Powers the Airbus A318, A319, The first engine entered into service in 1994 and, of nitrogen oxides (NOx) compared to a standard
A320 and A321 since then, the CFM56-5B family has achieved an combustor design.
outstanding level of engine reliability, keeping
Three-dimensional aerodynamic operating costs low. Benefiting from fewer and longer-lasting life limited
design throughout parts and top engine reliability, the CFM56-5B offers
Designed to minimize the overall engine cost of low line and shop maintenance costs. Since August
Pioneer in low NOx technology ownership, the CFM56-5B combines the proven 1999, the CFM56-5B also powers the Airbus A318,
for single-aisle aircraft industry-leading CFM56 derivative architecture with at a thrust ranging from 21,000 to 23,300 pounds.
the latest state-of-the-art technology, such as three- With an engine able to cover the entire A320 family,
Over 2,100 engines into service, dimensional (3D) aerodynamic design of all the CFM International is therefore in a position to provide
which have logged over 24 blades and vanes throughout the turbomachinery for a wealth of commonality benefits to mixed-fleet
million flight hours increased efficiency. operators.
-5B1 / -5B2 -5B3 -5B4 -5B5 / -5B6 -5B7 -5B8 / -5B9
Max. takeoff thrust (lb) 30,000/31,000 32,000 27,000 22,000/23,500 27,000 21,600/23,300
Bypass ratio 5.50 5.40 5.70 6/5.90 5.70 6/5.90
Flat rate temperature (F) 86 86 111 113 111 113
(30 C) (30 C) (44 C) (45 C) (44 C) (45 C)
Max. climb thrust (lb)
35,000 ft Mach = 0.8 ISA
Engine installed 6,420 6,420 5,630 5,630 6,420 5,705
Overall pressure ratio
at max. climb 35.90 35.90 32.60 32.60 35.40 32.60
Length (in) 102.40 102.40 102.40 102.40 102.40 102
Fan diameter (in) 68.30 68.30 68.30 68.30 68.30 68.30
Applications A321 A321 A320 A319 A319 A318
1989 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2003
November: A321 October: First September: First March: First engine March: Entry into January: DAC May: A319/ August : Entry into
aircraft program engine to test flight on 707FTB to test with DAC service on A321 combustor into CFM56-5B service on A318
launch combustor service entry into service
CFM, CFM56, LEAP, LEAP56, and the CFM logo are trademarks of CFM International,
a 50/50 joint company between Snecma (Safran group) and GE.
10, alle du Brvent - CE1420 Courcouronnes
91019 Evry Cedex - France
Tel: + 33 (0)1 69 87 09 00 - Fax: + 33 (0)1 69 87 09 02