example B .2
Find a nontrivial solution, if it exists, of
x, + 2x 2 + 3x3 = 0 (B .18)
Subtraction of the product of 2 and (B . 18) from (B . 19) and subtraction of the product
of 3 and (B.18) from (B.20) yield
x, + 2x2 + 3x3 = 0 (B.18')
X2 - 8x3 = 0 (B .19')
x2 - 8x3 = 0 (B.20')
We see that (B . 19') and (B.20') are identical . In other words, the two unknowns x2
and x3 are governed by only one equation . Thus either one can be arbitrarily assigned .
Let us choose x3 = 1 . Then x2 = 8. The substitution of x 3 = 1 and x2 = 8 into
(B.18') yields
x,= -2x2 -3x3 = -16-3= -19
Thus x, _ -19, x2 = 8, x3 = 1 is a nontrivial solution .
Gaussian elimination is not a numerically stable method and should not be used
on computer computation . The procedure, however, is useful in hand computation .
In hand calculation, there is no need to eliminate x; in the order of x 1, x2, and x 3.
They should be eliminated in the order which requires less computation . In Example
B .1, for instance, x 3 does not appear in (B.17) . Therefore we should use (B .15) and
(B. 16) to eliminate x3 to yield
4x 1 + 9x2 = 23
We use this equation and (B . 17) to eliminate x 2 to yield x 1 = 23. The substitution
of x, into (B .17) yields x2 = - 23/3 . The substitution of x, and x2 into (B .15) yields
x3 = 7/3 . This modified procedure is simpler than Gaussian elimination and is
suitable for hand calculation . For a more detailed discussion, see Reference [18].
Before carrying out elimination in the first column (corresponding to the elimination
of x1 from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th equations), we search for the element with the largest
magnitude in the first column, say a31 , and then interchange the first and third equa-
tions. This step is called partial pivoting . The element a 31 , which is now located at
position (1, 1), is called the pivot . We then divide the first equation by a 31 to nor-
malize the pivot to 1 . After partial pivoting and normalization, we carry out elimi-
nation to yield
In the elimination, the same operations must be applied to y i. Next we repeat the
same procedure to the submatrix bounded by the dashed lines . If the element with
the largest magnitude among a22, a (32l) , and a42 is nonzero, we bring it to position
(2, 2), normalize it to 1, and then carry out elimination to yield
If the three elements a22, a3z, and a42 in (B .22) are all zero, (B .22) becomes
12 a(1)
1 a (1) (1)
13 a14 X,
0 --- (1) (1)
0 a23 a24 x2 y2
(B .23b)
0 0 a(1) 33
a 34 x3
- (1)
(1) (1) (1)
0 i 0 a43 a44 X4 y4
In this case, no elimination is needed and the pivot is zero . We repeat the same
procedure to the submatrix bounded by the solid lines in (B .23). Finally we can
1 p p p x1 Y(1 n
0 0 p p x2 Y22)
(3) (B .24)
0 0 1 p X3 Y3
0 0 0 1 x4 y4 )
where p denotes possible nonzero elements . The transformation of (B .21) into the
form in (B .24) is called Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting . It is a numeri-
cally stable method . It can easily be programmed on a digital computer and is widely
used in practice . Once (B .21) is transformed into (B .24), the solution x, can be easily
obtained by back substitution .
Now we discuss the use of MATLAB to solve a set of linear algebraic equations .
We rewrite (B.15), (B .16), and (B .17) in matrix form as
1 2 1 x1 10
2 5 -2 x 2 = 3
1 3 0 x3 0
The commands
a=[1 2 1 ;2 5 -2 ;1 3 0] ; b=[10 ;3 ;0] ; alb
yield x, = 23 .000, x2 = - 7.6667, x 3 = 2.3333 . Thus the use of MATLAB is very
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