Lab 01 P-N Diode

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P-N Junction Diode

1.1 Diode Curve

Characteristics of P-N Junction silicon diode.


1. Breadboard
2. Power Supply
3. Digital Multimeter (DMM)
4. Silicon rectifier diode: 1N4001
5. Resistors: 1k


The purpose of this experiment is to examine characteristics of a silicon diode. When the
diode's anode is at a higher potential than is the cathode, the diode is forward biased. For
conventional current flow, current will flow through the diode from anode to cathode. For
electron flow, current will flow from cathode to anode. Unlike a resistor, in which the
current is directly (that is, linearly) proportional to the voltage across it, the diode is a
nonlinear device. When the diode is forward biased, a small but measurable voltage drop,
called the barrier potential, occurs across the diode. For germanium diodes, this value is
typically 0.3 V; for silicon diodes, it is approximately 0.7 V.


1. Very often one can use a VOM to check quickly whether a diode is good or bad.
Unless they have a specific function for this purpose, most DMMs are not able to perform
this test properly. Using your VOM as an ohmmeter, first select a low-resistance meter
range, such as the "R x 100" range. Then connect the positive lead of the VOM to the
diode's anode terminal while the negative lead is connected to the diode's cathode termi-
nal, as shown in Figure 1.1.1. The VOM's internal battery then forward biases the diode.
Note the resistance reading.

If a DMM with a diode check" feature is used, the display usually indicates the voltage
drop across a good diode from anode to cathode when it is forward biased. When reverse
biased, the DMM generally indicates some form of out-of-range condition, such as a
blinking display or the letters "OL."
Figure 1.1.1 Figure 1.1.2

2. Now reverse the VOM's leads so that the meter's positive terminal is connected to the
cathode terminal of the diode, which is now reverse biased. Note the resistance reading.

The reading you have just obtained should be much compared to the resistance reading of
Step 1, which is typically a few hundred ohms or less. Consequently, the diode exhibits a
low forward resistance while having a high, or nearly infinite, reverse resistance. If both
readings indicate virtually the same low resistance, then the diode is shorted; if a very
high resistance is obtained in both directions, the diode is open.

3. Wire the circuit shown in Figure 1.1.2. Adjust the dc power supply to give the voltages
across the 1K resistor shown in Table 1-1. For each voltage, measure and record the dc
voltage drop (Vd) across the diode. The diode current (Id) is also the current flowing
through the 1k resistor.

4. Plot the resulting diode curve (diode current vs. diode voltage) on the graph paper.
Table 1.1.1

Voltage across Diode Diode Forward

1K Resistor Voltage (V) Current (mA)
1.2 Diode Approximations

To study diode approximations.


6. Breadboard
7. Power Supply
8. Digital Multimeter (DMM)
9. Silicon rectifier diode: 1N4001
10. Resistors: 220 (2), 470


When we are working with diode dc analysis we use diode approximations. There are
three diode approximations. In the ideal or first approximation, a diode act like a closed
switch when forward biased and an open switch when reverse biased. In the second
approximation, we include the knee voltage of the diode when it is forward-biased. This
means assuming 0.7V across a conducting silicon diode (0.3V for germanium). The third
approximation includes the knee voltage and the bulk resistance; because of this, the
voltage across a conducting diode increase as the diode current increase. In
troubleshooting and design, the second approximation is usually adequate.


1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1.2.1.

2. Adjust the source to set up a current of 10 mA through the diode. Estimate the diode
voltage and record in table 1.2.1.

Figure 1.2.1 Figure 1.2.2

3. Adjust the source to get 50 mA. Estimate the diode voltage and record in table 1.21.
Measure and record diode voltage V.
4. In this experiment, we will let the knee voltage be the measured diode voltage for a
diode current of 10 mA. Record the knee voltage in table 1.2.1. (It should be in the
vicinity of 0.7V).
5. Calculate the bulk resistance using
Where Vand I are the changes in measured voltage and current, record rB.
6. Calculate the diode current in figure 1.2.2 as follows: Apply mesh Analysis, then
calculate the diode current with the ideal, second, and third approximations (use the
Vknee and rB calculated before. Record your answers in table.
7. Connect the circuit of figure 1.2.2. Measure and record the diode current.

Table 1.2.1

Measured Parameter Measured Measured Expected Calculated

ID Vs (V) VD (V) VD (V) ID (mA)

Diode Values (using figure 1.2.1):

VKnee = ___________
rB = ___________

Diode Current (using figure 1.2.2):

Ideal I = ___________
Second I = ____________
Third I = ____________
Measured I = ____________

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Student Registration No.: ________________________

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