"Bottom-Up" and "Top-Down" Approach For Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

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International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7708/ijtte.2013.3(2).07 UDC: 656.053(497.11)


Milan Vujani1, Krsto Lipovac2, Dragan Jovanovi3, Dalibor Pei4, Boris Anti5
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000
1, 2, 4, 5

Belgrade, Serbia
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Science, Trg Dositeja Obradovia 6, 21000 Novi Sad,
Received 24 December 2012; accepted 21 January 2013

Abstract: The forming process of road safety strategy is quite complex because it implies a system
approach that consists of several more or less complex steps. The analysis of the existing situation,
defining the problem and creating a strategic document are the basic steps in forming road
safety strategy. Each one of the mentioned steps involves several activities that must be carried
out. Implementation, monitoring and revision are the next steps in a life cycle of the strategy,
which provide continuous monitoring and adjustment of actions and programs for road safety
improvement. In this study, on the example of the strategic document for the city of Belgrade,
the concept of defining strategy and key areas of road safety strategy, which uses a top-down
and bottom-up information flow approach, was shown. The specificity of strategy creation lays
in the fact that the city of Belgrade consists of 10 urban and 7 rural municipalities, therefore it
was necessary to find a model of strategic document that would include all the problems in the
city but in also in all 17 municipalities. The model presented in this study provides the creation
of a so-calledoverarching strategic document and 17 action plans, for each of the municipalities,
and the overarching document is obtained by the so-calledoverlap 17 action plans.

Keywords: road safety strategy, road safety analysis, key areas, goals, action plan, activity
plan, top-down and bottom-up approach.

1. Introduction safety significance, what is one of the main

prerequisites for road safety improvement.
Today, strategic planning takes a larger part of Road safety strategies aim to improve the
transportation planning at all administrative three main factors: the behavior of road users,
levels, from urban, regional, up to national vehicles and the road environment (Wong et
and international levels (Klbl et al., 2008). al., 2004).
Strategic action in road safety represents
the highest level of road safety management Bearing in mind the complexity of traffic and
(Vujanic et al., 2011). An effective road safety traffic safety, today, strategic planning is facing
strategy is one of the most important tools huge challenges, and the first among them is
in the ensuring progress. If there is a road to find the appropriate method for defining
safety strategy in a society, the society is the structure and the content of strategic
considered to have a high awareness of road documents in the field of traffic safety.

Corresponding author: d.pesic@sf.bg.ac.rs

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

Besides that, when making strategic documents, set not only qualitative but also quantitative
it is of particular importance that a large number objectives, so Elvik (1993) pointed out that
of stakeholders, as well as general public, are the countries that have defined quantitative
included and involved in the processes targets in their strategic documents achieved
of formation, adoption, implementation, better results than the countries that have
monitoring the effects, etc. In this way, we can only qualitative objectives. Elvik (1993)
obtain a higher awareness of the importance also showed that the best results in traffic
of traffic safety problems and ensure the safety improving are achieved by strategies
implementation of measures and actions, that have highly ambitious objectives. Also,
provided by the strategic documents.Elvik for a road safety strategy to be successful, it
(2008) also noted that, among other conditions, is generally believed that realistic quantified
for the success of road safety management and the road safety targets sholud be set (ETSC,
strategies, its necessary to be strongly supported 2003; Loo et al., 2005). Wong et al. (2006)
by the top management of government, as well said that a quantified road safety target is a
as by the responsible agencies. number or index that is set by a national or
local government to reduce the number of
The life cycle of road safety management by people who are killed or injured in road traffic
strategic planning, using the approach use accidents. Beside the output results, some of
of data for public health approach to road national road safety strategies, for example
safety (WHO, 2009), starts by definig the Japan and California, (Loo et al., 2005), have
problems, then identifying the risk factors and also targeted indicators (i.e. the percentage of
priorities, defining the strategic document safety belts use etc.).
and in the end, setting the objectives and
monitoring the performance of the strategic Successful management of road safety, beside
documents. Observing the methodology of defining the objectives, according to the
strategic planning, researches (Klbl et al., analysis made by Elvik (2008), also implies the
2008) highlight the so-called feedback loop, necessity of fulfillment of conditions related
which provides a comparison of the output to the strategies and objectives: acceptance
results to the planned objectives. However, by the government, defining challenging,
when referring to the established traffic safety but achievable objectives, defining fewer
management system, we can say that it is a objectives, the existence of the authority for
continuous process.According to the previous the agencies to implement measures in order
statement, for the developing countries, Bener to achieve the objectives, funding secured, the
et al.(2003) gives a framework for the elements existence of monitoring and evaluation system
needed to make traffic safety a continuous for achieving objectives, motivating agencies
cycle: goal setting, data collection and analysis, to achieve objectives. Furthermore, Zang et al.
identification of measures, priority setting, (2006) and Timms et al. (2002) highlighted
which, on the other hand, involves the following importance of adequate setting of objectives
steps: the formation, funding, implementation, to achieve optimal transport strategies. On
monitoring and evaluation. the other hand, among important reasons
for unsuccessful road safety strategies and
For effectiveness and efficiency of the strategy, programs Elvik (2001) stated: lack of power,
beside the key factors: political will, adequate scarcity, social dilemmas and conflicting
organization and knowledge, it is necessary to objectives.

