ETAG 026 - Part-1 - 2013
ETAG 026 - Part-1 - 2013
ETAG 026 - Part-1 - 2013
Established pursuant to Annex II of the Council Directive 89/106 of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws,
regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to construction products (Construction Products
ETAG 026
Part 1
Edition September 2012
This Guideline for European Technical Approval is established and published in accordance with Article 11 of the Construction Products
Directive as a basis for the preparation and issue of European technical approvals in accordance with Article 9.1 of the Construction
Products Directive.
European Technical Approvals are issued by approval bodies authorised and notified in accordance with Article 10 of the Construction
Products Directive. These bodies are organized in EOTA.
The European Technical Approval, according to the Construction Products Directive, is a favourable technical assessment of the fitness
for use of a construction product and the technical specification of the assessed product, serving as basis for the CE marking of this
product when and where a harmonised standard according to the Directive is not or not yet available.
Due to technical innovation and the progress of the state of the art, guidelines for technical approval might not reflect the latest
developments and experiences gained in approval procedures. The reader of this Guideline is therefore advised to check with an EOTA
member whether there are further provisions which have to be taken into account in the use of the Guideline.
Note: The copy right refers to the English reference version established by EOTA. For publications in accordance with Article 11.3 of the
Construction Products Directive the national laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member State concerned are
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Updating conditions
EOTA Comprehension Documents permanently take on board all useful information on the general
understanding of this ETAG as developed when delivering ETAs by consensus among the EOTA members.
Readers and users of this ETAG are advised to check the current status of these documents with an EOTA
EOTA may need to make alterations/corrections to the ETAG during its life. These changes will be incorporated
into the official version on the EOTA web-site and the actions will be listed and dated in the
associated Progress Files.
Readers and users of this ETAG are asked to check the current status and content of this document with that on
the EOTA web-site. The front cover will indicate if and when an amendment took place.
The ETAG does not cover ducts, casings and mechanical dampers2 or the use of fire stopping and fire sealing
products in construction works where special extreme fire scenarios apply (e.g. traffic tunnels, nuclear plants).
In all parts of ETAG 026, the term "product" means "product or kit"
If the English term "damper" is used in the sense of air transfer grilles, based on intumescent materials, and used in openings
in walls, partitions or in ducts then these forms of "damper" are included in the Guideline
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For details see the part of this ETAG which is relevant for a specific product (family).
The real working life of a product incorporated in a specific works depends on the environmental conditions to which that works is
subject and the particular conditions of the design, execution, use and maintenance. This ETAG assumes certain conditions but, if
the conditions in use are different, it cannot be excluded that in these cases the real working life of the product may also be
shorter than the assumed working life.
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1.4 Terminology
1.4.1 Common terms
For the meaning of these terms see the EOTA website.
1.4.2 Specific terms used in this ETAG Ablative materials:
Materials designed not to expand significantly when heated but which may consume energy through chemical
or physical processes. Air transfer grille:
A product that allows air movement through elements of construction Boards/Panels:
Rigid product of rectangular shape and cross section, in which the thickness is uniform and substantially
smaller than the other dimensions Cavity Barrier:
A barrier, used to close or separate a concealed space, the purpose of which is to restrict the spread of
smoke and/or fire and to keep the fire resistance of the construction element. Cavity barriers can vary in size and
type from small which, for example, would be used within a cavity brick wall, to large which can be over 2
m by 2 m used to divide large enclosed spaces, for example within ceiling voids. Intumescent materials:
Materials which expand, creating a foam or char, when exposed to heat in the conditions of fire Linear Joint/Gap:
A gap with a width not exceeding 150 mm and with a length at least 10 times its width Linear Joint/Gap Seal:
Seals designed to maintain the fire resistance at structural discontinuities which may occur between and within
fire separating elements. There are several types of Linear Gap Seals, which may be classified by their
construction: with/without backing material, with/without cover material, with/without support material. Penetration seal:
The system used to maintain the fire resistance of a separating element at the position where there is provision
for services to pass through the separating element. Reactive material:
The generic term for materials which react chemically or physically if exposed to heat generated by a fire. The
term includes both intumescent and ablative materials. Slab:
Semi-rigid product of rectangular shape and cross section in which the thickness is uniform and substantially
smaller than the other dimensions
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2.4 Product characteristics which are relevant for the fitness for use
2.4.1 Reaction to fire Method of verification
Case 1: Normal case
The fire stopping and/or fire sealing product shall be tested, using the test method(s) relevant for the
corresponding reaction to fire class, in order to be classified according to EN 13501-1.
