Technical Report: Design of Metal Anchors For Use in Concrete Under Seismic Actions
Technical Report: Design of Metal Anchors For Use in Concrete Under Seismic Actions
Technical Report: Design of Metal Anchors For Use in Concrete Under Seismic Actions
TR 45
Edition February 2013
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
2 Scope 3
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Type of anchors, anchor groups and number of anchors ................................................................... 3
2.3 Concrete member................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Type of load ......................................................................................................................................... 4
7 References 14
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Table 2.1 Diameter of clearance hole in the fixture
Table 5.1 Recommended seismic performance categories for anchors
Table 5.2 Values of qa and Aa for non-structural elements
Table 5.3 Required verifications
Table 5.4 Reduction factor seis
Figure 2.1 Anchorages covered by this design method
Figure 5.1 Seismic design by protection of the fastening
Figure 5.2 Seismic design by yielding of a ductile anchor – illustration of stretch length
Figure 5.3 Vertical effects of the seismic action
Figure 5.4 Rotations and anchor displacements
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1 Introduction
This Technical Report contains a design method for anchors which have been awarded an ETA in
accordance with ETAG 001 [7], Annex E.
Note: A design method that is consistent with the assessment according to ETAG 001, Annex E has
been developed during the revision of the CEN/TS 1992-4 series [1] and is incorporated in
EN 1992-4 [4]. Since the design provisions in the CEN/TS 1992-4 series are not consistent with
the assessment according to ETAG 001, Annex E and the EN 1992-4 has not yet been
published the need for a publicly available document arises. The design method for anchors to
resist seismic loading in this Technical Report (TR) is intended to bridge the time span until the
publication of EN 1992-4. The design method given in this TR complies with the final draft of
EN 1992-4 prepared by CEN/TC 250/SC 2/WG 2 to be submitted for CEN enquiry.
This document should be withdrawn when
a) EN 1992-4 is published, and
b) all ETAs referring to this Technical Report have reached the end of their validity period.
Once EN 1992-4 has been published no ETA should be issued with reference to this Technical
Report in Clause 4 of the ETA.
This document has been written to represent current best practice. However, users should verify
that applying its provisions allows local regulatory requirements to be satisfied.
2 Scope
2.1 General
This Technical Report provides a design method for anchors, which are used to transmit seismic actions to
concrete members.
This Technical Report is intended for safety relevant applications in which the failure of anchors will result in
collapse or partial collapse of the structure, cause risk to human life or lead to significant economic loss.
The provisions in this Technical Report do not apply to the design of anchors placed in critical regions of
concrete elements where concrete spalling or yielding of reinforcement might occur during seismic events
such as e.g. in plastic hinge zones. Anchors should therefore be placed outside of these regions.
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Anchorage situated far from the edge (c ≥ max (10 hef; 60d)) for all loading directions; and anchorage
situated close to the edge (c < max (10 hef; 60d)) if loaded in tension only;
1 … anchors
2 … anchor plate
(common fixture)
Anchorage situated close to the edge (c < max (10 hef; 60d)) for all loading directions
3.1 Abbreviations
C1, C2 = seismic performance categories for prequalification of anchors
DLS = Damage Limitation State (see EN 1998-1:2004 [5], 2.2.1)
ULS = Ultimate Limit State (see EN 1998-1:2004 [5], 2.2.1)
3.2 Indices
M = material
N = tension
R = resistance
S = action
V = shear
c = concrete
cp = concrete pry-out
d = design value
k = characteristic value
p = pull-out
pl = plastic
s = steel
seis = seismic (earthquake)
sp = splitting
u = ultimate
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y = yielding
3.3 Superscripts
g = load on or resistance of a group of anchors
h = most loaded anchor of a group
3.4 Notation
Aa = seismic amplification factor
EE,d = design value of the effect of seismic actions as given in EN 1998-1:2004
F = force (resulting force)
FRd (NRd ; VRd) = design value of resistance of a single anchor or an anchor group (axial force, shear
FSd (NSd ; VSd) = resulting design value of action on a single anchor or an anchor group (axial load,
shear load)
Mpl = plastic moment (yield mechanism)
N = axial force (positive: tension force; negative: compression force)
Rd = design resistance
Rk = characteristic resistance
Sd = design action
V = shear force
c = edge distance
c1 = edge distance in direction 1; in case of anchorages close to an edge loaded in shear
c1 is the edge distance in direction of the shear load
c2 = edge distance in direction 2; direction 2 is perpendicular to direction 1
d = diameter of anchor
dnom = outside diameter of anchor
fck,cube = characteristic concrete compressive strength measured on cubes with a side length
of 150 mm (value of concrete strength class according to EN 206)
fuk = characteristic steel ultimate tensile strength (nominal value)
fyk = characteristic steel yield tensile strength (nominal value)
hef = effective embedment depth of anchor
= displacement of the anchor
= bond strength
M = partial safety factor for material
2 = partial safety factor taking into account installation safety
3.5 Definitions
non-structural element = architectural, mechanical or electrical element, system or component
which, whether due to lack of strength or the way it is connected to the
structure, is not considered in the seismic design of the structure as load
carrying element;
the failure of such an element may result in medium consequence for
loss of human life and considerable economic, social or environmental
consequences, but does not result in the failure of the structure or part of
the structure; examples: façade element, piping, etc.
structural element = Building element, the failure of which may result in the failure of the
structure or part of the structure; examples: column, beam, slab, etc.