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

Measuring the success of the strategic should be implemented in order to define the
management of traffic safety is also a major key areas and the objectives of the strategy.
challenge and the way of measuring the The basic characteristic, and therefore the
effectiveness depends mostly on the defined additional problem of creating a road safety
key areas of strategy and the set objectives. strategy for the city of Belgrade, the capital of
Loo et al. (2005), based on good practices, Serbia, is that Belgrade consists of 10 urban
define strenghts and weaknesses of the five and 7 rural municipalities. The diversity of the
most used evaluation approaches: simple characteristics of the municipalities further
comparison, statistical analysis, cost-benefit complicates the definition of the appropriate
analysis, before-and-after analysis and trends strategy, so, for example, on the territory of
of secondary parameters. On the other hand, some of the municipalities there is a highway,
Wong et al. (2006), also state some of the and on the others not, some municipalities do
possible techniques of evaluation the success not have schools at all, some have agriculture
of the strategy: simple pre-post comparisons, as a main industry, and so on. Having in
pre-post comparisons with similar control mind the complexity and the characteristics
areas, time-series analyses, multiple time of each municipality individually, it was a
series analyses with comparisons areas and big challenge to design and implement an
weighted least-squares regressions. The most approach so that the final output is a strategic
commonly used techniques for measuring the document called overarching document on
cost savings are: cost-effectiveness analysis, road safety, which would include all, or at least
cost-utility analysis and cost-benefit analysis the key areas, of activities in road safety in all
(Wong et al., 2006; WHO, 2010). the municipalities in Belgrade. Because of the
specificity of each of the municipalities, it was
In this paper, a method of defining the strategy necessary to collect and analyze in details the
of road safety for the city of Belgrade is information about the current state of traffic
presented. The starting points for creating and traffic safety for all the municipalities
a road safety strategy can be found in the individually, and then to define a strategy
new Road Traffic Safety Law (RTSL) for at the city level, and for each municipality
the Republic of Serbia from the year 2009 to adopt an action plan, using the familiar
(MoIRS, 2009), where the legislative concept of bottom-up and top-down
provision stipulates the creation of traffic perspectives (Timms, 2011).
safety strategies at all levels. Bearing in mind
the best world practices, strategy formation 2. The Concept of Road Safety Strategy
process is defined, from the identification Creation for the City of Belgrade
of the current situation, defining the key
areas, setting objectives, to monitoring When setting up road safety strategy for the
the implementation and the success of the city of Belgrade, a detailed analysis of best
strategies in the field of road traffic safety. practices in the strategic management of road
safety had been done previously (DorsetCC,
This study does not analyze the validity 2009; WHO, FIA and WB, 2010; Loo et al.,
and quality of data that define the current 2005; WBG, 2008; ETSC, 2001; SafetyNet,
situation, nor the measures defined in key 2009a; SafetyNet, 2009b). Common to
areas, but the study is focused on the process all these documents is that the strategic
of strategy formation, that is, the steps that management of traffic safety is one continuous