Mountings and fixing provisions that are considered to be appropriate for the testing of the fire stopping and
fire sealing product and that are representative for the fire stopping or fire sealing intended use application
are specified in the specific parts of this ETA Guideline, where relevant.
Case 2: Products satisfying the requirements for the reaction to fire class A1, without the need for
The fire stopping and/or fire sealing product is considered to satisfy the requirements for performance class A1
of the characteristic reaction to fire, in accordance with the provisions of EC decision 96/603/EC (as amended)
without the need for testing on the basis of its listing in that decision.
Case 3: Products classified without the need for further testing (CWFT)
The fire stopping and/or fire sealing product is considered to satisfy the requirements for the required performance
class of the characteristic reaction to fire in accordance to the appropriate EC CWFT decision without the need
for further testing on the basis of its conformity with the specification of the product detailed in that decision
and its intended end use application being covered by that decision.
Detailed information is given in the relevant specific part of this ETA Guideline.
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The use of recycled materials shall always be indicated, because this could lead to the implementation of further
assessment and verification methods.
The information concerning the presence of dangerous substances listed in Council Directive 67/548/EEC and
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 regulated at European level and listed in the "Indicative list on dangerous substances"
of the EGDS and/or of other dangerous substances, shall be circulated as part of the evaluation report by the issuing
Approval Body to the other Approval Bodies, under strict conditions of confidentiality. Method of verification
The product and/or constituents of the product listed in the EOTA TR 034: "General Checklist for
ETAGs/CUAPs/ETAs -Content and/or release of dangerous substances in products/kits, which have to be
considered will be verified by the given methods taking into account the installation conditions of the construction
product and the release scenarios resulting from there. Regulations related to placing the product on the market may
also need to be taken into account.
Regarding the release scenarios referred to in the EOTA TR 034, the following use categories have to be considered:
Category IA1: Product with direct contact to indoor air
Category IA2: Product with no direct contact to (e.g. covered products) but possible impact on indoor air
Category IA3: Product with no contact to and no impact on indoor air
Category S/W1: Product with direct contact to soil-, ground- and surface water
Category S/W2: Product with no direct contact to but possible impact on soil-, ground- and surface water
Category S/W3: Product with no contact to and no impact on soil-, ground- and surface water
Categories IA1 and S/W1 are applicable for products which are in contact with indoor air, soil or water in a way that
dangerous substances could be released directly out of the product.
Category IA2 is applicable for products which are covered with other products but nevertheless could release
dangerous substances to indoor air (e.g. products covered with porous/unsealed coverings incapable of avoiding
Category S/W2 is applicable for products which can be leached by rain and could release dangerous substances
which can have impact on soil and water.
Categories IA3 and S/W3 are applicable for products which are completely covered with tight products capable of
avoiding any kind of migration of dangerous substances to indoor air, soil or water.
Note that all restrictions in content have to be considered in all cases.
NOTE (to be implemented in the ETA): For dangerous substances there might be the necessity for an additional
assessment, if
- no assessment and verification methods are given (or cannot be found in TR 034) or
- no performance determined is declared or
- the chosen verification and assessment method does not comply with the regulatory requirements of a particular
Member State.
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2.4.8 Adhesion Method of verification
For specific fire stopping and fire sealing products adhesion shall be verified in accordance with the test
methods as specified in the relevant part of this ETAG. Method of assessing and judging
The criteria and the way of expressing the results of the verification methods are specified in the relevant
part of this ETAG.
NOTE: EN ISO 10456 can be used, as far as applicable for the product concerned. Method of assessing and judging
On the basis of the verification method used, the corresponding tabulated or measured -value (in W/mK), the
thermal resistance value R (in m K/W), or the thermal transmittance coefficient, U (in W/mK), calculated,
where relevant, in accordance with EN ISO 6946, shall be declared. The source of the declared values or the
standard used to determine the values shall be quoted.
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Where the applicant declares specific water vapour transmission coefficient values, these shall be tested in
accordance with EN ISO 12572 or EN 12086 or similar European standards.
NOTE: EN ISO 10456 can be used, as far as applicable for the product concerned. Method of assessing and judging
The tabulated or measured value of the water vapour transmission coefficient (-value) shall be declared. The
source of the values or the standard used to determine the values shall be quoted.
The ETA shall contain the results, expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms, of the verification methods
used to verify the durability and serviceability aspects of the product, related to one or more essential
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In addition, according to the decision 1999/454/EC of the European Commission5, as amended, the systems of
attestation of conformity given in Table 2b apply to fire stopping and fire sealing products with regard to
reaction to fire.