4.1 General
The design of anchorages shall be in accordance with the general rules given in EN 1990 [2]. It shall be
shown that the value of the design action Sd does not exceed the value of the design resistance Rd.
Sd Rd (4.1)
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Sd = value of design action;
Rd = value of design resistance.
The forces in the anchor shall be derived using appropriate combinations of actions for seismic design
situations on the anchorage as recommended in EN 1990.
The design resistance shall be calculated as follows:
Rd Rk / M (4.2)
Rk = characteristic resistance of a single anchor or an anchor group;
M = partial safety factor for material.
5.1 General
This section provides requirements for the design of post-installed anchors used to transmit seismic actions
by means of tension, shear, or a combination of tension and shear load to concrete members.
Herein the following types of connections are distinguished:
- Type 'A' connection between structural elements of primary and/or secondary seismic members;
- Type 'B' attachment of non-structural elements.
In cases of very low seismicity according to EN 1998-1 [5] it shall be permitted to design as for static loading
situations (see ETAG 001, Annex C and EOTA TR 029). Furthermore, for the following situations a simplified
verification may be carried out as stated:
a) For the seismic design situation where the seismic tension component of the design force at the ultimate
limit state applied to a single anchor or a group of anchors is equal to or less than 20 per cent of the total
design tensile force, provisions in 5.3 and 5.4 need not apply for the verification of the tension
component acting on a single anchor or a group of anchors.
b) For the seismic design situation where the seismic shear component of the design force at the ultimate
limit state applied to a single anchor or a group of anchors is equal to or less than 20 per cent of the total
design shear force, provisions in 5.3 and 5.4 need not apply for the verification of the shear component
acting on a single anchor or a group of anchors.
Anchors used to resist seismic actions shall meet all applicable requirements for non-seismic applications.
Only anchors qualified for cracked concrete and seismic applications shall be used (see relevant ETA).
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The concrete in the region of the fastening shall be assumed to be cracked when determining design
resistances unless it is demonstrated that the concrete remains non-cracked during the seismic event.
An annular gap between an anchor and its fixture should be avoided in seismic design situations. For
fastenings of non-structural elements in minor non-critical applications an annular gap (diameter df of the
clearance hole in the fixture not larger than the value given in Table 2.1) is allowed. The effect of the annular
gap on the behaviour of fastenings shall be taken into account (see 5.6.2).
Displacement of the fastening shall be accounted for in the design. This requirement does not need to be
applied to anchoring of non-structural elements of minor importance. The displacement shall be limited when
a rigid connection is assumed in the analysis or when the operability of the attached element during and after
an earthquake shall be ensured.
Note: Anchor displacements for seismic applications at both damage limitation state and ultimate limit
state are provided in the relevant ETA for anchors with seismic performance category C2 as
defined in 5.2.
Loosening of the nut or screw shall be prevented by appropriate measures.
Fastenings where shear loads act on anchors with a lever arm, such as e.g. in stand-off installation or with a
grout layer, are not covered.
Note: The recommended seismic performance categories are given in Table 5.1. The value of ag or
that of the product ag·S used in a Member State to define thresholds for the seismicity classes
may be found in its National Annex of EN 1998-1 and may be different to the values given in
Table 5.1. Furthermore, the assignment of the seismic performance categories C1 and C2 to the
seismicity level and building importance classes is in the responsibility of each individual
Member State.
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Note: The assumption of a plastic hinge in the fixture (Figure 5.1b)) requires to take into account
specific aspects including e.g. the redistribution of loads to the individual anchors of a group, the
redistribution of the loads in the structure and the low cycle fatigue behaviour of the fixture.
For the design of anchors according to design option a2) the action effects for Type 'A' connections shall be
derived according to EN 1998-1 with a behaviour factor q = 1,0. For Type 'B' connections the action effects
shall be derived with a behaviour factor qa = 1,0 for the attached element. If action effects are derived in
accordance with the simplified approach given in 5.5.4 with qa = 1,0 they shall be multiplied by an
amplification factor equal to 1,5. If the action effects are derived from a more precise model this further
amplification may be omitted.