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

cycle, or rather a loop that starts by analyzing necessary to carry out series of researches and
the current situation, continues to setting detailed analyses. The basic requirement is to
goals and defining the measures, and after collect data on the existing situation, in order
implementation, evaluation is done, and, at to note, the priorities of work. This analysis
the end, the audit, which returns the loop to involves the implementation of various
the beginning of the cycle. techniques and methods of data collection,
and the selection of the methods used for data
Recognizing the common basis for all strategic collection depends primarily on the level of
documents studied, regardless of the level of the strategic document. Namely, on the lower
organization (national, local,...), considering level of the hierarchy the data need to be more
the specifics of the city of Belgrade, the detailed. For example, if a strategy document
normative basis for Serbia and Belgrade, for a municipality is being defined, then, in
as well as other relevant facts, a concept of order to define the strategic activities, it is
safety strategy formation process for the city necessary to know such details like the specific
of Belgrade is proposed (Fig. 1). The process black spots of the municipality. On the
consists of three steps: current situation other hand, a strategy document at national
analysis, defining the problems and proposing level doesnt have to contain those black
solutions. spots, or the solutions for the black spots,
noted at the municipality level. Besides that,
The algorithm of the processes of road for a specific municipality, there are specific
safety strategy formation (Fig. 1, hereinafter data or specific problems, which could not
referred to as Algorithm) implies that before be generalized on a higher level. In the next
the formation of a strategic document it is step, the algorithm involves the selection,

Fig. 1.
The Algorithm of the Processes of Road Safety Strategy Formation

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

defining and grouping road safety problems. this way, the municipalities define their own
After recognizing the problems, the strategic action plans, which are an integral part of
document is being defined. the city strategy, but also the basis to define
the intersection of the common elements of
To form or create a strategy for the city the strategy.
of Belgrade, the so-called top-down
and bottom-up model is implemented, After a detailed analysis of road safety in the
which represents the so-called vertical 17 municipalities, the city defines the so-
flow of information, that are important called general, that is, common goals related
for the functioning of the system (Fig. 2). to the city and under the authority of the city
The initiative to conduct analysis of the administration, and then, in the backward
current condition, goes from the city to the step to the municipalities, incorporates the
municipalities, in order to form a strategy of specificities of each municipality into specific
road safety. Each one of the 17 municipalities action plans for each municipality. Action
conducts the appropriate analysis of the plans for each one of the municipalities are
current situation (accident analysis, surveys, small strategic documents relating to a
stakeholders interview, etc.). These analyzes particular Municipality with all its features,
help each municipality to define problems and specifics and details. These documents
key areas for that municipality (horizontal are extremely important for strategy
arrows to the right), but also for the total implementing on a higher level, since it
analysis of the current situation for the whole is necessary for all the municipalities to
city (a sort of sum of the previous analyzes by implement the defined actions, ensuring the
municipalities, vertical arrows). On a similar success of the strategy. The significance of
principle, furthermore, municipalities define strategic documents or, at least, action plans,
their key areas and send them to the city, which on the level of a municipality was confirmed
uses a cross section to define key areas of the by Wegman et al. (1991), who states that the
city. On the basis of the key areas defined in political will, adequate organization and the

Fig. 2.
Vertical Information Flow Top-Down / Bottom-Up Model

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

necessary knowledge at the local level, is the in order to define its problems and key areas
key to the success of strategic documents and of the municipality, and also by the city, in
road safety improvement. order to make a comprehensive analysis of
the current state. On a similar principle,
3. The Steps in Forming the Road Safety furthermore, the municipalities define
Strategy Applyingthe Top-Down and their key areas, and send them to the city,
Bottom-Up Concept which uses a cross section to define its
own key areas.Based on the key areas, the
The process of strategy forming basically municipalities define their action plans, which
consists of three main steps.These are: are an integral part of the city strategy, but also
input - analysis of current situation (data the basis that provides that in the intersection
collection and analysis of the required data), of action plans of the municipalities, made by
interput - defining key areas (defining the the city, the common elements of the strategy
problem) and output - proposed solution are defined.
(defining and making the final strategic
document and action plans). In each of the 3.1. I STEP Defining the Current
steps it is necessary that the flow, processing Situation Data Collecting INPUT
and analysis of the data and defining the
final output are done in accordance with the The first step in defining the current situation
concept of top-down and bottom-up. is a research and a detailed analysis of the best
Practically, the top (or up) is the city practice in road safety strategy forming.It
of Belgrade, and the bottom (or down) is necessary to analyze the existing ways
are 17 municipalities.The top defines to of solving the observed problems, how the
the down what should be done (meaning, applied measures operate what are the effects
it defines that the down, that is, bottom and the results achieved. Namely, if there is
should carry out the necessary steps in order to a similar problem, which has already been
create the strategy). The bottom carries out solved, it is possible that the direct application
the activities defined for the level bottom of the solution would also give results in other
(analysis of the current situation, defining conditions and circumstances, or the proposed
the key areas, making action plans) and sends measure might suffer certain modifications,
the processed and analyzed data to the up, or, for some reason, objective or subjective,
where the up, that is, the top also carries a completely new measure would be applied
out the activities defined for the level top in order to solve the identified problems.
(analysis of the current situation, defining Bearing that in mind, during the preparation
the key areas, making strategic document). of the road safety strategic document for
In this case, the initiative for carrying out the city of Belgrade, a detailed analysis of
the analysis of the current situation in order several national and local strategies was done.
to form a strategy of road safety, goes from the Road safety strategic documents of some
city towards the municipalities.Each of the successful countries in the world ( Japan, New
17 municipalities implements the appropriate Zealand, Sweden, etc.) (Loo et al., 2005) were
analysis of the current situation (analysis of analyzed, but also of the neighboring countries
accidents, examining the attitudes of citizens, (Formal Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
stakeholders interview, etc.).These analyzes Montenegro) (RCRS, 2008; MoIaPA ,
are used by each one of the municipalities, 2009). For a complete understanding of