Table 2b Choice of the system of attestation of conformity applicable fire stopping and fire sealing
products with respect to reaction to fire
Because all products according to this ETAG have to be assessed for resistance to fire, all products fall under AoC
System 1. The systems shown in table 2b only indicate who is responsible for testing reaction to fire.
System 3: Declaration of conformity of the product by the manufacturer on the basis of:
(a) Tasks for the manufacturer:
(1) factory production control;
(b) Tasks for the notified testing laboratory:
(2) Initial type-testing of the product.
Official Journal of the European Communities L178/52 of 14/7/1999
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System 4: Declaration of conformity of the product by the manufacturer: Tasks for the manufacturer:
(1) Initial type-testing of the product;
(2) Factory production control.
3.2 Tasks and responsibilities for the manufacturer and Notified Bodies
3.2.1 Tasks for the manufacturer
The " corner stones" of the actions to be undertaken by the manufacturer of the Fire Stopping and/or Fire
Sealing Product in the procedure of attestation of conformity are laid down in Table 3 and to General
The manufacturer shall exercise permanent internal control of production. All the elements, requirements and
provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented in a systematic manner in the form of written
policies and procedures, including records of results performed in accordance with the test plan. This
production control system shall ensure that the product is in conformity with the European Technical Approval
Manufacturers having a quality management system which complies with EN ISO 9001 and which includes all
relevant requirements of the ETA are recognised to satisfy the FPC requirements of the Directive.
For details see the relevant specific part of this ETAG
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When the equipment is found not to conform to requirements, the validity of previous measuring results shall
be assessed and recorded. Appropriate action shall be taken on the equipment and any product affected.
3.2.3 Special methods of control and testing used for the evaluation
See the relevant other parts of this ETAG.
NOTE 1: Since the ETA provides all the information regarding the performance characteristics, then reference
to the ETA is sufficient.
NOTE 2: If the ETA covers more than one type of a Fire Stopping and Fire Sealing Product, and the type
designation provides all the information regarding the performance characteristics, then reference to the ETA
and the relevant type is sufficient.
"CE" marking
Any Company
Street 1, City, Name and address of the producer or its authorised
Country representative established in the EEA
04 Two last digits of year of affixing CE marking
1234-CPD-0321 Number of EC certificate of conformity
ETA-12/1234 ETA number
ETAG 026, Part 1 and ETAG number (ETAG 026 - 1) and specific part number
Official Journal of the European Communities L 220 of 30.8.1993
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Moulds and other fungi that may damage products require warm (10C to 35C), humid conditions (> 70%
RH), and a suitable food source. Mould growth is encouraged by dark conditions and lack of air movement.
Design solutions should prevent the possibility of mould growth by ensuring that areas where these products
are used can be ventilated sufficiently. Users should use the ventilation possibilities offered.
Proper water tightness of the building envelope, using appropriate design principles and details, are essential.
During the exposed and partially enclosed phases of construction, to minimize the potential for mould growth, it
is important to minimize the risk of water damage and wet surfaces due to external factors such as rain,
snow, flooding, and high relative humidity. During construction, the following should be considered to minimize the
potential for mould growth: minimizing the exposure of interior building products to exterior conditions; protecting
stored materials from moisture; minimizing moisture accumulation within the building; preventing spillage of water
within the building; maintaining the integrity of the building envelope components through ongoing monitoring
and inspections; achieving balance control of thermal comfort and relative humidity in the building; checking all
material deliveries to validate that components are dry and clean; rejecting wet or mouldy materials, and
monitoring installations to ensure they remain clean and dry (including the HVAC systems).
In addition, where animals (insects, mammals) might attack these products, design solutions should prevent
animal access to places where the products have been used and habitable voids that might harbour animals
should be either avoided or sealed.
fitness for use of the component in the product, then a change of supplier will be acceptable.
The notified body checks the documentation as deemed necessary by the Approval Body issuing the ETA. In
case of doubt reference shall be made to the Approval Body.
With an interchange of a component of Fire Stopping and Fire Sealing Product, it shall be ensured that the
new component does not have a negative influence on the performance level or the life of that product.
5.2 Product characteristics which are relevant for identification checking
See the relevant other parts of this ETA Guideline.
7.1 General
This ETA-Guideline incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed below. For
dated references subsequent amendments to, or revisions of these publications, apply to this ETAG only when
incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest dated revision of the publication
referred to, applies.