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For the design of anchors according to design option b) the following additional conditions shall be observed:
a) The anchor shall have an ETA that includes a qualification for seismic performance category C2.
b) To ensure steel failure of the fastening condition b1) shall be satisfied for fastenings with one anchor in
tension and condition b2) for groups with two and more tensioned anchors. In addition for groups with
two and more tensioned mechanical anchors condition b3) applies.
b1) For fastenings with one anchor in tension Equation (5.1) shall be satisfied:
Rk, s,seis 0,7 (5.1)
Rk,s,seis = characteristic seismic resistance for steel failure calculated according to
Equation (5.8);
Rk,conc,seis = minimum characteristic seismic resistance for all non-steel failure modes (pull-
out, concrete cone, combined pull-out and concrete cone, blowout and splitting
failure) calculated according to Equation (5.8);
2 = partial safety factor for installation safety given in the relevant ETA.
b2) For anchor groups with two and more tensioned anchors Equation (5.2) shall be satisfied for the
anchors loaded in tension:
Rk ,s,seis Rk ,conc,seis
0,7 (5.2)
FSd g
FSd 2
Rk,conc,seis = minimum characteristic seismic resistance for combined pull-out and concrete
cone (only bonded anchors), concrete cone, blowout and splitting failure
calculated according to Equation (5.8);
F Sd = design value of resulting load acting on the most stressed anchor of an anchor
FgSd = design value of resulting load acting on the tensioned anchors of an anchor
b3) For a group of mechanical anchors with two and more tensioned anchors the highest loaded
anchor shall be verified for pull-out failure according to Equation (5.1) where Rk,conc,seis is the
seismic pull-out resistance of one anchor.
c) Anchors that transmit tensile loads shall be ductile and shall have a stretch length of at least 8d unless
otherwise determined by analysis. Illustrations of stretch lengths are shown in Figure 5.2.
d) An anchor is considered as ductile if the nominal steel ultimate strength of the load transferring section
does not exceed fuk = 800 MPa, the ratio of nominal yield strength to nominal ultimate strength does not
exceed fyk/fuk = 0,8, and the rupture elongation (measured over a length of 5d) is at least 12 per cent.
e) The steel strength Nuk of anchors that incorporate a reduced section (e.g. thread) over a length smaller
than 8d (d = anchor diameter of reduced section) shall be greater than 1,3-times the yield strength Nyk of
the unreduced section.
1 stretch length
2 anchor chair
3 sleeve or debonded length
4 anchor
5 base plate
6 column
Figure 5.2 Seismic design by yielding of a ductile anchor – illustration of stretch length
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5.5.1 General
The design value of the effect of seismic actions EE,d acting on the fixture shall be determined according to
EN 1998-1 [5] and 5.3 as applicable. Provisions in addition to EN 1998-1 including vertical seismic actions
acting on non-structural elements are provided in this Section.
The maximum value of each action effect (tension and shear component of forces for a anchor) shall be
considered to act simultaneously if no other more accurate model is used for the estimation of the probable
simultaneous value of each action effect.
Note: Table 5.2 includes information in addition to the values qa given in EN 1998-1, Table 4.4
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Equation (4.25) of EN 1998-1 for the seismic coefficient Sa may be rearranged as:
Sa S 1 Aa 0,5 (5.3)
= ratio of the design ground acceleration on type A ground, ag, to the acceleration of
gravity g;
S = soil factor;
z = height of the non-structural element above the level of application of the seismic action
(foundation or top of a rigid basement);
H = building height measured from the foundation or from the top of a rigid basement;
Ta 2 (5.4)
1 (1 )
Note: When calculating the forces acting on non-structural elements according to Equation (4.25) of
EN 1998-1, it can often be difficult to establish with confidence the fundamental vibration period
Ta of the non-structural element. Table 5.2 provides a pragmatic approach and may not be
conservative in all cases.
The vertical effects of the seismic action should be determined by applying to the non-structural element a
vertical force Fva acting at the centre of mass of the non-structural element which is defined as follows:
FVa SVa Wa a / qa (5.5)
SVa V Aa (5.6)
V = ratio of the vertical ground acceleration on type A ground, avg, to the acceleration of
gravity g;
Wa = weight of the element;
a = importance factor of the element, see EN 1998-1, Section;
qa , Aa may be assumed to be equal to the values valid for horizontal forces.
Note: The vertical effects of the seismic action FVa for non-structural elements may be neglected for
the anchor when the ratio of the vertical component of the design ground acceleration avg to the
acceleration of gravity g is less than 0,25 and the gravity loads are transferred through direct
bearing of the fixture on the structure (see fastening 2 in Figure 5.3).
1 include FVa
2 neglect FVa if avg/g ≤ 0,25
3 gravity force
4 floor
5 wall
x horizontal direction
z vertical direction
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5.6 Resistances
combined pull-out
where the partial safety factors M,seis (i.e. Ms,seis, Mc,seis, Mp,seis, Msp,seis) shall be taken according to
The characteristic seismic resistance Rk,seis (NRk,seis, VRk,seis) of a fastening shall be calculated for each failure
mode according to Equation (5.8).