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

the problem of road safety and defining the outputs (WHO, 2010).Experiences (WHO,
current situation it is necessary to know: final FIA and WB, 2010) suggest that analysis
outcomes, exposure measures, intermediate of current situation includes: stakeholder
outcomes, socio-economic costs of road analysis, evaluation of data sources and
traffic injuries and institutional delivery current system, evaluation of the needs of

Fig. 3.
Example - Spatial Distribution of Accidents with Consequences in the Municipality of Vozdovac

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

end users and environment analysis. Especially to define the so-calledtime objective risk,
important is the quality of data describing that is, the time and the period when traffic
the current situation. It is necessary to know vulnerability is increased (i.e. Fig. 4). Also, it
the detailed definitions of basic terms, such is possible to perceive vulnerable road users
asfatality, to have information of the so- (i.e. pedestrians, children, young drivers, etc.)
called,underreporting accidents, to solve the (Table 1), and so on.
problem of the data missing in the database
and to find a way to overcome the possible In the next step of the current situation
errors that might occur in the database. The analysis, the analysis of the attitudes of
algorithm (Fig. 1), in the frame of the current citizens is conducted in order to identify
situation analysis, includes an analysis of and define the so-calledsubjective risks in
traffic accidents, which allows determination traffic.The subjective risks in traffic are
of the so-calledobjective risks.In other nearly on the same level of importance as
words, based on traffic accidents, the so- the objective ones, in terms of action (Vujanic
called spatial objective risk, can be defined, et al., 2011).Therefore it is important to
that is, the places where traffic participants recognize and clearly define the subjective
vulnerability is increased, the so-calledblack risks, because of the fact that their elimination
spots (i.e. Fig. 3). Furthermore, it is possible also influences on the improvement of road

Fig. 4.
Example - Distribution of the Consequences of Accidents per Hours in the Municipality of

Table 1
Example - Distribution of Injuries per Traffic Participants
Fatalities % Seriously injured % Lightly injured %
Drivers 16 29,1 145 40,4 411 37,6
Passengers 8 14,5 72 20,1 424 38,8
Pedestrians 31 56,4 142 39,6 259 23,7
Total 55 100,0 359 100,0 1094 100,0

