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Age and Ageing 2002; 31-S3: 1720 # 2002, British Geriatrics Society

Evidence-based stroke rehabilitation

Stroke Therapy Evaluation Programme (STEP), Academic Section of Geriatric Medicine, Third Floor Centre Block,
Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 0SF, UK

Address correspondence to: P. Langhorne, Academic Section of Geriatric Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 0SF,
UK. Fax: (q44) 141 211 4944. Email: P.Langhorne@clinmed.gla.ac.uk

Background: evidence-based practice, the linking of research evidence with clinical decision-making, has been a
major recent development. However there are many challenges to the development of evidence-based stroke
rehabilitation. Before it can become a reality we need to establish a reliable evidence-base providing information which
is relevant, reliable, accessible and understandable. This article describes some steps taken to develop such information
based on common questions generated by clinicians.
Conclusion: stroke rehabilitation needs to establish and apply a solid evidence-base even though the challenges are

Keywords: evidence-based practice, stroke rehabilitation, randomized trial, systematic review

Introduction prepared, maintained, disseminated and regularly

updated in an electronic publishing format [5].
Evidence-based practice (EBP), the explicit linking of This article will focus on the challenges facing
evidence from clinical research to clinical decision- evidence-based stroke rehabilitation with a particular
making [1], has been a major recent development in emphasis on evidence about rehabilitation interven-
the delivery of healthcare. When faced with a clinical tions. However, it is important to recognize that the
problem, a clinician using an EBP approach would principles of evidence-based practice apply to decisions
formulate key questions, search for the best external about diagnosis, prognosis, and causation as well as
evidence, critically appraise the reliability and relevance treatment.
of that evidence to their problem and then apply it to
help solve a clinical problem (Figure 1).
The potential advantages of such an approach have
been discussed extensively elsewhere [1]. When done
Challenges for evidence-based practice
well, EBP can improve the quality of clinical decision- in stroke rehabilitation
making and encourage lifelong professional learning. Before evidence-based practice in stroke rehabilitation
The EBP approach (Figure 1) can be tailored to very can become a reality, a reliable evidence base must
specific questions about individual patient care or used
to develop more general advice; the process of clinical
guideline development is very similar to that of evidence-
based practice, and the same principles apply to both [2].
The most appropriate and reliable form of evidence
will vary according to the clinical question. When the
clinical question concerns the effectiveness of a treat-
ment, randomized controlled trials are generally accepted
as providing the most reliable evidence [3]. However,
individual randomized trials are often small and subject
to random error and so there is an increasing trend
to producing rigorous summaries (termed systematic
reviews) of the relevant trials [4]. This process has now
been extended by the Cochrane Collaboration, which has
developed methods whereby systematic reviews can be Figure 1. Process of evidence-based practice.

P. Langhorne et al.

first be established. Most randomized trials in stroke are traditionally tailored by a therapist or nurse to
rehabilitation are too small to provide a reliable answer in meet the identified needs of an individual patient can
their own right [6] and so we need to include all relevant be very difficult to achieve within a randomized trial.
trials in rigorous systematic reviews. Such reviews of the Particular problems include achieving consistency of
evidence can also help counter concerns that individual intervention by different staff to different patients on
rehabilitation trials are only relevant to their local area different days, and documentation of the interven-
or specific circumstances (i.e. have poor generalizability). tion in a manner that would allow reproduction of
If these reviews are to usefully inform both current the treatments evaluated. While a key strength of the
clinical practice and future research, they must be randomized trial can be that patients and health
relevant and accessible to rehabilitation clinicians and professionals are blind to the treatment given, it is
healthcare users: i.e. they must be relevant, reliable, often impossible to achieve blinding when a therapist
accessible and understandable; is applying a manual treatment technique to a patient.
Many rehabilitation interventions are aimed at amelio-
i. Relevant there are very many clinical questions
rating a specific body function or promoting a specific
which could form the basis of stroke rehabilitation
activity and it can be difficult to find a clinically
trials or systematic reviews but only limited resources
meaningful, reliable, valid measure of outcome which
to do this research. Therefore, we need to focus on
is sensitive to changes occurring as a result of the
priority areas which reflect the views of clinicians who
intervention. It could be argued that the particular
deliver stroke rehabilitation and also of healthcare
strengths of randomized trials lie, not with the evaluation
users [7] such as stroke patients and carers.
of specific treatments, but with the evaluation of more
ii. Reliable reliable systematic reviews must include all
general rehabilitation policies (e.g. policies for preventing
relevant information and analyse it in a methodologically
shoulder pain or bed sores).
rigorous way.
One of the first challenges in creating a framework of
(a) Trial identification it is very difficult to identify
evidence for stroke rehabilitation is having a mechanism
all relevant trials, especially in stroke rehabilitation where
for describing and discussing rehabilitation interventions.
trials may have to be sought from a wide range of
One simple approach to considering stroke rehabilitation
journals and databases. Failure to identify trials raises
the possibility of publication bias [8] which compromises interventions is to classify them according to their levels
the reliability of the review. of complexity. For example:
(b) Methodological rigour systematic reviews in this field i. Service level these are typically provided by
are particularly difficult to carry out because reha- more than one individual, each providing a complex
bilitation interventions are often complex and poorly package of care in a specific context and inter-
defined [9, 10]. There is an increasing recognition that acting with others in a complex way. Examples,
systematic reviews of rehabilitation interventions require might include stroke unit interventions [12] or early
a somewhat different methodology to the more simple supported discharge teams [13]. It is interesting to
reviews of drug treatments. In particular, more effort note that some of the most robust stroke rehabilita-
needs to be devoted to describing and interpreting the tion evidence comes from trials of such complex
interventions. This requires a mixture of skills covering interventions. However, there is often difficulty in
both the subject matter of the review and methodolo- interpreting and implementing such evidence.
gical aspects of its conduct. This combination of skills is ii. Operator level these interventions are typically
rarely present in one individual [9, 10]. provided by a single operator such as the therapist or
(c) Accessible and understandable the skills required nurse, who provides a complex package of care that
to rapidly evaluate the reliability of research evidence could incorporate both the personal interaction
are not widely distributed among healthcare profes- between the therapist and patient plus the therapy
sionals. There is an increasing recognition [11] that they provide. A good example of this level of inter-
most clinicians will require research evidence to be vention is occupational therapy for stroke patients
provided in a more accessible format than the original living at home [14, 15] or stroke family support
publications. workers [16].
iii. Treatment level at this level of complexity, the
impact of an individual intervention is evaluated.
Defining and evaluating stroke This may arguably provide the most useful evidence
for a clinician. Ideally the potential impact of the
rehabilitation interventions therapist should be removed from the evaluation of
Conducting methodologically rigorous randomized trials an individual reproducible intervention but in prac-
and systematic reviews of specific rehabilitation inter- tice this can be difficult to achieve. Examples of
ventions is complex. Rehabilitation entails a range of such treatment decisions include functional electrical
activities aimed at promoting activity and participation. stimulation for upper limb recovery [17] and treadmill
Precise evaluation of rehabilitation interventions that gait retraining [18].

