Print ISSN: 2349-3178 Online ISSN: 2349-3186
International Peer Reviewed Medical Journal Committed for Excellence
Meropenem is an ultra broad spectrum parenteral carbapenem with excellent safety profile and minimal drug interactions. It is
effective in a variety of tissue infections. But to prevent emerging drug resistance, its use should be restricted to
complicated/serious infections not amenable to other antimicrobials .
Key Words
Carbapenem, meropenem, drug resistant enterobacteriaceae (DRE).
International Journal of Medical Science Research and Practice 2014; 1(1): 03-05. Page 3
Meropenem: Current perspectice: Goyal et al. 2014
staphylococcus epidemidis, Streptococcus viridians Hepatic impairment Dose adjustment is not required, as
(penicillin-susceptible isolates only) and Corynebacterium liver disease has no effect on the pK of meropenem.
diphtheriae. It is not active against E. Faecium, and MRSA. Geriatric patients - . In elderly patients, age-related decline in
renal function leads to delayed and decreased clearance of
Anaerobes- Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacteria, meropenem. So dosage adjustment is required when
Propionibacteria, Peptostreptococcus and Clostridium group. creatinine clearance is less than 50ml/min.
Hemodialysis A certain amount of meropenem and its
Emerging drug resistance Recently Gram negative rods metabolite is lost through hemodialysis, requiring
resistant to carbapenems have been reported. Mechanisms of supplemental dose after the procedure.
resistance included modified penicillin-binding protein Therapeutic use - To reduce the development of drug-
affinity, decreased uptake of -lactams, production of resistant bacteria and to maintain the effectiveness of
carbapenem-hydrolyzing -lactamases, and decreased outer meropenem, it should only be used to treat infections that are
membrane permeability.4,6 proven or strongly suspected to be caused by susceptible
Comparison of meropenem with other carbapenems and bacteria.
piperacillin/tazobactam Meropenem is 2 to 4 fold more Meropenem is approved for use in complicated intra-
potent than imipenem against Enterobacteriaceae, including abdominal infection, complicated skin and skin structure
strains producing ESBLs or AmpC. Doripenem is the most infection, bacterial meningitis, nosocomial pneumonia,
potent carbapenem against Pseudomonas. Ertapenem is not community-acquired pneumonia septicaemia, febrile
avtive against pseudomonas. Piperacillin/tazobactam is more neutropenia, complicated urinary tract infection (UTI),
potent than carbapenems against P.aeruginosa (90% of obstetric and gynaecological infections, and in cystic fibrosis
susceptible strains versus 84% for carbapenems).7 patients with pulmonary exacerbations. 10
Ranking of meropenem against gram-negative isolates Adverse drug reactions - In a review of over 6000 patients
The overall rank order of susceptibility is: meropenem (98%) treated with meropenem, the most common adverse events
> imipenem (97%) > cefepime (95%) > tobramycin (93%) > were diarrhoea (2.5%), rash (1.4%) and nausea/vomiting
piperacillin/tazobactam = gentamicin (92%) > ceftazidime (1.2%). Overall incidence of adverse events was less than
(91%) > ciprofloxacin (87%) > aztreonam 3%. Initially meropenem was thought to provoke seizure in
(86%) > ceftriaxone (74%). 8 CNS disorder patients especially meningitis. But in recent
Dosage It depends up on age group affected, severity of studies no new cases of drug related seizure were reported.
infection and susceptibility pattern of organism. 5,9 The most frequent meropenem-related laboratory adverse
Types of Complicated Complicated Severe events were thrombocytosis (1.6%) and increased hepatic
infection skin and skin intra- infections enzymes (1.5-4.3%). 11,12
Age group structure abdominal (Meningitis, Penicillin allergy and Meropenem - In individuals
infections infections severe sensitive to lactam group, there is a risk of fatal
sepsis), anaphylaxis with meropenem. But Cunha et al in their study
Cystic done in 110 penicillin allergic patients reported little or no
fibrosis potential cross reactivity between meropenem and penicillins
Adults 500mg per 8 1000mg per 2000mg per even in patients with a definite history of anaphylactic
hour 8 hour 8 hour reactions to penicillins.13
Infants 10mg/kg per 20mg/kg per 40mg/kg per Drug interactions-
(>3months) 8 hour 8 hour 8 hour Aminoglycosides and meropenem- Uually an additive or
and children synergistic effect is observed against Gram-negative species
Dosage adjustments when meropenem is used in combination with an
Renal failure - Plasma clearance of meropenem correlates aminoglycoside.14
with creatinine clearance, mandating dosage adjustments in Vancomycin or Teicoplanin and meropenem Synergism is
renal impairment. observed against Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), MRSA
Recommended dosage in patient with impaired renal and Staphylococcus epidermidis. 14
function. 2 Rifampicin, cotrimoxazole or ciprofloxacin and meropenem
Creatinine Dose Dosing interval Synrgism or addition is observed against MSSA, MRSA,
clearance (dependent on type and Staphylococcus epidermidis. 14
(ml/min) of infection) Valproic acid and meropenem Like other carbapenems,
26 50 Recommended dose Every 12 hours meropenem rapidly decreases serum level of Valproic acid to
subtherapeutic level. Concomitant administration of both
10 25 of recommended Every 12 hours
drugs should be avoided, and if unavoidable serum level of
Valproic acid should be monitored and therapeutic level
< 10 of recommended Every 24 hours
should be maintained.15
Clavulanic acid and meropenem- The combination of
meropenem with clavulanate has high in vitro
International Journal of Medical Science Research and Practice 2014; 1(1): 03-05. Page 4
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meroepenem by around 33% by competitively inhibiting 13. Cunha BA, Hamid NS, Krol V, Eisentein L. Safety of
tubular secretion of meropenem. 17 meropenem in patients reporting penicillin allergy: lack
CONCLUSION of allergic cross reactions. J Chemother 2008
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