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

safety (Pesic et al., 2012). For the purposes For the purpose of defining an inventory of
of Road safety strategies the city of Belgrade, road safety problems in the municipalities, the
2011-2015 (Vujanic et al., 2011) in each form of the questionnaire shown in Table2
one of the 17 municipalities, an anonymous was used.
telephone sur vey on a sample of 120
respondents was conducted, meaning, that As a part of the process of creating a strategic
there were2040 respondents in Belgrade.The document in each municipality, the so-called
survey contained 35 questions, and the working group, consisting of at least three
citizens were, among other things, asked to: members, a representative of the traffic police
define critical elements related to driving, and representatives of municipal government in
cycling and walking, and potential hazardous charge of transport, was defined.The working
sites, in terms of unsafe behavior.Analysis of group was tasked to prepare an inventory of
the survey results was also taken into account road safety problems, bearing in mind: the
when defining the inventory problem of road experience of the municipal government -
safety, which, on the other hand, was the demands of citizens regarding road safety,
basis for defining key areas of the strategy the transporters experiences, preschool
intervention. The survey, that is, the interview institutions experiences, experiences of
of the interested parties (stakeholders), has a health care institutions, schools experiences,
great importance in establishing and defining experiences of driving schools and so on.Also,
road safety problems.The reports, obtained the working group has conducted SWOT
from the opinions, observations, experiences, (Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Treat)
and the problems identified by: municipal and PESTEL (Political-Social-Economic-
authorities, schools, driving schools, public Technological-Environmental-Legal Analysis)
companies engaged in transportation of analysis of the transport system in each
freight and passengers, traffic police and other municipality.An example of the SWOT
entities are processed and recorded in the analysis for the municipality of Vozdovac is
form of road safety problems.It is especially given in Table 3.
important in this part to emphasize that the
problem has to be called by its real name Similarly to what was said in WHO, FIA and
in order to be solved.Namely, it is possible WB (2010) one of the steps in evaluation
that an elementary school sent a letter to of the current situation is the evaluation of
the municipality informing them about the the end users needs, that involve not only
problem in the lack of speed bumps in front the stakeholders but also the road users,
of the school. However, the problem is not and all in order to understand the state of
the lack of speed bumps in a school zone, traffic safety better, to evaluate the needs and
but the vulnerability of children due to the define the financial and human resources
high speed of vehicles in school zones.This necessary for solving these problems.The
example indicates not only that a problem methods suggested for assessing the needs of
was defined incorrectly, but also that it is of end users are: surveys, in-depth interviews,
great importance that the problems in road focus group discussions, observation of user
safety identified by the stakeholders should behavior, analysis of requests for information
be properly defined, and this requires that a to agencies and libraries, library reports and
team of experts recognizes the problem and a working group or committee review.Beside
defines it correctly. these methods of data collection, analyzing

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

Table 2
The Form of the Questionnaire for Defining Road Safety Problems by the Stakeholders in a

preschool and
regular classes in traffic safety
school children

special programs for young drivers and beginners

training for drivers who often make violations
defensive driving training

professional drivers training

intersections (the method of regulating, geometry,

traffic volume, lighting)

roads and streets sections (the method of regulating, geometry, traffic

volume, lighting)

other forms of transport (rail, ...)

improper parking (visibility interference)

lack of capacity

pavements and paths for pedestrians (especially

in the areas of kindergartens, schools), if there are
enough of them and what condition are they in

pavements occupied by buildings

INFRASTRUCTURE vulnerable road
parked vehicles pedestrian crossings (if there are
enough of them and whether the position is in
accordance with the needs of pedestrians)

pedestrian crossings signal and lighting

suitability of lines, number, vehicle type, stops,

public transport
niches, lighting, signs

compliance with the requirements

traffic regulation unclear regulation

the needs for regulation change

the rest

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

and defining the current situation, it is goals, based on the defined current situation,
possible to spot problems using other and experiences in the world indicate that
research techniques: scientific observation, highly set targets motivate the society and
experiment, measurement, conflict technique, the other interested parties to reach them,
etc.These methods generally recognize and and in that way, better results regarding road
measure indicators, or the so-calledroad safety improvement are also achieved (Elvik,
safety indicators (i.e. the percentage of seat 2008; Broughton et al., 2000; Rumar, 2002).
belt use, the percentage of drivers exceeding
the speed limit, the number and severity of 3.2. II STEP The Identified Problems
conflicts, etc.).The importance of road safety INTERPUT
indicators is reflected in the fact that it is not
necessary to wait for traffic accidents happen, Based on the previous comprehensive analysis
but based on the identified unsafe behaviors of the current state, problems in road safety,
or indicators, the level of road safety can be or the so-calledinventory of road safety
estimated ordefined. problems, are defined, both at the level of a
municipality, and then at the city level.After
A quality defined current situation creates a the current situation analysis we may be able
real opportunity to make potential aims in to identify risk factors and risk areas, that
the future.It is preferable to set quantitative is, road safety problems (WHO, FIA and

Table 3
An Example of the SWOT Analysis for One of the Municipalities
The existence of legal support Lack of competence in the field of traffic operations
Political support - a body established for the purpose at local level
of road safety Lack of traffic signals
Professional competenceof the team Insufficiently developed road infrastructure
Willingness of local government to implement the Infrastructure unsuitable for various needs (persons
action plan with special needs, children, )
Control of access to the roads of the high profile
The independence of the body dealing with traffic
and traffic safety

Road Safety Strategy Unstable political situation
Cooperation with the Secretariat of Transportation Complex user requirements
(local city government) Slow implementation of the Law
Interest of school and preschool institutions for the Lack of funding for the implementation of the
education of children planned actions
Interest of local government Improper use of funds
Cooperation with other stakeholders (Ministry of Slowness in resolving property issues
Interior, Traffic Police, Transporters, Ambulance, Fire Slowness in obtaining building permits
Brigade, other companies and institutions)
Steady (continuous) campaign on traffic safety
Media support
Training / additional training of local authorities
Better use of Beovoz (local light train and metro)