Evidence-based stroke rehabilitation

Making progress towards evidence-based Future developments in evidence-based

stroke rehabilitation stroke rehabilitation
Even if a reliable evidence base is available, it will only be For evidence-based stroke rehabilitation to become truly
used if clinicians believe that EBP is a useful and relevant widespread and feasible, it is important that several con-
approach to care. The experience of the Stroke Therapy ditions are met. Firstly it is apparent that many stroke
Evaluation Programme (STEP), a project funded by rehabilitation trials exist. Before embarking on major new
Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland to promote evidence- trials we need to assimilate existing evidence in systematic
based stroke rehabilitation, is interesting in this context. reviews. Secondly, more reliable research must be carried
We found that rehabilitation clinicians in Scotland were out in key areas of stroke rehabilitation. Thirdly, this
interested in EBP but felt they did not have the time, research must be clinically relevant and focus on more
resources, or support to carry it out [19]. We established, specific treatment issues. Finally, clinicians must have
through a variety of qualitative approaches [20], a series access to reliable summaries of this information.
of priorities for important clinical questions to be It is important to recognize that even if all these
addressed by systematic reviews and future research. conditions are met and high quality evidence is available,
This exercise involved rehabilitation staff, stroke patients individual practitioners will still be faced with specific
and carers [21] and has resulted in the development of individual problems, which will require interpretation
a topic list covering agreed areas of importance. We are and extrapolation from the available evidence. However,
now matching this topic list to the available trials and if stroke rehabilitation practice nationally could be based
systematic reviews. The ultimate aim of this process is on a series of general policies for which there was reliable
to make readily available the best quality evidence evidence of benefit, this would represent a major clinical
addressing agreed topics of importance in stroke advance.
Key points
. Evidence-based practice has been a major development
in healthcare.
Examples of stroke rehabilitation . There are major challenges to evidence-based stroke
evidence currently available rehabilitation.
. We need easy access to relevant, reliable and under-
Detailed searching of trials register of the Cochrane
standable evidence-base for stroke rehabilitation.
Stroke Group (Western General Hospital, Edinburgh)
has identified 660 trials potentially relevant to stroke
rehabilitation and a substantial number of systematic
reviews. The process of matching clinical questions to
the available evidence has identified several levels of
information currently available. A few examples are The Stroke Therapy Evaluation Programme is funded by
provided in Table 1. Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland and has been greatly

Table 1. Levels of evidence for stroke rehabilitation

Type of intervention
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Evidence available Service level Operator level Treatment level

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Several trials available (reasonable SRUs have better OT input effective for patients
statistical power to guide outcomes than general not admitted to hospital [14].
decision-making). medical wards [12]
Several trials available (but Hospital at home services OT input for stroke patients FES for shoulder
inconsistent results or for acute stroke [22, 23]. returning home [15, 25]. pain [28].
inadequate statistical power Day hospital or Information provision Acupuncture (29)
to guide decision-making). domiciliary input [24]. after stroke [26].
Specialist SRU or generic Routine SFSW input after
rehabilitation unit [12]. stroke [16].
SALT for aphasia [27].
Little or no trial evidence available Stroke rehabilitation in Pre-discharge OT home visits. Early wheelchair use.
community hospitals. SALT for dysarthria [30].
Early mobilisation in acute stroke.

SRU = Stroke rehabilitation unit; ESD = Early supported discharge; OT = Occupational therapy; SFSW = Stroke family support worker; SALT = Speech and
language therapy; FES = Functional electrical stimulation.

P. Langhorne et al.

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