EOTA Technical Reports go into detail in some aspects and as such are not part of the ETAG but express
the common understanding of existing knowledge and experience of the EOTA-bodies at that moment. When
knowledge and experience is developing, especially through approval work, these reports can be amended
and supplemented.
7.2 EC Documents
Commission Decision 96/603/EC of 4 October 1996 establishing the list of products belonging to Classes A No
contribution to fire provided for in Decision 94/611/EC implementing Article 20 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC
on construction products, OJ L 267, 19/10/1996, p. 23
Commission Decision 1999/454/EC of 22 June 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of
construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards fire stopping, fire
sealing and fire protective products, OJ L 78, 14/07/1999, p. 52
Commission Decision 2000/147/EC of 8 February 2000 implementing Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards the
classification of reaction to fire performance of construction products; OJ L 50, 23/02/2000, p. 14
Commission Decision 2000/605/EC of 26 September 2000 amending Commission Decision 96/603/EC
establishing the list of products belonging to Classes A No contribution to fire provided for in Decision
94/611/EC implementing Article 20 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC on construction products, OJ L 258,
12/10/2000, p. 36
Commission Decision 2001/596/EC of 8 January 2001 amending Commission Decisions 95/467/EC, 96/578/EC,
96/580/EC, 97/176,EC, 97/462/EC, 97/556/EC, 97/740/EC, 97/808/EC, 98/213/EC, 98/214/EC, 98/279/EC,
98/436/EC, 98/437/EC, 98/599/EC, 98/600/EC, 98/601/EC, 1999/89/EC, 1999/90/EC, 1999/91/EC, 1999/454/EC,
1999/469/EC, 1999/470/EC, 1999/471/EC, 1999/472/EC, 2000/245/EC, 2000/273/EC and 2000/447/EC on the
procedure for attesting the conformity of certain construction products pursuant to Article 20 of Council Directive
89/106/EECCommission Decision 2003/424/EC of 6 June 2003 amending Decision 96/603/ECestablishing the list
of products belonging to Classes A No contribution to fire provided for in Decision94/611/EC implementing
Article 20 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC on construction products, OJ L 209, 02/08/2001, p. 33
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EOTA TR 034 General Checklist for ETAGs/CUAPs/ETAs - Content and/or release of dangerous substances in
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Recommended Checklist for Initial Inspection of Factory, Factory Production Control and the
Continuing Surveillance of Factory Production Control
A.1 General
The purpose of this checklist is primarily to assist those involved in the implementation of the technical
specification. The checklist is a recommendation for use by the Notified Product Certification Bodies and not
legally binding. It complies with the provisions of the CPD and of Guidance Papers B and K. The checklist is
intended for initial inspection and the continuing surveillance only.
A.2 Initial inspection of the factory and factory production control (FPC)
The initial inspection of the factory provides for the identification and documentation of the kind and manner of
the manufacturing process and factory production control of the products. This is to enable the Notified Product
Certification Body to assess the compliance with the provisions of the technical specification on the one hand
and to provide a baseline to identify possible changes that may occur during surveillance on the other hand.
A.3 Surveillance of factory production control (FPC)
The surveillance of the manufacturing process includes checking the documentation of the factory production
control to ensure continuous compliance with the provisions of the technical specification, and the identification of
changes by comparing data obtained during the initial inspection or during the latest inspection.
A.4 Examples for questions to be considered
01 Does the ETA-holder apply a quality management system related to the technical specification
and if so, is that proved by a valid certificate and by whom? Does the factory production control
for the products to be certified form part of the quality management system?
02 Does the ETA-holder have direct control of the appropriate machinery for the production of the
products to be certified, or are key elements of the production with respect to the essential
characteristics subcontracted to others on or off the site?
03 Is the maintenance of machinery and measuring equipment carried out properly, regularly, and
is this documented and is the documentation up to date?
04 Are the personnel involved in the production sufficiently qualified and trained to operate and
maintain the production equipment? Have the personnel involved in the production been
05 Are all processes and procedures of the production recorded at regular intervals or continuously
(automatically)? How is the documentation organised?
06 Has traceability of kit components and constituents been ensured? Is an inspection of the incoming
material carried out, and if yes, how and at what intervals?
07 Are the manner, extent and frequency of factory production control in accordance with the
provisions of the ETA and the documented system? What are the test methods and equipment
used? Have any changes been made concerning test methods and/or testing equipment? If so,
have appropriate comparable measurements been performed and documented?
Is the testing equipment correctly maintained and calibrated on a continuous basis to ensure
consistent accuracy of the tests performed during factory production control and its surveillance?
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