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

WB, 2010). The problems in road safety are protection system - the organization of
grouped into key areas that road safety strategy road safety,
should be dealing with.When defining the key safer drivers,
areas it is necessary, above all, to make sure road safety promotions,
that the number of key areas is of acceptable safer infrastructure.
proportions. In other words, when road safety
problems are being identified, it is necessary The protective system is the most important
to define several key areas that the strategy will part of road safety strategies of Belgrade,
basically deal with, and not to define dozens because the formation, establishment and
of key areas.Defining a large number of key strengthening of institutional capacity
areas prevents and makes it difficult not only provides the basis and precondition for the
to look at road safety problems in general, but successful implementation of strategic plans
also to direct the measures and actions, which for road safety improvement.It was noted
was confirmed by Elvik (2008). that in Serbia, and in the world, the most
vulnerable categories of road users, and also
Key areas in most strategic documents with the category that most contributes to traffic
the best practice (Loo et al., 2005) are: safer safety, are the drivers.Therefore, the strategic
drivers, safer vehicles, safer infrastructure, document highlighted the problem of drivers
speeds, vulnerable road users, education, insecurity. Bearing in mind that by road
enforcement, etc.Key areas of Road Safety safety promotions, with minimal investment
Strategy for the city of Belgrade substantially in road safety, can be achieved much more
do not differ a lot from the key areas that (cost-effective measures; Elvik and Vaa,
the best world strategies recognized as a 2004), we come to the conclusion that road
problem.Because of the specificity of the safety promotions, that include: campaigns,
city of Belgrade and the specifities of each actions, lectures, etc., also represent an
of the municipalities, it is possible that some important key area of road safety strategies
municipality has one or more key areas for the city of Belgrade. The importance of
different than the city, but still, we should aim infrastructure is clearly recognized, but from
to harmonize the key areas at the city level. the aspect of road safety, it is not crucial that
Namely, for example,as rural municipalities, infrastructure only exists, but that is adapted
differently to the urban ones, have problems to different needs, users, etc.The problems
with agricultural machinery in traffic, one of of vulnerable road users, public transport
the key areas for rural municipalities would safety, the impact of parking on road safety,
be the safety of agricultural machinery, law enforcement, etc., can be emphasized as
whereas for the urban municipalities that other important activities.
would not be the case.Differences can be
overcome, i.e.that the problem of agricultural 3.3. III STEP Proposed Solutions
machines isnt defined at the city level, but OUTPUT
through the Action plans and the Activities
plans of the municipalities that have this The previous steps in the formation of road
kind of problems. In the case of Belgrade, safety strategy are aimed at recognizing,
on the basis of comprehensive analysis of def ining and clar i f y ing road safet y
the current state the following key areas are problems, and defining key areas, which
defined: will be considered specifically and in detail

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

by the road safety strategy.Knowing the Within the action plans for each municipality
problem makes it possible to give a proposal individually, activity plans, which represent
for its removal.Knowing the problems of the concrete measures and activities to be
each municipality individually make it is implemented at the level of a municipality, in
possible to define action plans for each order to achieve the goal of the strategy, are
municipality.The Action plan is a set of also defined.Activity plans are prepared for
measures and actions that are used in order to all the key areas, and each one of the activity
achieve the projected goal (Loo et al., 2005). plans includes a series of measures and actions
Establishment of action plans at the level of aimed at achieving the goal of road safety
the municipality is a defined course of action strategy for the city of Belgrade.Activity
on key areas for each municipality.The City plans include: a specific activity, action
strategy will practically represent a cross or measure; the main participant; other
section of action plans of the municipalities participants in the implementation of the
(Fig. 5).In other words, a common problem activity; target date for achieving the activity,
for all the municipalities will be a problem as well as the estimated costs of the activity
which will be located in the citys road safety implementation (Fig. 6).
strategy, and the special problems, beside the
common problems, will reside in the action Within the road safety strategy for the city,
plans of the municipalities. but also within the action plans for each
one of the municipalities, it is necessary to
define the so-calledquantitative goal, beside
the qualitative one.Quantitative goals show
political will and commitment and motivate
all stakeholders to achieve the set of goals.A
review of the good practices (Australia,
California, The Great Britain, Japan, New
Zealand and Sweden) in Loo et al.(2005)
leads authors of the present study to the
conclusion that in most cases, high goals of
strategies were set, and they vary for example
from 40 to 50% reduction of fatalities in road
accidents in the ten-year period.

