Imperial Guard Faq v4-0

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USING THE UPDATE If you choose to play one of the listed regiments in the
Codex, you get all the listed doctrine abilities, even if
Since the publication of Codex: Imperial Guard, the
there are more than five. Some regiments of the Imperial
Warhammer 40,000 rules have been updated. This
document explains how to use the Imperial Guard in Guard have lengthy military traditions and have
conjunction with these changes. developed more doctrines as a result.
If an Independent Commissar is attached to a unit, he
Imperial Guard Armory adds 1 to the commanders Leadership and will execute
The Force Weapon listed in the weapons section
him if a morale test is failed.
follows the rules laid down in the Warhammer 40,000
The Hardened Fighters doctrine must be purchased for
each squad, not for each platoon.
Imperial Guard combat Servitors do indeed have WS4
If a squad has the Warrior Weapons special equipment
whilst Daemonhunter ones have WS3. It looks like
doctrine and you upgrade some lasguns to special or
Servitors accompanying Enginseers have had better
heavy weapons, the remainder are upgraded to
programming to cope with battlefield conditions. Honest.
Warrior Weapons.
When a model has the Honorifica Imperialis, it adopts
If you use regimental doctrines and dont buy back
the new profile entirely, but saves, equipment, and
Sanctioned Psykers, you can still upgrade a penal
special rules are unaffected. A Techpriest Enginseer
legionnaire under Schaeffer to become a Psyker.
would still have his power armour for example. This fact
does mean there is no point in giving the Honorifica to a The rules for the doctrine Sharpshooters says, "Any
model with superior capabilities. Guard Infantry model with a BS of 3 may make a single
The full cost of an Enginseers servitors counts against re-roll of a shooting To Hit roll of 1." The reference to a
his Wargear limit. single re-roll means that a D6 cannot be re-rolled more
It is possible to take more than one Improved Comms than once. If you rapid fire, you may re-roll any 1s.
in the army. However, you may never re-roll a D6 more If you buy Light Infantry for the two squads in a Platoon
than once. For example, you may use multiple Improved but not for the Command squad, the Platoon deploys its
Comms to re-roll more than one failed reserve roll, but it different elements separately.
has no additional effect on Preliminary Bombardment. When firing the Hellhounds Inferno Cannon, you must
Vehicles with Improved Comms confer this benefit even try to cover the most enemy models subject to range
if they are still in Reserve. and line-of-sight limitations. You do not place the
Inducted Imperial Guard in a Daemonhunters army template out of range to cover more models.
select from the Imperial Guard armoury with all the Heavy weapon teams are supplied with a large base to
implicit restrictions. contain both crewmen and the weapon. Treat them as
A Priest with a Holy Relic may only reveal it provided two separate models that are based together for
he "does not move on the turn it is shown." However, the convenience of movement.
Priest's Righteous Fury rule says that he "always Miscellaneous
count[s] as moving, even if stationary." The best solution The Commissar's Leadership bonus applies to the
is to say that for this purpose, move covers actually Junior Officers, Senior Officers, or Heroic Senior
moving the figure with the Holy Relic or the unit it is with Officers Leadership special rule if he is placed with the
during the Movement Phase. Command HQ. He focuses the Officers mind nicely.
Special Characters If a Commissar is with a unit that does not have an
Gaunt has a Trademark Item and is Fearless, passing Officer or Sergeant leading it, the Summary Execution
this ability on to his squad. The Trademark Items only rule means the unit will take one casualty before it then
effect therefore is to make his squad take a Morale passes its Morale test.
check when he dies. Horses steer themselves, so Rough Riders gain the
Last Chancer sub-units can claim table quarters and normal +1 Attack bonus from additional close
other objectives. combat weapons.
You do not have to use a Command Platoon if you field Special rules such as Iron Discipline or Wargear such
an all Last Chancer army with Col. Schaeffer as its HQ. as a Trademark Item are not conveyed down a Vox link.
Doctrines If the Rough Riders are charged, they may use the
You are not required to spend a Doctrine Point to be Hunting Lance. They will not get the Strength or Initiative
able to take Storm Troopers and then an additional bonus but will count as having power weapons.
doctrine point for Grenadiers. Storm Troopers are The army list entries give the correct armour for the
Imperial troops assigned to a regiment in the field. Hellhound and the profile of the Priest. The quick
Grenadiers are elite members of the same regiment. reference sheet does not.

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only for the purposes of playing the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop hobby wargame. All other Rights Reserved. Games Workshop, The Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the Games Workshop logo, Chapter
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