αgap = reduction factor to take into account inertia effects due to an annular gap between
anchor and fixture in case of shear loading; given in the relevant ETA;
αseis = reduction factor to take into account the influence of large cracks and scatter of load
displacement curves, see Table 5.4;
R0k,seis = basic characteristic seismic resistance for a given failure mode determined as follows:
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For steel and pull-out failure under tension load and steel failure under shear load
R0k,seis shall be taken from the relevant ETA (i.e. NRk,s,seis, NRk,p,seis, VRk,s,seis).
For combined pull-out and concrete cone failure in case of bonded anchors R0k,seis
shall be determined as given in EOTA TR 029 (i.e. NRk,p), however, based on the
characteristic bond resistance under seismic loading (Rk,seis) given in the relevant ETA.
For all other failure modes R0k,seis shall be determined as for the design situation for
static loading according to ETAG 001, Annex C or EOTA TR 029 (i.e. NRk,c, NRk,sp,
VRk,c, VRk,cp).
Note: The forces on the anchors are amplified in presence an annular gap under shear loading due to
a hammer effect on the anchor. For reasons of simplicity this effect is considered only in the
resistance of the fastening. In absence of information in the ETA the following values αgap may
be used. These values are based on a limited number of tests.
αgap = 1,0 in case of no hole clearance between anchor and fixture;
= 0,5 in case of connections with hole clearance according to Table 2.1.
Single Anchor
Loading Failure mode
anchor 1) group
Steel failure 1,0 1,0
Pull-out failure 1,0 0,85
Combined pull-out and concrete failure 1,0 0,85
1 (5.9)
Rd,seis VRd,seis
NSd/NRd,seis ≤ 1 and VSd/VRd,seis ≤ 1
In Equation (5.9) the largest ratios NSd/NRd,seis and VSd/VRd,seis for the different failure modes shall be inserted,
where NSd and VSd are the design actions on the anchors including seismic effects.
5.7 Displacements
The anchor displacement under tensile and shear load at damage limitation state (DLS) shall be limited to a
value N,req(DLS) and V,req(DLS) to meet requirements regarding e.g. functionality and assumed support
conditions. These values shall be selected based on the requirements of the specific application. When
assuming a rigid support in the analysis the designer shall establish the limiting displacement compatible to
the requirement for the structural behaviour.
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Note: In a number of cases, the acceptable displacement associated to a rigid support condition is
considered to be in the range of 3 mm.
If deformations (displacements or rotations) are relevant for the design of the connection (such as, for
example, on secondary seismic members or façade elements) it shall be demonstrated that these
deformations can be accommodated by the anchors.
The rotation of a connection p (Figure 5.4) is defined by Equation (5.10)
1 sleeve or debonding length
2 anchor
3 baseplate (anchor plate)
4 element
If the anchor displacements N,seis(DLS) under tension loading and/or V,seis(DLS) under shear loading provided in
the relevant ETA (for anchors qualified for seismic performance category C2) are higher than the
corresponding required values N,req(DLS) and/or V,req(DLS), the design resistance may be reduced according to
Equations (5.11) and (5.12) to meet the required displacement limits.
NRd,seis,reduced NRd,seis (5.11)
V ,req(DLS)
VRd,seis,reduced VRd,seis (5.12)
V ,seis(DLS)
If fastenings and attached elements shall be operational after an earthquake the relevant displacements have
to be taken into account.
The proof of the local transmission of the anchor loads into the concrete member is delivered by using the
design methods described in this document.
The transmission of the anchor loads to the supports of the concrete member shall be shown as given in
Section 7 of ETAG 001, Annex C and EOTA TR 029 for static loading.
7 References
[1] CEN/TS 1992-4 series, Design of fastenings for use in concrete, European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), Brussels, Belgium, 2009.
[2] EN 1990: Eurocode – Basis of structural design, European Committee for Standardization (CEN),
Brussels, Belgium.
[3] EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
buildings, European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels, Belgium, 2004.
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[4] EN 1992-4, Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete, European Committee for Standardization (CEN),
Brussels, Belgium (in preparation, not yet published).
[5] EN 1998-1:2004, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules,
seismic actions and rules for buildings, European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels,
Belgium, 2004.
[6] EN 206-1, Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity, European
Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels, Belgium.
[7] ETAG 001, Guideline for European Technical Approval of Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete, European
Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA), Brussels, Belgium.
[8] TR 018, Assessment of torque-controlled bonded anchors, European Organisation for Technical
Approvals (EOTA), Brussels, Belgium, 2003.
[9] TR 029, Design of Bonded Anchors, European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA), Brussels,
Belgium, 2010.
February 2013