Following the example of the developed

Fig. 5. countries, in the road safety strategy for the
The Cross Section of the Action Plans city of Belgrade for the period 2011-2015

Fig. 6.
Activity Plan

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

(Vujanic et al., 2011), a quantitative goal, accidents, etc.) and the intermediate outputs
the so-called 50% less was set. Beside the (seat belts, conflicts, etc.), and some of them
basic one, it is necessary to define several are: simple comparison, statistical analysis,
related goals for the strategy of the city of before-and-after analysis, trends and analysis
Belgrade.Similarly, regarding the goals, Elvik of secondary parameters, and the second
(2008) also stated.Specifically, based on group consists of techniques that define
the so-calledoverall target, a set of targets the cost savings, such as: cost-effectiveness
has been developed for various road safety analysis, cost-utility analysis and cost-benefit
indicators and the defined objectives cover analysis (Wong et al., 2006; WHO, FIA and
all the important issues of road safety. WB, 2010).

In Belgrade, for example, about 150 people a Goals achievement can be monitored through
year is killed in traffic accidents, and the goal the effects, but it is important to define the
is that in 2015that number is halved, i.e.that indicator that could be used to monitor the
75 persons are killed in road accidents.The objective of the strategy.In this sense, the
related goals (the number of injuries, the effects are divided into three levels.The first
percentage of seat belts use) are defined in level represents the effects regarding the
accordance with the purpose, vision and changes in the behavior of road users and the
mission of the strategy. One of the related selected indicators are: the percentage of use
goals of the strategy, at the city level, is to of safety belts on front seats, the percentage
reduce the number of persons seriously of drivers exceeding the speed limit, the
injured in road accidents by20%. percentage of drivers who drive under the
influence of alcohol (Table 4).On the second
Action plans for each one of the level the effects are measured on the basis
municipalities also have defined goals that are of reducing the number of accidents and
consistent with the Strategy.So, beside the their consequences, especially fatalities, and
main target, related to fatalities reducing by injured persons in particular (Table 5).On
50%, there are the related targets regarding the third level of defining the effects the
the increasing of the percentage of seat belt savings in social costs of traffic accidents
use from the current 50% to the projected are measured (Table 6).The effects are
90% for the year 2015, reducing the number measured based on the estimated, that is, the
of drivers who do not respect the speed limit target values of the appropriate indicators.
from the current 20% to projected 10% in
2015, and so on. The reduction of total social costs incurred
as a result of traffic accidents are also the
3.4. Evaluation of the Strategy expected benefits from implementation
Implementation Effects of the Action Plan and to assess the costs
incurred as a result of traffic accidents the
For the evaluation of the strategic documents PIARCs costing model (PIARC, 2003) was
effects, different techniques are used, and used.
generally, they can be divided into two
groups.The first group consists of those By defining goals and related objectives,
techniques related to the detection of indicators to be used for monitoring
changes related to the outputs (fatalities, and measuring the effects of the strategy

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

Table 4
The Expected Benefits - Level I (Changes in the Behavior of Road Users)
The behaviour
The expected effects
of road users - 2009 2011/2009 2012/2011 2013/2012 2014/2013 2015/2014
- total 2015/2009
the percentage of
The percentage of
use of safety belts on
use of safety belts 50% +25% +20% +10% +5% +5%
front seats increased
on front seats
to over 90%
the percentage of
The percentage of
drivers exceeding
drivers exceeding 20% -15% -15% -15% -10% -10%
the speed limit
the speed limit
decreased to 10%
the percentage of
The percentage of
drivers who drive
drivers who drive
10% -15% -15% -15% -10% -10% under the influence
under the influence
of alcohol decreased
of alcohol
to 5%

Table 5
The Expected Benefits - Level II (The Effects in Reducing the Number and Consequences of Accidents)
The total decrease
The number and
expected in the
2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 period from 2011
of accidents -
to 2015 compared
to 2009
The number of
2395 2000 1600 1400 1300 1197 4478
The number of
persons killed in 7 6 5 5 4 3 12
The number of
persons injured in 382 330 290 250 220 191 629

Table 6
The Expected Benefits - Level III (The Effects in Reducing the Costs of Traffic Accidents)
Total expected
benefit -
The savings in costs 2011/2009 2012/2009 2013/2009 2014/2009 2015/2009 savings in the
incurred as a result period 2011-
of traffic accidents 2015
4.387.074,17 6.804.213,32 9.442.419,51 11.476.340,92 12.085.061,95 44.195.109,88

