A Journey in A Coracle Subject: EVS Name: - Class: - Div: - Roll No: - Date

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Subject: EVS


Class: ________ Div:________ Roll No:___________ Date:___________

I. Match the following:

Saves from fire

Saves from air crash

Saves from road accidents

Saves from flood

II. Mark True or False:

1. We can stand when we travel in a coracle.

2. We must wear life jackets while travelling in water.

3. We should not learn to swim.

4. The whirlpool is very beautiful; we can go near to it and take bathe.

5. Only limited passengers must travel in a coracle.

6. We can throw garbage in river water.

III. Circle the correct modes of water transport.

Helicopter Ship


Bus Boat Train

Catamaran Coracle

Bullock cart

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