Vujani M. et al. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach for Defining Road Safety Strategy - Case Study: City of Belgrade

implementation and road safety improvement of the current state represents the input for
are also defined. It can be concluded subsequent steps in the formation of road
that without well-defined indicators for safety strategy, and therefore it is of great
monitoring the effects and their measurement importance that the analysis of the current
it cannot be determined whether the strategy state is of the highest quality.Other steps in
document and its application gave results in the formation of road safety strategy are also
terms of road safety improvement. equally important and significant, starting
from defining the key areas, to the formation
4. Conclusion of action plans, activity plans and the final
strategy document at the city level.Especially
The importance of strategic management important for each step is the implementation
in road safety is reflected in achieving the of the so-calledvertical flow of information
objectives that contribute to road safety between the city and the municipalities on
improvement through fewer accidents, less the principle of the so-calledtop-down
consequences of accidents, safer behavior of and bottom-up approach.
road users, etc.In order to form, or define
road safety strategy, first, it is necessary to Assessment of the effects of the
have a qualitative analysis of the current state, implementation of measures and actions
which can be implemented in different ways planned by the strategic document through
and in combination of ways and techniques action plans and activity plans, is an
simultaneously. essential part of the process of forming and
implementing road safety strategy, because
The output from the qualitative analysis in this way the effects can be monitored and
of the current situation involves a precise a revision can be done, which involves as
definition of the road safety problems, and a consequence several outputs: continue
therefore the definition of key areas, that the with the strategy without changes, make
road safety strategy would deal with.Based minor changes to the strategy, make major
on the defined key areas, specific activities changes to the strategy or adopt an entirely
and actions are determined, but also the new strategy document.
main participants, other participants, the
target date for activity implementation, as The process of road safety strategy forming
well as the expected costs of realization of presented in this study has been applied on
the specific activity.This way of establishing a specific case, the development of road
action plans for the city of Belgrade will safety strategy for the city of Belgrade.We
cover both the action plans at the level of believe that the applied model for defining
the municipalities and the main strategic the structure and content of the strategic
document, the Road Safety Strategy for document in road safety is applicable
the city of Belgrade. at all levels, from national down to local
levels.During the work on the creation of
The strategy for the city of Belgrade such a document, it was concluded that the
includes all common problems in all the institutional strengthening is the basis for the
municipalities, and each action plan for a formation and subsequent implementation
municipality includes both common and of road safety strategy. By involv ing
specific problems and activities.Analysis stakeholders in the development of a strategic

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203

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International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 185 203


Milan Vujani, Krsto Lipovac, Dragan
Jovanovi, Dalibor Pei, Boris Anti

Saetak: Proces formiranja strategije

bezbednosti saobraaja je vrlo sloen jer
podrazumeva sistemski pristup koji se
sastoji od nekoliko manje ili vie sloenih
koraka. Analiza postojeeg stanja, definisanje
problema i kreiranje stratekog dokumenta
su osnovni koraci u formiranju strategije
bezbednosti saobraaja. Svaki od navedenih
koraka podrazumeva nekoliko aktivnosti
koje se moraju sprovesti. Praenje efekata
realizacije i revizija su naredni koraci u
ivotnom ciklusu strategije koji omoguavaju
kontinuirano praenje i prilagoavanje akcija
i programa za unapreenje bezbednosti
saobraaja. U radu je na primeru stratekog
dokumenta za grad Beograd prikazan koncept
za definisanje strategije i kljunih oblasti
strategije bezbednosti saobraaja, koji koristi
top-down i bottom-up pristup protoka
informacija. Specifinost kreiranja strategije je
bio to se grad Beograd sastoji od 10 urbanih i
7 ruralnih optina, pa je bilo neophodno nai
model stratekog dokumenta koji bi obuhvatio
sve probleme kako na gradskom nivou, tako
i u svih 17 optina. Model predstavljen ovim
radom predvia kreiranje jednog tzv. krovnog
stratekog dokumenta i 17 akcionih planova
za svaku od optina, a krovni dokument se
dobija tzv. overlap 17 akcionih planova.

Kljune rei: strategija bezbednosti

saobraaja, analiza bezbednosti saobraaja,
kljune oblasti, ciljevi, akcioni plan, plan
aktivnosti, top-down i bottom-up pristup.


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